the You nesday The -- Stadler The Coterie met wit Stadler Friday afterno Mrs. Arnold Keller. Timm and Mrs. John S Whitney Rockenbach, his wife and two children of McHenrvy. were the guests at the George Rockenbach home Sunday. Little Richard Rock: enbach is of the fourthn generation of the George Rockenbach family. Mr. and Mrs. James Mailfald have a baby daughter, born at Highland Park hospital. Miss Ruth Patterson entertained the Young Ladies Sewing Club Wed-- nagday evening. The anonual meeting of the Dor-- cas Society was held Thursday aft-- ernoon at the church. Election of officers was held. Mrs. E. B. Jordan. Mrs. F. W. Rus-- so and Mrs. Alex Willman a meeting of Highland Park Woman's Club Tuesday afternoon. Miss Geraldine Kenvyon who di-- rected the American Legion's play. is now at Libertyyville staging the same play. Mesdames Raywgpond Clavey, Harry Clavey, Alex Willman and Raymond Meyer were guests at a luncheon and bridge party in Chicago last Monday. Mrs. F. B. Wilson and Mrs. E. O. Wilson of Libertyville were lunch-- eon guests of Mrs. W. Barr _ on ¥Cednosday. } Mr and Mrs. J. R. Notz visited Mr Notz's mother in Chicago Sunday. Mrs Harry Olendorf attended her bridge club Tuesday at the home of Mrs. M. D. Penney in Libertyville The Missionary Society of the Bungalow church held its regular monthly meeting at the church Tues-- day afternoon. Mrs. F. P. Browning entertained her bridge club Wednesday. Miss Miriam Stryker and friend, Miss Katherine O'Conor, of Cuicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stryker Saturday. Mrs. Guy Miller entertained at @a tea Thursday afternoon. Rev. Lester Brown of Itasca areach ed a very fine sermon on "Sabbath Day" at the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. C. W. Getty and son. James. were in Washington to see the presiden-- dential inauguration. Mr. Getty was with the Hamilton Club group who attended. James was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Getty's sister. Mr. and Mrs, C. Bendt and Mrs. Eugene Ender spent the week end with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber visited Mrs. Weber's brother in a Chicago hospital Sunday. neertield and 18 from Emoor in the Mrs. Vera Bly Balle in Chicago last competition Roy: Clavey of, Deer-- Thursday. j field made 98 out of 10Q and was _ Mrs A R. Warner entertained her awarded first prize A Goelitz made sister, Mrs. Smith, of Sanduskv. O .. 87 and was given second prize. The last week. Mrs. Smith came at this local men made a total of 673 poinis' time to visit the CGarden club show and Exmore 672. Deerfield was the The Minstrel Club met Thursday victor by one point. evening with Miss Viola Rockenbach Miss Jean Pettis entertained 12 and all members were present, ex-- friends at a George Washington ter cept Mrs. Dietz. The club planned Sunday evening, in honor of her 12th for work for Easter time. when the birthday. |\@ Cook county hospital will be visited Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mever eater-- and gifts distributed to the sick tcined at a family dinner Sundayv. Miss Margareth Plagge and Mrs. Ed Mrs. W. K. Hout entertained hber Jacboson were guests.. Games and sewing club FPuesday evening. refreshments were the entertainment Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mever and Mrs. of' the evening. Raymond Meyer and Mrs. Raymond _ Wm. Tennerman visited Mrs. S. Meyer visited Mrs. Fred Protine at Alkofer and her baby son at Condell Eimhurst Tuesday. ~ Memorial hosnital an Sundav Deerfield gun club met with the ed the garden show exhibit in Chica. Exmore gun club at the Exmore golf go Friday. club Sunday morning to compete for Mrs. Floyd Stanger an& Miss Ma-- four silver cups. There were 17 from mie Karch attended the' funeral of Deerfield and 18 from Emoor in the Mrs. Vera Bly Balle in Chicago last competition _ Roy Clavegevy of Deer-- Thursday. L field made 98 out of 10Q and was _ Mrs A R. Warner entertained her awarded first prize A Goelitz made sister, Mrs. Smith, of Sanduskv. O .. 87 and was given second prize. The last week. Mrs. Smith came at this local men made a total of 673 poinis' time to visit the Garden club show and Exmore 672. Deerfield was the The Minstrel Club met Thursday victor by one point. evening with Miss Viola Rockenhach Miss Jean Pettis entertained 12 friends at a George Washington ter Sunday evening, in honor of her 12th Thorough preparation is im-- portant. The subsoil must be dug deeply and carefully levelled and worked. Grass will not grow through clods. If necessary, several inches of good black soil, evenly spread on top, will complete the preparation. The next important step is to broadcast 40 pounds per 1000 sqauare feet ofo A . e #IT TIROLIULFPDSE sewm|.') An early start is essential with new spring lawns. As soon as the frost is out of the ground and the soil can be worked, begin preparing the Ask for descriptive booklet on pertilizer practice for suburban lawns and gardens. Make Your House & a Home ' Down by the Old Depot:; Been There Twenty Years Libertyville Lumber Company Telephone 47 NEWS FROM DEERFIELD with rnoon r. Mrs Stryker M atte Albe arl C rt nd-- The 18th birthday anniversary cel ebration of Deerfield Camn R N A which was held Thursday evening in Masonic hall. was a very pleasant affair and was attended by a large number of members and friends from North Chicag also as guest of hon-- or, the distrtct devuty. Mrs. Anna Kamshuite, of Waukegsan. The juve-- niles of the camp were guests and togk a prominent part on the pro-- gram,. whiclr followed a short bu--i-- Mr. and Mr-- W. C. Koeblin were given a nleasant surbrise Sunday. Relatives from Wheehnsg and Chi-- cago came, while the Koeblin's were at church, with dinner all prepared. and when the Koeblins came home the dinner was ready to serve. This was in honor of the birthday anni-- versaries of Mr. and Mrs. Koeblin. which come within a day or two of one another. The Independent Social club will give a card party Saturdavy evening@g March 9, at the home of Miss Lo-- retta Heman. Mrs. F. P. Browning entertained Dorcas Circle No. 2 Thursday after noon at her home on Waukegan Rd. The circle chairman was eiected for net year. Mrs. Browning was unan-- imously chosen to the position. Mrs. _F. W. Schar Mrs. Ed4win Beckman and Mrs. Herbert Baxtér were guests at a party Wednesday night, given by Mrs. George Bock '0f Highland in honor of the officers of the Rebekah lodge. Mrs. Bock is outgoing Noble Grand. Mrs. Kenneth Hoover and children spent the week end at Milwaukee with Mrs. Hooeyrr's parents. E. K. Williams arrived here from Bphriam, Mich.. Saturday He has been painting winter scenes in the north. Sunday afternoon Mr ands Mrs. Williams visited the Art Insti-- } tute in Chicago. Thevy expect to go to their home in Nashyville. Ind. next Sunday. ' Miss Gertrude Roberts and Wilson Oléendorf of Libertyville were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Waoif Sunday. They also visited at the Harry Olendorf home on Hazel Ave. Mr _ and Mrs A. E. Barnes and Mrs. Mary Lee of Blue Island. were guests of Mr. and Mrs .P. Peterson and Miss Amelia Peterson Sunday P Anss refreshments were the entertainment Members of the Garden Club are of: the evening. invite dto a tea Friday afternoon, Wm. Tennerman visited Mrs. 8. March 8. at which time all garden Alkofer and her baby son at Condell clubs exhibiting at the recent gar-- Mémorial hospital on Sunday. den show will be guests of Marshall Mr and Mrs A. E. Barnes and. Field & Co. r>\' R. KIMBERLY, Auctioneer TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $25.00 and under cash: over that amount a credit of 6 months will be given on good bankable notes, gearing interest at six vper cent. Two per cent off to all purchases over $25 who pay cash on day of sale. 1 Ton Stake Ford truck 1 Hay Loader 1 Side Delivery 1 Corn Planter and avnpliances 2 Cultivators 2 Good Harrows 1 Mowing Machine 2 McCormick Corn Rinders 1 Wagon Bed. Hay Ladders. etc 1 Manure Soreader 1 Silage Cutter and Pipes Cow (pure bred\. calf at side; 1 Milking Shorthorn Heifer Cow and calf; 1 Swiss Cow, now milking; 1 Holstein Heifer; 1 Shorthorn Bull (pure bred), 2 yrs old. commencing at 12:30 sharp, following: 10 Brood Sows, spring farrowing ; 1 Hamp-- shire Boar (pure bred), 1 Black Mare, wt. 1500 ; 1 Gray Mare, 'wt. 1600; 2 Holstein Cows, 1 calf at side; 1 Jersey Cow and calf; 1 Jersey Heifer, fresh; 1 Guernsey Cow milking ; 1 Milking S. H. Cow (pure bred), freshen soon; 1 Milking Shorthorn The undersigned, Thomas J. Peden, having rented his farm on Milwaukee Avenue, one--half mile north of Half Day and five miles south of Libertyville, will offer on PUBLIC AUCTION THOMAS'J. PEDEN, Owner Tuesday, March 12, 1929 To Question on Page 2 alany people of relative 5; cn'egalate the beard a note on un instru:t al M a W 1 Cider Mill 1 Cream Separator 1 Buckeve Grain Drill 1 Fanning Mill 1 MDMsec Harrow. 8 ft. 1 Breaking Plow 1 Springtooth Harrow 1 Set Good Work Harness 500 Bushels Barley Other farm tools and imole-- ments too aumerous to mention charge of A M .. , Supi. _ Stnce the snow ard i are gone the at-- tendance the last two Sundays is most encouraging If you do not at-- tend Ssunday school elsewhere, you are cordially invited. Worshin and sermon at 11 a. m. sermen by the pastor. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. A great service for young people. Infant baptism will be administer-- 10 ed at the morning service of March l4 17 Parents desiring this rite for ; 0! their children should notify the pa* i be tor at once. | at Palm Sunday, March 24 Recvui\' tion of members and celebration of | th the Lord's Supper '. ma PRBSBYTERIAN LCHURCH _ Rev. Mark J. Andrews, Pastor Church school at 9:30; morning worship and sermon at 10:45; Pi-- oneers at 6:30; evening service, 7:30. oneers at 6:°00; evening service, 7:30. Tuesday, March 12, monthly meet-- ing of the church school sta'if. Wed-- nesday at 7:45, choir rehearsal; at 8:15 p. m. Thursday, Session meets at the home of Drt. Davis; Friday at 7:15, Troop 52 boy scouts; Saturday at 10 a. m...pastor's class at the The executive committee of the Tuxis Soctety of the Presbyterian church held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Russo Tuesday eve-- ning March 5. to nlan the basket so-- cial which is to be given at the church Friday evening. March 15. Mrs. Walter Metcalf. Mrg. R. Far-- mer attended the regional library meeting at Evanston last Friday aft-- ernoon. Credit is di the succes s ly dunch w room, which tlonal colors Chairman o mittee, ness meeting. The younzg members showed splendid tatent in the musi-- cal numbers. Everyone entoved the§ varled program, which ended with a playlet by four R. N. A. members. which was spicy and full of humor. A} 1t § thn c JOHN H. ROUSE. Clerk Rare Musical Gift ch s sof the p.ogram. A love-- was served in the dining ch was decorated in the na-- rs Mrs. Luella Brown was of the refreshment com-- $ spicy agl fuil ol humor. due Mrs ta Juhrend for x aAn [nstrl are It. This may possess are It. ihis gift is rare may possess the talent ch, that is, be able tc itch'of any tone having A for Instance, soundec LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 7. 1929 Minister m H lax ruot ciop follow the early peas, ~pinach and lettuce and a crop whose leaves or seed poss or truit are eaten follow the radishes, early beets and carrots. mome of the slower growing late crop vegetables may be planted with the early vegetables,such as tomato plants along the row of dwarf peas Cemetery Work of Every Kind Phones: Res. 173J; _ office, 200 Collins & Doane Co. MONUMENTS & MAUSOLEUMS WA O L070 CHRVE! p'aucn »Icuunile 19 | y aouang o prvercrencmmiecand much simplified. The plan may be | Planning em' Success in reversed each year so that crops will: i ardening not occupy the same soil in two 84C and when the pea vines are pulled, cessfve years. i the tomatose will have the svace to Draw plans to scale, with the rows ' tho'm(pelvel. Draw a plan carefully running north and south preferably, and follow it and the result will be for the best distribution of sun. Fol-- | a better garden. %here will be no low the distances apart for the rows |time 'wasted in fig@ring out where laid down in the seed catalogues or | things are to be planted after the on the seed packets. These have all| soil is dug and ready. been worked out by expert gordners | _ angq are the distance at which the | $o' vegetables will have the space to do Woman Hardert tna Plenie Once a plan has been drawn up and has worked out successfully, work of the annual graden »lanning is much simplified. The plan may be reversed each year so that crops will not occupy the same soil in two suc-- cessive vyvears. . The reason for planning a vege-- table garden is economy of space and to get the most from the soil that it can produce. It requires careful fig-- uring to determine just how crops shall follow each other and accom-- pany each other to the best advan-- tage This is not a difficult matter if one has at hand a list of the dates crops mature after planting. It can then be determined what cron is to go in where another which has giv-- en its yield comes out. FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1--L--15 GURNEE, ILL. See Me Before Listing Your Sale few gardeners put their plans on pa-- per before they plant their vege tables but their gardening operations suffer in efficiency because of this neglect. he A garden planned in advance is much more likely to be a success than one put in havhazardly and without any thoughtt--out arrange meat It is true that comparatively Telephone 121 Libertyville, Illinois In planning succession crops, don't llow a un with a root crop peac ind beans with peas and RENTING, REAL ESTATE, MO TGAGE LCANS, PROPERTY MAN/ 3EMENT, GENERAL INSURANCE, sURETY BONDS, sERVICE, §EE FOR In this section home--lovers will find, 'each week, interesting articles dealing with various phases of floral and vegetable gardening. In ad. dition to the items appearing herein, we invite contributions from our readers. Address communications to !"Garden Editor", Independent. MERLE'S BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP Wm. A. Chandler Quality and Workmanship GUARANTEED Shops at Libertyvlille and 8ycamore, I!l. E. M. WEISKOPF, Prop. AUCTIONEER Battery Service Radio Supplies Generator and Ignition Sevice ProfessI LIBERTYVILLE, ILL RE LTORINSUROR ~noslte Elect ~ tation Phones 469 and 269 GENERAL Air and Ice in Snow New--fallen snow mukes a blanket o about one part of ice to ten parts o! alr. . Woman Hardest to Please Some one has found out that in 35 out bf 50 cases It Is the woman wheo seeks ithe d{fvoree. That's what you milaht ;expect of che barsnin-- un"ng sex, we suppose, but we don't really blame ithem.--Capper's Weekly, PHONE | LIBERTYVILLE 23 830 Brainard Avenue. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS "ANYONE | HAVE DONE WORK FOR WILL RECOMMEND ME." EXPERT SERVICE General Contractors: PUBLIC SERVICE BUILOING 350 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE. PHONE 556 Monday and Thursday Telephone 591 | LIBERTYVILLE DENTIST Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. Hours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 DENTIST Over State Bank of Mundelein Hours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 5 Other times by Appointment. Telephgne 214 MUNDELEIN DR. O. E. SIMPSON Let Me Show You The Beautiful New 1929 Wal'papers. Office In First National Bank LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DR. J. L. TAYLOR DENTIST Room 22, Publlc Service Bidg Telephone $10 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS DR MATTHEWS DR. S. J. DAVIS Residences _ Stores Public Buildings Schools Landscaping Farm Buifilings Call on Us for Estimates SW Hours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S Paper Hanging. J, M. WADE 0N Painting ENY Mrs. Wesley Frainklin took their radio to school Monday and practi-- cally the whole day was spent in lis-- tening to the inauguration and pro-- program of the day, which proved to be educational asg well as entertain-- ing, and very much appreciated by the pupils. _ _Mr. and Mrs .John Wirtz _ were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R J. Lyons Sunday evening. Prof R. F. Marsh, of the Univer sity of Illinois, gave a pruning dem-- onstration at the home of John Wirtz this afternoon, under the aus-- pices of the farm bureau. ho C Public Service Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker _ of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray attended the filower show in Chi-- cago Thursday night. T A XJ Miss Margaret Wirtz will enter tain the Afternoon 500 club Thurs day. John Wirtz and William Wirtz spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirtz called on George Traut in the Condell bospitalj in Libertyville Sunday afternoon. i 'The lsadies' Aid dinner turned out Just fine. A good crowd was »res-- and they cleared about $46. & Everyone had a. most enjoyable time at the community card party Friday night. The _choir will practice at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolph Friday evening and it is hoped that all our singers will be present, as Wwe start practicing for the Easter services. .__ _ DIAMOND LAKE NEWS Our people are planning an orches-- tra. That's about all we know, but hope to see and hear more of it-- SNOW'S First National Bank Bldg. Res. Phone 284 Office Phone 447 Hecketsweiler the cake being being brecht acco in honor of Gladys Hecketsweiler's. cago. birthday. The salad was served by >----;;_. Mrs. Liillian Grabbe and cocoa and Mundelemr: cookies by Mrs. John Meyer. I figure L * they covered between 12 and 15 miles _ Waukegan during the dinner, and can't even TOrmquist |. imagine the time consumed but 1 Needbam sure can the food. They say the bal. Kirchner ance of the evening was enjoyably "'""1" rrcassces spent playing games at the home of Nelson . .. Mrs John Meyer, but what I want: > to know is where they got the bar _ Mundelein ance. The young peovle wish to SMith thank Rudoiph Weight, their social Tegtmeyer director, for planning such a delight Prais _ .. ful evening. _ | R. Dorfler . Telephone 890 Libertyville, Illinois 508 N. First St., LLBERTYVILLE Office Phone--Libertyville 10 Res. Phone--Libertyylle 432.W DR. L. E. GOLDING T A | L O R Cleaning and Repairing 118 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstairs LIBERTYVILLE, I|LLINO!IS Additional News , From Mundelein FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Mrs. E. W. Fenner, Mrs. Harry Mc S. J. GROVES & SONS CO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS FRED CROKER Linnerarias Hyacinths Tulips Cyclaman LIBERTYVILLE FLORAL CO. Cut Flowes and Potted Plants Delivery Service (Continued From Page Six) PHONE 306 Contractors Excavating BUSI Filling \||\CSS THE HALL 18 AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATE OR PUBLIC PARTIES AT MODERATE RATES. AR. RANGE TO HOLD YOUR PARTY AT "THE STABLES" DIETZ'S STABLES SALES DEPARTMENT 107 E. Church St. LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE 103 §ERVICE DEPARTMENT Lake Street MUNDELEIN TELEPHONE 198 Mundelein-- Pat. e Dwight . Al . Lotte Sally EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS. OUR ;HOP IS FULLY EQUIPPED AND READY TO SERVE YOU. ONLY TRAINED MECHANICS WILL WORK ON YOUR CAR. Iv. iJOrlier ... .. c 08 J. C. Dorfler . A82 894 Mundetein Firemen Antioch-- Swede 156 E. W. Fenner and Henry Engle: brecht accompanied them to _ Chi-- cago. Mundelein Recreation vs. Bob O'Far-- crells, Waukegan Waukegan-- Tornquist .. 166 134 127 427 Needham . .......l41 175 177 493 Kirchner «... .154 157 200 517 Boele ...._c222,..169 191 212% 572 Nelson . ....u2222 174 283 178 375 R. Dorfler . J. C. Dorfler PHONE MUNDELEIN 608--M--2 5t Office at home on W. Cook Ave Bride, Mrs. Henry Englebrecht and Ray Mrs. F. Tegtmeyer entered the the Bill Chicago Evening Amercan tourna-- Fred ment Sunday, and Mrs. Harry Mc Bride won fifth place and a thirty--; five dollar wrist watch. TTri3 LUCE BUILDODING Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 o EN T i s T Office: Room 26 Public Service Buiiding Telephore 67 LIBERTYVILLE LYELL H. MORRIS Dr. C. H. BETZER STARTING aAT 9 O'CLOCK Satisfaction Guaranteed COUNTRYSIDE Boehm Insurance Agency Telephone 440 359 N. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S 'or an Evening of Real Enjoyment Telepnone 168) LIBERTYviLLE ijLLINO!8 Music by Jockey Club Orchestra LIBERTYVILLE --(LLINMO!® W all Paint, comes in 10 shades, $1.65 vallon Five Gallon Pails, $1.50 Gal. Dancing Every Saturday Night Sponges, good quality, each Wall Paper Cleaner, can 7c 36 S. Genesee St, Waukegan. Phone 6842 MOTORS Crysler Dealers SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR ATTORNEY.--A T LA W E. W COLBY ATTORNEY aT _ aAW CcOME ouT To IVANKHOE, ILL. Preco Paint Stores Others at 43¢ Each Four Cans for 25¢ Clean--Up Specials! 910 2(011 156 133 200 193 137 168 149 169 192 166 134 127 141 15 177 154 157 266 169 191 212 174 28 178 8$04 680 900 149 162 169 t ©"19¢c vs. Antioch 183 191 J940 162 190 212 MARCH 169 gy2Q (04 868 2631 161 189 169 480 159 508 184 589 211 583 Irectory 187 147 533 870 2693 i0 4 8 375 2384 512 524 Mundelein Concrete Works Concrete Products of All Kinds General Cement Contracting Ask for an Estimate on Your Needs E. W. FENNER, Proprietor Office Phone--Mundelein 1860 Res. Phone--Mundelein 494J ROOFING TILE COLORED CEMENT GARDEN FURNITURE TERRAZZO FLOORS ORNAMENTAL Cement S§TVUCCO ti Fixtures and Supplies Telephone 400 Libertyville, Illinois 614 N. Milwaukee Chamois, 3 good skins at Others at 686 Each V arnish, purpose, Five Gtiton EACH WEEK NEW SPECIALS ARE OFFERED. WATCH FOR THEM H.R.H. Cleaner Box THF .NDEPENDENT FOR $1.50 & YEAR ---- DELIVERED aAaT YOUR DOOQT NO DELiIvERY CHARGB Electric Wiring and Contracting DON'T PAY MORE bSheet Metal and Furnace Work Jobbing a Specialty 160 Sunnyside PI. Libertyville needed repairs, phone Liberty ville LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP lead pip« Week End Specials "LET GEORGE Now i roofs a Radio Equipment FRED H. SMITH POLICE MAGISTRATE Collections Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public N. Mil~~ukee Libertyvilie DO IT!' WALLACE'S CANDY SHOP WHEN YOU CAN GET THE VERY BEST HOME 414 Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE crosh From the Library George Lawrentz, Prop. Four Boxes for 25¢ J. J. Alkofer, Prop. MADE CANDIES aAT GEORGE'S TIN SHOP t} PAGE SEVEN check up on gutters, valleys, etc.-- For the | 0 h/ all s at 39c 1m¢ 156 173 139 468 169 148 171 488 167 165 202 534 847 860 880 2587 150 Gal jook to your 71c .65