'_THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FEATURED | _ For WErEe NovemusEr 1%2tnu 1to 17T14H Bartlett Pears '*~ ul * Peeled Apricots *' Sliced Pineapple *' Del Monte Spinach !«': Figs Citron Peel Lemon Peel Orange Peel Coffee _ , ; Coffee ©" Coffee -- *" Matches -- 8*4*.4°--=--*." . PAGE FOUR Libertyville | SANITARY COFFEE & BUTTER STORES..] Election day was ---- glorious day bere. The weather was perfect and everr one came out. There was the largest vote cast here on rec-- ord. There was a good' deal of A jury in the court of Judge Otto | $. Kerner, of . Chicago, Friday re--| turned a verdict in which it award" ed Earl S. Knight, a contractor re-- siding at Lake Villa, the sum of $1,400 for loss of a watch which : he had loaned to Mrs. Marion Man--| ming, m friend who was killed in an automobile accident some months aego. The suit was directed azainst! Mrs. Meta Mangnett of Chicago, mother of the victim. | LAKE VILLA MAN REGAINS WATCH LENT TO WOMAN Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Dicks accom: panted by Mrs. Daisy Riney, drove to Chicago last Wednesday for a few days visit with relatives and friends. & _ Earl $. Knight Wins in Suit for $2,500 Watch Loaned to Auto Victim --J. A. Pederson, who has been i!l with pneumonia, is coqvalesclnz. We were sorry to hear of the se rlous accident which befell Mrs Carola Barnstable, wh used to re side hbhere. She is in the hospital at Abany, Oregon, recovering !rom a broken collar bone and two brok en ribs which kappened in an auto mobile accident. The car skidded on a slippery pavement and rolled down a ten foot ambankment. The other occupants of the car were un:-- injured > Knight claimed that he loaned a watch worth $2,500 to the woman a short time before she was killed. The watch of a high grade make was studded with diamonds, he stated. He also claimed that al-- though he knew that Mrs. Mangnett had the watch in her possession she refused to return it to him. o o o o o o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 o o o 0o 0o o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 It is expected that the case will be settled by the return of the wattch to Knight who claims that he prizes it more hishly from the intrinsic value than from its worth 1 our °© Nearest Store 605 Milwaukee Avenue PEACH M PEACH SALE Friday and Saturday Only, November 16 and 17 Regular 5c CANDY BARS GRAPE--FRUIT Includes all popular brands, such as BABY RUTH, OLp NICK AND OTHER FAMOUS BRANDS LAKE VILLA® o Large Size Juicy Floridas Beckwith--In Syrup Tall Can each 3¢ Gold Meéedal Blend 1 Ib. Pkg. Thos. Webb or Chase §&nborn 1 ib. PXkg Guaranteeqd finest made $1.00 Value Y¥ellow American, Lb Spotlight Blend& Ib. Pkg. -- FOR Je Home, Nobqless 6 Large Pkgs.> -- Dromedary CONSUMERS Dromedary 25c Dromedary '4 lb Pkg Largest 2% Can '4 Ib Pkg lb. Pkg an )1 t _Mr. and Mre. E. A. Wilton and | Mrs. Lois Avery listened to the re-- l turns at the Genesee Tuesday night. Mrs. Moeby-- has joined her hus-- band. . Dr. Mosby in -- Minneapolis, "where he is sta&h'ed in a hospital | for world, war veterans. MILLBURN FIRE INSURANCE |the mo The directors of the Miilburn Mu--, and ha tual Insurance Company have levied | tion by an assessment of three dollars and | Cost of f'fty cents ($3.50) on each one thous--| In th and dollars insured, to pay the losses , can pi( amounting tto $20,557.10. Said a<sess | Panama ment will be gque and called for on | lustrate or after November 20, 1928. (Notice | publc i all assessments will be called for. l Epwo J. S. DENMAN, School two selections friendly chatter on the streets and some sharp discussions. Quite a number went into Waukegan in the evening for the latest news from the Genesee, and to enjoy the fine entertainment while the, were wait ing. . C . were sics (cGradie, uistTiC! ptestGel Mrs. Munch, cousuty prosident, at Mrs.Wesloy Boter | who spoke ( the American Home. Judge Woo of Chicaga, was introduced by M Osmond, the Antioch presfdent, an he told of the Chicago World Fa for 1933. A chorus from Zion sat "A Mighty Chain of Moderen Food Stores" th .~0v. » a Bradley than 100 tality at buildin=s president Mrs. Jas. Kerr, Mrs. H. J. Nelson, Miss Bellé Richards, T. R. Sherwood and Mrs. C. B. Hamlin attended the Sunday school convention' at Gur-- nee Community church last week, Thursdayv. The Antioch and Lake Villa Wom an's clubs combined their meetings Nov. 5 at a joint session with Mrs Bradley at Allendale farm More Miss Richards has returned from Stewart, IIl., where she assisted Mrs. McKelvey to get settled in her new loceation. 'Jean C@&nnon, 4:--year--old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cannon, is recovering nicely from her recent accident. The Revx Alspaugh will preach at the M E. church Sunday. Oscar Douglas and children from Waukesha, Wis., visited the home folks over Sunday. Mrs. Sara Sherwood has been ill. Ruth Avery and Helen William-- son were at their homes here over the week end ~ 3 25c |June Peas -- * 25c .Sweet Corn ~° ° 25¢ :Pancake Flour * 19c Asparagus ~* 49c¢ 69¢ 190 13¢ 13¢ 19c¢ SLICED OR Largest . HALVED 21/(,_: Size ' 11 h 1¢ ndal Mrs. APPLES 3 * 25c 40 Solid P: "lhom"atoes No. '.Zl Can T Largest Pumpkm xo 2% t 1 214. $ Pmeapple Havu';u Peaches .32 alifornia Green Beans N*' Green Beans . N* Succotash No Strawberries _ HART BRAND U h U EXTRA FANCY Jonathan Eating CANNED FOODS Secretary hos club, duced akers ident. Solid Pack No. 2 Can An L1 ers Rev, M. J. Nealis, Pastor nt.'~_ Firat Mass at 6:80 a m.; Second ind | Mass at 8 a. m.; Third Mass at 9 on a. m; Fourth Mase at 10 a. m. Sp th Y Hawatian Ni 916 [ No.' 2 Ca Piny Whol+ lcest -- California Fruit in Heavy Syrup Panama and Costa Ric lu<trated hymu will be publ'e is invited. § ¢ Epworth League at 6 School at 9:45 a. m. Friday evening. Nov. JAMES J. KELLY, ~ SUPERVISOR, IS CRITICALLY ILL SERVICES OF THE | | ::ic« LOCAL CHURCHES .' ... James --J. Kelly, of 771 Oakwood avenue, Lake Forest, as{sistan.kfiéu-' pervisor from Shields township, And a member of the important road and bridge committee, is critically ill at the Lake Cou#grty--General hos: pital where he }Jas béen a patient for several days. His condition is such < that his daughters are At 'his bedside much of the time. ; # . Dr. Karl BecKk is no: certain as to the direct cause of the superyi-- sor's condition. He has been hem-- orrhaging from the stomach but Ras been too weak to have X--rays taken Within the next two days it «is believed that he will recover suffi-- cient strength to have the pictures taken. U'ntil then it will be impos sible to learn whether there are Condition of Lake Forest Board Member Worries | \ Physicians in Attendance any growths or not. [ Mf?. Kelly, during his long servK on the board, has spent much of h time fighting for an improved ro® svstem for the county. No A n Sliced 5 Can FIRST METHODIIST EPISCOPA! John E Delong, Pastor § Can ST. JOSHPH'S CATHOLIC LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1928. 10c Spinach **' * 10c Fruit Salad **" 12Ve Cherries * 3>" 10c Pineapple, Sliced 5* 29¢ 29¢ 19c¢ 25c 2BB2C 39¢ ) fe 15c rtain'ng of speakers, t considerable atten-- cture on "The High Soap Lima Beans Chili Sauce Kitchen Klenzer Domino Brown Sugar '/}, 9c Domino Powd. Sugar *'};_ 9¢ Domino Cube Sugar')'>. 21c Flour Sugar MARSHMALLOWS atsup COOKING APPLES 4 lbs. 25c Guaranteed Finest Made FRESH -- _ a recep Sunday )ptio--o_ The Union Jack is# an amalgamation on "of the flag of England (the red cross _i of St Georze), the flag of Scotinnd be | (the white diagonal cross of St. An day | drew), added in 1606, ang the flag of 20 C l(reland (the red diagona! cross of St. o. | Patrick) added in 11. 0 00 EXTRA FANCY GREENING per Ib. 19c CHRISTIAN SCIBNCE Auditorium Theatre. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Church Services at 10: 45 a. m.-- The subject for the Christian Sci-- ence service for this week is '"Mor-- tals and Immtortals." 1 & G, White Naptha 10 Bars for tion will be given in the church for the pastor and his wife. All mem-- bers and friends of teh church are invited. Sunday evening, Nov. 25, the Ep-- worth League will unite with the church in a service at 7 o'clock. N. Otto Nail, associate editor of the Epworth Herald, will give the ad-- dress. The league will hold a fellow-- ship bhour, with lunch, from 3 to 7. preceding this gervice. \ _A musical concert will be given in this church' on Sunday evening, Dec. 2, by musicians from Zion. _ © PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E; Smock, Pastor | Sunday School at 9: 45. Morning worship at 11. <~The pas-- tor will speak on "Hiding From God." . Young'people's meeting at 6:30. A cordial inviatfon to all services. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN W. H. Lehmann, Pastor Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. German service at 10:30 a. m. English service at 7:30 p. m. Sl'de lecture on Holy Land No 22 at 7:30 p. m. e 10 ST. LAWKENCE'S EPISCOPAL, Rev, E. P. Baker, Pastor Holy Communion Sunday mornit 8 0 Holy Mat rerJ! S T 1--8 Bbl. Sack Great Britain's Standard Granulatedq Pounds Better Bread Brand Harbaver 25¢ value .. MATHEW'S LUTHERAN 'HURCH FAIRFIELD hews Pairfield in B. & M. Brand No. 2 Can V ) Cers mmunion Harbauer 30¢ Valu« is cordially invited to vices of this church.' Avenue Libertyville liee at 10 a. m. in the evening Y our Nearest Store 605 Milwaukee Cans O 11 11 AI (WH wsermon k. with or A V INDEPENDENT CLASSIFIED ADS DO ALL THEY ARF SUPPOSED TO DO -- THEY GET RESULTS handsome dwelling., has long sinc* suffered at the hands of me and has been unoceupied formany years. Besides his sister, he is eurvived b. vne brother, John Welch of Chi-- cago. . The remains will lie in state at the White and Tobin funcral home tonight and ~Sunday. The funeral procession will leave the funeral home on Monday morning for the Immaculate Conception c h urch where services v'!l be held' at 9 ~'clock.~. L Passing of the deceased will brinz sorrow to coyntless friends and ac-- quaintances in the city and county. He had enjoyed g#good health up un-- til he was forced to take to his bed and the day before he was stricken with illness he had made his usual rounds to visit friends. ' Edward Welch, retired _ veteran' cabman, and a resident of Warke-- gan for all of his life of 73 years, passed away at the home of his sis--/ ter, Mrs. J. C. Merchant, at 415 Cory avenue, Friday night. (Death came after an illness of less than a week. B s% EDWARD WELCH, VETERAN CABMAN, TAKEN BY DEATH Old and Well Known Resident of Waukegan Passes Away, Last Night Synday and Monday, November 18 and 19 Make Wild Whoopee with -- AUDITORIUM THEATRE An ALFRED SANTELL the sensation of Hollywood WO "! just had time to grab his arm. He shook me off, and the two m went to it and | p:Qed right out cold." 'ro}?uction with ALICE WHITE A Firat National Picture Waike ~ _E Y f 5%&4 t "This story about the show business being dangerous for young girls is prop-- aganda for the em-- ployment agencres who are short of kitchen help." f1 "He said he was awfully _ sorry _ he frightened me and would 1 give him just one littlekiss. I started to cry." GIR! the hottest little wench that ever shook a scanty at a tired business man! "Whoopee, I'm feally in love. /