mil LAKE GIVES ll? ANOTHER ION 0F till? SUNNY PAGE TWO Two thouaand five hundred pounda at ttnNttne. aquirminz care. the toe ei'ali use nah. were added to the ton total [mien tron: Third Lake last My, when the 'H-tht chapter of the lanai Walton league under the direction ot Henry Kern, deputy state sane warden. pulled in their neta on Sunder for the third time the laugh" been seined. About three tone were taken from the like" in two previoua aetninse nnd the ton taken Sunday bring: the totarto near the five ton mark. On th tint clean no of the hie. the "my: worked the entire Inhe. but Sun ay. after was in has. has of carp food on the out side of the latte, the aelnin; we: restrict- ed to that portion and a big haul made. Today the seiner: moved to the other aide of the like. dumped in the carp food and then started their operation. The cup are being remand trom the lakes became may destroy "no game fish and were ,statthtg Third lake a haven for our]; alone. Gives Bogus Check Uii,yvr, Je, . n e V " In Buying New Carji,oi,iiiujjii,c, who umbned'a ".000 conned check and then completed the. deal with a $2,400 personal check that was worthless. is being gangland Sibley, it was learned from depu- ties. had his 'pmpect' in line for more than a week before he closed the deal. The men had the eerti. tled check but stated that It had to he deposited In t Kenosha hank the ftteowittg morning so the dealer " chese price ot the ctr. eepted another for 82.400, the pur- Ike Waltbns and Henry Kern Stage Seining Operations In County Again. G" Siojéiiqu'wrence Doolittle for Charles Sibley. Antioch dealer, tt! was learned today. " Rocked with a vertex". and spurred on by n reward the chase for the young mu has extended throuyhout the middle west. All that happened three week: no but Sibley In earnestly seeking the whereabouts of his customer. SATURDAY, JULY At THURSDAY. FRIDAY. JULY 18-19 MONDAY, I, TUEODAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15-17 Wart SUNDAY, JULY " NEXT WEEK Search for gurchaur of a ctr SATURDAY, JULY At SUNDAY, JULY 21 Tel. H. P. 2400 "tttrtLhrtn PARK Otto Lang. Mgr. Every Evcnlng at 7; Matinee. Sunday, 2 to S; boon open at an . Continuum Suntan. 2 to " AT TH! THE BEST PICTURES AT THE with Lily Damita, Raquel Torres and Emesthorrenc3 _ (Talking Pkmro) T A comedy drama packed tytbitf joyous entertainment "ted.. menO Act HARD-MILE!) ROSE TRENT'S LAST CASE VOICE OF THE CITY A DANGEROUS WOMAN . TOMh_MIX "ROUGH RIDING ROMANCE" Added.. Comedy, _ Bum KARL DANE "THE VOICE of the STORM" "The Bridge pfSan Luis Rey" '"STRONG BOY" ' with Victor McLaglen, Leatrice Joy and Clyde Cook DoLoRE1iff)sTELu) "tHE GLAD RAG DOLL" Airgun "THE CARNATION KID" Open Saturday and Sunday Only y Telephone " P. 1036 Lovo,.'hau. "in", thrllln. laugh" Add": Vitaphono Act Add: Comedy - Serial - New. CHILDRENJOc - ADULTS!" DOUGLAS McLEAN HUGHLAND PARK, ILL. (Talking Picture) An underworld comedy with Add: Viuphono Ret, Am: Vic-phone Act A COMEDY WASH! l The, proposal to "prove a high uhool district in the to" ot Avon. jthat came to I donut. hood I month .330 when Menu of Guy-lake no tttioned In auction. will be voted on 'July 28. it. wu tuned today trom T. A. Stat-on. county superintend- lant of uhools. who called the elec- Hon. Round Laki, and will be open from il' o'clock noon stnndud time until 7 o'clock in the evening. I A high school, carrying a two your {count 1n: conducted in Crayola» t number ot you. no but val Gu- ieontinuerd. The pupil: in that du. trict now attend Warren. Liberty- '111149 and Antioch high schoola. Polling places will be ambush"! In the village lull- of Granhkegnd V Gnynhko an a voting strength of approximately 800 and Round Lake about 400. Exonerate Woman in Accident from Blame School Plan July 23rd Election on Avon High The age old tight on the part of the village ot Fox Latte to open Upplncott road through the Mar. nret Tweed and Mary C. Daniel property came to an amicable con- clusion Monday More Circuit Judge cum C. Edward. where an agreed verdict was reached on a condemna- tion price. Alter been" the testimony " the Inquest Into the death of Grey- don R. Colllne ' git you. old ot Grunt-he. who - tilled when MI motorcycle colllded with on autono- blle on Invent" - tn Lib crtyvllle. Monday morning. e coron- are jury loud" night "oriented Mrs. Robert Hughes. drlvet ot the eutomdbllo from all "one. There la considerable interest In the proposal. according to one of the leaders for the movement. and a large vote is anticipated. The testimony showod that the youth who In. hurry". to " phco ot employment In a Liberty- vme meaty "on. and out to pan author cu and m had-on at amt weed Into the natal-ohm be in; driven northwnrd by In. Hush". ,' (Talkin'p New") In. Hugh" (calmed that Ibo did not know what Ind happened until utter the had new" her tnnehittat. The youth was killed gluon tn. stantly. his skull being crushed In the Impact with the automobile. A Holstein field dsy ot extrsordin- sry interest will he held nt "wood forms in Luke county on sum. July Mt, scoording to hues B. Bnll. new men of the Illinois Holstein Associntion. A genernl invitstion is extended to sll (inlrynen end their friends to' attend the event. . A progrsm of demonstrstioss eni- phssising health, herd tt-itreation, that ring judging snd ndvaneqd registry testing hss been Insde " with lending nstionnl snthoritiss to discuss one]: of these topics. Ani- Insls from the ismons Inwood rnrms' herd will he used in these demonstration. Axel Hnnsen. judge ot the "" dairy show; Earl J. Cooper. director of extension end H. W. Norton ot sdvsneed registry depnrtments ot the Netionnl Hot. stein Association: Dr. Herbert "the or Wnnieehs. Win. and H. W. Allyn. president of the lllinois Holstein Asoeteintion nre to he snong those inking part in the pro- "HOME I HEN! DAY Rlll m ' tr "OLSEN cows Big Event To Be Bald July 20 t Elmwood Farms, To Display Prize Stock. .. The program In to begin " " a. In. standard time with an mne- tion of the "wood herd. which Include- nuy and champion tu- an. and world record prod-con. Honor: qrtil bring their on lunch" tor I picnic on the grounds " the Ellwood "tate. Deerpath Theatre ne%ate of The Perfected VllTAPHONE AND MOVIETONE Thursday and Friday, July " mag: PHONE 321 LrBER'fYVILLE MEPENW "The Carnation Kid" with DOUGLAS McLEAN (Sound " Talkincy with Charles.Morton and'Leila Hymns (In Sound) ___-_____ "WEARY RIVER" With RICHARD BARTHELMESS (Talking - Singing) "The FAR CALL" Monday, Tuesday, Wednecddy, July IS, 16 and 17 MARY PICKFORD SATURDAY, JULY 13: FRIDAY, JULY 12: Last Showing of "CoQUETTE" (All-Talking) --9n--- F armor Local Pastor Goes to Chicago ot the church of the Redeemer. meek-tone avenue end Fifty-sixth street. Chicuo. and". succeed- in: Dr. John Henry "whine. newly retired. At the cane tine. Rev. 'Wiiiien W. Hmtick ot Harrisburg, Pa., became mine" rector. new. White in not e etrenxer to the Chicuo district. He mdeeted from the Western Theoiocieei new - in "" end beanie pater ot St. Levrence'e church. Libertyviiie. St. Andrew's et Oren We. end St. lmtine' church. at Antioch. rotun- rm. and}. White, m'o ot Bt. Inch. In. -ttrrtod the netonhlp Ing the three can". and! he left for Bt. Loni: ten you! no to bt com rector of the Church of the Holy Cqumunlon. Dorm; MI Bt. Louis Mont... Rev. White wu ht. Itmmnul In coma-Mn: u m,- 000 endowment fund and wu well known for " we"! service. The new nut-tut. Rev. Hormel. m recently ordnlned " Harmon... Wis. All nine" in the county building were cloud at 'noon on Saturday. starting under the new state law which requires that the county or. iicoa be given a bait-holiday on Bat. urday the year around. Several ot the offices wilt find it a hardship to close on Saturday afternoon. The Hunt marriage limo. hum" of the not ta "ION"! transacted on Saturday afternoon whilosin L. J. Wilmot's office " clerk ot the ctr. cuit court. the Saturday afternoon t -'. ctttoltinmrrtt to I poriod tor completing the office work in con- nection with the court Henry Hopkins. newly l. the "no time, Rev. 2, [er-get of Harrisburg, , "elem rector. ' l Is not e emu: to 4. "strict. He manual 6. eteru Theolodcel new 6, end became new: ot 7. 'e thttth H.tetPlt. ' LAX! FORIIT it. Other resources (18) (netted " Luke Villa, But. of who". at the clone of busing" on 1. 0mm Stock (1) .......4... A. 8mm tn .3..m........_.... 8. Hum Mu (Not) (I) 5. Damn! Dapoam (51) _,......" 6. Time Devon" (5b) v.M+ 10. [Midwa- Unpaid (7) -.. It. Other umuuoa (10) __~".. l. D. R. Inset, Cum: of we van Trust & smug- Bank. do solemnly. was: that the shove statement Is in. to the but ot my hauled" and ttetiefondthnttMit-udamtttuttaattomsaboveesorr-dwtttttt" luau and mu shown in the upon. and. to the Auditor a Public Accounts. But. of Illinois, puma: to hr. ' D. R. IANZER, Cashier. STATE or ILLINOIS. COUNTY or LA". ss: 29th day of June, 1929. as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts ot out. of Illinois. put-mt to law. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6tta day of July, 1929. (BILL) _ L. G. BRICKHAN. funice ot the Peace SUNDAY ONLY, JULY July 15, 16 and17_: "JitSEl'lllNE m HH,' MAE. m an and sum HARDY A Ix'rrM.1Nilj. tll: HOLLY- u'uon PACKE/) WITH LACt,WS.' mu: WITH SOt 'ND EFFECTS Lynn overmpn Broadway Stage Star in a Smart and titphisticattyl / . .LfnmcdyHit. F ---with--- {UN/(Al) _N.lriril., BIAS/Ii .IJH'If an}! Lll..1 lir.1.NIS. V An intimate :ananu: mi a "poor little rich buy." .his secretary and her family'. Laughs and ' lore told in our uf thy, . but. talking pictures of the 5611.30». l From the Stage Hit, _ "White Collars" Smart and yiophisticated Ioofi TAl,KINr,' COMEDY 4 C Comedv Hit . _ . . "Now and Then" " K I s S E S " News in Sound; Fable; Organ and Orchestra ACADEMYJ @WIEWE cl ' Llii: 1;i'li'i'i'i Sunday Only, July 14 GEORGE O'BRIEN Tues., Wed., Thurs., Friday, July 16-19: Alwoys; C Mdiu, N (meme: . . and Neat, ' OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ' Report of tho Condition of the Lake Villa Trust & Savings Bank 1k ' Llii: \8\C\'\\ Sat. Only, July 20: meccoy Total Liabilities 3180080]! , Cash, Other 0331: Resources and Due ttom Banks, (1-2-3)-. ' 41,170.99 U. 8. (human Investments (4) I......-.., ' ___ --.t-.t-am'""t-t'-r'"-. 5,650.00 Other Bonds and Securities (5) ' '__-----...--.---.----.--.-..---. 15,294.00 Lan, on Collateral Segurity (6a) -te--_._-rrtt-.m.rrw..-tw.tttt-...- -........_..... 9,045.0f. Other Loans (Ob) w-...........-.-....--... -...a......_.....,-..-.'-,..., _.... 84,902.58 bonus on Real Estate (6c) _ . _ .._.e..t..em .---.--' A------... 53,492.57 Overdrafts tty w...' -ww.ttweW._...r_ 'ee--'.."..-...--.-..'.. _"'".--"-...--.... .v9. 263.18 Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (9) _ m.---.------...-- . _ _..." 10,423.96 ALWAYS COOL "Masked Emotions" ON TII E I U TA PH ONE 10.131? "iGj7Ririfdiii and CAMILLA HORN in "Eternal Lore" ON THE SCREEN William Haines -agt-- "A Man's Man" Monday,'_ J pl} 15 A Croat States. Theatre "Sioux Blood" "Joy Street" LOIS 'MORAN ---ALSO-- ---with-'-- --ttt--- ---m--- Glant Weathcr Plant in Con- slant Otreratiou. Cool. " cd Air in Circulation, Away for Four Greater. Comfort. AT WAUKEGAN "Vacation Vagaries" All-TALKING. ALL-SING Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 18, 19 and 20: l, mp Theatre Singen. Dance A WARNER BROSWQDLJDTION (intrude Olrnstead and lama: With a company ING. All-DANCING. From Bctty Ct/tttttson, Grant Withers thc Big Stagc Succcss whistle and sing. Romance you wil long remembcf PM WALLIN and JOY BOYS in Hear! See! Tunes vriu will NOW-si, July n3, to Fri., July 19, Inclu. RIALTO PLAYERS A Big Company of Dramatic Artists . In Person any the Stage Fultle-t Ircurt-h Starting Sat., July 2°, For Seven Days:-- RIALTO PLAYERS Matinee: Sat., Sun., & Wed. All seats, 50c Every Night: seats 75c and 99c "This Thing Called Love" The Selwyn Theatre Success A Grcat States Theatre RIALTO ON THE STAGE "THE BRAT" ---'ALS0-. Kirkwood -ieith--. fLSty--. ---tn--- tTi', ALWAYS COOL ntertamerc Ht, medians $320622." ' 26,000.fl0 9,000.00 . 6,634.95 84,605.74 , 95,159.39 $220,522.14 Chica 263.18 10,423.96 279.88 MIMI 56.00 INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY, SATURDAY-ONE DAY ONLY: SUNDAY, MONDAY, JULY 14 and 15: Tuesday and Wednesday, July 16 and 17: An Old Father. a Young Wife and a For. who falls in love with her. Is that hetrayal'? See this Great Actor ina Great Picture! Added: COMEDY and NEWS MORE SURPRISES FOR THE ACTION FANS! i381 Added t Comedy Review Raymond Griffth Raymond Hatton Thursday, July 18 Our Screen Will Sing, Talk and Play. Watch Paper for Opening Picture. dareteqbem_hehrfururu-ofsttnd-. "nut-magnum... 10c I mound-Wen PoNH---D_Nift E THIS THEATRE IS COOL AT ALL TIMES Driveyourowncar over a mildew plank road that'hns all the thrills of mountain driving but none of the dangers' cum M ' ma FREE THRILLING! AMUSING! SENSATIONAL! PreePnrHmthraee6tte10,0tt0e-. PHtmomr-na.hee, LIBlli)R'rYvilLLE, ILLINOIS FORMERLY THE AUDI TORIUM T A Brand New Thriller-Fun for Young and Old Located permanently directly We: Holy Ghost Andean on WM" - 150.: WW Read Whoopeo Auto Coaster "THE MAN I LOVE" ai,,,,!,,'),. 1l,li,lll;ir,liih FREE ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS 10c is charged each occupant of at using Announcement AUTO COASTER LAST TIME-TO-DAY! RICHARD "LEN M4~Wmam WHOOPEE! 'Lisiguin. RIDE THE I "et WHOOPEE WKOOPEE 2 My It"! IU--- BASCAL Marceline Day Lawrence Cray I 100