EVERY ARTICLE WRAPPED IN A GIFT PACKAGE READY TO PUT ON CHRISTMAS TREE. OUR GIFT SHOP HA3 THOUCANDO OF GUITAILE OI". FOR EVERYONE BREAD TRAYS AN IXCELLENT GIFT FOR NOTIR, WIFE OR MOTHER, 03.00 AND UP BRACELET WATCHES 312.00 TO $95.00 GONE SPEC1ALS AT $37.50 CIGARETTE CASES AND LIGHTERS MAKE EXCELLENT GIFTS F MESH BAGS ALL REDUCED IN PRICE, $1.50 AND UP A SILVER GRAVY BOWL WILL MAKE THE CHR!8TMA8 DINNER BETTER at 2:30 p. m. 37 S Bring your letter, ii telling Santa what g g you want and got a it tt gift fromHIM. ' , BANJO AND OTHER CLOCKS FOR THE HOME CUFF LINKS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED GIFT SHOP Saturday, Dec. 15, PAGE POUR 'dll be back again at Y ._ 'k - "a E PU, McDONALD'S JEWE)LRY and HELLO gr--------------"MM"MMMMM KlDDlES ii What To Give "Him" GIFTS FOR EVERYONE tiii-ii-i,, ...4 _ 1, fi, I' we (lil ijl.lt Word has been received here of the death at Urbana, Wednesday of Mrs. Annie Alcock Baird. at the age ot 73 years. Death was due to pneu- monfa. Mrs. Baird was born near Wadsworth bat later lived on s tam located on the present site ot Zion. She and her husband sold this farm to the late Dr. Dowie when Zion was established. They then moved to Urbana to educate their children. Mrs. Baird's husband and a daugh. ter, Grace, died a few years Mo. Several brothers of the deceased live in the vicinity ot Wadsworth. She leaves the following children.: 'Esther, who lives at home, Mrs. \Neilie McPheeters ot Champaign, FORMER RESIDENT DIES m URBANA i PURE SILK HOSIERY-black "limraieaKaatisK-t%rirat$iP4l'airai$limmet'A"etraF1' SERVICES OF THF J. B. MORSE & CO. All Goods Wrapped In Attractive Boxes SHIRTS-of the finest Broad- cloth and striped Madras. Plain colors or in keen combinations. Neck band or collar-attached styles; priced at Mt-tm-t ---'"---'-----rs FUR-LINED GLOVES-A gift H E 600 will appreciate; for, ' _.- -__---_- __'-",, PAJAMAS OF BROADCLOTH- $2.50 ---silk braid trimmed---colorful -7 --ot warm fuutnelette these cold winter nights. sizes from A to D. And values tor-- NATTY PAJAMAS weaves for formal wear, "In gray and tan capeskin or <uede All slzeav - $950 WARM BATH ROBES-. in col orful mixed weaves-for 'elephone l4 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. LINED GLOVES-- Q A Splendid Assortment of Shirts He'd Like "Everything For big for All FANCY PATTERNED HOSIERY-. azlk and wool in Stripvd a checked effects: oaly--- Hi., John ot Albion, Mich. and Mrs. Ethel Weaver of Harrisburg. Ill. Funeral Saturday at 1:30 o'clock at the Zion M. E. chur.ch with inter. ment In Lake Mound cemetery. John Basick and family narrowly escaped serious injury when their car skidded on the. Glenview bridge Sunday and crashed through the railing. A forty foot drop was avpided when the .car caught on a timber. James Laycock. Jr., who was returning from Chicago brought Mrs. Buick and the children home while John re ained to help extri- cate the ear. "t Mrs. Joseph Bond entertained Miss Hattie Otto and her cousin, Miss Esther Pagil of, Gary. Ind., Sunday. They motored to Munde- Mn and visited the Walter Popel family in the afternoon. ' (101 Ma GOOD- LOOKING TIES ---beautifully pat- terned with silky- l'oukinf: Rayon on fine fabric; satin trimmed. In very attractive colors--. gttgugtggtgarqteqttatrgtratateatm" strsttstgstggttgttatgaimmmatat" LOUNGING ROBES u 75c LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928 DD . stripes Hand made .50 l- $103 .50 Per Pair or .00 50 Mn. 3mm. Sumerpki, Mrs. pow" (teu',',,',',';,,,", and In. Mun luau, mo. tored to Spnuldinn Corner- Month: land attent the at, with "In"... Mr. and Mrs. James Wear-t. Jr., spent Thanksgiving " Oeonomowac, Wis.. with Mr. Weart'l parents. Miss Effie Long of Karma: City, Mo., In spending a few weeks with her brother 3nd family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long. io. hill. Tm-MI 13'. Mr. and Mrs. M. Stall of Lincoln, Ill, arriw-vl Monday for an oxtvnd- ml Us" with tholr tlauehtor, Mrs. Sum" Summons: and dauehter. Mr, and Mrs. F'. H. Steele and two WM ot Ko-wanpo. Ill., were Thanks- 'tivinrr,c't"'s't_ at the"? J. Writrht harm's Mrs. Steele, formerly Evelyn Trhzzn, Is a sister of Mrs. Wright and also of Rosa Triggs. Mr. and Mrs. Lester [Anders are vismimr the latter':, brothers, Oscar Kaiser, of Juliet and Harry of Loeb port, this week. Mr and Mrs T, Welch and Mr. and Mrs Hwnry Numson More Watt. Io-un \lulturs Saturday. Mr and Mrs. H. Numson were 'he- '1an Of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Swim ht Waukegan Sunday. Mr mu! Mrs. John Nirklott and mu Hm! Mrs Charles Ward vlsitr'd hivnde at 111itertt §nriuzs Sunday. Trr-uri' I) ('iisctsy ik vory ill at hor " -m~ in Oak "iVrraco. HM daurth. Miss lterliw- Laymrk and .ramlri'y, _ Jr mrv ('b!riteovic,itoru Sunday. I Mr and Mrs, Harry Grinnell and Mrs ""WW .cuttwrukl, Mrs "E'sistvr ot Kankakee, were the guests Sumt'rki and Mrs Mnry Mason of Guy Grinnell over the week-end. "mm "Ruth-ram vi'itura Monday I Mrs. Orrio Meyers and daughter Plait-no.- limrh of Prairie View Ilernita visited relatives in Chicago calls." on his; slum. Mrs James uwr tho wosk-end. Matotis-ek 4"va Timmna Mer Mr. and Mrs. Br" Lusk of Wauke. Mum-k of (Wham, a hrothor of can, spent Sunday with his sister. Jnmow. mm also a guest Mrs."I'homas Varney and family. Mrc. ll--nry MNinhrink entertnln- Mrs. H. Drake and children spent ml tho imlim' aid of tho Lutherti'h'Thanksgiving with Mn Drake at church Thursday afternoon. The Wauaauhew Wig. . nftvrnnmt was spent playing bunco.| Mrs. Kate Mather spent the past Mrs. Joseph Moira" was awarded, week with the Albert Mather family. tho tint priro. Mrs. ulster Danton! Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bockleman and Mrs William Kunkn tho con-.and daughter Blanche, visited rela- mlatinn A delicious luncheon was then here Sunday. . _ ssit'iid by the hostess. . l Mn. Alva Leighton of Janeaville. Mr' and MN. Henry Miaenbri k|Wia.. visited her sister, lira. Roy visited rt-lutlws at (:rayslake '9l'nTll"tu', and family Sunday. Sumc-r'ki and Mrs y wwro Wuukvrran visitor, Phi-onco- Univ!) ot F milk-d nn his sister, Matunwk Shanda)" T hmsnk of Human. a Jamow. was also a guest John tit belong. Putor "Blbla- View; of Things to Come" ls the sablect for Sunday morning at 11 o'CIM'k. We welcome strangers to our church. and cordially Invite you to come and worship with tlu Fin-mm: subjwt at 7:30, "Human Nature n the Bible.' Tho FYworth League moo-ts at 6-30 an! tho» Sunday school" 9:15. Tho Mbslt'rnary Society wiil mo-Pt 'rt-lay. vambvr ll. With Mrs. W' I' Hubble Mrs Elmer Pope will l'v".l0'" lml" K's "Th" Son of Man." Tm. o.'.'lcial Board will mvvt at Lat everyone tord the habit of attend as some rellglous serum" on Sunday: ' Plonerrs meet at 1 p m mm trrpurr meets at 6'30 p, m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev Guy E. Smock. Pasta: Sunday vaool at 9:4:5 a. nr Morning worshlp M ll. The pastor will spuak on "He'ieahng God to "1m: Tin- older choir "Ll hold a. rum-arm! Fridpy (4'0ng at ?3. The )muutvr boyss' club Will meet Mon. day tuning in the parish house at 7. The younger Mrls' club mews Tues, day "ve:1.ltut at I'.. The older gxris' club tttr-et) Tuesday waning at 7. Thmr boys' club weds Wednes. day owning It 7 In the parish house. The'publtc ls Curmaliy-inuted to partcipat" 'n the work and worship r. and "H. .Inmv: 31:1")an wore ",1, "trt vicitorc sundtty. Mr and Mrw John Plums-r. who v0 lbw-n visltine Mrs. P. C. Wach- r. rMur'wd In their home m Moro- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Auditorium Theatre. Suuxhy school 119130 a. m . Cnulcn Seniors at 10:45 n. m Tho a 'bjo't't tor this "owk is "God the UH'KCRUHQ- and Creator" ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Noam. Pastor First Man at (:30 n. m.; Second Mus m 8 n. m.; Third Nu. m , a. m; Fourth Nu. m 10 n. m. Fox Lake Golf and Country club is now building a new clubhouse, which will be ready for occupancy early next summer. The building is to be constructed of tile and stucco and will have every convenience per tinent to club houses. Officers elected at the annual meeting this week were Arthur Gar. dener, president; C. w. Lehmann, vice president; H, Robinson, Jr., sec- rotary. 30% E. H. White, treasurer. Directors c osen were G. P. Landry, G. A. Paulsen. A. H. Franzen. E. R. Tweed, F. F. Stanton, T. G. Crilly, L. W. Brydges and W. J. Stratton. FOX LAKE WILL BUILD CLUBHOUSE The course. one mile north of the town of Fox Lake, 13 now in 'lts fifth year and is regarded as one of the best In any of the lake districts. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL LOCAL CHURCHES Additional Locals .KAlrh HPIW " F' a Sends and mm y. vsmcuxm}. ST. JOHN'S HTML-IRAN W. H. Lehman), Parlor gtt M O ak" (in)? "Ho-lulu!" \lru. [war on School at 9 or choir will meet in the w a! 7 o'clock Friday 1-w- ' older choir M11 hold a. Hoard will mm Shimmy owemnx: and tts? the run rracp. "Pr ( Hurdlr'k from uard Blurry and P, Matortcik wore I-ZI'ISFOI'AL _ l'acstor ' nda) mun m always cor K at R model, Mrs. Jeannette Johnson ot North Human, spot the wwk-ond with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank were. . Miss Bernice Laycock and Donald (F'ink spent Sunday at the home ot' 'the farmer's uncle, John Laycock,, Sn. in Chicago. I', lor ODIGI'VIUOD Ina treatment. nor 7 7 q P, , PG , '2 .54 , " IG condition mm mm LG7ltimrrl'tC,ttiatttattiattaittattattatNtNliNtNtNtt" " - r Mrs. Frank Druba, who has been suffering from rheumatism we: tatt. en to the Elizabeth Condell hospital tor obserution end tmtment. Her Mrs. Henry Numaen entertained the 500 club Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Tritz was awarded the prize tor the highest score. J. J. ilvrringiun of Round Lake, district manger of the Mystic Work- vrs. was here to attend the meeting 'l'uo-sday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wisinbrlnk, \isitwl Grayslako rvlulivos Sunday. 'I'hu Mystic Worker lodge No. 131 met in regular session. followed by u bunco party. , Miss Union Morse was the guest of Mius Ctwil Murphy of Chicago, ovur the week-end. W. A. Nichols and Fear Wells re- turnml Sunday from a ten days hunting trip in soutlwrn Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ayers were the guests of Chicago relatives Sun- lay. -Mr. and Mrs. O'Toole of Winnet. ka, wt're Sunday callers at the T. J. Wertzler home. Mrs. bee Ames and son Ralph re- turned lo their home at Athens, WIS., Monday after visiting friends" here. and at Mundelein tho past week. Mrs. Chas. Renard and Mrs. Mark Neville Wore Waukegan shoppers anlu)'. , Wm. Decker returned Monday from a hunting trip through south- rrn Illinois. . Thw ant-moon Bridge club met at tho name of Mrs. J. T. Clark Mom day. _ _-, LI r * _ G - /d ---- fimF--W a \ /.. 1fi'(siiiiii' T, ' 'tll18. A- 1 ~- 1'P.LtLadfLruL1'lPfiiV "1' ' ilrrtesc"'iite; i?; "Y (f:hti.i 1 sii"i,"'ioidi'T for your purpose Class 50: " #721: ' 25.00 Class 100 ".r. 1.l. ' 50.00 Class200 C:-'...': ' 100.00 ClassSOO "115?, ' 250.00 Class 1000 'f."'.,'.' S $00.00 Class2000 tvi'. $1000.00 Special Class rc".',"",:','.", ' . HER HS the Cltlt, af, And many other aurarnve plans by which you may hare anv desired sum . . . 121135? V! In. 131 '3 'ud by i, care, it, Work- . noting " North with Frank )onald me ot' ycock, tained' . . M. A. " the I been I tatt. b.9118! "e,, I s v19) u A NAlMlllil su'-,.,,, / ,, ___,,--,-]"::':"')):-',,,,,,':!!:)"':.)? 35% 5'. :axxafigafifiafiafigggaggggfigafly §CHRISTMAS~IS Hryiu:/('i-', LIBERT YVILLE 'l DAN E. WINN, Manager Telephone 108 LIBERTY) ' 'Repainted andReconditioned Auto. mobiles of all makes and models with thousands of miles of unused transpor- tation waiting your' choice. _ WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING T (iii)",")): 17 l F1 _ Visit our Show Room and view the many Goodwill Aargains we now have on hand. ' GOODWILL USED CARS ' _ Nash Two-Door Buick Touring l Pontiac Two-Door Sedan Cadillac Coupe. 5-Passenger Pontiac 4-Door Demonstator Qldsmobile Coupe Two Ford Coupes Overland Six, 2-Door Sedan Nash Roadster Oakland 2-Door Sedan State Bank of Mundelein DO YOUR SHOPPING a? Jaw "iiiitriiiiiriircs'iii'ii F" V I? LUDLOW MOTOR CO. l] Xi? td (any; // m1 Picture the joy and utter satisfaction of receiving a big, fat check just in time for next Chyisitrnasl. . . . plenty ofready cash to meet all your holiday obligations and supply the things you have always hoped for, but couldn't afford . . . a club exactly Suited to your requirements is now form- ing. Start at the beginning and get the full benefit. Come in today and join! I That Big Check Will Come In Handy Next Xmas In One Of Our r " A Club for Every 151" Purse and Purpose '5 "pf,',";") TRUST & SAVINGS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. I am" a BANK /,:,.2;J st at L'i #,i IA