A . Mrs. Mabel Pearce of Evanston, and Fred . Crittenden, of Kearney, Neb., visited Saturday at the Woodin home. The latter is an did neighbor of the Woodins, and is on his way to visit 'his daughter in Ann Arbor, Michigan. . t The Community Club of Diamond Lake will meet Friday night at Ray Pavilion: | The 2orseshoe pitching «conte.t will begin at 7:30. Mr. Rogers has been quite ill tor the past two weeks . Mr. and Mrs. Cassius Mason and -- childres, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Towner, . Aifred Hoefling and Mrs Harrie: -- King, of Chicago, were callers Sun-- day at the Fred Towner home. _' Dr. J. Hastie Odgers, Dist. Supt., will be present Sunday, July 14, at morning service, at which commun-- ion wil be observed. The quarterly conference will be held after the churclh services. It is desired that all members of the caurch, and any intrested -- in the welfare of the church, be present. Additional News Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stoerp and chil-- dren, of Crystal Lake, ;pent Sunday with Mrs. Sophia Towner.| Mr. and Mrs. George Gehrke and family of Crystal Lake, spent Sunday aftermoon in ti1e Woodin home. Mr. and Mrs. George Meiska, of Berwyn: and Mrs. Myers, of Cicero, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luebkemano, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ryder of Mun delein; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alkofe: of Libertyville, and Mr. and Mr,. Rob ert Cooper were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thorngren at Hawthorn Farm Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Norris of Chicago, spent the week end with the latter's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-- ert Cooper., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost, Mrs. Hir-- am O«t of Chicago, Mrs. Pegiow and daughter of Rockford, visited rela~ tives here Sunday. _ Shirley Mills is visiting her grand-- mother, Mr.. A. 0. Rockenbach, at Crystal Lake. | _ _ _ o Little Rose Mary Hansen _ sang "Jesus Bids Us Shine" very sweetly at the morning service Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs .Earl Kane entertain-- ed Mr. and Mrs. Percy Andrews ,of Chicago, at dinner Sunday. William Coupert 'has been visting-- ing hbis parents in Pinkneyville. Mr and Mrs. Ernest CGlift enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, and children from Chicago, Wednesday. The McFarlands formerly lived on Hawthorn Farm, and are now mak-- ing their home in Chicago, after re siding in Pennsylvania for a number of yvears. _ Ellis Evans of Hawthorn Farm, spent Sunday with his cousins, Wil-- liam and Jame, Clift. . Rev and Mrs. Walter Scheuerman were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colley in Mun-- delein. Mrs Fred Lindahl, of North Cai-- cago, formerly Miss Degenhart, who taught school at Hawthorn, called on Mro. Lewis Mills Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kahe and children, Marjory and Roger, are en-- joying a motor trip through ~lowa, Minpebota and Wi,.consin.. They will visit Mr. Kane's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Addington, in Osage, lowa ,and also an aunt of Mrs. Kane, Mrs John Albrecht, in Glencoe, Minn. Earl Goodman's mother, who has been spendin gthe past year witi her daughter in 'Michigan, has returned to the Goodman home, where she will now reside. _ . ~ Mr. and Mrs. Oberg, of lowa, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Walter Scheuermann Sunday, and atended our churda .ervices. George Heinsohn and Anna Irvine visited their cousin, Mrs. _ Ernest Haas, in Zion, Friday. Mrs. Angie Rou--e is visiting her son. Robert R. Rouse . ~ Miss Marie Marvel, of Waukegan, and Miss Yeoman attended. t2e clos-- ing exercise, of the daily vacation bible school here Friday evening. Miss Yeoman taught the primary de-- partment in the bible school last 'v'fi;:'~34abel Covert left Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends in Superior, Neb. > O yeat 'mir--.' a.ners Robert Rouse and Mrs. Harden Rouse motored to Wau-- kegan Monday. _ e ° Saturday, July 13, the Sunday schoo! will holida bakery sale on the church lawn at 2:30 p. m. Any do nations in the line, of vegetables, home baked goods, étc., will be ac-- ceptable. ° Mr. and Mrs. Stone of Chicago, George Novak and son of Waukegan, spent the fourth at tae Novak home. Miss Catherine Cahill and sister, of Eden, Wis. are attending the sum-- mer course at the University . of Colorado. u2 Mr. and Mrs. Charle, Ost and Car-- oline Ost, of Palatine, were callers Thursday on Mrs. Caroline Mitchell and Grandma Ost. Mrs. Caroline Mitchell, Mrs. Ernest Clift, Miss Sadoris and Miss Raw,on attended a luncheon Thursday at the Agard Rest Home. aes> Tae recreation program preceding the bible sthool program was . well attended and will be hm on Tuesday at the school The choir will have charge of refresh-- mendts. * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paulson of ZiOR, were entertained Thursday at the George Heinsohn home. -- The daily vacation bible schoot cloged a successful session, ending Wednesday. Te total enrollment was 27, and many wer perfect in at-- tendance. The demonstrations show-- ed a remarkable fund of knowledge of songs, bible stories and verses. The tiny tots dramatized the story of Moses, while the older pupils read original stories of African children, The handiwork displayed showed in-- zemuity and neatness. Serapbooks to be gent to African children display-- ed life of American people in the story and pictures of churches and echools modes of dress, life in win-- ter, etc.. The missiongary offering taken each day filled delightful little sewing kits to be used in the mis-- sionary fields. Anyone who withess-- ed the evening's program could not doubt the fact that the daily vace tion bible school is a worthy project and hat should be a yearly event. Mr and Mrs. J. J. Rouse of Loda, were dinner guests Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Caroline Mitchell In the afternoon they attended tae ded-- of the Mundelein village hall. x. and Mrs Earl Kane. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Holst motored (Continwed from Page SIX) From Mundelein Little Wallace Petersen had ta¢g misfortune to fH and cut a large gash in his face on Monday evening. | He was taken to the Highland Park hopital where it was'found necesgsary to sew it with four stitches. i Members of the Tuxis Society | held a beach party at Renard Park at Lake Zurich on Friday eveping. Each guest brought a basket lunch and tae outing was greatly enjoyed by all. -- l The members of the Mutual Club were guests of Miss Louise Huhn of Deerfield Avenue on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carr and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf spent the Fourth at the cottage on Lake Como, Wisconsin -- Miss Gerrude Roberts, of Racine and Wilson Olendorf, of Libertyville were their guests. Mrs. C. C| Opsahl, of Chicago, vis-- ited Miss Amelia Petersenp on Sun-- day afternoon. _9 We _ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hanner and little son are on a two weeks' motor trip. William Steinhaus has been on the sick list for the past week. . _ Florian Savage, the air pllot was visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Herbert Savage during tae past week. Miss Martha Karch came home from Augustana hbospital in Chica-- go on Wednesday. -- W k _ Eugene Ender was quite ill last week. Miss Helen Reichelt underwent a tonsil operation at the Hghland Park hospital on Wednesday. o Mrs. Campbell Gardner-- and chil-- dren, of Winona, Mo., and Mrs. G. Bolinyof North Chicago, were guests of Mrs. Ira Gardner, last week. The Deerfield Travelers, Miss El eanor Meyer, Mrs. Delbert Meyer and Miss Elizabeth Schilstra, have reacaed and visited Yellowstone Na-- tional Park and are now at Glacier Par, from where they will. go to Shel-- by Montana, to visit at the home of Same Hole and family. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Hofftman re turned from a visit with relatives in Peoria. . ® iR Miss Agnes Sullivan and Miss Ster ling of Highland Park, were guests of Mrs. Berry Devine on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. August Winters and son Ewald and Albert Roggow and Miss Coleman of Toledo, are visiting Mrs. Winters' sister at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. from CAI@AKO. _Albert Roggow is visiting his moth ' er at EauClaire for a few days. | Mrs. George Frey of McHenry is visiting at the home of her son,| Charles Frey. O l Mr. and Mrs. Carl Danhauser, of Madison were week end guests of the Jack Meyer family. Mrs. Dan-- aauser was formerly Miss Grace Rob bing. _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herrmann aud James# Patterson, of Chicago, visited Mr-- Herrmann's sister, Mrs. John Huwbl, on Sunday. Mrs.. Albert Roggow and daughbter were diurmers gues.. .4 "_r= S@taue!i Rockenbach on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson enter-- tained twentyfour relatives at din-- ner on July Fourth They were alli from Chicago. Wisconsin. | The Independent Social Club met Mrs. 'Ray Reeds entertained b°T at the home of Mrs. Ed Horenberger bridge' club at luncheon. on Tuesday, July 9. -- Miss Lueba Knigge has aCCePt®C | Guests at tie home of Mr. and a position with the Deerfléeld State ypg a J. Johnson are Mr. and Mrs. Bank. She began her work on M°"',wuter Anderson and two children, day. S s ;' of East Chicago Mrs. J. E. Muna left on Tuesda v ' for Hutchinson,. Kansas, to Vlsit m" the {iome of a son. Mrs. Munyp has been at the bome of her niece, Mrs ; H. G. Cazel for the past year. | Miss Barbara Huehl was soloist | when St. Stephens' choir sang ovex'! Station WUJJD on June 23. Miss Hu-- ebl also rendered several solo num-- Mrs, Minnie Whitcomb was at St | Joseph's hospital in Chicago, for ob | servation last week. On Saturday, | Mr. and Mrs. George Hardner and Mrs. John Huehl visited 'aer She returned to the home of her daugh / ter. MrS. Harder on Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt and Miss Barbara Huehl spenot Wednes-- day in Dwigat Ill. Miss Pauline Thompson is visit-- mg:lltiv. in Aledo, Ill. Barl Frost, of Pontiac, Mich., spent the Fourth with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Harry Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Marshall and | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marshall and tam-- | ily, of Chicago, visited Mrs!: John Hucsh!, last week ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilkiam Schinlebeér, who have spent the past year vu.h' relatives in Ilowa, are expected back in Deerfleld on Sunday. Taey will| Tuesday evening. -- Wilson Olendort and Winfred W1+ son, of Libertyville, visited at the C. A. Wolf home on Monday eve-- Leslie Brand spent tie Fourth at Saginaw, Mich., with his family. Mr. and Mrg. Harry Olendort and Mrs. W. B Carr visited Mrs Carr's sister, Mrs. Lowise Olson, of Chicag» The Segert, Lange, Stryker and Cazel families helkd a picnic at Round Lake on July fourth. There were twenty--eight in the party. 8 located in their own home on Btreot. Mr. and Mrg. Harry Qiendor Mrs. W. B Carr visited Mrs C sister, Mrs. Lowise Olson, of Ch on Monday evening. Mr., and ~Mrs. ~Bd. Therrien family, of Highland Par, wer guests of Mr. and Mrs: Fred N On Sunday. Miss" Anna Kiest, of Shelby, tana, visited at the home of M _ The H. G. Cazel family enjoyed a family reunion and picnic at the Forest Preserve last week. _ -- TPr. and Mrs. John Doe are enter-- taining company this week. Harold Foungs, of Todd Court is in the hospital in Chicago, suffering with an attack of rndl«. The Yougn People's Circle of the Bungalow church enjoyed a hike on Mr., and Mrs. ~Bd. Therrien and family, of Highland Par, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs: Fred Meyer On Sunday. Miss" Anna Kiest, of Shelby, Mon-- tana, visited at the home of Mrs. R Sherman, on Sunday. Harvey Stryker, of Wilmington, Del., iJs visiting relatives here. Milton Franzt and family are en-- joying a motor trip thru the Past. -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sryker are on a visit to Canada. They will spend a whort time witi relatives there. Mr. and Mres. Wilson Hummel, of Freepor, are guests of Rev. and Mrs. Miss Lorraine Weigle is on the al¢k Hst. ty _1 Mrs. Alex Willman, Mrs. H. B. Kress, Mrs. R Greenslade and Rich ard Kress left Sunday to attend the wedding of their cousin and niece, © The Arthur Cashmore family and Harold Giss are on a fishing trip to Tomahawk Lake, Wisc. Col, and Mrs. Littletield of EBvans-- ton, spent the fouorth with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clift and family. NEWS FROM DEERFIELD | A group of frends suprised Elmer Schmidt on July 4 The visiting itum: were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sau-- frank and daughter Ruth, Mrs. Min-- | nie Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. George Sampson and daughter Betty, Mr _ and Mrs, Arthur Schmidt and sons and Miss Florence Atkins, of °Chi-- Mr. and Mrs. Berry Devine and son, Mrs. Love and Mrs. Gunkle, were guests of Miss Julia Carrol}, of Lake Forest, Thursday. | The Misses Beatrice and Dorothy Dow and John Dow are visiting rela-- tives at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bysick and Robert Mann, of Rock Island were Sunday guests at the Jack Meyers Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pettis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muwhlke, Mr and Mrs. Car Anderson and daughter Dorothy Vean, spent Sunday at Geneva, I!l. They attended the Geneva--Deerfileld Gun Club meet. P Mr. and Mrs. A. Montavyon motor-- ed to She boygan on Monday, Re-- guests at the Montayon ome were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pence and daughter Evelyn. They were en-- route to Minneapolis. The FHdwin Johnson family, Mrs. George Pettis and the Gatham fam-- ily, of Arlington Heights, Sunday. . on Miss Grace Dolan of Hot Springs, is the guest of Mrs. B. Minorini for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Knagge attended the Gun Club meet at Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hempsted are taking ap auto trip thru the East. Miss Sally McKellar, of Fargo, N. D Tae Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will meet with Miss Sadie Galloway on July 18. Mrs. F. P. Mntng will have charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wessling, of Grand Junction, lowa, visited rela-- tives in Deerfield on Friday. . Mrs. A. Krause entertained Fri-- day in compliment to Mrs. George Stenchin, of Cailcago. EHight men from Deertield repre sented the local gunciub at Geneva. Iil., on Sunday at the fourth meeting of he season of the Northern lllinois Amateur Trap _ Shooters'; League Deerfield shooters did well, but 3 other clube did better, so Deerfield stood at fourth place tha day. They frave stood second at two meeings and tied for first at anotber. The nex shoot will be held at Barrington on July 28. Deerfield and Lake Forest base ball teams held a very interesting game on the Deerfield diamond, last Sunday. Deerfield won with a score o 9 to 2. Mrs. J. Mentzer is quite ill She has been in the hospital, but is now at home. Mre. Anna Kamschuite, DMstrict Deputy of the Royal Neighbors, was the guest of Mrs. Henry Juhrend on Monday. . -- La Amitie Societie was entertain ed by Miss Vivian Haggie on Mon day evening. Mark, he little son of Mr. and Mrs W. K. Hout, is ill with tonsiliti«. Applet Mr.: and Mrs. George Cummings bave moved into the Bruggman res Idence. Mr. Cummings is connected with tae telephone company Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pettis have| moved into their new house. Mrs | EHlizabeth Kent has moved back into ber house vacated by Mr and Mrs.| Pettis. | Mrs. Robert Pettis entertained het sewing club on Tuesday evening. Mrs. B. J. Dickens of Pdgewater. was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr, on Sunday Mrs Robert Pettis is assisting the bhistorical pageant o be given in Northbrook on Northbrook Day,» in August. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Stromrg en tertained at bridge on Friday eve ning, in compliment to taeir house guests from New York. Mr and Mrs. Herman Weigert, of Rosemond, IIl.. spent the Fourth a the home of their daughter, Mrs Elizabeh Cooksey. _ Miss Berniece Tucker, of High land Park, spen Tuesday with Mrs C. T. Anderson. PUPIHILS OF MISS BIEDERSTADT MVE A RECITAL Pupils of Miss Frances Bieder-- stadt, gave a piano recital at the Presbyterian church on Monday eve-- ning. The auditorium of the church was well filled with interested lis-- teners. Twentyseven numbers were given. The younger pupils appear-- ed first on the program and played very prettily, showing excellent ex-- pression and rhythm. nating comumittee, consisting of Mrs. George Briggs, Miss Luela Knigge und Mrs. Alex Wiliman to submit a report for the election of officers at the August meeting. Members who bave suggestions for candidates O AUXILIJIARY s Deerfield American Legion Auxil--] fary hbeld its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. George Briggs,| on Monday evening, July 8, with the:| President, Mrs. Harry Mau, presid--| tor offic, are requested to communi-- cate with some member of the Com-- mitte at an early date. . The Auxiliary decided o give away a cedar cheut and its contents at the Leglon carnival and the Aug-- The second part of t're program was given by more advanced pupils. The solo numbers, duets and quar-- tet numbers were very enjoyable as well as novel. The Auxiliary voted to enter .a| subscription to the National De--' fense Magazine for the Deerfield' MRS GEBORGE BRIGGS The report of the delegates to the National Defense meeting in Chica go, on June 14 was heard and ac-- phone that great bouquets of peo-- nies had been taken to the Great Lakes' hospita) and were immensely -;md by he patients president appo! Mrs. Jacobson reported by tele--! | by he patients there. president appointed a nomi LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929. in _ The pastor has been granted by > in the Official Board of the church, a month's vacation. Tais time will be »p.| apent at the Winnona Sehool of The-- y Ology, Winnona Lake, Indiana, where ise | Rev. Johnson is taking work. tor his . Master's Degree. bostesses, Mrs, George Briggs and Mrs. William Tennerman. s chest shower, with each member bringing at least one gift to be put in the chest. After th adjournment of the meet-- ing, a wocial hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served by the A group of Mr, Wilgon's friends, from Deerfield and the North Shore, euprised the bridal couple, kiddap ped trem and took them for a ride about town. They were serenaded enroute and the party finally wound up at the barbeque shop for refresh-- ments and dancing, Fifty guests woere present to con-- gratulate he newly weds and bid thtm welcome to Deerfieki. DEERFIELD GAL THREE .. ... .. CLARENCE WILSON wWEDS MISS8 KATHERINE WISE Clarence Wilson, one of the prop-- rietors of the Deerfield Meat Market, was married to Miss Katherine Wise a Olny Hill on Jup 24. Mr. Wilson and his bridt are both of that city. They came to Deerfield on the fol-- lowihg Thursday, o their home in the Wessling apartment. LIBRARY NOTES In the library you will find Books for every frame of mind : Gad--day hbooks, sad--day books, Books to make you gay or wise, Office books, shop 'room books, Boks to make your pay check rise. Out door books, in door books, Books of tales of sea and land, Funny books, sunny books ' Fairy tales and pirate's band. . Boyhood books, manhood books, Books for golden youth and age, Camping books, tramping books, Books for child and books for sage. Recent donations to the Library a roe : "Stoddard's Photograpaic Views," and other good books by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Koeblin. "Home Builder's Catalogue," by the Mercer Lumber Co., and «Deerfield History" by the American Legion Post. This chburch will offer another rare treat in music this fall, when a concert will be given by the Metro-- politan Cheoir, of Chicago. Tais choir is composed of one hundred ecolored singers. Their concer of Ne-- gro Suirituals will be well worth hearing, watch for anpouncements of the date and place. We LIBRARY RULES These rules are made that the L.i-- brary may be of the greaatest use to all its patrons. Books may be kept for two weeks and may be renewed for the same period, unless reserved. Magazines may be kept two weeks, but cannot be renewed. [ EVANG. BUNGALOW CHURCH Rev. A. 1. Johnson, Minister 9:45 a. m., Sunday school,. in charge of Mr. A. Merner, superin-- tendent. 11 a. m., worship and sermon 7 p. m., Christian Endeavor. 8 p. m, Evening service Ilast Sunday evening, our people bad the rare privilege of bearing Mr. Robert -- LaMar, a nuationally known singer and lecturer, one of the outstanding artists of America. Having studied under Caruso, Mr. LaMar knows and can s#ng all kinds of miisic, but hbe loves to sing only Books may be renewed by mail or telephone, by notifying the Librarian of tre title and date due. the best. He has been referred to as> '"'Tae Caruso of Gospe! Singers." He was accompanied at the piano by Miss Mable Woodard, who was plan-- bist at the Adams Stret Church, Chi cago, during Rev. Johnson's pastor-- ate. We regret that arrangements for this service were made too lae to advertise it, but we have the promise tbhat Mr. La Mar will come lfiln his fall so that the people of Deerfield will have an opportunity of Learing him It is hoped that fhis service can be held in the school auditorium. . Monday July 15 Miller Brothers' 101 Ranch Real Wild West, the greatest of all wild west srz0ws, past or preséent, and The date on which a book is due will be found stamped on the slip facing the pocket. -- this season, under the personal di-- rection of Colonel Zack Miller, is headed this way and wil exhibit for two performances, at 2 and 8 p. m., in our neighboring city Waukegan, on Monday, July 15, at the Grand Avenue show grounds. * Tw cents a day is charged for a book kept overtime. AM loses or injury beyond reéason able wear and tear must be prompt ly adjusted. « One of the great features of the coming 101 Ranch will be the two-- mile long street parade, which will leave the lot on exhibition day at 10:80 a. m., and traverse taru the main streets of the city. The Miller Brothers, who own the famous 140,000 acre 101 Ranch in Oklahoma, have added to it a great many Oirous fealures and novelties hardly dreamed of in the old days. Yes, there are elephants, camels, but-- falo, oxen, longborns with the 101, and the long orange--colored stock cars gtbo trains bring 600 horses, bron , Arabian stallions, blodded jumpers and flat racers, ring steeds, mustangs, outlaws, Chinese and Cos-- sack cavalry mounts. Any reasonable pumber of books may be taken at the same time. Borrowers are asked to notify the librartan of changes of address. and the cowboys and cowgiris are of champion rating in rough riding, broncho busting, roping and ln' budl-- dogging, There are 1,100 peope with the 101 and the spread of can-- vas, inc ¥Vie huge rectangular big top, with its opera chair grand-- satand and auxiliary tiers, seating 12,-- 600 people, cover nine acres. * skins with the huge western troupe, 101 Ranch Show Lewis and Clark Notes Among many other valuable doc-- un-- edited field notes of the Lewis and a?'r:uexpedmoa. says the society's n. Famous Indian chiefs and warriors WAUCONDA PUTS ON CELEBRATION N DOCTOR'S OFFICE Whuconda, a small winter time village (which swells its population during the summer months, but nev-- er to the ext@ut that one physictan, Dr. J."A. Ross, can't keep them all well and happy, put on a Fourth of July celebration in Dr. Ross' office yesterday and as a result Dr. Ros® is today resting up from over time duty for the holiday. & Dogs | Bite, Fire Crackers < Burst in Hands and Fish Hooks Enter Bare Feet. About everything in the category of accidents and injury parade through his office to receive his ex-- pert ln& tender care. It started late Wednesday after-- ncon when Miss Ellen Hauri a nurse in Chicago, stepped out of a taxi at the honie of her parents in Wau-- conda to spend the holiday, The big police dog, belonging to the folks, leapt on her and bit Her se-- verely in the left hand. Dr. Ross canterized the wound and the dog is locked up under observation. I, A. J. Crawford, Cag'iier of the State flutl;ot lake Zurich, do solemnly swear that the abové statement is true to best of my knowledge and uu«.mputmiuumumwmmmmm umudetl'mnuchownhm t made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, l te of Illinois, pursuant to l@w, § ' | -- A. J, CRAWFORD, Cashier. BSTATB OF ILLJNOIS, COUNTY OF LAKB, as: _ Wodn#sdny night there was a party going on at the home of Charles: Mavis in Wauconda and Mrs. Frank Lageschulte of Barring-- tor was a guest. During the--course of the 'evening, Mrs. Lageschuite learned against the basement door, it few open and she plunged down the steps. Dr. Ross dressed a bad eut on her right leg, a bruise on her whoulder, and a bad bump on the back of her head. Stanley Jepson spent the past week, at the home of '1is uncle in Ringwood. | Mrs. Cl::a Cook spent a few days reeently with friends in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs, Charls Daviin have moved to the Weelock farm. George igge was a business call-- er in Mundelein on Thursday eve ning. } + During the early morning rain on the Fourth, Ruth Colfield of 2324 Roseland avenue, Chicago, was cele-- brating at the summer home of her family near Wauconda and a fire cracker went off in her hand. Dr. Ross dreéessed two badly burned fin-- Little 10 year'® old Joan Crawford of 1723 Hgdlnx avenue, Chicago was shooting Pire crackers out at Wau-- ronda vgre she was on an all day plenic e was a bit abesnt--mind-- ed and l':rer lighting a fire cracker, she threw away the punk instead of the firecnecker. Dr. Ross dressed 4 bad burn in the palm of her hand Arthur Johnson, 2714 Lawrence avenue, Chicago, was diving in the lake and a stone got in the way of his head. | Dr. Ross sewed up a cut In his s¢éalp and dressed a bad bruise on his shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rosecrans and daughter, Dorothea of 408 North Fifth avenue, Maywood, were driv-- ing thmu;'h Wancondg& on their way to spend the day at Griswold Lake. They weer crowded off the road and Into a treg and Mrs. Rosecrans was _ Betty Darby of 2%6%2% Broadway, Chicago, was in bathing and stepped on & broken bottle. Dr. Ross dressed a deep gash in her foot thrown thfiouxh the windshield. Dr. Ross took |ten stitches in a cut over her nose and took care of small cuts and bruis¢es on other members of the party. + Mrs. W. Schick of 1309 North Ma-- son eaveriue, Chicago, was in a swim-- ming party with her family. After swimming about for a ~time, Mrs. Schnick |returned to the family car to dress| She kneeled down iz the tack of the car and a needle went into the knee and broke off,. Dr. Ross had to lance the wound to re-- move the plece of stee} needle. Mrs. A}nna Smig! and hber daugh-- ter, Anita, of 2431 South Lawndale evenue, Chicago, were walking along the street in Wauconda and as they iss :2 *Ne ®*~s ci-- Al. Cybher, the Cypher police dog dashed arvos. the house, lunged at them and bit both the| woman and her daughter in their jeft legs before they were beaten off. Dr. Ross cauterized the wounds gnd the dog is locked . up under observation ! Ruth Swensen, the ® year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L B. Swensen of Wauconda, was paddling around bare footed and ran out the back doar of the home. Her brother had left a fish hook on the porch. Dr. Ross had to cut the hook out of the ball of the baby's foot. Located at 209th day the State WAUCONDA a 'Deposits (5b) Total Liabilities. Bonds and Securities (5).... on Collaterab Security (62) Loans (6bD)......_____________. on Real Estate (6¢)........_--_ (T) | «revenscemecmenmecnenconneucnnetqenentamepnecenses Ltu!'iom. Furniture and Fixtures (9) Lake Zurich, State of Hlinois, at the close of business on the of June, 1929, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of of IMMincis, pursuant to law. )ther Cash Resources nn: Due from Banks (1, 2 3) .$ 38,015.88 Bonds and Securities (5)......_____________._..clcclc $7,666.95 ;of:"m (Net) (3) State Bank of Lake Zurich esworn to | (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of (ba) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kammes, of Wheaton, were callers here on Mon-- day evening. Mrs. Henry Krueger, Mrs. Leslie Turobull and Mrs. Harry Grantham spent Monday afternoon witr Mrs. Lorettz Seymour. Tuesday Mr and Mrs. Asa Crabtree of Cary, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. J; Cook On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Potter and sons and Roy Kruger, were Wauke gan' callers on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frazier, of / School of _ Military Palatine, called on relatives here on t the university. Friday. . . been taken to add Ronald Geay, of Gilmer, called | ;yexistant curriculum in on relatives here on Monday and | '}fineeflf\_z and Prof. ust 22 | *# Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hicks and Billy Rawling of Libertyyille, were recent callers at the H. E. Hicks home. George Deinlein and son George, were Cary callers on Monday af-- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Hapke Canehter, were Elgin callers on day M -- Mr. and Mrs. George Foote and George Dacey were Waukegan call-- ers on Monday evening. and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Lou Geary at Lake Zur-- ich. Earl Strang, of Waukegan was a caller here on Sunday. Myron Francisco an? rihter' Mrs. Alden Werden were McHenry callers on Monday. Miss Ilene Maether has returned to her home in Libertyville, after visiting with relatives and friends here for the past week. Mrs. Alice .Geary and daughter, spent Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. F. Meyer, at McHeunry. -- . (Mrs. Verne Langdon and daughter of River Forest, called on Mrs. L H. Grantham on Friday. Mrs C. K Woerden and Mrs A} bert Gossell and son Franklin were McHenry callers on Monday Mrs. Lillie Toynton «@nd daughter Neva,'called on relatives at McHen-- ry, recenty. _--The next O E. 8 meeting --will bej bheld on July 11 after which, ad-- journment will be made until Aug-- Mrs. Grace Moflett has returned aome after -- having spent several months in Chicago. "How did we Silent Shift 'Transmission?" say the owners of the new im im im d im d d im AMbiim im db db db dn div db dA Aim. dbiv. AMiiv db --because of Cadillac--trained craftsmen--guaranteed work--prompt delivery--standardized prices. And every Cadiliac representative delivers this uniform service gladiy--in every part of the country. Why CHADILLA'C can, and D(_)es_Rende_r_ a better Service /sERVICE\ permanent satisfaction of Cadiliac and La Saile owners. On the foundation stone of Cadilisc Nation--wide Service. are placed the fundamental and exclusive mechanical advantages of 1929 Cadiiiacs and La Salles. And these are surmounted by a distinct beauty of line and color that completes the Cadiliac program for the Jw TA e mmmrtrarcccsssccscs -- 1§1#0798 ever get along without ... $204,298.71 .. 15,000.00 -- _ 1,391.69 --_. _ 8 8§1.17 $294,298.71 24,775.00 152,351.60 $1,76960 117,687.87 415 South Genesee St. Waukegan 120 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS 119.78 ©,610.00 McCORMICK MOTOR SALES | * CADILLAC®S . La SALLES®S FLEETW OODS INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. is spending the sum-- t _3 studying airports, ginning a course in ~.s.ucering. Prof. M. OXR. 1 Mile East of Round Lake, 1 Mile West of Grays Lake, on the farm known as the Fred Battershall Place, on the Round Lake Road, on Saturday, July 13 6 Good Milch Cows 2 Horses Full Line of Farm Machinery, ALEX ANDERSON mt'r'vé UUIHG uv ue the year. The climate ral part of Illinois is not this year--round instruc-- carried on." > government help,--»Presf-- r sald "development of 1 work hbere in an ade wWuuld reqture & l8bora-- t, for sultable building ent, not less than $250,-- ririmum. Its operation bly cost $50,000 a yeer." d out that other inter-- itinually calling for de-- f their work at the nd that proposed pro-- ted in revent months o the expenditure an-- ximately $400,000 and i1 expenditure approxi-- '00,000. . On this ac-- d, a gift of half a mil-- 'or construction of the 1d partial endowment vould be the best solu-- AUCTION SALES COMPANY, Mgr. commencing at 1 p. m., the following: of meronautics at the not new. During the 3,625 young men at-- School of _ Military t the university. AUCTIO N Cadillac Silent Shift Transmission is one of the most important mechanical developments in nearly 30 years of motoring. You operate the Silent Shift as you do the standard transmission. But you have no fear of strip-- ping gears or even of noisy, disagreeable clashing. And this valued advantage is yours whether you change gears at slow speed or high, up or down, on hill or level. The Silent Shift permits women to handle a big car easily. It celiminates finally a troublesome difficulty of long standing. . Proprietor FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer. _*_ of the pedal stops your car. 5 An even more rowbrful and smoother running Cadilliac -- built, 90 -- degree, V--type 8. 6 Wonderfully casy steering. 7 Adjustable front seat places brake and clutch pedals within easy reach of any ___ driver. 3 Pneumatic control principle applied to Fisher bodies assures quietness. 9 Chromium plated exterior nickel parts provide permanent sheen. l0 Nation--wide service--Cadillac Service. Silent Shift Transmission permits gear changes at any speed without Smartness and style, inside and out. Security--Plate Glass in all windows means safety. Duplex Four--Wheel Brakes--a touch ~TTaveiing foffy--Tire miles per hour when there was no danger involved, A "short course on wheels" will roll away from here September 3 taking a gorup of interested Jllinois poultry raisers to Ilndiana and Ohio where they plan to learn the secrets of successful poultrymen in those states. It will be the second annual tour sponsored by the college of agriculi-- ture, University of lIllinois,. The trip will be made by motor coach, and will cover three days,. H. H. Alp. poultry extension specialist, is in charge. in announcing plans, Alp pointed out that the $20 to $25 cost of the trip has been spent time and again by poultrymen for poultry medicine and cure alls to no avail. ~Chief among the walues of the trip will be in steing how commercial poultry-- men control Cigeases and parasites '*----~~5 eaewiratinn and h_vgiene, he ILLINOISPOULTRY RAISERS WILL TOUR INDIANA AND OHIO Trip Will Be Sponsored by _ College of Agriculture of State University Page Seven lled ady d&r, ersen yville game Bged. wd a yville & for anual rush 1 out lay at--