a F0"; rr l R. C. Meyer w" 3 Mann! other a his Zurich Monday. I In. Dunou Holme- Ind .01., RIM. event may mm It" Don-30' Juno. Hellman. who has but: In the not!!! for Invent weeks on I unbu- or muting boots. bu and. I no any new museum in that In. Harold We". and mam one: the week and with he: mu. '" ___ ..- __ In. P. M. Brawler end Hr. Ob pie Imam ettended the W. C. T 0 executive meeting at the Lake Bluff "when" Need" Mr. end In. Adolph Ileyer event the week end " the home of her nu. ter. Mr. end Mrs, Homer Sexton. tn Chicago. Mr. and ms. Wm Kaine." ru- nont mm Sands! u the H. C. In" home. in. layer "Emilia GG To: tailor tt longer mm at. and In. Louie Wohronborg 'loon, Ind In Louis Meyer attended il Ed Bluhm, Ferdinand 'regtmerer titrthdnr oarty in honor or In. sud Bury lean-Mo made tlt Maine" Mary Morton, "Star of Mrs. "my. itrip to mu" Monday. lawman"; Saturday. in. tidiiiiil Rerpreaeatattve and Mre. R. J. PP? tthttmttttur her 80th ttirthdar. zLye-u our "The mm :2...» " oh- -......r Ll leortyvmo . Mundclotn Board In. June Ransom spent Thursday [snafu n with "have. in Long With her daughter. Mrs. Wat. "ttrr. 1 Mn. Dwight Dolph Ind little dautrh In. W. a VoNnan 011101181301; ter come home from the Comic!) has the Afternoon Bdee Club an: wool. ttttal Sunday. le,: 30$ R§yndwon first dome and; ' George Meyer. Dwight Dolph Ind n. I e ee. noon Wht. Fennel- culled on Hurry Puma Mm. George Meyer entortnned the Lt the Presbyterian bonito! in cm. Birthday Club at 500 Thursday. In. Hugo Sunday. end report that Mr. ten 222.22 ttmt 22.2 22,22 2.222. I",',','.',,".',',',',",; tl N. " . e coma - rs. m a e on The P. T. A. held a mean; lies-2"" lee Saturday, hurting Mm" day, 2.222: time 2 Hard 2:; 222.222. 222.2 Bre m to "' 3%... 'dat' t,? why-33.». ( Mr. end In. We Meyer I!" al t 'lat; Woman nude a. luminous trip 'egg,',') "lPtfat'2',",'at,'tt Tm. 0 mm Tue-any. Lam . . Mr. and Pen! Rouse end children T/eg Ihr'" wth curds "a: k'."').')',','.').),',','),',,',',,',':,',' t',"tt. Loren: Dormer returned home on Item for the Mt wool. tutu-nod Sultan). tlhe plane to return taller home wth them. "raining in the hospital at hunter: / Mr. and Mrs. Lottie Wahnnhnr- 30011. _ Libertyvmm Munchkin tNndar. Mr. and In. an Kane of IMam, ond we. wtth their children. mu: Sunday with Mr. um In. Henry I--- -- ,_,____ -'""""""'""'"'""-"""""---------- t Rue-en Ron-e and In J Mar. territo . . ry that it is believed it will ning. tt we. " dvuattu Yut,"glrwe,iiteiti, to Chicago be severe] week. more were hie his one stitch Enid; to Ut "9" edrtesday. 'return. In. Molina: h1- civen leaving . new. . f hunk Sheddle returned home up her wen-uncut end will my with Mr. and In. Orville Smith of utr.' from the Comun Memorial hoot»- her mother in Antioch until he re- ortyville were Sunday "ta a: Thursday. Mr. Shame in "time. home of her enter. Brynn, tuit tr alon nicely. 1 Henry Meyer end Min Greco* Uh. huh, Richter of Ivanhoe. Mm. June. Robinson ma non of Slum. of Quinten'l Corner. Bpent and "in Aru Payne of Chin"; Ehnhurst In making a short vhit the week end at the home of the spent the week end at the home at with her parents, Mr. and Mm. hulk formal". sister, Mrs. George Roget, Mrs. Dwight Dolph. tttsaddle. (in "'0." "- llI-_,L e. -- I I r, J. LYON. News Notes of r!,,),.,.!,!,!,!,!,!,,!),!,!,,,,!.!,,?,,!),., and Vicinity PAGE SIX Room on Lu. St. "(In or INTEREOT To PEOPLE LIVING IN IUNDlle. termtim, N you am Noon. tho - Editor any new. "on. no nd Mm. Mitton Jeffry out.» Mr. and Mm. Funk Stone Sommoree Mundelin, Ill. LYONS & ROUSE T'llr, Chamber of Mn oi. Anoclulon of Real (out. Board- Rul ("an National Ameluion of Real mu REAL can" . asunuo FARM LANDS LOANS INSURANCE snwcz-counnsv , ner - in north Chime. l Mm. Clara Meyer end children ri) Mrs. hr! Rita celled on In. Red Mn. Bonnie Wilcox n Iberty- thrtttht mm My. {Vine Sunday. Mrs. hum Ron-e returned home Glen Kaine. no is employed " ,Fridqy from Chicago. where the tad the Tnveieu [menace Co.. 1nd in. 'been uitin; her litter. In. Annie Nat recently been tun-(erred from lohuhiin. Hartford. Calm. to Chicago. amt Little linden Rouse. hunter of the week end with his mother, In Mr. and In. Ralph Renee, received Win Knizxe. , I. ahort, but deep. en! on her noee' In. Glen leyer "consumed her' 'while Win: Wedneuu "t daughter. Beetrice, and more! otl , hm Mend- to the ehow in Liberty-l Inmly'lmt tmniilriiriiii, a; iriiiiii; htryutty 1;. 339m. cum I In. I - 7-- vvvwc' """""""V- I Rertireaeattatt" and Mrs. R. J. xLyom our "The Front Page" " the :Erhngor Thou" in Chicago My. , Mrs. Dd 313m and In. turrr' ,lM<2rttter ealled on In. Dwight Dolph 'at the Condou hospital u; Hum-mine? [Thundu evening. I - "i'-"""'"'. yuan-q. Mr. and In. Harry 'Nibot were Mutant: shaman My. Mrs. Nazca. who ha been under autumn for tone time. in am Mr. 3nd In. Gar Bell ma so: eamtd on the latch mats. Mr and In. 831mg. tNndar Mrs. Dd mum} mania when on the lee Sammy. hurting hornet! qttite badly. but we are Kind to any the is much better. My. gag lift. We layer an O Win. Bonner who on Bury Puma ttt the Presbyterian book" In Chi, use Sunday. um: report an Mr. Payne In cutting dons nicely. Mr Mr. can In. Ed Rodin-76m aun- dny afternoon with renting in Long Grove. Mr. and In. Elmer Cross and ran Buddy. spent Sunday at the George Gros- home in Latte Zurich. Phone 283 the week end It the home of the former. ulster, Mrs. George Rout. ht Chicago. Mr. and In. Ed Rode: 1nd Mr. and In .Myron Wells attended the theatre in Wane-nu "and" night In. J. NAIOHALL "urchins Bonds. lo m IUNDELIIN. You can holy matte this action not. In- any am Item no my have concur-Inc relative. or friends J. M. ROUGE time, ia out! Mr. ad 11573 tot Druee Lake, w Jarrett up; 1omt of her sister. "WWII"!!! in the Ham" 5; " I'. 20:32:33 Chntlne Carter of Tom. r. I Mr. and Mrs. Rar Bram Ind Mr. In. R. J. ttttd Mrs. Paul Draper attended I Page" " the hard time Party In Wuukecm Stuns ieaatttNndar. day "In Mrs. turrrl Mart. L Dorfler was I btuineaa W100i»): "ll.erp.ttg,1giyit Tuesday nu tut . one In: In Chicago on but!" plumes- Tuesdu', I Bell ma non P,"., He! Mrs. Laurence Nelson VII. Ito-noun". use . 1,u,'1'trefiti.riitie" sin-'3 '""mitmrotnoarroot, - -- --v - I" uwm' who "New" evening. ' I!" Vere Burma, of (211m. celled on her "at. In. Heme Kaine. We]. end then moron" to Highhnd Part with their men. Robert Ansley. who had been eam " at the no." of Mr. end In. Geo. Roan end In. Heme Kaine. While oiling on the Huebech term Wednesday evening. Delbert Rouse felt cutting his head hairy. Three etitche'e were taken. mu Ruth Scream!) wee e mete of mu Janie Wllker in Dunstan] over the week end. Loretta. weir-e Ti Albert Roder , "IChieago Tues Ited In , an. and In. Ralph Route enter- tuned l5 relatin- and". I Mrs. Orph. Huang um In. Mor run Chandler were but"... u the 'iuteeurttr or the Woman Club In Lihertrruu Wednesday. In. Funk Budd]. m In. John Rome "tend- ed th meeting, ad report 5 very ht. teresting ttttd inatruetive talk on "Personality tn the Home" by In. Chrrtine Carter of Tam l 3 En! Eddy ha been suffering to- venly from In women a One on. Mrs. W. Eddy and John Home to compact! him to Chicago today. when a "an; treatanettt. and was told that m- tronble "a the result ot infltmnan. and " I: bellmd that it can be entirely overcome within a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Route enter- tuned 15 relative. Rundo- i, New" Gi, ond Lila. spent the week and at Mm. Dwight Dolph. Mrs. Ellubeth Wm: "Vera! weeks with her 603139 In». Mead Jim to see him in in Drute, Lurk-T Gre' dbl-0' _ Rom-um __._._.... - u... "mama or Chicano 1 lending a {or an with her no: Mer, In. John Diets. I the rl Eddy ha been suffering an a": y from n Infection a One on. fhtd W. Eddy and John Home no a," cued him to Chlcuo today. "l a In taking treatment. and 70 Ind: that his trouble "a the run]: o..- Hm-u ---- . ", - ua an. unrence Nelson vu. Wtukonn Sunni" ermtntt. J. C. Dower and than". '1'" " fNCa, -- re In Chicago Mondar. der nude s basins" trip Tum! In. Oliver Vanderapoot IL- .--- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY TOW. 8374 new " the 1. Bauerunma an - 'w' P..'. "M". you n "way. wanted. Raul" 31.80 "I... sun BANK of Miooriiiiii'" Munchkin, "I. Telenknn- Friday mm the mug; tum m, g You "member an , when our boy. won. an ittumetiate "no. for mm". - - . v. ' For Honcho" a... Two dtfNrwtt dud hum. tor Fine theuity Butcher in. home of Mr. McMILLEN HARDWARE CO Mundelein, Ill. now in eftesiGiiiG, Ready Radios. Ask about' them! Colored Alarm Clocks -u. uuynulIDlB. '"rMrcWur the .',t% Mr. end Mrs. John Wirtz and chil- eituetion. Repreeentetive Richerd J. drven celled on M. Woodin Sunday. Lynne. ot lundeleln, tttday eonttn-jii. Wbodin he been ill for some ued " tight to pen the bill ',i,iiii?ift'i)',ith. ' duced by him yeeterdey propoeinx The Ivanhoe Udlea' Aid met with e milk commission tor the etete tontys. Will Atwell Wednesday. I arbitrate pricee. l In. John Win: and children end "The preeent deploreble "ee!y.terht'rrtriirii, end Edward Win: ettend- of the tuner end the milk industry-ed e card party in" Round Lake lut rpropmted no to introduce thie tryli'rtteiddr" evening in order to relieve the eituetion." he In. Elmer Croee end Bon event ldocllred. Thundey with Mr. end' an, Will "t believe that the (more of the Rental. Eighth Benetoriel dietrict " well u Remand Chamberlain is in quar- the entire etete will eupport my " entine with chicken pox. forte to obtain thie neceeeery loci.- ttr. end In. Wm Hertel were letion." " with" . new Monday "temoon at the The bill providde for the 1?poi?riiGini of Mr. end In. Andrew Her- ment at e commieeion of eeven " tel in Round Iatre. 1 the tumor. nu com" Dick Bunch) e on the etch list, would be empowered to inveetiute Mr. end Mm. Ed Gross end deugh- the preeent milk problem end we tor of Barrington And Mr. "a nu. "Minn " to colt of production end George Gro" at Luke Zurich epent attribution. It would u" the r,jjilifii'4's1 evening at the home of Mr. or to control end mute the all! end In. wm Bartel. J mfg? tn any." It', tadetemine, "atymrtrt mm he been quite ill of by the fauna," W . """1mllflll'l'ld. but is on the gun now. It - 'uv'rllor. Tall commission would be 0:"quer to Innovate the present milk prom-m And an. finding- on to coat of production and _ distribution. It would h... m. -- I Raqucgp PRICE "Chicago" Pencil __'_,__Sha_rpener Papoose Commission to Inves- _ innate Present Conditions; Expect Farm Support LYONS SUGGESTS BILL IO ASSEMBLY T0 M) DAIRYMEN Am From tho Bank TELEPHONE no eamwork Wins - . When' the basketball players win a victory, it is usually because of su- perior teamwork. Teamworkcounts in finance, too. With your bank as the "guard" on your "tearn," you have an ideal combination. The State Bank of Mundelein enjoys planning with its , patrons, in a friendly, personal Way, for success $1.06 $1.00 Dre-0n $1.00 Knives " the can" idGi. the one u can" you. this would to Macho! the Game. 2tt Come ur; H. A. WATSON Mundelein Drug Store Mundelein, Illinois Phones 245 and 728 STATISTICS ISSUED " PUB. MEALTH IUREAUS CONFIRM THE BELIEF THAT ILLNESS REACHES ITS PEAK DURING WINTER TIME. IF SICKNESS COMES TO YOUR NONE, HAVE NEEDED PRE. SCRIPTIONS FILLED HERE, WHERE CARE IS EXERCISED TO AN UNUSUAL DEGREE. PROMPT SERVICE ALWAYS! ( 1r'tartcotrrrr LARGER PARISH Ivanhoe tad Em Church! Indoleln CongregtionsL C. Arthur Jone, hamster. Rudolph Weight, Soda] Director. Sunday school: But Church " 10 mm: lunhoe " It. Worship Services: Ivanhoe at 10 tum: First Church at 11:10. Sor- mon "his". The mm of t Chm- ( an rxlnnanluu "tended th. " Overland banana at the Auto show in Chicago Wednesday waning. Bert Chamberlin has moved into the Parish rouse. All of the {am buildings when he ha been hing. ari, to be torn down this spring, " they occupy land which is n our: of the Countryside golf course. I NM may tumor I At 2:30 It. m, L B, Diets In. been on the not tina: ma tree, nu for the out wont. *rttttttat Char at _ l The Diet: sumo: on being per-l m tor the bitt danee to be "on Ironing "ret by the mundane": Fm Dept. Tnel- service ted by l dar mm. M. It. ,by Junior ehoir; Md Prunemuu mended the " Mr. Jesvmy tttt 'N Overland banquet a the Auto Show tshield Bart" l inhuman Wednesday evening. 1etylort of_tsontr a 'elephone 243 ' JANUARY 31, 1929 S. L1 MUNDELEIN GILMER " WuJlWJtSlLllf,llN . " " " Phone Munchkin 703-204 GILMER . .A . . . . . Phone Mundelein 677-R-2 PRAIRIE VIEW - " . . . Phone Ltbertrvtlie 656-R-1 Yards Conveniently located Prompt Delivery Service Assured Coriett'e F. C. Norman HINDI". Grocery Haydon a Kenn'edy DELIVERY SERVICE IS MAIN- TAINED FOR CUSTOMERS IN LIBERTYVILLE, MUNDELEIN, HALF DAY, RONDOUT, DIAN- ONO LAKE, IVANHOE AND LAKE ZURICH. Pastueriiéd ;}.a"Raw '.°__1_1-_TRIPP LUMBER co. Friday. Feb. 8, afternoon and eve- ning, the Farm Buread has th ins-r- esting and profitable session at the Model Farm, with prominent agri- cmwral leaders and home manage- ment emerts as speakers. This con- Tuesday, Feb. 5,11: 8 p. m., the scout coommee meets at the home ot Mr. Jame. ,BEAUTIFUL NEW DESIGNS ARE OFFERED. ASK TO SEE THE F A M 'o u s ALFRED PEATtp PAPERS Right now I. the logical time to have your room: redecorated. for you aria-assured of prompt "Nico I At 2:30 p. m., Junior Sunday Aft. , terenee tins: Bin Use of moons,. |of the emoon Char at Ivanhoe. I Inning lattices. at 7:30. Song! service led by Mr. Weight. Anthem} The ' by Junior choir; Automobile Talk by League Mr. Jeme on "What Does the Wind- Thursda shield Bart" You will enjoy this Satan season of Bong and payer and med- bowl on: nation. Come with your family. ! The T mos, J. McBRIDE "was? ran Better andEgg, Chocolate Milk ROUSEPBROS. ' DAIRY THE NEW WALL PAPER BOOKS for 1929 ARE HERE! PAINTING, PAPER HANGING INTERIOR DECORATING MUNDELEIN. ILLINOIS Mundelein, mine}. Phone 239 Phone siiiidiiii SUPPLY DEPOTs THE BABIES CILOTEX INOULATIOI Att Am "POLY op "Ann I"... g" 6"". wm m an MAL ALWAV. 0N l Jetm.tumntte Mg. I M any 'ted Tow M '0... M Amman- In"... Llbertrvia Lltsertyviue Libertyvllh Libertyville A COMPLETE LINE OF I!!!" futurlng the "new PUIINA and BADENOCH Brando Cues, Eta, at on Mill Work. We Haste Our Own Milt fo Making Sash and Forms, Perch Expdoeures, Screens. M undelein, Illinois 241/2 Lbs. Royal Blue Flour....--.87 .81 Post's Bran Flakes...-..-..) .10 Salada Tea, green or blk. 'd lb. .22 .21 Salada Tea, green or blk. y, lb. .43 .41 S. o. s, large size w...-..-.,..." .22 15 oz. R. Blue Raisins, seeded-.--.09 .08? 15 oz. R. Blue Raisins, seedless .09 .081 r"'"'""'"' a up": u lo: the commnnuy. 2' BOWLING NEWS 1 The Mundeien "diet Traveling League bowled it Dee Plains: last Thursday night. suntan: night the mean" ham bowl our ladies on the home Alleys. The Tripp Lumber Co., man tum, bowled Lake Zurich team Sand" afternoon at 2:30. The MundeIein Recreation team bowl 1 Momar, team Sundny eve hing a t8 p. m. Telephone 49 25 '32 Reduction ono Our Stock of Famous Ball Band Ova-shoes and Rubber Galoshes Linen Huck Toivels New SDring Mndnlc Fancy Work Dresser Scarfs, Buffets, Vanitiesr_59e Linen Finish Pillow Cases, to em- broider, pair ------------$1.t)i) Modernistic Quilted Pattern Pillows on Rayon, for embroidering, each..$1.00 Embroidery Flosses, all colors, in D M C 6-strand floss First of the Month Specials and can give ProAiitiiTiii, 3w Spring Models in Ladips' Aprons guaranteed all fast colors, each_$1.25 ROYAL BLUE SPECIALS FOR WEEK OF FEB. lat to FEB. 7th THE ROYAL BLUE STORE H. A. ENGLEBRECHT, Proprietor is open to men and woma' The TECrhfEYER's EXTRA SPECIAL ll WHOLEIALI and RETAILER. at UANAIAR, for Liv. Ouch. Let on tett you about It. In addition, we also handle the following nationally known pm. ducts: For that building pro- ject you have in mind, consider our Lumber. It is all hard seasoned, and.. freie..from knot-holes. Ideal f o r your purposes. Store of Quality" no." mu. QUALITY LUMBER The Tripp [amber girls team bowl- ,ed 8 Granule Indiea' can We!" day night and scored 11" W {Grammy 1743. The local conun- gent wu ruplendcnt in - III- toms of used: green. on which tho Tripp Lumber Co. mm WI. .» broideretL This fut rum u c0.- oosed of the following grin: Elk. Fenner. Clara Wells. Volt ml.- brecht, Grace McBride um Matte' Tegtmeyet. (Diamond Lake New. on Page 7) REGULAR SPECIAL 'elephone Mundelein, Ill 20c to 35c .081/2 .081/2