VOLUME XXXvII---NUMBER 28. THREE DIE: MANY HURT IN BRASHES lhi COUNTY Ilulrl 003th rtding with I free rein on highways of the county dunno the bl! wool: 00d, cliimod three tlv" and may at. two more from the not. or more who were injured in I on!" of automobile memento. The dad are: CARL BUSHEL. M,, Merrill. WI... theater owner and gentleman farm- or. funny hurt on Green Bay road, Sunday after-nook EDWARD CERNY. tit, 2252 We" TwqrttUth "not. Chicago. killod on Morrow avenue. North Chicago. Sunday morning. ORAVDON R. COLLINS, 20, of Graphic. killed on Milwaukee - nu. In Litrertyvlile. Monday morning. Those believed to be dying are: MISS AUGUSTA SHAPER, " at Two Men and Youth Figure in Tragic Accidents Dunng Past 24 Hours. 741 Broadway, Melrose Parts, in $aued in crash on Green Bay road In the Lake county hospital. --. WALTER KEDZIERISK]. to, 1912 South heaven street. Chicago, hurt tn collision on Morrow avenue. in Victory Memorial hospital. None Are Arrq.tbd The three deaths were due to col. linions ot motor vehicles in which police have found it diMeult to place the blame. No arrests hare been made and none probably will be made unless testimony at the in- - into the tragedies nncmrer you negligence on the part or the drivers. The toll of death and injury was attributed by authorities to apparent M of watchiuluess on the part of name drivers And misjudzment on the part of cthers. but as yet no criminal charges have arisen in con- nection with any of the collisions. Killed Ort Way to Work Graydon Russell Collins. of Grays- Nhe. was the last to die in the ser- ies of sccidents. He was killed when his motorcycle collided with an au- lanoblle being driven by Mrs'. Ron ort,Butrttear, Gages Lake. In from of the Lake County Home for the Poor on Milwaukee avenue in Libertyville Collins was on his way to work in the Atlantic and Pacific grocery in Libertyville. while Mrs. Hughes was returning to Gages lake. "ter having taken her husband to the North Shore Line station in Liberty. Vllle where he boards a train to so to work in Chicago. he collision resulted in the lighter machine being thrown Ier sous distance while the youth was hurled to the side ot the road. It is believed that death occurred almost instantly. An examination showed that he sulered s fracture of the skull. one eye wss torn out and one leg was fractured. and it I. notable that he was internally Injured. no victim In the son ot Mr. and In. Ellsworth Collins of Center avenue. Gnyslake. He was born ln Ravi. lien. and has resided in (layout. to: 12 years. Besides hu )u'onta he in unwind by three brothers. Clarence. Arthur and How- ard. am under age, Bad a sister. Hel- on, 18 your: old. Winona!!! Man Din Carl Babel of Martin. Wu, died in the Lake county hospital. about " hours after he ttuttered injuries in & colllalon on Green Bay road. In! the state line at 2:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon. In. Augusta Stretcher Melton M who was riding in the same whine'vith Bushei is believed to he no» death in the Lake county hospital. Like Bushel. she truttered n mun neck in the accident. E. G. Harrison, 1003 North Eighteenth St. "Rose Perk. owner and driver of the machine, annexed serious btihtg out the head, lice. neck and sun: vhen he was pinned beneath the Waukoon'n Woman Hurt In. Ptrttl Terrhn. 132 North. Gen- uee Itreet, Waukoxan, who wu riding with her husband in the other machine ttuttered severe cuts and brunet about the head and lace And o deep cut on one leg. Her husband amped with a slight bruise on the chest. bat their three children who were riding with them were ions for- tmte. Naomi, nod 14. uttered a badly fractured foot. Robert, 14. In severely bruised and Marguerite, 11 received t wrenched um. - "'FirGGurGrtiGt he had turned his mulling to the left to drive Into the Crawford mum may: this!!!" ad the stem line. believing that he 2tad plenty of time. He irsinNdotd the speed of the Harrison manna which was treating south st s high nu ot speed. he states. He talked his danger snd stopped his our. The other machine struck the Tendon car and overturned. The injured were removed to the Lake county hospital. LAKE m1 FOR OUIEIIIIR. .1" FOR ADVIRTIOIR. ALL TomEWth-----AND NEST! Vldlm Waalthy Man Buahol. who was a man at nel Nth. owning 1 large farm in Wh- eouln amt being interested in s "In; ot that": in Chime. 80' to: Mad and upon found In his - showed him to he a member at the Knights Templar: and other unusual orqrarstaations. Klllod In North Chlcago. one young man was hlllod. " other very seriously Fred and a third mun slightly hu shortly after midnight Saturday when two cars can!" at Hervey and Morrow ave» no. in North Chicago. Edward Corny. 18 years old of 2252 Wont Twentieth street. Chl- no. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Frunh Corny. was funny injured in the mid." und died an hour later 'hllo water Km. to, of "" south have" street. Chicago, u la the Wet-r! Memorial hoopla) But. kill with u mu fracture and other arm mm... m John L. Tulor called " w ht. tho death ot Corny at a. Jonah Petrochlun Fuller" hone WEEKLY Virgil Cade, of 141 Belvidere street. had his iex broken Saturdly afternoon on Belvidere street near ;Green Bay road when his motorcy- icle we; struck by . car driven by John Hill. 546 So. Sheridnn road, 'nccording to Frank Reunion nod Walter Rephnow, state motorcycle ipolieernan. Cade had nppronched Green my road nod intended to turn. nephew etated. when the col- lieion occurred. Cade use taken to St. Therese hospital by Charles ""rtin, R. F. D. Wnuhenn. l Cut About Face Hrs. R. J. Chartrand, 4936 Clin- ton street. Chicago. and Mrs. George Thatcher. of Prairie View, were cut fnbout the face Saturday evening be- 'tween lundelein nnd Libertyville ,when their . can collided. R. J. gChnrtrnnd was driving the Chicngo 1 car. in Tenth street. North Cttieago, Sunday afternoon but continued the inquest to await the developments into the injuries to Kedzleriaki. Howard Taylor. 1510 Sheridan road, North ('hicam driver of the other car in the aecident, is a material witness in the inquest and will be held as stub until the probe is com pleted. According to the North Chicago' police. Cerny and Kedzierlski and two other Chicago youths, hid been visiting with their cousin. John Nita of Twenty-first street and Hersey avenue. North Chicago, Saturday evening, At about midnight they stoned back to Chicago and drove down Hervey avenue to Morrow when, as they turned in to Morrow avenue. they collided with Taylor who was driving with Willtnln J. Bornett ot Cicero, Both can were badly damaged end Hornet: was slightly injured while the two boys were lying unconscious in the - nxe of Cerny's car. The Petrmhius miniature was called and all three of the injured were. taken to the hospliai. Corny died on the operating table while Kedzieriskl was given treatment and is confined to the hospital in I serious condition. Bornett had his injuries dressed and went to " home. Chief of Police Frank Tiffany of North Chicago investigated the ac- cident. we: muted. Two women sustained cute end bruises. Machine Tame Over When a car driven by William Nermrieh, of Berwyn, turned turtle no" Libenyvme Sunduy morning " 1 o'clock tour of the occupants were slightly Injured. They gave their heme: u o. P. Tomeovlc. sunny Pickut. Prank Barbers and A. lack. an of Chlcego. Amy Hue Culvert W. J. Smell, 409 Oak street. cut creme and locked bumpers with J. W. Sweetwood. of 1144 Manama eve- nne. on Belvidere road Sunday and caused the Sweetwood car to hit a culvert. according to Deputies De. Snidt and Malrnttuitst. Byron Rleze. Bristol. WU.. collid- ed with two women In 1 Buick In Libertyville Sunday morning bot Denny Sheriff William Kelly re1 ported two widen" on Rand road near Lake Zurich in which no one was injured. Joe Man-l. 'Chicago. turned out ot tune and collided [ with Ben Koioseike. Chicuo. end H. Hustler. Chicago, skidded and hit J. 2hruetrier, Chicago, he reported. .... Three Dump " Cornet-I l Three collisions were reported at Luke: corners neu- Wanoonda by Deputy Sheriff Frank Suhsdolnik. No one. he advised the sharia. In injured in may ot there. Badly Bruised in Fall -F'rorn Truck Sunday Two of I party of Chicago people. who were returning from . picnic in Inke- region, were slightly injured Int Thundny night, when they (all from the rear and of n truck on In 'rete venue, youth of Intertwine. Both were taken to the Camden Honor-m hawks], where their cut: and bruins were dressed. The! on their tunes to 1mm Luchin. n your: old, ot 8241 Wilton 3m. and lbs June: "points, IT, of 'n Wettt Dmuon strmt. Log In Broken tithe liberty}: iliit 3kttepttlttttt LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY, JULY ll, 1929. . ' I Thirty complaints on uses hive ltr: Iodtted with the board of re- view it was learned today from Mrs. B. L. Mlllirgu, chief clerk. and H more are m the oMtttt providing a threat trom Antioch turnshtp holds good. A delegate from the Warriner nub division. located on Latte Katherine no" Antioch. took out " tormg on which to make complaints tor all the property in that district. " "W' learned He Muted that the property owner: had held I meeting and that they decided that the tun-I were too high. . . Anticipate 44 More from Lake Katherine Subdivision Near Antioch 30 COMPLAINTS lhl TAXES FILED WITH BOARD 20F REVIEW 0n vacant property,.ucoordtn; to'onnso colored electric luau. A Mrs. autumn, the 'valuattonu run doublo row of bulbs on either side from 8150 to 8400 and on Improved ,0! the sign will tom) a mum: land: 8100 to 81,600 tor the Improve- green border. while the word. menu, _ "'NNe" wtit be Milled forth it the The use-wants. it is believed, bottom of no "(a in omgeolnd are approximately the some on last .01!) colors. . year but the rate has been tncreas-i Man- Show in u: announce- ed. Amt Wain-thy, std tn part. "Fe The board but been In union since June 17. 1nd. according to members. thry do not anticipate the tick: this year that were received Int when 251 property owners up posted to protest. During the Mat of June and tnel first od July, . bulletln was brow 2 cut thru the local newsmpcr stating. that the police would start a drite. on Jul 6, in an anon to securv- pay-l meat ' the t That the warning In hid Rice?" evidenced by tho! number who'htvozvecured their lags] Rush Clerk', Office F or Vehicle Tags Two hundred and seventy-two In on men: have appeared at the of ttee ot (l J. Boehm, village clvrk Knee July 1 um paid " to swurv the noes-guy vehicle tae, m tit' ttttrdanee with the village hws. Tags In" boettiintrued to 635 pleas m an and 1085 trucks in" the vil- - BO In this you. According to vttiages alumna there " soma- mo Moon 30 and 1,000 vehic- le. eligible to thread In the vtr lager. It them, tttrures are correct, then no trtill. my local at own. on who buns ("led to npply for True to their wht Marshal Itrutta tad MI men have been busy since in My morning. checklngnzl'l homo owned (1'itt','ltl"'J,,t the t . it is believed t tNil men will, onuutlly my the l" ind amid po- he. "nominee. 3 l Finn] worth the Instalhtion of the Hutu-mono sound producing ap- pu'ntun was concluded " the Lanna Theatre Tuesday and according to Na than Blown. manger, the doors of the theatre win be thrown open In t and fimt night of sound pm auction on Thursday night, July 18 Richard Budd. engineer for the Sound Reproducing corponuon..mnmkee from whom the qtetrsimrternt was pur- chased. m in Libertyville Monday and "8&1. directing the final im Mhtlon ot the expensive equip. Announce First Sound Picturés at the LaVilla 5:871:53 Didactics: mung in but stacked u tunable. This 'l'ho opp-tuna has been them!» ty toned-ma reproduces the sound from the recording records than the (hours In on "on volume, with ex. canon: ton-l audition. More tests will be made hi- mk and non, to have boring the apptuTrttts function h an on" order. when the thutre b and to the public for the first and"! Metre. in tho MW booth in the rear at the that" , doubly channel am- Rail Birds fire curring forward our eunwrn gm the our patrons the best end In- ne! h motion picture and Vttapttone :produeuon. When we open our 'doon to the nubile tor the tirgt of our mud pictures. next Thursday mm. it will mark the completion ot the first step. We shall earners") "rive to secure tar our patrons, the it)": entertainment obtainable, both onerttt and sound. support: the lure my: record, which cones with and; rod of tum. A: the an teed- thmlhe projecting mi. Chine, the tones an rypryduced from the record, curried by wire to my m. and wanted thru two drmun k: We", on In six-toot Hanan- ttatnqttoaetu. The speakers are lo mod on and: "do of the arm on the In." and throw the sound town-d mm the thaw» . The booth u equipped with A non I of guardinnsmp tuned to William A. mchmniuuon manna which Per" Deane, Bond ot 3530... mm the producxng ot sound with " Edmund Mutton-ski, North Chi. lent pictures. "go-Final report approved. Estate In keeping with the changing of closed. the nune ot the thtettre trott% Frrl Paul M. Men, Deerfield-a-Petition 'torium to the uvun, the mu!" l tor probate of will mm and get for meat bu arranged tor the erection , bearing July 29. ot . Iagtrtr Men on the 11sr,tettt.l There" in" Humane-r Gun". mag." the FNrst Nauoetal Bank watttretran--Petition for probate of . _ arin Jul The up). which is it2.% feet "43." ttled and set tor he. s y The sign. which is 22% feet in length and $%'featt wide, wili ex tend M) feet above the root of the huilding. The mime ot the that" VIII be - forth from 184ml: chum" noon letters, walk the top ot the hue alnewill be deroratel with s large Sunburst. each lid» of ma will cousin 200 umber and - colored electric lights. A douhlo row of bulbs on either side ot the sign will tom) 3 naming groan border. while the word. "Talkie" will he (lubed forth it the Band Concert Draws Appreciative Audience That Libertyville people' are up- preciatise ot the Libertth-l band, was demonstrated last Friday eve- ning, when a large and attended the concert given by the band tn Cook Memorial Park. The band, numbering 25 musicians, rendered melt concert from the ver- anda of Cook Memorial Library. Lights were strung on the veranda, and the band played from 8 o'clock 'till 10. Quite a number of people gather- ed on the In": In front ot the Li- ttrary, Valle may more at in their curs, parked on the streets flank. ing the park. _ According to P. G. Snow, the di. rector ot the band, concert: will be given in "ttte park, not: Thursday evening, during the renaming sum- mer month-. Good Boxing Card at Dietz Stables Tuesday Howard Kraft and; Don Conn fought tour "at and furious rounds In the main event " Dion's Stables My night, wth Kraft winning the decidon. _ mus Hughes, fighting his last mum: battle. played with Paul Oven In the other half of the twin main event, easily getting. the de- cision in three rounds. Johnny Hughes, Frankie's brother, won t technical knockout over Midg- et Dowd In the third round, after two rounds'of Mugging. Her} Simmons and Bud Senor put on a; errifie slugging much, with Simon: winning In tpe fourth. Robert Brown and Leny Walton were evenly matched and started box ing, but ended slugging, with Brown winning. -. t - We Gum and Jack Holds. worth had . gory fight. with Gorlow coming out best, will I technical knockout in the third. round Bid Martinek vs: the referee, and the Judge: were J. T. locum. ot LiNyrtrviile, and At Dec, Wuhan G. m, ot Gnyslake. was "me keeper. with Dr. M. C. mum-(n, ot mshwood. mm. The tnnonno or m Buck Weaver, of HighwoodS 0 I','.'?,,',',': filial I'Cvull Ipyluvnu. luau-H i THO drisert, appeared -ip the local l Paul M. iiietz. Steen-s/tne/iii',),'; and had t"1'T.1/1" sworn out "or probate of will filed and "t tor for each orer.. following an accident hearth! July 29. earl): last Friday morning on south l Theresa Marv Haarbauer c,.r.,,uii,"iifv,'i.i'i: venue. John VMichael. . , . 1137 Pratt Blvd, Chicago was arrest. wautretran-Petltlon tor probate of _ 'wili tiled and not tor hearing July ed by Chief Deputy ET"! Brown. ot " 2'i, sham? 11"igt clamping/t 0' . md . amea ea y, amp rey av nur. Llev,ue,rei, t:&'§:':l;.:; Ftttal 21', m ',t"1'l,'1det new? Q ' . po ce con C was c arg item Elbow Lttrertrvule --ltt. with driving while Intoxicated and i m... H. Carroll, Libertyville-- 2m? "syl,rautotf,'tnhretra1ttte1d"ifs ,lhteentorr, ,reteer of widow's torttrd 'ashed to ra warrant for the arrest ind ttnal report approved Bum," Healy, charging hlmtmith speed- closed. . ting and cutting traffic Brown serv- Jam" Henry Mbbelink. ineompeied the warrant and this case was Harry Beh1eeel---1nventory WW" mo net {urirlal at 1 p: m. July It. led. Sale of personal pro9erny tuthor-l Stewart Loven. 5212 Hoffman Ste. ind. 'Niles Center, w.ill have to explain mall")? Mattttonrslti, North Chitra- two charges when ttlt, cue comes up go---rNetal report approved. Ehtate for trial on July IT. He was arrest- cloood. ' ed by Marshal Prank Drum in the "one! Omar Robertson. Highland squad car Sunday afternoon when Park. wm admitted to probate. 'EO- be left themtortttttmtnd no " Mil- tate of 815.000 venonal and 815.000 wankee and Park avenuIs. speeded real estate given to Charlotte Rob. ahead and turned west Park an» ertaon. daughter. Letters testnmen- nue. He was charged wqith speeding tary iuued to Continental iliinois and cutting traffic. The second Bank and Trust company. charge to be pretgrred by the police 1 Lina G. Evans, t1rar'suke---Peti- on the 17th will concern Loven's fail- ition for probate of foreign will flied tire to Have license plates. An at- _ And not tor hearing July 29. tormey representing Loven called on l , Daniel J. Brady, Highwood-rnves Monday and agreed to a $10 fine on itory "proved. , (tht 'srweding charge, l , Four cattle: "were closed Monday by Probate Judge Martin Checker including those of David Clarke, Wlukegan; William H. Carroll, Lib ertyville; Edmund kaowski, North Chicago; Ind Eleanor Maukowaki. or North Chicago. The proceedings for tIME 4 ESTATES IN PROBATE COURT IN MONDAY SESSION the t can": Charles P. Peterson. Waukegan--- Final report approved. Distribution ordered. Anna Dwyer, Lake Forest - Will admitted to probate Estate of 86,000 personal and 84.000 real estate given to three nieces. Letters of adminis- tration with will annexed issued to Lake F'orest, Trust and Savings bank. Lionel Omar Robertson Estate Annie Drury, Murtdelein---Heirtship ambushed. Reuben H. Donnelley, Lake Forest --lnventory and tspprtisement bill approved _', Hi:dward Romenuk. waukmran---Pr nal nccount approved. Distribution ordered. In] "count approved. Distributionl Jack Barrus of Chicago, left a $15 ordered. bond tor his amwaranm- tor trial on Flora McDowell. cttieasro--Foreunliir; tith. when he was brought in will picnic at Carl Atterbery'n cot. at 7:30 Thursday evening tor speed- Juneg Henry Nibbieink, incompe-ling 40 miles an hour on weer Park tent, Waukegan - Hearing on peti- Avenue. He was tu'ressted by Officer tion for appointment of conservator, (iii Seam. Harms failed to appear Respondent found Incompetent. Let. for trial and his bond wa, forte-ital. tern of conservatorship issued to' Howard Gold, of Chicago, was ar- Walter H. Nibbelink. Bond of 8800. l, rested at 8 p. m. on the tourta by Grace Hickmnn Dewey. Lake I Officer Saam. in police court he was m,",,',',-,--,"',',",',', proved. xcharged with speeding and cutting Delia MoBr de. incompetent - In. tin and out ot traffic on west Park ventory upproved. 'avenue in the village limits, He left Belle M. Watson, Millburn.-- Exec. 'ttui can.) bond tor his appearance um: authorized to expend tor care of beneficiary tn will . William Tank, Latte Zurich-Near. Ing on petition tor ale ot real es- tate. Addition.al bond in sum of $3.000 tpproved. Collin. Ladd et II minorr---Letterr, of gttttrdUttisttip Issued to William A. Deane, Bond ot 8580". Edmund Mnnkowskl. North Chi. cago-Final report approved. Esau- cloned. Paul M. Men, Deerfiel4r--Petition tor probate of will tlled and get for hearing July 29. Ltotte1 Omar Robertson. Highland Park. Will ndmltted to probate. Ihr tutu ot 815.000 manual and $15.000 real "tate given to Charlotte Rob. ertson. daughter. utters testmen- tary issued to Continents] Illinois Bank and Trust company. indium Brady, Huhwood,---1n ventrory approved. . C. of C. Banquet Next Monday Night Fully 200 persons, consisting of members and their when, ue ex- pected to banquet next Monday night when the mnual meeting ot the Lib- ertyvllle-Mnndeleln Chamber of merce is held at the Presbyterian church. The general committee, composed of Paul G. Ray, w. F. Franzen. Jr., and R. B. Trina, nu outlined plans for the meeting. The "fair is held annually st this time of the yenr, following the election of the new officers of the organisation. Reports which will be presented in printed form, are forthcoming trom all the officers and committee chairmen. son the first of the week. Tickets in" been uttered to the public, and lnyone desiring to attend the'ban- quot. and meeting is extended a cor- dial invitation to do so. e A An invitation has been extended by Richard J. Lyons, president ot if. chamber. to Senator Harold C. eulngton, ot Aurora. to speak at the meeting. "iiéi'mVég pieced in the hands ot e comm1ttee made up of James Swen, George Meyer and A, ItAoh.n- "iiirGriiiGait' during the medias will be furnished by the well known North Shore Line quartet. Mr. and Mrs. Rittler Parents of Girl July 4 of Highland Park, Shown to Be Worth $30,000 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler are among our most patriotic and loyal citizens, and usiuatly observe the var- ious holidays in common with the rest of the folks. This year, how- ever, they damn-ted from the ordin- ary, when Mrs. Rittler gave birth to n eightfound girl, born on Inde- pendence day. The ttttle girl has been named Patrick Ann, and" In add that Floyd Invested a. little ex- trn in firmror1td to celebrate he ar- rlnl ot his new dtnghter. They celebrated Lincoln's birthday Mm 12, 1927. when twins arriv- ed (Wayne and June) to Men their home. The new girl this year Just :00! to show they are running true to tom. day included the following money Miss Ante Barnes. 420 Sunrise av- enue, Lake Bluff, was overtaken on Park avenue, near the high school, 'by Marshal Druba in the squad car l last Thursday afternoon. At the po- lice station she um cnartted with speeding 65 miles an hour in the til. "age limits. She asked tor a contin- uance and was teleatred when she deposited a $15 cash bond. An attor- ney for the Chicago Motor Club agreed to a $10 fine Monday. Many Violators Taken In the Holiday Period '/rhe insufficient facilities of Mn. wnukee avenue in the village Were taxed to the limit by the heavy traffic which passed through orer the fourth of July and the week end. Any number of the thousands of cars that past-std through scraped fenders and clicked bumpers in ad endeavor to get some place and back again. The local police were kept hump- in during the four day period in 'straightenhtg out traffic snarls and curtailing traffic violators. Nine ar- rests were made in the village, while deputies and motor Cups arrested and cautioned many others on the high- Ways outside the village. John Bohn, ot Oak Park, was one of we first violators to be picked up by the force. Irftiee Joe Saam arrested him ut 10:15 the morning of the fourth for cumin: name in the business disrlcl. Doha-was refleasml after paying a $2 Citte in police court. Monday at 2 p. m. He failed to Show up and the amount was turned into the village coffers. B. i'mncque. of Waukegan. "as another victim of the fourth.. He Was arrested by, Officer Joe Saam for speeding 50 miles an hour on north Milwaukee avenue at 8 45 pm. He was released on his own recoe- nuance for trial Monday, July 8th, when he was fined " nnd costs. Alvin Gardnvr. or Libertyville, was brought in by Officer Sum Sunday. charged with speeding and cutting in and out of traffic. Monday night he was 83598396 a tine of $5 and coats. Walnut!" and Thursday. July 21 and Mr, no the dates for Liberty- vtlle't, semi-annual dollar days, ar- oordlng to an announcement made Tuna-y. by w. E. Hardin, secretary ot the LibertrvMr-Mundelein Chats ber of Commerce. C. of C. Announces Dollar' Day Dates The Dollar Day Sales held Jwice . you, under the sponsorship of the null division of the chamber. wvre instigated when the chamber' was eirrt Imuurumted and have been held account"), - since. _ The announcement was forthmm ins, following a meeting of the m- an division at the chamber in tin "courier office Monday night when tttdtrttts vege_decided upon With most or the Libertyville and Mundeieln merchants planning to "to M In the dollar day program, and with the continuance of the pro. mung good weather, the coming at!» promise- to be one or the most vacuum ever held here. Two Trucks Damaged In Rear End Collision Lloyd Bennett, an employee on the F. H. Noble estate, south ot the vill'age ,sustained severe" bruises this (Thursday) morning, when the truck he was driving was struck by a Saw- yer Biscuit Co. truck on Milwaukee avenue in from of the Noble estate. Mr. Bennett had driven o'ut the northndriveway and had halted at Milwaukee avenue to allow two cars to pass, Believing the highway clear he turned soufth when the other truck, driven by Clarence Strait, 117 Bretta avenue, Waukegan, also going south. rammed into the smaller truck from the rear. Straws truck careened to the left:ca,r; mm, was and overturned in the ditch on the'drou, and Jonah east side of the road. According to.ington "on", W1 police reports, Strut m not injured . den Homeric! ho beyond being shaken ID ttnd bruised.Lwerc given first Both machines were oottsideratt1r I and bruises by I damage. The police I" that both The and: "I on trucks are covered n! lacunae. Ito Wanna). WU. Population of Village Of Libertyville, 4100 Tue population of Libertyviye July l was 4,100, according to an esti- mate just made by S. W. Straus & Company. This is an increase over the 1928 estimate of 2tuj. The estimate follows on the heels ot one made by the Chicago Atitro- cmuon ot Commerce last week in which it placed the increase for the entire county at 2,000. _ In the Chicago area the Straus and association figures were " var- iance also. Straus estimated 5.- 192.197 tor the entire district and 3,780,586 tor the city proper. The association estimated 4.594,000 resi- dents lived in the Chicago area and 3,250,000 in the city. The gain tor the suburbs, not in. cluding Chicago, was 60,000 in the put year the Straus report stated. In Lake County the tlgurets were given as follows: City Deerfield ---_ Gnyalake --- Ounce ------ Highland Park mama -------- 4,000 4,000 lake Bin! ------- 1,400 1,500 Lake Forest ------ 6,500 6,900 Liberthiiie ---_-- 3,900 4.100 Mundelein -------- 900 1,000 North Chicago -_-- 8.900 ' 9.200 Prairie View ---.-- 150 150 Random ----------. 200 200 Wtucouda -------- 400 430 Waukegan -_---_-_30,000 32,000 The Stratus survey admits that its "ttret' might be excessive but points out that information was gathered from reliable sources. Drunk Argues Case; Asks For A Jury Trial Henry Johnson, Nels Johnson and Willie Hansen paid another visit to the local police station and Police Magistrate Fred Smith on Tuesday night, when tner were brought in on the complaint ot Jake Golden, berg. The charges filed against each of the trio was plain ordinary drunk and disorderly. I Three Chicagoans were slightly in. tinted Monday morning when their (ear was forced from the road near Knoliwood, as they attempted to pass another Lear going In the same di- rection. 'Maurice English, 5507 Had. den avenue, Chicago, driver of the 'car; In. Agnes Ambrose, same " ie.", and Jocph Carroll, 4837 Lex. ,inston avenue, were brought to Con- idoil Memorial hospital, where they Lynn given ftmt aid tor minor cuts ,aud brain. by Dr. C. R. Galloway. ,Thgparty mg on route from Chicago The two Johnsons, by no means strangers to the local police person- nel, seemed repentant tor their un- lawful actions and pleaded guilty. Each were fined $15 and costs. which they made arrangements to pay and were released. Hensen, unlike his two cronies, seemed willing to argue the case. and asked for fury trial. This was granted and the date for trial was set at 1 p. m., Wednesday, after which, the offender V'sshipped [to the county tail at Wankegan, in lieu of a $25 bond. This is the fourth time Hansen has been arraigned in the local court, before Magistrate Smith. Name Libertyville Now On All Foulds Labels Macaroni products. manufactured in theJocal Nant of we Foulds Mill. lug Company, which are shipped to all puts of the world, now carry the name of Libertrville, as a result of efforts of the "bar-tyville-Mundelein Chamber of Commerce to have the firm include the name of our yillaze on all their hbels. Earl Rushmore Says Tae letterhead, of the Foulds firm now carries Libertyville as the loca- tion of the main office and factory. The change in the labels has been brought about through the efforts of the chamber. working with G. G. 'Hoskins. superintendent of the local phat, and other officials of the min- Three Hurt in Crash Near Knollwood Club il91'li,'t','J,t'Jya1y.flesg mommy ALL'THEOLD JUNK ounwmoommsy tlf'fWttrAbHpotsouousoup amass: THEIMAYHAVE ' sew HARBORNG Anoeev _ moor-mm 1001 Am Rweowemoees wnu. I Naure we Ww'rmw . SEW", Tra"WEt.?: 1928 - 2,610 - 1.150 - 450 -13.500 - 4,000 - 1,400 - 6.500 - 3,900 July 1 "1929 2,750 1,200 500 14.000 '31:? GREATER CIRCULATION THAN OTHER WEEKLIES IN LAKE COUNTY COMBINED ADVERTISING RESULTS SUREI Commerce Commission 0.K.'s Abandonment Petition; No Opposition Abandonment of the Chic." Palatine and Wauconda rammed. whih has been silent an defunct since 1922, was authorized by tho. Illinois Commerce Commission u 5 hearing held in Chicago Tuesday Ut- ernoon. The certitirV authorizing the abandonment will be issued some time next week and there will ho no further legal obstacles to tho sale of the property. There was I. opposition to the abandonment.. The railroad, which connected Wartconda, Lake Zurich and PI].- tine with Chicago, was a failure . WAUGUNDA RAILWAY GETS PERMISSION Til The railroad, which connected Waitconda, Lake Zurich and Pub tine with Chicago. was a failure . most from the start and when op- eration of the engine was stopped. squauers settled along the right-ol- way, tips were used for kindling wood and evon tho station at - mnda was torn down and burned " to krep out tho cold. The bond holders in the mum have a sale propottition up and whilo there is no 'leftnite word In yet, it is rumored that tho sale m" be to the Insull properties for on- version into an electrically operw ed line. I The railroad whs "in court" laat week when one of the holders of I tax deed against the property m enjoined for tearine up the rails and selling thom for Junk. Village Court Has First Jury Trial Tho villages who Pom". break!" mwr by Police Magistrate Fred M. Smirn. was the 'bC6utlFs of a jury trinl Wednesday afternoon. when Willie Hansen. arrested Monday on com- plaint of Jake Goldberg. was found guilty of the burg? of ham: drunk and didorderly, . When Hansen was arraismed In court Monday momma M New" not guilty and asked for a trial try jury. The trial was so? for Wednes- day afternoon. and tho tF'ssndagtt was lodged in the enumy jail in de fault of bond. Hansen was brought back ta, Lib ertyvflle Wednesday afternoon try Marshal F. J. Druba and, after a jury had boon secured, the trial COMF neared. After hearing all the evi- dence. the jury. after much arguing and discussion, found the defendant guilty. Hansen wt: ordsred to pay a fine of " and the co=ts of me case. in- cluding two trips to Waukegan. and the Jury ten. Hanse'n was nimble to Par. and was returned to the county jail. George Stried, dry raider fat States Attorney A. V. Smith, led " my and thm the county lat Thur-any and came back with an: ples ot beer which are to be an- alyzed, a half gallon of moon (to. a place near Ingleside. and hull pints of moon from two Fox 1ahn hotels. Dry Raiders Take 22 Samples of Beer The menu-two beer samples were taken from places in sultan. parts of the county. All of the - were selling the brew as near hot! and States Attorney Smith belle". it is near beer, but tests are/being made and it any ot the sample: no found to contain more than the le gal percentage (if alcohol. the pace where the sample was obtained will again be visited by the raiders and arrests made. - At the Edith Boleg place tn the Scarda trdtrdivigion at Ingleside an raiders found a gallon tug, halt fill- ed with moonshine, hidden in the waters ot a small creek at the rear. of the place. . Over at Fox Lake the Wieberz ho tel, operated by Andrew Wieberg. was visited and a halt pint of whin- key was taken from back of the bar. Bush: Baden, operator with John Piontel, of the Park View hotel a Fox Lake, was also visited and I partially filled half pint bottle ot moon was men from in back of the bar. Mrs. Baden has been "in" be- fore for liquor violations, awarding to Col. Smith. Word was received here Wednes- day that Mrs. Caroline E. Combs bu! passed away that day in Sandwich m. Por manv years Mrs. Combs m a resident of Lake county, and is well known to many of the older res- idental especially in the north and west portions ot the county. The body will be brought to the home at her son, A, B .Combs, in Round Lake where the funeral services win he held next Sunday, July 14. at 1 p. m, standard time. Burial wlll he made in Fort Hill cemetery. Mrs. Caroline Combs Dies in Sandwich, Ill. Paddock Named On Game Committeé Ray Padork. state ,cstr'_.t_'i"tr" frnm this district, was nanwd today as a senate member of the Win: game laws committee of tin, state legis- lature; The appointment was an- nounced today by Mom Gov. PM E. Sterling who is acting governor in the absence of Gov. L. L Emmer- son who ip on a vacation fishing trip. House memberships on the joint committees were announced just prior to the house adjournmmt. trpternomltRh-t a ' MlllillM ITS l.ltif $1.50 A YEAR