teM 6 t;oi; zon and wife, Mr. and rs. Cariton Rushmore, from Chi cago Sunday. LC L2 SEsererey y' i Ee PX EOOE 0 Mr. and Mrg. Manzer wer week end visitors at the suwmer home of Mrs. Frank Hess. -- Mrs. George MAyJPOi@ Culciimn®" several friends ap luncaeon and brideg at her summer home on Ion gleside Shore Thursday evening. The prize winners were Mrs. An thony Bassi, first; Mra. Walter Hamberger, second, and Mrs. How-- ard Scott, the consolation. 1 Oy 103 02 Aaus Mr. and Mrs. the proud parents Friday, July 27¢+bh William Klein is !8*® new Pontiac. Mrs. Harry Maypole at a luncheon and bridge honor of Mr. and Mrs. h d son, of Inglewood, Calif winners we.e: Mrs. K. ] Mrg. George Maypole, | Mrs. Jack Fergusson, Mrs. Tergusson has been Sophia Blair. Mrs. John Walsi and daugh}er, Bernadine, were Waukegan visitors Friday. Now, Waddy, what is the my, fery? 1 @ave received several items this week all about you and a cer-- tain party. Here is one of them : "Waddy Wadsworth, famous driver for Niles Taxi, took a certain party out riding Thursday night." sisters Mike Fasolitos met cith quite & serious accident Friday.on route 21, near Libertyyville: His car ran oft the. pavement an in getting back on skidded and crashed into another auto. Luckily no one was geriously injured, aithough both cars were bad'y damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klin and fam ily motored to Arlington Heigits on Sunday and c&lled on Mrs. Klein's piece. From there they drove to Racine, Wis. Additional News From Round Lake "Secrétax'y of State William J. Stratton is spending a few days at bis home bere. Wm, ®rost motored to Kenosha Monday to visit bhis brother, Nick, who was isjured in an automobile ac-- cldent Sunday at Volo. Chas. Reed accompanted him. Nick Frost was visiting his mother at Volo Sunday, and while crossing the road to pur-- caase some ice cream was struck by an autgmobile, receiving a deep cut which required several stitches, and ma . caises. He was taken to his home in Kesosha .and will not be abie * &st around for about one monts. IN ews of the Week Fron Miss Joyce Eeleen Mutter, of Chi-- cago is visiting Evelyn and Donald Merritt this week. Ed Kelley and Richard Gleason of Chicago, spent Sunday at the Archie Rosing bome. Velma Fius und Warren McFeeley of Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Deller Des Jardins and children Charlotte and Harold. Mr. and Mrs. George Erbhardt and soun Rarl, ot Oak Park, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Towers and son Warrep of Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Sug-- gar of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robertson and little daughter Tor-- chy, of lLakewood. Ohio, spent Sun-- day on & plcuic at Beverly Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drummond and daughters, Ruthie and Jane, and L. A. Fitz motored up into Wisconsin Sunday. Miss Ruth McKay of Chicago spent Friday at the John Daley home. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Frost of Keno sha visited with friends and reatives jere Sunday. * * Bobbia Rosing, Ed Kelley and Richard Gleason motored to Burling-- ton, Wis. Sunday, to visit the camp for crippled boys. Mrs. Floyd Renechan of Genoa City, Wis., spent Thursday at the George Renehan bhome. . _ Mrs. Henry Merritt of Genoa, is spending a week | ith ber son, Hea-- ry Merritt. u: T P DW L2 4e 00 i n _ Celia Rosing spent Monday eve-- ning with Margaret Curran at Woos-- Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Page and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lesliey Page and chi} dren, all of Chicago, spent Sunday at the Jim Curran home Mrs. A. J. Imith, Mrs. Milford Smith attended the "Follies of 1929" at the Genesee Theatre in Waukegan Friday afternoon. Lucile Rosing and Henry Hone man motored to Libertyyille Monday evening. Mrs. Bud Frosto of Wauconda, and mother, Mrs. Catherine Frost, o Volo, visited at the Wm. Huson and Wwm. Frost homes Monday. . Little Jack and Mary Frost return-- ed bhome Monday, after wisiting for three woeeks with relatives in Chi-- qago and Berwyn. Bob Lempker of Ohicago _ spent Wednesday at the Archie Rosing Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nuff, of Elgin, spent Sunday afternoon at the John Daley home. Mrs. Horn of Chicago is spending a few days at the Gifford> White Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rushmore en-- Fred Campbell was & Round Lake caller Wednesday evening. Mrs. Seth Honkle and granddaugh-- ter, Anpnette, returned to her home in Emporia, Kansaso, after spending a couple of weeks at the J. A. Killey bhome. Mrs. T. J. Riley and daughter, Le-- ona, spent Wednesday evening at the Claus Jung home. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cashmore. Mr. and Mrs. Toney Waubaugh and son, Lesley, visited a tthe Fred Behrens bomg Monday evening. Personal Items of Local Interest | (Continued From Page Two) |nd' y Maypole entertained . and bridge Tuesday, in and Mrs. Jack Fergus wood, Calif. The prize +o Mrs. H. Miller, first; Maypole, second, and ergusson, consolation. on bhas been visiting her George Koeth and Mrs. of & the owuer of bov, boro on The card party give nby the Cath-- olic Ladies at The Ow Monday was well attended. Miss Olive Rhoade,, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrg. Thomas Rhoades in Lake Villa. EKdward Peno 'ras returne home from the hospital. Mrs .George Koeth was hostess at a luncheon and bridge party Thurs-- day afternoon. The lucky ladies were Mrs. Anthony Bassi, first; Mro. Vera Redmond ,of Springtfield, see ond, and Mrs. George Maypole, the consolation. Mrs. Joseph Cusker announces the engagement of her daughter, Marga-- ret M., to Leslie Russell, of Lake Villa. --The young couple will be married this month. Miss Gladys Chellius and _ O|ga Hammershay, of Chicago, spent Fri day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Che lius at Long Lake. Edward Seaver and family have returned from a trip to the Yellow: stone National Park and California. Taey were week end visitors at the bhome of Mr. Stewart's sister, Mrs. Wanda Bennett. Miss Alice Rushmore and Stanley Robus attended a show in Wauke gan Monday evening. Mrs. Romell and family and Mrs. Rhinehart, of Chicago, are spending two weeks witn Mr. and Mrs. John Pike. Mrs3. Pik and her visitors are spending Thursday --at Wauconda, with Mrs. Staecker, who was A scaoolmate of the three ladies. Mrs. J. D. Kelly, who has been very i1 in a Chicago hospital, has returned bome, and we wish her a quick recovery. Mrs. Earl Rusbmore and Mrs. Frank Stanton were Chicago shop pers Wednesday. Mrs. Kruse .o0f Park Ridge, and Mrs .Albert Chelius motored 1to Wheaton and Aurora Wednesday. The Inglegide Ladies® Aid will hold their bazaar:--in the Ingleside Town Hall August, third. Mrs. E. C. Miller, Mr# Caas« Jor-- genson, Mrs. Frank Stanton, Mre. Thomas Crilly and Mrs. Edward Lar-- kin are among the ladies who will have booths at the summer carnival for St. Bede's church Monday we saw the hope chest and its lovely contents, to be given away to some one at the carnival. Mrs. Raymond Walsh, who been quite ilL, is improvin« Mr. and Mrs. L A. Fits and Harri-- son Gilbert motored to the H. H Minor home at Long Lake, and also to Grayslake Monday evening Vede Schmeltzer has returned to her uome at Syzgmmore, after spend-- ing a week with ber mother, Mrs. Maud Thompson. While going out to the barn about five o'cock in the morning, Roy Davia saw smoke rolling out of the garage. Oriening the door he saw his Ford truck ablaze, which in a short time would have caused much w The fire burned tae cab off the truck. The origin of the fire was croased wires, It is believed. Mrs. John Mitchell and daughters, Mary and Anna, of Chicago, is spend-- ing a few days with her sister in LA W Mrs. Martha Frost. Henry Honeman and Celia Rosing motored to McHenry Friday evening. _ Otto ;reigtmeyer. _eollector for the Illinols Bell Telephone Co , was bere on business Tuesday. -- _ Florence Wagner spent Tuegday with Velma Fit:. -- Mrs. Mary Cashmore and daughter Mamie Lesley Behrens, and Rudy Adams of Waukegan, spent Sunday at tae Jack Cashmore home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundgren and children of Long Lake, were busi-- ness callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fraok Drummond and daughters, Rutaie and Jane, and L A. Fits spen} Sunday evening at the Art Shober home in Mundelein, and enjoyed a weeni,, roast. Mrés. Naomi MeCandless is spend-- ing a fe wdays at the H»rmn' home at Lake Geneva. The Round Lake Fire Dept. had its first opportunity to try out ghe new epparatus Tuesday aft;,r100y, at Stangon's Point, Ingleside, when three houses were burned. The fire was under control by the Fox Lake dyp "artment before the arrival of our boys. It took les,, than ten minuges for our fire Calef to get the truck out and his men ready, and out of town on the way to the fire Henry Honeman motored to Mc Henry Tuesday. -- i s Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thimpson and daughter, Veda Schmeltzer, at-- tended the boxing show at tthe Pal ace Friday vening. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ormsby of Gurnee called a tthe Jack Cashmore home bere Sunday. _ Mrs. Hedlay of Grand R ~/ds, Mich., is spnding a week wit. ner bro4ébher, Harry Merritt. Mrs. Maud Thompson, Mrs. Harry Merriott, Mrs. Henry Merritt of Ge noa, Mrs. Hedley of Grand Rapids, Mich., motored to Waukegan Tuas-- day afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merritt and children, Evelyn and Donald, Mrs. Hedley and Joyce Eilean _ Mutter motored to (Chicago Wefixelday eve MIDDENDORF IS -- OUT ON NEW WRIT F. L. Middendorf, former automo-- blle sales agency owner at Antioch, was released on a writ of habeas corpus signed before Judge Edward Shurtle: through Attorney George Field. Midgendort was taken on a capiaies charging him with fallure to pay a $800 judgment under the debtors act. The petition is to be opposed at the final hearing by LitchBeld & Snyder, counsel for the Anance agency bolding the judg-- ment. _ Round Lake's New FireEngineArrives Round Lake is now assured of ad-- equate fire protection through ;tur-- carge of ong of the mos; modern and efficient pieces of fire fighting apparatus. Sunday morning the Peter Persch Co., Kenosha, Wis., de-- livered to the Round Lake firgy de-- partment one Oof their lagest out: fits. Chief Merritt was on hand to officially accept the new apparatus and to receiv, ins{ructions as to its operation. }fimdreds of people vie-- ited the fire headquarters Sunday to inspect and admire the apparatus, evaryone agreeing that Round Lake now ha, & fire fighging unit second to nobe in the country. The full purchase price of tae equipment was $6,000, which amount theg fire "epartment plans to ralisp, by popular subscription and ¢bhrough a series of dances, entertainments and other events. Donations total-- ling about $1,500 have aready b,en received, and other pledges on hand will help make ¢he ini{tial payment a substantial oneé. Some of the facts conc,,rning the new apparatus arg as follow.,: The six--cylinder, dual ignition motor will develop 92 horsepower; the pump ras a rated capacitycof 500 gallons per minute, but will daiver about 25 per ceot more tgan th4t in an emer Following investigations . of weeks in the Fox Laké . «: States Attorney -- Smith las: obtained temporary injune against six hote! and res'a owners in that district cha them with violations of the pr tory law. The injunctions | were six_n« County Judge P. L. Persons, dates for hearings on jnterm:« orders were set. Assistant _\ Attorneys 8. H. BRlock and H SIX INJUNGTIONS ON FOX LAKE BEER HOTELS ARE SIGNED C. Coulson . presented the petitio for the prosecutor Those named defendants were "Mack's Restaurant,"" located _ tha Midway in Fox lLake, operat and owned by Harvey Mack a; Emma Howard. -- Nippersink Hotel, owned and op-- erated by Stanley Sokolowsk!, Pau!-- ina Sokolowski. and Sam Tavalin Park View hotel, owred and op-- erated by John Pointek and Alek: sendra Budura State's Attorney Smith Gets Temporary Writs After 3 _ _ Weeks Investigation. Randolph Hotel. owne ated by Andrew Wiborg Willis Inn, owned and operated b) Peter Johnson. Theodore Roberts Willis J. Simms and Andreas Rosén berger -- Roxranna botel, own*d and operat ed by Paul '"Duke" Bain, Otte A Richter ard Emma Richter. The investigations started July 12 according to the aMdavits en the petitions that were signed by spe-- clal investigators who reported that in some of the places that they pur-- ched cocktails and that they rgceiv. ed "spiked" beer in others One of those named as defendants were raided a week ago by federal agents and are scheduled to appear in Chicago. Duke Bein, who has been raided several times, was the one arrested by the federal men. Reports from Fox .Lake & timeé were that 19 victims had taken by 'federal agentAa E4 E T :\,IIU REV TTR '(ln gations _ o( :uu;"f e Lak6 . district | 8!% Smith last w..rk? iry injunctions | _7 and | restaurant | Av istrict -- charging | the is of the prohihi.| oct nut were signed by ' yed L.. Persons, and 4 dor on jnterme«diate | Assistant States | oek and -- Hervey | FI red the netihans | LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1929 'ond The firemen have made several yrial runs in order to acquaint them taedselva_, with the apparatus and on ount | Tuesday afternoon a call from Fox uiuo!l,ake gave the department its first nich} real test. Alyhough t:e pump wAas o-nu' not used at Fox Lake, the run dem-- otal--| onstrated what tha, apparatus can aen|} do, only 14 minutes F--ing required 1and | g0 reach the scene o fthe fire. A nent | speed of 52 miles an hour over gravel roady wa pasily maintained.. the The acquilisition of tl's apparatu~ The| now puts Round Lake folks in the will| way of decided reductions in fire in-- ump | surance rates, and Chief Merritt sug-- lons | gests ahat every property ownet t 25| tak,, this matter up with the agent mer' handling taeir insurance. a nd )e L1 on the 18 ) V ning methods of disrupting the suc-- cessftul promoters of a high school. The objectors, centered in the Round Lake district, have discussed withdrawing if possible as one means of defeating the project. There have been charges by some 10! these residents that illegal .votes 'wvre cast but proponents of the school project point out that both sides had challengers at the polls. l The objectors, too, are sald to be | talking of resting their case on & 'pmm of law that permits with-- drawal providing thaf threefourtbhs | of the residents of a -- community | sign a petition gency; two booster tauks holding 140 gallon. of water are for use where wager is not otherwist availabla; the hose supply includes 500sfeet of 24 inch hose, 150 fe.t of 2 inch hoge 380 feet of suction hose and 150 feet of thraequarter inch Bose for taie booster tanks; phree ladders are proviged, one 24 ft. extension, one 14 ft. roof ladder and one 12 ft. fold-- ing ladder, (In addition to two large chemical tanks containing Foamife, tha trifck is also equipped with two five gallon hand pumpers for fight:-- ing fires in closets and places hard to get at. * FINED $100 FOR RESISTING POLIGE WIRING Phone Grayslake 135 For "Radiotrope" FIXTURES SUPPLIES All--Electric ® Radio n Fox Lake Community INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. FOX LAKE, ILLINO!IE Affiliated with Leading Motor Ciubs FISHING TACKLE SQOUVENIRS STATIONERY PROP. MEDICINES CAMERAS and FILMS CIG ARS and TOBACCO MAGAZINES Consider The Peerless! | WALTER IRION Post Office Bldg. Fo ble--~--silent------------yvet pleasing thrill the . . . comfort, broad vision, things that good taste dictates. Until now it has been impossible to obtain these things, with the stamp' of high quality upon them, unless the buyer has been prepared to pay more than the so--called medium price. + It has remained for Peerless, always a builder of fine cars, an organization bagked by twenty--eight years of steri-- ing traditions, to step first into the field with such a car------at a price very little above the mass of cheap production. 1@ motor that MAIN STREET GARAGE ASK FOR A FREE DEMOpNSTRATION:! is smooth, almost beyond belief----flexi-- with a surge of power that brings a moment vou touch the throttle ff fA SHOES BATHING--SUITS, Etc. COSMETICS CONFECTIONERY NEWSPAPERS _ TOYS FOUNTAIN SERVICE Grand Ave., Just West of Tracks » TELEPHONE 160--R safety, simplicity----all the Fox Lake, IIl. ' _ CHAS. BUERGER, Proprietor Fox Lake, Illinois Pho Wfi are always ready to satisfy your needs for ev-- erything in the way of hardware,. paints, boat supg)lies. housewares and a host of other items. Visit our store and see the big: variety of merchan-- dise we handle. Why Work In A Hot Kitchen? Home Baking These Davs Does Not Pa\ Not when you can get here the excellent brea itemg of bakery goods that have made us far 'And Lh('n"b)' keep your kitchen cool. Fox Lake Paint & Hdw. Co. FOX LAKE STATE BANK Are You Satisfied With Yourself? PHsCn YOU will be if you have a growing bank laccount that will serve in case of immediate fV;need, or that will keep on accumulating thru 'it'he years. sliru _ gho shr 'Linegln said: cmfwyp shrd] |_ "Capital is the fruit of labor, plus economy" \We'll help you realize this ideal. Ask us how. "Complete, Courteous Financial Service ome In or Telephone Today FOX LAKE BAKERY Fox Lake, Illinois 97 FOX LAKE CAFE N~Not only will you enjoy the de licious meals to be had bere, but you'll like the prompt and effi-- clent service we render. PLAN TO EAT YOUR SUNDaAY DINNER aAT THE SERVICE! FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS Ph¢ j AllK PAGE. THREE He fii\;ne 18 11 U 160--]J thei rual