For the convenience of Fertilizer Manufacturers and their Service to (armers, stocks ®of Muriate of Potash in 125 1b. and 200 Ib. bags are carried at Chicago, IIL, Terre Haute, Ind., and St. Louis, Mo: If you have difficuity in getting Potash --Write #ur Commercial Department. * Mike Foston, Aged 50, State Line, Believed Near --_-- Death in Hospital faction to look forward t ing four years with M presiding in the White 1 dutles there will o seem g esses the Wohit»e Calm, cheertul} ruffled., M\ perience i world ove; for her pr This is the W. Campbell. of the Univer pressed today social assets n ente w thro afte die. your in /n min ance with MRS. HOOVER GIVEN PRAISE AS HOSTESS tha Flar a Wi unt hea CRicago. Ihe empty chicke ing@ t hayi; son was injured abo chest and badly la Srbmidt who was d was hadly cut in the E'nbriet of Ripon. the trmuck who wa sehmidt, escaped i# The «mail car in W Michael Fosco, aged 50 yektrs, re-- siding on the state limne road west e( Winthrop Harbor is believed to be dying, bis son Vito Fosco, :0 vears old, is in a serious condition aprd Marvin Schmidt of R. F. D. No. 4, Ripon, Wis.. is confined in the Yictory Memorial hospital with cuts and bruises after t truck which the latter was driving collided with a coune driven by the younger Fosco at a point one mile south of {(}» state line on Green Bay road at noon todayv Potash Profit on Peaty Loam Results From Three Corn Demonstrations Show an Average Profit of ONE DYING AND TWO INJURED IN _ TRAFFIG CRASH SON ALSO BADLY HURT iT Berkeley. Ca ) "Am i( It is t? Large profits on Muck Soils (Peats-- Peaty Loam and Alkali Soils). Write for our Free Booklet on Muck Soil Crops. ACRICULTURAL ANBD SCIENTIFIC BUREAT Corn fertilized with Potash yielded 60.4 bushels--unfertilized 13.5 bushels.-- Profit from Potash $20.36 per acre. d IM 4 n man wi today when ¢sets of her TVs ra t BDemonstration (1928) d taken i. V. Potash Export My. «t Sohmidt Released. inz to.Schmidt be was un ( the impendiog accident saw the lighter machine »ward the truck. In a state de to Captain Heckinger <pital, YVito Fosco "A¥solved4 rrestiga 1. Walt of Amsterdam, Holland 8423 MeCormick Bldg. a a Chicago, HJL. sheriff badIv mi W Xpre 1t POTASH PAYS H w id DL N W d Y patroi ant tts _ Gansberg, Je Quandt were rushe« onir tru me« ge Heckinger o $12.97 per Aore Mre: Herbert Hoo: v of the land. wili st charming host-- House hlas known. pleasant. not easily over bass had ex ed the bel W L & the president California, ex discussing the i'imate friends. sure and satis rd to thae com-- _ Mra. Hoover W elief that t ive. 8chmid comnsarative n iged cras D y n t lm on (g::t.'.b: 'f:'n Farm of a ) M ise. _ He 08sC0O owner Ne nves!lig a iX n & ent un Teiead 3 8« ecogniz the iaren m 10u 8 W W ent It had been indics ine ; that bhe would plead ate [ be came dato cour ger ; plea of not guilty vep | toruey, James G. V |all Eisworth Ferguso 80d | accused of complicit nlz fand robbery of Fr ul4 ' Roudout. probably res | on the call. Two of of j ed in the robberyv pi E Ferguson. who serve the | state prison in low c / a statement .made | r+ ofl Building permit has been issued ! to David T. BRlork of Lake Bloff for | the construction of an $80,000 apart-- ;menz building on Oak and Center _ | streets, it was learned today. n ' HAVE to her ow her own n other con Pairis. and won universal admiration, for,. in addition to her recognized intellect-- ual abillity, she is noted for Rer tact and charm of manner. for those gently and gracious ways that come not alone from wide experien®e, but trom sivcertty and kindliness . of Hecki guilty M ooo | __Col. Smith decilined to discuss the The first case probably will be 'p(Nllbnll_v of issuing a warrant for that of Charles Hickox. of, Wauke-- ':!t::rd::m(:tn ;:'":(')z' h;:"::tlh t:?: gyan. who is accused by police of | * i housebreaking. _ HickOr, accord!nx'g::n:oc':l;d"}':m"}:;'hcl:::u::'::\% to confessions police claim to have " Sti ltl' M.cll a imit ild reeeived. broke into a halt dozen 'e;d :nhon :h .f & Ta ®$ ;?inl homes and obtained small loot. ! * Arge of murder CRIMINAL TRIALS WILL START APRIL 8 CGOL. SMITH THINKS Charles Hickox Lead Trial C son Might B hiefly Ir Work is to be started within & few days. it is understood. The building will English stvle of a will fRase ISs anarst me lish basement for | his corps LONG DISPUTED _ «'SUICIDEPROBEIS _ FLAT BUILDING __| LAUNCHED:; MURDER TO BE ERECTED _ CHARGEIS HINTED For two years the proposed strue-- ture was balked by the village that sought to keep apartments from be-- ing constructed.. The zoning board of appegia refused to issn= a permit and thr matter was cavried to the county court where County Judge F. L.. Persons ruled that the village zon ing laws, pertaining to this project, were tiiegal. 'The viliags theun ear-- ried the matter to the supreme court where Judge Person's opinioun was upheld. -- The permit was issued by the or der of the board Criminal trials in elrcuit court obably will be started April 8 it as learned today from States At-- mey A. V. smith who believes at the call can be cleaned up in 33 than two weeks. -- isworth Ferguson, 0' Rondaut, ised of complicity in the bold-- up robbery of Frank Asama, af dout. probably will be second call. Two of the men involy the robberv pleaded guilty and son. who served 11 montbs in prison in lowa, according to ement .made by Capt. George nger March 19, pleaded nut not guilty through his a James G. Welch. Trial Call; Fergu Might Be Second BUT FEW CASES en indicated at one time ild plead gullty but when ito court he entered a uts in l an Ang he janitor and be n rited Slated -- to & V & 1e, a bine n. f ) f the old "uro and :1 an Eug spen t has in h The condition of the woman, who . encouraged ber children to ie on the floor with her while she filled the room with gas drawno from the stove through a rubber hose, was reported as favorable from the High-- ' land Park hospital. She is comatose { Note is Bared While poltce -- refused to discuss | any of the letters left by Mrs. Wylie | except the one to Moropey, they did | bare the contents 0 it prior to the ; inquest. It was as follows | "To the Chief of Police: i "I alone am responsible for this | act and 1 am not insane nor tempor-- arily _ deranged 1 am _ perfecty sound in mind. | bave no insurance but have saved about $800 in the In the woman's *u to Moroney she wrote that "no Dne cared." giv-- ing an indication that sbe was de-- spondent Can Ascribe No Motive > Wylie was at a loss to explatn the act, according to Kopp \When be left home for work he s«' that everything in his home was peace ful. "There were no more disputes there than in any home from what 1 can learn," Kopp said. Chieft of Pplice Edwara Moroney was absent today and one report was that he might be gome two days. It was denied by Sergt. Martin Kopp that Moroney was questioning rela-- tives of the dead woman or inves-- tigating the contents of letters di-- rected to Wylie or an aunt oft the woman. James, the boy who lived, his father and police will be among the principal witnesses at an juquest to be started this afternoon. After a conference witdh Colonel Smith, Assistant States Attorney Wilfred E. Hall was sent to High-- land Park to confer with police and Wyli¢, North Shore Line mo-- torman. who came home from his work at 230 o'clock yesterday morn-- ing to find his son, Bobbie, 6. dead, and bis wife and other son, James, 11, unconscious on the kitchen floor from gas. Exhaustive examination of all facts that led Mrs. Cora Wylie, 34, of Higbhland Park, to attempt suicide for hberselt and two children, and which regyited in the death of one of her sous, was launcaed today by States Attorney A .V. Smith. DENIES SHE'S _ INSANE Col. Smith to Sift Facts at !n quest Today; She Writes, 'No One Cared' ay Ar ie > Subnt t * ... . s Sah Th P efi . on o P in o ain t i tput io o aood MR ty cA Ned uen 1 o . .! 33 4 »NERRMREAOIE t s : xt yi o C Se n Tft M C x * womiltrya® yA . A x # NP leidet s . nX d }"' en ainieete enc t t 6 * :5:.,_, s:"y':':.'.,%:'%;' . % & Lo hy + ® ; 5 z "erhe kess on t M ,:}%39"' 3 # cy A 8 € i i $ is C # x m Ec * * h 35% . :T¥ 3+ / o z+. ¢ _ _ Genesee Bargain Store 12 N. Genesee 8t. Do Not Fail to See My Display and If I Can Fit You, You Will Be Well Pleased as All Shoes 'Are Guaranteed as Represented! 'Men's Comp. sole plain Oxford, regularly s sold $7 to close out.... W¥ Men's Tan Oxfords, Goodyear welt sewed, leather soles and rub-- ber heels. Sold for $5, $6 and $7, our price to $2 85 €l0S€e OUL.....~.~... & and up olUr prMC Men's Two--tone Oxford, sizes 6. to 9, regularly sold for $6.00, our Women's Patent Leather Strap Slippers and Pumps, always sold A few pairs of: women's sample sizes Patent Leather and Kid Pumps and $1 98 S ET A S meome --0+-- emermiemenrenernctorne & tice t S§5 and $6, $2 49 IT pTMIC@..__.__ C3 and We have lost our lease. Every pair of shoes must go regardless of cost. It will be worth while to look our stock over. as we may have just what you want We will give you more for your money than you ever received before. Closing Out Sale WE HAVE LOST OUR LEASE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1929 Al Fixtures _$4.45 $2 .48 Location of the big branch bere was brought about by the efforts of the Chicago North Sbore' and Mil-- waukee railroad. Mr' Hulse said First of Its Kingd This will be the first office an d warehouse of a concern engaged in distributing its own manufactured products to be located in this com-- muni'(y and it is expected that it will be a forerunmer to the location of similar plants The contern will employ from 6 to 15 men and women, the uumber va-- rying as to the seasons and demands on the branch The concern will operate the local branch only as a wholesale institu-- tliong: It will distribute products ef the company within a district bound-- ed on the south by Highland Park, libertyyville on the west and the state line on the north. The plant will be located on a tract of land lving on the south side of Glen Rock avenue and immedl-- ately west of the tracks of the Chi-- cago North Shore and Milwaukee railroad. Purchase of the property was completed today. The tract bas a frontage of 160 feet on Glen Rock avenue. Represents Large Expenditure Cost of erection of the plant has not been made public but it is ex-- pected that when the building is erected and fully stocked it wil} rep-- resent an expenditure of several bun-- dreds of thousands of dollars Plans of the Crane company of Chicago, onge of <the largest manu-- facturers and distributors of plumb-- ing and steam{fitting supplies in the country, to erect a large building in Waukegan which will house a sales: room andwarehouse, were announc-- ed by Minard E. Hulse, president of the Waukegan and North Chicago Chamber of Commerce today. "I don't thnk my husband or any-- one else should have any right to oppose it. 1 want no trouble for any-- one. Flowers are to be strictly omit-- ted as no one cared enough about use in life to bring us one.: < they needo't go to any erpense after PLANNING SALESROOM "It is my wish that the casket be the most reasonable pogsible and that the .bodies be cremated:; the children as well as my own, and our ashes to be buried in my father's and brother's graves. The children in the father's and migne in my bro-- ther's if bhis wilt will permit." we're gone." Purchase Land on Glen Rock Avenue Near North Shore Line --For-- Plant CRANE COMPANY WILL EREGT BIG WAREKHOUSE HERE bave ten shares of North Shore Gas company stock worth $1,000. 'The papers are in the -- safety deposit vault in the Highland Park State bank. 'This money is to be used for the expense of our disposal. Highland Park Savings bank and up calf 6. Should sell fo $2.25--our 'price.... Children's stitch. down Dr. Dud-- ley shoes in black, brown and smoke Elk, always sold at $3.25-- our price to $2 19 Cl0o%E QOUt ..........._._._.__ & Men's Kid Oxfords, leather sole, rultber heels, Goodyear welts, sold for $6 and $7-- $4 85 QUr ;H'CQ' soss se suegus ues +s oneretiennes us te L Children's stitch down smoke Elks weather--proof sole, sizes O to 8, $1.8q9----8"% $2 19 $Q 1 1 cmvsnectvercrersmseetenmereresenmmetcine e Children's gym shoes "Keds"--while they last Children's stitch down white Elk, weather--proof sole. Sizes 2!} to * o on postads T uéEulsic! 4 cou'st ol JECLUIIES O ° -- Fear of an epidemic of scariet foundational character as a meabn® | fever in Lake Bluff resulted today of promoting an intelligent and sym-- | jn orders from Dr. Theodore S. pathetic attitude toward bhis charges. | Proxmire confining Lake Bluff chil-- To this plan the personnel 6T No. | dren to their own yards exclusively 105 gave their enthusiastic support. l during the Easter vacation. The first series of talks by Dr. Bled Eleven cases of scaurlet fever are soe has just beéen completed. The | already under quarantine in Lake following were the subjects discus-- ! Bluff and all of the patients have »sed by him:-- "Psychological Med!{-- | been taken to the contagion hospi-- cine," "structure of the Unconsci-- l tal at Lake Forest where they are ous," "Psychopathology of Everyday being given _expert care and are It is the poliey of Dr. E. P. Bled-- soe; medical officer in charge, to Inculcate in every member of this varted personnel a sympathetic un-- derstanding of. the-- patients with whom they come in contact in what-- ever capacity. From the heads of the various depariments directing their patient--assistants, to the farm er ,handlipg his detail of helpers, such aun understanding is invaluable Wifh this in view, Dr. Bledsoe in-- er .handlipg his detail of helpers such aun understanding is invaluable Wifh this in view, Dr. Bledsoe in augurated a course of lectures o foundational character as a means of promoting an intelligent and sym pathetic attitude toward bhis charges Hospital No. 105, at North Chicago, thaugh only three years in operation, is one of the foremost neuropsy-- chlatric institutions in the country. Upwards of six hundred patients are registered there and are ministerced to by a capable and efficient per-- sonnel, including physicians, nurses, laboratorians, physiotherapists, occu-- pational therapists, attendants, tech-- nleians, as well as clerical force. In 'high contrast to the old time ways of caring for nenrepsychiatric patlents, are--the present day meth-- ods as carried out in the United States Veteran's hospitals. Here men who suffer thig sort of disability as & result of their service ih the late wars are given the mental and phys-- lcal treatmient necessary to restore them to health. Latest Treatment Accorded Neuropsychiatric Patients at North Chicago NEW POLICY EXPLAINED LEGTURE COURSE IS$ PROVIDED AT VETS' HOSPITAL At DIETZ'S STORE, IVANHOE, Friday, March 29; and Monday, Tuesday and Wed., April 1, 2 (Election day) and 3. For.the purpose of collecting taxes of Fre-- mont Township.® ALBERT SNYDER, To facilitate the payment of tax bills, I will be at MUNDELEIN STATE BANK on Saturday, March 30, and Thursday, April 4 ' TAX PAYERS OF FREMONT TWP. $1.48 98c mhipig ie _ww" Our prices _« eP 1« J O itp Youths' comp. sole, rubber heel shoe with strap to buckle at top, sizes 9 to 13, sold for $1 79 $3--to close Ollt._._. o Women's Arch Support Strap Slippers and Eyelet Ties in hid, Calt and Patent Leather, Good-- year woelts, leather soles and rub-- ber heels sold for $5.00 to $9.00-- PEICE mrrnsmrmenccressrrscireerces . Solb Men's fancy hose to cl0se OQUt .._._._._._._._._. Women's silk hose while they last......._. Youths' and boys' Oxfords blacks and browns, regularly sold at Si¥S. Pij5, $1. 235 $1 98 and OUF PDMICC... .l2l2l222> e up Youths' and -- Boys' black and brown shoes, sizes 9 to 51i «al-- ways sold for $3, $3.50. $4 and in ie ____ $2.95 Waukegan Deputy Tax Collector. __ $1.98 In connection with this work, a school for attendants has been es-- tablished. Here the orderlies who give the most intimate care to the patients are instructed in their du-- ties and are taught the underiying principle of caring for their neuro-- psychopathic patients. The staff doctors and Miss Kathleen Dorsey, Chief nurse, are the instructors. Radiatifig from Hospital No. 105 is an educational influence that is felt throughout tke neighboring com-- munities, where the stafft physicans are frequently called upon by the various college, business and wel-- fare--clubs to address them on psy-- chological _ subjects. Neighboring civil hospitals, too, have taken ad-- vantage of the opportunity to have specialists frolmn No. 105 instruct their student nurses. Dr. C. C. C. Brace is now giving such a course to the Victory Memoriaf bospital, GONFINE CHILDREN TO HOMES IN LAKE BLUFF FOR HOLIDAY . The secound series of lectures will be given by Dr. C. R. Miller, Clin-- ical director of the hospital. He will discuss: "Clinical Psychiatry--Fun-- damental Considerations," Mental Symptoms Associated with Organic Disease of the Brain." and "Function-- al Mental Disorders." Waukegan Life." "Psychology of Dreams," "De-- velopment _ of _ Personality," "The Psychopathic Personality," "General Consideration in the Care an'd Treat-- ment of the Tanberculosis--Psychiatric Patient." __27¢ -- _Ale 1. and up Dr. Proxmire stated that he fear-- ed that if the childres were permit-- ted to play about the streets dur-- ing their bholidays, they would come in contact with carriecrs of the dis-- strictly quarantined 29 NO. GENESEE ST. GROWING GIRLy Patent Step--in Pump with Black Lizzard trimming. College Heel. Same Style in Blopde Kid. CGoonffrEAR Calf Cut--out One--evelet Tie with B ro w n Kid rrimmiog. _ Spike Hee. WOMEN'sS Palmwood Trade in Your Present Unsate Tires! No"ammmmttul(hu-hg Rims and Mounting Tires Pathfinder Treads The New Improved Talk about "bargains"! Goodyear, with its vast resources as the world's largest rubber company, sets a pace for 1929 that has all its followers out of breath. These new Pathfinders, with their deep--cut, tough, long--wearing, handsome new non-- skid treads and other improvements, far outdis-- tance competition in quality at low cost. Youwll agree 100% with us when you see-- GOODYEARS At Much Lower Prices! LIBERTYVILLE MOTOR SALES Dick Earl, Proprietor Telephone 202 Libertyville, IIl. New Improved aster Special! m & $ ht P 14 30 30 29 29 30 29 Oversize GOODYEARS 4.50 4.75 4.50 4.50 4.75 LOWEST PRICE IN 1311 YEARS % Sturdy' *3 x¥ BALLOONS TUBES Think of the other fellow once in a while and the world will not seem quite so bad after all. ease and cause it to spread to an alarming extent. $1.29 >« »i.s $2.50 MEN'S BIiacd Blucher Orford kigel. Pure Thread Silk For Economy GUARANTEED HOSE WAUKEGAN, ILL PAGE THREE $6.65 7.50 §$2.15 8.85 9.35 2.30 2.45 2.55 or Tap Rubber