CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Apr 1929, p. 7

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Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steimer and family and Mrs. Conrad Uchtman and family motoj,ed to surrounding towns Sunday. Mrs. Chris Duffy was tendereq a surorise on her 76th birthday, anni-- versary April 2. Relatives came to help bher celebrag'e and extend con-- gratulations. A delicious luncheon was served. Milton Merner Arthur Merner, tever Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Plagge and Mrs. Grace Thompson and childy.en of Rogers Park were guests of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Stanger Sunday. Mrs. Mary Huhn was hostess to the Get Together Club Tuesday aft-- ernoon. Twelve members were pres-- ent. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoover and family spent Sunday with relatives in Milwaukee My, and Mrs. Peter Pastoret of Duluth, Minn. visited their daughter Mrs. James ,Barrett, over the week end. Mrs. Raymond Kindig has joined her husband in California They are located on a ranch near San cisco. The Tuxis Society met Sunday eve ning at the church. James Hood acted as leader The topic stud # d was "Must a Christian Join the Church*" Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Meyer went to Chicago Monday evening to meet Mr. and Mrs. William Renshaw, of Indinanapolis, Ind., relatives of Mrs. Meyer. Mr. Renshaw, whoisconnect-- ed with Prairie Farmey,, spoke over WIS Monday night Little Chartlott, brated her fourt? sary Tuesday aft for her little frie PRFEBYTERIAN CHURCH Mark J. Andrews, Pastor Church school at 9:3" a m. Morn: inz worship and sermon at 10:45. Pioneer mreting at the manse at 630 Subject for discusston, "The Problem of Self Control." al Thursday at 2 p. m, W. M. S Wednestay at 7:45, choir rehear= "'t'dnfl: Friday at Mrs .Samuel Rockenbach visited her son, William, in Chicago Sunday Mrs. Robert L. ohnson entertained her luncheon bridge club Wednesday. Mrs. Hecox, mother of Mrs. Donald McKenzie of Deerfield ave., has re turned fro ma visit with relatives in Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. F,,.ed Meyer attend-- ed the Postmasters' meeting and sup per at Highland Park Monday eve-- ning @ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooksey, and Mrs .Henry Juwhrend visited the Jno. Cooksey family at Northbrook Sat-- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dison and fam ily were dinney,, guests of Wilmette friends Saturday. Mrs C. A. Wolf visited Libertyville friends Wednesday. Otto Knaak has sold his new house on Fair Oakes ave. . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Johnson and family, Mrs. George Pettis visited Mr. and Mrs. Swan Nelson in Win-- netka Sunday afternoon. Faturday Mr and M tertained Mr ot Berwyn, doiph Meyet Sunday Additional News Mesdan From Mundelein : ~=." Libetryville Priday evening f' Fred Towner and Fred Lubkema were in Chicago Friday. Rarl Kane is putting up a hous across the street from Fred Lubk mann's preparting to secure the se vices of a married man for help ( the farm this year Mr HAT ANO COAT SETS ... nd4ay SWEATERS . . . THE NEW ANKLE SOCKS .. syN SUITS . . . TINY TOTS SHOP NEW SPRING LINE OF INFANTS' and CHILOREN'S NEWS FROM DEERFIELD Genesee Theatre Bullding Waukegan's Smartest Children's Store M M TELEPHONE 3453 WAUKEGAN M son of Mr. and Mrs. is ill with scarlet n 0O} M M 1 Lubkema rs. Geo M t and Mr imily 1 M m., W. M. OS choir rehears 52 boy scouts t V m. Moroa * 19; 45. manse at € on, "The d woorr s. C . »absare. L ubkeman MWrs has 11Ca k O 10186 D Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Hutchison and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeds snent Sun-- day with the H. C. Reeds family at Joliet. They had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Slaughter, who has re-- cently returned from Cape of Good Hope, Africa . On Wednesday and Thursday Mrs. Slaughter was the guest of Mrs: Ray Reeds. cShe was on her way home in EauClaire Wis Mr. and Mrs Edward Bleimehl vis ited her brother, R. Zoehler, in Wau kegan Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Austin Plagge and daughter, Lorayne, returned home Monday evening. They spent the winter in ew Orleans. Mrs. Fred Stevens, Mrs. John Pro tis and Mrs. Irving Lamb, of Chi cago were guests of Mr. and Mrs Philip Scully, Sr. Friday evening Mrs. Huyg of Hazel Ave, enter tained a group of ladies Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. C Koebin entertained teachers of the Presbyterian chu «chool Tuesday evening. Irwin Plagge, scout eecutive of Kalb boy scouts. entertained D field Troop 52 Friday evening. showing _ stereopticon _ boy 5C I Mr and Mys. Roy Stace and daugh ter, Patricia, of Milwaukge, are vis-- iting Mr. and Mrs. Philip Scully. Sr., this week. Mr. and Mrsa Pierson of Chicago were week end guests of Mr--and Mrs Jack Meyers Mrs Henry Juhrend. Mrs Henry Long. Mrs Josephine Toll, Mr and Mrs. Brown and Mr and Mrs. George Harder were guests at the home of Mrs. Harry Whitcomb Friday eve. Mrs Mildred Henthorn entertained the members of La Amitie Societie Tuesaday evening Mr and Mrs. Kendt and Mr. and Mrs Megrochen and daughters of Milwaukee, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Winter Ssunday few days at Mro and M Mrs Mildred Gunckel Mrs Ada Juhrend. Mrs-- Virginia Hicks. Mrs A J Johnson, Mrs Martha Tove at-- ende! the card party given by the R N. A. of Northbrook Monday aft: ernoon -- Mrs TLove and Mrs: Hicks Mr --ans« ward ay Mrso 0 M M mdles SewIing Cifcle OL . church Thursday afternoon Miss Margaret Ludlow o isited several days this ws rome of Mrs. Martha Love Miss Lorene Ostrander c rom lay Edwar! sellgz. Rev. A. P. Johnson, Wm. Geary, Mrs. Chas. Kapschull Miss Leona Evans, Mrs. Chester Wessling, Mrs WB Metcal! and Mrs. Irving Brand The Trt C Society will present "Farm Folks" a four act comedy at the Deerfield grammar school aud-- itorium May 3 and 4. FEmmanuel White Shrine of Lake Forest held installation of officers Friday evening at Lake Forest. Mrs. Ruth M Frase of Deerfleld, was in-- stalle1 as W. HP:; Mrs. Marion Clavey as flower girl; Mrs. Clara stalles1 as W. H P:; Mrs. Marion Clavey as flower girl; Mrs. Clara Eacton as page and Mrs. Anna Will-- man as Queen's Attendant.. Wauke-- gan Commandery K.T. acted as es cort. Music was by Jack Williams' Collegians, and dancing followed the ceremonies. A large number of guests' were present. Nst ess a Ug C W ne+ this work and in the vyears see the result of » beautifying our commun R. Patterson, Mro.: E. Wo Strong, Committee. Mr M M M berts sSaturd Thomas Rob« Mi M M AZO M M H a W a » of i F6 M anmied pnZes Mildred Sticken ente thday party Tuesday W et W i Ma K H n _ their property It is hoped the 1 1 lanticipate the M ~() S 11 lub has been asked t( rty owners in the dis o her and urge then the work by planting ee, either in the park heir property. wher _ hoped the propert ntlcinate the need o H M e Toll, Mr and ind Mrs. George at the home of b Friday eve. 1 received. The or the n»erform-- is Jullan Smith, A. P. Johnson, has. Kapschull Mrs. Chester 3 Metcal! and H ee in charge d the village nd a member been asked to »rs in the dis-- Te band ienview in iuditorium. t the play ded. _ This 'eived. The M the park ty, where _ property _ _need of ucceeding rmanent!y y Mrs M M of D+€ --game Deer-- Th Mrs x. by sCout M M the §( ed An invitation 4s extended to mem-- bers of the P. T. A. of Deerfield and Wilmot and to members of the Jun-- ior Garden Clubs. An invitation is also cordially extended to anyone in-- terested to attwid. (Edited by Kenneth Vetter) Fighth Grade-- This grade cleared $4 on the Easter gra bbag. This week they will begin on their graduation songs DEERPIELD GARDEN CLUB _ _| Mr. Bates has been working on a The community garden class of the new interlor set for the stage. This Highland Park Woman's Club has will be uged at the P. T. A. play. extended an invitation to members | seomusrammms of our garden club to attend. the The W. C. T. U of Lake Forest, meeting April 17 at 10 a. m. at High Highland Park and Deerfield will land Park. John Larkins Bell, rec-- hold a joint spring institute this year ognized both in England and the U. in Deerfleld Thursday, Thursday, 8. as authority on landscape archi-- April: 25th. It will be an all day tecture, wlll speak on "Collecting meeting with sessions ebginning at Flowers and Shrubs." 10 a. m., 1:30 p. m. and 8 p. m. A The regular meeting of the club box luncheon with hot coffee will be will be held at the grammar «chool serve dat noon. It will be held in of our garden club to attend. the The W. C. T. U of Lake Forest, meeting April 17 at 10 a. m. at High Highland Park and Deerfield will land Park. John Larkins Bell, rec-- hold a joint spring institute this year ognized both in England and the U. in Deerfleld Thursday, Thursday, 8. as authority on landscape archi-- April: 25th. It will be an all day tecture, wlll speak on "Collecting meeting with sessions ebginning at Flowers and Shrubs." 10 a m., 1:30 p. m. and 8 p. m. A The regular meeting of the club box luncheon with hot coffee will be will be held at the grammar «school serve dat noon. It will be held in Wednesday, April 17 at 2:30 p m. the Evasggelical church ang every-- Dr. Fonder, will speak on the sub-- body is finvited to attend. The eve jJect, "Vigoro and its Uses," and will ning session will be especially fine be glad to answer any subject on for children and young people. There soil and its treatment. will be nationdl, state and county An invitation 4s extended to mem-- workers as speakers ,Also special bers of the P. T. A of Deerfield and music and some other things of in-- Wilmot and to members of the Jun-- terest: We expect to publish a fuller ior Garden Clubs, An invitation is program next week. Everybody re-- also cordially extended to anyone in-- «erve the date and attend _ every terested to attwnd. session n»ossible. Seventh Grade--The girls' basket-- ball team played the fourth game in the seriea between Deerfield _ and Ravinia Thursday, March 28 at Ra-- vinia The .Deerfield girls won by a score of 12 to 10. This evened the series, both teams winning two The Dorcas Home children return:-- ed to schgol Tuesmlay, April 2, after an absenca of seven gays, due to a threatened outbreak of scarlet fever Posters advertising the P. T A play, "Her Step Husband." have ap-- neared on the bulletin board. Peoples Party Puts Up Strong Ticket PoONT ~ BI G'l"'i +715 n z<e¥ y«* GRAMMAR SCHOOL NOTES LUDLOW MOTOR CO. of LIBERTYVILLE Dan E.. Winn, Manager, 608 North Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, IIl. sincer »'yp' LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1929. Now it is easy for forward--looking people to satisfy their desires for a finer automo-- bile. The New Pontiac Big Six makes it possible for them to enjoy the style, luxury and performance of a big car with-- out paying a big car price. It enables them to step up the quality of their cars without stepping out of the low--priced field. i2¥ Kaking it easy for you to enjoy BIG CA _ advantages Prices $45 to $895, § . 0. b. Pontiac, Mich., plus delivery charges. Bumro. spring covers and Lovejoy shock absorbers regular equipment at slight estra cost. Check Pontiac delivered prices= they include lowest handling charges. GCeneral Motors Time Payment Plan evailable at minimum rate. prota ARVD ~ citizens w ho are of th is honorable and upright in all trans-- actions and dealings M y Segert has served as a trustee for over eicsh't vears and has done his work estate Tirm of \Vant & NSelig, JoOCated in the Moeller Ridg,. on Waukegan Road. (He has devoted much time to the interests of Deerfield for the four years he has served as trustee Edward P Segert, candidate forre election of trustee, is a building con-- tractor He has the reputation of brikling well cons'tructed homes and EVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCH Rev. A. P. Johnson, Minister Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.,. in charge of A. Merner, Supt. owner of the Deerfiled --Filling Sta-- tion. He has served the village as clerk for four years, and in that time has made up the snecial assess-- ment records, and is thoroughly fa-- mmiliar with the duties of that office His wotk has been executed in a most aceurate and capable manner, which qualifies him for the office. He is a man whose ability, character and reputatiom are above criticism. His courteous manner in serving the people |s highly appreciated. Fcdward H_ Selig, candidate for re--election for trustee, was connect-- Worship and sermon at 11 a. m. This will be a special service _ of praise and thanksgiving to God for the wonderful way He has led and prospered His work here during the nast two years. The pastor will give his annual report. There will be no service SuncC evening, as our people are invited attend the services of dedication the Bethany Evapgelical church Highland Park. The lllinois Conference convenes in the city of Freeport from April 16 to 21. Revx Taylor will preach in this pulpit Sunday morning, April 21. 1920 to secure a well earn His broad business experi mm nm. candidate f¢c in Deerflelq f¢ as connected! wit Bank of Chicag AaAND UP ant in the real & Selig, located -- on Waukegan service Sunday exCPll® idate for connect-- . of Chi-- terwards ty cCaro ) W 10 at at r )r to give the motoring public immediate advan-- tage of HUPMOBILE'S new expansion program reduces all prices *55"° to ©260"° HU P M OB I L E Telephone 8 REE MOTOR SALES Early in January HUPMOBILE acquired a new plant in Cleveland, comprising more than a million square feet of modern and advanced automotive manufacturing facilities. This was the first step in HUPMOBILE'S 1929 program of expansion, giving HUPMOBILE a dowbled production capacity for its famous Century cars. These price reductions embrace all models in the 1929 HUPMOBILE Century Six and Eight lines and range from $55.00 to $260.00. Consistently, for more than twenty years, HUPMOBILE has won and held its public by fine motor car quality at notably low price*. But today, in this new schedule of prices, HUPMOBILE excels itself in value--giving. Now comes the second! step; that of passing along to the public the economies which HUPMOBILBE'$ extended production plans make feasible. _ Effective April 6th, 1929 DU BOIS YOUNG, President, HUPP MOTOR CAR CORPOGORATIHION DBETROIT, Michigan Libertyville IIl. PAGE SEVEN

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