v& || Misges Margaret Duers and Bell Taggart entertained friends from Joliet and Chicago over the week-- end. Mr. and Mrs. William Sorenson and family of Chlc.:o are spend-- ing the summer at their cottage at Bpencer Highland. Mr. and Mrs. George Immengo en-- tertained their daughter and family of Chicago, Sunday. Clarence Rassmussen of Chicago spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harris are entertaining relatives from Milwau-- kee. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Putnam of Hammond, nd., spent Sunday at the Dennis Putnam home. * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fenton. and family of Chicago spent Sunday eve-- Aing at the Mile® Fuller home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and family of Grayslake spent Saturday evening at the Eatinger home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mobley and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatrrop otf Chi-- cago called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Delivig and son, Arthur, of Woodstock, spent the week end at the Harry Francisco home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haller are entertaining relatives from Kast Chicago, Ind. Ray Murphy, Jr., of Chicago spent BSunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy. Miss Della Kirwan spent Thurs day at Carpenterville with relatives and friends and spent Friday at Joliet. Miss Phyllis Eatinger and friend. Aaron Hustoon, of Aurora, spent the week end with the former's mother here. Wet Wash--Everything returned damp: Monday and Tuesday....25 lbe. for $1.25. Over 25 lbs. 5 cts. lb. Wed., Thur., and Fri.....20 lbe. for $1.00. Over 20 lbe. 5 cts. lb. Wet Wash Dried--Everything washed and dried. Nothing ironed. Monday and Tuesday....25 lbs. for $1.75. Over 25 lbs. 7 cte lb. _ _ Wed., Thur. and Fri.....20 lbs. for $1.40. Over 20 lbs. 7 cte. lb. Hydro--Wet Wash with Flat Work only ironed : _ Monda.;hand Tuesday....25 lbs. for $1.95, Over 25 lbe, 8 cts. Ib. Wed., Thur, and, Fri.....20 lbs. for $1.50. -- Over 20 lbs. 8 cts. 16. Exclusive Flat Work--Bed and Table Linens, Towels, etc.: . Washed and froned. | 15 Ibs. for $1.60. Over15lbs. 9 cts. per lb. Minimum Bundle, 7 lbs. 84 ets; Rough Dry--(Unstarched ) Flat work ironed. Wearing apparel dried without starch. 15 lbs. for $1.60. Over 15 lbs. 9 cts. lb. ___ Minimum Bundle, 7 lbs.. 84 cts. Handkerchiefs, 1 ct. each additional when ironed. Rough Dry--(Starched ) Flat work ironed. Wearing ~ !_'~ied and starched when necessary. 15 lbs. for $1.75. Over 15 lbs. 10 cts per lb. -- 'Minimum Bundle, 7 lbe., 84 ets. . Handkerchiefs, 1 ct. each additional when ironed. Allprest--(Family finighed starched) Wearing apparel hand fin-- ished and starched when necessary. Flat work ironed. Wearing Apparel ..............__..._........__._._______..________.85 cts. per pound Flat WOrkK ........................_._...___......._.___.__._.______12 ots, per pound _ Minimum bundle. 10 lbs. (5 lbs. wearing apparel and 5 lbs, flat work at $2.35. Homestic--(Family Finish_-- No Starch) wearing apparel hand finighed without starch. Flat work ironed. Wearing Apparel ............._............____________________.30 ctg. per pound Flat WOrk .......................2...2002..0002c22cl......._.......12 cts. per pound Minimum Bundle, 10 lbs., (5 lbs. wearing apparel and 5 lbs. flat vork) at $2.10. ; Economy--(Family Finish -- No--Starch -- No Hand Work) Wear-- g:&parel pressed on presses, only, without starch. Flat Work Wearing Apparel ..................................._.......18 cts. per pound J. J. Harrington of Round [make was a business caller Saturday. Mrs. Manuel Ratinger and Son. George, and daughter, Roberta, at-- tended the carnival at Lake Zurich Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harrop and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Olsen ot Chicago are spending their vacation at their cottage at Maiman's subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michelaos and Samily ot~ Algonguin spent several €days at the Dells, returning Satur-- day and spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Gransee. _ _ Mrs, Lillie Loynton and daughter and Mrs. Grace Harris and family epent--Friday evening at Lake Znr-- Minimum Bundle, 10 lbs. (5 lbs, wearing apparel and 5 lbs. flat work) at $1.50. C Shirts sent in with Wet Wash, Hydro and Rough Dry ' . flnlshedyt 15 cents each Miss Lillitan Tidmarsh ot South grown each year, beeause we do the work in a way that pleases. F!onl St. and Lincoln Ave., Niles Center, Ill. Telephone 152 Libertyville--Mundelein Daily Service. Telehone Libertyville 472 The reagon for senaing the washing and ironing to the laundry, in-- stead of doing it at home, is to save the housewife all of the tire-- some, back--breaking labor of washing and ironing, and give her more time for her other duties. Unless the work is done as well or better than would be the case at home, no housewife will be long satisfied with the service. Our '"Finished Family" business has WAUCONDA NILES CENTER HOME LA UNDRV wb \ Family" Service Pleases the Housewife Ruth Edwaras is spending seme time at Druce Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Dodge and son of Oak Park are spending a few Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nimmen and family of Chicago are spending the summer months at their bhome in Millburu. Arthur Hauser of Loon Lake spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hauger. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erwin ot Waukegan spent Sunday with Mrs. Erwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards. t Funeral services of Mrs. Sarah Dodge of River Forest were held Wednesday at one o'clock. Burial at Millburn cemetery. Mrs. Dodge is a sister Of D. M. White of Millburn. Mr. and Mrs. Fraok Hauser and family spent the Fourth of July with Mrs. Hauser's parents in Wisconsin. Mr., and Mrs. Roy Edwards and family of Waukegan were Millburn callers Tuesday. Mtrs. Mary White of Wank;i!;l was a Ml_mggm visitor Sunday. Ralph McGuire has recovered from his recent iliness. Viola and Paul Alshouse and Dor-- is Jamison motored to lowa,Wednes day to wisit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rommey Ashton of Chicago spent the Fourth of July at the D. B. Webb bhome. . The, regular montbly business meeting of the Christian Endeavor society was held Friday evening at the home of Eric Anderson. After the meeting was adjourned games were played on the lawn and re-- freshments were served. The Ladies®' Auxiliary of Federat-- ed church will meet Thursday after-- boon at the bome of Mrs. George LJa u«is Harris Mrs. Nellie Oakes ot Chlcago spent the week end here. Miss Bernice Rahfeldt returned to her home at Chicago, Friday after spending a week at the Joe Heit home. Mrs. Irwin Moody and daughter ac-- companied by her mother, Mrs. Ho-- kern of Chicago, motored ©~t6 tbu-- bugue. Ja., Wednesday to spend seyv-- eral weeks with the former's hus band. The regular meeting of MayANower Chapter, Q. E. 8. will be beld Thurs-- day® evening. N Dakota is visiting Maas home. -- MUMDELAL KEKIN DAILY SERVICE MILLBURN 4d Mj day .. Mrs. Louis Bryan three tables of five Mrs. Hariliey Edwrads and Hsbii Norman of Chicago are spending the week with the Ehert famifjiv. A birthday party w given for Herold Stuber on S u?day. Four teen friends helud'fiim celebrate his fourth birthday. Mrsa. Clarenee Linkeoheld enter-- tained her club from Chicago on Bugday at her summer cottage here. Rosemary Lux is visiting for a few days with Mrs. Carl Martin and family in Waukegan. Mrs. Earl Lux and Mrs. P. Sulli-- van have gone on an auto trip to lndianapolis. Mrs. Sidney Mayer and Children of Wnukgnn. called on Ellen Gal-- lagher on Sunday afternoon. Arthur Lux and family of Wauke kgan were guests on Sunday of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Lur. John Metz and wite accompanied by Mrs. Peter Holbach and daugh-- ter, Alice, drove to Kansasyille on Bunday where they visited the ¥Fin-- ster family who moved recently from this neighborhood. P. McConville, Chicago, visited with his family on Thursday, who are spending the summer months at the Tim Roirdan home. Mrs. E. J. Murrie of Lake Villa visited for a few days last week with her brother, Oliver Fatch and wife. Thursday Bess Cudahy drove to Janesville, Wis., where she visited her brother, Steve, who bas been very ill. , _ 1 A new family has moved into the house recently vacated by the A. G. Tor#n family. Nichol@as Bloom and family of Cht-- eago spent July ith with his par-- enis, Mr. anad Mrs. C. Bloom. Violet Edwards of Waukegan is apending a week with her gwdur- ents, Mr. and Mra. George Edwards. 12 cts, per pound . Mr, Johannson of Chicago is visit Ing. at the home of, his son, A. J Johannson. Mr. and Mrs. D.°B. Webb enter-- talned relatives from Wisconsin, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lutas re turned from a week's honeymoon in lows the latter part of the week. days in Millbury and vicidity ¥ieit-- Iny reélatives. WADSWORTH entertained at bhundred Tues BOYLAN, TALBOT COMPANY EXCAVATING No Job Too Large! A Trial Will Convince You Lake County « Cleaners and Dyers GRADING CONTRACTORS Read & Taylor Telephone 428--M Piano & Pipe Organ Tuning -- Rebuilding LADIES ORESSEs, coaTs AND SsUiTs mEN8 SVITs, TOPCOATsS AND OVERCOATS PUBLIC SERVICE m.#--~»~ LIBERTYVILLE PHONE 295 CcOMPLETE PI LYELL H. MORRIS Res. Phone U Ofles Phone 11 QUICK SERVICE -- RELIABLE WORK . New Work ... Alterations _._-- Renair« Office st bome on W. Cook Ave Have Your Ashes arnd Rubbish Hauled Away PHONE WAUKEGAN 7800 J. H. HAMN 8026 Dante Ave., Chicago, AENT riNG, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LoaNg, PHOPENKTY MANAGEMENT, GENERAL INSURANCE, suRkTY BONDS, SERVICE, y $EE * 'aning & Pressing FOR Waukegan, II1. $ 3 ® ®@ ALL KiINDS OF LIGNT HAULING@ @ 8 @ Rates Reasonable -- @© ®@ @ Prompt Service @ © ® HEALTOKINBUROR \Ofipcalh KElectrie Outio_uj Phone 469 and 260 ATY Professiond St. at McAllister $1.50 PEX T } 8 T $1.50 PLUMBING -- ,UMBING AND HEATING INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND Ribertyville Marion Brennan Public Service Bldg. HAIR BOBBING and SHINGLING Marceuuimna, water wayv. JING and FINGER WAVING Chicago Office With the Chicage LIBERTYVILLE ~_ Telephone 288--J Black Dirt for Sale and Trust Company ABS&TRACTS OF TITLEs ___ TITLES QVARANTEED F. 8. RICKCORDS, Pres. WM, R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres ALVAM L. RQGERS, Secy, 220 Washington Street TELEPHONE 4 WORK DONE BY EXPERTS Waukegan, Illinois Title and Trust Co., 60 West Washington Street Frank Calzavara and Son , Teaming Excavating Grading Sewer Work Complete Finishing of Basements |\ _ Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. 1 TO 5 P. M. Over State Bank of Mundeloin Mours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 6 Other times by Appointment. Telephone 214 MHVUNDELEIN DR. 0. E. SIMPSON | Room 414 Woukegan National Bank Building Telephone 152 EVENINGES BY APPOINTMENT ' DR MATTHEWS Telexhone 501 _ LIBERTYVILLE VANITY FAIR AUTY SHOPPE Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. Hours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 _ Monday and Thuraday PERMANENT WAVING Dr.Otto R.Thompson OPTOMETRIST Office ~In First Nationa} Bank Mow's: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLiNO1s DR. J. L. TAYLOR SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION oPr EYES. GLASSES FITTED WHhEN NECESSARY, CROSS EYEs STRAIGATENED M&MMQM Telephone $10 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S Johnson Ave. Waukegan, IIl. TELEPHONE 909: . J. DAVIS Title Y¥ 11, 19 Applied on New Residences Aaiusto. and Asphalt Built Up and Tar and Gravel Rosting Ap-- # -- plied on Flat Roots Applied over old wood shingles and other old roo'ing on . residences State, Tile and Asbestos Shingles Guaranteed Roofing (Inc.) 24 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, !!!. PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 THE HUBERT CO. __ _ OF EVERY KinDp FOR ALL TYPES of BUiLDINGS * Milwaukee Ave GET THE HABiT or WATCH ING FOR oUR WEEK--END SPECIALSs NONE BETTER a3 ANY '18 Years' Experience in Automo. bile Work Means Something" We operate a fully equipped, modern garage and ire pre-- pared to repair every make ' of car. _ Entrance Drive just south 0, the Publi¢g Service Builaing on MHwaukee Azvenue Prompt Service Guaranteed GENERAL SERVICE GARAGE Libertyville, III. EVERY JOB is ABSOLUTELY GVUARANTEED J. DEL MURPHY, T A XI SNOW'sS BUILBINGC LGOIFS :17 a RANGE OF PRICGi S TCO ~SUIT EVERY NEED Bee Mo Before Listing Your Salse FARM SALES A S8PECIALTY Teleohonse 1115 GURNEE. ILL T &A I L O R * Cleaning and Repairing 18 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstaire LIBERTYVYILLE. ILLinotza WALLACE's CANDY SHOP If you want to dispose of vou! property quickly, list it now, I have all kinds of property for sale. What do you need ? LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE WITH ME! W. M. HUFFMAN Phone 373 Libertyville, II1. HOME MADE ._CANDY Wm. A. Chandler FRED CROKER ROOFING AUCTIONEER Fresh Daily PHONE 306 --° Ave., opposite Library LIBERTYYVILLE DuUsinngss 8» PRice Exteriors For Estimates Free Inte Libertyville Decorating Co. Phune Liberty¥ille 51; Res. 40 Prompt Service; Careful Handling 3 MILLWORK * Screen, Cabinet Work, Storm Sash . TELEPHONE 7684 .« 41 First Street Libertyviile HAROLD WILCOX PUBLIC SERVvice suicDoing 850 N. MILWAUKEE aVE. LIBERTYVILLE. PHONE §55 4 w N Phone Libertyvilie 570 Chicago Phone Haymarket 1416 DAILY TRIPS To and From Chicago, Libertyville Antioch Local and Long Dis-- , tance Moving Gs ho COO'NFER . General Trucking LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY General Contractors SALES DEPARTMENT \-- ~ 107 E. Church §t. LIBERTYV!LLE _ TELEPHONE 103 EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE oN ALL MAKES OoF cars. Oounr IHOP 18 FULLY EQUIPPED ANC READY TO sSERVE YOU. ONLY TRAINED MECHANiCS WILL WORK ON YOUR CAR. uad Residences Stores Public Buildings 1.anascaping Farm Buildings Call on Us for Telephone LIBERTYVILLE 1794 PROMPT DELIVERY sERVICE IN LIBERTYVILLE AND MUNDELEIN Anderson & Exon Motor Service Libertyville Ice Satisfaction Guaranteed COUNTRYSIDE Insurance Agency Telephone 440 850 N. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOQ:iS SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR MOTORS _ Crysler Dealers I nel t ANO Transfer KINDS OF HEATING PLANTS # 6 (tar TELEPHONE 453 PURE ICE KHEATING Paper Hanging Interiors Irectory Libertyville, IMHinois TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North of Libertyvilte Visit Our Nursery E. W. FENNER, Proprictor Offics Phone--Mundelein 106 Res. Phone--Mundelein 494f ROOFING TILE > : COLORED CEMENT GARDEN FURNiTURE ® TERRAZZO FLOooRs ORNAMENTAL Cement STVUCCH USROWERS OF a GENERAL LINE OF NuUuRsERY STOCK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 2X "'_' ol LEESLEY'S * _ NURSERIES ® Mundelein Concrete Works Concrete Products of > All Kinds -- General Cement Contracting Ask for an Estimare _ on Your Needs BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP Ray Furniture Store Fixtures and Supplies Telephone 400 Libertyville, IHlinois 614 N. Milwaukee Battery Service Electric Wiring and Contracting Generater and Ignition Sevice _HAFEMANN' t DAIRY MILK THAT is PERFECT iN LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP IF YOU WANT a BOTTLE or PIANO TUNING Radio Equipment DAIRY AT 224 BRQADWAY TELEPHONE 94 Any Time M. WEISKOPF, EVERY WAY, GIVE us a LEAVE ORDERS aAT TELEPHMHONE NO. $ LIBERTYYVILLE, 1LL 34. J. Alkofer, Prop TRIAL