*4 :: SATURDAY, JUNE 1% _/ Lion Department Store ¢; the erereises avod speak very higzhiy a* tham The graduates -- ftrom the eighth gride from hbere participated in the sommunity graduating exercisos at Warrea echool M. ~ y evenin . A lnrgs oumber from,here attended Ursi IJoha Fubrer had her d4augh-- A&er ind buasband for company Sun-- Car,. Mr. and Mra. Veasey from Bris-- tol, Wis ::.t.;toln:vnxm.fl;u Ee m. and other friends #iead, Miss Ruth Carpenter of Chi-- aaga arer the wesok--end Mra George Helm was in Wauke yas toe an oye teat and medi~.: treoat eat recently. "*~ _ Howurd Wilton drors :o Chicago Ue. amd Mreas Williams sa>~e mov-- m trom th = yomme in > Potter kess to the sottage on h. Dicks Unb . .. * a% d Qaite a swamber hare opened their seomes -- tos the summer in West Ura Fesopa Poester Lactlis Mres. Josephine Frazier snent last vears shupping in '.m';'ooi-ond' with--her folks. *Way. 1 & |__Nr. and Mrs. Gilb t MWesseis of Mz eni Wiuilin»® K M.nk.\'orwood 'Park spent ha:'§aturday -.'."' on business '.4.::'1'11;:.!' and Sunday w'nh "&. L4 M ".l * M 1 l' A number from Gurnee attended . ani .'.' wWiams Aa'«* NC | & shower last Saturday night at Mrs. » trom th« = rowyns . in '&"_:rl(39'rlfi' Elsbury's, home in Wauke keesr toe Ahe cottage on o« Di¢kS | 2s iven for Miss Gertrude McClure "fi.':'_ C wlal _lll clclca .Tt=._iwho ts'a bride--to-- be. i ~ Vailues to ):I r -- $1200, choice Philipp! and Eileen Philippi U GURNEE Yon will find many other exceptional values in i00% gallon atent ieather, blonde and brown,. Cuban and Spanish Priced from 51 O $6.50 :o $8.50 ___ All men's shoes and oxfords in different makes. Reg-- $1 .00 s ular $6.00 & $6.50 _ OFF Reduced Men's Florsheim Shoes and Ox-- fords. Regular $10.00 58.25 'alue, Dollar Day only.. _ All the newest and m:st up--to--date stock--less _ Very unusual values, choice cRroce Exceptional values less __ _ _ * The best bargain in drcvsoe3 ever offered in any $ Day $130.0 Sale, all sizes + entertained ber /orth up to $2.95, Come Early--Prices slashed for this special Bargain Event Store Hours for Dollar Day--7:30 a. m. to 9:30 p. m. Daylight Saving Time Ladies' Sweaters Monarch Paint Pearl Necklaces All Coats i Stock oure, ZiOH, Department Store . ZION, ILL. _0 _ Ladies' Hats Men's Shoes Hand Bags uban and Spani--s-}: h;:l: Silk Scarfs 500 Dresses 220 007-- #° @=v CnHC' i. t¥ .A * Mrs. P. G. Smith and Rev. and Mrs. Cowling spent part of last week at _DePauw university where Mr. Smith's °~» Howard has b > at-- Mr. and Mrs. Appleyard Sunday at Lake Geneva. . Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chittenden 'lpent Sunday at Lou Hooks ~+ Rol-- ins. Mrs. Ruhv Tothill and children are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hughes. Saturday-- Stratford Thomessen of Wauke-- gan is going to live this summer with his parents, /MMr. and 'Mrs. M. Thomessen aw Grange Ha'l} His wite and her mother, Mrs. W. Edwards. are. to spend the summer in the and Mrs. C,. . \W. Taibett -- were i# Waukegan Sarurday. . $6 . 25 'xcepuonal values in our Dollar Day circular of 24 pages. Be sure to June 15--and take advant age of this semi--annual Dollar Day Sale. °-- _' 2594 2595 30% OFF OFF dark furniture. Dollar Day only .. _ Electric Refrigerator Zerozone Model E49 Regular price $210.00 $ Dollar Day, cash . 158 With purchase of a Bulova Strap watch of $30.00 or over you can get a $24.75 Bulova . | $1 Watch for only ... $24.75 Bulova Strap Watch for Porcelain face, special ... _ V alues $3.50 29 bars 49 pounds bag ... spent 24. > pound ure Cane Granulated, 100 lb . & G. White Naptha Soap Kitchen Clocks is onge who ean give th--e;e;zfll-);; in a natural~ way. Mrs..Robb, the The Woman's club funcheon at the church the past week was served at 1 o'clock by the hostess committee, Mrs. Freq Hamlin and Mrs. Seeger and was a picnic one, . Thirty--six guests sat down to the -- *'>s which were beautifully arranged and pretty in their flower arrangements of tu-- Nps, carnations and lilacs. Mrs. Wil-- rum Marks placed the tlowers. After the Iluncheon a program followed, The president, Mrs. R. M. Hamiin, Introduted Mrs. Beebe &Chtcuo. who told: of Alliteracy ong the southern people of mountain re-- giors of Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama. Mrs. Boyea, who was heard at Allendale when the Wom-- an's club met there, gave two read-- ings which were appreciated as she | day evening . The Hendron . orchestra will play at the Community church next Sun-- _ Mrs. Sherman Sponn~.bpurg and Mr. and Mrs/ Harry Rdwards and #uhtor, Mr:#zaret, drove to Cham-- paign 'Wednesday _ and returned Thursdat. William ~dwards who has <been attehding the -- university the past year, ~-- companted them home. -- $ Ceresota Flour tend':¢ schoo}l the past year --SUGAR $1.00 % * ® arlor and Dining room LAKE VILLA Scooters $5.50 kn 9n "hasy MG 33( 1t 1 i0 t CRC:~ T ain )"% i i s 2 4o P s on Oe ©20% $ 1 .00 $ 1 .98 $ ~£# .00 $61.00 OFF bag Mrs. C, B. Dicks and Mrs. Dal:y Riney spent Sunday with relativ is In Chtcago, 2} Mr. and Mre. James A{'q{.},ar: tained company from Maywood Sunm-- day.> + P Mrs. McKelvey from Stewart, Il., has been a guest at the Rlchardl home for the past three weeks, Rey. R. L. McKelvey drove up lor'hqr return home Saturday. He was our pastor last year. He and Mrs. M¢t-- Kelvey 'are highly esteemed here. _ Miss Pansy Russel!, who taught the Cedar Lake school the past year, closed scl'xool Friday and has return-- ed to her' home in Manitowoc, Wis. Miss Russell will return for another year's school work. The school has recently been made a superior school and was spoken very bhighly of b Hon. F. G,. Btair, state mpen'mteuti't ent of schon'sfand public instruction, when he was a visitor at our schools in the early epring. & » 1 Shrunk Qveralls and Jackets special at $1.95-- _ €% 2 for Mrs, Vallie Weber, who spent a few months with relatlvy : in Flort-- da, has returned to her home here. ; Take county president of Woman's clubs, was introduced and made féw remarks as did Mrs. . =~h, r{ tiring president. The club was ad-- jJourned with the singing of _ a song. "Onward Christian Soldiers." o ; ~ Mr. and Mrs. Pau) R. Avery enter-- tained a house party at their sum mer home on the north shore of €e-- dar lake. _ 4 f $ Goat skin gloves, 3 pr. for ... Men's fancy plated rayorm hose, 5 pr. for Men's handkerchiefs full size, 2 doz. _ Good quality, per dozen _ Exceptional values to $2.25, large asst., all sizes Men's Work Shirfs. 79c $ to $1.00 value, 2 for;_ _ Men's Rayon Union Suits, $1.95 value, special Tennis Balls 3 for _ _ Men's white pullover undershirts, 3 for __ Men's Super Crown -- Boys' Athletic Union Suits, 59¢ quality, 3 for Handkerchiefs Men's Shirts Men's Hose Work Shirts Union Suits Undershirts Union Suits Hose s, very $9 .75 $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 Thomas H.-- Horan, of Lake For-- est, who set forth that he purchased the interests of A. W. Zengeler, Lake Forest, in the A. W. Zengeler corp., a dyeing and> cleaning busi-- ness, in 1925 for $11,540, today filed a bill for injunction in circuit court asking that Zengeler be prevented from re--entering the same business. He claims the defenaant agreed not to be associated in the same busi-- ness for a period of ten years. * Finer Than a Hair To study wind relocity and Ai-- rection the United States' Depart-- ment of Commerce bhas its own tunnel of winds where various tests are conducted. One of the latest is that of measuring wind velocity by means of an electrically heateqg wire and a five--tube amplifier. The wire is about one--fifth of a bhuman bair in diameter. . The experiment was designed to reproduce the condition of flow around airplanes which move in ripples and waves. Quantitative methods of measuring the amount of these disturbances are now made available for the first time. ASK INJUNGTION AGAINST DYER US ZION 5c to $1 STORE, ZION, ILLINOIS Men's Rayon Underwear .. .. $ all sizes _°___-- 100 Imported Table and Boudoir Lamps--Special assortment--all styles and colors. $ 1 .00 Very. special 50 Bridge Lamps-- complete with shade 50 Bed Lights-- Men's and Bi)ys' Tennis sizes, special _ . latest styles at $1.00 to Ladies' Rayon L Teddies, Bloomers Very special Ladies' Smocks and C sorted colors and sizes Very special __ Ladies' Rayon Hose-- sizes, 35¢ to 50c value Special 4 pair for __ PALMOLIVE soaP and colors $1.75 value Ladies' Full Fashioned Hose-- Here You Will Find Listed Just a Fewfi of Many, Many Bargains That We Have Prepared for This Great Event SATURDAY, JUNE 15th ery special Xlloslgfg SC tO. $1 STORE DOLLAR DAY "Make a rich lather with Palmolive Soap and warm water. Massage the skin gently for two minutes. The emollient oils keep complexions clear." w f STANDARD SIX Delivered, Fully Equipped This Famous 2--Minute ; Complexion Treatment by Lina Cavalieri, famous beauty expert of Paris Chief ©400".4--Door Sedan--s big, juil 5--pas-- senger car--the leader of the $900 field in quality, and performance, and value. DRIVE it' Note the exceptional power, speed, and acceleration of its Nash-- designed, high--compression, 7--bear-- ing motor, with Bohnalite pistoas, and torsional vibration damper. D&Iiwr:J, Fully 'A dustry Nash enginé;}i;;;;};y; reputation for enviable excellence. THROUGHOUT the automobile i dustry Nach enginakarimm a.'. __ 15 for Children's Hats--Very $% 95 3 4--DOOR SEDANS among the attractions of the and Coolie Coats--as-- Underwear, Stepins, exrample is the Standard Sir Lb y' y Equipped, Price Range of 25 Nask "400" Mode, Touring, Roadster, Coupe, Cabriolet, V ictorta and Selan Mededs NASH MOTOR SALES all' colors and T. 0. Hill, Mgr. 111 W. Church St., Lbiertyville Shoes--A|] $ 7% .00 89c $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 all sizes SPECIAL SIYX ADVANCED srx Delivered, Fully Equipped Delivesed, Fully Equipped $ 1 .00 $ 1 .00 $ % .00 Serving Plates--$2.00 value 51.'00 for this sale only ... ... Bread Boxes with Sliding $ 1.00 Cover--Very special _ good quality 6 for _._ _ Special price Crinkled Bed Spreads--C der 80x90--. Men's Ties--Value 75c to $1.00--2 for .___ _ _ Men's Work Shirts $1.25 value ... _ Men's Athletic 2 for . ------ _ Men's Rayon H sizes--50c value 3 pair for _ .. Men's Cotton and Gray, 10 pair for ... Men's Rayon Hose--All colors and sizes--35¢c value $1 .00 5 pair for . _ . .. c o -- oo ALLN"')"M"MWM&O tory equipped with front and rear b"'"P"'vl'Ydm&C:bockabsorben. and spare tire lock and tire cover--as Nash also offers three 2--Door Sedans at respectively lower prices. 4--Door Sedans is the grwi--':r--v; Ignittion motor. Nasb--Bijur centralized chassis tebr; cation is another invajuable asset a larger Special Six and Advanced Sir Towels--Colored border reeuinii ant arcubasegerts t Li seamrr store, which is stocked with new _ merchan-- dise and special bar-- gains for you-- . m 15 and 'see our new REMEMBER! ome, Saturday, June Cordovan, Black $ 1 .00 All colors and $ 1 .00 Suitt $ 71 .00 olored bor-- $ 1 .00 609¢ --~----extra $ 71 .00 $ 1 .00