At Si Three Men Executed for Murder of William Beck, Lake County Man, in May In through that doorway. with tmuscle and mm tau (and: for I second inspection l Thirty aermuls' there. lu-e-xm-d as ago-av Then-- ' "Twenty-four hut Three rows of seats. chairs in muttered some one. front for a jury, and two long benelr l Thirty swarm; on from the chapel tor the other The'n the rwl light Ipectators. 'po-rhapa two ww Pour lights burned dimly from the lidevalks and a 'ro-d sign lamp marked "exit" over that door thru which they entered. Glass Partition Ten feet in front of the honl'hvs a glass partition mew, sixteen panes wide und four high. reaching trom Wail to wall and trom tioor to cell, m. A door, at the left. led m thrs space wherein. centered, was the chair. PAGE EIGHT In through the chapel. dimly' lit, with the empty benches ranged as ghosts back into the distance. That chair seemed, with hut Ci, slight closing ot the eyes. to repre- it sent death-the helmet. poised and ri' metallic. to he a grinning skull. and the arm clamps, spread wide of the?! sea. the bony arms. waiting to close I! tn lethal embrace about the bodies I ot those soon to be slttlng there. / Off to the left of the chamber afk, wooden door led to the electric con- C', trol room. There three witches. at, exactly allke. all ran connected with 1 & high voltage current. but only one"; connected with the chair. were if ranged side by side. Three chain in s'" front ot them. I, Warden Elmer J. Green took ev- ery precaution to see that there was no bitch in his program. Then cune a short passage. about . hundred feet. serous what had been. during the summer. a carefully lauded - plot and newer 'bed. up n "ht of wooden stairs. tol the ocean; Boor of the chapel building. Claude Clark, John Brown and Dominick Bresette Expi- ate Crimes in Joliet Prison at Sunrise;hre the First to Die in the .Electric Chair in Illinois; Jury That Wit- ne'ssed the Triple Execution ls Composed Entirely of Lake County Men, Some of Them Being on the Jury That Found the Men Guilty; Slaying of Will Beck Was One of the Most Heartless Ever to Occur in County: Details Are Recalled . - Three men, their names withheld In the chairs. Instead of the hundreds who fought tor admission at previous ex- ecutions there Were, inside the death chamber today. the Jury ot twelve Wankegan business men. three doctors. the newspapermen. and the pecessary force ot guards. electricians-and state prison omel- ala. Not over thirty-tire. all in all. watched tor the gleaming of the red and white wall lights that told ot the lethal current passing thru the bodies ot the wretches strapped in the chair. . On the wall bAck of the chair. to the left tour light bulbs were dead in their sockets. two white, and two red. to the right of the chair a mule long window. with nude drum. Against the wall, to the right I bench tor the doctors. it was att new and strunge. this an». of lite by touching of a but. ton, or the pulling down or a lever. Gather " 0:50 A. M. Those who were to View the one. cations were gathered before the outer of! of the old Penitentiary at 0:50 I. m. In single ttle they passed yards who inspected them tor cam- eras. guns or other wenpons. At 7:10 a. an, It was otBcially sun. the. though no ray tUtered through that traded room. _The electrician Ind the guards jumped back. The chief electrician waved 3 hand. Electricians tad guards hauled themselves about the chair. Clark In First "Bring In Glut." laid Warden Green. Prom down the hall, echoing even beyond the glass panel and into the witness room. come the Bound of a print. monotomtusty Intoned. the clicking ot the leather heels of the guards, end the scraping on the cement Boor of the teit slippers of the men shout to die. Just at 7:12 Clark come through tho door. He walked none. and erect. though o (and stood close on mun-um amigo". mm"; was: a W? coon AVR. "mt$mnnhut, um OILIOATION LIBERTYVILLE CEMENT WORKS Home of WA HRSEAL Roofing "FORUA- TOO" AND . "ttqttFtdtA. Register Now For Fall Classes COMMERCIAL COURSES Mc0onald's Commercial School TELEPHONE 130 311 Park Avenue FREE Individual Instruction Positions Secured for Graduates QUALITY CONCRETE ILOCK. son ar'rfsn noun I As wolves might leap upon a {stricken stag the guards were all about him. One on either side of the upper structure of the chair snapped 'tlttht two clamps about his chest. 'Frttttt the chest clamps they moved letraps about his arms, and then still iother straps to hold his forearms itlght against the plates on the upper iarms ot that chair. f Two other guards pushed clamps. lsponge covered and damp. to facili- .tate movement of the shocks tttru rhis body tight against the thighs 'and abdomen. . turned. alone. and an! In " From the abdominal clamps these two strapped electrodes about his legs, on ttte/Shins next to the ttesh, under the slit legs ot the prisoner troulen. A f1tth guard slipped the helmet down tightly ow: his shawd head. . T FOR RENTING. '" an]. ESTATE, momma: LOANS. PROPERTY M'NI 2EMENT, GENERAL muons". sunny BONDS, sanvncz, an RE xLTOR-INOUROR "mum than: cation Phonon m and 2.. Trousers Are Slit Libertyville, Illinois TILES MADE IN ANY COLOR AND m ANY QUANTITY I Again the clanking of the clamps, 3the swish of ltrape. i The Light. Finn . Again the lights-wed --wttite--red Aunt again the pain wracked. writh- ing at the hound-in Betgtt and bone. brain. utter that tirtst thMrh ot red, :was there no longer, but the muscu- lar motions shown body action " 'ter brain had ceased to carry tor. ture to the nerves. ' F "Thirty:eight pipes in the radiat- or" whispered the voice that had told. while Clark was being killed, and the'voitaxe indicated by thy lights his eyes Were no longer on the chair. no longer on the bulbs. l At 7:29% the guards carried away lthat second body. l Strangely enough. just "hen "N's- (ette, the, Chippewa. the Indian, "in. Rimmed to be a chief. and the "uly 'member of the trio who sought a .t'ric-st in his final hour at life, "in :"with: brought down the .urritiur. [the bells of St. Joseph's 1hurrh h.- :an M in", as they toll awry iimrti fl'g"g'u'e't,t, Next 1' m. electric jumped to their chur " m, mdjuluns clamps. electrodes, nuns and the helmet. Measurement: of the prisoner: had told them how but the hglmet should be on its movable hue, to accommodate the lucklesa occu- pants. _ .. "Bring in Brown" said Warden Green. At 7:23 Brown came through the door. Two guards wqe with him. but unlike Clark. he, wore a black hood over his head. dropping to his shoulders. concealing the chair. He was led to where the death's head grinned. more plainly now, it seemed. and the arms sum-med to be actually groping for another bony clinch. . . The Chaplain leaned forward. as Brown seemed to say something. He grasped the hand of the man about to die, patted him on the hack, and then. as guards turned Brown around, to be seated. stepped hack. passed a hand across Ms eyes. and walked to a corner. Ills hands and lips moved ln,the motions -ot a prayer. Generally those present held that electrocution. h rrible though lt may be. ll more t:m'unne tttatrhanr irur---eertainir more "kient. ' THE 1yr?Elt'ENr82.t1 i81ioS0iAYear. .' ", Certainly. though the succession ot execution took longer than 3 hanging normniiy takes. each up onto lite coliection by the in: was aceomptitrhed in less than on aver- nge time. And certain it in too--- that the mechanical perfection of the execution crew, their work Bur. paues that ot individual county tsheritN, culled upon. to they ore tor perhnpa one hanging in a term ot once. Dr. Lhnery expressed the opin- =============Sr======= Ion that the men went to chair physically alive but mentally dead. FOR SALE ==========rr.'=r.======== They felled to respond to words FOR BALE Art-Style Wurlitzer but mechanically repeated inco- grand pleno. Slightly used. A herein VFW". Th" ""9 Rtt1tt tannin. Inquire at Rar Furniture to "13 lit . shuttling menu" tmt and Paint Store, Libertyville 51 It were guided the short " feet from ---------.r---. the ttoath ten, unh- chm " ?Nf.Ciuirae-osed ystryttt O8tle. Warden Green eroee at 4 oclock which he labored. For days he had put hie the helpers " the chair through the drill ot looking me in it. At lest they were able to accomplish the work In 11 sec- onds. Through the this morning breakfast was them. Wlll Deter Harden But moat detinitarly certain of ell ts the belief that were criminals. or potential ~crlmlnnle. to see just one electrocutlon. there would be fewer murders. The atlas ot lite by scien- title precision In each u spectacle. Throughout the Penitentiary dur- ing the halt hour ot the executions. alla activity was suspended. Praon. ers/even trusties. were held in their cells, with triple guards patrolling the corridors and a big reserve squad held in readiness to quell the first sign ot disturbance. Prisoners Lam Pats Warden Green told the three prisoners late yesterday afternoon that they had lost their case be- fore the pardon board and that there would be no stay. so great was the tension under Through the night and part of this morning they slept. No breakfast was eaten by any of The ""' LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENTWECEMBWER 20, 1928. Go 'roChair"Dead" Ioooooooooooooo II'Morc Humane out. 0000000000000 The Centerbnry Bridge club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. L. Dorfler. Fir-t prize was yon by Mrs. Kracker of Liber'V- ville, second by Mrs. L. Benson of Libertyville and consolation by Mrs Wm. OTarroll of Mundelein. o MUNDELEIN o "in. 55mm and daughter are Lake -17ici 'P-"'-'""'. -'"i""""t '"' making their home with the form] 4-M. t 50 4t er'g sister, Mrs. Channing Bartig. "OR SAL Id faahio ' Mrs. FNaritinar.d Tegtmeyer was a!" grown bu weat 1te.t;"'1d1"/1,'i, Chicago shopper Tuesday. .Bc-rgfiron Stock Farm, 2Imiles m:t Aynsley Ross has been confliiml P.! Libertyville on Lake Street Rani} m hie homo with an infected finger. (Telephone 678-J-2. _ I 44bit! _ "rrrn"iiieriia" has been confined to his home with an infected finger. He is reported as doing nicely. _ "er3. illénry Englemecin is on the sith' lint this week with influenza, chihinn and the Sunday school or. chestra will play a number of Niec- t.ons. A beautiful cantata entitled "Tho. Echo ot a Song." v". be liven. It 's llkely that Santa Clam will up {war .Rome time during the evening. So bring the children and enjoy the vvenirur with them. Christmas eve at 8. tho Ivanhoe Sunday school will give its 0hr st- rum entertainment at the church. A fine momma. including songs. News by the little tots. drills and a pinylet will be given Santa Claus will arrive belore the chidren leave. so come yourself end bring the children. Mrs. J. C. Dortler met Miss Lo. rotta homer in Chicago on Tues. day. Thet spent the day Xmas shopping. ' Sundae not home, scuba! or etimett. See Pull Rar, Idtrertrviue In. " 8t Mises Jessie l)rury of Waukegan Spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. "Mrs. John Morrison and two chi!' dren are improving rapidly attor a Week's illness. About 650 boys and girls. mem. born of the 4-H club, were Rupsts at the Public Service company W 1 nesday and visited the Model Farm These boys and Elrls are attending the sm'enth annual 4-H club cnn- RrtMtyt in Chicago and repregertteil £3 state-a They were especially in. ton-sled in the Model Farm as the-w clubs are organized to acquire knowledee of livestock and Farm can dltlnns. Christmas eve I group of sltuters will so carroling throughout the Tfl. use. " you want to come 310nm 15k a member of the Junior Choir "what time, where meet. what ulna." The ahutln and the sick wlll be visited ttrat and then others if there is time. COIIIII PUPPaiB--41oidmt 83b]. . and Whitgjwbio to I'd-mum: with ttm 'a"rutn [and cm. Ab 1tnei8rde9n. "it "In W, MM. 0000000000000 Rev. and Mrs. C. Arm drove to Chicago Monday Sunday evening. Dec. 3a. the Jun. ior Sunday Evening club will pres sent a beautiful mount erttltled "The Christmas Meant of the Holy Grail," by W. Russell Bowie] The story centers about the dream of King Arthur in which the people who rtture in the Christmas story annex". An angel says that the Holy Grail given as A gift to the Christ Child will come to King Arthur's court when the perfect gift has been found. The Knights of the Round Table go on the quest And the INV Rant brings before us the successful outcome ot the Quest. It is a very impressive and unusual performance. You are invited to come and see it. BRIRIGER Henry ll In loving memory of our beloved son and brother, who departed this lite DOC. 28, 1927: Nevor shall you be {Orgottem Nevvr trom our memory fade: oooooooooooo oCLASSIFIED ADSo , Nevor shall you be forgotten;, Nevvr from our memory fade: While you tie in peaceful sump. Your memory WP shall ahvays keep FATHER, MOTHER. ' SISTERS AND BROTHER. IN MEMORIAM ArtAu1rwdevne "it , 0 FOR trAVir---.10 heating: stoves, 20 kerosene stoves, 1 dombination stove, 3 cook stoves, 5009 ft. ropf'. 2 gasoline stoves. 300 milk pa'ls. 150 sets pedal pain tor all makes of cars. R. Huizenga, on Milwaukee Acenue, 2.miles south of Half Day. Tele- phone 647-J-1. Bl 2t FOR sArt-'rhor washing machine b r a n d new; also riiGiiGriG right player Pity) Eill sell cheap FOR 1AHr'--furicren feud, composed of wheat, shelled Corn and buckwheat seed, n to feed. Also balm! str liver. Bergman Stock I West ot Llbertyv Ile. or road. Phone 6784-2. H. Kaphfg, Iruieside. iei/piaTFo"x' Lake 174-M. t 50 4t REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Two 6 room houses ht 1Vhvelpr and Ellis Avenue; lot loo by, 150. First mortgage $3375 each. "a YI ars to g0,e6"-; interest. No prepaymvnts. Will take clear lot, or.what har" vou, for equity J L. 1192mm. 10 Fl La Salle St, Chicago. I 47 tt I, CFlr32; )ucaneat seed. mllreu rum" 'd. Also balm} stray}: Will de, Borger'on Stock Farm 2 miles of Libertyv Ile. on Lake Strowt Phone "SJ-2. _ N tf _it1?l, 7.. -e ' b', ere Z ' " 606 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. arlry, oats Palace Cash Meat Market Co. in 1153.591); in Him Ijitur Clpistmas bt 2t To dur many customers and friends we take this opportunity of expressing our apprecia- tion for your past patronage and to wish you and yours You, your family and your guests will surely enjoy the Christmas Dinner when you buy your poultry at the "Palace" Be it turkky, Goose, Duck, Chicken, here you will find the finest selee.' tion of fancy dry picked holiday poultry at most reasonable prices. 7470/ tumble; dairy; on concrete high- way; near town. Owner. Denman Mt'F'arltipsx, Delevan, Wig. . " 6t FOR RENT -All modern 5 room cot. tzmv. ($11111:ka Forest 1740 after r, n'rlgugk p. m. 50 3t FOR RENT OR SALE Harm o "FITS. I mitv "v.4! of M." Thos Kidd, Rt. I, Libtrtiwilto FARM FOR SALE-160 acres. all Arlingto'n 11315115, Ill I-'UR RENT 5 room aparirnent with garage. Heat an'd water furni~h~ ml. Apply 13] A Stuart Arp. 47 t! FOR RENT - Five-mom houss Mundolein, trom.pletvly Nrni, and all modern' convenipnr-os; f acmheat. Rent vrry ro-asnna lt '9an be 'rwnted at onw- owisrr is learine for the wrst A hunk for the right party. Fur formation can at the Indcp 0mm. Phone TanBurrn 4110 quick. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE T What have rout _ ,REDEKER {FOR RENT glisrry Glutamate M. MAWNEBACH, President ' 'ttgt+t"t"t"t"tet$ifi$trt$t"t+0t"t"t"t"t"tm" tetIsiEstggttaatg.rdrdtPat=ritr_Sift$eStfSdfdfdS" 'rur_."les'rd.%truar_edSeu'."urdfut'u'.'.d.Nf, 'tr0tr-"tatm"t"tm"tgM"tmfFtdSdatgStg,, 97/" 1:: fi-tr--" .... ce-ces p2" '>y'Wf Telephone 180 rwasonabk Phone. 496 (furl) "6y, r' Hm n [f.,-.. "'m 6 room Dutch Colonial house; on paved street; 1 car garage; tur. mce heat. 6 room bungalow, furnished: on paved street; 1 car garage and click (n coop; furnace boat: aval'ablo for four months at rental of banal low. lNQUlRE 0F REALTOR KAPING TELEPHONE 469 Store on Milwaukee Avenue. l room house, near business dis trict; paved street; furnace heat. _ FOR RENT 17.1 FOR REN'l $15 Wu' I " F SH)! H, F. Schxzulsr, 1 St., Chicago. Fun FOR RENT - r H tiled; barn v our mo Schrad CHL' LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS POR RENT c, jCtalj?alaltai,itrlfffart ll IN f, V "lt"-" I l, ..,:'V N, Mil. Aw Wri-l,irrcu, ll M '17" FOR RENT-troom house. Inquire 112 First St. Phone 305-M. " 2t MONEY TO DOAN~ We have t cow sidvmbfe amount of special and! to loan on improved farm or ettg property We Invite your inquiry. 1Pirst National Bank, Libwnyvme, nr inou. WA NTEI , TC) Lake Villa Villa 134-M. 'OR RE'NT-- Broom house. Can lake Forest 1740.'between 5 p. p. and 9 a. m. _ so 2t DRA'F'I'IXC AND mm}: PRINTING produced to S0 acres -rtrir' lights ora Miscellaneous f3n WANTED 'REST. _A farm of so ', cash rent; with brofrrrvd A. Wliton. Ill. Twh-phone Like H» of Iht. most de- IHV 1v! 'sronnmiettl w niahzvt today. In- .rumv'cd by Knp'ing 55 and to, we ANC. obtr-znrd by (all. J. Blu'prmu'n- 51 It .\\ tit sk' " tt M4t