We overheard a friend advise that space on Sunday is near the church. Today our wheat farmers are'actually suffering because nature has been too bountiful, has given them too large a crop. To appreciate fully what their financial distress must be, we need merely recall the wheat prices that prevailed before the war and compare them with the cost of the things the farmer has to buy. Machinery, clothing, building materials and all the thousand and one other items that enter into farming costs are from 60 t, 100 per cent above the pre-war figure. Had wheat gone onto the market at 40 or 50 cents per bushel in 1913 the distress of the grower would have been no greater than it is today with wheat below a dollar. And yet, at the same time, thousands---yes, millions--- of human beings are facing starvation in China because there is a shortage oi foodstuffs. l How can there be a rea men in other parts of the w question can be answered or still a bit out oi joint from a .\ pwunuem nnancxer mys that by land will be in the hands oi the women was practically all in their hands now. This may be the best of all ages but much remains to make the world 'he ideal place we can dream about in mumcms of leisure. - T All we can advise here is, "Throw off that mental legacy given you by the cave dweller. Times have changed. A suspi- cious attitude toward others and toward new ideas will cost you ten dollars for every dollar it saves." "f That this attitude stands in the way of unified effort locally to make the town more prosperous and more pleasing as a home en- vironment goes without saying. w Let a man advance a proposition for trade extension here Libertyville, and many rv-chants w": are bound to benefit v wonder "who's getting his out of it." But the world has changed and the need for such an attitude has long since passed. Too many of our citizens have failed to put a good veneer over the mental attitude that dominated the cave dweller. Too many of our uwn acquaintances here are always looking for the nigger in the wood-pile. Whenever'an idea for community betterment is Broached. they wonder where they are scheduled to come at. and coldly they draw back into their shells for fear someone will get the best of the deal. Ian-m at the PM om" " unanyvmo, lmnolc u Sqqtond cm. than "I'll! ILLINOIS PRESS ASSOCIATION Suspicion and fear may have had a place in life some 50,000 years ago. Then 'twas no more than natural for every man to look upon every man as an enemy or a potential enemy. PAGEFOUR l prominent financi Increase in Deposits Since June 30, f 928 . @5658931 l. Wm. E. Lot-on. Cutler of the Law-mm. Thtat sud Sump Bunk. do oolomnly "your that the than autumn: is true to the but of my Inowhdao and belief. and that the man and mum "on "on comm! with the Item. no mount- shown in the report and. to the Auditor of Public Accounts, But. of Mlirtou, "an: to low. _ WM. n W. Gum». STAT! or ILLINOIS) Subscribed and "on to ho no: for me this 8rd do, or July COUNTY or LA!- , 1m. Capital Stock (1) _-.---..-'-. Surplus O) .......... Mt--.--. _-ser. leidod Prom: (Net) (3) Banana Account: (4) ._w-___-,, Danna Deposits (53) ------ Time Deposits t6tr) ..-.w._---, .. DI. to has (6c) _........,..~..._ Cash, Other Cash Resource. and Due from Bunk: (1-2-3) "------.r--,., U. B. Government Investments .(4) _-wt--. Other Bond; and Summon (5) ___-w-qw-, Ley" on Gannon! Security (6')..." Other Loan an) --L---.--.---.-., Lou: on Real Esme (6c) W._'................ __..... Over". IT) .. -...~.. -"-"-------------. Bank". Rouse, Furniture and Futures, (9) Other Resources (12) -----i--s-.-.-, Report ot the condition ot the leertyvllle Trust and Suing: Bank. located at Littertrvilkr, sum of llllnou. " the close of business on the 29th day of June, 1929, a made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of nu..-x- -.-------" - - Imam. out-sunk G 1;; Ethtttpttillt thcpenhmt fLibertyviHe Trust and Savings Bank Tobi Liabilities Total Resource. LAKE COUNTY NIW.PAPIRI, Inc. FAR FROM THE IDEAL AN ANACHRONISM (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) al over-production tnt" any articte wnrld are dying for lack of it? my by the assertion that the w: an economic standpoint. Liabilities Resources that by 2035 all the mm L the place tn find parking L35 all the wealth in the And here we thuuqht it NONI)!" TELEPHONI NO. 1 Fe-tm 3m.842.34 -4 75,000.0o -ar. , 22,408.76 ' 11,678.21 .... ".1731" -..- 158,070.97 .0.. 1850331 3.05.8423! $179,292.91 9,300.00 103079.37 330,642.87 189,383.66 68,800.00 168.79 28.69753 4ATT.1 1 IV i Ietl That m sun or mums» l COUNTY or LAKE l Mrs. J. J. uncut" is spending several days In Chicago with her sla- ter, Miss Anna.Dortor. Mrs. C. R. Bulkley ll spending the Veek with Mr. and Mrs. W'Illhm Pea. (er In Gnyahke. l, Milan C. Mott. Calder of the auto Bank or Mun. dcleln. do solemnly um: that the than "than: so true to the but ot my knowledge and he". and that the item and mount: shown shove cone-pond with the Item And unonntn about in the moon. and. to the Auditor of Public Accounts. t8ate ot Illinois. wt. to hr. (SEAL) Mr and Mrs. Mark New". dinner guests ct the hemp former'., parrots, in Gnyslai Wednmruar. Mr. and Mrs ft P Keller and (hunter, Rosellen. in" Wednesday morning lor Minneapolis, Xian. Mi's Lillian Keller. who his been visiting Miss Ruth Selenske at [rues Wis, will Join them there Mr. Kel, ler will amend to some business in Minnegpolis. which will be followed by a fishing trip. Capital Stock (1) -.-_ Surphn (2) -._'__.., Undivided Proms (Net) Reserve Account. (4) ., Demand Deposit. (6c) - Time Deposits t6tr) .wmw-. Mrs. Albert Burnett, of Xinnap oils, Minn in a gun: at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. S. Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lander: are spending two weeks at Lake Malio. lac. Minn., at the home of Miss Her on Christy William Huffman returned Mon. day from Peoria, when .19 Ipent -eral can visiting minivan. Mr. and In. Fred Hazelnut left Sunday for Norfolk. Va, um spend in: a week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hutchines. from Bunk: (1'2-3) F-ee- w. .......t Other Bonds and Securities (5) ..-' Loans on Collateral Security ttray Other Loans (6b) .....-.-..~.7 __-e-tww.-.., Lona: on Real Estate (6c) ."___-_-_i. Overdum (7) -tt-em-e_ -"m----tt--w. '_...-- baking House, Furniture and-F Other Resources (12)....w mm-ret--..-. Mr. and Mrs. John "our 3nd children have returned from a um weeks 'ncuion, part of which vu spent with Mr. Jaeger's parent. in Mnrqueite, Mich.. and a fishing trip in luau we. Win. Mrs. J. 8. "mm sad In; moon Burnett mat Wednesday with Wil. mette friends. Mr. Ind In. Joe Hatching: 1nd children motored to Delenn Lake, WE, Tuesdsy. Ctsh. Oger Cash" Resources and Due Mr. and MrcsHarrr Hohhot] and (hunter. Dorothy, of Peoria. went the fourth here wtth Mr. and In. W. C. Hubbell. Mrs. Huhbell and daughter renamed for A two wooh' vittlt Mr. and In. J. W. Hatching: and "mason. John. accommnled by Leslie Hutchings, of Giant", at. tended (uneven; In Wnnkenn um. day afternoon. Report of the condition ot Sate Bin! ot Mun. delem. located at Mundalein. Sat. of Illinois. " the at tho close of business on the 29th dar ot June, 1929, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State ot Illinois. pursuant to law. ' Mr. and In. Harry Anderson nnd children returned Sound" from a two week! "canon. spent with Mr Andereon's parents In northern Wit comm. hum Jane lemma, of Rraa. un. ha been staying with her (and mother, Mrs. Bum Iowan, dur,-, in; the past. week. mu Inn Dubs had a rather pain. (ui aftermath at her fourth ot July celebration. Thuraduy night she luck. 1 bottle. wit.) I largo ttrt cmher, and on Friday sustained r. My cut toot when the mapped on 3 piece ot the broken gnu. Dr. J. L. Tubr treated the wpund, uni " minhterod antFtetantts new. no no seriou- results an anticipated. In. Bam Duh. In. been mm. ill for the past two roots. Mm. Phil Bentham! hunt the fourth at Rowena. t [not or Mr. 3nd In. has. Boning". of Watt- kom. The Ladleo' Aid Society of the Rowena: church are n chick- on dinner at a community colobno tion on no national birthday. Additional . local and Personal . News of Iaertyoille' Community Total Liabilities, Total Resources LIBERTYLHELE J2g?gietitipgiyg, THURSDAY, JULY 11 State Bank of Mundelein (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) the hemp of the in Gnyslnke, on (Net) (3) "e: Liabilities Resources Sanctum! and "on: to be tore me this 3rd day trt July, 1929. RUSSELL w. Town, _ Notary Public -Pixturet, (9) "9f? I At the Methodist amp meeting at has Plum»: on Sundly, Bishop F. J. ', McConnell will speak n 10:30 in the Imorning: and At 2:30 in the after ndon m~hop McConnell is one of the moat prominent church men in (the world "any. and it /tut/i' pro-ai- 3dent of the Federal Council of ,!Ctturchet' of Christ of Amt-rim. ' I The punter of the Methodist church last Sunday morninx tut. nounced that all Methodists of the world no asked to ttive .the tlrtrt bill of the new paper money to World s-ire This nvw 'papvr money will bra diatrihuiwl by tho government this month. 'Pale ll I part ot an ad. mammal campaign of'the church to teach the leuon of tNyettteeratioet of money :0 the 'ttsrvicr. of the church for humanity over the world. All" '80th be "nice left In: Friday to attend the summer school at Columbia ('ntwrsity. . Pttetter-Bttrvet" Motor gale sold and delivtrtd "wow-two new and used an during the out month. Solo. included ten new Pontiac: Mr. 1nd Hrs. Albert Rosina In the puma: of s baby boy, horn u 10 o'rlock Tuesday morning at Con- dell Memorial hospital Mr. Rosin: is employM at the Molidor grocery store on 8. Hllwdukeo Ave. , Mm Doom Inbound. of Butane", out! mu Elin O'Brien. of Chicago. hove been aided to the not! of nurses " Condell lemorm hospital. Taey an the plus. ot like Irma Wright and Ill.- Dotott.tr,g0tm"trea, who ruined recently. T (hr! Wuhan. vtrtage'trtabt enrrlor, r'rr'er' Mommy on a 154:7 vocation from his duties at the local poet office. Carl In upendlnx the time oN toting care of In. Wan, who recently returned home from the hoe- pita). Henry Mlehrecht, of Mun- delein. In harming Wadman's route durum the lattery nation. and wobbly will ho kept on, u the post office here in to add "who? carrier within the next two or three weeks. Two tranpa who have been camp in; wider an old bridge near the travel pit Just out ot the village. were dieturbed Tuesday night when Constable [not Druha appeared on the scene and brought them to the police station. When cautioned. one claimed he was an inventor and at. tached to a large mtututaetttring con cern in Chicago. Tho two were re- leaeed and given until morning to get out oi town. Mr. um In. L. H. Rachel! on- townod .Mn. Ane- cum» and daughter. Marion, and George John- son, ot cum. And Mr. and In. Norris, ot Port Sheridan. Sunday afternoon. Prof. and In. Chad. Heaps and children. of Houston, Tom, nnd In. "out tuber. Goo. M. Orkney. of Calmo. no have (new at the home at E. Mloox. my. visiting "hung and Mom In this commun- ltr. Prat. Hotp- holds the chair ot Protector of Hm!" in an Rice In. stigma in- Homo. "not: Hana "catapulted Mr. sad In. Albert Run on n nation In northern Michigan this week. In. 00030 "to was In Chicago WM}. " 50,000.00 .. [1500.00 - 17156.5( . 2,740.81 . 857,198.80 _ 72,036.68 $531581." $521,537.23 ' 86,236.78 60,994.45 173,657." 148.144.75 39,548.00 M.8t 10,527.31 2,899.14 Mrs. Charlea Laycock and son. Forest, tnd daughter. Audrey Vir- tlnh. motored to East "rroy, Wht., on the fourth and spent the day with Mr. and Hrs. Wm. Springer. George Cleveland tad children. of Horst!) Put. visited Mrs. Jessie Higgins over the week and. . Mrs. hurt Rtntty' m n guest at the home of Miss Johanna Moll in Highland Park over the fourth. Mr. Ind Mrs. Lehman and Mrs. Nick Cherrettovieh spent Sunday at their cottage on Bangs Lake, at Wauconda. Don't forget the bakery sale at the Schnnck hardware store Saturday uternoon, to be given by Group One of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid. Miss Gertrude Win.nii, ot Moline, is spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. like King. Mrs. Minnie Barber, of Rochetusxr, New York. arrived. Tuesday to re. main durin ttthe summer With her slvtor, Mrs. Laura Hanby. Group Two of no Presbytrian [Adler Aid held An all day meeting in the church Parlors Tuasday. A luncheon was served at noon by tho bonuses, Mrs. John Lester. Mrs. Earl Grumwald and Mrs. William F. Hsfemann' . Mr. and Mrs, H. Gleason "'e};'-('zlll- an at the George Thatcher homeon Sunday evening. um Ardele lurks. Harold Retr seller and Arthur Wonhly In. of Chi. cago, were nests of Miss Erma lineman Thursday and Friday. Mr Jud Mrs. H Gleason called on! Mrs. Mary Campbell ln Gurnee Sam urday evening. 7 l Mr. and In. Melvin Schultz and! fimlly and Mr. and Mrs Alxini Schultz spent Sunday mm the. llo-r- mad Schultz family. I Misses June and Hazel McClain of Independence, Iowa, are making a short suit with Mr. and Mrs w. S. McClain. Aunt. In. Prank Drutrd Mill Rum Chandler or Mumlchur Fs spending a few days With he Saturday morning and attended' tho wedding of u were. Mus Laura Volkmm. Miss Mucous Groth re. turned home with them, after spend. ing several weeks with relatiwe and kinds in 'rhietusiite. Mr. and Mrs Henry mom and tutr, Adolph motored to Thionavxue, Wis Mrs, bouiw Kelier of "mu lam greek wita h Mrs, Harold varibereen H. Munlke. " Mt. Mrs. Mary latter ot Chicago. and Mr. and Mrs, Chas Kuhlman and daughter, Faith. of Highland Park. were guests on the fourth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fwd Mord horsl. . Mrs Julia Maxwell and grandson, Billie Hosting. left Wednesday morn in: tor indiannpoiis. ind. fora short visit with Mrs. Stall; Banach, Mrs. Tenn Meier and daughters accompanied friends from Lake Villa to Junction City, Wis ' on the fourth. and while there x'tslted the famous Wisconsin Della. returning" home. on Sued": Mrs. Gaul" Crime, of St. Peters- burg. m, spent Wedneodny with Mr. and Mm. Charles Kaiser. Mrs. Cruse is spending the summer with relatives at Twip Lakes, Win, Mrs. Sidney Meeker entertained Mra, Millie Templeton, trom Glenn Ellyn Wednesday. Mr. nnd In. Funk Mason, Mr. and Mm. Aitan Wehkopf and baby mm the week end at Mason Lake, Wisconsin. Rev. and Mrs. E. B. White, ot Chi, me, and nooommnled by Mina Vir- trinia Lowden, oi.St. Louie, Mo., were dinner guests ot Mri. W'hite's par- ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John McCormick, Wednesday evening. Joe Hutchings, Theo Vuderwem, Chale- Johnson, Fred Pluemtnn and Fred Enderlin returned home saturday morning 'mm a fishing trip of several days in Long me, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Chats. Kaiser gnd Mr. and In. John Iamiu motbred to Rockford today tThursday). James Muck wu called to Alex- andra Sunni", on account ot the Illness ot his sister, In. Maud Bake-lay. children occompnnied Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hardin to Clinton, inst week, and will "min for some time visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kurd. Misc Phyllis Rose. niece of Funk Rose, left this (Thursday) morning tor Liverpool, England. to visit hbr mother, who is seriously ill. Mr. end In. W. E. Hardin and son motored to Clinton, ill., tor the halide". Mr. Hardin remeined s couple of den. but In. Hardin and so; will spend seven. weeks wit: her mother, Mrs. A. D. Tut-Icy. Wes had to do oonsidersble ttaetrtraeiring on the rturn trip on account ot sev- ere! bridgee being washed out by a heavy rein storm. He says he had to true! more than 300 miles, while the norms! distsnce is less than but mu. W V W" ' Mr. and In. Hurry 9311!!!" wwmmnled 1 Mr. and in. Harley Benzene! and children returned Wednesday from Cocoon, ldvn. where. they had been Visiting relatives. . . Hwy 00m and Long Grove er daughters and Mrs l) 1929. ; Jl'lli, A"rll,Allt)ltCs PACIEIC 'lit? l Mrs. William McCormick was oper- .1ted Upon for appendicitis Monday "a m. Thoren's hospital at Wanke- Enn. She is reported atc. getting "lone nicely; 'Mr. Ind Mrs. Prank Cutest of Austin {spent the fourth at the home, of Mr, "rid Mrs. Prank Huber. Mr. lad Mrs. John T. Landis and dmgater; Peggy, motored to Bloom- lngton Priday and spent the day with relatives. ' and Mrs. Horace W. Robbins and children motored [O'GCKCB Lake on Tuesday, ind to Delevan Lake, Wis. on Wednesday. t F Mr. and Mrs. Gporze Hueker, of Waukegan, spent Friday evening at the home of the Inttpr's mother Mrs. Alice Havlce. Elmer Lee, who makes his home with " grandmother. Mrs. Alice Havice, and Lewis Simpson, ot Mun- deiein, attended a big celebration at St Charles Thursday. Noel,Krumrey ilirent the fourth with friends At Round Lake. Tly.. R. g. lupin: and children Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Sundell at- tended the wedding of the farmer's brother, Thor-mu Sande", in Chica- co, Wednesday evening. 'The three churches that are con. means the daily nation bible school have begun to solicit the members and friends ot the church- es'ior subscriptions to' help pay the expenses of the school. No tuition L1- heen charged, for it wu desired that no children should be kept out or the school on account of money. Seversl families not in the churches have sent their children, and peopl are responding very freely withTE: smell subscriptions asked. Mrs. John Doilentmuer eptertqined Mu. R. J. Lyons, and Mrs. Sid Mitch. ell, of Mundelein. and Mrs. Flora Coon. of, Wankegsn, at luncheon on Tuesdny. ," Miss Josephine Speilman and Geo, Hutchings. of has Angela, Cam, motored through, arriving here last Sundsy, 1nd will spend the summer with relstlves-ln this vicinity. Mr. and Men, Rttnort Randall M odiirnmrtj,iriaisiriai,ttnmiaiii I',, ' " kii( JELLO sii)i,r,. _, 4 Pkgs. 29c Fancy Tomatoes, 2 pounds for --.---.-.---35c Fresh Beets, 3 Bunches .--...---.__-._l3c Red Ripe Watermelons, each.,..--..,): Fancy Canteloupes, l" 2 for-r-jc New White Irish Cob'ler Potatoes, 10 Lbs...---.37c Fancy California Cherries, per Lb.------29c Quart Size per Doz. Jar lubbm HASO'N Beverage Pint Size " t1ri1l?1,_E_wEtrrERN DIVISION. has]! Fruits _ j Plus Deposit Quart Bottles Hydro}: 1° $1.05 ' Jllitrttnhiiiii- 2n? 1 Mrs .Irene Harrison and son, Jack, of Battle Creek, Mica. spent several days last week with her parents, Mrl and Mrs. John T. Landls. Miss Helen [Andie returned to Battle M with than to spend the re- mainder of the summer. Robert Beck, who has been visit. ing in Winnipeg, Canada, returned work at the Honeywell Studio. wor kat the Honeywell Studio. - Walter caAarGtiiaii"ifi'a, on Sunday from the Victory Memorial mum. IN in alowly improving.. NASH MOTOR SALES VISIT THE NASH DISPLAY AT DIAMOND LAKE . ON COMMUNITY DAY Tuesday, July " 1ltiLNiiiiag aus. PM and . - 'moUd Meats 4. Fresh Dressed Broilers Pound 45c Chuck Pot Roast, Pound -"----r------- 250306 No. l Skinned Hams, choice of Swift's, Wil- son's or Armour's; half or whole; Lb. _._.__...,32c Legs of Lamb Center Ham Slices, Pound --.-_vt9c Irish Brand Bacon, half or Whole. Lb._C33e Open Display of Nash Products Libertyville, Illinois FRUIT Quart Size Pint Size guart 312C per Doz. 85c Super Suds 'achges for Mr. amt Mrs. Philip Strand Ind son, Robert, motored to Wisconsin Rapids Wednesday to attend the fun- eml of a cousin of Mrs. Srand, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison K. Josef. Mrs. Lena Poinsetti, Charles Poin- setti, of Fort Wayne, Ind., visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Bernard went to Scaererville, Ind., Mondsy to attend the funeral of a close friend. Miss Mary Newdort. Mr (Additional Local; and Mrs. F'refgoeueim' sevisAj HE an Page EIGHT)