CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Aug 1929, p. 12

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Springfield, I1!1., Aug. 1: ¢:~-- FIR&NDS | for approxlmately fifty buildings to relteve the crowded condition in Illi-- noils state institutions are being pre-- pared by C. Herrick Hammond, state supervising architect. The program is one of the most extensive in the' history of the state and when com-- | pleted, will materially reduce con-- gestion in the state institutions. Ten buildings are to be construct-- ed at the state hospital at Elgin, one being an infirmary for women and another an infirmary for World War veterans and the remainder, custolial building of one hundred bed capacity, each. At the state school and colony for feeble--minded at Lincoln, ten new custodial build-- ings will be added and in Addition, a kitchen and dining hall to care for four hundred. The present laun-- dry is also being converted :into a dormitory building. At Dunoning, five buildings are to be added to replace those burn>d some time ago. These tnclude a large infirmary for men, a two--story ward building for men, one custodial building for men and two custodial buildings for women. Eight build-- ings are eltfler in the last plan stages or under construction for the Ilinois State Infirmary for Women at Dwight, lilinois. Concrete is be-- ing poured now, on a number of these buildings and on five, the foundations are past the grade lin», New cell blocks are to be added at Stateville, Pontiac and Menard and in addition, a shop building is planned for Stateville where prison-- ers will make fabricated cell fronts. Plans are also being drawn for a dormitory building at the Stateville Honor Farm. At the Vandalia State Farm, a new dormitory is to be add-- ed while the pumping system to relieve spring flood conditions on the farm is nearing completion. Mrs. George Copavich and her one chilk of 1728 Clybourne street, Chi-- cago, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fag-- natich and baby of Grayslake, were in another car driving near lake Zurich when, with Mrs. Copavich driving, their car was farced off the road by another car and turned over in the ditch. PLAN FIFTY NEW _ | BUILDINGS AMONG | STATE'S HOLDINGS| Mrs. Copavich had both shoulders badly bruised and her child was slightly injured while Mrs. Fag-- natich was also bruised about the shoulders 'ap WOMAN INJURED IN 2 AUTO ACCIDENTS NEAR WAUCONDA Mrs. Annau had her left arm frac-- tured and badly cut while a wound in her scalp required 12 stitches to close and she was cut over the left eye. She was taken to the office of Dr. J. A. Ross for treatment. The rest of the party were uninjured. Institutions Over Crowded and Need For More Quar-- ters Is Evident. Mr. and Mrs. Johon Annau, 1636 Summerdale avenue, Chicago, and their two sonus were on their way from Chicago to Lake Gengeva with Mrs. Annau driving when between Wauconda and Volo a tire suddeniy went flat and when Mrs. Annau ap-- plied the brakes, the car plunged in:to the diye1. Tire Goes Flat as Woman . Dniving: Car Plunges Into a Deep Ditch. Three women were injured, two men and four children escaped burts in two separate auto accidents near Wauconda late yesterday afternoon. PAGE FOUR Plans I1§ People of Warren Township were grieved to hear of the sudden death ot Miss Charlotte Stearns of Phoe-- nix, Ariz., Monday,. The funeral, which was held Wednesday at the White and Tobin funeral rooms was lyargely attended. Burial took place in the Warren cemyety. 1 The Origtnual Circle will have & | oo _ 0_ 120. anlow with a o wasree as regular meeting next _ Thursday, Geneva last week with a party of August 15, at the church. This 'will friends who were at her home. She b. an all<ay meting and the hos reported that they had a splendid tesses are Hesdames Will Hook,|"? l('layton Lucas, Lesiie Cannon and|__M" aud Mrs. John M. Philippi Marguerite Manning. several airplanes pass overumead to On Sunday morning at the Gurnee summer homes in the lake district. Community church at 11 o'clock,| _ People here were shocked to hear daylight savings time, Mrs. Eels, dii--|Of the suicide of Guy Hook of rector of the Association Camp at|C"@¥slake. He wes well known in Druce Lake, will occupy the pulpit. |this vicinity, having lived on _ a She will tell of her experience in a |farm here. Chicago Settliement House. Every Wiliam Scbwenck of Anderson one is cordially invited to com$ and i Ind., spent Sunday with friends bear this talk. bere. Vincine Datvtn recently purchased Bobbile Madsen had his cousin the Joseph Turnbull home from Kenosha visiting him this Mrs. A.sJ. Johnson underwent a minor operation at St. Theresa's hos-- pital. HMHarry Chase of Chicago, called at the C. D. Chase home Sunday. Mrs, Margaret Sponenburg's neice woh has been viisting Rker for the past two weeks, returned to bher home in Canada last Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Young, who has been visiting at the home of ner son, Dr. H. 0. B. Young, for the paas. two months, left Wednesiay to visit her daughter, Mrs. Fred Murrie in Ne braska. Mr. and Mrs.: Clarence Welich and baby, Miss Johanna Weich and Hen-- ry Welch oft Chicago, spent last Sun-- day with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lucas and family. 1 Mrs. Charles Hawkins and daugh-- ters, Josephine an® Beatrice, are leaving Sunday for a visit with rela-- tives in Michizgan . Mr. and Mrs. Will Fanyo, his sis-- ter and daughter of Watseka, lll. spent the first of this week visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wessells of Norwood Park and their mother, Mrs. L. H. Miller, spent last Sunday in Milwaukee. _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young of Chica-- go, spent last week end with their relatives, the H. W. Keel family. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell mo tored to Madiscn Tuesday ard re turned Wednesday. Their daughter Wilma, who has been visiting Rose mary Frank, returned with them. Miss Lucile Hook has Lbeen enter-- ining ber frignd, Miss Geraldine Winkle of Round Lake this week. Mrs. Sherman Sponenburg and daughte., Lenore, spent last Satur-- day and Sunday at their home here, but returned to Eagle River Monday. Mrs, Margaret Sponenberg accom-- panled them back. Mrs. L. D. Potter, Mrs. 8. W. Ames, Mrs. Will Hook and Mrs. Ma-- bel McCullough attended a Royal Neighbor -- meeting at _ Deerfield Thursday night. Deerfield Camp en-- tertained as friend's night. d Orville Hook, Clifton Lux and Stanley Beshel witnessed the ball game at Wrigleyy fieM iast sunday. Mrs. Laurette Galloway. who has been visiting the Misses Bidwell for two weeks, returned to her home in Chicago Thursday. _ Rev. Cowling and several of our Boy Scouts are in camp at Lily Lake for a week. Roy Kruger is spending a few days at Champaign. Miss Irma Lohman of Praire View was a caller here Tuesday. Willlam Hapke and son of Free-- mont was a caller bhere Tw#esday Mrs. Grace Ford of Chicago is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dabms eand Henrietta and Harry were Liberty-- ville callers Thursday. Mrs. Henry Stadfield was a Mc Henry caller Thyrsday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Francigo spent Monday with relatives at Carpenter-- tille. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klupar of Chicago spent the week end at the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincine Davlin. ~ _ GURNEE Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard, Ed-- ward Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. An-- thony Leonard of Round Lake, at-- tended the funeral of Mr. Leonard's brother, Michael, Tuesday at 'M\il-- waukee. . Howard Wilton was in Waukegan Tuesday on business. Mr--and Mrs. Olivyer Wilton and son Jerome, were visitors bhere in town over the week--end. Police Magistrate and Mrs. Ben Hadad are bappy over the arrival of a son born at the Victory Me-- meorial hospital July 24. Ben says the boy is to be named after him. Miss Daisy Ehrenberg of Chicago, who has been a guest at the Wilton home for the past week _ returned bhome Monday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson and two daughters are guests at the Leonard home for two weeks. Miss Anna Seeck returned to ber work in Libertyville after convale«sc-- ably much greater m September and October ibhan in July or August. All signs point toward consider-- ably more diphtheria this autumn than usual. Quarantine does some good as a control measure if it is applied promptly and carried . out rigidly. Giving 'antitoxin will cure diphtheria if it is given _ soon enough after onset--the first day. Better than either of these, toxin-- antitoxin will prevent diphtheria If it is given far enough in advance of exposure. Evelyn Swanson returned to Wau-- kegan Sunday after a two weeks vacetion with her parents and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard have a son born July 27 in Chicago. \Children under ten years of age | who have not bad diphtheria uugbt' to be protected now against possi-- ible exposure this fall. I ing here from a throat operation. | Mrs. Frank McClaren, of Chicago, is staying this week with her moth: er. Mra. Daisey Riney. Mrs. Edward Kelly has for a guest her sister from Minneapolis. The Kellys moved here a short time ago from that place. They live in the house recently purchased from Mrs. George Gooding by John Walker. Mr. anda Mrs. Wilitam H. Sheehan attended Mass at Ingleside and Fox lake Catholic church Sunoday after-- noon. > Mrs. Virginia Pitman, now of Lake Forest, called on her friends in Lake Billa Friday Severar from here attended the card party last week at Antioch giv. en for the benefit of the new Catho-- lie churech. Marion Wright has suffered the loss of one of his fingers from an in-- fection, starting from a thorn. He stayed with his daughter but return-- ed home last week. ~© G. Rentner and his son and wife from Antioch attended the Luthecan church Sunday evening. Mrs. E. C. Thayer, visited Lake Geneva last week with a party of friends who were at her home. She reported that they had a splendid trip Mr. aud Mrs. John M. Philippi several airplanes pass overnead to summer homes in the lake district. People here were shocked to bear ot the suicide of Guy Hook ot Grayslake. He wes well known in this vicinity, having lived on a farm here. Wiliam Scbwenck of Anderson Bobbile Madsen had his cousin from Kenosha visiting him this wee k. The complaint of the Lake Bliulf correspondent about thieving there would also fit in this town The Rentner and Halley f#milles havs suffered much in this way. Moloch was the chief god of the Phenecians and is frequently men-- tloned in the Bible. He is spoken of as the god of the Ammonites. Hu-- man sacrifces ---- infaunts ---- were of-- fered up to the idot of Moloch. These unfortunate victims were slowly burnt to death in the arms of the idol, which were made of hollow metal heated from the in-- side. --Pathfinder Magazine. LAKE VILLA Phenecian God it is| C A Newcomb Jr., to J A McDon-- out"ald and wf jt tens Deed $150 Lot cure | 18 Bik 28 Sece 5 Shields. soon | R Pregenzer and wife to E Sev-- d.y,'ertn WD $10 A tract of land in SE oxin. | ar of SW ar and in SW ar of SE gr reria of Sec 19 Antioch. * | 8. Wainielista and wf to J. Dufrat | WD $10.00 An undvd one bf int in | lots 6 and 7, blk 49, Washburn Park. F. H. Bartlett to B. Menct and F. iB, Gottfried deed $10.00 The E 210 ft of N bf of blk 59, Bartletts North 'Sbore Lands, sec 12. Warreno. | --F. H. Bartlett to F. C. Prescott ideed $10.00 Lot 1( ex the E 546 ft. | in blk 46, Bartletts First addn to N | Yhore Highlands, sec 18, Wkgn. F H Bartlett to N MacDonald Deed $10 Lot 5 Blk 1 Bartletts North Shore Woods, Bec 6 Shields F. H. Bartlett to A. I.. Hoyne and wife jt tens Deed $10 Lot 3 Blk 14, Bartletts lake View Estates, Secs 5 and 6. Shields. & E H Thomas and wife to E W Poinier and wife jt tens WD $10 Lot 33 Blk 1 Braniigar Bros Sunset Ter-- race, Sec 22% Deerfielda. ~ F H Bartleit to A R Hurto and M M Kelsey jt tens Deed $10 Lot 1 Bik 6 putletu 3rd Addn to North Woods, Sec 23, Warren. --C T and T C to H Kean Deed $10 Lot 2 Blk 16 Butler Fett & Co's Crooked lake Oaks See 34 Lake Villa. W C Franck and wife ta L H Reickhoff and G s Eaton WD $10 Lot 38 Round Lake View Sec 20 Avon T V lLehde and wife to B P Roseq-- crans and wife jt tens WD $1.00 Lot 2 Bilk 12 Douglas Nursery Sub Sec 20 Waukegan. T. M. Spiering and D. Spiering to H. H. Schluter and wf Jt tens deed $10.00 the NW qr of SE and NE qr of SW gqr ef sec 13, Antioch. J. E. Brown and w'!f to F. T. O'Brien WD $10.00 A tract of land in sec 20, Wkgn. F. T\ O'Brien to M. E. QCD $10.00 A tract of land 20, Wkgn. F. H. Bartlett to--C. Garrett deed $10.00 W 63 feet of E 546 f1t of lot 1, bik 46, Bartletis First addn to N Offictal List _ _ of . T ransfers Furnished by the LAKE COUNTY TITLE AND TRUST cOMPANY Abstracts of Title; Titles Guaranteed #20 Washington St. @ Waukegan, I!!. 391 Central Avenue Mighland Park Illinois _ 6 Phone Highland Park 2160 Means Better Dressed T wo a Stores for your convenience Cleaned and Pressed HATTSTROM & SANDERS Mental Weariness LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. > 539 E. Park Ave. Telephone 844 CLOTHES REFLECT CHARACTER. PEOPLE JUDGE YOUR SUCCESS, YOUR STANDING, LA RGELY FROM YOUR APPEARANCE A GOOD CLEANER IS A VALUABLE ASSET. LET US HELP IN YOUR SUCCESS8. The Grande Cleaners AVGUST 6, 1929 AVGUST 8, 1929 Telephone 4 is often due to Eye strain------ gleasses will RebWeve it. No charge for this Sight--Checking Service Find out about Your Eyes by having them checked > over today! & Scientific arm Manufacturing (X»¥s) OPTICIANS Organization, Inc Browa in sec e PB CS THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929 Bubgro Highlands. .~H. Bartlett to L. F. Neuman dfied $10.00 Lot 10, blk 18, Bartletts N| Sbhore Estates, Wkgn. R. W. Johnson to P. H. Pringle WD $10.00 Lot 7, blk 22, Bartletts Bl;erldln Rd. addn, secs 3 and 4, Wkgen. s $10.00 Lot 44, Oak wood Terrace, sec 21, Libertyville. * ". H. Bartlett to K. N. Heimaster deed $10.00 Lot 2%, blk 67, Bartletts Greatér N Shore first addn, sec 31, Bentan. A. F. Sullivan and hus to T. Me NJH WD $1.00 Lot 262, William T Sullivans Hillerest sub on Fox Lake C T and Tr Co,to E. M. Fleming depd $500.00 the W hf of lot 21, bik 17| Beach View Terrace, sec 6, Wken. T and Tr Co to E. M. Fleming depd §$725.00 E hf of lot 2, blk 16, Beach View Terrace, s*c 6, Wkgn. C T and T C to E. J. Leibach and wf jt tens deed $10.00 Lot 3, blk 8, Branigar Bros Woodland | Park, sec 29, Deerfield. C _T and Tr Co to R. H. Walpole and wf jt tens deed $10.00 _ Lot #, blk 6, Branigar Bros Woodland Park seb 29, Deerfield. ecurity Tr and Sygs Bank of Los Amgeles, Cal, to _C. A. Lundquist, dged $3250.00 Lots 6 and 7, blk 40, x laddn to Lake Bluff. Jrho Peoples Tr and Sygs Bank of Chicago to F. T. Beck deed $10.00 LQt 10, blk 34, North SBide Realty CQ's Lake Bluff -- Heights, sec 18. S'gieldl. J. E. Costello to J. Faberson deed $10.00 lot 13, blk 4, Marquette Highlands second sub, sec 9, Wkgn. H. K. Turnbull and wf to A. Per-- row WD $10.00 Lot 5, Deerpath Hill Estates in Lake Forest. F. W. Poulsen and wf to J. P. Cann and wfjt tens WD $10.00 121). Webb and Jensens resub, 16, Wkgn. M. T. Akers to C. B, Akers WD By usiog black sheets anod pil-- low cases instead of white, un liai-- lian pbysician reports good results in persuading unruly patients to go 10 sleep. The doctor declares that the plan is effective with sane per-- sons in insomn a cases.--Popalar M e' = Three engineers are occupied on the Monte tGeneroso, Italy, in study-- Ing the possibility of harnessing the electric power produced by thunder-- storms. _ This laboratory is nearly 3.000 feet in the sir. \ anger is the most impotent pas-- glou--that accompeanies the mind of maean: it affects nothing it goes about: and hurts the muan who is possessed hy it more than any other @galost whom it is directed.--Clar-- endon. Anger Never Worth While Seek to "Harness" Thunder Use Boai.: Bedding 702 Church Street Evanston, Iilinois Opp. Orrington Hall Phone University 1848 Stores for your convenlence Mc-- i Lt | sec ; THE 1930 _ _ HUPMOBILE --SIX It is a Hupmobile in every detail of its construction . . . Powered by the selfsame Hupmobile motor which made the Century Six a spectagular success ... Built to Hupmobile's rigid standard s of precision-- manufacture . . . I¢ is 100% a 114,;33,51'/-- but a more powerful Hupmobile. With its time--tested Hupmobile engine made still smoother| and sweeter running . . . It is 100°) a Hupmobile ';,;bur a hand-- somer Hupmobile. Made still smartet by cleverly tailored sheet metal, by new, lower--swung lines . . . 1t is 100% a Hupmobile--but a still sweeter mding and driving Hupmobile. Made more comfortable by more seat and leg room, by many rnginlcring refine-- ments, adding to speed, safety and easelof control ... Today, Hupmobile's long renown as ! The Car of the American Family"' takes on a new| significance. North Shore Gas Company 'THE GOAL OF YEA 325 North Telephone 8 | t & d 4. 2k PM ts Whian 5 it 3e 4008 s . O oelt wlar"commpRaciaLl COurn-- * 3oos | . 2 & iX 4# o'cd'-'v' «. n.'*ia:voq'j, ;tt' L__ coe >. --4 5 M 4 » 5 E4t -{.A'F: --\,"4' s Fasgsspyc (¥E®RL Libertyville 16 h' 1.D000r *$DAN.,. 31860. IsLB CasRIPLATH 31875 Raciar cgours : "3oos.." _: RS HAS BEEN ATTALNED! # i #* a iut uK yb lPacze ie > 3 Milwaukee Avenue HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NEW 1 Y 30 OHU PM O B I LKE S IX feuder well miles ber Rour 27 Liberty ville, I#. T & x Anfinf 1M DrODCE wih kolft end rubDber=Cu.'hn* *" ROuUT 1" kor:etpouer. Acteier an &1 R--t

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