CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1929, p. 10

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PAGE SIX Mr. and in. R. H. 11360me "an: Sunday evening with Mr. and In Ralph Patric in man. ' Mrs. George Ron and son. A!" ley. spent Tuesday in Chicago. and attended the Great Nathan-Mu greatly enjgying "The New loan." Mrs. Wax-en Snyder and son. Bay. were guests Wodnoodly of In. " fred Martin. In Wuhan. A -- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zena: nnd Mr. and In. E. W. humor attended the ball gum " Cubs put In Chicuo Sunny. A - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weits and children and In. Wmn Snyder and non. Roy, spent Sand" with Mr. and Mrs. Prod Kinnde in Antioch. Mr. and' Mrs. Henry Kan. and, Miss Genevieve were dinner nut!- at the home ot Mr. and In. our!" Strong in Elna Sunday. -iGree Ray. iikt sunday for Clan- palgn when he win mane his nu- dies at Illinois University. _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane ind Mm Genevieve called on Mr. tad In. sound Andrew. in lake - [an Monday evening. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Victory spent Tuesday night with Mr. and In. Frank Vickery " Granule. and w command them to the Elnora tair Wednesday. _ "it; all)" Bum: of GrarsHiot was a week end guest " the home ot Mr. and In. H. A. Watson. _ "iiriaid Mrs. George Pout, of China). went Sunday at the H. C. Meyer home. - - _ _ "flake-n Ending left Tueodny no ning for St. Paul, when _ahe'hu_tat- gn 'i-poomon teaching in the Sum- mit Private school. Miss Harding mum. there two 'ttrt, Mo. - - . Mr. tad Mrs. J. J. house of Lode, arrived in Mandelein. Friday eve- ning to attend the Rouse family le- union Bandar. They are now mu- ing at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Word Rude: and will spend . few weeks anon; relatives here. - . iiFii.h. AT "ht-on and Mrs. bed Kine were Chicago visitors may. and attended the Satanic they're. News' Notes of MundW Mr. and In. F'tqtatk leer of Ra- cine went a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butler, en- route to Iowa. where they will Tuit tenth". Il-aaa-e--""'""'""""-'"---'" "8.071957"th "on: LIVING mnnmematttt? Vouc- ub "than... can b Mlmmlmuomlumrmmm--yummmmgm Mrs. Own. Harding and Mist Dor- othy were luncheon guests Wednes- duy " the tumor home ot Mr. and Mu. Ray Taster. on Fox river south of MeRenry. Mr. and Mrs. Tutor returned my summer tromYenchlng, China. where he mm: in the Unr vanity tour yearn. III. Bessie McBride was 3 Chi- cago vim Tuesday. Miss Smith ot Harrington called on Mr. and Mn. Myron Wells Tues- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Aug Guile spent sev- eral at" hut week with Mr. And Mn. Robert Guile at Quentin: Cor- -- Ibo Marjory Van Horn of Ms- ton. was a dinner guest, Saturday eve 111' .t the home of Mrs. Orpha mm McBride caught his hand in the sour: of u crane belonging to we Tripp Lumber Co. Tum, and broke a. bone In hi: hand. Mr. and Mn. Myron Well. and children were unonx mate who at- tended the his picnic at Lah? Zurich Saturday evening. - - we Tripp Lumber Co. "why. end Sunday. Sept. 15, u 3:30. p. m. broke a. bone in MI hand. daylight suing time. Din. No. 4 ot Mr. and Mrs. Myron Well. and me Like Co. B. B. Ann. will hold in children were omens thaw who tt-iannuu convention with the Prune tended the his picnic at mo Zurich View church. A half hour or mow Saturday evening. service will be led by the Pnirio Mr. end Mn. H. W. Stacy of Sn View band nnd Merle "new. The Diego. Calif.. are guests of Mr. and .peabrrs o ttthe pm "a export. Mrs. s. L. Tripp tor "veral den-in Sunday school work and will this week speck on subjects ot vital concern Mr. and In. H. A. Enllebmmgto all otticeN and mocha" in the and daughter, Rose Mary, "eat hunched; ot the district. Letd in" Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. 100 per cent attendance from P1rat Kitchum in Lake Pttreat. (le4t and lame Sundny school; Mr. and Mrs. Punk Kelroy and on that day, beside. other: who no Praneis. Cecelia and Jtaneo qrsntlinteresrted in our young people. -. _ Mrs. Oscar Phauman and children' time, choir practice nt ivnnhoe. at of Rock Falls are spending this week the home of Mr. Dolph. with the former'a parents. Mr. nnd Saturday at ' p. In, choir practice Mrs. Josey.) Diem. lat First church. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Diet: left Monday, Friday. Sept. M. the ladies Aid morning for a week: vocation nt Society in. its meeting with In. F. Late Waukem. WU. Ff. Shnddie. Mrs. R. J. Lyons is to- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rome and "gum boots". children attended the picnic at Lalte', September 26, beginning at ' A. m., Ziirich Saturday. ' Isa-mad ting, the we Co. B. s. Mr. and Mn. J. J. Rouse of Lodl- Asan. holds its 59th annual conven- spem Monday night and Tuesday tion with the Libertyville Presbyter- with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Row. "an church. See full announcement . Mr. and Mrs. Prank 'tgt'rJf"lr/o'e'"ere in this issue. and Mrs. Wm..l'1idy motored to --- Wheaten Sunday and attended nl . birthday mm in honor of m. Ed-l Diamond Lake dyfs brother, Will lbston. - __ l " - A " m RV I Mm. Ed Dim: and Min Ruth Diet: spent Sunday Inez-noon with Mr. tad Mrs. John Gross tn WING. Mr. trnd Mrs. Wm. my union! tut Monday in Oman}. - __u _ th Mr. and Mrs. Chu. Rubin! and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kabul ad am- dren of Algonquln mm Sunday "b omma with Mr. an Mrs. Henry .Kubhnk. Mr. end In. Oral mm. children of Weaken were Sunday u the home of Mr. and R. Frank Renew; In. Clara Meyer m s Glaxo visitor Monday. ' Mb- Nency Lee We of Evin.- ton went last week with her grum- mother. Mrs. Hume "330. In. Glenn Knitttte called for little W Lee Monday. - , -ib.Gidi " Harley menu" and Junior. of Guyana, spent Monday evening with Mr. and In. JmQh Dim. Mr. and Mrs. Funk Enema md ton. RIM, spent "and" evening with Mr. and Mrs. Funk mum-d In Wakes-n. l". J. L. Roder returned home on hunky dorm, utter spending . wool with Mr. and In. Pete Nol- Mr. um Mm. W. Paddler and non. Artur. "pm Bum!" gnu-noon with In. Ania Klmk. new will be . Per My!» Mr. and Mrs. George Yetta and daughter and her magma. Mr. tad Mrs. Kenneth Riley no children. ot Glen myn, were - "naar at the home of Mr. and In. 8. W. Wm Aid yum meet "(by Bert. Area, with In. Punk muddle. Mrs. R. J. Lyons will be Bagiqtant ' - "'"t James Holman returned home rs. Pred Sunday evening from Tom, wanna malihe took part in a wrestling bout in than». 1 Tom. and did some training in Onl- r of Rt vuton. He will leave nun Wednel- " .mxldny evening for a bout In Bt. boob. "any of 6irtUld, Mr. and In. Ab .bort. In. ' L Rode: and John Radar were dinner (can 8M7 at the home at Mr. and In. Md Rod-z Mr. sod In. Pouch-ad ugtaner0r left and" {or . won'- vocation which any will spend touring In "meow T301 were dinner (and. at the bone of Mr. and In. m aux Sanity evening. . in. Daily A Laurence and in. Anderson of Chicago. went sunny max-noon with Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Jone. Don't tone: the maul comm-Hon ot the lake County Sunday Bdttott Juaociathetgt u the Pull-to View Church and" Motor 15. at 2:80 a. n. Barium Snvuu'Tune. 'Thoro were over thirty in snow me n the tint Dunn. of The We. Aid. Plan. were unit for the Ni and Willie: work and it in mo- od "it this good utondnnco will continue throughout the you. The hat house in Mundeloln Term- lnal Subdlvldon bu been sold. and It is understood that ten more .no' homes will be 'started u soon u the plans can be computed. l Mr. 3nd In. Arthur H. Jon. " tended the funeral of Mrs. Agatha 'Schnelder, tn aunt at Mn. Jones, Int ir'rtder. Mrs. Schnelder was an old -resldent of Chloaxo. Mr. and In. L. A. Bunch tad non. Lloyd. spent Sand" In Whale- nn mum trierndg and attending the Genome Thain. Mr._1nd In N. J. McNair of RV- anawl, veto week and - u the bone of Mr. and In. G. A. Gabon R. ' Lyon wen to t9ttrtngtMtt "entity. to rent!!! seven] an" on business. I Threw. Well! We have bought the phlldren their new books and clothes [for school. Now it is time to think of the P. T. A, We want every ( mother and father to become a mem- ber this _ nod even those who _ hove no children going to 36.on are welcome to Join and help the CSttBe Iolong. The date ot the first meeting 'will be announced later. Let us see lyou there. In. Harry 'Nittott and children accompanied In. Helen any to her home in Oshkosh thin week. Mr. and Mn. Wesley Faulkner vu- lted Mr. ad Mn. Elmer Faulkner in Kingston Sunday. PLYMoUTHqLAR0ER PARISH lvnnhoe Church and First Church of Mundelein (Congregational C. Arthur Jevue, Minister. Sunday School: First Caurett n ' B. In, daylight suing Lune; Inn- hoo an ll, alumna time. _ _ each church. . Mr. Jame will preach on the lab- ject, "The Amheq ot_Jqoth." - "iroruttii, Services: First Church u 10 t. m. autism suing time; Inn- hoe a 11:10, standard time. -- ' Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hatching: motored Wednesday to Elkhorn, and [attended the Mir. I In Spin: and children moved .to Chicago hot week. They went 'the summer here operating the Di. unoad me store. -rutay" It 7:30 b." in standard time. choir practice It lvmboe. at the home of Mr. Dolph. _ 'the summer here operating the Di- Min Lila In when left Sunday 'unoad we stow. afternoon for Stout. Wit. Imam the l mu Annie Thompson "a Mu. will "tend Stout Institute this you. .Brigp of Colorado Swings, iGiiil Donald Winin- ha ramped Wednesday and Thursday man my from his nation. which he wont 19,reyr.'e, eouain, Mm. Emma MIN, -e!M!eeMegrigee-ll-ee+!er!e IThey made the trip by automoule' and hive been visiting friends In Rt l [nine and Hanson. 5 - I A m Inn, working with the etttgtatmgtttm my on the new cm: mad, overturned his Antonio bile Walnut!" evening on no Din-end moan: Dar road, mu the m1- limo hemp. It was we. The employee 6: the Btatetttord Co. of Man: axiom 3 picnic Bat. ntnhy a Rar Bros. picnic grove. The moral League portend to- gether My evening It the bane of Rev. and In. John E. new. where e Mucu- uover was held for Mi" mm. Wrench, ot He'- thom hm. and Mr. and an hype of mm. Mr. Jeppe In . put ale-idem at the We. The we all: we: went in pinyin: - and vermin-ens were served to the (up. The honored gums received my unmet!" [my 7 l 7_ Mr. sud Mrs. Pun) Mason ab tended the wedding ot the former. con-In, Charles Barnes. of Burton. who was untried Wednesday to Sal-Ah Odo. tho of hasten. The ceremony took plus " Bt. MM. thcrw'n Bottom munch. and . n- caption for the guests was held in do pariah homo. --- Mr. 3nd In. Orville Ryder ot Mun down tad Mr. and In. David Cor on enjoyed c Menie tumor Sunny evening M Game. - Dr. ind In; o. Simpson Mora! 3m: to North has. TIN., when they visited the man mun. Mr. and in. Robert Cooper non. torod My evening to Sky mm "an": entered the Diamond "to school this (all. umA J. HUTOHINOO, Loca|__ldM TILIPHONI at), YRT "imam by the choir ot an for . M'mt to use him to the We}! Isl-oral not Mtnt,whemtts8omt1hohadttrw in his In. m can? Injuries. m: but h In much... lb. lamina Wk of Down. in mm; In: uncle and "it, It. and In. B. Candy. of - has. for s week. In. Louis 8m and damn: Ann, are moving this veal to and: horn eh Cicero. They spent the sum- mer on "in "not. Mr. an In. Arthur Bound spent WM in Wuhem.' Mr. and In. but Non: Tuited sum at the Show home In Gears- Me. In. Show and ton-town; an operation for typendlclun. The tun- eru as bold M. 1 Of than 111 were no". tie-cond- mu, with " MM pro-ant. A pl ate dinner In: "ten " noon. The men at! bay- cnjoyed than me, after which Ice cream and. cm were named. Mr. and Mrs. Horton Joul- About 126 people trithered Sunday to attend no Roan "My reunion. son who my spending their nation in New Edwina. um, s "locum of (room. 7 - A has number at local people at. tended the Min Producen' picnic u. Luke 2m tMturdnr. Robert R. Rouse won second In the MM wurnunent. The member- ot the girls' choir. heeomprutied by In. Earl lane. on- Joyed 3 manhunt picnic Friday evening at Sumner-'- rmn. Lake Zurich. There will be no Sum!" school nor church service. Bumy. Sen 16, st [inland Lake chunk. A Sands: whool convention will be held In the uternoon It Fume New. The ("If dach- vill sing. Mr. and Mn. John Rowe and the latter's nlece, Mary Wim of Lodz. motored here Friday to attend the Route reunion., The latter remain- ed to wood . week with her cousin. It; Caroline Mltcbell. B. Vocal], who bu '{been phyinx in the orchestra at Rum: Pitt 311 gamer is now enjoying u malon of the weeks. . in. Ed Mitchell. at Chicago. who is well known here, slipped on the "and: not week and broke her *ai'm. Mr. Mitchell attended the Rouse reunbn Sundsy, Itut,,trteaut"r ; her accident, Mrs. Mitchell m .umble to "tend. Mrs. Anderson and daughter Betty Jane, spent Wedneuhry night " the Paul Altman home. Mr. and In Harden Rome attend ed the.Gene-ee Tm!" in Wttttke on may night. Mitra Annie Thomp'on. Miss Briggs of Colorado 89mm. Mrs. Emma Mills. Mrs, Robert Rouse motored to Skin "mummy, where they visit- mi In. Lucy eru. _ In. George Hdnnohn and chil- dren are spending n week with the tormerU parents. Mr. and Mn John Irvine, It South 08nd, Ind. Her brother. mm of Cincinnati, did siaer, Maude, motored here Smur- day and the returned with them. Mr. and In. Funk Nova]: visited Sunday wit.) I friend rho b I pu- ttemt " the St. hereon hospital in Wuulenn. in. and In. Paul Draper and childun d Grunt", visited Btttt. day at the but cut: bane _ _-__ Mr. and In. Wht. Stoerp of Cry.- tat um. culled My on In. 80pm. Toner. - Col. Reed. Capt. and In. Unit.» Held and con, Dunk]. of Evanston, spent Thundly with Mr. and In. Ernest can _ Snub Mom to attending the Ein town-Mp high school thb you. She nu made her home the put two you: no: her Morena Mr. and Mn. Voelher, of Mtutdeteitt and at- tended the LiboNrvilie school. Opal Kaine of Ubortyvmo. ad , Mrmer tendon! here. will attend the Normal who! a Xllnukee this year The Imemuonnl Havens: Co. will hold I picnic an" {Inn next Sammy. 77 7 Albert Kaine of Libertyville vis- ited Wednesday with Vernon and It"! luau. _ Francis Mom is suffering trom . sprained nnn. A Raymond Bristow, ot Eunston. a former resident. bu recently return- ed trom Marr Bron, Rochester. um. quota, when he his been talus treatment for his run which he injured when a boy. Pinon-WM"? "In..."m'mm WHEN you BUY A PIANO. to um tt I. a good on. Lot on all you than the tqqit known Math DOIFF and COL-HANGIN. OIDII. F0. PIANO TONI" WILL " CIVIN PM." ATTIIIION _ ALL TH. LAT." NUIIIR. IN OH!" HUNG Model Farm News JAS. C LIBERTYVILLE 1ND1i;Wi2ip1i1tiT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1929. Purse Tunin- dt uh IA". Wir., a. mu 't an. to: Mic Sol-vio- Com: en- 'tttrr-., --- - - A , Martin I". Winn; m mm In Mane. Ian, over the week and . Uttttett m as mm "vs. --- a dtft'TJ"g Len ttmalt and B. A. Wednesday morning, Sept. 4th, "at a Woo, were IN" " ' a. mm: m mm the u... ... ; swam; "is-dong"? gum 'ru-dat "temoqn. " an e n, u: us than, 'Ne "mm " the m ttna £100 of Mundelein, were united in be dumped oft eon-Idenbly since Letter" holy bond: at mummcny. the cere- day. ., (iiiiGr being read try the Very Rev. Mr. and Mm. Clam or duo-co Near. H. F. Won. procmmr of an. unmanned to: friends on We: Jury of the Lake Seminary, in the day a. the Cold Spring fun. A plot presence ot "have: or the bride 'tiostuTrra-tqerytdayttyto,tut1rroom. . . tire, one: whié 3 "any ot tire-l The young couple were attended worn wee enjoyed. [by the bride'e niece. Mia's Leona line on" mm: of Littertrviue.iDieU, of Mundelein, and by the entertained " (id heads " n nib groom's brother Leo Althea, ot calm "lower Thereby eve- Urban; honor" Mi" rum. Wrench.| The bride wore a gown of pink The eveninngu spent in pinyin: zeorgette and carried e bequet ot bunco. and a buffet luncheon no white men and lilies at the valley, served by the hates. an» Wrench and the bridesmaid was dressed in received my more! present. [yellow georgette andkarrted yelloy County Supt~ ot Schools T. Arthur was. . tNnrmon celled Pridly It thet ""'l A wedding dinner was served at thorn school. noon' nt the home of the bride's nar- Ivanhoe Mr. and In. William Wigner and funny were Evmton shopper: on Strum-y. Mr. tad In. J. Pennington and con visited Daren sum: and George "stun. in Wsukcgun on Sunday. at me Jottrtmteptterd home. Mr. (ad Wa. John Shepherd and funny. Mt and In. Wiliinm_Brrrd- " do chum enjoyed B picnic at Crystal but. on Sunday. 7 was Gum's" Hunk: Hound mm New" drawn " the home of chair at In. mm Hen-tel. Twelve echool we. ot Margaret Hell numbed her #tth 3 may on loads, evening, it being her birth- day. The evening he spent in play- ing m an senor-n1 merrymakintr. Refreshment. were served. Mr. and In. Loo Obeuu! motored to Innate. on Sand" and visited Mrs. 0b_ensuf's menu. - "Ilrfdnd In- J. Pigment!!! w- commuted Mr. tad In. John 'Wiru and children to Mutual-g on Sun- my, where they enjoyed I picnic din- ner In t you n that Me. Mus Once Dolph "git-rover the week end " the home of her 9mm. Mr. and In: Drunk Dolph. were Thundny evening dinner (out: ot In. J. Wm and Loewe Bros. Airs. F. Kaiser and soon visited a the home of In. J. Rum and son on Sunday afterttoon. _ __ - Mrs. A. MeLGurhiin and tally. of Chicago. visited a the Loewe Bros. home Sunday evening. ' - In. Edna Browder was a Wank:~ (In caller on loudly. Mr. and Hrs. Albert Snyder nnd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rita returned Wednesday from their month's motor trip to Portland Oregon. They m Med the nut Hills and Dead Wood. In South union and were within a few miles of the top of Mt. Hood, which was capped with snow. They reported l plenum trip a vaccine vim and plonty ot huge-tins sights. About' forty young 'peoplc from Fremont attended a picnic at Gages Latte on Sundny. A A 7 Mr, and, in. O. C Jarrett and family motored to Human! on Bun. day and 311851 on gelatin; --. tum Two suspicious looking young men had Been seen woo-loamy in Im- hoe. and were arrested on My night ,by Chyton "any and m North Shore Une offecan. They had been. saying " the old W. Diet: Mr. tad In. Richard Ransom md baby visited a the Bob Odom home on My ev'ehtimr. In Sid Carfield, of Crrayskrtre, was a Band" momma edict at the Art Sbober home. .,' Mr. and In. William Fiber, ot cum. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder. Wool n the mum Wedneuhy eve-Bina- .Mr. an! In. Will "and Mr. and in. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and daughter Dorothy Ann vittited u the Duo at Mr. ad in. George Gross ot lake Zurich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ft Dorter and um- ily went Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ptennenatilt at Diamond latte. -dGr'GTeVe"iiGsctt transacted bust- neqs' In Chicago on Honda}. -_- " -irr,ri:Aeet" Rm. entertained the Mother-r Club on Thursday of Inat week. - - _ Waiter Rik has returned from me motor trio thru Wisconsin and w pom a fine trip and mnny wonderful "this. was union John-on end Bernice Parr.» of Libertyville, attended the Mundeteln Fin-men's Dance on' Inst Thursday evening and spent the nite with Midi Dorothy Diets. In. "all. and Arthur H spent the week bud " Lake Zu Mr. and In. Charla Dolph family event Sunday with Mr. In. rank Dolph. -_--- STOPPED ON THE ROAD! Munchkin, Illinois t Telephone 317 F'ulk has returned from ' thru Wisconsin and me trip and mnny wonde We do our work Mo well. We know what is needed and we. give you the best of service and parts for the least in price. . STAR GARAGE wm Wuner accom- ln. Elmer Cm" and and Ida, Delbert. Hem] Bu "ch. and his Miss Christine Wagner and Louis Althaus ' 9 United in Marriage by Msgr. ll. F. Wolf A wedding diriner was sewed at noon' " the home of the bride's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wagner. of Hundeleln. Tae tables were " con to "to Geneva, Twin Lures'dtuurtnar Doris, Evelyn Turnbull and and Powers Latte, Wise. on Sundty. C Burgh flu-on spent Tuesday evening It" Treat Qulgley and j,iii,riii,iijij,i,t," Mr. And Mrs. George Huson at nanny. and Donald Cochran and.Rmmd an. It" Tram Qulgley and Dorothy lobar. and Donald Cochran and Gerald King, ot Claim, Mr. and In. Antony Mar, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emmerson, w. and Mrs. James Hoff- mnn md mule and Herbert, of Wilmette, motored Ao lvnnhoe Sat- urday evening and enjoyed the dnnce u min Htvon Sublet. Mr. and Mrs. George We ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Matter Rad- ke and'ehiidren to Ilium on Sun- day, where they visited with rela- that. Miss Agnes Merem visited on Bun any with her ulster Mrs. M. Ross den lcher 11 Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Bralnerd at the home of Mrs. Orqtha Hard. ing in 'Mundeleln. on Sunday. The Mines Elizabeth and Ann Wirtg and Mr. and Mrs. George Brainerd attended the Elinor!) fair on Tnturrday. Mr. and In. Frank Win: and daughter Virginia, spent Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. L. Gottactr " at Long Grove. Mr, and Mn. s. L. Tripp and trmndNutrttters Geo and Alvin Bluhm, called on Miss Sm]: Juice on Sunday memoon. Illa Dom Dayle, of the Country Ilde Club, visited on Friday after hoon with Mr. and Mn Bert Cham berlin. Mr. and Mm. George Delnlein spent Thursday and Friday in Milwaukee. and attended a birthday party in honor of the farmer's mother. Little Hubris Kama, daughter of Mr. and Mn. George Knigge, en- mned seven] girls a I birthday my. " honor ot her seventh um!- vemry, Sunday afternoon. It" Amber Grabbe spent Sunday at the Albert Snyder home. A pretty wedding was solemnlzed u the home of Mr. and Mra. Willard Darrell " on Glen tum Tueadar, Sam. 3, u " o'clock noon.orhen their eldest daughter, Mildred; was united in marriage to Harvey H. Bailey. of Molina. Mrl and Mrs. Bailey will be at home after Sept. 16 at 1104 E. Garfield St, pavenport, Mr. and Mrs. Glenway Downer are entertaining we tormer's parents from Aberdeen. Bouth Dakota. _ "$.56 Rexdén and Russell and Roy Gory of Mundelein called at the Harry Grantham hope Tuegday. Win. Wm Hurts and daughter, Florence, ot lake Btaff, called on relative: here recently. a A "EB. an}. Jecks. ofcary culled u the Grantham home Friday evening. Hrs. Lou Geary and children of Life Zurich called on reluives here Sunday. -- _ "it. aim Mrs. John Brown spent Tuesday at the home of John Dowe at McHenry. A Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Family were guests of the McAulme and Riley families at Mylhh Park, on Siocum lake. Monday. Mrs. Robert Kirk and childrtn and In. Peck of Aurora, called on Mrs. Jane Winger Wednesday. Mr. wd Mrs. Clyde Harris and children of Libertyville, spent Sun- day and Monday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cook attended the day Colds, Grime, F Biliou Fever a: It I. the and - e Elkhorn tair . ' of last week Senator and Mrs WAUCON DA 666 Pmiptlon Thursday Flu, Denna, and Malaria. dr "may know. e Hurts le, spent relatives Cook attt Paddock for rrig and em Sun- ves here. attended and Fri- and tnctlvely decorated with pink,ier low and white roses, The out of town guests were Mn! Althm' alters, Mm. Washburn andi son. Jack, and Misses Bede, and Mil- dred Alanna, of Urbana, making 24 guests In all. . I Shortly after the dinner the bride! I and groom left'wlth the best wisheslm of everyone for a two weekimotor St', trip to Magus. Falls and other " points, of interest In the east. 3"} The 4tride has lived in Mundeleln: La for the past six years and in than: vicinity all her life, and is not only', - well known. but very much admiredl The morn itt, the son of Edward. Althaul of Urban, and ls employed': by the Joseph Kohout Company. l The bride and groom received many beautiful and useful wedding mm. nnd the many friends of the young comic wish them much hapPinessa. Mr. and Mrs. Althaua will make their home with the par ents of the bride tor the present. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris and fam- ily and Miss Ruth Knlgge of Barring- ton, and Florence Harrie and friend from Lake Bluff are enjoying a week vacation in Msconsin. Mr. and aim. Earl Olson of Chi- aago. spent a few days the first of the week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer. Mr. and Mn. Harold Stroke: and daughters called on G. D. Stroker at the hospital in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson and family spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sun at Kenosha A. N. [Arson is enjoying a two week's "cation from his duties at the Bowman plant Jack Mann of Des Moines, ltr, is visiting at the home of Misses Margaret [mars and Belle Tarzan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris and fam- ily ind Miss Ruth Knigge of Bar- rington and Florence Harris and friend ot Lake Bluff returned home Friday after spending a week tour. ing through Wisconsin. Lima Mutt Marjorie Kniggu. daughter of Mr: and Mrs. George Krtitttre entertained several little girls in honor ot her seventh birth- day on Sunday. Games were played with prizes going to Lillian Schied, Le Verne and Doris Whitman, Ada Dowe)l and Coral Jewel. The table was decorated in pink and white with nut cups and favors. and a large birthday cake. ice cream and lemonade [as also served. Mar. jorle received many pretty and use- ful gifts from her little friends. ME Marietta Wrogg is spending the week at the home ot Mrs. F. L Carr. -gtut Downs and Charles mm. were satttrdarcallertr In Chicago. Miss Hume Powers is spending (to week and with her parentmMr. a d Mrs. Arthur Powers. Miss Ethel [Salinger was a Bar- rinxton caller Thursday. .hlrl. Kronaburger. Mrs. Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller ot Chi. cago; am. Hathaway of Oak Park and Mrs. George lmmenga were re- cent alien It the home of Mrs. Larry Meischumer inC Kimball Heights subdivision. sir. and Mrs. Curtis Mayo of Wis- consin hare moved into the Hanson home on Main street. Miss Bernice Gossell has accepted I position, In theuWaucogda baker)" _ Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Lageschulte and children are motoring through Minamoto. Hrs. Louis Harris and sons were Waukegan when Tuesday Mr .aind Mrs. Prank Berg ot Chi Cairo were callers here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sorensen were Chicago callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Noeller and children returned to their home in Gordon Shannon of White Lake. Wig., is visiting at the Lineoln home , ttW/ta; "turea, _////.:.// -'surirrdlrallrzh o __" rp',,",':; 'raurgMrs'uh reed - Teuttt a LT in: .. "e,.' I. a. . , ci"." /. ' '...... . ' l , .." :2... ..1' . ii... .".r. " .."r1r".f: . .q -,' "-: 3'. l (' .0" 5'...'-_ ', ' .'. '.' . ' . . . I. '1:.:'- , i" . ot 1.u C.".' ' ...'on T " - '-rr," I: ' ' 'y': "-t. .' '44 . ..° Jr, , i H sd a, i ' . usi>t ~. ': Ca." .17 'itijki' l,". "i. "ft 'i' N . .- 'l . t , ", . .'. . C 2. "X 'o tit :.Ws". r "'i! 1" ."-.'-' _Yeiiifrtt 1...? 'tsis"' ttC?, ' -' n , . r, t "i /) " ' . ' :' " ." si? ti 't) . '".i' . ' , . ' 'a7Ae x . my .5: '.(..!€. 'K - M\ t : . . -' I x -. . E - o 'W"' '0 . Liiti' . . tcsc .", s f ... . . V Coji2e.sf/r1 po l' I. ., _ "il ( lt) 1iiiiiifi' a '!llk:", '. t 1- 'v'~ o." a"; a ' -.' . . IL» . St.' _ a 5 t.- j . . _ g - - o . .' l . q 5 Ji: 3'5... 0 o ' .o.'- ..' p. '.,ii?r1ij' ti/ti!, rJ'NN, iLiT%7?. 'iitcrFr).iic-r. .r'. 3'er "N" K ... v.5°"2'.'r"~." .5 W .r?i'itUrra; a?! l t-- M 'cet s,u _ E'\ w .' , . - FT. PT "'23 _ . ' p, ~~ .\ . tll Coal 2rid - iilliij't' V . 'iri L_' a ". _ FL; l,I' r' V I'. . ». Before Wmter my \\ x 5- I. l. S?. . yi, Overtakes You! SRtis, , S. L TRIPP LUMBER CO. Telephone 703, Mundelein, Illinois Yards at Mundelein, Prairie View and Gilmer OLD MAN WINTER will soon have you in his icy grip, and then you will be phoning for quick delivery of coal. How much better to order NOW, when the weather is still mild, and have Your bins filled! The cost is apt to be higher later in the season! Chicago, Monday after spending several weeks here. . James Neish of Round Lake In " tending the Wauconda high school. L. M. Runes trom Woodstock was a business caller here. Mr. and Mrs. Budd Ford have moved to Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Davlin are moving into the house formerly occupied by the Fords. -_ _ Mr. Koppun and children of Chi- cago to spending the week at the Frank Clark home. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sorenaen and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose and daunt- ter Jacqueline are spending 1 few days at Shawno, Wig. Mrs. Jane Salinger was a Round Lake caller Wednesday. ( "RV ("f _)si,iiiii,t:f)'u1 m------"" :.(,i,s,vi,i,rc.e'd'i')t'),i', h "with 600 $24?) . I':'. r!,,,-,-.:;,?,, Winter Food J /ig-ciri'it .,-_ M, LIBERTYVLLLE SUPPLY DEPOTS F. C. Norman, Phone 500; Libel-twill. Fruit and Vegetable Eton Phone 183; Miller'. Grocery. Phone " Hanlon'o Gran Front Store, Phone 498. Mundelein, Ill. There is more solid nourishment in a quart of our Good Milk than in most other foods. Give the children plenty of Milk from now on and note how healthy they keep this winter. Rouse Bros. Dairy 'Took Soda 20 Years l for Gas-Stops Now I Adlerika relieves gas and sour stomach at once. Acting on BOTH GUG. and lower bowel, it romoves {old waste matter you never thought "P" in your system. Let Adkwika {give your stomach and bowels a IREAL cleaning and see, how good you feel- ()voroomws constipiation. (Decker & Neville, Inuggists. "For M) years I took soda for indi- gestion and stomach Kam One bottle of Adierilm brought me oomph"- mt1iet."-John B. Hardy. Phones 565 and 567 Children

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