PAGE EIGHT A view of the'lounge room cheerfully and comfortably furnished for our customers' convenience. + The Kitchen Appliance Display--A Feature of the New Store. Modern cooking and refrigeration equipment has been installed here for demoristration purposes. Public Service Building, Libertyville, Hllinois LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1928 Milwaukee Arenue at Church Street Lamps may be exchanged, bills paid, and other business with the Company transacted at this new store. f Customers desiring to make this store their headquarters while shopping will find our.Jounge room comfortably furnished and equipped with a telephone,. The show room is devoted to attractive displays of lamps and electrical ap-- pliances designed to meet every.need of the home. A feature of the display is the kitchen appliance exhibit, fitted with the latest types of cooking, refriger« ation and labor--saving equipment. \'«':'QI ;.35{'? Krxd frek{ 's _ / 'l :95 Vor GCGreater Convenience to Customers PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Npecial RKitchen Appliance Display Theo. Blech, DBistrict Manager Milwaukee Avenue at Church Street, Libertyville Souventrs will be distributed at the formal opening of the store on Saturday, November 17th. You are cordially inviled to come in some time during the day and become acquainled with our new facilities for rendering service to residents of Ltbertyville and vicinily. . . During the week the store will be open from 8:30 to 6 o'clock, and Saturday evenings until 8:30. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS