\e FAGE TWO | HALF DAY AND _ PRAIRIE VIEW vacation and will spend the week-- end in Half Day. He is busy getting the play "The Ghost Bird" ready to be put on Thursday and Friday nights, April 4th and S5th at the 'Town Hall. Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett arrived home Saturday of last week _ after spending several weeks in Florida and other points in the south. Mrs. Grant Cook in company with her sister, Mrs. Ben I. Harter of Chicago .and her brother, Dr. w, S. (Campbell and wife of Oak Park spend the week--end in LaFayette, Ind. They stopped over night with a sister in Watseka, I!l., on the way birthday pa N a V 6 *J a n (emonsiPaiioil dl_ LaRt #11110100 Saturday. . This demonstration sponsored by the Herschberger Pictures were shown during the and evening and free luncheon served at noon. The --meetings held at the C Fvangelical church are very . we the roads. Rev. Divan Das Deelu preaching some very int« resting and inspiring sermons on the "Second Coming of Christ." The Bible school superintended by W. W. Lockhead, i doing aggressive work. There are c'asses for all ages where you will find a hearty welcome. Rev. Divan preached two yery moi'@ SEIINUUS i9. sSunday. The Young People held their meeting at 6:39 P. M. Subject of topic "How Make Christ King." -- Services at Prairle View church n;\\.vl(t Sunday are as follows. sunday sebool at 10 a. m. Preaching and an K¥4ster prozram by the Primary department at 11 a. m. Young Peo-- ple's meeting at 6:30. Preaching and a reading by Mrs. Divan. Commun-- ion will be served. Don't forget the envelopes containing the Easter of-- Rev. Vance is having an Easter At 7:30 an Easter program by the Primary and Junior departments: singing by the churech choir and a sterecptican lacture, "Awakened In-- dia" by*Rev. Vance, will be given. The Easter offefing will go to Rev. Keithathn in India for the erection o' a new church. Make the offering a generous one. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smail and children attended church at Half Day last Sunday and were calling on friends during the afternoon We miss the sSmalls and are glad to see them as often as they can come back. The pregular monthly meeting of them as often as Iney Can CC back. The pregular monthly meeting o( the Parent--Teachers association will be held at the school house the first Friday night in April. John Carlson, Herman Engelbrecht and Anna Lind-- strom constitute the program .com-- mittee. All parents are urged to be present. The teachers of course will »-- there. Cooperation means much to our school and community as it does in all business enterprises. Services at the Washburn Con-- cregaiional church will be held both morning and evening next Sunday. Kaster day. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Lesson theme, "Resurrection." Morning worship at 11 e'clock. The sermon will also be "The Resurrec-- tion": music by the Junior choir; christening of bables and . taking members into: the church followed by communion. At ~+30 an Easter program by the \Ur M _,fio"" clsaning and Easter "tOg | gery"* seems to be the themes for ' M w l and Mre. Marsha urchased a lot i subdivision _ in l begin building very near future n Waukegan Hales of F confined to I hereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the Ballot to be voted at the Annual Town Election in the Town of Vernon, Lake County, Illinois, on Tuesday, April 2: 1929. ' rge S two very able sermons last The Young People held number of the Prairle je attended the -- tractor ion at Lake Zurich last . This demonstration was by the Herschberger Bros _ Specimen Ballot R« ed to her very ambi attend h M T For Justice of the Peace d -- master -- Wildl ue id Mrs. Frank Blubm N. J. BLOCKS GEO. A. STANCLIFF CHAS, H. KRUEGER WALTER GOSSWILLER QUIRINE WEIDNER a t held at the Grace 'ch are very well at-- ng the condition of v.-- IDivan bas been very intsresting and For School Trustee PEOPLE'S PARTY the M had )1 H 1e alrie For Constable he W lous womaln r household gain< d suf-- r recent i11-- ie home and Vote for Two «/ Vote for Two ng the day 8 ( § the henbauch w hroed nela Prair home she is h her W Mrs M € & € Mr. and \Mrs. Robert Oats of Chi-- cago spent Sunday with {friends. Andrew sSorenson spent _ Sunday with relatives at Chicago. William -- Harris returred to his home Saturday at Lake Bluff alter helping to care for his aged father who has been seriously ill for the past three weeks. MUr. and Mrs. Wm. Pohlman and daughter of Lake Zurich were Sat-- urday callers. The board members of the Feder-- ated church held a special mesiing ated church nelid a speciai mc 7B amV WTVZn ROCOIEC PVI IMPCOWSOCB®O NC at the George Blackburn home Mon-- | 552 feet of the pier. § da: evening. Work of replacing the | super-- Mr. and Mrs. Butler of Chicago | structure of the present pier with a called on friends Sunday. 'pomnent structure was started by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomisky and the government several years ago. daughter, of COrystal Lake, spent | A portion of thepier is replaced each Sunday with the latter's mother, | Year and in time the wooden struc-- Mrs. Fannie Pratt. ture of the pier now in a dilapitated Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crowfoot of Ed-- condition will be eliminated. ison Park were Monday callers. The bids are to be received and William McClain spent the week: l operied by the district engineer at end at his home here. | his office in Chicago on April 15. James Fuller was a Chicago caller Friday. Miss Mabel Knigge and _ Melvin Stone gspent Sunday evening _ at Waukegan. . -- Harold DisMauer of Lake Zurich was a business caller Saturday. > Miss Martha Hughes of Waukegan spent the week end with her par-- ents. -- -- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris and family of Libertyville spent Satur-- discussion among the ladies at this season while the men talk politics and garden making. Busy world this. The election will be held at the Town Hall Tuesday, April 2. There are two constables, two justices of the peace and one school trustee to be elected. Polls are open from 1 a. m. to 5§ p.43n. It is the dvu_v of every loval citizen to attenf@ this Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ketchem of Lake Forest spent Sunday with the Engelbrechts. They also had callers from-- Mundel«in and Libertyville in from-- Mundelein and lLibertyville in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Schroeder and acon, William Henry spent Sun-- day with Wtm. Meyer and family of Prairte View. Mr. and Mr#. Sprague entertained friends from Grays Lake, Highland Park and Evanston sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oberg and family are leaving for Minnvesota Tuesday Apr.) 2nd. The mother and children wil' raise ehickens and turkeys on OAescete AJfzele:: Milwaukee Ave wWAUCONDA Squth Genese The most popular electric refrigerator at prices as low as *170 (J. o. b. Dayton--Installation extra PuBLic SERVICE COMPANY iunday. i a farm this summer then Mr Oberg &z and family ; will join them in the fall. He has esota Tuesday | been working for the Soo Line for a r and children ' number of years. Th--y formerly nd turkeys on | lived in Minnesota. + Public Service Store at Church 8t. Libertyville OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS THEO. BLECH, Dist. Mgr it "**. # Y For Justice of the Peace WM. F. GERBERT ' Work of replacing the \ super-- leago | structure of the present pier with a ' permanent structure was started by and | the government several years ago. spent l A portion of thepier is replaced each ther, | year and in time the wooden struc-- For School Trustee INDEPENDENT PARTY \| GOVERNMENT -- ASKS / FOR PROPOSALS ON _ PIER IMPROVEMENT For Constable _ Mr. and Mys. Russell Harrop, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harrop and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Olsen spent Sunday at their summer cottage on Bangs |lee. i _ _ Mrs. Grace MoMt 'of Chicago ll'ent Friday at the" Milbs Fuiller home. That the governiment will continue with its plans to replace the wood-- en sttucture of the*south pier of the Waukegan harbor with concrete this year is indicated by thbe fzct that the United States district engineer . at Chicago is advertising for bids on such a project. . The bids provide for replacting 552 feet of the pier. day evening and Sunday with rela tives. _ Mrs. William Daley underwent an operation Saturday at the Elizabeth Condell hospital at Libertyville. Misses Elva Crabb and Marie Day spent Saturday at Elgin. . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baseley were Elgin callers Saturday. _ _ Mrs. Jack Fenton and daughters Margaret and Jean of Evanston are spending several days at the Miles Fuller home Harry Kirwan was _ a caller Monday. Misses Leila and Anita and Claude Baseley, Sr.. returned home Sunday after spending several days at the Jack Now and Harry Baseley homes at Antigo, Wis. Miss Marjorile Lageschulte spe Sunday with Miss Laverne Hapk Miss Emilie Davidson spent t week end with her parents at Hin dale Arthur Kirwan entertaine al friends from Wiscensin urday. Rev. Harvey Loeke is spending his Faster vacation here. Vote for T wo Vote for T wo Town Clerk,. Phone 1000 Waukegan LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT.; THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1929 # 6 spent 1RO of FOR REN | IING, REAL ESTATE, ; MORTGAGE LOANS, : PHUPEK|Y MANAGEMENT, UENERAL INSURANCE, sUKE&IY BONUS, | SERVICE, | 8EC Telephore DR. L. E. GOLDING ATTORNEY A T--LAW Offlice at home on W. Cook Ave. LYELL H. MORRIS ____ ATTORNEYAT--LAW LVCE BUILDINGQ Res. Phone 97 Office Phong 18 °_ LIBEARTYVILLE, ILLIMOHW Waukegan Nurseries Phones: Res. 1731J; office, MONUMENTS & MAUSOLEUMS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL TELEPHONE® WAUKEGAN 30 Cemetery Work of Every Kindg BETWEEN GRAND AVENUE AND WASHINGTON STREET Telephone 188) LIBERTYYVILLE, I|LLINO . Phone 284 Office Phone 447 LIBERTYYVILLE, ILLINO!IB Professional Libertyville Patrons SIDNEY MEEKER HREAL IORINSUROR Opposite Electric Station Phone 469 and 269 First National Bank Bidg. Pure Artificial Ice R. Douglas' Sons ollins & Doane Co. QUICK SERVICE : -- RELIA'BLE WORK New Work ... Alterations ..> Repairs COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND ROCK GAROEN PLANTS Shade Trees, Shrubs. Roses, Perenials, Peonies, Frult Thees OUR LANDSCAPE DEPT. AT YOUR SERVICE Green Bay Road . C. H. BETZER E. W. COLBY D E N T | 8 T Office: Room 26 Public Service Bullding Prompt Delivery Shops at Libertyvilie and Sycamore, |!!. Qull? and Workmanship UARANTEED Telephone Libertyville 560 irteen Years' Experience HARDY NURSERY §TOCK EVERGREZCNS In All varieties and Sizes PLUMBING LIBERTYVILLE Dr.Otto R.Thompson SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OF EYES. CLASSES FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. CROSS EYES STRAIGHTENED EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Monday and Thursday Tele hone 591 LIBERTYVILLE DENTIST | Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. Hours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 Room 414 Woukegan National Bank Building DR. O. E. SIMPSON Office In First National Bank DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office Hours: 9 to 11 A 1 TO 5 P. M. DR MATTHEWS VANITY FAIR BEAUTY SHOPPE DENTIST Over State Bank of Mundelein Hours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 5 Other times by Appointment. Chicago Office With the! Chicago Title and Trust Co., 69 West Washington Street HAIR BOBBING and SHINGLING elephone 214 MARCELLING, WATER WAV-- ING and FINGER WAVING DENTIST Room 22, Public Service Bidg Telephone 310 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Public Service Bldg. Libertyville DR. S. J. DAVIS Hours: 1 to 3:20 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYVILLE, JILLINO!S Lake County Title nd Trust Company Teaming Excavating Grading Sewer Work 'omplete Finishing of Basements Johnson Ave. Waukegan, Illinoi Frank Calzavara and Son LIBERTYVILLE Telephone 288--J wWORK DONE BY EXPERTS Waukegan, III. §$. RICKCORDS, Pres.| _/ WM. R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TITLES GUARANTEED PERMANENT WAVING 220 Washington Telephone 152 TELEPHONE 993 ALVAH L. ROGERS, Secy OPTOMETRIST TELEPHONE 4 Marion Brennan MUNDELEIN Street Ol8 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION 508 N. First St., LIBERTYV!ILLE S¢e Me Before Listing Your Sale FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1--L15 GURNEE, ILL. SNOW'S T A XI 118 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstairs LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Office Phone--Libertyville 10 Res. Phone--Libertyvlle 432. W Public Service Bldg. "LET GEORGE Now is the time to look to your roofs and check up on lead piwves, valleys, etc. Fo needed repairs, Phone L ville 132 for prompt service Jobbing a Specialty 160 Sunnyside P}. Libe Sheet Moetal and Furnace Work THE HUBERT CO. oF EVERY KIND FOR ALL TYPES of BUILDINGS (Inc.) 24 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, !!!. PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 Applied on New Residences Asbestos and Asphalt Built--Up and Tar and Gravel Roofing Ap-- plied on Flat Roofs Guaranteed Roofing Slate, Tile and Asbestos Shingles Libertyville, Illinois innerarias Hyacinths Tulips Cyclaman LIBERTYVILLE FLORAL CO. Cut Flowes and Potted Plants Delivery Service Wm. A. Chandler Applied over old wood shingles and other| old roofing on residences Do $T! FRED CROKER 5. J. GROVES & sONS CO. AUCTIONEER Prompt Service Guaranteed Cleaning and Repairing PHONE 306 Telephone 890 BuUSI George Lawrentz, Prop Contractors Excavating GEORGE'S TIN SHOP ROOFING GENERAL Filling Libertyville For the Liberty gutters ||\¢SS SUIT or TOPCOAT $23.50 Tailored to measure; fit euaranteed For appointment call or write 140 E. Church EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS. OUR ;HOP 16 FULLY EQUIPPED AND READY TO SERVE YOU. ONLY TRAINED MECHANICS WILL WORK ON YOUR CAR. To and From Chicago, Libertyville SALES DEPARTMENT 107 E. Church St. LIBERTYVILLE TELEPHONE 103 SERVICE DEPARTMENT Lake Street MUNDELEIN TELEPHONE 198 Local and Long Dis-- tance Moving Chicago Phone Haymarket 1416 MILLWORK Screen, Cabinet Work, Storm Sash TELEPHONE 7684 411 First Street Libertyville General Contractors PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 350 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE. PHONE 556 Residences Stores Public Buildings Schools Landscaping Farm Buildings HAROLD WILCOX Phone LibertyVille 51; Res. 40 Prompt Servics; Careful Handling OF ALL KINDS 28 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AT YOUR SERVICE LIBERIYVILLE PAINT STORE Phone Libertyville 901 W. H. SHUGART Boehm Insurance Agency ALL KINDS OF HEATING PLANTS Telephone 388--W Anderson & Exon Motor Service For Residences, Stores and Institutions LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Telephone 440 359 N. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS / Satisfaction Guaranteed COUNTRYSIDE General Trucking AND Transfer SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR DAILY TRIPS MOoTORS Crysler Dealers Call on Us for Estimates Phone Libertyville 570 C. L. COONFER S I G N S Antioch St .' o g «ues i N P Astoaths i itgrns in ay oecse h e cote HEATING Libertyville I|rectory POLICE MAGISTRATE Collections , Real Estate and Insurance n Notary Public 604 N. Milwaukee Libertyvilie Fixtures and Supplies Mundelein _ Concrete Works Concrete Products of All Kinds _ General Cement Contracting Ask for an Estimate on Your Needs E. W. FENNER, Proprietor Office Phone--Mundelein 180 Res. Phone--Mundelein 494--J ROOFING TILE _ _ CcCOLORED CEMENT * GARDEN FURNITURE ** TERRAZZO FLOORS ORNAMENTAL Cement STUCCO IF YOU WANT a BOTTLE OF MILK THAT IS PERFECT IN Electric Wiring and Contracting Telephone 400 Libertyville, Illinois 614 N. Milwaukee KMelephone 121 Libertyville, Illinois LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP DAIRY AT 224 BROADWAY TELEPHONE 94 FRED H. SMITH EVERY WAY, GIVE US aA GROWERS OF A GENERAL LINE OF NURSERY STOCK Radio Equipment WHQOLESALE AND RETAIL HAFEMANN'S DAIRY Visit Our Nursery MERLE'S BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North c! Libertyville E. M. WEISKOPF, Prop. Battery Service LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Generator and L Ignition Sevice * Radio Supplies . LEESLEY'S NURSERIES J,. J. Alkofter, Prop I RIA ime F2