CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Nov 1928, p. 3

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~ _ BOARD REVIEW ENDS WORK; 251 _ KICKS PROBED A special meetln% of the Gurnee Garden club has been called for Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mr=s Mabel McCul-- lough. The clwb is sponsoring a leg-- ture which will be given by Mrs. Frederick Figher of Lake Bluff, at Mrs. H. W. Keel has gone to Chi-- cago to eperd several days with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Young, and fam-- Ily. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Allwardt, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ray, and Mtr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford spent Sunday afternoon and evening with their mother, Mrs. Loretta Ray. Word has been received of the death of George Lovejoy of Latra mie, Wyo. < The body will be ship-- ped to arrive Thursday morning. ~ Three gentlemen friends of C. M. Brown drove down from Westfield Sunday to visit him. i Dean Ray, one of our local young musicians, played in the Liberty-- ville orchestra for the dedicatton of the new Ela township high school building at Lake Zurich Saturday u.'s. W. E. Jones is teaching in the ntermediate department in' the grade school during the illiness of the regular teacher, Miss Lilly Crowe. Miss Fay Milner of Chicago and & friend spent the weekend at her Gurnee home. Maurice .DeLoof was. tendered a birthday party last Friday night. Mrs. Ney Lamb is visiting in Chi-- cago, having accompanied Aunt Beck Welsh home. Mr. and Mrs. R. McCall left today by auto for a visit to his parents mrear Rochester, Minn. 0o o o 0o 0o 0 0 0 o0 0o 0 o0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The complaints had been scattered through the county members of the board declared and tney found some justified and some not. It was neces-- eary for trips to be made to the property in almost every instance. Besides Mr. Murphy other mem-- bers of the board included Super-- vizor Bert C. Thompson of Zion and Mrs. Nellie Crooks, Waukegan. Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Crooks were the republican members® and Mr. Maer-- phy the democratic representative. Twenty weeks of work have been necessary to complete the task. The period of time taken this year runs about the same as usual. There were 2351 complaints heard this year, according to Mrs. Eva Milliren, chief clerk, as compared to sevenr in 192%7. . _ Hearing complaints Saturday was ended by the board of review and the books were closed except for the signing of them which will be com-- pleted Wednesday, it was learnd to-- day from Supervisor Thomas Mur phy, chairman. Takes 20 W_Eeks to Complete Biggest Task the Board Ever aced on Tax Problems Q UA LITY AT LO W COs Tt GURNEE CONSTANT EXPANSION 1y f ki "a in operation by January first and seven more by the sum-- mer of 1929. . Into the service departments of all Chevrolet dealers, Chevro let has brought special tools and shop eq m;me;;;:d--én;v,es In order to bring these mam-- moth facilities of the Chevrolet factories to Chevrolét dealers and owners evéerywhere, there have been erected 26 "huge parts warehouses in the princi-- palcentersofdistribution. This expansion program is continu-- ally going on--for four great additional warehouses will be INCE January 1st -¥F | more than a million ,'3.; | new Chevrolets 9 have been de-- '.% livered to owners-- making the Chev BJ rolet Motor Com-- & pany, for the second consecutive year, the world's largest builder of automobiles! This outstanding achievement has been attained not only be-- cause of the quality and value of Chevrolet cars--but also be-- cause there has been a constant expansion of Chevrolet service to serve Chevrolet owners better Phone 202 Libertyville Garage Luce & Earl, Propfiet:)rs [TO DO ---- THEY GET RESULTS INDEPENDENT CLASSIFIED ADS DOQ ALL THEY ARE SUPPOEED 'The Misses Eveiyn and Mildred McCullough attended the homecom-- ing feotball game at Northwestern university today. The funeral services for Mrs. Rose Dalziel, Palacioe, Texes, for-- merly of Gurnee, were held at the E. M. Metcalf home Thursday after-- noon, and burial was at Union ceme-- tery, Spaulding Corners. Gurnee now boasts of a newspa--, per all its own.. Last night the first edition was delivered. It is to be a weekly paper. 4 This community was saddened last Saturday night when the death of Mrs. Harriet Potter became known. She had died very suddenly in her home during the day. Funeral services were held Wednesday after-- noon from the church, with burial in the family lot at Unton cemetery, Spaulding Corners. About 20 ftom Gurnee attended the Royal Neighbor ecnvention Wed-- nesday at North Chtcago. The Ladies' Aid society held their regular monthly meetin»> Thursday at the church,; with good attend-- ance. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Hook and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hook returned home Thursday night from a ten--day auto trip to Forbes, N. D. The John Welich family have moved to Waukegon and the Peter Johnson family havs rented the house vacated by the Welchs. Miss Lenore Sponenburg enter-- tained several of her frtends at her home on Wednesday night. , Mis,; L. Crowe, intermediate teach-- er at the Gurnee Superior. school, is 111 with tonsilitis. George Gillispie of Palacios, Tex: as, who accompanied the body Oof Mrs. Rose Dalziel here for burial, is visiting the Dalziel families. Miss Esther Dixon spent last week end at the Roy Griffi _ home at North Prairte. C Mrs. Gilbert Weksels of Norwood Park spent & couple of days this week with her mother, Mrs. Cyn-- thia Miller and attended the R. N. A. convrention at North Chicago. George Bottger was called to Chi-- cago the first of the week on ac-- count of the illness of an uncle. Mrs. J. Paul Schenk has returned to her home from the Victory Me-- morial bospital where she under went an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. George Reid and Mr.! Washington, that Zion and Mrs. Orin Chittenden spent Sat-' WCBD, recognized as urday aftermoon and evering in Chi--, finest in the country, b cago. 'the air at night. - Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hughes left today for their winter home in Lynn Haven, Fla. Mrs. George Winter was called to Chicago last night on account of the iliness 6f an uncle. \ The Parent--Teacher association of the grade school will have a regu-- lar meeting at the grade schoel this evening. Mrs. Gladys Dole will entertain the original circle at her home at an all day meeting on Thursday, Nov. The original circle will give their annual home talent play at the high school auditorium .Friday evening, Nov. 9. the Warren Township High school Nov. 20. Mrs. Fisher is state pnd-' dent of the Illinois Garden club. She will bring many lovely hand colored | slides to help explain her talk. ' far LEconemteal Transport atio® _ facilities reflect the influence -- . _ of this great national service We cordially invite you to come in and see how our service roints where genuine Chevro-- et parts may be obtained. -- Uniformly efficient, uniformly reliable and within easy reach of everybody everywhere--this great service organization is maintaining at peak efficiency the fine performance for which Chevrolet cars have always been renowned. Furthermore, all of these tre-- mendous facilitiee have been made available to 15,000 authorized service stations manned by skilled mechanics, over 25,000 of whom have been factory 'trained to efficiently handle évery repair operation on a Q{:"rolct car. In addition, there are over 4,000 other under the supervision of Chev-- rolet engineers. This equip-- ment definitely assures maxi-- mum speed and precision and the lowest possible cost in the performance of every Chevro letservice and repair operation --which are charged E:r on a flat rate basis. Libertyville, Ilinois =s) HUNDREDS OF _ 5*) LETTERS PROTEST The tenth annual dance of the Antioch Firemen, known as the Fireman's ball, will be held at the garage there Nov. 10, it was an-- nounced today. The ball, widely at-- tended by county residents, is for the purpose of providing essentials for the department. <-- ; ~ E. J. Sheldon, Grayslake, wase ar-- rested Saturday on a charge of reck-- less driving on a complaint made by Henry F. Wallenwein, police lieuten-- ant. WalBDenwein told Justi¢e Harry Hoyt that Sheldon had alamJ:ed into a car driven by his wite Belvi-- dere road causing considerable dam-- age. The accident happened Oct. 13. ANTIOCH FIREMEN SET DANCE DATE SHELDON HELD FOR OLD CRASH "Ministers who attended a meet-- ing of the association Monday at the Sherman Boulevard Congregational church declared the Zion concerts to be the best sacred musicales now ob tainable by radio audiences." "Under a recent ruling of the commission the Zion station was or-- dered to discontinue its evening broadcasting on Nov. 11. "Milwaukee ministers, members members of the Milwaukee Minister-- lal associftion, will ask the federal radio commission to permit the con-- tinuance of sacred musical concerts from radto station WCBD, at Zion, L Thése letters have come trom' péople in all walks of life, ministers, laborers in the shop, educators,| ftarmers, prominent church people, and public men, all volcing univer-- sal surprise at the action of the commission. The general consensus running all through the volume of correspondence is that the Zion sta-- tion has occupted a unique field,' that it has had an uplifting influ--| ence not only in the home but in . the --national life of the country, and that it has been greatly appreciated by peoaple of culture and refinement. One of the Milwaukee dailies prints the following: ' One of the writers says: "It will seem like losing a member os the family, so closely have the Zion pro-- grams become interwoven with our bome life." ' finest in the country, be barred from the air at night. * Practically all letters speak of thg hlxhiorrder of the Zion programs. Hundreds of letters pouring into Zion this week from all parts of the country express the intense regret of radio listeners over the ruling of the federal radio commission at Washington, that Zion radio station People From All Walks of Life Express Indignation at Commission's Edict --BAN ON WCBD LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1928. one of the Washburn RH 8. Tromblee Helen FB Litchfield Touchdowns: Litchfield, 1; Grimes 1; E. Tromblee 2; Gratz 1. Umpire, BelSteI}h North Central College; Referee, velicks, Chicago READ THE INDEPONDENT CLASS ADg. YOU ARE SURE TO FIND SsOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR, | ' Gh Meyers 6mith Russell Dixon Williamson Skarda Warren | : Libertyville has ; been having an | easy time winn'ng)flom their oppon-- ents in the NortRwest Conference |whis season, and this was just anoth-- 'er game that wasv>entirely. too easy | for Libertyville. It Wwas uninteresting from the spectatots point of view. Libertyville's team,} from the second ; quarter on, was~ gomposed for the most part, of 'seqond string men, | who did not run thru their oppon:-- 'ents as freely as the first team did | in the opening quarter. The orange and black slaughtrred the Warren ' aggregation in the {first period when Grimes, Litchfield jand E. Tromblee | crossed the goal lime of the visitors. ' Warren beld the second team men | scoreléss during the second quarter, : but were unable to do, anything in | th the was of scoring for themselves. + Warren completec; several passed ' which went for n@aught because of their inability to 'advance by any other means. E. 'lxomblee was able to cross the visitors' goal line again in the thirdq period and boosted the Libertyville score to 24. Gratz, scor-- ed the final marker in the fourth quarter, raising the home .teams points to 30, with b\'amn not even having theatened to score. | Next Saturday, the Libertyyille heavy weights travel to Antioch and meet the scarlet and gray on their own gridiron," in the last conference battle of the se't;ron. These two schools, old time rivals in all soorts, have had things jpretty well their own way in the Northwest Confer-- ence during the past football season. Libertyville will étack up aga'nst some brawnier men and some stiff-- er opposition than they have met so far,. Coach Martin, mentor at Liber-- tyville, is well aware of the situation and he can be depended upou to have his men in the besgt of condition for the important contest. & 'Libertyville's. ofange and black high shool football team celebrated their last appeal&nce on Liberty Field Tuesday afternoon by severely trouncing the first team of Warren Township high ¥echiool, of Gurnee, by the one--sided saqpré of 30 to 0. The contest was a postponed affair from last Friday. Rain gooiled the chance-- es of the match. between the two teams, on this daté. _ . + | Borst ... R. Waters _ J. Atkinson . A. Daugherty t). Muhlke j Totml.....:..... MERLE'S EXtDE Tegtmeyer ... Lindroth ..__... Jochheim 2l Porteous Weiskopt Total BORST COAL Vanderspool Earl (sub) . Meyers _ _ Luce e Total..._....}.815 836 ROUSE BROS. QAIRY-- D. Porteous . _....,158 195 Steolzman .. . 4143 150 Sloan ... ..[.169 1724 Jackson ... }.204 177 R. Diet: ......;169 159 Total. ... ; 843 8551( LsERTYVILLE GARAGE-- Btmag ... ;T B146 | Vanderspool ... _}147 156 |] Earl (sub) ... .154 154 1 Meyers _ _______}162 159 1 Luce snnz 4199 182 l George Short y Duf __ Total.......__} 863 866 .945 SCHNAEBELE REALTORS-- Swan (sub) ..--..'.178 178 178 THLe __=......._--_ | 178 178 155 Schnaebele ____' 134 128 116 Wright ----.--...._._166 177 179 Ssuydam .....--.......l181 177 201 REE MOTOR SALES-- Ray _ 2 __l173 0 ud O _ 0j tso f Greve .__._.. Beiler «_ ____._. Moeller n trrans Moeller ____ . Kelmer erserk rrvseus Total...........850 HARTMAN HOUsE-- Result of Tuesday night DIETZ STABLEg-- Wilkenring ..._; 172 184 R. Lill ...___....c_c_;.179 179 C. Diets ......._._.}_167 169 H. Idll ......_..«----= 1583 154 G. Krumrey ..._}.179 178 Hartman Houge took the leading team for a 8--game ride, winning the first game by 1# pins. Krumrey blew q spare in the 10th frame of the segond game, losing it by two p'ns. | Schnaebele's Realtors took three games from Ree;Motors, winning all three 'game by ngrrow margins. Borst won two from the Exides, and Rouse Dairy hung up another record of one game by a score of 1019 pins. _ wome more changes in th's week's standing. Rouse:Dairy goes into first place by the good hitting of Dixie WJackson. | e Schnaebele Realtors . Dietz SMIOO smdereictrsoum ie Libertyville Gardge ... Borst Conl ... .}......... Exide +Battery ..._____. Ree Motors ... . T. H. S. Trims The W. T. H. S. Team Hartman House NEWS OF THE PIN HITTERS| Commercial League Total Total LINEUP TeamStandings RT RE QB LE L' osiccaect M N90 4.165 L191 §$65 B83 807 865 ; sERVICE 156 164 222 168 m63 159 181 163 4610 121 169 204 169 167 169 156 174 1"1 843 8551019 Sage Grimes E. Tromblee | 8. Tromblee | Litchfield | 937 871 Libertyville 207 178 852 167 135 149 163 202 149 864 162 184 179 169 154 178 Gratz Thomas Hendee Foulke Amann ctmsss KO rolling: 890 179 191 154 198 226 Won ....10 208 183 226 825 137 136 188 183 181 829 170 178 183 889 169 188 179 140 210 1 2562 2476 2518 2674 673 2603 540 494 462 487 579 504 561 476 569 607 477 412 504 559 515 Lost 505 612 489 545 523 511 878 536 569 476 517 529 544 « A divorce was granted Mrs. Myr-- tle Corser, St. James street, from Raymond <Corser, on grounds of drunkenness and cruelty by Circuit Judge C. C. Edwards. s , Mrs. Edith Wolfe, Libertyvyille, filed a bill for divorce against her husband, Victor, 'charging cruelty. They were marriad eight years ago and have two children, ' going. Police and detectives have been able to trace the calls to the extent that they have convinced themselves someone was jesting with the vill-- age eleuth, who has led a troubled existence since he failed to report the Elfrieda Knaak case to either the sheriff or states attorney for five bhours after he knew about it. GRANT DIVORCE; ANOTHER FILED Barney was not frightened, his friends say, and they add that he is back to his regular police duties of keeping the village hall fire 'Barney Rosenhagen, Lalcg Bluff, Thursday night received two myster-- ious telephone calls to leave that vil-- lage for good. Totals..._.....446 446 446 TEAM NO. 1--SHAVETAILS T. pelacey (ay.. 133 133%$ 133 M. Neville .......__152 162 166 J. Borst ...____I53 131 158 11 13 Totals.......__513 448 407 1 TEAM NO. 3--LEATHERNECKS C. Hoskins (av.) 151 151 151 -- Antonovich (av) 163. 163 163 Vic. Gott! (avy.) .132 132% 132 ROSENHAGEN GETS THREAT MESSAGE Totals...._.___460 511 4 TEAM NO. 5--DOUGHBOYS 6. Gruenwald __173 159 1 J. McKitrick ...__147 131 1 O. Muhlke ...__193 158 1 Totals ... 499 . 466 TEAM NO. 4--SERGEANTS R. Kempedy .158 197 L. Coonfer (ay.) 144 144 W. Peterson .158 170 Totals..........500 . 454 517 TEAM NO. 6--BUCK PRIVATES Harry Gotti (av.) 147 147 | 147 A. Packer .._...._.154 123 '140 E. Kennedy .....__198 196 . 204 Team No. 4--Sergeants.._.....7 Team No, 6--Buck Privates....6 Team No. 1--Shavetails....._....5 Team No. 2--Corpora®...........4 Team No. 5--Dqughboys .. _:3 FTeam No. 3--Leathernecks .2 . Scores Monday Night November 5 TEAM NO. 2--CORPORALs it. Nuttl _ _ 168 132 147 41 K. Kaving .........132% 132 174 43 O. Firnback _..200 190 196 58 J. Porteous E. Hubbard _ Totals. _.._._.. TEAM NO. 3-- It. Henning ... A. Henning _.... TOl&IG.............. TEAM NO. 2 C. Hapke ... J. Bietzel.._.....; L. Lusk ... ...0..;: W. Wheeler ___ Friday Night, Nov. 2 TEAM NO. 1-- J. Kruckman .. . 98 -- 91. Hanschild ...._.___151 136 -- B. Steir ... ________123-- 171! : W. Fendick ___..1350 142} | Totals ._..._ TEAM NO. 6-- W. Stang ......._ W. Peterson .. Underbrink (av.) K. Connor __...... J. Weart _ _ _ ___ * Totals ..___. TEAM NO. 3-- H. Meyer ... R. Titus ............ B. Finstad _ _ K. Lovell .s_.._. Hutchinson (av;) A. Jores Aylesworth Totals.._..__.. TEAM NO. 5 Waterhouse ....__ Wehrenberg (av.. R. Smith ..... H. Gray ...__. C. Betzer .. E. Colby ... Totals...._.__. TEAM NO. 2-- G. Ives __._.._. Totals.......__. TEAM NO. 4.-- G. Lawrence ..__ W. Wells ._..__ H. Pester ..___ W. Hubbel! _ L Beman _ R. Triggs ....__ W. Nicholas ... E. Corlett (av.). M. Casey ..____ Scores for week eldlhg' November TEAM NO. 1-- , H. Titus c______17% <19% 44g0 o Totals pase> TEAQ&' NO. 4-- Tulléy :::s..s.....,. & Clark ........ A J('[Uu} ¥0Feuer mee rithes's STANDINGS (END OF 3ra WEEK ) Te'am No. Won Lost Clark 222220 222 980 98%, o3 294] | There was a large at Clark ... 98 ?: ]f;' 5?; | the M. E. church Sunda; Jenne ... ]:;:1 ].-- 147 459 hear the new pastor. gitz . 135 177 C____| Mr. and Mrs: E. J. Le Teaa se z. 94 | 4A large party Saturday Totals --..361 555 508 16f4 atives and. friends at ; a. N y s Ihr're. Cards, dancing and American Legion -- | [ ""C"' Totals Totals Standing of the Teams Libertyville Club otals.......__ _859 """.2\ %33 Dad's League 438 426 457 1321 161 133 92 195 170 .125 .143 .158 741 240 143 148 184 144 123 189 129 186 114 809 135 166 188 161 159 791 789 152 168 164 884 178 173 181 188 161 181 466 491 4540 517 11471 166 98 114 161 133 95 540 161 191 148 129 143 695 128 173 150 130 114 178 170 122 126 122 118 841 222 156 186 150 127 751 155 148 176 150 1223 751 125 110 207 161 148 446 1338 Won Lost 407 1368 169 121 171 4717 149 144 189 152 546 161 133 104 171 170 199 148 152 164 115 171 167 168 114 845 789 731 167 170 122 164 166 165 188 179 179 134 129 159 160 101 170 139 L 7145 148 117 174 161 145 1690 1593 2164 2167 2298 492 294 2495 483 399 2269 451 263 396 465 469 2380 571 533 444 436 484 342 366 540 510 369 433 446 522 510 553 490 420 492 435 429 488 425 408 569 483 474 _ Company at. the' Arthur _ Wilton home Sunday were Mrs. Elsie Haus-- er and children of Waukesha, Wis., Clarence Stein and friend from Mil-- walkee., f Mr. Stein is a brother of Mrs. Wwil. Fanas tous Mr. and Mrs. Henry S two children drove> out go for a visit Friday nephew and wife, Mr. a Fisher. s Fred Bartlett drove to the city: on Saturday to stay over Sunday. '--rs. Edward Bartlett and Olive Rhodes. attended the theatre in Waukegan, Saturday. Rev. R. J. Lad, Mrs. McKelvey and children M--~rgaret and Robert hive moved from bhere to Stewart, Ill., where Mr. McKelvey will preach or ifill the pulpit there for the follow-- in~ year. They weer vell liked in this community and we will dll miss them. Mrs., Daisy Riney returned to her home here after a two weeks visit with he-- daughter, Mrs. Frank Mc-- Claren and granddaughter, Mrs. Geo. Barth in Chicago. 6 Mrs. Herman J. Miller is spending a month in St. Louis. -- Mrs. Williams in Attwells subdi-- vigion is on the sick list. Mrs. Arth > Wilton and Howard Wilton drove to Chicago, Saturday. In;.the evenifhig Mrs. Wilton attended a party given in honor of her sister, Mrs. Orrin Cleaveland. They return-- ed home Sunday. o o0 o o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o o 0o o o o _ LAKE VILLA o "Funerabservices were held from the home of Dr. and Mrs. Freund at McHenry at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, with the Rev. Jacob Pis-- tér of Chicago officiating. Interment was made in Pine View cemetery at; Waukegan. o 0 0 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0o 0o 0o o 0o \During her residence in McHenry she formed a wide circle of friends all of whom will be sorrowed by her death. She was a member of the R. N. A. lodge of that community. Besides her husband che is sur-- vived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Huss, a sister, Mrs. Ernestine Sflxade, and Mrs. Alida Fraund. The deceased was born in Chi-- cago on July 23, 1905 and moved to McHenry about two and 'oné--half years ago. She was the mother of a small son. Mrs. Charlotte Gunderson, aged 23 years, wife of Glenn Gunderson of McHenry died in the Victory Me-- morial hospital Sun'day night from meningitis induced by an absessed tooth. She had been ill for about a week and was brought to the hos-- pital, a few hours before her death. Meningitis Due to Abcessed Tooth Claims Life of Young-- Mother YOUNG MHENRY WOMAN DIFS IN HOSPITAL visit Friday with _ large attendance at ch Sunday morning to pastor. out from Chica Lehmann gave Y to their rel-- °_ their -- home nd music were with _ their and Mrs. Wilj Hansen and Circuit' Judge Claire C. Edwards, of Waukegan, may be the presiding judge when Paul Reeds goes on trial for the murder of Vernon Plager in Rockford, it was revealed yester-- day, when definite assurance was given to the press by State's Atty. William D. Knight that the trial would not begin--before Nov. 12. If 'the case is set for trial either If 'the case is set for trial either Nov, 12 or Nov. 19, Judge Edwards will preside in place of Judge A. E Fisher, _who. is to hold court at the entertainment of the evening. A delightful supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. John Fuhrer had company Sunday from Bristol, Wis. WANT EDWARDS TO HEAR CASE . Juch Glorious Performance _ _ As You've Never Known Before Prices §1145 to $1375 at factory. Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock dbsorbers and spring covers included in list prices. Bumpers and rear fender guards extra. Check Oakland delivered prices = they include lowest handling charges. CGeneral Motors Time. The instant you see it. The moment you mark its rakish lines . , . its flaring fenders ... its high, sweeping hood. You realize that this New All--American promises new driving pleasure . . . new motoring delight. And you'll never be disappointed, Not by this big, emart colorful six. Be sure to come in and inspect this New Oakland All--American . . . to arrange for a glorious trip at the wheel. LUDLO'W_ MOTOR 608 N. Milwaukee Avenue Of Libertyville _ DAN E. WINN, Mor. Payment Plan available at minimum rate. ~tate's Atty. Knight aAnd Atty, Linscott are looking forward to & speedy trial, and are confident that the case can be completed in a week if the trial is started on a Monday. If the case cannot be brought to trial before Judge Edwards, it is probable that 'the trial will not be started until Dec. 3, bechyse of the interference of Thanksgiving day. Decision not to open the case neXt week was made by Gopposing oo:z: sel yesterday. This was done cause the case could not be startéed until after election day, and in that event it would be necessary to hold the jury over the weekend. ~Both State's Atty. Knight and Atity. Charles Linscott, counsel for Réed, are anxioys to avoid such a situs tion. Waukegan during that time. Judge Edwards is scheduled to come to Rockford Nov. 12 to devote two weeks here to the trying of old civil cases. PAGE THREH Six

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