INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EX TRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. Libertyville, IIl. Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Lake County National Bank Jo is s85.' Talk About Saving nummn MONEY----Why not save some of that coal? Isn't coal money? If you don't believe it, wait until you get this month's bill. Also some of those doctor bills. And last, but not least, the discomfort caused by those cold windows and doors. Some good Storm Windows, properly installed, will go a long ways toward mak-- ing your home more comfortable. And while we're on the subject of sav-- ing money, we would like to mention that those who are going to need new window sereens this year will save some more of that hard--earned dough by ordering them now for April and May delivery. May I have the pleasure of serving you in this capacity? Sincerely, P. S.------I also have a full line of Fir and Hardwood Panels, and make a specialty of White Pine Kitchen Cabinets and Porch Enclosures. Shop at 411 First St. HAROLD WILCOX --too much to carry--or any other amount beyond suffici . t loose change for daily expenses. _A bank--roll in the poc't or hand--bag exposes you to theft or loss without redress, a.. 1 gives the impression of incompetency, of lack of knowledg> of the value of money. A bank--book has no cash value for the thief or the finder in case of loss. It expresses the char-- acter, self--reliance, and financial stabiluy that money in (the bank develops, and gives access to the counsel and help cf a banking institwioo. If you atre not c3joying all these bank--book advantages, try it--through this bank. w $6,000 of kis muney in & bo here. and arranjed to cash $. 500 in postal sav.ings, by chec wp for the niztt. He sai~ | > was going to Eoston to t~"s a boct for Po'and, his nativ> courtry. Fe silid he hail beca 00 Is Far Too Much vase against hid., Duill Telephone 768--J fass.. Nov. B1.----~Louis a truckman of Ex: N. Y., with $8.50 11 #,. wras pleked un by Ppors atonight £: .o ag through tovn en y [Ohke Chars Mrs. Minnie Gleason of Mundelein was .operated on-- Thursday at the Condell Memorial hospital. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helfer, 624 First street, on Friday, January 4. : June Lee. of Wheeling had her tonsils removed at Condell Memorial hospital Thursday. Mrs. Emma Giss. of Newberry ay and First street, submitted to a ma jor operation at the Condell Memor lal hospital Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Krueger, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keith spent Sunday at the Albert Faulkner home. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ahart are re joicing over the birth of a son, Sat-- urday, Jan. 12, at the Victory Me-- morial hospital. Mrs. Crales Klepper was hostess to the Five Hundred club at her home, 130 First street, Wednesday afternoon. Suhling Motor Company -- reports the sale of a Federal six--ton truck in the Libertyville Iumber Co., and a Whippet coupe to W. G. Beelow, of Ivanhoe. Mrs. A.. G.~ Meyers and Mrs. O.| Juhrend and grandson, Roy Dykinga visited Mrs. J. H. Dykinga at St. W Ann's Hospital in Chicago Wednes-- . d: day afternoon. a&t & C. Gridley return d Tuesday night from Sodus, N. Y., after hay-- ing accompanied the body of the late L. B. Hanby from Libertyylle to Sodus for burial. Walter Peterson, who appeared at th« atre last Thursday. delighteq the b'ig tended the show, Y sisting of playing companimept to hi AUDITORIU M :; Local and Personal Modern buccaneers along Manhat tan's water front. Sunday, Monday, January 20 and 21 Saturday, Jan. 19 HAZEL LIVINGSTON'S STORY WHICH. RAN IN THE CHICAGO EVENING AMERICAN, VICTOR McLAGLEN, LOISs MORAN & NICK STUART n FRANCIS COE'S SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY, "*THE RIVER PIRATE" Tuesday, Wednesday January 22 and 23 CcOMPLIMENTARY G U E S T TICKETS ARE GOOD FOR THIS PICTURE. Walter Peterson, WIS radio star, ho appeared at the Auditorium The-- re last Thursday and Friday nights 'lUghteq the big crowds who at-- nded the show, with his act, con-- sting of playing An accordian ac-- mpanimept to his own singing. _ Also a 'Toots and Casper' comedy A very good undeworld story Thursday, Friday, January 24 and 25 HEADQUARTERS FOR MUSIC A splendidly equipped repailr de-- partment is maintained. Piano Tuning ORDERS FOR PIANO TUNING WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT ATTENEION Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, I!!. with OW EN MOORE and MARCELINE DaAY ALSO REVIEW AND FABLE ADOLPHE MENJOU and KATHERYN CARVER in "HIS "PRIVATE LIFE" "STOLEN LOVE" ALSO A BARNEY GOOGLE COMEDY JAS. C. O'SHEA oLIVE BOROEN and JVACK PICKFORD in medy: BILLY DOOLEY i A SHE GOING SAILOR" "GANG WAR" Our store is Lake County's shopping center for musical instruments a n d sheet music. W e handlo the well known Haddorf? and Gulbransen Pianos. Musica! instruments of e¥-- ery kind, and a full supply of latest sheet music. THEATRE LIBERTYVILLE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1929. n Group, No. 2 of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will hold a cake and doughnut sale at Lester's store Sat-- urday afternoon, Jan. 19, starting at 2 o'clock. Camp No. 3 of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mras. Ross Triggs, 215 Elm Court, on Friday afternoon, Jan. 18. Mrs. Frank B. Wilson will assist. 'The National Daughters of the G. A. R. will install officers at St. Jos-- eph's school hall on Tuesday eve-- ning, Jan. 22. Members of the Amer-- ican Legion and the Legion Auxil-- lary are invited to attend. C._F. Wright is another of the for-- tunate ones to get out of the cold of the past week. Heleft last Thurs day for Fairhope, Alabama, and will remain until the spring days come again to Libertyyville. ._--_.___.----'--------------------'_.____."l W. Pettrson. was high man at the , 4 Libertyville Recreation Center last The W. C. T. U. meeting WhCD | woex with a score of 239 for a single was to be held Tuesday afternoon at | game. Mrs. W. Stang was awarded the H. J. Hagerty home, 129 First | ino woman's prize for high single street, was postponed because Of th€ | yoms quring the week. Her score unusually cold weather. lw" 169. ¢ \ \\\ * ! | ';.\'\"\\\ y Ni\ /, ' % / aft -- * »Z A 'arge number of Tenth District Woman's club members and,.pPresi-- dents were in attendance at the annual President's day of. the Lib-- ertyville Woman's Club Wednesday afternoon. Miss Evelyn Wells returned last week to Renssalear, Ind., where she is attending school; after spending the holiday vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dollenmailer. Attaches at Condell Memorial hos-- pital report the condition of Miss Elizabeth Chard, who has been suf-- fering from pneumonia, as about the same -- Miss Chard was admitted to the hospital January 2nd. seve ( 2 ays. ' severe cold weatner on in0se ua}3 ' The members of, the TLibertyville Wm. Canpert, 341 N. Third St. bas fire department are working hard bought xa;-'l.uhk place on East COOK arranging details for the Eleventb avenue, «considerationd being re-- ; * s portedas $6500. The broker in the Ann\{al Mask Ball to be held Friday deal was W. M. Huffman. Mr. Can. Night Feb. 1, at the high school aud-- pert is employed at the factory of itorium. Smart's orchestra will fur-- the Foulds Milling Co. Mr. Huffman nish the music, from 8:30 until ev-- also was broker in the sale of a loL;oryj)ody is ready to quit. Prizes of be'lonving to Austin Schnaebele to gold coin will be awarded for fancy W . E Decker. The property is lo 'and junusual costumes, and masks cateqg near the Condell _ Memorial, will $e on sale at the hal. The grand ho«nital martch will start at 11 o'clock. Two bowling teams from the Lib-- ertyyille Recreation Center who were to have participated in a sweep stakes meet at Des Plaines Saturday and Sunday nights, were prevented from making the trip because of the severe cold weather on those days. )«pital € MX Libertyville Lumber Co. Good Coal Means fi Warmth and Comfort y 5no ' I § dic (O)ur greatest n_fl'vring ... same qmdily, «tvle, fitting as usual ... ow "Down By The Old Depot, Been There Twoenty Years" Look up your Coal Supply Now and let us fill your bin with Our Best Genuine Pocohontas, Certified Anthracite, or Coke. The Best Time To Order Coal is Right Now while the ground is frozen and the Trucks will not tear up your lawn. | FLORSH ET M +885 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOS TELEPHONES 47 and 48 A few styles 8985 _ OF STYLE AND DURABILITY LBERTYVILLE.ILLINOIS. MITH HOES | Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Dymond lewt 'last Friday on their annual pilgrim-- age to the southland: their destina-- |tion this year being Tampa, Florida. They left just in time to escape the N below zero temperature of Sun-- day morning, and also missed the | big jJob of shoveling snow Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Delos Ames expect | to leave Saturday morning for San Benito, Texas, to enjoy the balmy breezps of that section of the coun-- try ugtil April. Mr. and Mrs. Ames \have jbeen laid up with the flu for | the pahst two weeks, and hope to be \rreatly benefited by their trip to ~Texas. | A meeting of the Citizens' Commit-- tee of the Boy Scouts of Libertyville will be held Friday evening, Jan. 19 'm the Chamber of Commerce Aud-- |itorium at 8 o'clock sharp. All mem-- bers are urgently requested to be present, as matters of importance lare to be discussed. ! Mr.j.and Mrs. Dwight Doloh, of '!Mund'tlheln. are the parents of a baby virl, born early this (Thursday) 'morning at the Condell Memprial hospital _ Mr. Dwight is emploved in the grocery store of L. A. Murrie 'at MundeleIn. and is also village lMerk there. The office of the village clerk was unusually busy Monday and Tuesday due to the large number of residents of the village who visited the office to pay the quarterly water bills. Tuesday was the last day to pay up to avoid losing the discount. An|unusually large crowd attend-- ed the winter informal dance held under the auspices of the Cardinal Club at St. Joseph's hall Wednesday 1 git ) t The hall was approvriately decorated and everyone commented fayarably on the excellent muslc fur-- nished by Paul Pfannenst!ll and his entertainers. The next socvial affair will jbe a card party 'and lunch at the same hall Wednesday night, Jan-- Uf ary 30th t \ _ Willis Overholzer and Rev. C. Ar-- thur Jevne, Mundelein, attended the | Regional meeting af Region Seven |of the Boy Scouts of America, held at Edgewater eBach hotel in Chica-- |go Monday and Tuesday. Of the sev-- leral hundred council areas in Region 'Seven, the North Shore Council set Grant Lusk came down Milwaukee avenue Saturday in a sleigh, having the time' of his life. The old nag was traveling high, wide and hand-- some, and with the music of the bells and Grant's cheery hail, bro't to memory of the times when a good fr<t horse hitched to a trim cutter was quite the thing. A beautiful hooked rug, made by VYUrs. B. 1. Whiftman is on display in the corner window of the Public Service building. Tickets are being sold at 10 cents each, or three for 25¢, and can be purchased at the Public Service office, or from any committee member of the Hospital Auxilhiary. Some one will get a val-- uable rug for little money. NOTICE . Not reswonsible for debts, unless contracted by myself or my wife. B ALBERT & ALBERT. ALBERT F. FARK. a record for attendance, probably because of the nearness to conven-- tion headquarters. SAVE WITH SAFETY BUY AND BUILD CLEANING AND DYEING DONE BY EXPERTS B. H. Miller G. C. Gridley Phones 57 and 98 Grande Cleaners and Dyers LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. WE ARE AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE" Heirloom Plate From Genecratf in to Generation --, Here's quick Cough Relief Don't let -- that dangerous hacking cough tear at you day and night. Stop, it-- quickly -- with REXALL CHERRY -- BARK . COUGH SYRUVUP. l ' Si| ~ O «--'1':',-- x PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 844 COPELAND MANOR This soothing, pleasant-- tasting remedy cuts and clears up a cough in a few bours. Rexail Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is exclusively sold by i First Class Work Guaranteed Decker & Neville Phone 55, LIBERTYVILLE McDonald's Jewelry and 'Gift Shop. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Libertyville's Scenic S ubdvson The GGCx@LL Store Newman's Barber Shop, Arlington Heights Dinsey's, Palatine Geisies, Lake Zurich Murphy's, Wauconda Varney's Deerfield Americt's Finest Tableware. PROMPT SERVICE 50 cents AGENCIES: 7--0unce size Phones 45 and 157 SHI.\, / P T . m L Mfi g t P -- abele e. _._.____0 34 % ke, (o2e* > f&"& M Yque UapP® New Classes Forming in January McDonald's Commercial School I hereby agree to pay on or before April 1, 1929, to Harry C Meyer, Treasurer of the Dennis Limberryv Memorial Fund, the S l1 i First National Bank All are secured by FirstyMortgages on improved property in Libertyville and Lake County. More than 20 years of experience without a loss of principal or interest to investors is evidence that First National First Mortgage Loan Notes are safe and sound. One To Five Year Maturities, $500 and $1000 Denominations. We have an unusually good list of First Mortgage Loan Notes which we offer for investment of funds. First Mortgage Loans 6 per cent Interest DENNIS LIMBERRY MEMORIAL i of COMMERCIAL COURSES Individual Instruction Positions Secured for Graduates 51'611161: There is pleasure in knowing you have the best. There is satisfaction in know-- ing that B--T Radio will cost you less in the end--it can't help giving you greater enjoy-- ment in the meantime. CAPITAL AND SURPLS $110,000.00 Libertyville, IIlinois has set a new style in radio design,--it has features found in no other Radio. FRANK H. EGER Sioned A ddre We solicit your inquiry. mMODEL 7--71 Let us show you LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE 130 PADIO TELEPHONE 17 wWITEI Dollars. ully PAGE FIVE @