CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Aug 1929, p. 14

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C# Mrs. Sybil DArmond has ro'i(n- ed her position at Reeves drug store and is at present employed at the Antlers hotel. Mrs. Mary Smart and Mrs, Erunest Brook will act as hostesses at a card party to be given at the Chan-- nel Lake county club, Monday after-- noon. The proceeds will go toward swelling the side walk fund, which the badies of St. Ignatius Guild have volunteered to raise. Police Magistrate Harold Gelstrup who had suffered a paralytic stroke which |+ft him helpless and speech-- less was found in his room Tues day afternoon, when it was remem-- bered by the Tom Burnett family with whom he had a room, that he had not been seen since Sunday evening. The Burnetts who are away from their home in the fat cver Webb's Racket store the greatet part of the time, did not at first no t.ce h.s-- absence. When it was thoucht of Tuesday, Mrs. Burnett rapped at his door and receiving no answer she opened it to find . Mr. Gelstrun in a helpless almost un About 20 ladies of the Aid society were entertained at the. summer home of Mrs. Elsie Shroeder on Channel Lake Thursday. A pot luck dinner was served at noon @nd ev-- eryone spent a most enjoylbl?. _d;y'. Funeral services for little Clifford Willett who died Saturday were held Monday afternoon with S. E. Poliock in charge. The Ladies Guild of St. Ignatius church will hold their summer, ba-- zaar at the guild hall next Wednes-- day. Hand made articles will be on sale and various amusements will be provided. Cafeteria supper will be served. ing Miss Edith Colegrove has return-- ed home from her visit in Chicago, and reports that she has recovered from her illness caused by food poi» oning. She was one of the large number who were made i!l after eat-- ing coffee cake purchased at a Ch+ cago bakery. . conscious -- condition. . A physician was called and Mr. Gelstrup was hurried to the Lake county hospital where it was given out that his con-- dition was such that his recovery eo©ild not be expected. He died later. Quite ¥ number from Antioch at-- te: ued the boat races at Fox Lake teiued the last Sunday Mr. and th Mr. Kutil t PAGE SIX da v M>. and Mrs. Dean»s Wisser o Minneapolis, Minn.. made a shor stop with Antioch friends Wednes PLENTY of CAPABLE HELP for your HOME : LAUNDRY d Mrs. ( D Easily Installed in Standard Size Window The ELECTRIC VENTILATOR The auto-- matic stot-- $ _6 age ty M .. C $ pC s 4 y' water -- o heater sup-- , _ plies hot /C c | 3 water for 1 \ P , every house-- N \k -- hold need. J.' "" & Plen wa-- 'The heattt -- ter aq soon at Jus . turn the faucet is effici¢Nnt, when you hare a £ | 1®¢ / and the _ well--built 'storage -- tank keeps ) the water 4 -- hot for a '= long e -- period. llie OB HOT W AT ER $142so @5 a*®* L. physician strup -- was tv hosnital Kutil The Airmaster draws cooking odors and heat out of the kitchen and brings in clean, fresh air. The whole house benefits s293-5- til are a where »-- Lake 3 v TAKES OUT THE HEAT This type attaches to Thor Washer in pl;ce of wringer 4950 Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew . Harrison | spent Sunday in Waukegan. _ Sunday morning at 6 o'clock at the Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan, occurred the death of Mrs. Peter Taft, who with her fam-- ty resided on a farm on the Fox Lake road about two miles south of Antioch. Her death followed a sur-- gical operation for the removal of the appendix. She is survived by her husband and thrse children, one daughter 14 years of age and two sons, one eight years of age and one anly 12 months old.. Her mother, tour sisters and two brothers also survive. The funeral services were held at the home Wednesday after-- noon with 8. E. Pollock officiating. Interment was in the Hickory cem Sunday evening service at the M. E. church will be in charge of the | tadies. Mustc will be furnished by the ladies chorus and Miss Pearl Hughes, .missionary to India who is | home on a furlough, will speak. Ev-- \| eryone is invited to attend. ' Like a bolt from a clear sky came | the news of the tragle death of Mys. 1\\'illllm Trimimer,. one of the well | known summer residents of Chaanel iLake, early Thursday morning. Her ldeath was the result of an auto ac-- clident which occurred on route 21 'pust north of lLibertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Trimmer had decided ta speoad Mrs. 8. J. Straghan entertained her sister in law, Mrs. Ella Hos-- kins and two daughters, Harriette and Luella from Chicago over the week end. Little Doris Klass celebrated her fiflth birthday anniversary Monday afternoon by entertaining a number of her little friends at her home on South Main street. ~ ' Miss Myrtle Haynes from Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Haynes in Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Klecta from Lake Geneva spent Sunday at the J. D. Van Duzer home in Antjoch. George B. Bartlett.and family are spending a couple of weeks vacation at Sturgeon Bay and other places in Wisconsin. Mrs. Anbrose Runyard who has spent the past few months with her mother at London, England, bas re-- turned to her home north of town. Her mother who rhas been ill fo some time returned with her. Miss Pauline Van Duzer from Waukegan spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Van Duzen in Antioch. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo -- Runyard were Milwaukee visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh -- from Kenosha® spent Wednesday with Mrs. Cavanaugh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Radtke on Victoria 8St. Mr3g. H. A. Radtke entertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon. ceeded to a point just nOFIN of Li ertyville where they met a mil truck which was so far over th black line that Mrs. Trimmer wh was driving, was forced from t road and into the ditch She w. thrown through the door of the ci and in falling her head struck t] cemeht -- pavetnent | crushing h skull. Death was instantaneous. M Trimmer was only slightly injyre The driver of the truck who did n stop is bsing sought by the poiic The Trimmers bave been coming Channel Lake every summer f s@vyeral years and they have ma friends here who were shocked at grieved by the tragedy. Table iTs $70950 is visiting Nixon was a Chicago visitor Welch f: with An Hotpoint--6 Ib. $600 You may purchase appliances at your Public Service Store the convenient "Little by Little" way, for a small additional charge. No wringing necessary--water is whirled out of clothes while the next batch is washing PuBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS THEO. BLECH, DISTRICT MANAGER 8 SOUTH GENESEE ST., WAUKEGAN. PHONE MAJESTIC 40.0 4) ning to | wiek's vacation to be spent in er tnri Mabel Lux of Kenosha is staying _ many | at the home of Rev. J. B. Savage in ed and ' the absence of Mrs. E. Riely. ° | _Mrs. Earle Lux and children,. Mr. iberty-- ; and Mrs. F. G. DMetmeyer drove to friends / Milwaukee Tuesday to «pend the 1 | A big crowd attended th: bridge party at the Channel l ake Country elub Monday -- afternoon.. The pro ceeds were for the benefit of the sidewalk _ fundt _ of St lenatin® 'church. Mrs. Mary Smart and Mrs. 125 Funeral services for 'the late Har-i old Gelstrup were held at the home of his brother--in--law and sister--in--| law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kinrade on North Main street Monday after-- | nov.. at 2 o'clock. His death came late Friday night at the Lake Coun--| ty bhospital where he was taken the . previoue Tuesday evening in an al--| most unconscious condition follow--| ing a paraletic stroke. Mr. Gelstrup | was well known about town, having | resided here for many years. He} has held the offices of police magis'} trate, justice of the peace and has been elected assessor of Antioch | township several times in nucces-' slon. His wife, who was Miss Jessie | Lightner, passed away many years | ago. Burial was in the Hillside cem,. etery. | The American Legion --held their third annual carnival Saturday and Sunday and it is estimated that the crowd in attendance surpassed that of the two previous events. The out-- standing feature was the motor boat races at Chanunel Lake Sunday which drew a crowd estimated at clos > to six thousand Mr. and Mrs. Deane Wisner from Minneapolis, Minn., spent the week-- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bock. They left for Milwaukee Monday morning. Sunday night was ladies night at the M. E. church and the contest eclosed with the ladies winnring by a substantial majority. The entire program was in charge of the ladigs. Mrs. Bohi took her husband's place and acted as pastor for the evening. The women's chorus gave four se-- lections while Mesdames H. B. Gas-- ton, Rex Bonser and-- Charles Lux each favored the audience with a solo. 'The speake, of the evening w. . Miss Pearl Hughes, who has served as a missionary to India for the past five years and who is now home on a furlough. She told of her work in India in a most interesting manner and those present consider-- ed hber falk a rare treat. Between seventy--five and eighty g:rsons were present and the gentlemen very graciously admitted defeat, their aud-- lence having numbered sixty--five. It is now up to the gentlemen to enter-- tain the ladies. w ht ... Ernest Brook wer Winter of Calif the Absolm Cla Mrg |. N. Al Mrs. Isabelie McGregor an inter of California are vist e Absolm Clark home WADSWORTH Ip a hostesses « $pent Priday in rs. Herman Bock. is Bryan and «on Dixon for the ne, who has been he past week re-- bem $9975 s vacati $175 Porter visitor®s enjoy'ng Mre. Hens Frid ay 1€ no*ha an ATTORNEY AT LAW Office at home on W. Cook Ave Piano & Pipe Organ Tuning -- Rebuilding J. H. HAHN 8026 Dante Ave., Chicago, !!|. LYELL H. MORRIS REN | 1ING, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, PHUPEKTY MANAGEMENT, UENERAL INSURANCE, sUKETY BONUS, SERVICE, HEE _ ATTORNEYATALAW LUCEK BUILOMNA Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 FOKRK We Deliver Anywhere in . Lake County JOSEPH KOHOUT COMPANY, Inc. Telephone _ Libertyville 174 BOYLAN, TALEO : COMPANY EXCAVATING FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION! MEMBERS OF FLORISTS TEL EGRAPMH DELIVERY ASSOCiIA. TION,. FLOWER ORDERS WIR ED TO ANY CITY. GRADING . _ CONTRACTORS Cleaners and Dyers 10th 8t. at McAllister Waukegan, IIl. PHONE WAUKEGAN 7500 A Trial _ Will Convince You No Job Too Large' MmENS .SUITS, TOPCOATS ANO OVERCOATS LADIES DRESSES, COATS ANO SVUITS REALTORINEUROR Op; tcite Electric Station _ Phone 469 and 269 > E. W. COLB Y -- Offics: Room 28 Public Service Building Professional P?BLIC SERVICE w.--» LIBERTYVILLE PHONE 295 COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING® INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND QUICK SERVICE ---- RELIABLE WORK New Work ... Alterations ..-- Repairs Lake County Telephone 188. © E 8 T I 8 T n@ & Pressing $1.50 $1.50 LIBERATYYVILLS WY 9k PLUMBING THURSDAY, AUCUST)S, 1929 Dr.Otto R.Thompson EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT BCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OP EYES. GLASSES FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. CROSS EYES STRAIGHTENED ~ DR MATTHEWS PURE RAW MILK Monday and Thursday -- Tele--hone 581 _ LIBERTYVILLE DENTIST Offlice at Residence 127 Maple Av. Hours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 Room 414 Woukegan National Bank Building DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office in First National Bank DR. O. E. SIMPSON Chicago Office With the Chicage Title and Trust Co., LIBERTYVILLE SECOND HAND FURNITURE STORE Telephone 214 MUNDELEIN ICE BOX ... DRESSERS, up from . BEDS (complete) ... 3--Pc. PARLOR SET ... 3--Pc, WICKER SET ... ROCKERs . . . USED SUITS, up from OVvERALLS 22. OvERALL PANTS °... KHAK!I PANTS ... WORK SHIRTS ........ F. §. RICKCORDS, Pres. . WM. R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres ALVAH L. ROGERS, Secy and Trust Company ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TITLES GVARANTEED Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. 1 TO 5 P. M. Teaming Excavatin: « Grading Sewer Work Complete Finishing of Basementsd _ Johnson Ave. DENTIST Over State Bank of Mundelein Mours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 6 Other times by Appoirtment. Telephone 288--J Black Dirt for Sale How s: 1 to 3:3°0 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYVILLE,. ILLINO!S Waukegan, Illinois Lake County Title LIBERTYVILLE 618 N. Milwaukee Avenue BELOW PAINT SHOP 69 West Washington Street Frank Calzavara and Son Waukegan, I!l. FROM TESTED COWS juare Deal Dairy elivered in Libertyville Twice Daily PHONE _ 75.W 220 Washington Street TELEPHONE 993 OPTOMETRIST TELEPHONE 4 oo in c d dn t temigs i ie i w c t w Mc t t 4 t t $ 8.0C $ 8.0C $30.0C $12.5¢ $ 5.0C .9€ $ 1.25 .96 LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE WITH If you want to dispose of your property quickly, list it now, BUILDING LOTS .1T RANGE OF Ki }S I sSUIT BVERY ERED [ have all kinds c for sale.© What do Bee Me Before Listing Your Sale FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1--L15 GURNEE. ILL GENERAL SERVICE GARAGE Libertyville, III. SNOW'S T A | L O R Cleaning and Repairirg 518 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstalira LIBERTYVILLE. ILLinNo!2 T A XTI iiniITGnce . the Public omm A/:/ We operate a i modern garage pared to repair e * of car. Waukegan, Illinois PHONE wAUKFGAN 293 REAR OF 122 BELVIDERE ST '18 Years' Experiencs in Automo-- bile Work Means Something" Applied on New Residences Asbestos and Asphalt Built Up and Tar and Grave!l Roofing Ap-- m -- plied on Flat Roofs ' OoF EVERY KIND c FOR ALL TYPES of BUiLDINGS THE HUBERT CO. (Inc.) 24 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, I!!. PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 Guaranteed Roofing Slate, Tile and Asbestos Shingles EVERY JOB IS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED HABEL AUTO PAINTING Applied over old wood shingles and other old roofing on resldences -- Wm. A. Chandler J. DEL MURPHY, FRED CROKER Phone 373 Libertyville, IIl. AUCTIONEER Authorized Duco Station Prompt Service Guarantecd . M. HUFFMAN |business Directory PHONE 306 Polishing and Simonizing ROOFING GENERAL Drive just IHU jage l l d e in t d is t m e t Oot ts in vyou nee equipped, d ard pre-- vervy make south of Duil@tnge, HILE C tV PROMFPT DELIVERY SERVICE IN LIBERTYVILLE AND MUNDELEIN adhc o td ts ngrit eip ie n t ut m 0 + necuson ty 10 sc EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS. OUR IHOP I1$ FULLY EQUIPPED AND READY TO SERVE YOU. -- ONLY TRAINED MECHANICS WILL WORK ON YOUR CAR. y eP HAROLD WILCOX Ext«riors 411 First Street SALES DEPARTMENT '-- * 107 E. Church St. LIBERTYV!ILLE TELEPHONE 103 MILL WORK Screen, Cabinet Work, Storm Sask TELEPHONE 429 Estimates Free Inte Libertyville Decorating Co. PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 850 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE. PHONE 566 Libertyville Ice Co. To and From Chicago, Libertyville Antioch AND * Transfer Fhunge Libertyyllle 51; Res. 40 Prompt Service; Careful Handling Local and Long Dis-- . tance Moving Chicago Phone HMHaymarket 1416 For Insurance Agency *nf} LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Telephore 440 359 N. Milwaukee Averus LIBERTYVILLE, JLLINOIS Anderson & Exon Motor Service Satisfaction _ Guaranteed COUNTRYSIDE General Trucking SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR Public Buildings Schools MOTORS Crysler Dealers Call on Us for DAILY TRIPS ' Telephone LIBERTYVILLE 1794 Phone Libertyville 570 PURE ICE TELEPHONE 453 Contractors Residences C. L. COONFER 64A * HEATING Paper Hanging Libertyville Interiors OF HEATING PLANTS en ut t m e nald l P i t sA e Sity snnb Citpsinc on w t C5 n s ut 0 t -- 1t LEAVE ORDERS AT Ray Furniture Store North Sheridan Road Zion, | Phone Zion 22 ° PARTS for more than three | hundred makes _ of cars ' Orders of $20.00 or more delivered any-- where in Lake county Fixtures and Supplie: The most compiete line of auto parts, tires, tube, and radiators between Chicago and MilWauk*te Libertyville, Illinois Electric Wiring and Contracting Telephone 400 Libertyville, IHinois 614 N. Milwaukee PIANO TUNING LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP GARRETT WRECKING CO. LEESLEY'S | * NURSERIES ® WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UGROWERS OF A GENERAL LINE OF NURSERY STOCK Visit Our Nursery Radio Equipment TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North of Libertyville BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP E. M. WEISKOPF, Prog, iMelephone F2X Radio Supplies Generator and Ignition Sevice TELEPHONE NO. 9 Lake County Real Estate JOHNSON J. J. Alkofer, Prop. SELLERS and BUY AND SELL LIBERTYVILLE

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