WE ARE READY TO _ % ENROLL YOU )R IN OUR > i _ NEW CHRISTMAS CLUB : NOW FORMING. %s JOIN TODAY. gg R For Your Convenience -- fit R We Are Open Saturday Evenings Till 830 P. M. i LIBERTYVILLE f SAVMc$ -- BANK % Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Wihes ht Siet Siker Siter Siter Siaee wher winer caher saner wihor canar chhor thar u. ' INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. Libertyville, Illinois _ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Join today----you'll be suprised. how easy it will be to make the weekly depostits. and depositing a moderate sum each week. There is a class to suit every purposee. Weekly payments range from 10c to $20----which build up Christmas funds of $5.00 to $1,000. You can provide the necessary money for a (* worth--while Christmas celebration by joining , our | the Surely Christmas is no time for disappoint-- ments.© Here's a plan that banishes the possibil-- ity for next year. _ _ ' WHAT is more appealing than the children's supreme confidence at Christmas time? Santa Claus will bring them the presents they want! Lake County National Bank |~> t t CC e Santa Mfi' Claus Never Fails! -- 1929 CHRISTMAS CLUB Sollt i) B ]] AUDITORIU M Character and _ Acrobatic. Call 423M Monday, Wednesday and Friday Between 2 p. m. and 4 p. m. The postoffice will be closed all day Thanksgiving. There wi'll be no delivery of mail, either in the village or on the rural routes. o s x z& Lz L ZZ L The children of the Rondout schaol will give a dramatization of Hiawatha at the school house Wed:-- nesday evening, Nov. 27. Mrs. John Daley, of Wauconda who is seriously ill, is being attend ed by Dr. J. L Taylor, of Liberty ville Mrs. Dora Young and -- daught« Mrs. Frank Appley have return« from a week's visit with relatives low a. 4 Olaf Johnson ceiving medical Lake County G CHARLIE Tuesday and > Wednesday, December 4 and 5 GEORGE BANCROFT, BETTY COMPSON and BACLANOVA,in 66 A regular drama. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kennedy. are Memori the parents of a baby girl born Wed-- at 8:30 nesday, Nov. 22. iness on Loves Of An Actress Thursday, Friday November 29 and 30 _ Edward Brixow and family were Chicago callers Thursday. A receftion was held at the Meth odist church Friday e ening for Reyv and Mrs. Delong. Mrs. Elmer Laurence is entertain ing a sister from Wisconsin. Mrs. Maude Lusk is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Ida Green of Kau-- kauan, Wis. Mrs. Earl Kaiser and two daugh ters from Tennessee are visiting at Charles Kaieer home. DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM The romance of a French mamselle. Mrs. Raymond -- De Hoag, Mre Charles Bernard and Mrs. Mark Ne ville were Chicago visitors Tuesday Lillian Joy Seiwert George Wehrenberg Jr., is on the sick list. Friday, Nov. 30, theére will be a health talk and demonstration at the Methodist church at 8 o'clock. "Mademoiselle From Armentieres" Group No. 2 of t ~ Methodist church will meet with Mrs. Earl langworthy Friday afternoon. 66 "Sally's Shoulders" The Docks Of New December 6 and 7 CLARA BOW and RICHARD ARLEN in "W i n g s" ADMISSION 25c and 50c First Show Starts at 6:45. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and us, of Wauconda, were Libertyville 4tors last Saturday. December 2 POLA NEGRI!I Thursday Girl Shy Cowboy Saturday, Dec., Sunday with LOIS WILSON and HUNTLEY GORDON BEATRICE BURTON'S novel of the jazz regime, 2 medical treatment at County General hospital. Also cartoon comedy Review LIBERTYVILLE THEATRE REX Mr. and Mrs. Ney Lahb old fashioned ----Also-- CHAPLIN son, Libertyvill« Also-- and F BELL LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 Monday c 2 and 3 Friday Fable. in Y¥ ork COMEDY in western 99 99 Mr ha the ' Waukegan police report the co!-- lsion of two cars, one drive'h by Bes-- se Whitmore, Libertyyville, and the other by Ray Harms, 127 Washing-- iton street, Waukegan, in Waukegan | on County street, about 7:15 o'clock | last Thursday night. --_ BUY AND BUILD , Libertyville's Scenic Subdivision B. H. Miller G. C. Gridley Phones 57 and 93 Phones 45 and 157 In Emma A. Wehrenbersz, of Liberty-- ville last Friday sued her husband, Ralph, {or divorce, in the circuit court, charging cruelty. She claims he bhurt her neck trying to pull her from an awtomobile a year ago. They were married in Mundelein March 24. 1926. The Joseph A. Melloy Construction Company of Libertyville, has just completed a big job in laying@ sewer ma ns in the Thorn subdivi--ion at Autiochk. and has started work cn a similar job in Craig subdivision in the same village. -- court, for failure to children. The court pay JAhis ex--wife $144 cited in M. and Mrs. F. P. Dymond, 130 W. Maple Ave., left Tuesday night for Jackson, Minn., where they will eat Thanksgiving dinner with relatives. clled in tLie Ccir zan Monday to shou!ld not be H. H. Wehrenberg, Art Meyers and Frank Dietz returned--home Friday night, from a hunt'ng trip in the vi-- cinity of Beardstown. All thre2 got their quota in ducks. W. E. Decker returned the first of the week from his annual trip down state, where he spent several days ut his fayorite sport shooting quails and ducks. at 8:30. This will be a regular bus-- iness meeting followed by a short program. Mr. and Mrs. James Weart, 320 Wright Court, are spending Thantks-- giving in Oconomowoc, Wis.. at the home of Mr. Weart's parents. Mrs. Charles Wehrenberg enter-- tained the la@dies' five hundred club Thursday afternoon. A pleasant time was enjoyed by all as Mrs. Wehrenberg is a charming hostess. The next me«ting of the Village Players, Libertyville dramatic or-- ganization, will be held at Cook Memorial library Tuesday evemtag COPELAND MANOR the festivities M Distinguished paper with The latest only good In The Etiquette of Stationery 1€ Phone 55 Decker & Neville A SYMPHONY tter white Judgme exall Store for $1.25 Per and If, of Libertyville, was ircuit court at Wauke-- to show cause why he e held in contempt of lure to provide forh's e _court ordered him to correct acclaims {abric and nt modish tints Box Libertyville LA W N ' finish. best is social your Wauke-- / fecet spe ri it id f1 ~ George and David JenKins, broth-- ers, resid'ng on Sunset Drive, Liber-- tyvlle, were arraigned before Justice Wil!'s Overholzer at Mundelein on Wednesday morning of this week, following their arrest the night be-- fore when they got into trauble at the big dinner and dance held at the De'tz Rest Haven Stables at Ivanhoe Tuesday night. The two men were brought to Libertyville that night and enjoyed Marshal Limberry's hos-- pitality the remainder of the night | in one of the cells at the village| nall. They were returned to Munde-- | tein Wednesday morning when they l each deposited $100 bonds, and the | case was continued until Saturday | morning at * o'clock. f Mrs. L. J. Wertzler, chairman of tie Red: Cross here, today urged ev-- ery Ked Cross worker in this district to get the'r collectiong and member-- shins to her at once. The 'we'l'fthu annual roll call closes Thanksgiving day, and the chairman must make 'her returns to beadquarters _ soon therea'ter. James B. Forgan, chnai~-- man of the Chicago chapter asks a whirlwind finish to the campaign and bring in every posible membership lberore clos'ng time. The campaign has been a success, and lndlcquons point to the fact that the goal for this distrct will be reached. men elected to places on the board: Glen Hoskins, Max Kohnes, Frank Tulley, G. C. Gridley, B. H. Miller, W.F. Franren. R. W. Churchil!, Paul MacGuffin and Clyde Leesley. The election followed the opening of the meeting with 'a dinner. H: D. Aylsworth, Oak Spring Rd was elected president of the Liber tyville Country Club at+ the annual meeting held at the Par'sh hous» last "hursday evening. Ross Triggs was chosen vice president: O. J. Bo'.m was selected as secretary, and C O Crr'son was named treasurer in the balloting which followed the vo't» for president A board of directors which, with the officers, governs the club, was named. with the fo'ow ng Bill Fendick received by mail this wreek, trom an unknown friend & per-- fect specimen of the owl family. Bill is recognized as quite a pet fancier, and for some t'me has owned a par-- rot, canary birds, various kinds of frogs and fords, not forgetting the famous bull dog. But what to do with the ow!l puzzles him. . Grant Lusk maintains it is the same OW that has been hooting for Hoover tmhe past three or four months. He did not think the owl would survive this long, as he has been seen in the v'cinity of Charley Dyer's home. Any how, Bill is open to 'suzgestions {from anyone versed in owlogy. Ne Word was given out at the high school this week that 12 men have been selected from the footbail squad by the athletic association as win-- ners of the offcial letters awarded each year by the assic ation. The following have been designated as winners of letters:-- Harvey Grimes Everett Tromblee, Shed Tromblee, Herman Albrecht, Alvin Sage, Harry Rouse, Herman Amann, Robert Hen-- dee, Lowell Foulke, -- Wayne Gratz, Henry Thomas and Richard Litch-- field. Suge, who performed at rigat end, has been named as captain of the 1929 team. Yard Phone 415 YARDS: 123 E4 LIBERTYYILLE CEMENT WORKS Grant Lusk was one of the lucky ones at the turkey drawing at the big bazaar given by St. Mary's par-- ish of Fremont Center at Ivanhoe Tuesday night. Grant had one ticket and took a fine turkey home with him. Jewelry and Gift Shop. The Home of Gifts That Are Different. Charles Harden, an aged and highly respected resident of Antioch passed away in the Lake county hos-- pital Wednesday, Nov. 21, after an extended illness due to old age. He had been an inmate in the hospital for a month. He was $4 years of age. His death will bring sorrow to a large circle of friends. Home of WATERSEAL Roofing WITHOUT OBLIGATION ASK FOR INFORM A. TION AND SsPECIFICA.-- TIONS FREE Tloirloom Plate with SATURDAY, DECEMBER FIRST America's Finest Tableware. McDonald's rom (Gen The Harriet Beauty noe 415 A. NAGEL, Manager. Residence Phone 165J 123 EAST COOK AVE. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!IS The full line o Announcement e Harriet Dress St For Juniors QUALITY (Generat tor FOR of dresses, glov 420 N. Milwaukee In Connection WK riend a per-- family. Bill pet fancier, ' wned a par-- is kinds of getting the what to do ' im Grant ' + sam+ O W for Hoover ' onths He ; uld survive seen in the ' _ home. Any ! stions from ' & Spring RAd. . $ the Liber ! the annual ' h house»e last ' Triggs was ' . _ J. Boe'.m ' 4 wluq on F\ ... Br will CONCRETE BLOCKS TTER open Thomas Strang, civil war veteran and for many years postmaster at Wadgworth, was brought back from Flomnda last week, and is now at the hospital at the Old Soldiers' Home in Milwaukee, for treatment. Mr. Strang was considerably improved when he returned from Florida, but no word h&s been received of his condwrion since entering the hospital in Milwaukee a week ago. . CARD OP THANKS ... Sincere thanks are extended to the friends, relatives and neighbors for the beautiful floral and spiritual of ferings, and the kindness ard <ympa-- thy shown in their gorrow for our dear beloved mother, Rebecca 1. son. 'The Brockmann, Hartmaun _ And Bilsop Families: Tdt George Lawrence, who is confined to Condell Memorial Ahospital with blood po soning, ig slightly improved according to: word from Dr. M. D. Pennéey, who is attending him. Mr. Lawrence suffered blood poisoning as a result of a scratch received on one of his hands while hunting two weeks ago. He was at his some ser-- iously ill, but a week ago Sunday it was dgecided to move hm to the hos-- pital: where he could receive . the best care and medical attention. Hermance Wheeler, genial old soldier, celebrated his 86th b rthaday last Saturday, by remaining at home and passing the day in much the same manner as any other. Mr. Wheeler was down town Wednesday morning of this week, with a cheery word for all his friends. '""K"flfl'mmmfiflfimfdflflfiflflmflflm Mrs.: Clara Taylor, 213 Park Pliace,| left Sunday for San Benito, Texas, } where she expects to remain for the winter months. | _ JOLN S CERISIMAS gloves, hose and undies NomEes Avenue ith Telephone 45 BY joining the Christma« savings Club you set for your self a regular schedule of weekly depo;'[ts of a fixed sum, thus making for regular-- ity and a continually increas-- ing sum. Shop Shop REASON 1 TILES MADE -- | IN 'any CoLOoR' aAND ' IN ANY qQvaNTITY #" * :*W";:"hp'" e 2M 7 # "/' First National Bank ....Public notice is hereby given that School District No. 120 of the Town-- sh'p of Libertyyville, will receive sealed bids on Monday, December 10, 1928, at 7:30 p. m., at the High School, for the construction of an addition to the presgent building. ac-- NOTICE OF RECEIVING BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE LIBERTY-- VILLE T O W N S H I P HIGH SCHOOL, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL-- NOIS. s jcy-- . e ms1 # / -- _ y c Psd t , -';:"."fq + '}f;*)'" To mu'n ies ing ;) "LuF h ) V 7. A_A/ d Mene_--_____*~ . 4 y \x(\ ':',".&',. \( 9($> pigens & ':'/ Wb ( V * 2 <or>,~ Savings A« HP off L € m©ot on REASON 2 There is pleasure in knowing you have the best. There is satisfaction in know-- ing that B--T Radio will cost you less in the end--it can't help givins$ you greater enjoy-- ment in the meantime. design,--it has features found in no other Radio. Bremerfully -- has set a new stvle in radio FRANK H. EGER TELEPHONE 17 SAVINGS CLOB 0 CO ¥ all you this bank MODFEFL 7--71 Let us show you OE put into PADIO ils you LIBERTYVILLE, ILL mas wWITH Christmas shopping will be staring you in the face, you'll have a nice little reserve of cording to the plans and specifica-- ' tions of John A Scribbins, Archi-- f |tect, Glencoe, Illinois. A coertified check for.five »er cent of the bid |must accompany all bids. Plans may be secured from the arthitect or w |.'rom the office of the High School. w Dated this 22nd day of November 1928. School District No. 12%0, IMKke County, Illinois. By: L E. GOLDING, Presid@tt® GLADYS J. LOVELL, Secretary. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. h to turn to REASON 3 ychological mom i expenditures fo PAGE FIVE 13 ol