* MILK STRIKE 0P _ ~ 1200 PRODUCERS _ f IMPENDS, IS WORD a+ ~' PAGE EIGHT About 400 Lake County Farmers Included Among Those Asking More Cash An impending milk strike amons' more than < 7,200 farmers today threatens to cut off halft of Chlca-' go's milk supply. Warning that prpducers will stop sending milk to ggcago unless pri-- ces are increasedT ind established on a "fair basis" was given by D. N. Geyer, field manager of the pure milk a:sociation in conference in Chicago today. Geyer declared that the farmers due to heavy expense of the tuber-' eulin' test required by the Chicago sanitary ordinances are unable to | make a living at present rates. | "In event of strike," said Geyer, "I will see that Chicago hbospitals and sanitariums as well as children shall receive fresh milk." Dr. H. 0. Becker, of the heaith de-- partment, said the city could if nec-- essary, obtain its milk supply out-- :2:!0 of the circle of producers now ipping to Chicago. County Vitalhy Interested Of 750 big milk producers in Lake county, according to Henry A. Plister,; of Pratrie View, an official in the organization, there are 400 in the association. / In all there are about 1,00 pro-- ducers in the county, he claims, but 250 sell all their milk. to North Shore dairiles on prices agreed upon by farmer and dairy owner. "The present price makes it about a break even proposition. All we ask is recognition and an arbi-- trator so as to get a fair profit for our produce," Mr. Pfister declared. The price per hundred weight de-- livered F.O.B. to the country plant is $2.50. It has been at the same figure since May and June when it slipped back to $2.40 a hundred. Having decided to quit farming, | the undersigned, will sell at Public Auction, on the first farm east of Lake Zurich, lilinois, on Route 22, at the 4 corners, north side of road, on 19 head choice registered Holstein cows,, T. B. tested with private and A. R. Q. records, two with calves. Thesé cattle are headed by the famous herd sire Swartz Pontiac Echo Jack No. 474649, a son of 2 $6,000.00 Carnation bull, cataldgue on request. PUBLIG SALE SsATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1928 AT 10:00 A. M. 9 Team black horses well matched, 7 and 8 years old, wt. 3000 lbs.; sorrel mare, 15 years old, wt., 1500 lbs.; 2 brood sows; 1 gilt; 1 fat hog; 10 pigs 10 weeks old on date of sale; 100 Plymouth Rock Pul-- lets; 100 Plymouth Rock 1 year old hens, Halbach strain; 4 young geese 10--2%20 McCormick--Deering tractor; 2 bottom P & O. tractor plow, used one season; 10--foot tractor @ise; 4 Roll McCormick :nxker and shredder; -- size B, International 3 knife silo filter; Deering New Idea grain binder; Deering corn binder; Big 6, McCormick mower;~ New Idea Manure Spreader; Deere No. 999 corn planter with check wire and fertilizer attachment; McCormick--Deering 8 ft. drill; 7 ft. Osborn horse d'sc; clod crusher; McCormick--Deering sulky cultiva-- tor ; B034 potatoe digger; Moorman's hog fountain; 3 bob sleighs; 1 three kneeyed like new; 1 Moline sulky plow, 16 inch; 1 Bradley sulky plow, 16 inch; Louden silo cart, 20 bu. cavacity; 100 ft. % incA. endless belt; Heavy duty jack; 2 6 ft. long galvanized cooling tanks; 1 16 ft. long galvanized cattle tank; shovehng board; scalding ket-- tle? hog racks; new hay rope and fork; lumber wagon; 2 inch tire with market box; stoneboat wagon canvas; Red Cross Herald cook stove, like new ; Perfection o'l stove, 3 burner; 16 in. fire pot, self feeder heater; lamps; lanterns and other articles to numerous to mention. & * 15 tons timothy hay in barn, put up without" rain; 800 shocks good hard corn; 600 shocks feed cory, planted for silo; 300 shocks feed corn cut before frost; 900 bu. good yellow oats; 125 bu. 1927 yellow seed oats, weighing 37%4 ibe. to the bushel; 400 bu. barley. * J Lunch Served At Noon. TERMS: Over $25.00, 6 months time will} be given at 7 per cent Certificates of Deposit may be ob-- tained here in amounts of $50 and up, payable in six to eight months. Bring it to bank--Let it earn inter-- est for you. That Money For Use In November------ They earn 3 per cent interest-- liberal rate consistent with safety and are considered by many local people as the ideal investment. State Bank ol Mundelein W. F. BUHR, Prop. AUGUST FROELICH, Auct. Keep Idle Funds at Work! 37 Head of Good Livestock . SCHOPPE AND WALTER PREHM, Clerks. Farm Implements MUNDELEIN, ILLINOHS Hay and Grain Farm Stock Mrs. John Peters left for an ex-- tended visit in Canada Monday. Adelbert Rouse, Mrs. Emma Rouse and Mrs. RaJph Rouse and children spent Sunday in Chicago with rela-- tives. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lemkuhl en tertained several friends at cards Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Horton spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thatcher. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kaonigge moved from their residence on Park avenue to the Henry Burdick home on Maple avenue this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Ross enter tained friends from Chicago Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Horace King and children and Mrs. Clarence Hapke and children of Argo spent Sunday at the Anna Kublank home. Mrs. So-- phia Hapke who has made an ex-- tended visit with friends and rela-- tives in Libertyville and Mundelein returned home with .them. Many people of Mundelein and 'Libertyville attended the show "Sev-- en Keys to Baldpate'" given by the Village Players of Libertyville Fri-- day and Saturday evenings. cago ".}itf\;r:yfi Rouse, Rodger Swan and Harold Albrecht spent Saturday eve-- ning at the Uptown theater in Chi-- Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and Naomi and Juanita Eger spent Sun-- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gross of Lake Zurich. _ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cross of Rond-- out have moved to the Will Hertle house on Park avenue. -- -- ~ The Sunday school classes of the Plymouth Congregational church en-- joyed a Hallowe'en part at the Com-- munity house Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Oli Budhall and daughter spent Sunday at the John Rouse home. _ The Ladies' Aid society will be en-- tertained at the home of Mrs. Morris Chandler with Mrs. W. D. Porteous as the attending hostess Nov. 2. Mrs. Will Ray and Josephine Reuse of Libertyville attended the homecoming at the University of Il-- _ Mrs. Frank Kelroy left Wednesday for a week's visit with her brother, Elmer Twohig of Fond du Lac. NEWS FROM MUNDELEIN linois, where Vance Ray is attend-- Ing school this year. Saturday they: saw the game between Illinois and North western. 'Mrs. Henry Wolf returned Satur-- day evening to her home in Wheel!-- ing after spending three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Richard Horman. Miss Caroline Kublank and Frank Biba of DesPlaines attended a the-- ater in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Rouse re-- turned home this week after making an extended tour through' the east. ! Miss Helga Tuveson of Chicago spent the weekend with Miss Caro-- line Kublank. _ ' Miss Marion Kelroy and Evelyn Weherenberg of Libertyville spent Saturday evening in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ritter of Park Ridge called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Norman on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Swan, Mrs. Ed. Glenn and Mrs. Clayton Decker of Libertyville were entertained at the home of Mrs. Grace Whitney Friday evening. _ Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Small left Tues-- day to drive to California where they will spend the winter months. e _ 'Mrs'. H. J. Swan and son and Mrs Ed. Gleen spent Sagrday in Wau kegan. s ( o Don't forget the fg.lbllcan rally at the Libertyville h school audi-- torium on Thursday evening, Nov. 1, at o'clock.-- General Frank S. Difkln- son will address the meeting. / Mrs. Ed. Glenn, who has been spending several day with relatives in Libertyville and Mundelein re-- turned to bher home in Michigan City, Ind:, Saturday. Well, our ladies lost two games to DesPlaines Saturday evening. Too bad, but we know you'll have better luck on Saturday, Nov. 3, when you play the~women's team from the Bobby O'Farrell alleys at Waukegan. The following scores were rolled last Saturday: Snyder Nelson Gewecke Katch Hass Fenner S wan Wells Dorfler Rouse Total °_ 679 691 763 2183 Mrs. Snyder won the box of candy oftered by Mr. Dorfler for the high est score. ° PLY MOUTH LARGER PARISH _ Ivarhoe church and First church, at Mundelein, Congregational C. Arthur Jevne, Minister Rudoinh Wright, Soc al Direc Sunday School: First Chur at 10 a. m. Ivanhoe at 11:10 a. m. Worship services: Ivanhoe 10 a. m. First Church at 11:10 a. m Big missionary rally under the aus-- pices of the Woman's Society at the Ivanhoe church, and Ladies® Aid So ciety at First Church. A thrilling ad-- dress by Rev. W. P. Woodard of Sappora, Japan, on the subject "High Hills and Heavy Loads." Come and hear him on the "Yankee uation" 0f the east. The ladies of each church will take the other Darts of the ser vice, and there will be appropriate music by the choir of each churecli. At 2:30 p. m., Junior Sunday' Aft-- ernoon Club at Ivanhoe church. , At 7:30 p. m., another big service put on by the Junior Sunday Eve-- ning club. Come and bhear the Jun ior choir sing and join in the unusu-- ally fine song service led 'by Mr Wright. Listen to the Round Table d scussion on the question "What Does Jesus Say About the Kinzdom of God?" . Friday, Nov. 9. at 6:30 p. m., at. First church, men and boys of Mun-- delein and Ivanhoe will waut to snap' into the fifth annual father and son banquet. A fine dinner, peppy songs, surprising stunts, snappy contests between fathers and sons and a great talk on "Pals Always", by Dr. Lind:-- man of Chicago, who knows lads and their dads. These are some of the fine things on hand for Friday. Nov-- ember 'ninth. _ _ Coming goon, the big educationa} night. Platform service staged by the men oi Ivanhoe and Mundelein. Male chorus and gquartet, an address by a great educator; the scohool boards and teachers of a dozen schools in the audience. These are some of the things to expect at that meeting. Watch formthe date. . HARVEY HANSON ---- FOUND INSANE marvey Hanson, of Waukegan, who brgke into the public prints two weeks ago when he procured a mar-- riage license to wed Mrs. Lydia Bos-- tetter of Winthrop Harbor and then went to her home and surprised 'her by telling her what he did, Friday was adjudged insane in the county court and sent to Elgin. At the first hearing he had been given a continuance by the commission but before two .days had paseed police picked> him up or running about NOTICE OF RECEIVING BIDS FOR VILLAGE HALL IN MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS. Notice is bhéereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Presi-- dent and Board of Trustees. of. the Village of Mundelein, at the Village Hall in said Village, on Thursday, November 8, 1928, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the construction of a Village Hall in said Village, in accordance with plans and specifications for said building made by Clement Vittrer, 3985 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, which plans and specifica-- tions and'»bidding sheets are on file at the office of the 8. L Tripp Lum-- ber Company in Mundelein, Illinois. Total A certified check for 10% of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid, which check shall be pay-- able to the Village of Mundelein. The said Village Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. _ Dated this 26th day of October D. 1928. READ THE INDEPONDENT CLASS ADS. YOU ARE SURE TO-- FIND sOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR, 1 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN. By R. F. Rouse, President. Dwight S..Dolph, Village Clerk. LIBERTYVILLE INOEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1928. _ #¥ 612 7 DesPlaines 108 _1 + 147 1 139 1 Mundelein 145 114 100 152 133 140 160 156 143 146 150 135 126 153 10 16 683 149 4214 10 186 143 156 )\ AD 6) 383 441 () §$37 408 442 J () STATE HIGHW AY BEING WIDENED THROUGH ZION Will Be Made Forty Feet Wide | J. A. MILLER, Complainant's SQ for First 500 Feet; Wid-- |~ s oommenrinneniemantemas "P . 0| en Sheridan Rd. Also o CLASSIFIED ADS o Actual work of construction on State Route 1'73 (Zion to Rockford) was started in Zion this morning when a large gang of men was put to work by the Homer Construction company of Omaha. _ Twenty--first street, at its intersection with Sher-- idan road, is 'being torn up, prepara-- tory to the 'work of paving. Mr. Peck of the state highway engineer's office is supervising the work and will remain| on the job until-- the highway has been completed to Rosecrans, a distance, of six miles. The contractor today expressed the opinion 'that he would be able to put in at;least one mfle of pave-- ment before cold weather arrives. Twenty--first street is to be paved to a, width <of forty feet for a dis:-- tance of five hundred feet west of Sheridan road. For the next two hundred feet the pavement will tap-- er down to a width of twenty feet, the regulation width of the state highway. ; . For=a distance of five hundred feet nforth and «outh of Twenty--first street Sheridan road will be made eleven feet | wider. * Running. east of Sheridan road Twenty first street is being paved to a width of iforty feet all the way to the Lake Shore. Phis work is being done by ute Bartlett Realty company which acquired a large tract of land on Twentyifirst street for subdivis-- jn purposés. This boulevard has been lighted by a euitable system of boulevard lights. MRS. R. DALZIEL TAKEN BY DEATH Mrs. Roge J. Dalziel died at her home at {ala('xos. Texas, last Sun day, October 28, 1928, where she and hber husband, James C. Delziel, who predgceased her about . four years azn! had made their home since moting there from -- Algoia. lowa, about ten years ago She was a former tesident of Gurnee, where her parents and the parents of her husband were well known as earl, settlers of the town of Warren. A sister, Mrq. Ella J. Morris (former') Putnam of Chicago, and namerous ternoon _ an made in th cemetery jat sc®antily clad Putnam of ( hicai nephews &td nie« are C 11 and PoJ efHty, survive were held at Gurn Mike Ranko, North Chicago, Jas. Hall, 112%> South Sheridan -- road, «<.ouis Flalla, Fox lake, and Otto Wedeen, Grass Lake, were arrest-- ed by Constable George Stried last week 'on a charge of violating the prohibitory}lfaw. Fines of $100 were recommended. SMILES AT COP; HELD FOR TRIAL 4 CAUGHT IN A AUCTION SALE There will be an auction sale on the F. G. Dietmeyer farm, % miles east 'of Millburn, 3 miles south of Rosecrans,g miles northwest of Gur-- npe and 2 fniles southwest of Wads-- worth, on 'Baturday, November 3rd, commencing at 12 o'clock sharp. 4 hotses and pouy, 30 head of high grade Haqlstein cattle, pigs, 12 ton:s of mixed Ahay and 500 baskets of ear corn. Also a complete line of tools and machinery. . LeRoy Dietmeyer, Proprietor, Wm. A. 'Chandler, Auc-- tioneer and James Welch, clerk. Notice is therefore hereby given to the said defendant, Florence Gel-- senson thit the above named Com:-- plainant .heretorore filed his Bill of Complaintiin said Court on the Chan-- gery side thereof, and that a sum-- mons thereupon issued out of said 'Court against the above named de-- fendent, returnable on the first day .__, CHANCERY wnOTICE State of Illinois) County of Take) _ Circuit Court of Lake County, Dec ember Terms A. p. 1928. James Karlos vs.Florence Gelsen-- gon, in Chancery No. 20505, satisfac-- tory affid@vit having been filed in the office iof the clerk 'of said tourt. FOR RENTING, REAL .ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, PROPERTY MANA4EMENT, GENERAL INSURANCE, sURETY BONDS, SsERVICE, | -- , §EE / *nd the _ n the famils QEALTOR-INIUROR Opposite Electric ~tation Phones 469 and 269 _ BOOZFE RAIDS urnee VW the int« iuld )se unera} & e Wednues ng atyons whontr ersons cfothis rInell! of the term of the Circuit Court of Lake County, to be held at 't.ixs Court House in 'Waukegan in s Lake County, on the First Monday of Déc-- ember A .D. 1928, as is by law re-- :xulred. and which suit is still pend-- ng. h L. J. WILMOT, Clerk. Waukegan, Illinois., October 22, A. D. 1928. J. A. MILLER, Complainant's So licitor. Oct. 25, Nov. 1 -- 8. FOR SALE--Good work team, cheap Weight 3000 lbs.. Leesley's Nur-- series, Route 21, Libertyville. . 1t FOR -- SALE --Registered -- Holstein bull calves, sired by Sir Bess Orms by Fobes 73rd.. backed by somg of tie present day's very best breeding. C. T. A. record dams, herd average nearly 400 pounds butterfat, 11,000 Ibs. milk. Two miles north of Volo. Henry Wegener, Ingleside, I!l, 44 4t FOR SALE--Old fashioned home-- grown buckwheat flour. . Bergeron Stock Farm. 2 miles west of Lberity-- ville on Lake St. Road. Phone 678J2. 44 tt for two, board if desired. Reason-- able. 137 School Street 44 1t FOR RENT--Front room . suitable FOR SALE--Potatoes $1.00 per bush-- el.-- Phone 604R2. 44 1t FOR SALE --Chick "{feed, composed of wheat, corn, barley oats, buck-- wheat, mixed already to feed. Also baled straw. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of ILibertyville on Lake Street Road. 44 tf RUG WORK and weaving done. Tele Cal) 204M FOR SALE--Milwauxee Air Pressure watér system, complete with two phone' 235R1. Mrs. John Hagie, Deerfield, H!l. 43 5t Friday and Saturday, November 2nd and 3rd --------------------------WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING-------------- FOR SALE roast _ 25to028c» Quarter Century Good Service Reputation Loms -- 25¢» LEG LAMB _ 180 Telephone {{ig28).c» HAMs 20:¢*| Butter 51¢* Y ears NA TIVE CALVES LIVER, SWEET BREADS, CALVES BRAINS, RLB ROAST BEEF 38c LEAN ROLLED 29 BONELESS ROLLED Boston Style SHORT 30c» The Best in Meats at a Price You Can Afford "CGOME TO THE PALAGE pumps in good condition and very reasonable. _ Also pipeless furnace and a white enamel gas range. Tele-- phone Lake Forest 796Y3. Geo. L. Yore, Deerfield, Ill. 43 6t ORDERS TAKEN for art needle work and stamped goods. Mrs. L. J. Obenauf, Ivanhoe. P. O. Munde-- lein, Ill. 43 3t FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein I BUY OLD HORSES--Must be alive; pay good prices. Call Bar-- rington 140--R--1. , 41 4t _ bull calf, 10 months old and regis: tereqd Duroc Jersey Sow. Telephone Lake Villa 112J 43 2t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE tb REAL ESTATE What have you? REDEKER Arlington Heights, 1. Phone 496 FOR RENT--New, modern 7 room bhouse, one--half block wast of Mil-- waukee Ave. on Austin Ave. Tele:-- pione 533W + 43 St 7 Room House s_..,.....__...._._._...$40.00 6 room bOUSC ......;.................««....$065.:00 6 room HOUuSG ... .[...--......ccosn. §19.00 7 room furnished houhe....._....$75.00 5 room bungalow ....__.....__$65.00 5 room flat, heat furnished.__$65.00 5 room flat. heat furnished.......$60.00 INQUIRE OF REALTOR KAPING + TELEPHONE 469 > FOR RENT--Six rooms, stove heat, 2nd floor; available Nov. 1 Phone Lsirtyyille 364--R. 41 it FOR RENT--Modern 4--room FOR RENXNT--Eight room brick house with garage attached in Gurnee. Reasonable rent H D. Hughes, Gurnee. II}. ~44 1t FOR RENT 06 N. MILWAUKEE AVE,, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS P O R RE N T Quality -- Reasonable Prices -- Service These three qualifications you havre a right to demand in a modern retail mar-- ket. ~"Hibgest Quality Meats" is not a mere slogan at THE PALACE, but is a&a reality and our principle inducement in soliciting patronage. Our prices are Al: ways reasonable, and a large quick turh-- over guarantee fresh meat and the lowest prices. True economy is not in buying cheap meat. but in buying good meat at reasonable prices. . Our meats are kent fresh, sweet, and clean by the most mod-- ern sanitary, mechanical refrigeration system--they are conveniently displayed, and the prices marked in plain figures. If you want the most of the best & for the least _ . "COME TO THE PALACE" : Trade Here ------ Save Money And Get Fine Meats H 44 1t at MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con producting grand piano, R. C. H. Super Hight cabinet rad'o for real estate. What have you. E. Moeri, 4839 Wright Terrace. 3 blks south east of Dempster St. terminal. Tel-- ephone Niles Center 242. it siderable amount of special funds to loan on improved farm or city property. We invite 'your tinquiry WILL EXCHANGE--Emmersen re-- sircom stEak -- 42c » One of the finest garages in the Lake County Countryside, fully equipped, is ready to serve you. Only trained mechanics will work on your car.. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR .i _ M C. CROWELL, Mgr. LAKE STREET, MUNDELEIN _ PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 103 Miscellaneous Countryside Motors Countryside Motors Chrysler Dealers MUNDELEIN Ask About Our Special Service Plan NATIVE ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND LIBERTYVILLE roasT --28c*» Hamburger 290C » BONELESS$S SMOKED BUTTS BACON whole or half SIRLOIN »» First Nationa!l Bank, Libertyville, I} WANTED--Girl or Woman for gen WANTED ;;"Experienced grocery clerk, canable of managing store. Ap-- ply at Nation Tea Co., Libertyville. oi s 44 t eral house work. Call Barrington 140--R--1. 44 tf Female Help Wanted HIGHEST WUALITY SUGAR CURED AT REASONABLE Male Helo Wanted BONELESS Quarter Century Good Service Reputation MEATS PRICES @1 35c » 25¢*» 25 ears