R. H. Bickford and wt to F. C. Hempstead QCD $1.00 Lot 6, blk 3, Hall and Ostermann addy to 'Town of Deerfleld. F. W. Kingsley and wf tq V. Jan uszewswi WD $10.00 Lot 23, blk S Frank W. Kingsleys Zurich Heights sec 18, Ela. ~ E. Jones and wfi to R. G. Garrett and wf jt tens WD $10.00 Lots 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42, blk $, Kelloggse sub, sec 10, Benton. (G. V. Bohuenberger and w'! to C. C. J. Crawtord and wfi to H. B., Aiston and wf jt tens WD $10.00 | Lot 17, blk 5, Ridgewood Park sub, | sec 26, Deerfleld. t C T and T C to M. C. Pinland and hus jt tens deed $8$50.090 Lot 99 J. S. Hovlands First addn to Deerflela. J. 0. Due to F. Vesely and wf WD $10.00 Lot 2, blk 16, Marqueite High-- land First sub. sece 16, Wkgn.* F. H. Bartlett to J. Karner and wt ; jt tens deed, $10.00 Lots= 4 and 5, blk 3, Bartletts N Shore Ridge, sec 30, Wkgn. _ Union Bank of Chgo manu, deed $10.00 Lot 7 Lake Vista Unitt No. 1, tloch. J. C. Due to F. Vesely and $10.00 Lot 7. Valley sub. JUNE 24, 1929 The Foreman Tr and 8vgse Bank io W. H. Rohife, deed $10.00 Lot 42. blk 36, Round Lake Beach sub, secs 1" and 20, Avon. Deerfie}d «hi Official List Furnished by the LAKE CoOUNTY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Abstracts 'of Title; Tities T ransfers Sale to be Held on Our Used Car Lot BUICK AND MARQUETTE DEALERS ' 550 So. Genesee St. Wauke gan, III. | Positively Every Car Will Go to the Highest Bidder. This is a BONA FIDE AUCTION SALE ' wiie, »Re REMEMBER--FRIDAY, JULY 12, 7 P. M. (D.--S. T.) you see on the street is a used car. Why not buy one for business or ple: ure at your own price? As each car is brought up to the selling block the Auc-- guarantee in every way as we always have on cars tioneer will give a fletniled, truthfql report regarding sold in the past. , ' o | its condition, mechanical and otherwise. We want you to know that you can buy at this Auction If the car has any defects whatsoever he will explain Sale with the same assurance of lasting satisfaction that them, and if it is a guaranteed car, we will live up to the you would have buying at private sale. These Cars are Now on Display at our Used Car Department--Come in and Look Them Over Almost any make of car will be offered at AUCTION. The price has been taken of no w and each car has been numbered on the winashie!d with a plain white figure. Come in and select your car, try it out, remember the number and ask to have it ofered the d ay of sale. These cars are now on display at the C. G. Wenban & Sons Buick and Mar-- quette Dealers, 550 80. Genesee St., Waukegan and also lot at 233 E. Deerpath Ave., L ake Forest, and will be demonstrated to anyone beftore the sale, FRIDAY, JULY 12-- 1929 Buick Sedan 1928 Buick Coupe, wire wheels 1928 Buick Coach 1927 Buick Sedan 1928 Buick Sedan 1927 Buick C. C. Coupe 1928 Studebaker Sedan 1927 Buick Convertible Coupe 1927 Buick Brougham 1927 Buick Touring 220 Washington 81. Waukegan, !!. Telephone 4 7:00 P. M.--ONE NIGHT ONLY! AUCTION Every Car An Innovation in Automobile Merchandising As each car is brought up to the selling block the Auc-- tioneer will give a detailed, truthful report regarding its condition, mechanical and otherwise. If the car has any defects whatsoever he will explain them, and if it is a guaranteed car, we will live up to the 5o Automobiles 50 550 S$o. Genesee St. ONE NIGHT ONLY to A blk 3 FRIDAY, JULY 12th wi WD sec 36. Her-- Fox An-- x4 ' _ G. Wood and wt to D. Downey Stiles and wf? jt tens WD $10.00 Lt !5, blk 4, Lake Bluff Heights. | MHM: C. Burnett to A. L. Shorman 'and hus jt tens WD $10.00 A tract ot land in sec 21, Wkgn. July 3, 1929. 1 Kowalsky and wife to Johas: Manville Corpm. QCD $1. Lot 42. Bilk 16, Armsteads Addn to Wkgn. F. T. Rowe to _ C. A. Newcomb, | Jr, WD $508 *Lot 14, Bik _ 30, t Washburn Park. ! _ North Star Benefit Assn to O. | Sederquist QCD $1. W 100 ft of S 62 1t of Lot 21, Sunderlins sub., Sec. i 28, Wagn. addn to N Woods, sec 23, Warren. |, E: Petties to C. Petties QCD $1.00 Lots 6 and 7, bIK $3, 8So. Wkgu. | _ B. Gotaas and wfi to A. D. Herr-- mann and wft jt. tens WD $10.00 Lot ('%6. blk 6, Ravinia Highlands. THE COMBINED STOCK OF OUR WAUKEGAN AND LAKE FOREST STORES C AT VERY LIBERAL TERMS THE. GREATEST USED CAR SALE EVER HELD IN THIS SECTION F. J. Helgren and wt to H. H. Flefman and wf jt tens WD $10.00 Pt of lot 3, Wkgn lInvestments sub, sec 9, Wken ¥%, Porter and wf--to W.; Robinson and w( and H. Smith and wt. WLD $10.00 Lot 12, blk 9, Butler Fett and Cuws-- Crooked Lake Oaks. 4. F. Beayblen and :f to J. Stock--: er WD $40.00 Twot 4. bik 5, Dodges resub. * D. P. Webb and wf to J. Q,. Due WD $10.90 Lot 73, Webb and Jen-- seu's re--sub, in Wkgn. _ . J. Wolf and wft jt tens WD $10.00 1104 . 4, MW. W. Warrinets sub,sees 1 and 12, Antioch. s C T and T C to G.--T. Holst and wt jt tens deed $10.00 E 52 (t ot lot 78, Bunset Manor, see 27, Deerfleld. Crawford and wf jt tems WD $10.00 Lots 40 and 41, Green Bay Heights sec J9, Wkan E. Hansoh and w(t to J. Stocker WD $10.00 Lot 5 in blk 5, Dodges re--sittb.* * * N. Bristol to G. Dasing WD $10 Part of §"' gr of See. 24, Waucon da. * F. . BRartlett to M. Voudren, deed, 810.00 Lot 5, bik 1%, Bartietts Third G. Dasing and wife to M. Bristol WD $10.. Part of SW qr of Sec. 24, Wauconda. F. H. Bartlett to E. J. Tench 1928 Buick Coupe, wire wheels 1927 Nash Sedan ' 1927 Essex Sedan 1927 Buick Sedan 1927 Nash Coupe 1927 Hupmobile Sedan 1927 Buick C. C. Coupe 1927 Ford Tudor 1928 Chrysler Coupe 1927 Buick Convertible Coupe 1927 Oakland Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Landau 1927 Buick Touring 1928 Nash Sedan 1927 Pontiac Coupe AND MANY OTHER MAKES AND MODELS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION A FEW OF THE HIGH GRA DE CARS TO BE OFFERED i ¥€ nesee St. Waukegan, I11. BE SURE TO ATTEND--ONE NIGHT ONLY - EVERY CAR ACCURATELY DESCRIBED The prices have been taken off these cars. Come in and give whatever you care to at Public Auction. They will be dem-- onstrated to anyone calling before the sale Friday, July 12. Due to the tremendous number of new sales on the late model Buick, we have accumulated an overstock of USED CARS, amd we have decided to let the public buy them at their own price in this manner. Practically all these cars have been reconditioned and repainted and carry our usual USED CAR POLICY. Joe Guyon, former football star a! Georgia Tech, is barnstorming the country with a baseball team of fel low Indians. E. Osgood to J. W. Parker WD $10. Lots 162 and 16}, Cummings & Co's Re--sub in North Chicago. O. Sandstrom to F.. T. Fowletr WD $10.. Part of lot 21, gunderlins Bub., Sec. 28, Wkagn. t M. M. Dowe to E. T. Fowler WD $10.. Part of lot 21, sundgrlins Sub Rec. 238, Wkgu. . (G. Anderson to E. Vanninen, and wife jt tens WD $1n Lot Is; Glen-- wgod Heights, sec. 17. Wkgn . J. E. Brook and wife to H-- Her J. E. Brook and wife to M. E. Sib ley QCD #10. Part of Sac. 24. An toch. -- *to 4 . 1. Foota angd wife to OM. Bridge WD $10. Lot 200, George P Nixon & Co's. Highland Park Ga: dens, Sec. 28, Deerfield. J. J. Skarda and wite to F. Wen deroth and wife WD $19.. Lots 28 Skardas Sub.,. SE qr. of see. 11 Grant. WD $10. Lot 9, Bik 7, I Nurservy Sub., Sec. 20, Wkgn wW. Blaylock and wife to Yeager QCD $10. lmts ® and man QCD $10 Antioch Beard WD $10.. Lot 23, Arthur Dy nas Second Addn to Ravinia Fores: in Highland Park. B P. Rosenecrans andd wife C( deed $1v. -- l_.c{.'t.-."l. Blk 40, Bartietts gbore Creést atés, Secx. T and 8, Shields. F $ F. H. Bartlett to F. Fruci &nd wife j tens, Geed : $10. (Lots 1 and 2. Blk. 7. Bartlietts N. 8. Acres First Addn. -- F. H. Bartiett to R. J. Sanlan and w"? I# tens, deed $10. Lot 2, Bik 68, Bartletts North Shore Estates, Fogs. 30, 31 and 3%, Wkgn. © R. L. Foota angd wife to OM. 8. First 'I'r. & Savings Bank to Dr Hallard Beard, deed $700,. Lot 15 Blk 37, Unit No. 1. BHiltmore Coun try«Estftes, sees. 13 and 14, Cuba. C. B. Day and husband to L. H 4,~ Sheridar Terrace sub 7:00 P. M. (D. S. T.) P. Rosencrans and wife :o W Robinson and wife jt tens Part Douglas BIk Bing Ning prison bas so many um:d bir'd. that ~an lnprlool::.d architect Is now ""'":("1 coustruction of a circular birdbouse of stueco and wood to care for 100 pets. 'The birds belong to the in-- stitution and there are a good wuny singers and bandzsome ones among them, 'There are several par rots. 'The birdbogosge is nearly forty (eet in Alaméter and proviesion wili be made to «accommodate 1,000 birds. _ MUST BE WORTH INVESTING $8.00 A MONTH Birdhouse in Prison The Conover keeps your hands out of hot, greasy dishwater. The tank fills trom the regular sink faucet, and an electric motor drives cleansing sprays of hot water against the dishes in the racks of the machine --hot suds once --two hot rinsings; and you're through. Call our store for a free demonstration. IHIS NEW FREEDOM FROM DISHWASHING Only $8.00* a month added to your regular light bill pays for a Conover Electric Dishwasher in a year's time. Pusuc SERvicE COMPANY RAIN OR SHINE! Chis All sums of $50.00 + and under, cash; above that amount, 40% o cash--balance in regular monthly payments. _ _ f V*..ll.'l emperaturs to -not voleano Oof Kilaves the temperature at the surface of the lava. is in the neighborbood ot 1,000 rees Centigrade. Basalt, which 13 the molten rock io Kilages and ny. othér voleanves, may melt at either higher or lower tem-- peraturgés, depending on their com-- posltio: Thus lh: welting golm of one would be very high, probably in the "neighborhood of 1000 to 1,700 degreea Centigrade., depending on their parity. Terms: S AY; JULY 11,.1929; » ~ 2510 -- 2511 «400 Advanced x 4--Door Sedan fiICED. TO GIVE YOU GREATEST VALUE Act Now for, Summer Comfort! Come in--or ask us to send a representative. No obligation to you! YLL_ s /7 6 c 2o t 0 No .'y%;;)\él -- -- -- then only $200 N3 _ a month for 12 [sw is '_ DELIVERBED | Fully Equipped, Wething More to Buy NAS H 14100° C()NSIDER the delivered, falily equipped price of this charming Nash "400" Sedan, and you'lH see immediately it is a car you certainly should consider, when you get ready to buy. | For here, at a delivered, fully equipped price much lower than you would expect to pay for a car of its size and character, is an Advanced Six "400" Sedan with the Twin Ignition, high compression, valve--in--head, 7--bearing motor--with the beauty and style that have made the "400" a heavy Lvori(e among all the year's new cars--and with a host of other costly--car fea-- tures never available before in this price held. Such features, for instance, as Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubrication which oils 29 chassis points at the pressure E7°A9 m e 4 C _ Py 1587 (i . rq_' & Telephone Libertyville 16 NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY Leasds the Worltd in Motor Car Viailwe .. A GAS TANK . _ HEATER NASH MOTOR SALES 111 W. Church St., Lbiertyville T. O. Hill, Mgr. DOWN THIS MONTH Enjoy the wonderful convenience of HOT WATER ON TAP! For bath ---- kitchen ----laundry. Now that your furnace coil is useless, don't have less hot water in your home, or don't bother with the inconvenient auxiliary heater or tea kettle supply. It's so easy to have an abundant sup-- ply of hot water at all times with a GAS TANK HEATER. Decide NOW to have real hot water service in vyour home'! The detivered, jully equipped price on this, and on «//"'400'" models is lower, for the simple reason that all this equipment--Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubrication, Houdaille bydraulic shock absorbers, bumpers, spare tire lock, and tire cover--is installed at the factory and included in the factory price. Some dealers charge as much as $50 to $60 extra for bumpers alone of a pedal. And alloy steel springs in-- divitfuquy designed for its size and weight, correlated with Houdaille, doxglewtion. outboard--mounted, hby-- draulic shock absorbers. And thé ""world's easiest steering"! _ These are only a few of the features of this Nash "400", but they give you an idea of its greater value and the ex-- uaordinarily fine performance you may expect from it. a month for 12 months Deléivered, Fully Eqvwipped Prices of 28 "1400" Models, including Touring, Road-- ster, Coupe, Cabriclet, Victoria and Sedan Uodels $921 to §$222"7 00 PAGE FIVE a%