CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Sep 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX _ Mr and Mrs. Davis, of Chicago, spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs B J. Leigh. o _ o Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and Naomi and Jaunita motored to Elgn on Saturday evening and vsited with the former's aunt, Mrs Belnda Ben-- net, who will come up the latter part of the week for a few days visit with relatWwese here. ~ Mrs. George Ross entertained seyv-- eral ladies from Chicago at luncheon on Thursday. _ _ s . agaln Mrs. William Hertel called on Mrs. Elmer Cross on Tuesday. _' * Mr and Mrs. August Gadke spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Kingma. Mrs. Gadke's many friends are glad to know tiat she is able to be out Mr' and Mrs. William Fenner and daughter Evelyn accompanied by their guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cady and daughter Vera, of Barring-- _ Mr. and Mrs. A. J McYeod aud daughter Jacqueline lest Sunday for Conton, Mo, where they wil spend a week. _ Mr and Mrs. Elmer Cross attended the Palatine fair on Monday. -- _ Lewis Huebsch and son attended the Palatine far on Monday. _ _ Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J Williams are entertaining guests this week Mr and Mrs. Tromlee and famly moved to tare Ihving Payne home on Friday morning. They formerly lived in Libertyville and a son, Ev-- erett, is employed evenings at the Decker and Neville drug store. _ -- Harold Wells and Robert Hendee enjoyed a bal game in Chicago on Mondya. o _ Mrs. R. J. Lyons, Mrs. Sed Mitchell and Miss Bessie McBride accompani-- ed by Mrs John Dollenmaier, and Mss Evelyn, motored to Elgin on Tuesday, where Mss Wells entered the Jennings Seminary. While din-- ing in St. Charles, they met a cousin Mrs. Howard Terpning, of Chicago, who is planning the interior deco-- rating of a home in Elgin. Miss Katherine Sngenberger, of Milwaukee, spent the week end at the home of her parents. o Mr. and Mrs. R. J Lyons and cal-- dren attended the American Legon Festival in Waukegan on Friday eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Schoenke and two sons and Mrs. Schoenke's grandmoth er, Mrs. Manning, have moved to the south side of the McBride Du-- plex house. Mr. Schoenke is em-- ployed by the National Envelope CJo. in Waukegan. Mr and Mrs. S. L Tripp accompan ied by Mr and Mrs. Francis, of Lib ertyville, returned from a ten day visit with Mr and Mrs. W. S Tripp in lowa, on Tuesday evening. Roy Stark, who has been vsiting Paul Wells, returned to his home in Milwaukee on Monday evening News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Morse and children of Diamond Lake sp>rt Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Voel-- ker ' Mrs. Ed Dietz was a guest of Mr. ._nd Mrs Robert Gadke at Long Grove on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Phlamin and children, of Rock Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Phalman of Barrington spent Sunday with Mr and _ Mrs. Jos. Diets. Fred Smith, of Barrington and daughter, Mrs. Dr. Ellen of Oconda, Wis., spent _ Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs Fred Voelker. Mrs. Ed Dietz and sisters Ruth and Ethel attended the theatre in Waukegan on Sunday afternoon Mrs. Lester Hoston returned home from the Victory Memorial 'avsptial on WednesdGay, and it is reported that she is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietz and daughters Ruth and Ethel spent Mon day with Mrs. Louis Batz at Wau-- conda. Mrs. Louise Batz 'and daughter, Pearl and Mr. and Mrs. John Pel-- lock, Mr. and Mrs. Caarles Helm, of Chicago, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Kniggee and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chamberlin Frank Kelroy is transtacting busi-- ness in Milwaukee ths week Ed Petersen, of Chicago called at the Voekman home recenty The Pople family and Alfred Jor-- genson spent Labor Day in South Bend, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swan and dau gaiter left Saturday to spend their vavation in Northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dietz visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Gross of Wilmelte on Tuesday eve Bilious Fever --and Malaria. | it is the most speedy remedy known The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Louis Hendee on ¥Frilay a ernoon. Mrs. EdA Bluhm will be assistant hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Tiffany asd Cl ildren have taken a cottage on Crystal Lake, where they are spen.d' ing their vacation. _ ----Leslie Ulrich aad his workmen re-- turned home from Whiting, lad., on Friday, where they {iave been work-- ing on a whoopee track. tion for Eighth grade and Migh school girls and as teacher of Bio-- ogy in the high--school. Miss HModge was especially n trestedq in trese subjects while in Collegs as~ made fine records in them. S has been M. C. Mott and son Paul, visited Mr. Mott's mother and brother, H. Mott, at Matteson, Illinois, oa Mon-- Mrs. Hardin Rouse was a Chicago shoyiper one day of ast week Rev. Clarence E. Wolsted, Mission-- ary at Manamadura India, and form-- er pastor at lvanhoe church, will be at that churc»p to speak and at Mun-- delein caurch on Sunday morning. He wl speak on his experences in India, whch should prove to be very interesting. Miss Harriet Hodge, who was grad vated from Lake Forest College last June, left on Wednesday, for Hoop ston, lIllinois, to take up her dutics there as director of physical educa attended the Palatine fair on 666 fortunate in securtng such a OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELE!IN.* You can help make this section more in-- g i you will phone the Looa! Editor any news items you may have concerning relatives or friends is a Prescription for ,. * Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Mr. and Mrs. Erneste Beavais spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hollinon at their summer home at Crystal fire oppsriunity at the ver; begin-- cring of ner teaching casces _ With her ftine personality and her ability, she will do well in her new position. A group of seventy--five enjoyed the Ivanhoe Sunday schocl per's _ at Gege's Lake bast Friday. > Games, .'uoor bali games, swimming and oth er spurts filed the timo peasantly an! tae good eats and ico cream made all the kiddies happy . Mrs. C Arthur Jeyne entirtaines her brot>er, J. A. Peabody of Evany «ton ani tamily at dinne: on #8.tur-- day even ng, in honor of Miss Mary Probody, who began her returg jour-- ney to Honolulu on the following 42y to resume her duties as secrsarny of the Y. W. C. A. there, -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones moved into their new home in Mundeleia Terminal Subdn. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Funk aud son, William, who have been -p.e.uunz the summer on Willow Lake, Wis., stopped Saturday tor a few days' vis-- it with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Talbot, on their way back to 'Morgantown, W. Va., where Mr. Funk will resume bis work as teacher. Rib Lake, Wis., aso stopped at the Talbot home for a day on their way to Fairmount, W. V¥a, The two fam-- ilies left together Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Funk is Mr. Talbot's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Funk, who rave been spending the summer at Miss Margaret Walsh and Miss Genevieve Sullivan of Chicago, spent Iabor day with Johnny Walsh at the Fdaddy home . Mrs. Wm. Eddy opened her music class this week, with 42 new pupils and regrets that on account of a lack of time it was necessary to turn some away. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane and Miss Genevieve accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kane to the Elkhorn fair on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouse and child-- ren spent the week end with rea-- tives here. They were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs: Russell Rouse on Sunday and attended the Palatine fair an Monday, witra H. C. Meyer, Miss Hulda Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Meyer, Henry and Mss Grace Sturm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strnong of Eigin were dinner guests of Mr. anu Mrs. Henry Kane on Sunday and they spent the afternoon moto:iing in Snuthern Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cady aud dau-- ghter Vera, of Barrington, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fenner Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Watson at' tended the treatre on Saturday acd wtitnessed the presentition of the Thallero animal act and also the act put on by the Medleys of Diamond lake. Mrs. Thombas Russell and Gaught --r Helen were Waukegan visitors on Tuesday. Mrs A G| Watson, of Antioch spent Friday with Mr and Mrs. H. A. Wat-- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wehrenberg attended the Elkhorn fair on Mon-- cay. e -- Mr and Mrs. Floyd Rittler: and children motored to Loda,, Ili., on Sunday and spent a couple days #t the bome of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rouse Mr. and Mrs. William Zersen at-- tended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kropp in Lake Zur-- ch on Monday evening, the occasion being Mr Kropp's birthday. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaddle mo tored to Milwaukee-- on Friday, at tended the fair that day and visited other points of interest in Milwau-- kee over Saturday and Sunday. Mrs Wesley Faulkner took up her teaching again at the TMAamond Lake :chool . _ Mrs. Floyd Rittler and children anmd Mrs. Russell Rouse and children were Waukegan callers on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H Underaill spent Labor Day week end wth the latter's parents, in Oswego, I11 o Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Belle and son Norton, suent the Labor Day week end on an auto trip to Dubuque, la, north up the Mississippi and bac« thru Wisconsin. PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH Ivanhoe Church and First Church of Mundelein (Congregational C. Arthur Jevne, Minister. SBunday School: First Caurch at 9 a. m., daylight saving time; lvan-- hoe at 11, standard time. Worship Services: First Church at 10 a. m., daylight saving time; Ivan-- bhoe at 11:10, standard time. We have the pleagure of sgeing and hearing Rev., Clarence E. Wol STOPPED ON THE ROAD! Mundelein, IMlinois . Telephone 317 NINA J. HUTCHINGS, Local Editor _ TELEPHONE 557J We do our work too well. We know what is needed and we give you the best of service and parts for the least in price. STAR GARAGE Saturday, Sept. 7, at 8 y. m., a re-- eeption will be given at the parlors of the Ivanhoe church for®Rev. and Mrs. Woilsted and family so that they may meet the old frends. Let others know about this social gathering and be there yourself. . 2e sted, missionary at Manamadura, India, and former pastor at Iyanhoe church He has done a very fine plece of work there, and will speak of his experiences, using the sub-- jeot, "The Gospel and tae Indian Farmer." Come -- and bring your friends and let us give him a hearty welcome. all the schools in Libertyville, Fre-- mont and Ela, will be held at Grace Evangelical church, Prairie iVew. 'The program will begin promptly at 2:3Q p. m., D. L. S. T., Merle Tibbets will have charge of the musical pro-- Sunday, Sept. 15, the S. S. con-- vention of District 4, which fncludes gram. Good speakers will bring in-- teresting, inspiring and instructive mesosages, among them Miss Marie Marvel, county religtous educational worker with the Methodist churc., and Rev. B. A. Gann, of the Wauke gan Chapel St. Christian church. See that your school is represented. 1t will be a fine help in getting the right start this autumn. _ _ Young people and 8. 8. workers reserve the date Thursday Sept. 26, for tae Lake Co. 8. S. Convention at Libertyville Presbyterian church. Young people's rally and dinner in the evening followed by a great in-- spirituational service, with Dr. Al-- bert W. Palmer, of Oak Park as the speaker. Watch for the detailed pro-- gram. It will be worth your whie to hear it. LINCILNX SCHOOL NQTFS Miss Jane Sorenson is teaching the frst and second grades for two weeks, for her sister. Ruth, after whica, she will leave for Oshkosh, where she will attend the Normal school. Miss Abbie Carr, who teaches the fifth and sixth grades and Miss Sor-- »enson wil make their home again with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rouse again this year. © Miss Etse Hanson i sagain in charge of the third and fourth grades and wll continue making her home with her mother, in Liberty-- ille. Our only new teacher this year is Charles Baker, from Charleston, I11., who fills the vacancy made by Mr. Scruges. Mr. Baker will teach the sevent. and eighth grades and will make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Small. He has a sister teach-- ing in Ingeside and a brother teach-- ing in Berwyu. Mrs. Julia Chandler and son, of West Chicago, are spendng several days at the William Chandler home. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. August Wirtz motored to Mondovi, Wisc, on Saturday and spent the week end witi Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brixon. Mrs. Wirtz re-- mained witk her brotber and family for a two/week's visit and Mr. and Mrs. Meyer and Mr. Wirtz, on ther way ho on Monday, called on Mr. and <~Mrs,\George Noe of Nellsvile, Wis., who were fformer residents of Munedelein. The Mundelein Recreation Parlor open again on Tuesday evgening, in preparation for the coming season. Mrs. W. D. Porteous was a week end guest of her sister, Mrs. James VanPlew in Wheaton, lllinois. Miss Loretta Dorfler and Miss Pa-- tricia Howe are enjoying a _ two week's vacation from their duties at the hospital in Evanston. They are now spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Darfler, but will leave again on Thursday, for Miss Howe's home n Muskegan, Micai Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Plotz and little granddaughter Ella Mae Brown spent the week end in Chicago wm_x and wife Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lebmkull at-- tended the Highland Park DAy Exer-- cises on Monday o Miss Bonnie Stanger of Highland Park is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roder, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roder and son Earl, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hen-- ry Toune, of Long Grove. Harry Pfannenstill was brougt to his home from the Palatne hospital on Saturday and is rapidly improv-- ing under the care of Mrs. Pffannen-- still an dthe bhome enviroment. Mr. and Mrs.: Albert Roder were guests Labor day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Prouty at Grassy Mrs. Erneste A. Beauvais enter tained seven Chicago friends at bridge and luncheon Wednesday. Plot's brother, A. W. Lockwood LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1929. Mrs, Dave Carmody and daughter, Dolores, and Mrs, Emil Christiangsen and children returned Sunday from a two weeka' visit --wita relatives. Mrs. Carmody spent a week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Jones, in Granite City and the other week with Thos. L. Carmody in Carro'iton. Mrs, Christiansen spent the time with her husband's p@rents, I&. and Mrs. Christiansen, in Granite City. Emmett Bilinski made a business trip to Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, John Vogt and son, Willard of Chicago, were dinner guests at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Fred Kiene Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and daughter, Dorotiy, Mr. and _ Mrs. Charles Jeffery and daughter Fran-- ces, attended the fair in Milwaukee Thursday. Mrs. Annie Rouse and Mrs. Mary Allanson left on Thiursday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Griffith, of Kali-- still, lont'* Mrse, Allanson is a sis-- ter to Mra/\Uriffith and Mrs. Rouse is a sister to Mr. Griffith They formerly lived where the Ames fam-- iy now lives on the Hawthorn Farm. Dave Covert and Ernest Clift at-- tended the fair at Milwaukee las Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Holst en-- tertained the former's father from Bibley, over the week end. _ _ | Miss Rose Therson at the teachers. Chris Petersemr, of Libertyville is . the bus driver ann janitor. Mrsé. A. Ming and daughter Helen spent Thursday in Waukegan. . _ Mr. and Mrs. Schutte of St. Louis, spent Sunnay with Dr. and Mrs. O. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ray left on Monday for a week's vacation on t¥ie KEagle River, where they will have a cottage. * William Caupert spent the holi-- days with his parents in Pikeville. Mrs. Jennie Hayes abhd Donald Sprachen attended the fair at Mil-- waukee, on Wednesday. . Cement has been laid as far as the railroad in Diamond Lake. As all the materials are unloaned here, the loborors are now cementing east from Ivanhoe. nf E. Wikoxr and son Robert, of Lib-- ertyville attended the Fair and Fes-- tival here on Saturday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Mediey, under the names of Medley and Duper, appear-- ed at the Genesee Taeatre in Wa kegan on Sunday. Gus Thafero, of Mundelein with his animal act was also one of the features. The Thal eros lived at Diamond Lake for seyv-- eral years. A number of local people went to see the performances, amon« them were Mr. and Mre. Paul Allanson, Mrs. Lewis Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and Mr. ann Mrs. Rob-- ert Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Duncomb of Oak Park spent Labor day at the William Edwards home. 'Thieves entered the hen house of George Heinsohn on Friday evening ond now he is minus about forty of his spring chickens. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kwa), of Evan-- ston attended the Festival here on Saturday. -- Hawthorn school opened on Tues-- day wih Miss Katherine Cahil and V j Y ou Are | 4 mm Farmer ; < APififil CPoee 'We invite you to take advantage of k a n -- our banking facilities. Like other | C 2P 3108 business men, the farmer needs a 2e is guitable bank connection, the oppor-- AttHet Tt tunity to discuss his problems with N ; N © $444456.4 a banker who has some understand--. 'a e > ing of his business. h ie We pride ourselves upon the serv-- a . ':::Ej ice we render to ofir farmer friends. ereil GHH We want trem all to feel free to call e $o40044 upon us at any time for any advice HHE: : 4 or assistance we may be able to give. & P freess EstEREE s Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kane, Lewis _ WE KEEP OUR MILK PURE Keeping milk pure and untainted is far from an easy task, yet because it is so im-- portant in keeping baby well we devote special attention to this part 'of our milk service. * Phone 565 and 567 for this purer and better milk--we will do the rest. Diamond Lake Mundelein, III. LIBERTYVILLE §UPPLY DEPOTS F. C. Norman, Phone 508; Libertyville Fruit and Végetable Store Phone 183; Miller's Grocery, Phone 81; Hanlon's Green Front: Store, Phonge 498. Rouse Bros. Dairy business men, the farm guitable bank connection tunity to discuss his prC a banker who has some ing of his business. We pride ourselves upon the sery-- ice we render to ofr farmer friends. We want tiem all to feel free to call upon 1/n at any time for any advice or assistance we may be able to give. Mills, George Roesslein, Herman Holst, William Woodin and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane and daughter Gen-- evieve attended the fair at Elkhorn on Monday. 6 : -- Walter Kane spent tae week end with his parents in Elgin. y _ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mills and chil-- nren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Rockenbach of Crystal Dr. Mann,. professor of Saciology, brought his class to visit the Model Farm and St. Mary's Seminary on Wednesday, after which they . ate Mrs. Hemmingway and family, Mrs Martin, and Mrs. Duncomb and Mr. and Mrs. William, Edwards, motored to Pal Lake, Wisconsin, on Frday. Mr. and Mrs. Park Allanson spent Wednesday at the Milwaukee fair. Lewis Mills received three car loans of sheep from Idaho Thursday. Rut'1 Rogers returned home on gunday, after spending two weeks at home of her grandmother and broth-- er Taft, in Kansas Ctiy. _ _ 5 vV Cuumomu ied 4. CHe Es bal.s minctcndih snctad. 4 ECCC a picnic supper at Diamond Lake. The Rev. Schuerman is a member of the class. We L h 1 MB ctvands i M ccmalten senomindr »CntlP ind F The Diamond Lake school opened Tuesday with 31 pupils enrolled in Mrs. W. Faulkner's room and 34 in Miss Helen Mantle's. Miss Mantle is a new teacaer this year, taking the place vacated by her sister, Frances, who . will attend the University at Bloomington to contiftue her musical studies. Miss Mantle will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray. It will be interesting and gratify-- ing to know that all of last year's graduates from the eigthh grade are attending high school. HIBNTION HOUSE AT NORTH | PP . SHORE PARK Ivanhoe | About two bundred people Visited | _ y angq Myrg William Wagner and | the house opened to the public ON 'o»;gron spent Monday at -- Gage's' North Shore Park, under he deve} (Lake. opement of Gewke and Kolmar. Thi®s|" /; ria Smith visited at Lake modern fiveroom English house OVY~ | Genpog, on Sunday. | erlooks Diamond Lake ann is con-' Lester and Orville Jordon of Har--| venient in every respect, hot water | vard, visited on Sunday at the home heat, fruit cellar, fire place and all of Mr. and Mrs. William Browder. | other taings too nmumerous to DOt€.| _ Arrreq Snyder and Miss Amber Five oher houses are being Planbed Grabbe motored to Sky Harbor air| for the subdivision. Robert Hazel , . . Sunday and saw the endur--| e was the architect. | He @50 ) on.) flight plane in the air. ] ::Sgned the Mundelein Village H'"l Mr. and Mrs. M. Schoerke have and G. A. Johnson was the CATD®D®| renreq a part of the T. McBride| ter. All the materials were purch@8~}pnou;s ang Mrs Schoenke will teach | ed from S. L. Tripp Lumber CO--| (no fyanpoe school, which began on | The additional chouses to be bDU!lt, / rfuyesqday, : | are to be of ind#vidual type, and n.ny | Word has been received from Mr. I be used fgr either summer O0r WID| ang yrs md Godwin, who have been ter homes. |spendlng the summer in England, -------- o_ _\ that they will sai for the United FALL FAIR AND FESTIVAL WAS GREAT SUCCESS The Fall Fair drew about one hun-- dréd people nuring the afternoon and evening, as ideal weatier prevailed thruout the day. It was necessary to hold it at he church because of he cemening of he road. An excep jonally fine exhibit of fruits, vege-- tables, grains and bakery and canned articles and flowers was on display. Mr. Katrel, agricultural teacher of Antioch <and Mrs. Grant Cook, of Half Day, were the judges. To the best of the correspondent's know-- ledge, this is a list of the blue rib bon exhibits: cake, Bessie Kane:; pie. not learned; bread, Gertie Hut-- chings ; cookies, Dora Rouse; jelly, Mrs. Rogers; best arrangement of iflowers, William Phingston; bouquet of glaniolas, Robert Rouse; potatoes, Gordon Ray; best stalk of corn, to Paul Allanson Jr.; tallest stalk of corn, Mitcael Kane; best ear of corn to Gordon Ray; best arranged group of vegetables, (rrdon Ray,; and app-- les, Clayton Hutchings. A ball throwing contest amused' the men thruou bhe afternoon. In the early evening, the Hansen child-- ren, Johnnie Celba and Helen Ming, presented a ltile circus, which was the cause of great applause. After this, the crowd gahered to see a varied program of music, stunts and reading, under the direction of Mrs. Medley.. Sarah Kane was arden the registration prize. and Mrs. Cook guessed the article waich was baked in a cake made by Mrs. Mitchell, so was awarded the cake. About seyv-- enty--eight dollars was netted for the church, and the commitee has many o thank, who helped thruout the day. There wil be no church services the folowing two Sundays, as Rev. Scheuerman will enjoy a two week's vacation. He will attended confer-- ence in Ottumwa, lowa, waere he is to be ordained. A district Sunday school conven--| tion will be held on Sunday, Sept. 15, at Prairie View. This district? includes Diamond LAke. The girls'| choir will sing on that day. -- l _ The recreation evening will be | held for several more time during | this month. | Sixteen young students from the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, at-- tended the church services on last Sunday. . _ WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO, be sure It is a good one. Let us tell you about the well known HAD-- ORFF and GULBRANSEN. ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN SHEET MUSIC ORDERS FOR PIANO TUNiNG WILL BE GIVEN PROMPT ATTENEION Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee 8t., Waukegan, !!! JAS. C. O'SHEA Piano Tunin-- CHURCH NOTES States on September 7. They have had a wonderful time and saw many beautful sights, but admit that there is no place like home. John Meyer Sr. left on Tuesday morning to accompany Mr. and Mrs.' Barney Amann of Libertyville, on a two week's motor trip to Niagra Falls. | Great preparations are being made for ae annual Ivanhoe bazaar and chicken supper which is te be held on November 14. wee Mr. and Mrs. Wil Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. James Towner and daugh-- ter spent Sunday evenng with the Tuebbe brd®thers. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner, of Grayslake, visited at the John Raa-- sch home on Sunday. Emmett Raasch and a friend vis-- ited the Genesee Theatre in Wauke-- gan on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrsg. Fred Lubkemann, of Diamond Lake, visited wita Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubkema Diamond Lake, visited witi A Ransom on Thursday evening The Luebbe brothers entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubkemann, of Diamond Lake on Thursday evening. daughter accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and daughter and their guest, Miss Mable Hoffmier to the Milwaukee fair on Thursday. Martin Wagner called on Mr. and Mrs. John Raasch on Sunday after-- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery and Mrs. Julia Ransom was a Wauke rean business called on Thursday. infected finger and will soon be able o start to school. Waler Falk, his brother and sister and her husband of Chicago, left on HHnnmrHOoNE 31 FOR SUDDEN SERVICE e G. HARDEN ROUSE Hawley Street at Lake Ave., Mundelein Lifetime Guaranteed Supertwist Cord Tires ROUSE'S SERVICE STATION Quality Q_,- way uP-- a 'v:&& ( Prices \'*J" way down on latest 1929 GOODBDJYEAR Tuesday morning, for a week's tour in the northern woods of Wisconsin. Bessie Sievers of Prairie View vis-- ited over the week end with Bernice Chamberlin. Miss Gen vieve Raasch and friend motored to Chicago on Suudayw eve-- The pouring of cement was begun on Tuesday morning, in tie village of Ivanhoe. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kalienen and son Jack, of Chicago, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. DMetz. year Tire and Rubber Co., was awarded the contract to build two giant rigid airships of 6,500,000 cubic feet each, for the United States Government. Sky-- way or highway--factory or field--Goodyear leads. The Goodyear--Zeppelin Corport-- tion, a subsidiary of the Good-- Mrs. Raber Radke was a I ville caller on Tuesday John Wirtz enter friends from Bata dinner at Rest Ha Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gecorge and daughter Virginia «p+ day evening with Mr and Hertel. Mr. and Mrs. Fr children, and Mr a Hertel and childre spent Sunday -- a"« and Mrs. Wiiliam I The Misses Elizabet} Wirtz were Sunday dinre tae home of the Misses FElizabeth Wirtz at Frem Bobby Dietz is improy after having quite a tim Mr and Mrs, M. F. . children from Cedar Lak here visiting with rela' few days Arthur Hertel spent with his grandparents George Grose, at Laks (Continued on Pags unday GINLer gu« the Misses Cart rtz at Fremon: z: is improving t quite a time wi Irs; M. F. Wir ; Cedar Lake Wy c owith orelatives d a M Cartie an 1 6 Mr H W the re d«augh unday >mpan d fam-- 'hland rapidly 1 and avern slake, q Mr. 1Car o Cubs Wmm and to

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