CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Dec 1928, p. 6

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INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. PAGE SIX THREE MILES WEST OF GRAYSLAKE AND 8 MILES NORTHWEST OF LIBER- TYVILLEYON Rt. 20 (Belvidere Rd.) on AUCTION MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 Good Buildings. A real opportunity to buy at your own price, either to farm or as an investment. Easy terms made known on day of sale. Farm will be sold at 2 p. m. 127 ACRE FARM Public Sale! TERMS OF 8ALtt---A11 sums of $25 and under. cash; over that mount 1 credit of " months will be given 'on good banknble notes bearing T per cent Interest. No goods to be removed un- til nettlet' toriith the clerk. LUNCH SERVED AT NOON FRED can", Auctlonm CHARLES WRIGHT, tiire 5 Sets Heavy Teaming Harness 1 Set Parm Harness 1 Light Driving Harness 3 Single Harnesses [Western Stddle 10 Pairs Feed Bags Mo Horse Collars. 18 to 25 ink 4 Strigh Dump Wagon 2 Heavy Teaming Gears ' Fnrm Wagons ' Dagger attachment , Pump Jacks and Belts 1 Tractor Hitch for Grn. Binder 1 8-see. Spring Tooth Harrow 1 2-bot. John Deere Plow l Double Disc 1 motion Harrow , MeCortniiek Corn Binder. 1 bearing Grain Binder The undersigned will offer for sale at pub- lie auction, on the Sears Farm, on Route 20 (Belvidere Road) 8 miles west of Wau- Kegan, 2 miles east of Grayslake, 416 miles north of Libertyville, commencing at 1.0 o'cldck a. m., on l4-HEAD OF CATTLE-l4 HIGH GRADE BROWN SWISS 3 HORSES. 200 CHICKENS 1500 BU. GRAIN. 30 ACRES CORN. 20 TONS ALF ALF A HAY. SILAGE. Engine, 155 h. o. 1 32m. Belt; 1 80-ft. Belt 1 Lets Peed Grinder. with 1 Turn Table Wagon , Son Wagon Springs . 1 Breaking Cart, 1 S'de Delivery Rake , Flair Board Whtrott Boxes 4 New Western Whl. Scrapers , Four-hone Fresno: 4 Slip Scrapers 1 Heavy Road Plow 1 Ttt. Austin Road Scraper ' McCormick-peering Tractor t Sandwich Bay Press. with attached engine 1 Fuller - Johnson tho 1 Black Team, 10. and 12 yrs., wt. 3200; 8 Guernsey Heifers, 2 Holstein Heifers, 5 Shropshire Lambs, 1 Pure Bred Airdale Doe, 8 Hen Turkeys, 1 Tom Turkey, so R. C. Brown Leghorns, 80 Mixed Chickens Cattle have been T. B. Tested and will be Re-tested just before this Auction Sale. Farm and Personal Property At FARM IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY J. H. CLAUDON and J. ROY PENCE, EDWARD A. ELLIS, Prop. Saturday, December 8, 1928 COMPLETE LINE MACHINERY, WAGONS AND HARNESS L. C. CHRISTENSEN, Auctioneer, Franksvme, WM. l7---HEAD 0F LIVESTOCK Commencing at 12:30 sharp Auction Sales Company WAUKEGAN, ILL. PROPRIETORS Managers HAY;AND GRAIN 1000 Bushels Outs 400 Bushels Barley 15 Tons Hay 60 Bushels Potatoes All Household Furniture , Sets Heavy Bob 81073!)- 1 Set Light Bob Sleigh: [ r, New Hay Rack ' 1 Potato Killer: 1 Grind Stone 1 3-horse Wagon 2010 1 Small "and Trdett 1 600-lb Scale: 1 Bone Grinder 3 Hog Troughs: 1 Self~Feeder 4 Water Tanks: Ito Grain Sacks 1 X-Ray Incubator (240 eggs) 1 Six Tine Grapple Fork 8 Double Peed Boxes . 1 Hog Kettle: 1 Hog_Back 1 International Cord Planter 1 Champion Potato Planter 1 Dain Hay Loader 1 New Ideal Manure Spreader I Hocking Valley Corn Sheller 1 Smooth Land Roller 2 Two-horse Cultivators l Onehorse Cultivator . 4 Walking Flows: 1 Gang Plow l Broadcast Seeder 1 McCormick Mower Portable Building. so Ky " Small Kitchen Stove 'burner Perfection Kerosene Stove 00000000000000 1 HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ' _Rinee We are entering Into the poultry and grain judging? contest at Antioch on Dec. 14, we deviated the past few days from our course in Animal Husbandry to learn some thing about the Judging of grain. l, Various kinds ot grain were placed (before the students who placed Ithem according to points which {were worked out on the score card "or grain. Such points as purity. I freedom from disease. moisture con. I tent, soundness, uniformity. and {weight were emphasized. Ability (to identify various grain and weed {seeds was also stressed during this Istudy. ' To Hold Session Similar to " One at Grayslake in Phi- cago Monday Morning Mr. and Mrs. Euxene Adnmson'and daughter Irma Jeanne ot Libertyville and Mrs W. E. Adamson. of low: open: Thanksgiving with Mrs. Eugene damson and Aunt and End? Mr. And Mrs. Ram Davin. - " U OF I EXPERTS . PLAN TO ATTEND I)klllflhkli PROBE , Experts from the University ot Illinois who have studied the prob: lem of milk marketing are schedul- ed to attend a meeting at the Morri- son hotel. Chicago at 10 o'clock on Monday morning under the auspices of the subcommittee of the Chicago milk marketing committee. Testi. mony of dalrymen at fact finding meetings ot the committee at Wood- stock, Grayslake. Aurora and Elgin will be discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Luby and Mrs. Carrie Cortew motored to Chicago, on Tuesday. Mrs. Rena Bracher and daughters Reta and Arlyne and Mrs. Milford Smith spent Saturday with Mrs. L Schuer in Waukmn. '- Robert Lempker and g boy friend of Chicago spent Sunday at the Archie Rosin; home.. Charles 01mm, the yostmaster of Ingleside is driving a now Ford Be- dan. Mrs. Noun: McCandleu and Mrs. Floyd Renehan and son Glynn motored to Waukegan Monday. Mr. Frank Drumnmnd transacted business in Libertyville Friday. in an attempt to determine the situation with regard to the mar- keting of milk, to decide whether dairy farmers are underpaid for their products or whether conditions ot the business are responsible" tor too small profits to the dairymen. the committee is gathering facts from as many sources as possible. Mrs. Wilbur E. Fribley. chairman. said yesterday that it is probable two more meetings will follow that of Monday, after which it is hoped to release a summarized report ot the investigation. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fl: attended a show in Waukegan on temoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffany. of North ('hlcagm went Sunday after. noon at the Robert Brunet home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merritt Aid children, Donald and Evelyn spent Genoa. ' Herbert Lana. ot Chlmm. (,i'ht Thanksgiving at the Emma Wes 1n home. Mbe Harrison Gilbert spent Thinks) giving with his mice Me. Art Ap well near Monavillo. Mrs. Clayton Harrison of Ring- wood and two daughters. Mrs. Clyde Bell. of Solon Mills and Mrs. Sun- Ivy Thomas, ot Greenwood, Ill.. spent Wednesday at the Dome ot their an. ter and daughter Mrs. Milton! Smith. Harrison Gilbert spent Trunks) giving with his nelce Mrs. Art Ap well near Monaville. Mrs. Francie Wlrte. mother ot Ciiford White left Pruiay tor Tucson Arizona to spend the winter with hrr daughter Mrs. Marie Davis. thlmm Hayes spent Thanksgiv- ing with Velma Fu. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Richardson and Mus Helen Richardson are sandtng a few days with Mrs. Rjrhardson's ttister Mrs. Truman} Powors at No-sh- Rum. Wisconsin. Mrs. Orrin Merritt and children Iany and Orr n Jr. of Genoa spent ah-wdays at tho Hurry Merritt Mrs. Harry Merit and Mrs. Dell Smith motored to Waukegan and u- tended a show on Wed_ne§day. - E. M. Johnson, at Long lake in driving a new Ford .aport coupe. which was purchased from our io. cal dealer. Mrs. H. t wtmGd 6? iVaiisnes, Iowa is visiting her brother Mr. William Huson at the Present writ. ing. Thanksgiving with%e-iiiirir, ems Mr. and In. Leo Hendee. o ROUND LAKE o "iT/uid" Mrs. Ely/n Zell motored to Waukegw on business Sgtqrdny. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Iraloy attendvd a show in Chxcagu. Sunday. . Mn. Henri Jansseu left one day last wwk for Hamburg. Germany. tor a 3 months visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs Irellor DesJardln and Warren McFelly. ot Oak Park spent the week end at the Pita home. Mrs. H. T. Williams of DesMoines. El. Win. Second Game From . Richmond The blue and white basketball team of Sin were again victorious in their second game of the season. Even away from home the heavy- Weight team showed their superior- ity to the Richmond quintet. Owing 00000000000000 00000000000000 o LAKE ZURICH o home Mr ooooooooooooo JuBERTYVILLE Il%ilPENDENT/THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1928 Mr. and www.mmmh- Urinal i1ow,toa-dr,nemrmi. osmreimueh.rkeltr-,duilt-tucu m kebab ad the": 'Ftv-tovtruertushenithaad Imhmlh and qeqtqtqet - Mouth-advent!" Minutemen Gunman!) Sold B-where Foley Pills 5mm "to." d Mrs r"layton Ham Al. Dixon spent n and to the "talhte- ot the noor the gene was fut and turban from be ginning to end. The tune lineup was used throughout the ulna which consisted of Melvin Joul and Eugene Frank in the forward posi- tions, August Grover at center and Non-is Froilich and James Break at guard positions. The final score was 18-5. ' The lightweight team was swam? ed by the onslaught of the husky lightweight team ot Richmond. Our lightweight boys were quite out. classed. but showed tine spirit and were gpod losers. Experience of this kind is what these boys need. Teachers Go to High School Con- . T ference at Urbana School was dismissed on last Wed nesday evening, for the balance of the week to afford opportunity to the" teachers to attend the State High School Teachers Conference at lfrbana. 'All the teachers attend. ed and received many ideas of value to them in their daily school School was dismissed this week on Wednesday evening for the bal. ance of the week tor the Thanks- giving recess. Donn Thompoon Talks Dean C. M. Thompson ot the Uni- versity of Illinois gore s most inter- esting lecture on "Keeping Pnce With Engine-e." at the Tmhern' conference His method ot contmt- ing the old hnhioned "country store" with it. chaotic assortment of dry goods. elder bomb, Ihoe palm, netqdu.--to the highly or. ganized and okiiif'ully controlled modern tseiiitupttottde of today. Many other points were brought up work TELL The time has come when we must rise in protest and stop the invading hordes of para- sites, better known as peddlers and who choose to call themselves agents. They rightly have no place in this community. They.' contribute nothing to the upbuilding of The Libertyville-Mundelein District. With th'eir cheap, shoddy goods and their impudent, in- solent, aggressive, high-powered sales methods they are constantly victimizing housewives. q They are not wanted in this community. Let everybody tell them so! Say it with signs! Signs like the heading of this article can be had for the asking at the Independent Chamber of Commerce or at any member store in Libertyville or Mundelein. GET Olh1E, OF THESE * SIGNS FREE! There Should Be No Place In The Libertyville-Mundelein District For The Peddlers or Agents PEDDELERS that Indicate the intensity, thorough no" and rapidity of the strides of modern business. _ D. B. Lemnberry pt the Commer- cial department at Pittsburgh gave a. deminstrated lecture on the most qyttieient methods ot learning to typewrfte. He said: "Accuracy and Speed become as the Siamese Twins, and they cannot be divorced!" Mr. Lstraentserry emphasized the points that 'endurance' and 'control' were as important in the making of a typiet as those qualities are import- ant in the making of a man. Among the interesting lectures heard at the Teachers' convention at Urbana was an iilustriited lecture on the choice, care and cost of furs by a member ot an old reliable firm of furriers established In this mun- try since about 1760. It was very worth hile. Another interesting lecture in tho Home Economics section brought out the fact that nature, a picture. or music might furnish the inspira- tion tor designs of beautiful ons- tumes. To illrstrate this, costumes were modeled on girls who had de- signed them from inspirations -re- (ah/ed from music. Violin selec- tiona with piano "trccornpanimenta were played as the costumes were modeled and the fact that the color texture, line, etc., of the mment were suggested by this particular selection of music was brought out. We now sing, march, dance, type- write, and write to music. It prob- ably will not be long until we will find n real place for music in our sewing rooms. It is a,Mo signifi- cant to note the prominent and im- portant place an la takinglin whet AGiElhCrS l Mrs. Sumwalt has, returned from ',a week's sajourn in northern Wis- ', ctmnin. _ i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Isaacson and .family spent gaturddy and Sunday in Chicago with relathes. 000000000000 o GRAYSLAKE o we would ordinarily term the ypther homely, everyday tasks ot the home maker. 0000000000000 Mrs. Joe Pesker, while On a trip to Waukegart by motor Saturday, was crowded brr,the pavement near Milwaukee. Menue. Only her pres- enceoof mind avoided a serious acct dent. Mrs. Frank'Marttn '. visited with relatives in Chicago over the week end. On Monday evening the Grays- lake school 1928 basketball team was defeated by the schdol 1-927 team. Score 14 to If. The M. E. Indies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Vassow last Thurs- day for a social time. The guest ot honor was Mri. Vassow's mother, from Wausau, WU. Miss White gave two readings, and Rev. Nye a vocal .3010. b To Mr. and Mrs. James Mogg an- other daughter was born Friday. Nov. 23. The F M. E. church will hold a chicken dinner and bazaar at the church parlors Dec. 6. Members of the Womans club who attended this parliamentary law class at Lake Forest last week were President Mrs. U. Grimm, Mm. OR Winners at the Legion card part? on Friday were Mt. Churchill. Mrs Kennedy, Lee Williams and Mrs. H Snyder. Gould, Miss Beckwlth, Miss White, Mm. Jesseg Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Sikes. A large crowd attended St. " seph's church card party and dance at Round Lake last Tuesday. The hostesses from Gmys Lake were Mrs. Thor Walsh and Mrs. George Brandstetter. Mrs. Erickson the week end at in Grayslake. Lucille Murie entertaIm-d tt ior Buncn Hub Ttv-lay M Prize 'winnors were mm, Marjorie Lusk and Tom Hm Thirty-six members: of tho 0. E, S were entertained with brides, am: bunro last Wednesday owning al the Whitmore home in Libssrtyrille The hostesses were Misws Jlrss'" and Minnie Whitmore, Mrs, Schloh man-and Leslie Wells. Mrs. Carson Neville Hook were Chicago l day, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph left last week for Hot Springs, whore they will spend the winter. Mrs. Maude Hildebrant and Mrs Edith Flood motored to Chicago last week tor a visit to Mrs. Hood's mother. Our good friend and neighbor. Mrs. A. J. Araraves, passed away suddenly on Monday, the 19th Bur. ial was Thursday. Mrs Armve's mother, Mrs. Ford, from Chicago, will remain at the home in Grays- lake for the time being. of Chicago the 1'assow ? and Mrs. Len visitors Thurs. spent home where " was stated after a wary examination that his ', were not Berious. Hale, a bot oratnr and painter, was saw cipally because his fall was i soft earth instead m rm thes soft earth instead of on th97('('mem sidewalk a few feet distant from where he landed. _ FALLS d) FEET FROM SCAFFOLD IN LAKE BLUFF Hale was engaged to paint the building and was working from a scaffold above the street. He had moved across the front ot the build- ing and around to the alde when he slipped and plunged to the ground. He was only partially unconscious when picked up and it was feared that he had gutfered internal injur- ies. a-f" Ho about Waukegan Man Injured in Plunge to Earth While Painting Store Bldg. H ah " Efrem Raf! wa n h " Tom, Waykegan. plurrrrod 't ground below knunly 1 today while M was the building' occupied by f and Pacific tea sturv at on avenue, Lake Bluff, as rushed to the' Alice uspital in Lake Forest from a sraffold Hound, Walter H f Bavett prirr was into the relttV Juries 414

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