ent of its kind in tl . many mints and IA .ttble to return to the assurance- that '.:NSitt the industry h (formation that imp i11t thought that I sucrea\xl 2n L's 1-1 ' plant. l, The concern manufactures a ta. i; mous series of snap products. 3 The mayor stated today. with i' some reservations, that it the con- cern carries out its plan to,build in the west that Waukegen will In all probability be selected as the site of the internationally known indus- try. "9t course there is no certainty as yet that Waukegan h to be so lected as the site ot the big indiw try, but at Present it is actually the only city being considered on the balms " reports made by its repre- Ignatius." Tim in a few words fiom Mayor L. J. Yatter, who re- turued trom the eait last night, tha: t indust ation cation for the it "a; nude»: alone was be his attentio oral member tors of the convinced t in see by ti two tual l Lani: REPORTS ARE FAVORABLE value Waukegan wa standpoint' "l ot freight "UL Tho may; the report ' ing from pla (1110 rate be a long righ Commerce. chances ot , in Cambridge. Mass. The was recently \iaih'd by a I tire which resulted in tem closing of the industry, The that the pnssessinu of two d plants would enable the"conc Party's!) In such an emerieu done much to mime-11w them building another. l guy Qualifies -, " very thorough investigation has: been nude " to Waukegan in "at! to site, autism aecommoda. than. (might nth. tugs. water apply. cum. laser conditions. etc. and Wuhan qualities in " I'y nuance. MAYOR HUME: us HOPES WAUKEGAN 1hlll1 l.julriulif This City Now Only One Be ing Considered By Big Eastern Concern The Conce reports. " t has its emit The company " more than a year behind in production and before the auxiliary plant can be erected 'rither he" or elsewhere the Concern will be more than two years behindm VOLUME XXXVII---NUMBER 5 An extended report by Mayor ya. xer which Is to be presented to both the city council and ('hanber ot Commerce is as followa: "The trip to Boston. in my esti- mation. and the interview with never Brothers company. was oer. thinly worth while. as I was able to answer a numbber ot questions that were put to me in regard to conditions in Waukegan. that would complete the information they had already received, through their tn. vestigation. "Their investigation ot Wauke. gan. through the vice-president in charge. has been very exhaustive. over 200 pages being written on the advantages and disadvantages of our city as . location. All other ci- ties have been relegated to the back-ground. excepting Waukegan and the pouihility ot locating in Chicago or St. Louis; one ot two ot their board membebrs feeling that the advertising Vllue of a west- ern headquarters in Chicago or St. Louis would be grater than in n stunner city, but this has not been substantinted in the report that has been made to the board by the vice- ymldanL "There are three propositions that their engineers are working on now and when their plans and costs are reported. the board will decide at otget--tirqt---tttat ot building on to their present plant to accommodate their expanding business/second-- building n plant in the West that will produce 1 million and a half cues per year. and. third-build- in; I. plant in the West that will produce three million cases per year. Ther are now producing six million cases in the Cambridge plant. Their business tor 1929 is new en million cases and in 1930 they expect to province nine million cases, no u the vieeprtrsidettt aid. they must build somewhere at once in order to take care ot their business " be! trom tho assurance that I received. that this matter will be added very "only and I cant May ms Irtt My ,btain b In tt me Need of Two Plants Hammond ls tttt oneern, \mcn cont " nut busted In entire American i 'ridgv. Mass. The "ttly \isitml by I ch resulted in te: " the industry, Th pnssessiou at two ottld enable the"cor In Such an emerxe ch to mum-non them nnntha!' " t Wu an rt lat tc",' waluab ll a W nd I K A: am a tl ' mum wot w h le ll it is actually the nsidered on the Me by its repre- in a few words Yangon who re- rail last night, Med Dropped 'enct em mo h contrary to ed in Boston. wan interests The plant , by a serluui in tetnpornry ry, The belief " two distinct the"concerrt to V0 ot Wa nerzeucy has them award Id W ty was my MI with ty is It :iveu in im wit? LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT LlBER'r'YVlllLllLlliii, Iti0DEPlliyl)lDE,tlT PHI"! after fa ly knows t more cu He cau'l family p Billy's "ient ll But he keeps eheertul, at that. as he lies in his but beside a first- floor window, glancing 01.: now and then to 599 hi. playmates run and jump and yell in a vault]! lot next do1 It was Just a In" Hays a, he had his latest accident times. The days when he has been able to walk about have been far fewer than the days that saw him flat on ttia. back in bed. He has never been able to romp and rough- tutftutttble it with the other boys, and he probably never will. But he keeps cheerful. at that. as he has ln his bed beside a first. Beginning when he was 14 months old, he has broken one bone or an- other in his little. wasted body 30 times. The days when he has been able to walk about have been tar Bellaire, Ohio; Jun. 30.-Billy Newhan has only ha' 12 years or 'sire-ttnd eight of them have been spent in bed. wow YOU SEND HIM A POST CARD? "Aw, It's Better to Laugh Than to Cry!" Says Boy, 12, Who Has Broken Bones 30 Times" 200 feet. First rescue workers {03nd Hatton unconscious, but h" revived later and helped to direct a fire department life-saving squad in their ettorth to free him. "at ton's right leg was badly crushed. Arrows Indicate Hatton (right) and one ot his rescuera (left). ."Rescued full crew Florida. Total miles ott the Virginia Capes Whrn the 1 Jones by their calm obcdieurn to union; The other four Were in the ship's tlosott, Captain Giuseppe Favaloro, who command help but feel, that Waukegan stands the best chanre ot obtaining this industry. Certainly it they dedide to come here after the Investigation that has been so thoroughly made, there can he no question as to ' kostn's future. as it will demon- strate that this is the best indus- trial site in the middle we". tor my large industry. __-- "Might as Well Like It" hme e ..xp's bunch; te the nor m a long name tor it which on't understand, but he that hls bones broak much ally than mm»: people's do. t expliyiyt it to you, but the ohytwlciart can. _ FIREMEN RESCUE PILOT FROM TREE bones do not have sum' w in them, ttlcortrncr, to r, and his *ystvm cannot transform lime from his "Norm lime from his ne material. When he he: a year old tte fell and broke an arm. ttt_ttas suffered 29 es J, almost all as a L: that mos: children ithout noticing them. '. a {mu days ago that I). "l ket "-111 "MK and It feels bath L. J. YAGER. Mayor at the City ot Wankegan. ma Sunken Freighter's Crew on Board Rescue Ship Charles Pankrac, ot Fox Lake, tti- leged to be connected with the alot machine ring in McHenry county. has arrested Saturday night by De- tectise James McQueeny and "ken to Woodstock to give bonds. . NAME fill tMill IN 1nliilillf PROBE Italia: tt LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAYJANUARY 3l, I929 TV sucCTi0yfrW0 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE (Urn. They r:- on the dock 4 'rnm the long exposure to icy Florida. aptuln i And more. by the vuy, is an idea i--ro'r you. A postcard only costs a gpenny, and the Job of ertlng and l mailing one ian't so tough. And they lineal: more to this little abut-1n than you could ever imagine. The address? It 1. Billy New- hart. Bellaire. Ohio. R. b". D. Maybe Billy won't be ibis to In- uwer your card. But he'll be aw- fully slid to Tet It, anyhow. i MADE ZION HISTORY He has had a. score or more of tray photographs taken, and the pictures tell I pitiable story. His whole physique, originally quite robust, in .now weakened as a re- sult of tho many irsctures. Carried to School Billy has gone to school quite a bit - between spells in bed. Un. like most young boys. he looks forward to going to school. even though he can't play with the other boys in the school yard at recess. The school house is right across the street. and When Billy is in shape to Att his father or mother alwsys curios him over and goes and zeta him at night.' slipped while caning out of an auto and tumbled ott the running board to the ground. A {all like that wouldn't hurt most people - but It broke both his has and one arm. The chief bit or enlogment -the plurky little Invalid you come-u from the postcard: that other chil- dren send him. People all around here know about little Billy New. hart, and nurly every day there are two or thrre postcards for him. "In mother goes to the mail box by the mud every day, and If she comes back with something for Billy, has whole My la made brighter. Tho Chicago Auditorium, long re- garded as om- ot the most magnifi- cent ot its kind in Amervia. has passed into tho discard, to he suc- ceeded as Chicsgo's musical center by a forty-six story skyscraper cost- ing $16,000,000, 'now under construe tion on .. Market street between Washington and Madison streets. The cost ot the new edifice will be just tive times that of the massive and historic stone structure which tor a tong period was the pride of the mid-west metropolis. The Chicago Auditorium is Intl. mately connected with the history ot John Alexander Bowie. founder of Zion City. it was ht this building that he held many notable meetings Mr. v'oliva. the present general overseer of Zion, accompanied by other omcers and the iamoul Zion choir. also has held meetings in the Auditorium on different occasions. the building being packed to the top ot the highest gallery. The building was dedicated by President Benjamin Harrison on the night ot December 8, 1889. Immedi- etely- following " address, Adelina Patti. then regarded " the world's most beautiful singer, came on the plstform and sang "Home, Sweet Home." After a; moment of tense silence. the audience burst into cheering. the ovation lasting for ten minutes. In 1898. General Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, held a great overflow meeting there. On that night. Dr. Dowie sat on the plat. form at the invitation ot the aged genenl. F ttil AUDITDRIUM AT CHICAGO ONCE USED ilf DUWIE at one time conducting a series ol services. there every Sunday after noon tor, six months. Zion Founder and Successor Held Meetings in Building Now Being Razed During the forty years which have Lake County's Big Weekly 'tmdatiat m n- - labia in Il-tr can" , SEA New York Bureau e Fried from the B. S. America on that mm night 700 And here are 2% of those 32 seamen "ho rht'zt'rd Davy the Atnerira " it stmmed up the bay lo Now ank City. ales. The man whose arm in in a sling. right (enter, ts U. 3* iltlllaliil MIGHT DROP REBOUNT DEMAND IN Bolgor took votes on the JI not properly in Hurts m uni that whllu hy date that my. only atllotsed the cutuulati " given him thL elapsed since then, the Auditorium has witnvswd pt-rformancus by many of the hvorhrs most renowned prism in the mum-a] Warm. The final chapter in its eventful history wu written on last Saturday night when Its curt,ain rang down .'or the last tlme . " _ _ tl Fr ', ' t NEA New York Bureau. Captain George Fried. Chief Officer Harry Manning and.the _other heroes of the S. S. America faced the 'stprm pictured here with more reluctance than they braved the storm at sea to rescue the crew of the {freighter Florida. Tens ot thousands of New limiters lined the streets to cheer the parade during the uticial welcoming reception. Two thousand of Police Commissioner Whalen's "finest" were needed to can the way through the canyons of lower Broadway. Here you see the procession through a show of ticker tape and fluttering papers. t?prinrfirld, Ill, Jan. 30.r--llNS)-- The elo-rliun contest tiled by Thom- as A. Jlolger against Rup. Richard Lyons ot_thd eight distrlct may be dismissed, it was beiievvii,hdre to. day. Postponement of consldr'ralh the election committee of tha his been made who due to f; of Homer's unnrnvys to a; Router has told his atturno')', I said, that if any mun- rotttintr noon Attor Ben Mi Ben Mllier left field 10 (It-{"1111 Donouuh. of W lubed third Jn votes tshrsari of Henry Damn" HEARING FOUR OTHERS are "ho-d the Failure of His Attorney to Ap- pear Brings Hint of End of Contest ped ASSEMBLY CONTEST "A! 1' l itt ttnes G. 1tT,Vlt and l Monday for Spring I Lyon, and Lot, MC AS COTHAM HAILED RESCUE HEROES ILS. Makes Progress in Efforts . to Curb Avian Tuberculosis show tl brlow Wardva Elmer J. Green. of J 'tenltentiary, and three timvs sh of Lake runny, might cisnrisnr warden of ttge state prison' 'u Gor EIMEII GREEN MIGHT FALLS DEAD WHILE CONTINUE JS HEAD WALKING IN W000 OF STATE PRISON. WITH MI BROTHER Reports have been current that tho warden would be a. candidate for Sheriff It Lake'county in the (New he is not reappointed. ' . Reports From Joliet'lndicate That Former Lake County Sheriff Has Chance N0 SUCCESSOR DISCUSSED today yesterday after a l Rodney Hm direr:tur " t welfare. Ar'cording to Julie: informants Secretary of State William J. Strat- ton has taken an interest in the my taming ot Green. I. "No mention the rtuappoiatno IN WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN n " the departmp l tor made regarding 1cm ot a warden." he "mt " Death is believed to have been due to hv-ar: diiteaso and was sutier- induced by the effort expended in Rise was married and was the father of two children. Stricken as he W through a wood With on the fartin'owned by "were! miles southies: The lady was removed to the: Prank Forte undertaking rooms at! Wheeling, where an inquest will be; held this afternoon. I Jake Rise of Glen Ellyn Dies Suddenly on Farm South- west of Deerfield After having walked some dis. tance about the, farm the man col- lapsed and tell at the feet of his brother. INQUEST AT WHEELING ell dead he long walk. He had not complain ise years old, ot Glen Ellyn. Ill., Tuesday as'ttu'moon, Jake a walking is brother the latter, t Deerfield E. lloeksema of Zion City. who has had forty-three years or expen- ence in designing and Weaving wicker furniture. has just completed a sample set ot airplane furniture for the firm of Frank J. Parney of lChicago, and left on Monday for I (tour of St. Louis. Kansas City, and iother points with a view to calling The furniture, which is ot the wicker type, is exceedingly light. flexible and durable. three essennal qualities tor airplane furnishing. on some ot the biggest airplane manufacturers in the United States. Accompanied by Assistant Chief of Police Thomas E. Kennedy and Detective Sergeant Bart Tyrrell. Charles J. Hickox. 26 year old iron worker who has been out of work tor about three months, _.travoled about the north side of Waukenn late yesterday afternoon and point- ed out six homes, which, police claim, he admits burglarizing. A According to the alleged confer sion which Chief Kennedy and De. tective Sergeant Tyrrell say they obtained trom him last night, Hir- kox's career in crime taken the tol. lowing chronological order: The manufacture ot furniture specially tor airplanes is a new de, parture in the industrial world. The business ot the Zion post of- tice for 1928 showed a 60 per cent gain. amounting to approximately $27,000 over that of 1927. This in. crease, while evident along alt lines ot postal business, was chiefly due to the large amount or catalogs and circulars printed in the Zion Print- ing and Publishing house, and tnail. ad trom Zion City by the firmg issu- ing them. One single mailing, tor instance, consisted of one-halt mil- lion circulars sent out as tirgt class mail. Residents at two of the " plsces visited did not know that they had been burglarized afthough in both places liickox took a Jewel piece worth more than 8150. Hit-kox was permitted to visit his wife in the Yeoman Maternity hos- pital where a baby was born to them last Thursday. He told his wife that he is working in Ham- mond, Ind., and so tar she has not learned that he 13 under arrest for burglary. Nov._28. Found the rear door un- locked at the home of Mn. Olga Fostrerg, 830 Hickory street. Enter. ed and took a diamond ring valued at more than $150. from a dresser drawer and pawned it in Chicago for teo. Mrs. Fosbertr mined the ring, but did not realize it had been stolen. It was given to her about 10 Iears ago by her husbnnd. now de- ceased. She has furnished the 820 to revover it trom the pawn shop and it will be used as evident? against Hit k ZION POST OFFICE SHOWS INCREASE Mrs. John F. Jaap, Sr., use 65. VII. for many years was a resident " Zion, until she took up her re» dence at 1336 Diversey Put-bu; Chicago. died at the St. Ellubem hospital in Chicago yesterdny. F. neral services will be held Nd. at g o'clock from Brleske Ind Son chapel at 3037 Lincoln venue. Chl- cuo. Burial in Waldhelm 'rernetterD locked at the hon a study of all of Contract VOUChPrs Lombardo sponsored two em- ployes and Senator Harrison was named with Dr. Warren 0. Whoe. lock, Chicago. as sponsor for ma late George E. Brennan. Wheeled! was assistant supervisor of the In. ter survey and drew $2,600 a year. Among other names written Into the jury rewrds were those of State Representative Ralph Hoar, Elgin. Ill., and Harry W. Hit2eman, Chica. go. an engineer. Evidence was submitted purport~ ing to show that checks Issued by the corporation counsel's ottice in the name of Hazelnut: were indors- od by Hoar and cleared through his bank. Hitzeman denied he wu over on the payroll or that he ever re- ceived _ the money. A group of downstate legislators have been subpoenaed to appear be- fore the jury but may not testify in. armuch as the jury emu its exis- ence tomorrow. MPiJ0E CHAINS MADE IN ZION CHECK 1Mlillliillt USED ON DISTRICT hit IIIIII. TRICK lie yesterday. TRIP list also incluJ- ed former Judge Floyd E. Thomp- son, defeated Democratic candidate for gowrnor, who appeared as epon- sor for A. A. Thompson. White Hall Ill., a "water sampler" t: 8175 I month. MRS. JOHN JAAP TAKEN Illf DEATH Shows Local Officers the Places He Entered and Tells What He Got WAS EASY TO GET IN As the jury's investigation of pay- rolls progrpssed yesterday, the late Tony Lombardo. slain gangster, and United Statps Senator Patrick Bar- rison of Mississippi were revealed as sponsors tor sanitary district em. ployes. Thri- names are contained on the "T to 2" card index file made pub- lic yesterday. The list also inciuJ- ed former Judge Floyd E. Thomp- HAD FAIR SUCCESS Found rear window us. the home of Albert o. I all of the 250,000 nun an ttil