ed, the first day of accepting méent brought in $4.000, which is higher than is usual. Instead of inishing the payments are run-- g about the same. Most of the rural townships re-- ived books Saturgay so that col-- tions could be started. Benton, aukegan, Deerfleld and Shields erships will have to wait a few re days, the treasurerstates. All t Waukegan will be ready to ac-- pt money within a day or so but larger community will have to t until April 1, due to its larger pulation and larger number of a descriptions. This will give Waukegan tax pay-- . Funeral services are to be held at he home Thursday afternoon at 2 Y'cleock with interment at Lake For-- :' cemetery. Among the survivorts are a sister, MUrs. Roy A. Miller, 525 Clayton Efforts to evade penalties will ave hundreds of gdollars to county #x payers this year, according to ay B. Morse, county treasurer, who tates that all records are being BRattered in collections. In" Libertyville township alone, he Fred Hoffman, 50, for years a resi-- lent oi Lake Bluff, died yesterday ifternoon at his home on Mawman 'oad after being stricken suddenly. njuries he reccived a year ago when e was crushed between two trucks ire held responsible for his death. Apparently brooding over insigni-- icant little arguments with her bus-- and, Mrs. James Wylie attempted uicide d the death of her two s in Trlw kitchen of their High-- d park'home Tuesday night. At-- mpt resulted in the death of the ounger son, Bobbie, 6 years old. James Wylie Sr., a motorman for rking on James Jr., 11 years old, A Mrs. Wylie, had their efforts warded and both were rushed to he Highland Park hospital, where ames, Wednesday was reported to e sleeping easily and would surely ecover, while Mrs. Wylie was still meonscious and although Dr. Jacks leclared she had a chance to recov-- t, others expressed doubt that she ould live. Three letters, written by Mrs. Wy-- le who is 35 years old and was ormeriy Miss Cora DeKoker oft Cbh+-- he North Shore line, returned to tdhome at 230 North Green Bay . Highland -- Park, Wednesday homim;. As soon as he opened the ago, were found. One letter, ad-- ressed to Chiet of Police Edward foroney of Highland Park, simply equested that her body be cremat-- d. Another to her husband and one o an aunt arranged the disposition f what money she had, asked that er body be cremated and that no lowers be sent, and hinted that she ad argued with her husband. Wy-- le is said to bave admitted some ittle arguments with his wife, but aid that when he left for work yes-- erday, she had been kind to him nd everything seemed all right. ¥ylie almost collapsed at the hos-- ital and is suffering deeply with he gorrow of the death of his baby oy and the attempt made on his rite's life and that of their first loor he smelled gas iu the house ind ran to the kitchen. Stretched out on an improvised ied of comforts were his wife and wo sons, all unconscious and the oom filled with gas. A rubber tub-- ng> ran from the gas stove to Mr=s. Nylie's hand and the deadly _ gas ¥as pouring into the room. : Wylie threw open the windows mnd doors, closed the gas cock and alled the police and fire depart-- rents and Dr. Robert R. Jacks. \IPDr. Jacks pronounced Bobbie ead when he arrived, but the mem-- ers of the fire department worked aliently over the still little form nd were persistent in their efforts o bring back life. Other members treet rdar Lake, and Lake Villa, T. A. mpson. county superintendent of Bhools. arranged the programs, ATHER HEART BROKEN amily Troubles Said to Have Resulted in Gas Attempt at Highland Park AX COLLEGTION HITS RECORD FOR ibertyville Gete 24,000 in Single Day; Payments Still Running High Francis (G. Blair, state superinten mt of public instruction, U. J ffman, state superintendent of rur-- schools, and J. Stookey, news ed-- r. of the Prairie Farmer, today a to dedicate four country schools "Superior" schools. Those honored ve »een Stearns, Lotus Country, LAKE C Ec --Best BEST ALL THE AUKEGAN BOOKS DUE OLUMN XXXVII--NUMBER 13 OTHER OF 2 BOYS ATTEMPTS SUICIDE: COUNTY FIRST DAY ONE CHILD DIES LAKE BLUFF DIES R DEDIGATES 4 SCHOOLS HERE ounTYy's BIG WEEKLY FOR SUuBSCRIBERS FOR ADVERTISERS NEWS------AND FIRST! ' Both Mrs. Keehn and her mother waships re--| denied that this statement was made. so that col. | They charged that they were on d. _ Benton, | their rigtit side of the road and that ind -- Sbields | they could not pull farther from the wait a few |center due to a parked car that e 'states. All bl()('km'. the path. " the house Jurors today were deliberating the guilt or innocence of Mrs. Ellen Keehn, wife of Maj--Gen. D. Keehn, bead of the lllinois National Guard, who is standing tr'il in circuit court in a $10,000 personal injury suit brought by Mrs. Emnma Drecoll, of Lake Villa. Another personal injury sult for the same amount, brought by. Mrs. Drecoll, for her little son, Herman, will not follow on the trial call, al-- though it is scheduled pext. By agreement of counsel Circuit Judge Claire C. Edwards has placed it at the ftoot of the call. Hearing on the antermediate In-- junction against Edward Lux, South Genesee street, was continued to-- day before County Judge P. L. Per: sons on agreement of counsel for both sides. JURY DELIBERATES MRS. KEEHN'S FATE; DELAY SECOND SUIT Conflicting testimony, regarding the position of the cars, led to leng-- thy closing arguments. Mrs. Drecoll, anc her daughter, Louis, 15, who was driving, stated that Mrs. Keehn, who was accompained by her mother, was driving at such a fast rate of speed that it was impossible to pull far enough from the lase of traffic to prevent a collision. They both stat-- ed that the Keehn car was strad-- dling the black line marking the cenrter of the pavement. Dr® Karl Beck, county physician. testified that Mrs. Drecoll suffered a skull fracture that bas left her a sufferer from chronic headaches Mrs. Ralph Efinger, nurse at the county hospital, declared that the length of the wound in the idjured woman's head necessitated 25 stitch. es to close it. © The accident happened at Lake Villa on a eurve and hill on Grand avenue 'near Cedar Lake, August 7, 1928. ) The Drecolls were return-- ing from the theatre at Antioch. road The girl driver declared that when Mrs. Keehn got out of her car that she offered an apology, stating that she had lost control of the machine. The Keehn's reside in Chicago but have a summer home on Telegraph LUX INJUNGTION DELAYED AGAIN Inheritance tax in the estate of (Cieorge Evert, Lake Bliuff, was ap-- proved today by County Judge P. 1. Persons, The tax amounted to $405 and the widow, was left $22,491 and the daughter, Mrs. Agnes Fisher, 1235 Victoria strget, North Chicago. §$37.982. + CHILO _ WAS _ INJURED Conflicting Evidence in Crash That Injures Two Brings Lengthy Arguments A motion to suppress evidence in the case of Frank Barkus, Highland Park, charged with violating the prohibitory law, was continued to Aprit 2 as was the motion to quash the information in the case of Vah ran Tashjian, Chicago, charged with child abandomnment. A reconciliation is expected in this case. + INHERITANGE TAX ORDERS ENTERED After two hours deliberation a jJury late today found Mrs.Keehn guilty and returned a judgment of $7,500 against her. ECbe Libertpoille IInbependent Not a Bathing Beauty when John Aio control. made } attended the Z #ife she marri and went to li cago. y Col. TLL B. Bradley, of Gurnee, died today at his home in the sec-- tion kiown as East Gurnee. He was about 80 years old. The deceased had lived in that viMlag-- for the past five years and was the manager for the Haddon Realty company there the resident of Zion an the Zion college w & street corner in estranged husband night, was burted in Monday it became Mrs-- Pauline Jo Aceor te report Mflm #et along some years azo they se Mrs. Johnson obtained Later thevy pnatched un time 62 TY (+6a 8 trouble cropped ou!t few months agzo the again separated. Chicago | newspape account of their fit Friday. Pre«#s | dis that Johnson met his MURDERED WOMAN _ ::'> BURIED 1N ZION, > HER FORMER HOME = mon reside no relatives o are living in CQL. L. B. BRADLEY, GURNEE, IS DEAD dreaw a gun and sho her almost insiantly. to his rooms where } guh on himselt and -- gunh life Mrs. Johnson, Slain in Chica go By Estranged Hus-- band, Is Brought Back FUNERAL -- ON _ MONDAY The funeral services for Joh were held at Sith and Indian Chicago Monday while the bod Mrs. Johnson was brought bae Finn. M U S V M ind --remarris iuline became knowi iuline John_wn. days of the cit th LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS8, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1929 on In la ts, lthe . xogo wel O Jahn 1 and l and A CABINET--SIZE PHOTO OF man D ) LION RESUMES _ _ _ FIGHT FOR RIGHT o 0 T0 USE THE AIR pear | Rock when they could not pay they were returned to"jail with the other two to await the arrival of friends. The four drove to Libertyville early this morning, arriving there at about 3 Oo'clock. |The machine in which they were |riding stalltbd and they arranged to Luu'e it towed into a garage after which it is Charged they decided to wake up the village. gullt influence to have the Ai0n bru:n-l-l casting rights restored " In addition to the muyor and oth-- er officia)s of Zion, the c{t-fexuliunl from, that city included J¢hn D. Tho , mas, program Gdirecto:; and J. H,' Depew, aunouncet of radio station | wWCBLD. * hk H _ Under the new allocations that be-- came effective November 11, Zion was reduced from 345 meters to 238 | meters and was « prohibited _ from | !vr(mdt'nfllinrz at night.. The city of | ZLion sent a delegation to \\'ashinu-{ ton to intercede with the l-'ed'-rnl; Radio-- Commission Fnlowing this ! Assjstange of U. 8. Senator Charles $. Deneen of lllinois is being en-- listed by the city of Zion in its fight to be permitted to resume broad-- casting at night, a privilege that has been denfed gince November 11 of last year when new allocations be-- came effective. A committee consisting Qf Secre-- tary of State Willis:m Stratton,. state Senator Ray Paddock of Wauconaa, Kepresentative le> MyDonough of Waukegan, Representative Richard Lyoifs of Mundblein, together with prominent -- ZHon -- residents, . were scheduled to bhold a conference with senator Deneen at the Hamilton c'.ub, Chicago, this afternoon at two o'clock. Atf this session thée esenator was to be itrged to use all possible influence to bave the Zion broad-- invade Committee of State and Zion: Highwood Man iInjured in Officials Holds Conference | Lake Forest Dies in Hos-- With Senator Deneen | pital . Saturday HOPEFUL _ OF RESULTSf UNABLE TO; MAKE TURN Libertyvi was () Anfluen casting nearing Ne COMImISbiOIHL M ing _ in wlnw'l tney _ des change their|original rull then served notice of an the 1. 8. District Court o in the Distfict of Golumb been announced that the be carried to the highes -- OTHERS TO FIGHT CASE syFFERS HEART ATTACK Park FOUR WAUKEGAN Arrested for Singing on Lib ertyville Street; Two Plead Guilty N 8 68 5¢ Four Waukegan taxica vaded the areadian ®t th tange of U. 8. Senator ('hurlusl Injuries received when his auto-- neen of lllinois is being en--| mobile overturned while traveling by the city of Zion in its fight | at a high rate of speed on MceKinley permitted to resume broad-- | avenue at the Sacred Heart academy z at night, a privilege that has ; in Lake Forest, Thursday night, re-- denfed éince November 11 of| sulted in the death of Gureppe ear when new allocations be-- 'Roselli, 24 years old, 209 North ave-- effective. |\ nue, Highwood, in the Alice Home ommittee consisting Qf Secre--| hospital, Saturday afternoon. ? State William Stratton. state |___ Roselli suffered! a fracture of the )r Ray Paddock of \\'uuconaa.!"k"" when he was threwn from his sentative l.e> MyDonough of | machine against a tree. e was un-- egan, Representative llit'hal"l|"mm'"ms from the time of the ac: of Mundelein,: together wl!h'(.m"m until his death. nent -- ZHon -- residents, . were i On Way to Waukegan * iled to bhold a conference wi:hl .Beheved £~ haye Dreh .h"udfll o it Deneenrt |at) (the "umi,"m!\\aukegan'l{uselli left Highwood at *h ix. l ae, "O9 | about 11 o'clock Thursday night. He lhhm.tu,vthn\ afteruoon at two ' was driving at a 'high rate of speed . Af; this session the """"':"'lwhvn he reached' the turn in frount ) be urged to use all ]-N:*"):.a'"f the academy on McKinley road ice to have the Zion broad--| -- The automobil¢ struck the curb grights restored ® and turned over ddition to the muyor and oth--! John Walker and Herbert Sohlen. icilals of Zion, the delegation | both of £40 Taylor street, Highland hat city included Jhn D. Tho-- ; Park, passing the seene of the acci program directo and J. HM.}|dent shortly after it occurred placed . aumnouncet of raudio station | Roselli in their machine and took ) . him to the Alice Home hospital. er the new allocations that bn; Treatment Delayqd effeclite Xovember 11. Zion|-- Rendered delirious from the in duced from "43 meters to 238 [ Jury to his head, Roselli fought all 3 and was < prohbhitited _ from ;sefforts of physicians to attend him 'esting at night. The city "('.\5 a result no, f'&-.r:t)' pictures could ent a delegation to Washing--| be made of h'ifl.lllJl"'\'. until 24 hours > intercede with the Federal | after the accident. This was follow K 4 ; ed immediately by an operation Commission Folowing this p g the commission made a rul-- | An inquest was .-ux_uluu»d 'h)' Dr hss rwnoiw 0 Aasti .\ |J. IL Taylor at the Wenban Funeral n )"" h .'"' * "'f""""'_ "'|establishment on Saqurday evening _ '"I'«Y domakint " uh Roselli was single. It is bhelieved ervias} nutice of an app 2l t*o / that all of his relatives live in Italy 8. District Court of Appea! The automobile, a Ford -- touring + Distfict of GQolumbija, It B@as cear was badly damaged in the crash announced that the fight will It was taken to the Deefpath garage ied to the highes courts for repairs x I ep--2mw=--f-- * -- 7 | | R WAUKEGAN _ :ADAM BOEKM DIES f iven shington 4 I arly this mornin UT in , Moderow, n, pleaded not Durham were ind costs and Washin: Durham plead &\ urbing 14 in d lenn of i Besides his wife he is survived by four sons, Atbert, Isadore, and Mar-- tux, all of whon reside on farns in ll"r?mont townsNip, cand Joseph, at | home. | _ Funeral serviges will be held 110 o'lock 'I'uesJu,v morning in Maty's Catholic; church in Frem Center. Burial will be made in I 'mont cemetery.; i THE NATION'S EXECUTIVES AMis Twin bDroU mer proprietor ing about five him seriously. the ds chargke weakened Early S and retire night. -- ease, was sudden. The deceased g-amc to Lake ty with his parants at the age INJURIES PROVE FATAL TO VICTIM OF AUTO CRASH resident ed an weake on the farm in -- Fremonr where be bhas resided for 1ealh y Old and Prominently Known Resicent 'of-- Fremont Center Dies. " O His A dam man y 1t th ather oblained n from lb\e goI + lluohm.;'an lold and highly of Fremont township, pass: sunday i)\ eninz at his hom» by AC h him inda t w 1e TS ised; had not been in for Hve years. Death of ther, John Boebm, for or df a hotel in Wheel ve Seara ago. affected a 11 ~ ramanite affar. paran'ts a h y;jevening he felt He died before m farm and of inflitenbza -- whieh H+ n ither be as eninz at Fremont zovernmen ) hea e assumed operated :1 #¢ LA rourin= COMPLAIN AS TO ARMORY: BODY BLOW TO INDUSTRY vears st. )nt re-- At to n it 11 The inadequate quarters to-- some extent is blocking the plan for the organization of another . national guard company here. © f need 0. a new armory for th.s Cit The present armory is too small t permit proper drilling and lacks su ficlent storage space for theltw companies which now occupy it. Edward -- Traynor, of Gratslake, was arrested Saturday on a charge of larceny by bailee with H,. Cun-- ingham, of Grayslake, signing the complaint before _ Justice -- HMervey Coulson. Cunningham aceused Tray-- nor of converting milk and cream produced by his herds to his own use. The justice understood -- that between $40v and $60#¥ was involved. On the other hand various orga-- nizattons notably -- the -- Waukegan Womans club are arden supporters of the plan to convert the iract of land into a partk. They are inspir-- ed to some extent by the fact that some politiral leaders in the state are im 'lavor of selling this tract Objections were filed by the offi-- cers of the regiment of which the Waukegan units are a part when the matter was brought before the state legislature two years ago. MILK STOLEN BY _ FARMER, IS CLAIM I. N. G. MAY FIGHT _ STATE INCOME TAX PLAN TO CONVERT | OPPOSED BY STATE RANGE INTO PARK COMMERCE CHAMBER Local Units Opposed to: Point Out Already Heavy Tax Changing Character of Burden Carried By Resi-- Camp Logan dents of lHlinois This model of a glant air liner, proposed to tarry 500 passengers and to travel at a.speed that would take it from Los Angeles to Europe in 80 hours, is being exhibited in Los Angeles by Claude H. Freese, its de-- signer. The liner combines features of dirigible and airplane, with eight gasoline motors and a bag that holds 5,000,000 cubic feet of gas. A compressed air safety device would support the ship in case of acci-- déent by creating a vacuum. Mr. Freese is shown here with the model. subdi: Proposed Airship to Carry 500 k. They are inspir-- ent by the fact that leaders in the siate f selling this tract ind that the conver-- ate, paTk as itered in the ts contend Logan into ate the oniy he national his section to convert from ts of SEOPION 'PWO $1.10 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE l M } The payment of the national in-- come tax and other taxes already !lm;l«d on industry, if furtber bur-- 'dened by a state tax, will make the 'cost of doing business in this state 'higher and, in many cases, will ne-- cessitate an increase in the cost of articles manufactured to insure a falr amount of profit. One of the | primary functions of the liinois |Chamber of Commerce is to attract | worthwhile industries to Illinois and !the State Chamber feels that any tax of the character provided fo: in Senate Bill No. 39 will prove det-- rimental to the proper growth of Illinois industrially. Futirely *in sympathy «<with individuals and smaller organizations as affected by the tax, the burden of the protest voiced by the Illinois Chamber 'of C€Commerce against the bill is due to the effect such taxation might have on industrial growth an& on l'th» profitability of business under-- (takings already located in TIlinois. | , Although the tax, as provided in iflze bill, is to be imposed upon every |resident of the state to be levied, |collected and paid annually upon land with respect to the entire net {income. the provisions of the bill be-- |Lcome unusually serious when applied 'lo industries now operating in I}-- 'inois and to industries who will, in {the fature. contemplate moving to {lhis state to take advantage of its 'man)' resgources. | section 2 of the hbill provides for la tax of one per cent of the amount [of net income to exceed five thou-- 'sand dollars; a tax of two per cent on amounts from five thousand to One of three army deserters who broke away"~ from Fort Sheridan March 22 were caught by Deputy Sheriffs John DeSmit and Walter Gansberg on Green Bay road Sun-- day. The deserter stated that he was on his way backjm the fort. Those. who had been: gs6ught were John Mazan; T8?; Jesse Hembree, °3, and Emanuel Keller. 30, lay sidewalks! on Forést avenue and lost this obpe¢tion and the court later sustained. the assessment of the bard againkt Nimpfer, holding it to be correct. The assessmgnt was $285.16 for a walk 160 feet long and four feet wide. Work is to start immediately. ten thousand dollars and a tax 41 3 per cent on all taxable amounts over ten thousand dollars. White the in-- dividuyal and (he small business or-- ganization will be vitally affected by this gdditional burden to the cost of livingz and of doing business in 11-- inois. the T!ilinois Chamber of Com-- merce. in -- opposinz the measure, feels that the tax of three per cent will fall heavily on the industrial organizations who. for the most part, will come under the last classifftca-- tion according to income. ' Fred Nimpfer, owner of the Lake cide hotel, Fox Lake, lost two cases before County Judge .P. L. Persons today in an effort ;so defeat a public improvement conceived by the board of local improvements in Fox Lake. He had objected to the proposal to Chicagso, II1, Marck 2%.--Reiterat-- ing its former ctand?on Senate Bill No. 39, which prmid;es for a state income tax, the lllingis Chamber of Commerce, representing more than 67 kinds of industries who would be affected by such a tax, has gone on record as oppored to this addition to the present tax burden that may be imposed upon busiprsees and indi vidual incomes of theé state of !Hli nois. I t, DEPUTIES LOGATE SOLDIER DESERTER NIMPFER BEATEN 1N SICEWALK CASE GREATER CIRCULATION THAN OTHER WEEKLIES IN LAKE couUumTyYy COMBINED : ADVERTISING RESULTS SVURE! Attorney Albert Hall, for the truck man, was for the purpose Of fixin-- responsibility ,for the accifent. Orville Kirvey, who drove the truck, stated that be was backing but of a driveway when Monty Lud low, the cab driver, smashed in:o bim. The cabman testified that he Ci not se the truck until he was with in ten feet of it. An ijceman, called as a wituess for Brandoniso, stated that the Yellow cab whizzed by him and tha: he was able to se the truck then DEFENDANTS, SUED FOR $35,000, TRY TO DOD6GE BLAME Arguments are to be started late today before a circuit court jury in suit for $35,000 dama@ges# started by Dr.-- Franklin Patterson: of Lake Plufi against the Highland Pari Yellow Cab Company <~and Nick Brandoniso, of Highland, owner 0' a truck. . Dr. Patterson, on May 3B, 192® claimed thgt he was'a passenger in a Yellow Cab that collided with on-- of Barndontso's trucks. Besides a ba .' cut on the head be stated he r---- ceived an injury to his knee ca» that bothers hbhim continually. He is represented by Attorney Ralph J Dady and Attorney Patterson, o' Chicago. Stanley Jozwiak. 1324 Blackhaw s street, Chicago, is' facing a loune hard summer in jail, it became an parent last night. Several weeks ago he agreed to be best man :0 his pal, Williatm Mikucki, 22 year~ old, in an elopement which ended in his being left in jail in Lake Forest on a speeding charge. On ni-- release yesterday, Jozwiak was y»-- arrested by Chicago detective bu-- reau police because the automobil« hired by him for the wedding tri~ was found abandoned in a wrecked condition in Chicago Saturday. The summer home of Fitzgerald's at Lake Zurich, that contained & val-- uable collection of old coins, jewelry tlothing and furniture, was burgla-- ized with considerable loot being tak-- en according to a report being made by Deputy Sheriff John DeSmidt and a squad out of the sheriff's office to-- day. The burglary was staged a month ago, DeSmidt believes, as four or five other places were enter-- ed there at that time. hbe Fitzger-- ald familv is in Florids. One person was kflled and three, of whom two are women, were in-- jured when an automobile in which they were riding skidded and then turned over on Route 21, between Grayslake and Lake Villa at mid-- night, Tuesday. John L. Dietz, 33 years old, & Chi-- cago motorcycle policeman residing Most of the examination conduct-- ed by Assistant States Attorney S H. Block. for the cab company, and SUMMER HOME IS _ 1LOOTED BY THIEF BEST MAN AT WEDOING JAILED ONE KILLED AND THREE INJURED IN AUTO CRASH Chicago Policeman Meets Death in Accident Near Grayslake at Midnight TWO WOMEN ARE VICTIMS Chicago PASSENGER STARTS SUIT Highland Park Yellow Cab and Truck Owner Deny Re sponsibility for the Crash th w * S i pye