' ~ OLDEST MEMBER OF _ =| _ MASONIC ORDER i ----OEAD INWAUKEGAN 4 marriage tQ Allllc ¥Y . EXPOC RRUITR whose death occurred in 1899.. He joined the First Baptist church in 1880 and had attended services regiu-- larly up to several months ago. Mr. Simpson bore the distinetion of being the oldest member of Wan:-- kegan Lodgo No. T8, A. F. and A. M " having joined fifiy--two years a¥o. In 1897 he was awarded a life K3 memkiership. HMe also was a mom-- ber of the Carpenter's Union for thirty--two years. A daughter, Mrs. Mable Simpson White, a «on, Earl B. Simpson, two I,rgtherr. R. N. B. and W. G. Sim son of Retsil, Washing@ton, sus\'x: him. Funeral serviees at First Bap tist church Thursday at 2 p. m.,. in-- terment in Oakwood cemetery. David Adams Simpson, Mem-- ber of Lodge No. 78 for 52 Years, Dies Early Today PAGE SIX LIVED HERE MANY YEARS M PREPARE WAY FOR ERECTION OF BIG DISPOSAL PLANT the erection of a $200,000 sewage disposal plant in Waukegan and like wise validate the formation of the North Shore Sanitary district and legalize the construction of the 8 existing disposal plants built under the direction of the boards was pre-- sented in the state legislature by Representative Lee McDonough of Waukegan.. _ essary expense in exlension oi a trunk sewer. Althougsh formed in i1914 the val idity of the district has been ques=:-- tioned on the grounds that the di~ trict was originally authorized to erect but one plant. It was found, hewever, that the erection of sepa-- rate plants at Waukegan, Zion, Noith Chicago, Lake BHluff, Lake Forest, Highwood, Deerfield avenue and Park avenue in Highland Park would assure greater efficiency in operation. It is also state«t that the original order and petition organiz-- ing the districs failed to outline jurisdictional facts. The bill of Reprosentative Mc Donough will quiet these objec-- tions. the plant. Rome of the latter board fa proposed plant near posal plant on the N the city is opposing tion that it would et essary expense in trunk sewer. The principal object of the mov ment is to validate the evection the plant in Waukegan, it is said Bill in Legistature Would Legaliza Local Sanitary D'strict Formation The big disposal plant erested this year if the t passed and the plans of tary @istrict are carried plant according to present be located at the foot 0° . nue and it will take ca sewaze from the south s cosuterr.ng wIith for some months Fla Township High School will present a Declamatory contes: on April 6. at the High School Audi-- torium. There will be twelve en tries as follows: Alfred Giese is receiving@ »an award trqm the L C,. Smith poeople nct "The Man Who Fwund Christmas" Davegaport .... Phyllis Soderberg "sSparticus to the Gladiators"® ... The Junior Class at its last meet-- ing decided on the date of the Jun-- for--Senior banquet. It will be held on April 19 in the Library ball, The decorations, _ entertainment, _ and "eata" committee are all working to make it a lovely spring event. The Seniors are planning to give their play on May %. We all hope that it will be as delightful and in-- teresting as the Junior play was. "Papa& and the Boy", "June isasxi:ixv'¥ys+%r.4«.Marjorle Geary This progrram will be varied by music by both the boys and girls glee _ clubs. A small admission charge of ten cents and twenty--five cents will be made to cover ex-- penses. Remember the date, April 6th, at the High School Anditorium. A real treat is in store for you. En-- ecurage these young people in this worth while undertaking by your presence. First, second and third ribbon prizes will be awarded. The winner of the first place Jn each group will represent Ela High School in the district :onten to be held in Barrington. April 12. t Dramatic Daddy Doc", Kimball .......... s. k.k. ... ... . ... Margaret -- Grae! White Hands of Teiharm". Daven ('DOI" wa s 'od Rementers The death of David Adams Simp-- i. aged T6, occurred this morning 530 o'clock at his home, 315 ckory sireeti Mr. Simpson had en ailinz{';mce last November and o othe ladgstuhree weeks bad been The Soldier's Reprieve Strong@beart" =.........Elta Sturm The Miger. Fitly Punished", O=-- borne =..............~.Irene Erust The Penitent", Kimbali Humorous Helping Drive the Ca ELA HIGH SCHOOL NOTES he city LAKE ZURICH ig disposal plant will be this year if the measure is ind the plans of the sani-- trict are carried out. The cording to present plans will »d at the foot 0° South ave-- it will take care of the from the south side of the ve.x........... Elmer Deihl Booth Tarkington........ port. Del., on Novem MUr. simpson came t( I8ssu at the age If 1 had liveq here evel Iministration has been th the sanitary board iths on the location of me of the members of ard favor placing the it near the other dis-- i the North Flats. This pposing on the conten rould entail an ununec nse in extension of a _ he Anna Kimball ..... Virginia -- Geary W Francis Frank Walter Deth! ..Elta Sturm ar'", HMarbour . Yera --Unger Harbour .. HMarold Giese iere ever united in Brochen L Rudsi 14 or THE PEOPLE'S MARKET Corner of Washrifigton and Court Streets Richard Hook Would _ respectfully _ in'orm his friends and the public in general, that he bhas pened a dox FOOD FOR EVERYBODY! EAT AND GROW FAT!!'! Ho! ¥Ye Spiritualisty and Ye Ortho-- 2A at the Dickson Mils® is the place to purchase all kinds of FLOUR, GRAIN and FEED! Our motto is pay to--day, trust to-- morrow . Corner of State and WasWingtoa & NoTICE, All persons wishing to purchase goods at their own price for CASH Will do well to call at Henry A. Kew's Store. Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Plain and Twilled Flannels ; Blankets, Yarn, Hosiery, Goves. °* Cottons, Linens, Silks, Embroideries, DeLains, Cashmeres, Mertinos, Bombazines, Paramettas, Hats, Caps, Furs, &¢., &c, Bureaus, Sofas, Tetes, Brogatelles Rockers, Marble--top Centre Tables Cofins, Produce of the Farmer taken in ex cbfinge of wares. > Cash or Ready Pay. We, too, are somewhat modest, a:s well as oum friends, Lincoln & Co. who atlvertise ten times as much as they ever had on hand, and we d« not like to praise our own goods but invite all to come and see us and we will try to please. F. THEOBALD (Late of Pacis, France) Fashionable Barber & Hair Dresser From a long experience in the busi-- ness, he flatters himsel{ that he can render entire satisfaction to all who may favor bim with their patronage. for making 33 words per minute 15 minute test --1 error. Vera Unger is also receiving another _ award from the L. C. Smith company. She wrote 38 words a minute, 15 min-- utes--5 errors. Get busy, all you typing students, and be able to qualify in the spring contest. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Offers his services to the Germar inhabitants of Lake county--Con sultations in German, French, Polish Italian and English. b History of Lake County Mittens CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Pust call in and see PORTER BROTHERS® Annowncing CADILLAC --LASALLE New Stock of CABINET FURNITURE DKRK. R. W. CLARKSON Dentist MRS. DYRENFURTH Instruction on the Pian The Daughters of EDMUND REMACK MEAT MARKET National Used Car Week March 29°*" ~ April 6'*" Streets MISS Compiled by ters of the American Revolution Historical Committee LOLA A. SHEPARD, Chairman MRS. E. 0. LACHAPELLE MRS. C. W. SOWLES. * ONVFRlDAY, March 29th, we open the greatest Used Car Sale in the history of our business. Cadillac--LaSalle National Used Car Week permits us to offer our customers used car values and prices that have never been equalled in previous sales. Spring motoring is at hand and the man who buys a used car now gets the greatest possible returns from Every used car we own will be offered at prices to move them immediately. Our stock includes not only CadiHacs and LaSalles but many other makes. You will be suyprised at their excellent appearance and condition. Every car is sold under the Cadillac Code--you know in advance exactly what you are buying. Your perma-- nent satisfaction is assured by this method of sale. We will accept your old car in part payment--and arrange easy, conyenient terms. Come in and see these cars. Our showroom will be open evenings during the Cadillac--LaSalle National Used Car Week. A Special Spring Offering of Used Cars--recent models in excellent condition--prices that will make you want to buy. This is the season to buy . This is the sale that gives you a real opportunity. McCORMICK MOTOR SALES 415 South Genesee St. Waukegain 120 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS _ as do d 4 &8 t | CIRCULATING _ LIBRARY !Bools to let. 10 cents a book, not |kept over a week. Strangers and !tnnslent persons to leave secprity. 'at Eo C Mowe's Book and Fancey l CLOTHING ALEX. BELL ' (Successor to William Hallowell | Washington St., Opposite the Bauk slcandind | Besides Van Patten those at Qh;z B .__M. ~Lobdell, AZER & CLARKE conference were R Attome;:Rand Counsellors at Law 'county superintendent of highways, and Solicitors in Chancery i |the maintenance committee of the J 8 'I-'razer Francis E. Clarke | board of supervisors, and Emmett ames * w . 'llustmgs, road _ commissioner | of Arommt amTINOC OOTIBRARY New port. . -- o P BLODGETT, UPTON & KELLEY Attorneys and Counsellors at Law H. W. Blodgett _ C,. W. Upton °_ Harvey Mann from Grayslake call | ed at the D. B. Webb home Monday | _ Choir practice was held Wednes | day evening at the home ot M¥s. H | Jamison. l Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Martin entet ;nlned the Fiva Hundred club a I their home Wednesday eveningk At E6E Store Washington of Genesre. l About forty--fAive attended . the Christian Endeavor social which was | held at the Masonic hall on Friday 1evenlng. A good tims was enjoyed I by alll . * A B ' _ DRUGS, and MEDICINES w. 8. PEARCE Druggist and Apothecary State Street Waukegan Carl Piersdorff is visiting his uncle, A. Piersdorff. Miss Marjorie (Grifin from North Prairle spent the iweek end with Ruth Edwards. _Miss Doris Jamison from Milwau-- ; --------~ ' kee is spending ber Easter v@cation | _ An abandoned home on Bradley at the Rome of her.parents, Dr. and roag near Roundout w s destroyed Mrs. Jamison. y flames last nig\ . There had Carl -- PiersdorfKf® is visiting his been' a grass fire, according to re uncle, A. Piersdorff . ports reaching Deputy Sherift Chas. Miss Marjorie (irifAin from North : Krueger, and the flames crept uy Prairle spent the (week end with | to the home The brilding was com-- Ruth Edwards. | pleteJy destroyed. Oornt DR. WILLIAM C. BARKER Homeopathist PEOPLES' DRUG n. s. Cory & (Successors to J. \ No. 9 Washington --Corvy, M. D un adtrtt t monm mss s in Aaristap th ORANGE G. RISLEY County Surveyor J. wW. COOLAHAN Architect and Builder rton Street, three doors wes JONES & PATTEN a ty Morse Shoeing thop of Genesee and Water Sts MILLBURN F. Kelley E. A. Martin en -- Hundred club nesday evening Robert _ simin hok Son ¥,. Cory» | Stree! STORE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, MARCH 1 U Removal .of the county gravel .tlt. from Wauconda to Newport town-- ship will be effected before April 15, according to Supervisor Dayid V 1 Patten who was in conference with county officials regarding t'xls transfer yesterday. Apparatus | is ready to be moved nolw. TO BUILD UP' _ ROADS The pit will be locatei:on the Hen ry Olson farm just north of Rose crans. * NEWPORT TOWNSHIP WILL GET COUNTY . GRAVEL PIT S$OO0N: Will « Have Crusher Running By April 15 Supervisor Van Patten Believes -- Van Patten believes that 25,000 yards of gravel can be drawn from the pit this season and used on rodds in Newport, Benton, Warren and An-- tioch tqwnships, besides maint@in-- ing--county aid highways. | -- Roads in the vicinity of Wauconda were dAeveloped to exeellent ahfipe as the pit was located there for two vears RESUME WORK ON _ EAST TERMINAL OF HIGHWAY 173 Large Gang Ready to Resume State Highway Between Zion and Rockford With the opening of spring, work has been resumed en the east¢rn terminal of Highway 173, laid but between Zion and Rockford. The di-- vision now under contract, extend-- ing from Sheridan road and rluin-- ning for a short dist@nce -- alQag Twenty--first street, Zion, is six &nd six--tenths miles in length, extend-- ine west to Rosencrans. about one half mile wear of the Dee Plaines river 1 MUCH EQUIPMENT HERE Construction of this section is pn-- der _ the. personal eupervision ; of State Highway Engineer Peck, 'and work will be pushed rapidly for ward to its completion.. Consider-- able grading already has been done, and all culverts and bridges on the divisfon have been constructed. A number of #rading machines and other equipment have arrived with: in the past few days, and the wirk of pouring the concrete will begin as soon as pcssible. OLD RONDOUT HOME RAZED BY FLAMES oiopicnuge e pcngndans uts stt enc meys 0| +7 OLD--LAKE BLUFF | RESIDENT DIES old Fred Hoffman, son of the late MHenry Hoffman, pioneer resident of Lake Bluff and himself a . well known resident of that community passed away at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon in the Alice Home hospi« tal in Lake Forest. He was 50 years ~The deceased was born in a log cabin near the junction of Rock:-- land and Green Bay roads and spent practically all of hig life in that com-- munity. He is survived by his mother, two brothers, William and Andrew and four sisters, Mrs. Maggie Barclay, Misg Theresa Hoffman, Mrs. Annie Long and Mrs. Elizabeth Miller. Funeral #prvices will be held from the home on Mawman avenue in Lake Bluff at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Interment will be made in Lake Forest cemetery. VOLIVA SUED FOR $5,000 BY STAHL ON SALE OF FARMS Claim They Produced Buyer: $2.710 Judgment Entered in Commission Suit Suit for $2,000, for comm|i alleged to be owed T. J. St company, was filed toduay in . court by Attorney William E agains; Wilbur GlennVoliva eral over--eer of Zion. The praecipe was Tliled but it w learned 'from Mr. Herr that t Stahl company claims to have p: sented a buyer for three farms ow ed by the overseer directly west Zion. Mrs. Julia Barker, of Detroit, chased the property for a CO eration eaid to be close to $1 I.. Elmeér Hulse, a member of firm. stated that their agent cated and interested the De woman in the land and that was taken to the overseer. ON neres near j)eerly elaimed that he pr chaser willing to pay property. He stated had toid him that h« that price. day found thal Deerfield farmfé commission --to for commission Dawson claimed that the broker who is a Chicagoan, and anothce man saw him in the field thre« yeare ago and at that time he tol« them what he considered the proj erty was worth. He tesiified thi be did not know that Dawson was a broker. i | i# -- | rurarmcrearumerir FAFAPRRS PHONE 1602 araafefafafr aPaPaPaPaPaPaiPa®a tm en the sales. Farmer Loses Suit. . uit court jury late yé nd that Joseph Dawe Q00, for commiss:on® Alexande n hbis fi erfipld. 14 1 farm Erickson ed a pur 1d mmis® Stahl n o cir A WéeOn con it was t -- the i W3ONn Heea't 28. 1929 tt n 0T DAYLIGHT SAVING PLAN WILL AGAIN FAGE OPPOSITION Fight Against Project Will Bc Launched at Meeting Monday Evening Adoption of daylight saving in Waukegan. will . again 'face opposi-- tion. This became. apparent when William E. MHerr, attorney, appear-- GET ACQUAINTED BARGAINS! Ladies' Slippers| and Oxfords, newest style Men's Dress Oxfords Very special at--.,... Boys' and . girl's st bargains @1 AC At Everything Parlor and gas ranges are offered 2?7x54 Rag Ruzs $1.00 value for. Also a full line of hosiery for the whole family. 804 Tenth St. new sprin Complete Furniture _ Line $1.00 .. $1.69 Bargain Prices SPECIAL! $1.95 .. $3.50 at to furnish the hon dining room uit ruzs, lindleums. : girl's -- shoes. -- Real regular «s$2,99 © $4.95 FISENBERG DFPT. STORE 69¢ h ed before the city council last night and stated that. representatives of the Standard Time League | who have retained him and others would attend the meeting of the city coun-- cil next Monday night and «eek to induce the board to retain standard time throughout the _ summer months. Although the city council has not as yet considered the issue it is generally understood that the board intends to follow the action of the Chicago city council in the adop-- tion of daylight saving time. Opposition a Surprise Failure of the Standard _ Time League or other organizations form-- ed to combat the changing of time We want people throughout Lake county to get acquainted with our store and the wonder-- ful values we are constantly offering, to make it worth your while to come in and visit us. Shop Here----and Save! We have arranged these spe-- cial bargains. Hundreds of other items have also been grealty reduced in price. Ladies Spring Frocks L. 0 00... Women's Spring Coats L1._L..... Girl's Confirmat Men's Suits, pants. Oxfor Boys' 4--Piece Clothing for the Entire ----__ Family * _ $10,05., ols sr'ce -- $14.00r; $14.50 . $27.50 $6.95 .. $14.95 onfirmation Dresses pair 6 to 14 years $24.50 as not it is board of the adop-- each spring to advise the coun Y Dress up Your Home With New Curtains' We carry a full 111 and Children's cloth lower than you will at other stores. Save on materials here. Vailues! 36 inch Rayou Sliik--Yard ........ 36 inch Mercerized Percale--Yard ____ Bov's Novf ull Line of Yard Goods! e on materials by shoppin Ready T $1.00 .. $5.95 . 29¢ .. $1.95, $1.00 .. $3.95 Childrens' Clothing Waukegan 1¢ 49¢ 39¢