Ry INDIAN BRIDES PAID FOR WITH CARS, NOT HORSES Osages of Oklahoma Strike up New Custom to Fit Mod-- ern Times, Is Report PAGE TEN ARE WEALTHY PEOPLE Fairfax, Okla.--The ancient sys# ; . t tem of tribal marriage in the Osage ', . My husband takes the baby 201 Indian nation has assumed a new ' 'ig" sun "to get him tanned."-- aspect * blushing bride, after the families had arranged for the marriage, de-- manded a certain head of horses for the hand of his daughter. Now the "horse giving idea" is a thing of the past and the bride's father seeks the latest model of au-- tombbile--and he always happens to pick out a high priced one. Some-- times he has his prospective son--in-- law purchase an ambulance for him to ride arourd in. together with their entourage set up camp at a distance not more than a qyuarter of a mile away. At the groom's camp a great feast is prepared and placed on the ground on a specital canvas. But the groom is strangely absent. At sundown some ancient squaw of the tribe, especially chosen for the purpose will emerge from a tert and emit loud calls in the tribal language which translated into FEng:-- lish asked the groom to come into the camp that the bride is soon to This action is being frowned upon by the Indian department who keeps a watchful eye on the braves' funds and eMorts have been made to dis-- courage the trtbal form of marriage. Insist on Custom But the tribal leaders refuse to abolish the traditional custorm and threaten to take the matter up with the "Great White Father" at Wash-- ington. An Osage wedding is wierd an«d U pon the arrival of the groom, the bride's camp is notified and the bridesmaids adorned in gorgeous finery come out of the tent of the bride, carrying her in a blanket, be-- ing careful that she does not touch Hindenburg and Ludendorff{ Split; Revolution Blamed on President International News Service Staff Correspondent . International News Service Staff Correspondent + Berlin--President von Hindenburg and Gen. Erich Ludendorff, the two German "war lords" who together won the famous battle of Tannen-- berg and later became commanders-- in--chief of all the German armies and virtual dictators of Central Eu-- rope, have definitely come to & part-- ing of their ways. An open attack on Hindenburg has been launched by Ludendorff's personal organ. the Deutsche Woch-- enschau," which is the publication of the '"Tannenberg league" of which Ludendor#f's telegram to Hinden--; burg were merely acknowledged by' State Secretary Meissner, and when | Gen. yon Bronsart, titular head ot' the "Tanneberg League," sought to interview with Hindenburg about this it was refused. The letter of refusal said that "if your excellency should really believe--that Gen. Lu-- dendorft's lifte is in danger the pres-- m the reich suggests that the 1 be submitted to the Bavar-- lan minfftry of justice." R Luderdortt "Slandered" ® "The ruling press," the Deutsche | MNWochenschau compiaias, "seconds ; course. That Ludendor? did all the work, created all the magnificent strategic pians, and won a'll the battles, while Hindenburg "silently permitted the world to celebrate as his own work the deed of Ludendorff's genius which had created Hindenburg's and for the abdication of the former kaiser by remaining silent in the critical days preceding the revolu-- tion and letting events take their Ludendort has long been waging a single--handed war against Jews, Catholics and Free Masons whom he characterized as the three "super-- national" powers that plotted the war and are responsible for Ger-- many's defeat. 4 dismissal, and that just now he has permitted a "new slander campaign" against Ludendorff by a new silence to the latter's call to him to "rid The attacks is the result of Hin-- denburg's' fefusal to take any no-- tice of a telegram from Ludendorff in which the latter charged that the Free Masonic lodge "To the Rising sun" had decteed _ Ludendorff's death and had sent him a "murder sentence" because LudendorN® had revealed all their secrets "and their crimes." renutation." + That Ludendorff's dismissal by the former kaiser Oct. 26. 1918, was the ignal for the German revolution; that MHindenburg could have pre-- vented it, but that he preferred to re-- main silent again. -- That Hindenburg did nothing to check the attacks and "slanders" against Ludendor® after the latter's President Silent "His silence is his deed," the'pa per says. i CGermany of the criminal pest of the Free Masons." ne _ lannenberg league .udendorff is the patron In this attack, coming he tenth anniversary' of )oinsibl T That H By JACK A. BRADBURY, past years the father of the By 0. D. TOLISCHUS, )f 1918, the paper charges: 'ler, 1 Makes Charges leade Hindenburg was in effect ree ing G e for the German revolution ; _ "W the abdication of the former lowin on Hindenburg by Ludendorff's Deutsche Woch-- he publication of just before the stirring _ sible." | "Well, basn't Aannt' Carolsn a | bird in a cage, anod how did she poget it?" . Husband =»« Wife the ground, and proceeds to the groom's camp There is no minister to pronounce the marriage ceremony. The tribal chieftain from his place at the head of the table gives the signal to eat and when the feast is ended the two are man and wife. WHAT DOES YOUR HUSBAND pO1 "It reminds; me of a story. _ A man was traveling in New Mexlco, and in a little town embowered in palms and fowers the mayort seemed to be quite a character. . He held --all the ofices--judge, cor-- oner, police captain and so forth-- and whatever> turned up to be done, be was there to do it. The way ritch transgressors man-- age to keep oyt of jJail led Governor Martineau of| Arkansas to say in Little Rock : "'Higginson, by the way, sbeak over to the roulette parlor and tell Pon Joan I want to try him for that murder case.'" Little Margaret was found play-- Ipg in the back yard with her grandmother's best salt shaker. Margaret's mother asked what she was de.ng. "Surely you don't think you can sprinkle salt on a bird's tail and eatch it?"' the mother said. "After lunch, as be and his guest sat smeoking in the garden, be turned to his cler'k and said : _ replied. "But Mr. B---- told us kids that we could sprinkle salt on a bird's tail and catch it and he wouldn't tell a lie for no bird," .Margaret Insisted. ;-- + At several later meeting Hinden-- burg and Ludendorff still shook hands, but did not exchange a word. At the unveiling of the Tannen-- berg monument on the battlefteld of Tannenberg, East Prussia, last year, however, Ludendorff refused to stand on the presidential plat-- form, ostensibly on the ground that "civilian" * mefhibers oi the "revolu-- tionary" -- government. . were -- also The paper also claims that if Lu-- dendorff's advice had been followed before the war, Germany would not have been éaught short of troops when the war did come, and that it Ludendorf had been at the side of chief of the general staff from the beginning, "he would have never per-- mitted the retreat from the Marne; this< great decisive battle would bave been a victory for Germany-- with Ludendorff!" The paper adds: "It was the greatest tragedy in the life of his n:jelt,v the kaiser that he recognized nelither the sur-- passing qualities of Ludendorff. nor the sinister infiuence of the slaves of the snjer--national powers sur-- roundipg him," Matrimeny ends some careers and alimony Is the heginning of others.--New York Telegram. "civilian" 'members o. the "revolu« tionary" -- government. . were -- also standing there. In following up this attack, the Deutsch Wochenschau quotes Hin-- denburg as having said, when the slanders against Ludendorff. were brought to his attention : "I .know nothing of these press slanders; I read only the Kreuzetung tan ultra--monarchist paper) and there "nothing of them in it." Regatding Ludendorf's dismissal, the paper says the former kaiser sald to.him on Oct. 28. 1918: "You will do me a favor it you go I must create for myself a new em pire with the aid of the Social Dem detats." to #HAd strength and help in his plight----but there was nothing!' in hopeless silence stood the great old man and permitted the fate of his king and master to fulfill itself." It 'quotes the former German crown -- prince's description of this scene: Remained Silent "The kgiser's eyes sought the eyes of the field marshal as if he wanted a /\ "Why, Margaret, that's impo®s Begnning and End going to catch a bird,' Catching a Bird Lax Justice she tTRERTYVILLE TNDEPENDENT. THUORSDAY. Decorated Furniture Our Decorated Furniture is very distinctive. Every article is a product of the worlds best man-- ufacturer--and will add greatly to your home. A very desirable gift. . 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