Ttte premium Us: tor exhibit, '. atill (rowing which would encvu no everyone to plan an exhib of some sort. Home Economics t. thlu will include cakes. bred; mufttns, (Wants. hand work. ox Gnu. ouch u corn. when. bath-V can. potato... ete., will be exhibit " according to the premium list In." canal" prize: no offered Be an you no then oxhiblu. Darla; the evening section. Fra: I. Mann will give us one of his in ttresting talks on "Soils". Mr. Mar, nods no introduction to the ram em of Illinois. He is a warm. miner and unruly will have an _ ion-oath; lecture. Mrs. how will b on the program again in the on, in; with on illustrated lecture (m, ', eovtleon). Both afternoon and t will; program will include mush numbers by the grade schools. in: Ichool glee clubs. and Miss Dolor Munich. One at the purely entertain: features ot the evening Rrotuu will Include hos. cow. and poson chicken calling contests. INSTITUTE AT LAKE ZURICH The Lat. County Farmer-9' Ina: tute will meet at Kla Townsln:. High School. February ti, afternmw and evening. Committees are hard at work carrying out their plans 1 hue a banner meeting. The pro gram and exhibit plans are beiny published. Both should prove Vet)' inactive. especially the lath: elm I load list ot prizes will tr given. a he": rubber had around the -dtutyeuoetheeloee. Hum "In tho Inn enough to prevent/ts am man. but the venom" In - to annoy. During the afternoon we have th following speaker and their topV ot "dresses: Mrs. Fl A. Dow , Hinsdtle. will discuss "The Hou, or the home"; Prof. L. P. Graber , the University of Wisconsin R., tilt on "Alfalfa" and discuss com of the problems connected with i; culture. The latter part ot the u Icmoon will be in charge of .'ll D. E. Halo. tt poultry specialist. , Ruiz-lecture will be entitled "T Farm 'toi-What It Means to '. rumor." Gum Thoma has accepted a pm rmon with Johnson Motor Co. or Wuhan. - W. W. Cook ret' tram . business trip Raymond Atttttt réturned Monday from Illinois university for a "tot, mention. Geno sum ot Purdue universiz returned to his home Monday M amt, when he will remain for week during semster mention. C When one than In an apartment but on. Mata about letting tho alarm clock tux; out It: clarion all on the early morning air. Snap The P. T. A. will hold their rein-l lar business the school house on Melt. 5, at 8 p. m. Refresh-l meats will be served and 3 program; rendered by local talent. All who' are ittterested in the work of the P. , T. A. who no unions to build a community hall. are ospecltlly luviv ed to lucid. In. Arthur Anon received new: of the death ot her cousin, Leroy Smith. of Konoeha. He was ill but two days with ecerlot fever. Leroy you 16 your: of no. a student in high school. and his death came so a great :hoch to oil. The tuneral wee private and held Saturday. A. C. Jeeohson'n mother passed awe! in South Milweulee Thoma-y evening. Mr. end Mrs. Jecoheen. Mrs. lyrtle Bennewete and Mr. null Hrs. C. Page and eon Charles, left Saturdey morning to attend the funeral which we.» held Saturdey afternoon with burial in Racine. Mrs. C. E. Anderson who has been on the sick lint tor some time is feeling better. Mildred Kober bed her hands trot- en while going to school Friday. With good care from Miss Laura Hahn. principal. Mildred felt much better in the afternoon. _ - 1.- au, was], The first of a. series ot enterzam' ments to be given by the P. t A. proved to be a " success. A card party was held in the brick building can: ot the postomce on Saturday. Jan 26. 500'and bunco were purest and prizes were the tol. lowlng' Bunco. man's prize. John Levin: Indies, Vera Parker ot Zion. In 500. the prizes were won by Mrs. Ralph Johnson and Harley Owens. having just returneu Hum th m". no" trip. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Postell are the parents of a girl. Georgia May. born to them " Kenusha hospital Thurs- day morning. _ . _-s-o-le., A very delightful lunch WIS served. tree of charge. The proceeds ot the party will go toward the building mud for a recreation hall, The next party will be held Feb. 9 and all are cordially invited. C. W, Nowhere was a visitor in Chicago Tuesday. On his return he stopped at Waukegan to attend the Flying club. The uternoon 500 club will be held at the home ot Mrs. Geo. Zeit. ler Friday afternoon. The owning 500 club will be on- taruined by Mr. and In. H. Lar. sen a: the home of Mr. and In. B. Larsen Saturday evening. Mrs. William Foote, who has been on the sick list tor several days. is reverie?! as improved today. Casper Von Aliman received word ot the serious illness ot his sister in Switzerland. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hensley' have rented one ot the Orvis houses on Franklin street and will move In there Friday. The w. I'. T. U. meeting will be held at the home; ot Mrs. J. 1. John- son \Veduesdu afternoon. In. Arthur Anon r of the death ot no: 1 Smith. of Renown. Ht two days with sou-let P" 16 your. of no. high school, and his as a great shock to .11 Mrs. Janette Aiken. and daugh- tora. Janet and Emily were par- ticipant. in the "Sula Show" given at the Vale-cu ballroom by the Goodfellowslnp Club. Mn. Aiken and Emily were dressed in atyles of a country or more an) and they Vera accorded much applause. Jan- at was attired in a present day out- m and she waa as ntunnlnx as could H. Lanna. received word from Osborn. Kano. ot the serious ill, In: of his brother. Winthrop Harbor TueoGoo.tuCtoeht ) PAGE FOUR Lake Zurich News From the Cong): the afternoon Cook lg home 1 Cook returned /riiiome for the week returned trom a bus! Mona; slty At 2 o'clock p. m. Feb. 2. " Grays» , lake. the Halt Day boys and Kiri; will play the Graphic boys andf girls a double header game of bar I ketbatt to make up for the games' which were Icheduied tor in: Fri-' day. Our young folks are Inning strong "vocation: of "winning these l two "mes. Ott Sundny evening the people ttt I the mm View church enjoyed the l presence of Rev. Ellen. a friend u: I Rev. Dinn's. He woke on "Fouada, tions" including those " home,' church and character. This is the week of pray" and self denial for this (Inna. Prayer A littiq canary bird Just left a message saying that (hero would be another wedding in our community before many moons; let us watch. wait and listen, who it will be. Mr and Mrs. Engelbrecht acmm-i panied by Miss Cecil Atluhm ainrl, friend attended the shOw Bt High-i land Park last Saturday evening; After the theatre ptrty they were' entertained at the Kngelbrecht home I with n pard game and refreshments. I Church services at the Washburn ! Congregational church next Sumdy a at 7:30 p. m. And on Februnry 10th: preaching service will be It 11:00' o'clock in the morning, right after Sunday school, to which everybody is invited and welcome, Friday. Jan. 25th the Half Day boys and the Grayslake boys, alsu' the Httif Day girls and the Grayr' lake girls, were supposed to play a double gum: ot basketball at the Herschberger hall at Prairie View,' but the Grayslake folks did not show , up 3nd our boys and glrls were bll-l terly disapopinted, but shall win, vengeance on Saturday, Feb. 2nd. I On Monday, Jan. L'tittt, the Halt Day boys played the Emma boys and "airs our boys were disappoln' ed as Gurnee won by u score of ll to 3. On Friday owning. Frb. I, a: 7:30 at the Prairie 1ltew hall th" Halt Day boys will play the at, Jo, eph boys and the Halt Day gm; wail play the Independent girls, bum from Libertyville. This Mil be a duuble header guns and worth while seeing. Mins Anna Lindxtrmn, his Quinlan" TNNEHN' l'FUKruHH M" "It? for acted in his absent-c the Lake County l-'aruwrx' Illslliuft' Don't tall to attend than Parrutt-)to be held at the Kla township high Teachers association tum-ting at the .5"hool at Lake Zurirh m 11ititsos, school house on Friday evenlrup,h'etr. iday, Feb. 6th. It looks; lik" " tine lat at 7:30 p. m. At this meeting Mu, cording to the by-lawu the otttcerte"""-'""""'"""'""""'-'""-""-"'"""-"""""- wln be elected for to take electl' . during the summer term ot school.,; There will also be a debate between I ll three ladies and three men; the e question ls "Shall mum-u be allowed J to serve as jurors?" This. although' . each one will only be gitett two mln- Neighlmm J utes to exprwss their vleupolat, wlll . undoubtedly be very Interesting, 1 Let us have a good attendance. i With" an " Our Janitor. Mr. Witt, was um than: from his duties M. our sib- bath school and church last Sundty but we trust he will 'recover fully enough to be present next. Sunday. Miss Anna Llndstrom. his IIllltlnt acted in his absence. Mr. Barnum, who In I law ntudont It the University of C'hlctttto, at'. commuted Rev. George "mm to Halt Day during the week end and attended Sunday school and church. Min: Cecil Bluhm who t teaching in the high school at La Porte, lnd.. visited her parents. Mr. Ind Mrs. Prank Bluhm ttt Prairie View dur In: the week and. returnintt via train on Sunday afternoon. Half Day and Prairie View BRING IN YOUR OLD IRON-- YOUR OLD HOT WATER BOTTLE Onthe haseofan eleqtricheating padsdling for $7531; SL&) will be allowed for your gJitrlflUlgihe'. ,' In addition tothesetmusual trade-invalues, the. Fe.delcqldairDrrerisofreredfiiu%FriieGiii priceof$5.79. . At a small additional cost, any of these items maybepurchaaed-- r,N,1rre.hruarv1sthyuuvtd.irmortsetherit ittltft,rierioqhatiapadesinvafueo.ft.Un"i.ry.n siel1it.ttttt$7.50oimtms. Bringii in tome Public Senna; Store and make your selection from the many improvedguaranteedmodeissmdispiay. Thr "dedatHairDryer T" inexpenuve a nd TRADE-IN SPECIA LS Pumpc SERVICE COMPANY The Little by Little Way Ubertyvmc more, Corner Milwzukec and Cook Avenues or NORTHERII ILLINOIS THEO. BLECH, Dist. Mgr. 8 So. Genome St., Waukegan LUDLOW MOTOR co. of LIBERTYVILLE l Dan E. Winn, Manager. , 608 North Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, Ill. F Mm. F. H.'Brockman minu- at. tempting m call on the neighbnrs int Monday attornoon tell on the ice and straineii the. ligaments ot one " no that she was partially laid up tor several days. It in being reportird that Charlet, Slam tell ont' day last week and fractured several ribs. Mrs. Arthur Herschberger is con- titted to the bed with a Beyere case of tht. W. M.33. The (Worms taken at thla "nice will be given to the Italian Mission in Milwaukee to build a new church. F mootinxs will he held Tuaaday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday awning! at the church. Sunday morning Rev. Divan will preach the prayer day aemon. Sunday uter- noon prayer meetings will be held " Phat. Hana. at J. R. Riuonthaled'a. and at the R3. Divan homes. the evening aervl will be under the W line Neighbors will KNOW the Mew Year Shuplul'ldme' when)... "ttthes "MUM. and" Withdetacts. tl,u'I.Ts, . .382 Att'eatinepadiaindispen. "Retaining!!!" yamha-vhmvahoc-p wilhoutbehgtold . . . ' '"itilfilflitfi. I PEOPLE don't go around telling . their neighbors, "I'm progressive. : I'm looking for finer thingn." Yet cry neighbor: lave ways and menus of knowing. And one of their sum! nignn in the family automobile . . . . Thath, why the New Pon- tiac Big Six otrem so much to up-and-coming Americans. It mph-tent. progress. It consti- tute. an impreuivo step up from lower-priced minnation. The Pontiac Big Sirin a real innovation-n brand new cu from beginning to end. It offers " car performance. luxury, comfort and style at price. which make no mat drain on the pum. flico- 'rMomd-. I.¢~b.lm Put.- T765 and up. I... b. [octanphd "in" that.-. lump". and - loud-r ("do - W". .l that! an. ML ' but Och- hu- P-u-or-.-."-, Incl-John." but... "to"... CM! Motor. Tina form! Pua. ouch": u "an- _ W'I'L'LE INDEPENDENT.' THURSDAY," JANUARY 31, I929 $793 S'lllimr Emil Wlckersheim and son of Grttyslake Ham-d Mr. Wicker. sheim's parents here last Sund¢y._ qherStgrtttmmGttamnterd 1ntethananaB-erheat. ummmman te l, li f can-outdo rumba. . $82 " get up and undoubted! ywlll be a large meeting. Our community should be well represented. MWtSuE-Autd- maths-Ian net to The gorilla in monogamous and lirorce and rummage are not amonk'hll problems. When domes. tie rel tions have once been formed they remain "untli death doth part." No companionate or trial marriages in the forest. The young cling to the family group until ma. tured, and often'longer, bringing their own mates to live in the hab- itat of their parents. The reputa- tion of this type of ape for ferocity is salt! to tune been greatly exag- gerated. As might be expected of an animal loving peaceful home.llfe with its family. the gorilla. natural- ists assert. rarely becomes danger- ous unless n'tackl-d. In defense of its family or itself, however. lt will savagely nttuck an aggressor who forces It into brittle. wash"! "an". Happy Gorilla FIB"! r?'.'"'.'.'-'.) '745 ' nor l lot and wire Jt tens. Wit tlo. Lor 125' blk 2 West Shore Park. I r n Burnett to J Matthias and wt] 1t tens. l) $lo. Lot 6 blk M, Bart; Set ll Furnished by the LAKE COUNTY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Abstract: of Title: Title: Guaranteed 220 Washington St.. Waukegan, III. Official, List 'nion Bank of f'heo to '. Deed tto. Lot 2, b 3. blk It Lake Fures . S, Deerfield. l ll Millor and wife to I l wife it tens. Wit tio, Transfers Tuur'rhte9--varrm.atu-waees-t, "unkind an. to lee,! if,trrftthoi"ad my. "will retrUcmie with JANUARY 26, 1929 orNéwYockCity am Bird Anaemia Will Be Hm Pemonatly ucuetruahuGeersu Telephone 4 THE PAULMARK COMPANY ililri3Eiii0 INTO YOUR HOME ti-li-l-rl-il-ll-lb-tIll-is'-)': , A' i" War- blk H and 'yst Heights Moor? trt' 128 Attractively designed with colored stem tnd base and Into bow; is decided ulna. Pay 45c Do-soc Weekly Thursday . Friday , D Gena" size and patent- ed wer bottom, com- plete with all necessaries. Pb, 43c Dow-Soc Weekly Bird Cages and Stands J- OEDhring This Sale Hundred; Gt Styles, . , lt.'lfi'hTit Sites and Finishes House with ym, Assorted Castes in ' Ji'; 331% All Ciolors 50c WEEKLY On all Only Monday, Feb. ll, 32. Wkgn. l'nlon Bank of Chgo to A C, Shun loft and wire 11 tons. I) $10. In: 15 F H Bartlett to C H Wienekeapd wile " tens. 11310. Lot 7 blk M, Bartlett, N sstrirre Woods. SPc 6, Shields. 1' ' sub Chao T & Trico to E E Sawdon I) :10. Lots wand 11 Elk 12, the Terrace, Soc 20,'Shic1ds. L, 1".P3mkino{lt() U IV Barnstublv and wife jt In?» WI) Ilu. Mm lens North Show Woods, Section 6 Shields. Schwartz Furniture tlo. Graceful Stands I, and 43. blk $5.45 was BRINGS BEAUTY AND HAPPINESS MlflWhllt'rg's SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS! . l' C to' 1, I ck. I) tly, Branigar' Bros Sunset 22. "corlivld. "MM! scum ot WASHINGTON" 11-13 So. Genesee St. , DAYS ONLY a m D M Dahl. 30 and 'dl, blk Sec 32. Wkitn. It I) tlu, Lot Barnstabl' $lu. Ln!- Bay Ridg< of None Sold for Cashch Wav.: q me Name on Our Books! p- a Au ONE was i, ' $6.45 (i 1,000 of the" World's Finn: Singing Canaries. canl easily worth $16.0G--fr $3 " at the unheard-of r terms of 46e down, 60e a Week. We prefer not to sell for cash. We want your name on our books. I 'Birdtfsfstrl1HighQuniityanditamBeauty Never Before Sold foe So Low a Price What more appropriate gift could one give than om- of these beautiful golden singers or a pair of love-bird, that will carry greetings of cheer every day of the year. as well as gladness and good-will into the home , Take advantage of this rare opportunity and give a remem- brance that winning your praises in the days to come. NONE sow arm SAWRDAY EVENING MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPIER! Will your home be one of the 1,000 that will enjoy the heavenly pleasure of a gorgeous singing canary ye? "roping 1,000 new accounts, we are offering it T Wubh and wife et al to E Hanson. WI) "lo. Lot 6, blk 2, Wehh and Johan: North Side addn to Wkvn. W J Milroy and H H Fuzz to D Kyburg and wire jt tens. WD $10. Lot 18, blk 5, Groveland Park: Sec 35. Antioch. M Tewes to T Pvster and wife it Inns. WI) tlit. Lots 4 and 5 sub of s 116.04 ft of N 243.04 ft of Orgl lot 346, City of Lake Forest. L S Gibson and wife to M E Gitr son. WI) tlo. Pt of lot 7 and all of lot 8, blk 73, North ('hgn. E T Harlan and wife to H C Smut): and G K Spruth. WD $10. Lt 1 blk 5 Luke Bluff Heights, Sec '21, Shh-Ms. blk 9, Arthur Duuas Mundelein Ma nor, Sec 25, Fremont. Lake Co Natl Bank of Libertyville to h' V Schlexer and wife. WI) 330" Lake Co Natl Bank of Libertyville to E H Filchelt and wife. WD 3390. l'ndvd ht of lot 381, First addn to Williams Pk sub on Slocum Lake, Wauconda. L'ndvd ht lot MI, First addn town. llama Park sub on Slocum Lake, Wauconda. . DAYS ONLY! Love Birds . i" January 3lst February In and gud ALL ONE Pit F . t. '6.45 ' 53:22:; Woody: Cage o N L Y I "Eighth, to Hi whpn in anger. "Ninth, to rpme in sight of gain."- off "Fifth. to he fnnhful tn "Sixth, M be pains! work. tlu In: hear: "A xemlmusn lg easy to mm and to please." said Confucius. Conversely the "vulgar are hard to serve and easy to please" whim "Naught but right pieases the gen- tleman," he contended. Confucian said that the arm'wmun has nine aims in lifo. They are: "First, to see Hourly. "Second. tu understand what In .miun "Sovonzh. to "Third, to ho warm in manner. "Fourth, to be aiptMed In heu- mud, to understand what he Gentleman's Qu-litiu Thursday A Rich Magnet IN ask whoa 'tter r' IMrni 0 H u speech. Using at in dnubt. iu'ficultlea U ttrl worthy Abr m