PAGE EIGHT Law violations in the village net-- ted a total of $232% in fines in the village coutrts during July, according to the monthly report of the police department, made pyblic yesterday by Marshal F. J. Druba. _ Police Report for Month of July The building. contractors say w structure was covered by insuranré, which they place on all building in course of construction by them. Several of tae large pieces went through the roof, crashing. through, leaving wide gaping holes where they had entered. Lighter pieces of masonry were burled in all direc-- tions. Residents in that portion of the village were awakened by the crasr,. whitch occurred during the heavyy downpour of rain, about two o'clock in the morning. Damages estimated near $2,000, were caused early last Thursday morning to the new gym under con-- struction at the Libertyville high school when, during a heavy storm, a bolit of lightning struck the brick chimney on the structure and hurled brick and 1eavy plieces of stone cop-- ing through the newly completed The lightning struck the 50 foot chimney néar the top and travelled down the north side blasting a path through masonry and hurling brick and pieces of stone coping in al! directions. RONDOUT, ILLINO!IS tELEPMONES 672M1 an UNLES$ A MANSION HAS GPOD HEAT---- A (O2Y CAB!N HAS IT_BEAT | ! _ BORST'S | COAL QUARTETTE According to officials of the Liber-- tyville Construction company, who have the contract for erection of the building, despite the heavy damage and the extensive repair work neces sary to rebuild the chimney. they will be able to live up to their con-- tract wih the scaool board and have he building ready for occupancy by September 1Ist. e FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION! We Deliver Anywhere in Lake County JOSEPH KOHOUT -- COMPANY, Inc. Telephone Libertyville 174 MEMBERS OF FLORISTS TEL EGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCHA. TION. FLOWER ORDERS WIR. ED TO ANY CITY. The report shows that 35 arrests When you ask us to serve you with coal, you may be sure that your order will re-- ceive the proper attention and that you will receive a high grade order of coal. We have a reputation for cour-- tesy and efficiency. Why not phone us, JOHN G. BORST High School Building Seventeen boys of the scout troop, accompanied their scoutmasters, H. W. Swan and Medil} Radloff, will leave Saturday for Camp MaKQa--Ja-- Wan, near Antigo, Wis., where they will spend; two weeks camping, fish ing, hiking and practicing the many useful lessons they have learned in their scout work. Boy Scouts Leave on _ Camp Trip Saturday TAaose who will enjoy the best two weeks of the year are Orville Ben-- nett, Wm. Whitney, Robert Hawk, Chas. Carroll, Robert Nelson, Olaf Edman, Jack Osborne, Glen Disney, David Morsé, Kenneth McSorley, Al-- bert Kroll, Aug. Radloff, Leo Kroll, James Caponus James Suter, Robt Brewerton and Ronald Ennis., _ This camp is maintained by the North Shore Arem of the boy scout movement, of which the Libertyvilie and Mundelein troops are members, and offers an ideal spot to spend a vacation, in surroundings dear to the heart of every boy. l The annual picuic will be held at Volo in Sund;{, August 4, all day and up to midfiight. These Volo pic-- nies are looked forward to by many folks of the community, and draw rlarge crowds, Beginning with a fine cxrcken dinner, served in two dining rooms from 11 a. m. on, a real old fashioned good time is promised. In the afternoon and evening dancing will be enjiyed. Other entertainment will consist of cabaret numbers, and games of all knds. The usual »num-- ber of carnival booths will be pro vided. The picnic will be held near St. Peter's clrurch in Volo. Annual Volo Picnic Sunday, August 4th Mrs. Stracker's son and wife, Mr and Mrs. Herman Stracker, of Mo disto, Falif., 'spent several days with her last week but were unable to remair for the celebration. . Mrs. Augusta Stracker celebrated | her 81st birtiday Wednesday, July 24, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. ' Walter Madsen, with whom she makes her home. Another daughter,' Mrs .Chas. Plumb and son, Kenneth.! and grandson, Billie Plumb, of St. Paul, and Mrs. Plumb's d&u«hter.] Mry. Gorge Houga and children, of | Milwaukee, were present for the day.l and Mrs. Stracker's granddaughter, Mrs. D. W. MeCann and husband and children, of this vifMage, were out tor'l dinner and the evening. Pictures were taken of the four generations, Mrs. Stracker, Mrs. Plumb. Mrs. Hough and Nancy Lee Hough. Woman Celebrates Her 81st Birthday When brought before Justice L. H. Morris, Henry claimed he had pur-- caased the license plates for halt price from Roy Alexander, 410 Thir ty--fifth street, Chtcago. The case was set for Friday, at which time Alexander appeared in court with two colored lwyers. Alexander de nied selling the license plates, and stated they were on a car repossess-- ed by him lnfl later sold to Henry. Alexander w discharged by the court, and the case against Henry, for failure to transfer the license plates in his name, was continued to August 2. W. C. Henry, a gentleman of color, 4329 S. )lk:&ln Ave., Chicago, ac companted by tw, other men, also of dusky hue .nh afoul of the law near Libertyville last week when they were picked up by State Officer B. C. Hamlin for having fictitiouns 1 cense plates on his car. The amount; of fines collected dur-- ing the month is considerably larger than during the month of June, w'ien 28 fines out of 38 arrests paid in only $182. In May the g#um of $229 was collected| by the village court, while in April $235 was, collected. In addition to the above, two girls were picked Ug in the village and re-- turned to their homes. Colored Man Had Wrong Car Lincense were made du the month, 29 of waich resulted in those arrested be-- t were ordpred out of town and ofi was diml"':ud. Cases which resulted in fines were: 20 speeders, $180; five dizs orderlies, $30; two drunk and dis-- orderly, $10; 'one for parking too near a fire plug 2. and one case of assault and battery, $10. ing fined. O the Other six, three were remandad to the county jail, two were ordered out of town and 8T LAWRENCE'S, EPISCOPAL Rev. E. P. Baker, Pastor Holy Cqmmunion Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. Rev. Arthur C. Streufert, Pastor Confessional service at 9 a m. _ German Communion service at 9:30 a m. M Caristian Sclence .. _ ... rs METHODNST EPISCOPAL Johna E. DeLong, Pastor ) "Faith, Working With God" is the 1.-'ubject for Sunday morning at 11 There will be something that you |will receive at the church service §ghat will be of permanent value to You At 11 o'clock Sunday the music of the Holy Communion will be sung by the children's of St Mary's Or-- phanage, from Doddridge Farm, and ¥Vie public is cordially invited BT. JOHN'8 LUTHERAN > (Bast of the Park) Revr. W. H. Lehmann. Pastor Our annual Sunday School plcnic at the home of Paul Sitz, on the grounds of the Knolwood Club. In case o frain there will be Sunday school at 9:30 x m. German service at 10:30 a m. English service ®t 7:30 p m. Good music and a Christian wel come to all. . . Troop No. 72 of the Boy Fpouts meets in our church every Friday evening at 7.30. Our Sunday school picnic will be held at Gages Lake on the afternoon of August ith, leaving the exurch about 1:30. Transportation will be furnished. All are _ requested to bring sandwiches and one dish to pass, 4nd your own silver. / PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock,. Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Roy F. Wright, Supt. Morning worship at 11. The pastor will speak on *«"The Thirsty Soul." Jn' tie evenring at 7:30, the Ep-- worth League and the church meet together. The service consists large ly of singing. 8T. JOSHPH'8 CATHOLIC Ravy. M. J. Nealis, Pastor Firet Mass at 6:30 a. m.:; Second Mass at 8 a. m.; Third Mass at 9 a. m; Fourth Mase ai 10 a m. CHRISTIAN 8SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor, First National Bank SERVICEg OF THF LOCAL CHURCHES davenport, Victrola. Phone Liberty-- ville 761. s 31 1t FOR SALE----Modern country home, beautiful grounds, 4 acres of land; chicken iouses for 1000 birds; barn; plenty of fruit, berries, etc. Only $8800, Sellers & Johnson, Liberty-- ville, NL . 28 tt FOR SALE--Baby scale, 9 x 11 rug, Box 500, care Libertyvyille Independ-- ent. FP30one No. 1. 27 6tx site, 120x295 feet, on Cook avenue, oppoisite Franzen's Lumber Yard. $5500, A good speculation. Sellers PVR SAlE----New, six room, two-- . story~ residence in Kenlock Park subdivision, Libertyvyilie. Exterior Colonial! style, with interior decorat-- ed in Spanish style; oil heat; elec-- tric lights and double garage. This home has never been lived in. Owner compelled to leave state. Answer to FOR SALE--New, six FOR SALE--Garage or warehouse 8T. MATTHEWS LUTHERAN, Sunday services at 10:45 a. m Subject for Sunday, "Love." Bunday School at 9:30 a. in. Wednesday evening at 8. Johnson, Libertyville, I!II. 28 tf FOR SALE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT POR SALE--Cucumbers for pickling and all vegetables in season. Ray V. Moss. Wheeler Road, Telephone Libertyville 659--W--2 { | tionall}y--prominent _ manufacturer FOR SALE--Homesite on Grant Ct.'"mn' higa grade home equipment, ln Ubeflyfllle; .ll mpmvement"med w muon'l 'd'.enis'ng' d]' in and paid for. This lot may be pur-- rect--mail, newspaper and radio ad-- chased reasonable. as it is priced for vertising, desires a resident sales quick sale. Terms. Write or inquire tan. A man with automobile, elec-- of A. H. Hagerty, 312 Broadway, or tric refrigeration, washing machine, Phone 1 or 21. ;:__ 80 i ' real estate, water heater, water soft-- ¢ner, or similar experience pre-- FOR SALE--I still have that farm i erred. Income should ralge from bought for you iwo sears 280 | It |52009 to £10.009 annually. Sales ex-- is located on l(onochn-Bnruuton"e"mce most essential require route 43, 244 miles west of Green [ ment. Age from thirty upward. Blay route 41. You will see my "'n» ive complete confidential details. at entrance to east driveway. I am | gostomce Box 1059, Dayton, Ohio farming this place with a hired man. 4 FOR SALE--Chevrolet truck, 1927 model, panel body; in good condi tion; barghin if taken at once. Tele phone Lbertyville 196 Ww. 31 it 1 would like to sell erops and all. zgiving possession immediately. F. K. McCormick, Salem, Wis. 29 6tx FOR SALE--Homesite on Grant Ct. in Libertyville; all improvements in and paid for. This lot may be pur-- chased reasonable. as it is priced for quick sale. Terms. Write or inquire of A. H. Hagerty, 312 Broadway, or Phone 1 or 21. ---- 80 t FOR SALE--Deering binder, in in Libertyville; located in fine res-- idential district. It has all the qual-- itles for an ideal suburban residence. May be seen by appointment only. Phone Mundelein 613--W--1, or inquire at Independent office. 31 t condition; price reasonable. Tele-- phone Zion 621--J. 30 1t FOR SALE--One silo, one--piece fir stave, 10 by 24. Phone 136 W--2. Seren Sorenson, Lake Villa, IIL itx POR SALE--A beautiful, new home FOR SALE--One 16 in engine lathe one 14 in. shaper, 1 Sensitive drill press, one 6 in. power steel saw, wood and metal patterns to manpufac-- ture cireular be,nchwuw--complete machinery included; 'best chance to start good 'paying business of own. Price $600 if taken at once. Joseph BlacksmitMh, Box 374, Fox Lake, J}1. 31 2tx FOR SALE--Q x 12 Wilton rug, must sell; too large for room, practically new;--reasonable; also 1 bed spring and l_fnll size mattresses, all like new. Phone Mundoleinwtdé road,, close in; fine for country home, chicken farm; black garden land. Priced right. Sellers & John-- son, Libertyville. 28 tf FOR SALE--Two Case tractors in A1 condition. Apply to William Sneddon, Everett Stock Farm, Ev-- erett, II!. Telephone Lake Forest 895--¥--2. ==© 27 3tx FOR SALE--10 acres on concrete FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL E8TATE What have you? REDEKER Arlington Heights, I!I1L. _ Phone 496 606 N. Milwaukee | MEAT SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday AUGUST 2nd and 3rd PALACE -- Cash Market Bonless Smoked Butts 38c Best Creamery Little Pig Ham Fresh Ground Hamburger 20c Boneless Veal Leg Lamb -- Sugar Cured B; Sugar Cured Hams 27¢ Pot Roast URSDAY, AUGUST 1. 1929; 1t ICOn ( wants day work. Telephone 304--W. Johnson Ave. 31 6tx WANTED--Experienced-- ~laundress WANTED--Maid for general house-- | work; own room and bath; good wages; no wuaushing. Phone Liberty-- ¥ille 777. Call 10 a m to 5 p. m. 340 t! Roast ~ 33 WANTED--Laundress one day a ; week. Call 10 a m to 5 p m. Tele Qbone Libertyvyille 777. 30 t FOR SALE--Black saddie horse, age | 12 years; sound and gentle. Frank | firlurt Farm, one mile west of Fre--| ont Center. Postoffice Grayslake It!. R. ®F. D. 26 6t POR SALE--Chicken scratth feed _ and baby chick féed, coarse or fine, mixed and ready to feed, $2.25 4 bundred pounds, delivered. Corn, gar or shelled. Bergeron Stock Farm 2 miles west of Libertyville on Lake gtrrot Road. Phone Libertyville 678 --2, . 21t WANTED--Local Manager. A 'na | colonial style; 6 rooms, bath, gar--| age; all improvements in and paid ; for; sidewalks, auto drive, groundsl landscaped. ; All for bargain price| of $7900. Sellers & Johnson, Liberty--| ¥ille, NJ. 28 tt| FKOR SALE--Nice new medern home, KFOR SALE.--Team of mules, wagon | and hbay rack; also McCormick mowing machine. Inquire of Phil / gbnonn, Washington street, east of , Green Bay Road Waukegan. 29 6tx| tin Ave; lot 50 by 150. For quick sale, prided at $2300. 'sll' consider dtwn payment of $200. F. H. Smith, ; A _ 29 if | Modern house, on 100 ft. lot, at : ain price. .Owner on premises 20 Park Place, Libertyvilie, II!. FOR SALE--Abana Spring and 7--rm i'bR SALE--4 room cottag;s orni;\; FOR SALE--White King pigeons _ |Buff Orpington pulléts and cock-- erels. Phone Libertyville 604--R--2. e Crest Farm. 2909 6t Butter _ 47c¢ 180 mm.--m acres, close in to, WANTED--A girl over 18 to assist ) ; a farm at farmer's price ' with housework; no cooking; must also & good speculation. $165 be neat. Inquire --at$ Independent A l:a'.u Sellers & Johnson, u"ber-l Office. a .. x h # " Wfi en atinnenammmntineithihatnainenenatmensinnnne in apmmmmmmenmmmemmanemmmsnmmmetincme 25¢ ------ 30c¢ WANTED 23c 19c 35¢ C 28 6tx FOR RENT--5 room bungalow on Sunset Drive, Oakwood Terrace. Bee Joe Melloy, phone Libertyville 820. ' § 30 tf FPOR -- RENT--Sleeping room, with MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con-- siderable amount of special funds 0 lean on improved farm or Pity property. We invite your inquiry. 'I'lm National Bank, Libertyvilie, II}-- FOR RENT--Sleeping room, on Sey mour Ave., Mundelein. Telephone 889 J. 29 6t garaze, room forcone car. Inquire at Lndepende«m ofice or telephone 43 2--M. h 31 if Fireplace and all modern improve-- ments; new; will be ready for occu-- pancy August 1lst. Inquire at Lib-- ertyville Indéependent office. 30 tf FPOR RENT--Modern e!..;'.om cottage RESPONSILBLE PAR")I'(X will pay 7% Anterest. for $6,000.007well secured by first mortgage 1oafimoh lands for sale at $20,000. No expense or com-- migsions.. If interested see me at once. F. R. Seliers, Libertyvile, 111. WANTED--Children to care for by the bour, day o rweek; at a reas-- onable price. Telephone Munde-- lein 374--R. : 27 6t For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK IRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL AS8ESS8MENT BoNDS -- SAFE INVESTMENTs Miscellaneous FOR RENT @ * en A «: se e k es * - yssmA r eA 4A CD ie ,' * ageth :A " w CA ?\& > B /.' y ? h>ca xi tA «3 ie 4 $ Place F. s d $ \v 1 A €2 3y & \ * [ Suses f B ) } s t § . s 4 gosets ", h I I ES -- -- -- I§ IT WORTH WHILE To BOEHER wWITH OLD woRrn OUT TIRES WHEN YOU CAN GET NEW GooDYEARS AT SUCH LOW PRICES AS WE SHOW HERE? TIRE . REPAIRL GUARANTEED sUPERTWIST CORD TIRES M h Prices that Talk:! finest Goodvears in tire bifiory, the latest 1923 types, will sell at the lowest prices in 30 years. And our liberal trade--in allowances insure you of a DOUBLE saving if you don't delay. Exchange Your Present Tires at Lowest Cost in 30 Years for the latest, new Goodyear Double Eagle or All--Weather Tires Libertyvi NEW tires for old --at tremendous savings--if you act quick! No-- body knows how much longer these DICK EARL, Prop. 611 N. Milwaukee Ave. ] Millions More People Ride On a4 : LOST AND FOUND FPOR SALE--Pure Bred remstered Holstein bulls; fresh breeding, all ages. Walter H. Brandenburg, pro-- prietor of Birchmont Farm, Ingle side, 11. FOR SALE--Holsteins and Guern LVs~1I--One small purse containing a gold wrist watch with initials J. A. F., and gold ring and smal) stone. Tngly communicate -- with Mrs. Ma 'te Watts, Fox Lake, I!!I. 1t FPOR SALE OR RENT--Six room bungalow in Oakwood Terrace; all modern. at Independent office or telephgne 187. 22 tf seys. _ \Choice cows and helfers, fresh and springers, with sixty--days retest. Gilskey Bros, Round Lake, Illinois. 62 tt LOST--One wR RENT--A number of flats, houses, . byngalows and stores. Renting fLom --27.50 per month to $100 per nfonth. R. G. Kaping, Real-- tor. Phone 469. 21 if private tuix'fi)::_' P-in-é;e Wfi;fixde- lein 444--M, . 31 U Livel'stock For S;l: Good Pay at Start. R;;d'Advancement. lle Motor Sales N G ! Annual--V acation TRADE--IN SALE! TELEPHONE GRAYSLAKE YOUMG, OUT--DOOR MEN TO LCARN TREE SURGERY "head--liners" --superior to many makers' highest priced tires. Goodyear }eads all companies in pro-- duction --enjoys lowest costs --you get the benefit here. See these finc big husky oversize tires and convince yourself. Don't think you have to buy second--rate tires or send away for low price bargains. Goodyear's latest Pathfinder Tread Supertwist Cords are regular .l'\Jl'odernta charges--free estimates. test ipment -- factory meth-- oda--Ceg:'Iyear materirayls. All makes of tires repaired. If any car-- cass repair made here fails to out-- last the tire, we make it good-- no chi«ga. Our work HAE to be right to%nck up that Guarantee! Hotter weather means " ing" tires. Trade 'em before thpopglzg'! Be money abead and all sctzr long, enjoyable. trouble--free trips now and throughout the summer and for as long as you'll probably drive the car. Drive in now for a free ap-- praisal--no obligation. W e'll trade on one, two or a full set of Goodvears! 30 x 5.00 29 x 4:50 30 x 5.00 THE , with board, in W A N T E. D FAMOUS ALLWEaTHERS For Interview NEW PATHFINDERS rrermerne bes n mave i bias ms i s ue o s ues cervcen's cion + -- + pMs UE eeevesmmimn revim ns someemas mseere o §7BQ oveigeree angis t mntse e 5900c ccc0e 390 18 mssn C ag iss LIBERTYVILLE 18 U BIG SAVINGS oN GOODYEARTUBES on the first Monday of October next, 1929, when and where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to present the same to said Court for adjudica-- tion. Waukegan, II1., July 18, 1929. _ _ ADJUDICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that the Subscriber, Administrator of the Estate of Marcus E. Andrews, de-- ceased, will attend the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term t1ereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, ON MILWAUKEZT AVE. PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 64741 Two Doz. 8--Gallon Milk Cans Four Gas Stoves 10 Kerosene Stoves 500 Bathing Suits One Dozen 9 by 12 Rugs One Dozen Heating Stoves 36,000 Feet of Hay Rope Ralph Huizenga South of Half Day MERCHANDISE FOR SALE IRL 'RL ANDREWS, $ 9:75 $12.40 $12.75 Administrator *»