"you": ot Olson camp No. "9. 8. N. A., for the year of 1939 van hill!" at the "an: moot- M of an: on» hold in their "lt Til-d" "who Jan, 2'3. Hrs. Joe. You but "be: the first ot Int week. Me v" taken to the Luke County an f t Ito-pun "are he ttred only . for hours. Funeral "wees tor Stanley L Thompson were held Thursday an- ernoon. Mr. homo-on. who had not been tn good bum: since the "on it was a tn both feet while in mi! ot his and" is constable I couple of mu no. suffered a " The "r-ra Institute will be hm th Antioch Thursday Feb. 7. As ll the put the institute will be held in the high school building. "Uny when will be unwed and over!- ono l. enthusiasm itt matting um the blunt and but Institute ever held in Antioch. Mr. ad Mrs. Lamaze from North- ern Wisconsin m guests at the her tl Mr. 13d In. A. w. Bock. Saturday tor Rosolund; rm, where any , new Sue remainder ot the winter. M undeleln won 1.1 bertyvi1ie. lrrfler Former . Sign . . Tegmeyor Wells . . The Mttndeleia women bowls Litrort.vviue women of the Tra, League Saturday event". scorn were a: follows- Libonyvmo Mason ..... Rhythm . . . H. Tullcy ... Helen Tulley Kennedy . _ Several people (rob Mundelein are planning to "Hand the card par- ty to be given by the ('ardlnai Club of Libertyville at St. Joseph's whom hall Wednesday owning. Matty of the Mundaloln women are planning to participate in the bowling tournament to be held um week at the Kedete alley! in Chl- oago. Some of the participant. an Dora Round. Jane Dower and Ma- bel Tunney". Mrs. W. li. Volkmnnn entertatned the West Park Nt. Image club at "or home Suturdny afternoon. Mn! prize wan awarded to Mrs. Will Ray ttnd second prize to Mm bank Honda. Mr. ttttd Mrs. John Rouse and family. Mrs. Emma Rouse and 1M- bert Rouse and Mr. and Me. Harry Ron" and family were "tttertafned at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rouse at dinner Sunday The opm'a has been picked out for the students or L. T, H. .9. It "m be the "Chimegs ot Normandy"? It will ho given snmozlma in April. Mr. and Mrs. hank Kelroy en-i remained the evening SOO club on Thursday. Thr prizes were Minded! to the following ladies: First. Mrs. Yolkmann: second. Men. Louis Hen. due and consolation. Mrs. Darn". Men-timt, . Falkner: second. Mr. Pred Slaycez'cmmolallnn. Mr.', _I.. Hendee. "N _ l 6pettt S kiutatt. The The boys of the Lincoln Gram- mar school wlll play tho boys ot the Half fray school Friday evening. Rd Armah of Chicatto Visitod'Mlss Er'hor Zen-sen on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Meyer and children Miss Abbie Carr. who teaches 'the mm and sixth ands-s ot the Lin. cum Grammar school. entertained the fifth and sixth grades at u to- N-Rzaning partv on Heutrtech's h!!! Thursday afternoon. All of the thir drwn had a very good time. , an the flu is slowly humming. Friday evening L. T. H. B. art Harrington High Srhool in a ban ketban same. The lights won trout Harrington by a close margin. The heavy team game was very em:- in]. the score was tied nearly the whole some. Libertyville would nuke a basket and Harrington would tollow suit. The more ended 19 to 21 In favor of L. T. ll. B. Fri- day might the boys will play in a tournament " Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Swan were or» Mr. and Mrs. H. . remained at dinner at Ray Wells'. Mu. Gus Gadke, for many years a resident of Mundelein. is slowly improving at her home. . Mr. and Mrs Mm La Verne and Roger Swan Marjorie and Chester Decker attend ed the theater in Waukegan Sun day. . Mrs. John House will entertain the Udles' Vit Club Thurmsduy arm- noou. Jan. 31. _ _ Earl Eddy who has been-m with George Meyer entertained a tow ot his friends at a stag party Sat urday evening. Mus Caroline Kublank resumed her dulle. u the Foulds Millitig company Thursday After an illness ot several days. Misc Dorothy Reuse ot Liberty. ville spent Saturday afternoon at tho home of Miss Lama Dortler. Mm. Mary Dieclttmau, a resident ot Mundeletn. is seriously ill at her home in Chicago. 'Elmer Krauso wt" a Waukegan visitor Saturday. Mrs. George Smith and son- went Saturday mum; Mrs. Myron Wells. Albert Knit" of Ilbertrville spent Saturday afternoon with his cousin. Marquis Kublank. Several people from Mandelrin handed the basketball game he. twoen Foams and Gut-nee. Foulds and L. t H. S. sophomore: and Foulda and Oldmmers. Thursday evening. The "the between Foulds and the Old Timers was the upockl feature of the evening. The Mun. deleln plnyers were Henry Engle- breeht and Clayton Tttany. Clay- ton made a basket from the center of the floor which put him " the top of the "It although the score Wag 54 to " in taror of Foulds everyone ls waiting tor a return game. Mi" [arena Dorfler who in -ted on for appendicitis at the It Mela hospital. Evansmn, has returned home for a few weeks to rest up before she will res'um- her duties as .3 nurse. She is reported to be doing very nicely. tl Antioch Mundelein d3 Hand-Min w. R. William, left he 678 746 'ro.", wo games from has been om improv ing. ot the Traveling Sunday 'evening ater in Wm f l Recall; 'tiitttttigttaioatulh1rra_r 1lllhat0irmaigieas f;r;"':.:;; ; fyrtatiagies'ttyri'; 1hpearatedl 42yallliigllyt.ry:srit,t of , . _r:l',/'?js,i'r'ie'/' Home and England MoreIhan ACenturV' 'he Mun-I A 1 _ f1 I d the Th I vary nice program of vocal num- bers v" rendered. A few games won played Incl refreshment. were and. am. Joyce left the tore put of the week tor California when the will spend a numbm of weeks. know-k! acted .4 winning officer while in. Wm. Runyud "not! us Installs; unnhnl. At an conclus- lon ot the carcinoma ot Insulation work canal tlmee. " works ox- ooodlncly "than! to much more numb]. tttan hm W. It." not tried to draw men than 10 an at I mad. but I doubt not we could dnw (a tom .11 an. very well; 10 (on: land no chance " m with It, Captain Dick mun haw micr- od up the plea-n and made mph-I. for "are. your: later he was de- main-gun; Its use 1.4 s tractor. 'N 3 Mom! be I'm: "Yoaterday we Owed on our Journey with the engine: w. earhod 10 ton. ot Iron. ' WWII. and " non mung m them the who]. of the Journey. " In ubou- ' mun which we pol-formed only tn 4 hour- I mmttu" you: an" (Tumors M1 demoetatrattoo In I" had bull! I but" m can" and momma mm a" tur the invention. In ttot COW"! Dirt Trrrtttne, Mom tho purine perfected by Wax. trum A nit-propel" road which that v.0 mom - pne- ucu mu Any at the 'tarlUr an. Accord"): to t cum-mm bl.- torhn " could no up a "lift-h hm" Ike 3 "mm bird .. In M mat d A mu run he my: "In tho WIP 1801. upon Christ- an: F)". comm; on "vcntmr. "atrt- un Pirk trot up Steam, out in tho Mthmd. Just outside the "on. When we» we'd that Captain as: m naming to turn on _ - tue-d up " many " room. My quite so rant, and an tt was A ttood of ruin. um we were wry annexed recount. I Jump": on. She m tom: Mater than I could nut. tad went up tho till about I manor or n mile furthet. when they turn- ed her And mm. but an: to the than. I'm moo Oahu Bet This would - to an only t speed ot 2K miles per hour. but an succeeding sentence a: the let- ur explain. nutter-z "We had to cut down some tron and roman you. I...» rock: out "Captain Dick "led her gain the next dar; 1 m not them. but hard that name of an outing: bnoke. Rocolloct no!" Mecca of " in the ditch Int-rm. Md up- ". no um um no hem" be seven or alum ot us. "the" L dumb hm. but she went M like a little bird. "Whoa the had moo about a quarter of a mile than wins a routthtstt piece ot ground raven-d with locu- stoetctr. we didn't Co quite so fart. and an tt In . tteteyd 'Satltng Chariot" Was First . Man's effort to ieplaee horses as power units in wheeled vehicle, appears to have started more than 3 centuries new. The Dutch have records oi a "railing chariot" built in Ito! that carried 28 people 42 miles in two hours. In those days "no Ind clan-Icky m still "e--'-""""-'"'-",!'--"------'--- - man: to h. 4"". Even? m oaaqina. has may you: In tot" " in nun. luau... waa "and m nut- and an. m o-ttetat m can" to th' RE you one of the millions who fondly believe they saw the "first automobile"? Prepare for disillusion- ment! That horseleas carriage you gasped at early V in the present century. with its unmuiRed exhaust detortating like a machine gun, with its smoky trail of odorous, half-burned gasses, its high buggy wheels and its erratic behavior was not the first automobile at all. It had an- cestors, prototypes, precursors,---" they were astonishing the natives of various puts. of the world before the days of George Washington. hiieet ijlkecftsttcestairt Bo the "sum. cm. "on not to be rare In favorable localities, lays Nature Martote., Ther are for the most part solitary. particularly In the wow; and are seldom If our actually gregarious. The lawnmower sometimes en- countered are probably made up ot a with family. Lit. the Sun-'0 The tiger lanterns frequent the banks ot than. the wooded mumps Ind the may marsh". Itnd they at tn 1329 Sir Oomlmorth Gurney nude 3 Journey m has Hum ru- ruao from London to Bath. cover- ing the. whole distance of 21: miles It an Inn:- of " miles u: hour. " In.- the first 1:19 of my long": ll x (unnamed spot-d. About the nine um Walter Ruined: designed and bum tua m; W. the "ahtomastoes," 1mm wu rally the am or m hmotor bun: HI- cocch ran for Hum month over new _lRoaa, London, roll!" up . tom be moo when. and cumin; In an (rviii Der-Ions. In 1834 n Room-h company op- "and 1 tttho of stun when be. tmn amt Lad Ma. The" in" bum by John Econ Ramon and won driven by manned: on the "Jet. Just u the. mm the! Hancock'- endno In indeed I curiou- atUtr with no cyltnder And no Mn. Then- won two Double In" trtrat cue was mm wtth noun and then the other. the mo- thtet Mn: produced by the emu- don and emu-Hon ot than but. It .0 this most nun-us] contrav- nnce that eventually led to mocc- Vith plum and cylinder engines had become quite popular an un- fortunate accident tormlnutod not! mgr. One ot the couch- an over a pile of stones. overturning tad exploding the both:- which aimed the sumo: mm This vaulted In the. Court of Sodom manual" the no. of tho an Captain 'Prittttc'n achw-ment - huvo lent a real Impetus to the man: industry for throughout the 'quy 1590'. new: tutomouna came, tn quick guccctaiort. suntan-d, 'Yonz' She waa mm: alone ir or 6 mm». per hour. And Captain *Ib'lck rum: out. 'Put the helm down. Jobn",a.nd baton l eould tell what was up, t'atrtatrt Mel's foot was upon tho "N110: wheel hundlo and w» W?" teartrttt down ' or , yum of mun: Iran .5 garden walt. A potion pot hm bead from . window and tttted out 'Whu the and! are you can: rhea-f What the deetl n that oecharuqrtaasdou.whot- 7'iar7'.? memvvnmn TN'DEPRNDTllNT. Mann. JANUARY. 31. 1929 The marlner'l compass ig an In. strument by mean- ot which the die "cure force of the earth. upon I freely suspended needle. ls util- ized for a put-fume essential to nuv- lumen. The needle ta so mdumed that it more. freely only In the horizontal plane. ahd therefore the horir.dhtot component of the earth'- torce "one directs It. , Radeture Ward eometrtteut'd an electric no in, an which Wu) driven through the lat-ecu ut Emma. A Mighty or ttd con- struction was the meth6d q! ob- tuning two trpoodn An intermed- .iu. out! was and with two loch. 'vnlk-y' to that the power might be Anni-mated through either ot! those gum. being of dim-mm limit. two .spoeda remind. Thus the germ ot ltho' gear-box ides was probably ltrorn. The two dunge- qtespocd Pr". obtained by m of clinches. This rloctdo mm attained ' lpood of otettt was an hour and the inventor next turned his at.. tention to an electric but 'nhich. when completed. in reporttl to have tanned our 6.000 miles on In addition fo a multitude ot My: ateant array-I. them were a num- 3"", bur or au'.omobilm dchn by m- wttm 9mm: air. The .1: m tA'rrfoU "a" m 1 Cylinder under mumm- _hr'rt mounting to mom, than {000 truilt pounds per mum-v1 inch William Dunc Mann inwnu-d such an untomo- Ar bu. to run Mm Mancnmtcr Park um London. and he had such H9; mu faith m the future ot -com- mun pro-ed I." which: an: In ad- cuml vmd 5 public Mum air rrch: supply that would be comparable ever, to the Min. an" mob: of n tt I1: the ' Brighton Inventor um turned out n electric doe- cart which became the an: o" the town. In 1830 the no human not!" constructed 5 umutu doe- curt tor the Quinn of Turkey but mm that u no mend ot Bloch-kit, In: the next motive force to be tharrte-d for Mnemo- Min and in 1339 than bt-gun a. meet-don of decidedly driven" automobile- that mi in po'pular- Hy mm) on "use motor moved It: mam to dental" the odd. troubie or Immune. to tuaLitt Or the public; on ooe occ"""t.onis did It noun. 3 born to b. mum its "He found no dimtty rhu- mr In throadlnc his way through the most crowded guru ot ttut at)". and In the hum-t ttme of tho d.r. .md that without causing! am Mariner's Friend Poppiu Battle Symbol Superstition looks upon poppies that bloom on battletields as the. Maud of the slain soldiers. The Romans regarded the flower " the symbol of death and dedicated it to Smnnll', god of sleep. A strange {not about the poppy In that when placed with other now": It will either wilt or cause them to droop and Ole. e dttreronttal so" mu dawn-rd - with ty having an electric motor I to drive (to): wheel. al In "" electric abs wen an .. corn in the and: London and by , thia time n beginning had been 'mule with Mlne motor: Theme "wind chm-lob". noun can. venom air vehicle. and electric carriage- muu be naked in the automotive We on an- cultms ot your automobile. But it was not until Goethe!) Daimler of Wurtemburx haunted on intern- al combustion motor driven by the explosion of gasoline vapor that the fast, Cognfortahie economical motor car was made n Man poniblllly. In 1886 Daimler built his ttrsti engine. a tour cycle motor isnt-, bodrintr the principles that under-, lie automobile motors ot todar.i mm this really "Manon mottvir' force at am dupe-l. the "ammo-f We industry han developed their" to mandible proportions ln 3 single" gauntlet). The German. Cart Benn. In 1885 bum a. three-wheeled motor car in which the engine "I [diced be- hind the Beat and well above the nu- axle. The noon!- ot Donna. 1N9; was no elm-Menu driven at. mun. With frequent may: of ac- cumulator: it covered 360 miles rt'rhtsrKNtut taking " . 11M! every so miles. ts' A It was In Amef'mn that harm-"M its oehavtor In the Ottoman Empire. "at Delivery M T An electric phaemu was berilt m H?! mould» ot wrytnx 8.}; put mater: and 1 your later a four- vhoekad winch- wu but". In lbw sumo yen "In: in probably (hr ttrst nntomam deHw'ry truck was hull: and Mind to wry meek In Dundee Among the competitors in Aha Pura-Bordeaux Competition, in CADYA:~ DJCHARO TREVITHICK'S STEAM sc,1'M',hafs A POWERFUL MAC NE OF THE. 9&le .900 s WAS THE WOR's . HRS? PRACTICAL AUTOMOBILE, . I In In Amehean that invented rtru' carriage in which the Milan":- (,?tf-yitirtpi1/iustamitiilbil, m i Psnbard and Levuaor, the pal-nest makers of motor can. ac- 'quired the French and Belgian fright; to the _Daimler petrol en- 'xine and in 1891 brought out quite fa. nice looking on: which was fol- lowed by ten other can and within Ithree Years bad built ninety motor m the motive power. A short 11ortaontVnhatt was (and to the apparent! of the crank ahatt try bevel gearing. and more was a counter or Uttermcdlue shaft placed under the tioor of the an on which there was , faat-autd-iooqe pulley which took the place of a clutch. the englne being allowed to drive the loose galley when the car was at host. The handle tor Ihlftlng the belt from the that to the loose pulley also applied a brake when rdhnlng on the loose pulley. A water cooled engine was used. cal-DJ These were the tire to have the engihea placed in front and chains were used to transmit the power to the driving wheels. Jo Hem-rum" posed for Wbi.ctlor's "White Girls," or, us l'enuell says. "This plate was must likely done when Jo, tired out, threw herself buck and refused 'tn pose any lonp- er, and yet Whistler, non-r tlred, always uitlt so much more to do than he knew he ever could do. seized the "lanee, and made an- other masterpiece." F The INrtrt m In 1893 Henry Ford had built hm 'rriu%srh of Genius to have Adiuyant Sonora] of New York. Avery o. Andrews. led the parade opening this Automobile Show 28 years ago. Jefferson Seliman. it is reported. "handled the levers". A glance at the ancntors of the modern automobile shows that the early designers Wore trying to equip a stage coach with an en- gine. So they transmitted from the stage coach, built far relatively low speeds. certain characteristics that were not at an adaptable to the swim, rolling vehicles made "Mom spectators were ot courso chiefly intt'roslPd In the lines and majesty of tlnistt of the Mutomo- bile bodies. As was frequently re- marked. even the delivery wagons had the same air of chance about them that did the more stately brouehams and victorian". The same mportm: in describing the show and the visitors) mid. '"1t was a brave and varied showmg. Not an uvc'dvm marred its pleasure, and not a horse tool, fright at tho long line of self-pro, pe-llnd vehicles Some bones vwn passer. "Oh, no," spoke up five-year-uid Charlotte, "tthe'tt at home i" to pay for having Ma mr tisvul. The old" son py-Inhm-d, "l'U het Mrs. G--- 1: up in the Mr about It!" At Home t At the' supper tuhle a 'lisot) was brought up uhnut n twi, who had been in tt wreck. h nut been the nviuhlmr's fault he found out that he "mum to pay for having, me our tisr0. lisr'uesiun svuesion { Londxin.-. Il'n, whim"! l "street of poll' v It had ? the Immmm rpm. ult. hm ! 00mm?! that as M have "grorling Rhnwod t HI. l contuined gold, If "m het l posed to he sittlr It Is a far cry from ('umbersomo steam Cartilr,'trs to (hm. (ornfono Sble automobilcn--trorn the ponders ous clankinz continuum: of Chat not to the suift, silent stud-bodied can that speed owr concrete high- ways. Yo-t in these lumbering steam wagons of Revolutionary days your automobile and: in w tho-nun gangsters. body dvsim permit the building of closed cars of unuxuully low height without ths' szu'rlfuw- of Lrud room for pagwngvrx. This improve- ment'hus added to the all-steel body':, 'tisrenm'lt. riding comfort. and interior spurmusrxms a new low acute" of runny and cvnsrquentty another Important "lctttcat ct Lomlxilll- Ill, is paving It. "slrvct of poll' will: ('l-ncrl'tl; and the l'urllmld Cortwnt 1ty"emn an- nnunms that assays during the grad"): 'thowod the earth actually contained gum. Its source was sup posusd to be sitting of the lines of ore-bearing wagons of gold boom days. and the gold mine dump ma- terial with which it wt: paved originally. anunble Paving ow:- concrute high- thuse lumbering of Revolutionary