CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Nov 1928, p. 5

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Home of WATERSEAL Roofing ASK FOR INFORMA-- TION AND sPECIFICA-- TIONS FREE WiIiTHOUT OBLIGATION LIBERTYVILLE CEMENT WORKS Yard Phone 415 A. NAGEL, Manager. Residence Phone 166--J YARDS: 123 EAST COOK AVE. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S Armistice Dance LIBERTYVIILLE POST NO. 329 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 ' Music By Mielich's Black Cat Orchestra TICKETS FIFTY CENTS A PERSON Lake County National Bank LIBERTYYVILLE, ILL. Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 BUY COAL NO W _ Right now is the time to put in coal for use next winter. In addition to economy (price being lowest at this time), you can have your bins filled with the best grade coal, and with less trouble. s There's No Waiting ----when you pay By Check THE INDEPENDENT----$1.50 A Year Y ou don't have to wait for a receipt. Your ¢gfiveled cheek is a legal Y ou don't have to wait in line to make a payment. --Your check can be You don't have to wait for change Your check is made for the exact amount. These are only a few of the advant-- ages which come with a check-- ing account here. W. F. Franzen, Jr. hone 50 Libertyville, III. receipt. mailed. We Have All Grades of Coal In Our Yards. ~ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Just Telephone 50 And We Will Do The Rest. qQUALITY CONCRETE BLOCK® FOR BETTER HOMES AUSPICES OF ANNU A L LIBERTYVILLE POST NO. 329 TILES MADE IN ANY COLOR AND QUANTITY IN ANY Little Harry Gotti who was run over by a truck is reported improv-- ing. Mrs W W Carroll has returned from a week's visit with her sister in Ohio _ Marvin Laycock is on the sick list. Dorothy Ewing is improving from her recent illness. J. S. Gridley has returned to St Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher and daughter,. Margaret, have returned from a week's visit with relatives in Ohiv. Leslie Acor, Libertyville, is now working as assistant to A. 0. Packer North Shore Line agent at Liberty-- ville. LaVina Stafford kad several little friends at a party Saturday. They all had a fine time. } The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. Roy Titus Tuesday afternoo\n. Nov. 6th, at 2:30 o'clock. ' Mrs. Rebecca Jolley and daughter, Evelyn, of Belfast, Ireland, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ives. Mrs. Carson Neville, of Grayslake was in Libertyville on Wednesday, and in company of her sister, Mrs. William Hutchinson. Mrs. William Hutchinson, accom pnaied by her mother, Mrs. E. M Hagerty were in Chicago on Monday vis'ting with relatives. 1IiIUSs 1UGE3UG4) AilCINOUR, 1¥UY. ULU s F at 2:30 o'clock. 7A [ ' It is no longer necessary to send -- f your dry cleaning jout of town. Dry Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ccnung motor--| cleaning in all its branches done by ed to Crystal Lake Sunday. Mru.\expen workmen i* a modern shop Genung's tmother returned with them to make a visit. Calvin Faircloth, who left hbere scme time ago to answer the call of the sea, is reported on the way to Hamberg, Germany. Mr and Mrs: S. P. Evilsizor, Jb66 N. Milwaukee avenue, returned home Thursday, after an extended motor trip through the eastern states. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Robinson of Woodstock® visited the latter's sis ter, Mrs. Leonard Disney and fam-- ily over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and two sons and Wilson Olendorft were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Trask, of Chicago. Terrace Mrs. Gilbride, Mr. and Mrs. Joe-- dicker of Chicago and Mrs. A. C. Fuller of Des Plaines visited Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Sumerski Sunday. R. G. Kaping, local realtor, an nounces the purchase on Tuesday of the eight room bungalow belongin& to Dick Heyvelkamp, im Bartlett Mr.-- and Mrs.. Alois Harry Dietzk of Round 1z Madeline -- Fimback -- ha from a week's visit w at Toledo, 0. AUDITORIU M Local and Personal 10mt BIG DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM The up to the minute comedy. Adventures of a sugar daddy among the hot mammas of Broad-- way, > . 'Chicken A La King' "The Glorious Trail" " WATERFRONT " Romance on the docks of Frisco, with the tang of the sea to spice it' % Tuesday and Wednesday November 6 and 7 BEATRICE BURYTON'S Sensational Nove!l, A thrilling drama of youth amid the scorching desires of a modern sity. -- "The Little _ Yellow House" Thursday, Friday November 8 and 9 BENEFIT OF THE EPWORTH LEAGUE OF THE METHODisT CHURCH. Please Buy Tickets in Advance "OLD IRONSIDES" Sunday, Monday November 4 and 5 Saturday, Nov. DOROTHY MACKAILL and JACK MULHALL, in t=--A}80-- > _ C' BUSTER BROWN COMEDY ----Also-- Review, Fable and. News with WALLACE BEERY, ESTHER RALSTON and GEORGE BANCROFT W NANCY CARROLL, in --A|so-- KEN MAYNARD, in . LIBERTYVILLE THEATRE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1928. O P. Evilsizor, 366 Laks have wit'h ul d Mrs turne« and A birthday party was held at the home of G. W. Peck, on Lake street, last Friday, in hongr of five ygar old Helen Peck, who was hostess to sey-- eral of her little fflends. Dr, C. D. Stevherms made a hurried trip to Burlington, lowa, last week, when he was called to administer to one of his former patients, who is 111 in a hospital in that city. Mrs. Anna Capanos, of the Liber: tyville Fruit Stoxfr.o returned home Wednesday night from Clinton, Ind., after spending a yweek in that city visiting Mr.and Mrs. Bert Wright. Mrs. Grace Dolton, Mupdelein, en-- tered the Condell Memorw on Fednesday and gubmitted to a or overation on the same day. Dr. J. L. Taylor, of Ljbertyville was in charge of the case; Thomas Strang,| father> of Mrs Wm. Fendick, who has been very I!1 in Florida, is reported improv-- ing. As he is 83 years old his con:-- dition has been regarded as serious. Mrg. Bert Tromblee . and Mrs James Laycock were business call ers at Grayslake And attended a | o'clock luncheon apd bunco patry at the some of Mrs; George Winter: botham at Fox Lake, Tuesday. Mrs. E. H. Dahns, of Deerfileld was in Libertyville over the week end visiting with friengs and relatives. While here, she visited her brother William Kniggee, of Mundelein, who is a patient at the Condell Memorial hos pital. f MMrs. Emma Hoffman of Liberty-- ville, and Fred Waghter, also of Lib-- ertyville, were operated on for the removal of tonsils! at the Condell Memorial hospital on Thursday morn ing. Dr. C. R Galloway was in charge of the cases. $ is available to the |people by calling phone. 844. The Grande Cleaners. Mr. and Mrs. Rqssell Schroeder, who live or Route 21, between Lib-- ertyville and Hal! Day, announce the arrival of a baby san at their home, born Wednesday, October 24. The new boy has been given the name of Frank Russell. . { *"'The: Moral Issues in the Political Campaign" will be the special sub-- ject at the Methodist church Sunday mortLing at 11 o'clo¢k. This sermon will consider bow much the church should have to do with politics and eovernméent and what it shoukd not «o. All who do net attend church elsewhere are Iinvited to this service. In a law suit tried in the district court at Milwaukee last week, in which Otto Meyer, of Wauconda, ask-- ed damages --from Dr. Saul Biller, on account of injuries'rece'ved by Mr. Meyer, when he was struck by an automobile belonging to Dr. Biller, I he Atto W n M * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf, of Deerfield, were Sunday evening guests at a farewell party giver at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pet-- erson, of Libertyville, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Marvic Petersen, who are leaving for California. C Judge Ben H. Miller, vice chair-- man of tkte Republican courty cen-- tral 'committee, delivered an _ ad-- dress Monda ynoon: before the fac-- ulty and students <of (Lake Forest University, on the reasons why Her-- bert Hoover should be elected presi-- dent, and the Republican party re-- turned to power. The student body present numbered between 300 and 400, and music was furnished by the rollege band. # . According to reports, one of the largest crowds ever assembled at the Ant'och Palace. gathered there last night, to indulge in the dancing amd enjoy the free entermlnmengRas provided by the Young People's Re publican League of Lake County. R. Macek, proprietor of the "Palace" do-- nated the use of his dance hall and ord@hestra, while the vaudeville acts were donated by the Genesee Thea-- ter, of Waukegan. ' Among those from Libertyville who attended the football game at Memoriad Stadium, Champaign, be-- tween Northwestern University and the University of Illinois, were Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Lynch, Paul Ray, ac-- ccompanied by his son, Paul Jr. and daughter Mildred, who is attending Northwestern University, Mrs. Bur-- nett and son Edward, Hugo Gotti, Albert Hagerty and Alvin Q. Baker. The football game was the major at-- traction of the Home Coming cele-- bration, that was held at the Uni-- versity of Illinois Saturday. gan was brought to Libertyville and in the . court of Justice Bartlett was held in bonds of $1000 for failure to use precaution on the public \g\;)xlr way; he was also put under a nd of $2000 for driving while intoxicat-- ed. He was confined in the village jail until Sunday afternoon, when he was taken to the county éfl" in Wau-- kegan by Constable Limberry. Frank Hogan was arrested Sun-- day morning near Volo, by State Pa-- trolman Litwiler, after HMHogan had run jnto a drove of cattle belonging to Frank Hironimus. One.--cow was killed by the impact of the car. HoG F ber 10 'The third issue of "Drops of Ink" the official student publication of the Libertyville Townsh'p High School, made its appearance on Thursday of last week and as usual, its interest-- ing stories of high school activities were eagerly read by the students and faculty. Many copies of the pa-- ped found their way, into homes of students' parents and townspeople, who likewise founc interest in read-- ing of the school hanpenings. Lillian Keller is editor of the paper and is ably assisted by a competent staff. Miss B. M. Olson, teacher of Fnglish and Typewriting, is faculty advisor of the staff. The Women's Auxiliary of Conmdell Memorikal hospital report that the gross receipts accruing*> from ; the presentation of the play, "Seven Keys to Baldpate," by the Village Players last Friday and Saturday nights, amounts to approximately $468. The total exvenses w'll amount to about $150. This leaves a sum of slightly over $300 clear. | The dance given by the Women's Auxiliary of the Condell Memorial laospna.l. at the clubhouse of the Countryside Club, at Mundelein, on 'Wednesday nite, was very well at-- tended, fifty--four being present. These dances are sponsored by the Auxiliary for the benefit of the ho# pital. _ eph Koepfla, Walter Kroeger, Kons Bursinos and Jotn McDonald, all of Chicago, came to Libertyville . Sun-- day morning, all set to take home the full complement of ducks or oth-- er migratory birds. They selected the old Butler lake as the scene of operations. They were making a~lot. of racket with shot guns,. and Jack smee did not take kindly to his home being sprinkled with shot, so invoked the services of Marshal Limberry. The brave bunters were brought to the court of Police Magistrate Smith, where they were charged with violating the ordinance prohib-- iting shooting in the village limits. The men were each assessed fines of $5 and costs, and returned to Chi-- cago, minus the makings of a duc':gk' Rev. and Mrs. John E. DeLong, Mr. and Mrs. G. Carroll Gridley, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Miller and Miss Mar-- jory Taylor were in Chicago last Thursday, attending a breakfast at the Blackstone hotel, given in hon-- or of General E. E. Allenby and Lady Allenby, by the English speaking Union, of Chicago. { CARD OF THANKS . We wish to express our gratitude to the friends who so kindly assisted us at the,death of our mother and to those who sent flowers and auto mobiles. L * 4 l qinner BUY _ AND BUILD B. H. Miller Phones 57jand 98 George Auston.r(,'brist Hoirloom Plate Jewelry and Gift Shop. . The Home of Gifts That Are Different. COPELAND MANOR -- Libertyville's ' Scenic Subdivision H. Mille _ G.C. Gridlz] nes b7lind 98 Phones 45 ard 157| Mrs. Mary Waters, Mrs. Maude Bocke}mann, Miss Alva, Leighton, Mrs. Fiorénce Schroeder * Phone 55-- Libertyyilie The name "P u r e t es t' means literally "Pure by T est." America's Finest Tableware. McDonald's And nowhere is that name more true than on They Are m a d e from TRUE a s pirin, disin-- tegrate promptly and give almost Megiate relief. __'Handy Metal Box of 24 Tablets Aspirin Tablets Decker & Neville CGeneration to (jeneration 25¢ Manos, Jos LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT Register Now For Fall Classes McDonald's Commercial School 311 Park Ayenue Book Your Coal Order Now. Leave your order for this coming winter's fuel with us now, and we will deliver at your convenignce. We have all gizes and gracdes. . | Libertyville Lumber Co. First National Bank Only Two Keys TO OUR Safe Deposit Boxes Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 YOU REGEIVE . THEM BOTH -- WHEN YOU RENT A BOX That's what gives you absolute privacy nlus safety for your valuables and personal papers. Our new vaults are both fire proof and burglar proof. COMMERCIAL COURSES Individual Instruction Positions Secured for Graduates LIBERTYVILLE SWRAk& -- BANK LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Telephone Either 47 or 48 "Down by the Old Depot"' Been There Twenty Years Full VWeight Gfaramced. --in the business of teaching the junior partner how to be a real credit to the firm. TELEPHONE 130 THERE ARE Libertyville, Ilinois PAGE FIVE

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