CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Dec 1928, p. 11

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h High School Notes. | ~ The classes in agriculture of Ela townsbip high school apent last Wednesday at the international stock show at Chicago. It was a big _ day for all, but really the time was too short to note all the points of _ Anterest. Some time was spent at' --. the grain and hay show where' _ many attractive exhibita '"kept our *© eyes brim full. , 1 ¥Educational ~exhjbits were very _-- good. They are vital to everyonse ,. interested in 'agriculture and show * the results of best investigatioanal _-- waerk that is being done in our agt} , _ eultural colleges. The sanitation ex-- ty hibit from the United States depart-- ~_ ment of agriculture had a very good ~: Jdegson:. The Canadian swine exhib-- _ It provided a most practical field of --. study. An exhibit by the University «. Of Illinois base¢ on farm studies in the state was of vital interest; to many. The Woman's club met at the *Congregational church, Dee. T. This was Lake Bluff orphanazge day. The public _ welfare department _ had eharge. Mrs Irvin Brandsetter was ejlairman. The speakers of the af-- ternoon were Mrs. Sigerson, nurse at the orphanage, and Miss Water-- man of Waukegan. Da&vissEdman. Baturday afternoon at 4:30 p. m. at the Presbyterian parsonage at ILibertyville Miss Dagmar Edman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ed-- man of Libertyville and Melvin Da-- viz of Grayslake were united in marriaze. Mr. and Mrs. C. Frazer, the latter a sister of the groom, were attendants. They will make their home at 3915 Pine Grove avye nue, Chicago. Their many friends extend hearty congratulations. School News. Mrs. Peck, third.and fourth grade teacher, is teaching many of the ehildren of the school some very fovely handicraflt, and, there are many parents who are going to have some pleasant surprises at Christ: mas time. . Dec. 13% the Woman's club will ha'ld a meeting at the school to or-- ganize and elect officers for a P.T. association. All parents are urged to attend. _ There will be a social time after the next regular meeting, Dec. 18. All members are urged to come. . There were sabout 50 old and young out skating and ice boating on Grayslake Sunday. O. E. 8. Elect. -- Election <of officers of Soros!s chapteér was held last Tuesday.: Those elected were: Worthy Matron--Nellie Toll. Worthy Patron--EIimer Beckwith. Associate " Matrom--Roberta Willi-- A ('hrl*mas party will be given :r office of Sorosis chapter for 1 members and their families, Sat-- urday, Dec. 22. Becretary--Carrie Poster. Treasurer--Minnio MceMillan. Conductress--Kdith A. Plood. Associate Conductress -- Viols Kapple. * A Christmas program will be given by the Grayslake fifth, sixth, sey-- enth and eighth grades, Dec. 21. Grayslake > basketball team, first and second. played at Antioch last Wednesday and won both gzamss. Scores--7--6, 8--7. . (urnee plaved Graysiake here Monday. Grayslake -- won /' both games, 153 and 7--23. _ _Thrre Will be no more card par-- ties given by St. Andrew guild un-- til after the Christmas holigays. Mr. and Mrs. Clausen of Highland Lake entertained several friends at the'r home 'last Saturday in honor of Arnold Clausen's birtbhday. W. Kanne is still at the bospital at Libertyville, but is reported to be im proving. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc!&an were Waukegau shoppers Satur®ay. Mrs. Irvin Brandstetter was & Chicago caller Tuesday. Mrs. Phil Hildebrant entertained the bridge club Wednesday evening. High scores were made by Mrs. C. Braze! and Mrs. B. Doolittle A love-- ly lunch was served after cards. The Woman's club board meet at the home of Mrs. Jessie Tuesday p. m. After the regwilar business maeting MUrs. Jessie served a delt-- meeting Mrs cious lunch. Missa Agnes Benadict, who was in-- jured Saturday, in an ayto aectdent, is reported as improving. Mrs. R. O. Bonner entertained 8 of her neighbors and friends last Monday at a social time. Miss Alda Loftus was a Wauke gan caller Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Edwards entertain-- ed Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Bonner at a duck dinner Monday. ' _ PDec. 13%, the Grayslake camp, No. 1314, will hold their election of offt-- eers. All members should be pres ent. Mrs. Harvey left for Florida last Saturday with her brother, W. But-- terfield of Highland Park.. They expect to spend the winter there. The livestock show was exception-- ally good, our only difficulty iwas that our time was too short. "Dick," the grand champion steer which sold for $7 per pound attracted con-- siderable attention, as well as the trained sheep dog and other most interesting features. Plans for the farmers' meeting are working out nicely. A tontative schedule for six evenings has al-- ready been made. The first meeting will probably be held the second week of January in the high school building. Among the phases of ag-- rlguiture taken up during this sched-- ule are: Dairy, soils, poultry, rec-- ords and economy and other rotnu of interest to tha farmers of this community as they have Indioated. With the approach of the hboliday season the Home Economics classes are planning their work oenidug- Iy, The sewing class has been mak-- ing gifts, and the foods class ars this week making arrangemenrts for some lassons on candy making and nther d¥icacies seuitable for Christ-- ma®s. The thrift nvl;g plan has been introduced into township hbigh sehool. Through this means, we hape to be able to create in the mindsg of our students--a well defined Mr. and Mrs. Patterson spent inpday here with friends. j John Mogg has purchased a new Lake Zurich Grayslake yslake ~| _ Libertyville | _ Lake_ Lyun Beman is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slaby and Miss Bessie Slaby and Thomas Ma-- tonsek of Chilcago and -- Clarence Busch trle View were guests of Ja Matonseks Sunday. © . MBR Bert Tram(thn and Mrs. Jas. Laycock were 'business callers at Round Lake Friday. Mrs. Meyme Juhrend of Chicago is visiting relatives here this week. The Walter Madsen family are ill with the flu. Mrs. John Whitney is assisting in the care of Mrs. Elizabeth Whitney who is very ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 140 Drury of Wau-- kegan. . The many friends of Mrs. Richard ?fiotz were grieved to hear of her death Monday. |Mrs. Dietz was a 'dnngmcr of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wagner and the sympathy of the | enitire community, is extended to them, to. Mr. Dietz and daughter, Leone, in their bereavement. Myron Wells won first prite at the card party given by the Diamond Lake school Thursday and which was attended by several Mundelein eard sharks. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hink and son, Donald, of Chicago, ealled on the James Layeock family Sunday. Miss Florence Klepper is i\} with the flu. © ~ (GGrant Lusk and daughter, Mildred visited Grayslake friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cryickshank and childsen were Chicago visitors last week and visited the live stock show. George Lawrence, who has been very ill from infection, is reported on the road to recovery. Mrs. Lena Stotgke, who underwent a major operation at a Chirago hos-- pital, is reported improving. Miss Hilda stocki of ('hlcaxg call-- ed on relatives here Saturday. _ ('lniy were Chitago visitors Tues day. S _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Numsen vis-- ited relatives at Highwood Sunday. Miss Berenice Laycoek spent Fri-- Aay and Saturday with Chicago friends. * i Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hill have clos« ed their cottage at Diamond lLake and will move to California in the near future to make their home. ,'--?-rl H. C. Meyer attended the meeting of the Fairtield Ladies' Aid Thursday. _8 + Mn important meeting of the Mun-- delein P--T. A. will be held at theo achool house on Thursday evening. All members are urged to be pres-- ent. s Miss Marie Voss, who has been quite ill, is able'to be out again. C. D. Casey and daughter, Mrs. Fdna Burdick, I.illian and Doran Mrs. KE H. Blubm eatertained the 500 club Phunrsday. The prize ,Win-- ners wore: First, Mrs. Carrie Swan. second, Mrs. Etta Wels, third, Mrs. Ruth Dorfler. Albert Roder has returned home after e«pending several days in the University + hospital in -- Chicago. where he underwent treatment for his arm which is infected with blood poisoning. He is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. R. D. Cook and daughter, Mrs. Hmma Wehrenberg, of Liberty-- ville, were _ Waukegan . shoppers Wednesday. . Miss Charlotte Kublank has re turned to her duties at the Grande Cleaners, Libertyyville, after an at tack of la grippe. VWP _ l _0 We 4 We d A number of Mundelein women at teuded the anrvial bazaar of the 8t. Joha's Lutheran church of IL4b-- ertyville Wednesday. Miss Loretts Dorfler spant Wed:-- nesday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J..C. Dortier. Mrs. Wikiam Williams entertain-- ed the trustees of the Plymouth Comgregational 'church and their wives Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Raliph Rouse, Mrs. Emma Rouse and son, Adetbert, were din-- nor guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rouse Surnday. L. T. MH. 8. will play their first basketball game of the season Fri day eveming at 7. Both the first and second teams meet the smm@ teams of Warren bigh school on the Libertyville floor. * D. ( Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy of Waukegan called at the bhome of the former's sister, Mrs. J. C. Dorfler on Saturday. . Mrs. J. C. Dorfler spant iuesuay in Chicago. Mrs. Matsen is entertaining hber brother of Detrolt this week, The Mundelein team of the Wom-} en's Travelling league Yost three zames to the Bobbwy O'Farrell team,, of Waukegan Saturday. The scores wete as follows: { Mr. and Mrs. Angeuou of Liberty ville visited with Mr. an«ed Mrs. Nel son Friday. o A. Pearson Hpasoff _ .. Kaipple s Grimm ... Nolan | ... Over halt of the at\do':r have made an initial deposit in the bank. This is good response, but a 100 per cent deposit is the ideal for which we should work. E Fennmer C. 8wan .. I Rouse . C. Wells .. (G. MeBride soncept of saving. It matters not how much or how litle is regularly deposited: the point is that the "savings habit'" de-- velops foresight, caution, and char-- acter. If we can assist our stauderfts in attaining the mind--trend that re-- veals real, basic reliability, the pur-- pose of the plan of thrift, surely will have been accomplished. -- Totals Totals Mundelein O'Farrell Team. nol.....1f5 130 s naxxx s 114 218 «sxarss117 121 clulllli186 129 Mundelein. .++«>~103 1 ...., 110 | 12111980 | x+ {120 sscit146 } the values of regulst Dorfler spant Tuesday 582 4 103 108 109 145 106 86 118 181 123 116 341 4920 )B 36 Among those attending the the-- ater in Waukegan duriss the latter part of last week. were: Mr. and =u. Charles Donal{son, Mr. and re. Charleg < Peierson, Mr. and Mrs. Dobimn ansd family, Mr. and Mrs. Buchta and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lonis Koppen, Mrs. M. Boehm, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wilton, Mrs. L& igy Avery, Mrs. C. B. Dicks, Howard Wilton, Mrs Nina Ehrenborg, Miss Daisy Ehrenbore, Mr. and Mrs. John Phillippi and daughters, Mrs. Elien Talbott, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Avery and Ruth Avery. * A very interesting | sermon was delivered at the M. E. church Syn:-- day by the pastor, Rev. Alspaugh. Harry Nickerson and his son Rus-- sell, and William Nelson attended the aviation show in Chicago. Mr. and Mre. E. A. Wilton, How-- ard Wilton, and Ed Teele motored to Chicago Thursday and attended the theater -- 'Mry. Alice Howard. Waukegan, at-- tended churech service here Sunday and spent the day with friends. The bazaar andg chicken . supper given Thursday 'was well patrom: ized. _ The Ladies Aid _ realized about $150 and nearly everyone do nated. * Mr-- and -- Mrs. ~Carl Reinbock drove to Chicago Sunday and Yisit: eq wieh friends and relatives. John Walker was among those at tendinz the stock show in Chicago. He saw the steer that brought . $7, 000. ® Missg Lena Sebova is Mr. and Mrs. J. M tfew weeks. She has kosh for sometime whe ed schoot. B. Hamlin and Betty Jane Rein bock are confined to their homes with whooping cough. Mrs. Carl Miller I1 the past few we to be out. Miss Myrtle and Fr were in quile a serious day evening. They we (Gurnee' with some zi attend a program at high school when their road at Wedges corne Raymond !Hus to the Todd scl The youns p« are enpyina the lakes and ponds mas w'll soon b« are being made holiday season. in Waukegan on ena Sebova is staying with TTRERTYVILLE TNDEPENDENT. THURSDPAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 sCn O« peoi ople . and fine skatil near here »re. Prepatrat ilready _ for has i th annon W A ildres on the id Miss Ruth Williams amd Mrs. R D. Williamse spant Saturday in Ke nosha. 4 In the three games of basketball at the Antioch high school auditor-- ium last Saturday evening Antioch won two and lost one. In the game between Antioch high scheol first team and Richmond firsts, Antiqgch was the winner. In the game be-- tween AntJoch high school second and Richmond second teams Anti-- och again won. In the game be-- tween the Antioch town team and Richmond, the latter mentioned team carried off the honorgk. The Antioch Business Men's club met Mond&y evening at theAntlers. A new furnace was installed at the Episeopal rectory last week. The annual Antioch Lake _ Villa: poultry show will open in the show. room of Wetzels garage Thursday afternoon of this week, and will con-- tinue for three days, closing Satur-- day cvening with an euction sale of both dressed and live. poultry. A ar.lno number of premiyms have provided and everyone is quite entbusiastic over the affair. The merchants of Antioch are offerin® speci«l price inducements for this week and it is expected that the at-- tendance this year will eurpass that of all previous shows. Friday aft*® ernoon will be Akiven ovyer to the judging of exhibits and awarding of premiums and an @uction sale of cock _ rels will take place Saturday afternoon. A learge number of °®: hibits have already beemw registered. Miss Margaret . Holderness from Kenosha was an Antioch -- visitor over the week end. -- W vet« given by the Jjunior Warren Township Friday, was well a M The Mr & 14 Or Antioch Gurnee MeClure a'ttonded a state convention in Chicago Mrs. \ im merm * M xnsh t K Th "ircle held their an d _ bagaar at tht nesday. \ e Family Upstairs. The concert by the Prairle View banrd will be given Friday evening, Dec. 14, in the Prairie View church and the band is expecting all the friends of the church to come. «-- We are remembering with pleas: ure the program given hy the W. M 8. of the Northfield church here last Tuesday evening,' We still think of the colored lady whose ideas on giv-- ing to missions were distorted by the fact that the "pason" walked home with the one giving the larg-- est amount and the lady . who thought she was doing a lot for mis 'bahms when she spent a lot for her gown to we@r to the charity ball. F. W. Staucliff had his house, and, barn wired so now he is wp to date and can have electric lights even in the chicken coop. o Peter G. Proesel and his son start-- ed on an automobile trip to Stoux Falls, S. D., to be gone a week. Chartes J, Herschberger is atteni-- ing the December session of the board of .supervisors at Waukegan this week: We --enjoyed -- having the Rev. George Schwarts with-- us again while ofir pastor, the Rev. Divan, was away, but he is back now and is preaching in his . very pleasing way. John Barrett went t Wednesday for an o eye, which has been z sldéerable trouble, their monthly meeting of Mr. and Mrs. Georg day,. after the business The adult bible burn -- Congregatio their monthly mes Half Day and -- Prairie View fent to the q in operation at the Btaton periad a Lt urch the Wash hifm hie t y - Lisg -- interesting discussgion was conduct-- W' thr H m ed. 'The topic for discussion was m f 0]) 31' l' "The Clristian Christmas.'"' _ Many| Mrs, Josephine Nienaber of Chi-- very fnteresting ijdeas were givem,)cago called on friends. here Tues impressing on the minds the types| day. of _ celebration Hjml of giving at' _ Mrs. Laura Colburn was a visitor ! Christmas time. i A yery pleasant: in Chicago, Tuesd&y, social hour was ppont and dlelicious | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fago and son , refreshments were gerved. . The returned from their visit to Milwau-- ! meeting adjourngd to© meet with kee Monday. 'Mrs.: W. M.!! the second Mon--' The Xmas tree committee of the day in January. } |P. T. A. met at the home of Mr. and \ _ Mrs. Margaret Schroeder enter--, Mrs. Chag. E. Stahl Tuesday. | tained the ladies aid of Half Day ati Mrs, L. A. Bergau who has been ker home Thiursday. The usual bus--| confined to her home '*With pleurisy ,'inpss was transacted after which aiis improving. snlendicd luncheon was served. . At Miss Ruth Robbins is visiting with the next meeting the new officers|her pgrents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar will assume their &'espunsihnmes tor; Robbins. { -- the coming year. ".Mrs. Chester Gi1--' Mrs. W. W. Cook and her mothéer man, president; Myrs. Emeline Ma--, of Kenosha,-- together _ with their \ son, vice | pregidept; . Mra, [,ydu}dsushter. Dora, and little Rose Ma-- \Bcehroeder, secretary and Mrs. Bert rle Bostetter drove to Chlcago last Small, treasurer > | Wednesday. /A meeting of thg W, C.T. U, was ----=>~---- beld at tho homeof Mr. and Mrs.| |C. J. Herschberger Tuesday, An U,S AL SALE lS f teresting program«-- on, temperance was given:: Plang for the new year ' | woere made. At the next meeting a 4' A ' program celebrating the 11th anni--' / versary of the 18th amendment will «--___._-- be given. _ _ The Christmas seal sale of the The 'children and varions commit-- tees are busy getting the Christmas program ready at Half Day. All are .cager whth ln'i('lpat(nn for _ & happy Christmas. + > W1 \Anyeone wishing to make gifts of charity through thge channels of the churth. please report to the Rev George Vancee or the Runday school superistendent, Mrg,. Bert Smaill. the edge of a lake, and the othet evening my little girlsaid, point ing to the sky: 'Mamma, the moon is broken in two," Then her eyes happening t6 catch the reflection. o+ it on the calim lake, she added ; 'Ob. look, mamma ; thf other pdece has felled into the water.' "--Boston Transcript. i a woelcome' arf'all the wer was ""2.""""" they -- sair unto the Rouse of the Tord p She Found It "We live an Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fago and son returned from their visit to Milwau-- kee Monday. 'The Xmas tree tcommittee of the P. T. A. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chasg. E. Stahl Tuesday. Mrs, L. A. Bergau ?o has been confined to her home '*with pleurisy Mrs. W. W. Cook and her mother of Kenosha,-- together with their daughter, Dora, and little Rose Ma-- rle Bostetter drove to Chilcago last The Christmas seal sale of the Lake Cagunty Tuberculosis society today reached $4,025, according to Miss 'l*sheda Waterman, c o un ty nurge, This is short by almost $6,-- 000 of the $10,000 quota. Unless responses are more generous it is feared that the soc:ety will fall con-- siderably short of its mark. A pump does not Graw warer. Hift | It, or 'pump It. (All it dees is to | displace air, and atmospheric pres sure fills the vacnum with water At Milburn, 10 mi. north of Libertyville 45 CATTLE > FEDERAL ACCREDITED, 60 Day Retest . Herd includes, 28 pure bred, balance grade Shorthorn, Brown Swiss and Guernseys, ° 4 bulls, 3 steers, 8 heifers, 30 cows milking or due to freshen soon. _ The great Short horn herd sire GAY COURT No. 1474082 is included in this sale. This is one of the best herds of Shorthorns in Northern IIl. AUCTION LYMAN THAIN, Prop. ) Heavy Horses, 100 Barred Rock Chickens 50 ton Alfalfa hay, 60 ton straw 2000 bu. grain. Large Amount of Farm Machinery, etc. Prices §1145 to §1575,1. 0. b. Pontiae, plus delivery charges. Lovejoy Hy droulic Shock Absorbers and spring covers included in bst prices. Bumpers and rour fender guards estre. -- Check Ocllaond delivered prices --they include lowest han-- dling charges. Genaeral Mators Time Payment Plan available at minimum rele. x A NEW The Pumping Way ° Col. L. C. Christensen and Son, Auct. Auction Sales Co., Mgrs. Friday, Dec. 21 Rt --AMERICAN STX LUDLOW MOTOR CO. \ Of Libertyville 608 N. Milwaukee Avenue. DAN E. WINN, Mgr. Purebred aad Grade ommencing at 10 o'clock SHORTHORNS LARGE BY Emblem of Battle The red poppy bas always been associated with the mum of Europe, particularly of Flanders. L'onumpdgary writers mention the profusion of popples which grew up after the battiles of RamillHes, Malpilaquet, Fontenoy and Water-- loo, _ Lord Meesulay alludes to this fact in chapter 20 of his Hi# tory of England, in the account of William II's defeat in the battle of Landen in 1808. Start Again Ruth, aged four, had been taugbt to tell the time, and from the clock she got her on!y, idea nf Agures. "How old is you, Goldie?" she in:-- quired of the little girl inext door. "I'm twelive," was the reply. "Myj goodness! Isn't that too bad?t" ex-- claimed Ruth. "Next year you'll be one again."~--Youth's Compapion. Fan and Thermometer The bureau of etendards says that, as 'a rgle, air from an elec-- tric fan blowing on a thermometer will have no essentia!l effect on the mereury. If a very sengitive ther-- mometer is placed in front ®f a fan, it may, Lowever, cauyse a g«iight rlise in temperature, iopsmuch as the air which passes by the motor becoines Elightiv heated. Paine Not Mercenary Thomas Paine was editor of the Penns#ylvania _ Magazing for 18 months.: His s@lary was $250-- year,. -- Moncure Conway bas sa'l~ that probably no person ever before or singe bas produced s« much good literary work for such meager com-- pensation. t tainly has it. Along with power . . . pick--up . .. and truly original sityle. In fact, you'll find in this greatest of all Oaklands a car that er-- presscs the spirit of this breathless age.

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