CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Feb 1929, p. 10

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uthon runner, who dashed 26 miles homeward from the x:ttlo O Mara-- thon, really des and fiirt-- ed with Mmanghten all the way. --Bt. Louis Post--Dispatcb. Three contagion cases, one of whick is typhoid fever, was listed on the report today at the office of the city health physician, Dr. Howard C. Hoag. Theye were: Mrs. Mary Janis, 819 South Jackson street, typhoid fever (now at the Lake County General hospital): Har-- riet, Milkoes, 337 ~George avenue, chicken pox, and William Koskela, Bunderlin Place, chicken poxr. The next hbistory--debunking pro}J eet will show that the original mar-- TYPHOID FEVER CGASE REPORTED « N bF 4 [ Ts o us it suvuld travel 242 miles per hour when its motor is developing a maximum of 900 horse-- power at 3,400 revolutions per min-- ute. It is known to be caretully streamlined, and Major Segrave has said that it will be equipped with a directional apparatus on top of the hood, an as aid to steering a straight course. Chiecago, I!1., Feb. 7--Attempts to lower, the world's free -- for -- all straightaway mile record at Day-- tona Beach, Florida, will be heid between March 1 and 15, and there will be no charge to spectators, Val Haresnape, eecretary of the contest board of the American Automobile Association, announced today at the Chicago Motor Club building. : "Two cars are entered, and there may be more later," declared (Mr. Haresnape, who will be in charge Of the meet. "One of them is the American Tripiex, owned by J. M. White of Philadeiphia, which now holds the record of 207.3532% miles per hour. The other car is the Eng-- lish Golden Arrow, to be driven by Major H. O. D. Segrave, one time holder of the record. Mr. White has not announced the driver of his car as yet. Ray Keech drove it last year when it set the present record. "Spectators will have an exce} lent view of tha events, as they will stand on said dunes, from eight to twelve foot high, back on the beach. They will be about 300 f#et from the speeding cars. The beaeh is about ten miles long and some 500 feet wide. Each mile is mark-- ed by a post, on which there is a telephone. At each post is station-- ed a race official, who keeps the judges~® in the judges' stand con-- stantly informed of the activities in his 'seetor'. The stretches be-- In Judge Persons' ruling he held that no building should be started before the supreme court ruled on the evidence. Lake Bluff has been keenly in-- terested in the fight as the villago is fairly evenly divided in opinion on the apartment home question. TWO Now, ladies and gentiemen, you Can be thin or fat as you desire, But you must do your part If you want #Mfl& eat more of your ftood the morning. And if you want to increase your weight, eat heavily in the evening. These are the conclusions of Frederick ; volunteer worker in the yeiological laboratories of the as08 . OILLLiLl. Will Attempt to Lower Mark for Mile Straight--Away in -- Automobiles RACE DRIVERS TO TRY FOR RECORDS AT DAYTONA BEACH In county court Judge P. L. Per-- sons held the soning code invalid and through the village attorney, Max Prsyborsky, an appeal was tak-- en. The supreme court, December 30, 1928, upheld the decision of the county court but the village asked for a rehearing. The supreme court today denied the petition for re-- hearing. The -- fight centocred around a clause in the ordinance that called for not more than .14 familiese to t osition £ is de for ~ y uld be David T. Bjork, contractor, who sought to build an $80,000 apart-- ment house, brought the zoning laws into the court when thMe vil-- lage and the village board of ap-- peals turned down his application for a building permit. The Lake Bluff zsoning ordinance, regarding building of aphrtments, was held invalid today by the su-- preme court, according to press dis-- patches from Springfield. LAKE BLUFF LOSES LAST DITCH FIGHT TO OUST APARTMENT PACGE TWO REFUSES A :<REKHEARING Hope to Validate Zoning Law for Village Lost By Action niversity of Chicago. . of Supreme Court And How #* Control Your Weight CARS _ ENTERED He Cussed! n eigh-- property nter St. »0t ) for the 9. 1921, held on * then puild-- pa-- en er Mrs. Mabel Schweppe, of Waeh-- ington street and Green Bay road, waho has been arrested a number of times in the past few weeks for is-- suing bad checks, today filed a pe-- tition in bankrpptcy in federal court through Attormey Earle Gray, Harry Parkin was appointed referee. Mrs Schweppe operated the "Jolly 3" filling station and roadhouse on Green Bay road. She listed no as-- sets and $1,600 liabilities. Among the creditors are the IIlino!,; Cash Credit, M. Savancy Co., Highland Park, William O. Pearce, the Globe department store an! Rubins depart-- ment store. The bill, according to the legal department of the Automobila club of Illinofs, carries a life term impris-- onment for a fourth couviction of automobile stealing. The bill reg-- ulates penalties for stealing auto-- mobiles regardless of make or vai-- ue No provisions have been made for fines, but exempts penalties to persons who, because of their youth, have been sent to the reformatory. The following maximum penalties provided are: First conviction, tive years; second conviction; fifteen years; third conviction, 40 years, and fourth conmviction, the extreme penalty of life imprisonment. "Car stealing will be reduced to a minimum in South Carolina if the legislators see fit to adopt this mea-- sure," declared Sti. Mayor, president of the club, "and sutch penaitiés, se-- vere as it may seem, can only tend to relieve the motorist of the prob-- lems of theft, characterized by some as a "well organized ring'* whose sole ambition lies in preying upon the rights and privileges of the mo-- torist. Sympathy should cease where the offense has been contin-- ued consecutively. The bill propos-- ed gets rid of the habitual car snatcher." Stealing cars in South Carotina will cease to be a pastime {f! pro-- ponements of & measure, shortly to be introduced in the bhouse by H. C. Gogrey are successful in its pay sage. ELndeavor to be patient in bearing with the defects and infirmities of others of what sort soever they may be, for that thyself algo bath-- many failings which must be borne with by others.--Thomas a Kewpis i MABEL SCHWEPPE I$ A BANKRUPT The Pannykbida is the beuutifut "Office of the Faithful Departed," said to be perhaps the most im-- pressive of the Russian church the language. TOO MANY ARE STOLEN Proposed New Law Would Make Life Im&isonment Penalty for Repeaters Commendafton for his courage and his determination to discharg»e his dut? at all costs, was included in a verdict returned by a coroner's jury following an inquest into the death of Joseph Sancher, alias Joseph Bravyo of 18 East Chicago avenue, Chicago, who was shot and killed by Patrolman Peter Loesch of the Highland Park police depart-- ment on the morning of Jan. 12. Ioesch confronted Sanche: in the dark as he stepped out of the rear door oft the Sam Fell Clothing store at 13 South St. Johns avenue, which the man and two compantons were in the act of robbing. '"We the jury erxonerate Officer | Loesch from all blame," the verdict' read, "and¢ commend him for his| courage and bravery, he him#gelf be--| ing wounded while discharging his ; duty at that time." J FOURTH OFFENSE IN GAR THEFTS _ TO BRING "LIFE" OFFICER TELLS STORY Mrs. Joseph Sanche:, widow of the dead robber, testified that she was unaware of the criminal ten-- dencies of her busband. Instead she was under the belief that he was a salesman employed by a Mex-- ican importing company. She stat-- ed that she was born and reared in Cuba. * JURY GOMMENDS POLICEMAN FOR SLAYING BANDIT Sanchez, according to the patrol-- man, fired at him, the bullet strik-- ing the policeman in the leg. Al-- though sent to his knees Loesch sent three bullets ints> the body of the man kiflling him. The officer then emptied his gun at two companions of Sanche: as they fled. Neither were hit but both were later cap tured by Highland Park police and are awaiting trial in the local courts. ° Drunks picked up by either police or sherift in the future will be for-- ced to work out their own salvation in jail cells, Patrolman Peter Loesch of Highland Park Praised in Verdict on Inquest The bulletin states that in the past when drunks were taken vio-- lently ill while under arrest, they were rushed to the county hospital where they caused annoyance and incomvenience to Dr. and' Mrs. Karl M. Beck and the nurses on the staff. They claim that the drunks algo dis-- turbed other patients. Members of the police depart-- ment and the sheriftf's force were notified by bulletin this morning that in the future no delirium tre mens patients will be accepted at the county hospital. COUNTY HOSPITAL BARS OUT DRUNKS Impresasive . unseral Remember of the beauty of 1§ Judge Shirtleff is now bolding ) sesstons of court here. as is City 'lJudge Theodore Forby of Zion. "Judgo Edwards is in t¥ south with °| Attorney Max Prryborski, chairman ' of the Lake County Central Repub t;u«:an committee. They are not ex-- E;pcctod home for three weeks. FuneralPservices for the late Mrs. Minnie Munro Sells, former resi-- dent of Waukegan and Gurnee will he held from the Warren cemetery chapel at two o'clock, Friday after noon. --The deceased passed away in California where she has been residing for the past few years. The body arrived in Waukegan from the west this morning. 'Long Battle of vAuto Clubs _ Finally Bearing Fruit in | Present Session Whence Name "Sardine" ! The sardine probably gets Its } name from the istand of Sardinin,. | in the Mediterranean sea, where the small nitchards used for can-- I nleg abouud, HOLD FUNERAL OF MRS, SELLS FRIDAY "Fortune and honors," said Hi Ho, the n%ot Chinatown, "after being won toilsome days, must he protected by sleepless nights." Washington Star. (+) 126 persons, culminating with the accident in Ohio, resulting in nine-- teen deaths on January 23. on which day 34 persons were killed at grade crossings by trains and electric trolleys. Invention. The device involves mag-- netle apparatus which would shut off the ignition of an automobile in the proximity of a gtrade crossing when a train is approaching. Congress at last is giving ser-- fjous consideration to the plea of thousands of motorists throughout the country for prevention of grade crossing accidents which take a toll of 2,000 lives annually, and which during the last two weeks of January reeulted in the death of WOULD _ SAYE _ LIVES Gossip there has been to the ef fect that he would receive th« chairmanship of The lliinois Com merce Commiseton, the post one« held by Frank 11 Smith, or the appointment to the federal bench. Louis H. Burrell, of Freeport, t the choice for the position in tha lccality, according to the Belvidere Republican. / & Charles W. Hadley of Wheatot who is serving as a special 'pros: cutor in McMHenry county, is ruse!} ing his work at Woodstock, it i said so as to give his full atter tion to other matters. Reports in the past have been to the effect that Senator Deneen 4n-- siests that the successor be named from Chicago, while Senator Glenn contends that it should b?a down-- state position. Judge Cliffe was a suburban resident o"? Cook county. Charles W. Hadley of Wheaton, GONGRESS TAKES UP FIGHT AGAINST GRADE CROSSINGS Appointment of a successor is to be agreed upon within ten days it was reported in press dispatches from Washington where Senators Charles 8. Deneen and Otis F. Glenn are in session, The two sen-- ators are to confer }hls week re-- garding the appointment, it is un derstood. The names of Circuit Judge Claire C,. Edwards, of Waukegan, and Ed-- ward D. Shurtleff, of: Marengo, to-- day were mentioned among the list of candidates suggested for the va-- cancy on the federal beuch created by the death of Judgse Adam C. Cliffe. DENEEN ASKS CHICAGOAN Shurtlieff Also Suggested for Vacancy; Senators to De-- cide Within 10 Days EDWARDS MENTIONED TO SUCGCEED CLIFFE ON FEDERAL BENCH ® Price Must Be Paid LTBERTYVILLE TNDEPENDENT. THURSDAY,. -- FEBRUARY 7. 1929 18 $38.50 Five--Piece Decorated Breakfast Sets Wait no longer! Charmingly décorated breakfast sets can be had during this last week of our sale at record low prices! Drop leaf table and @ 4 four chairs --~~-- 'ete for only......}..__. $29.78 10--Piece Dining Suite that was $165.--now $129.85 HMHere is one of the greatest opportunities you have ever had to furnish your dining room in modern style at a saving!' This is just one glowing example of the extraordinary values we are featuring during this sale, so take action $129.85 immediately .. .l.... 0e s $131.50 Three--Piece Bedroom Suites Sacrificed! Now is the time to get a beautiful new bedroom suite of selected walnut and other woods at a much lower, price than usual! Note the saving $9 7.29 on this group _ es ism $198.50 Mohair Suites Go This Week at $167.45 Think of being able to buy a living room suite of this character and quality at such an amazingly low price! Magnificently upholstered bver finest steel spring construction; heavy mohair with contrast-- ng reverse cushions in i $167.45 'rieze! : s _ N D °.\ Cat Y ; i * , us 4 4& A gQ 4 0 s ' Brides and Grooms! Folks about to move into new homes' Couples planning on being married in the Spring! Take advan i tage of this Sale! Get your complete home outfit at sale prices A . . and we will hold it for future delivery if you desire! Convenient ® credit terms arranged. Your choice of Dresser or Vanity rest Charged Here NSTEIN FURNITURE CO. muth Genesee Street A RADIO UNTIL YOU HAVE HEARD AND SEEN THE "ZENITH AUTOMATIC" C L. ) ITS HERE NOW ON DEMONSTRATION -- _ | | See Our Window 'Display For "Special Bargains" Now you can get that needed telephone set at way below reg-- vlar' ° A wonderful group to select from and early choice gives you the best swlection' + The newest patterns. The fin-- est qualities that we have ever shown at similar prices'! Quick action 'will give you first choice of many new arrivals. $29.50 Broom Closets $21.35 Ix12 ft. Velvet Rugs Ox12 ft. Axminsters iAmp$ wWOTth up to $10.--Sale Price $5.00 Phone Sets $3.89 Great Showing of New Rugs! 9x12 ft. Wilitons $28.45 $67.45 $29.75 $4.89 Luxury and Comfort--3 Pieces, $89.89 This beautiful group insures comfort and we guar-- antee the quality. All three pieces are upholstered with select fabrics with reversible spring 389.89 filled cushions. At Oonly........200c0022 You'll Be Proud of This 4--Piece Suite Women who take pride in having attractively furn-- ished bedrooms will be quick to recognize this as a most unusual suite, both in design and quality. Sel-- dom, indeed, do you have an opportunity to buy merchandise of this distinction at a price any-- where near as low. $152.89 ACt At OMCE ... 20 0n nnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnn n $200.00 Bed Davenport Suites Reduced Beautifully made for all--around service in the living room, with a davenport that no one would ever sus-- pect could be instantly opened out to a comfortable bed with springs entirely separate from those that support the upholstering. Provides an "extra bed-- room" for the home and the sale $168.89 price is ONIY ... es This $138.00 Eight--Piece Dining Suite Only $96.85 Note the excellent style, size and quality of this suite; then note the big reduction on the price! It is made of fine walnut and other woods 896.85 in the latest finish ... _ 7 Open Evey Evening

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