CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1929, p. 14

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Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haley visit- ed their home town, Antioch Friday evening and attended the theatre. Mr. and In. Leo Kemp ot Chi- can [lifted the Elmer gunner and AnWaley funnies over last Gordon Hamlin who has been m at the M. Therese hospital. Watt.. kenn. for the past two weeks It reputed to the um. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bennett. tti Fox Lute. spent Tue<day evening at the Chan. Sink home. i We were saddened last week to hear ot the death of Mrs. J. J. Bun- stuble. She mud "way Sept. 2. She was much loved and respected by alt and belonged to the Cedar Lake camp of the Royal Neighbors. They attended the funeral in a body Miss Jule-on Kllen. Mm Emily Bejeck and Miss Elsie Foote enjoy- ed dinner and a show in Chicago Thursday nighr at the family residence near here. The floral offering: wore many and very beautiful. Rev. R. E. Alspauxh conducted the services and inter. ment was at Pox Lake cemetery. many (rim-h beautiful gifts Mm. Daisy Riney had her daugh- ter and family. Mr. tad Mrs. Funk McClann. for company over the Labor Day holidays. Mr. and Mrs. William Rheehan had for (out: last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagoner ot Chicago. Mrs. Wagoner, formerly Mina Smuldlnx. In a cousin of Mr. Shoo- hau% While there they vuited the many beautiful Ines in the vicin- ity. "mes King trom Waukegan is spending . few days at the John Walker home. Miss Anna Seeck atnyed last week with her sister and family, Mr. ettd Mrs. George Helm. Mrs. Hun Nickerson. Mrs. Helm, and Miss Beech attended the theatre in Watt. keun last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Norman Mature and Mrs. Hertrr"rhomprott 1nd son and . friend from Chicago visited " Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rontner's home Pri. day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sink Ceieorated their Ut year anniversary n. the P. ' Sink home In Chicago Inst Thurs- day. They were entertained by many Irv-run and received nanny Henry Curl, from Libertyville, has been visiting his friends here the past Week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ttentree-were in Waukegan last Wednesday And attended the show. A good "other must be some what of a poet. Ind therefore can- not "he" mathematical" to the trttth.--rtt-ttrre. W The men had routed a, wanna from her bed at the sand and had demanded undwkhu. m". lemod later. "Not yet. put them up." Riggs commanded." a: he drew his gun. The man fired " him Ind Riggs opened fire. The second cartridge failed to explode as the revolver Jammed. Mrs, Durant. Mn. Werner and Mrs. Guralviu motored to Wnukeun Thursday. Mrs. Francl's mother is spending a tew days at the Joe Tancl home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dune! and daughter Dorothy motored to North Chicago. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Klein :15. of Chr cngo, and Mr and Mrs. l, Harris. of Evanston. went the a l u the Mike Klemeu home. ' Mrs. P. J. Doweu and children. ot (inmate, spent Tuesday tttterftoon Riggs slipped back to cover, Cot his gun in shape. and opened tire again. Both men were in the un- chine by this time and mu: reload- ed end fired at the disappearing car. Hear Other shot- Flther down the road he heard (In "lot! in rapid aucceulom Lat. " he lurned A resident had emptied I mo: [an " the fleeting car. As Riggs turned to engage him in conversation he noticed that the first man was slipping around the edge of the car. He turned to watch him and the second man went back toward the stand. "Run/you ..." or t'tt shoot you dead." the first man snarled at Riggs n he came up to him. Mu her mother, Mrs. Chas O'Boyle aha I: on the sick list. Father Coleman. ot St. Bodls Asrlgh. ape-m two days ot In! week n Chicago. He stated he had failed to trace the machine or its two occupants today. "I'm going In and get my "nd. wlch first." the second (allow to- plied. At that tune a man stepped out of the shad. "this fellow thinks we are hold- up: and wants us to so to the un- mn." tho man who had been ta the car aid. Five charges of 31rd ehot from a ehot gun were tired into the ma- chine u it eyed away trom Blue down the Ingleelde road but the marshal stated that it could not be learned if the men were bit. CepWred One for Moment Riggs was celled to the Blake Hot Dog etand et 4 o'clock in the morn- ing. He was told a hold-up we. being eased. The marehel arrived to find one men sitting ia the car. He ordered the fellow out and "arched him to discover that he carried no weepous. Fox "to, only Mondar Ibo: it out with two mum who nought to enter u refreshment and at Fox Lake. In the exchange of shots no one no bit, on for to RI". con detom- me. but the gunmen mode their " cape. WHOSE PISTOL JAMS BANDITS SHOOT II OUT WITH MARSHALL Handicapped by n revolver that gamma Marshal _Joterrtt fun}. ot Chief Riggs at Fox Lake In- terrupts Burglar: at Re- freshment Stand. FOX LAKE NEWS PACE TWO LAKE VILLA Gabriel! blind. Gun. Are Drawn Rocolpu Ru} unto notes on hand July l, 1928 Bond- on hand July I. 1928 .........._....... Mn. Emma Westin nad daughter Eleanor. attended the mam ot their mother and trrtttdmother, Mm. Mary Nelson. in Chicago, on Tttttrg, day afternoon. Rump" Balance July l, 1928 gnome or township fund Prom county tuupe,ritttendetttt, mummy-" Apportioned but withheld from districts Mia Celia Rosin; nnd Henry Jans. son were Chicago caller. on Friday and drum home wan new Ford. and on tho way back, called at the Chu. Lempker name. ' Mrs. Christine O'Dotte returned Home Sunday. aner spending three 'weks with friends and relatives in Harrington. mm and Wheaton. Mr, and Mrs. Grover Diobet motor ed to Waairegan on business on Fri- day evening. DISTRICT NO . - " School board and busineu office .....- Salary ot teachers ........._....N. ....m-..... Teachern' pension fund.-.....-.,...-.... Textbooks and stationery -__-. -._..----- thry ot Janitor ""'------r-r--- Fuel, light, power, water and supplies Repairs, replacements, insurance ...... Libraries _.".'..-.-'.".-...-.......- 'm'".".....-'..-- Transportation ot poplin ...............,.._.. Grounds. buildings nnd mention: - Now mipment --.-........... .........._..._.... Principni ot bonds .-.. ..-.u. "mun"... interest on bonds ..-.-......-..~........__...... mace on hand June 30, 1929 ........... TOTALS.....-...-......---, Emogene Killer left on Sunday " ternoon tor Dekalb. where the will " to school. DISTRICT NO. wanes July l, 1928 .t.t. Distribution of trustees Prom District in" .twtq Tuition paid by pupils TOTALS...V.'...........m Mr. and Mm. Roy Duds und dumb tern Maren and Evelyn returned on Fruity. after spending I few days with {rte-ads nod relatives u Create. Iowa. C. N. Colold of Waukeun. tran- suted business in Round We on Friday. ' Gus Ester, of Highland Lake Ull- ed 138 mu in In: than 15 minutes with nicks. Rata ot all sizes were found under thunlnery floor. Mrs. Frank Clary wash Grays-lake ca..'er on Fruity. Subscribed and "rorn to before me this 2$th day of August, 1929, Mr. andMrjA. Pita and Mrs. p. Drummond and two daughters Ruth and Jane, spent Tuesday evening u the Art Shober home in $vnnhoe. OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER FOR PUBLtt:ATiON. TOWNSHIP M, RANGE 11 IN LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FROM JULY 1, 1928.10 JUNE to, 1929 DISTRICT FUNtb-rtoeeipta ' DISTRICT NO. . l" - - .' 7 ll 13 15 16 17 22 Balance July 1, 1928 m-.-.'-'-"'-.....--.-.--.---...-----. 8146096 $299400 32021.44 81204.66 ' an 10 81836 81 $144tr70 Distribution of trustees ---.-_9----r-.---- 150,25 141.84 131.62 11920 Emu} District taxes "w-.."---------, A-...__._........ 4502.70 2600.76 2156.85 1197.94 136%.05 1765.64 658.32 Budd ngner, ot Granule and Elizabeth Richardson ot Round Lake motored to the Georg. Buchanan home at Ingleside on TJunday eve- tting. Mrs. Burgh )lcCllntlock upon! Int Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mu. John Killer. Mr. and Mrs. George Burner and children. George Jr. and Shirley and Mame Cuhmore at Winn-an vb- ited at the Jncl Cuhmore home on Tunday evening. go Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yaaety, Mn. Nellie Turner and Mrs. Naomi Mc- Candleu motored to Wuhan on Monday trternoon. Mrs. Edythe fi1e,'Ae and (laugh tpr Murmrie, were "lake call era on Thuradny evening. Durley Cum attended t - in Chicago, on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pallet. ot McHenry called on the [uteri sister, Mrs. P. Amana. on Sunday. Warren McFeely, ot Ont Purl: spent Sunday Mu Mina Venn: Fill. Mr . George Trtitrs ot Libertyville spent Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Drummond and Mrs. June: Trugs. Mm. Sunbelt) Killer wont Mon- day and Tuesdsy with her main. Miss Hildegard Anderson, In Chlea. Jack Aylward started in: first year at the w. Joleph's school m Libertyville. on Monday. came: Hlmnlmm and Ann Brit: ot Wuhan. went Sand" with the former) when", Mr. Bad Mm. Wil. liam HIronlmun. Mn. Adolben Smith and mutate}, Vuloiu. spent Sunday In Chicago. Celia Roam; u now 'ururtored It the_HeryT Jansen Ford Agency. Clay Hugh", ot the ttiinotaUutt Telephone Company. In: t Round Luge buunqu - on Wanna-y. Mr. and Mrs. A. J] Fm". of Chi. ago, visited In the home of the (armor. brother, William Frost and family, on Sand". Mrs. Cort Daley attdehiltirenand Mu. Housman. ot Gun Luke owed n the John Daley home on Sunday utemoon. Mslcomb Mchlg. ot Guy-lake. Mr. and Meg. Milford Bnuttt ot Round Lake. wont. Band" with Mrs. Sum." parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clay. ton H .rruon. " Ringwood. Howard Chamtiertin, of Gnnd Ha. wen. Michigan. loom Sunday " tho L. A. Pita home. Mr. and am. Orrin Mart". and son. Orin Jr. and Lokoy. Mr. And Mrs. Henry Merritt and Mrs. Wyldo. ot Geno; Illinois. spent Sunday " the Harry Mqrritt home. Mr. and Mm. John A. Kttur tru- Ducted bunlneu in Woodstock on. day ot thin week. Luau. Boning, Henry Honumn. Round Lake News VILMA FtTA Local an». TILEPHONE so You can help we um Duo more interesting It you " pm. lurked Editor you "an: no my have. Summer mum. no named to contribute no". Send .tterg either to the Loeat Editor, " dine: to the "abundant. up "twine. Illinois Phone No. 1. TOTAL TOTAL...., ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Emogene Killer of Round Lake. and Alice Banana. ot Chicago culled Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Donna: tad Mrs. A, Bohnatt, of Chlcuownpem Sunday u the A J Smith home Mrs Ednh Cleveland and daughter Marporie. Alfred Schmeitzer and Mn. Jane Yasser motored to Only-- like on Tuesday evening. Nona Juan register Monday, back to the Normal school at DeKalb. Henry Jmssen unnamed businen in_chicago on Thursdu. Louise Richardson aim Mrs. Rae- burn Richartuon motored to Greyr lake Sunni" uternoon. Mrs. Clayton Hamlin and son, ot Mundeleln spent. Sunday with Mm. John may. Mn. Charles bempker and non Rob 9n, ot Chicago. called a: the Archie Roam; home on Thursday anemuon and evening. Mr. Ind Mrs. William Harrison and children mme Jr. and Phyllis. spent Sunday Wit thhe lormer'a par- emu. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison I! Ringworm . . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meyers and children, of Mandela": and Mrs. E. nalrr ut Wauconda culled at the J. Laley We on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Drummond tad dIuther Ruthie and Jane and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fitz motored to the All-plane Mold in ""auitesmn on Sunday Bttemoon and Witnelled the parachute Jump. which Mm E Mu. ler made um in which we was itt. Jared. Mr. and Mrs. PM also took 3 ride. which they enjoyed wry much. Helm and Betty Richardson were Ct1ieaao shoppers on Wednesday. Mrs. Clause Jungle wife o: the general manager ot the Bowman dury ot Round Lake, had a mum operation 31 the 8t. Theresa 'nor plul in thkegm, on Monday morn- ing. At present she is doing wry well. Loi- Blulun and brother: Yuma! Sunday nlternoon with tho Wagner boys. June: Curran went a with friend, tad relatives Illinoll. Mr. Ind Mrs. Joe Rosin; and Mr tad Mrs. Emu Ernst ot Chicago call edAgt the Archie Rosin; home, Mm Alice Btu: spun Friday evenl crane killer. Mrs. Lulu Appley and daughter Mary of Libertyville called on Mrs Jopp Daley on Friday uternoon. Leslie Benz-ens of Waukegan spent Sand" " the Jack Cutamore home. Mrs. Edyth Cleveland and Velma Flu motored to Waukegan on Tum- day Anemoon. Frank Mach-l Yeturnod touryet, that spending a few dun at the Ad: White home. Mrs. George tgttotrdr wen: Taunv day with her wn and funny. Mr. and Mrs. Art Shober at lunhoe. Mr. and itrs. Dell Richardson and Mrs. Ann Haro visited mend: at begernn on Tuesday afternoon. Madge Pittman!!! and Mrs/Jenn Humanism]. ot McHenry called on their liner. Mrs. Prank Arman. were Chicago shopper- on Momur Mr. and Mrs. Hurry snirriit Gent Friday evening with Mr and Mrs. th_ter in Chlacgo. .' Mm. Agnes Hayes, of Fox Lake. spent Tuuday at the home of her dayfthter, Mrs. Dell Richudson. Henry Honeman spent Thursday evening vim m. mother Mrs. Hone man, In Notthbrook. lake on Saturday uternbon. Robert Lempker. of Chicago spent Sunday with Min Cam Rostng. Don Fisher. ot Haywood was a Round Lake caller on Wednesday. Florence Rosa. Howard Cinnabar lin. Velma Fitz and Warren Nehhaely attended u party at the Ralph Whip. ple home in Austin on Saturday ever tting. Mr. and Mrs. John -tcuiey died at the William Doolittle borne in Grays. lake on Saturday uternbon. Mr. and Mrs. JdturDaiJ: to Chicago on Tuesday to mg Mm. Charles Moore. Mrs. Funk Amen has been on the Melt IU trot--.--....-.., the sick "It tor the put week. Mr. 1nd Mn Jnhn Km". mum. -. In. End: Smith and Mrs. Mer, um Smith of Round his ttttd Mrs. Wlllhn Smith. ot Gray-aka. were Walkman shoppers on Erma). T timer Bober, or Oak Park. "as a Round LAN-caller on Sunday of Chicago. "ijGfit"iiiT iii,Wri Bracket home In Dnukeun on Sun- day afternoon. Archie. Buddy, and Bobby Roam, In. Mule Aylwud Ind Ion chk and dnuxhter Evelyn. Cell: Rosin: ot 133'?" mo and Robert Lemplter -- _ ..38113.91 $5736.60 34362 91 "£5260 DISTRICT FUND-Expenditures " T 11 _ " 15 -..-t 11.93 t 15.10 ' ' 15 00 ...-.-. 1525.00 1195.00 1345.00 1075 00 --t_.__. 10.00 5.00 te 00 5.00 , 43094 55.70 5 . 900.00 "700.00 ' 1305.00 915.00 3237162 270356 " 8614391 85736.60 $43 DISTRIBUTIVE FUND t 11.93 1525.00 10.00 - 29 " . 33.00 , 326.34 _ 74.60 26.00 ..t1'as.tut TOTAL. TOWNBHIP FUND 81700.00 , MO 00 . 1200.00 t 321.18 107.00 1003.15 321.21 Bauman of "Mdltru rn ler on Sunday. John Daley motored Expendituru Real estate notes on hand June M. 1929 Bonds on hand June 30. 1929 -._.-h_._...... 55.70 , 700.00 945.00 2703.56 Expcndlturu . Incidental expenses of trustees _~._.....__' For publishing annual statement .........'.. Compensation ot treasurer ..._m-_.._ Distributed to districts, Lt-.--..-., Apportioned but withheld from Autriets Balance June 30, 1929 "'"-------.--, 173.07 26.00 58.47 5.00 TOTAL 1849.61 99700 ' 972.03 84362.91 82452.60 82117.15 few days in Mann, Mm E 1345.00 12.00 . BO.41 25.00 531.03 223.03 97.39 234.15 "1.66 3168 Hall Mr EIBERTYVIUJZ INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER l2, I929 m 15 16 17 22 31204.66 ' 84110 8188681 31440.70 11920 119734 1368.05 176564 653.33 Miss Emogene Killer, Hailed the Sand Lake school on Prior after- noon. um Bauman is the teacher there. Archie Racing made 3- trip into Wisconsin one day in: week, to but cattle. Make] but to his work Mrs. Clayton Harrison and daugh- ter, Mrs. Thomas, of Ringwood and Greenwood, called on their outrater and outer, Mrs. Margaret Smith, on Friday afternoon. Gould Cullzhan tad three bays, from Montello, Wis., called It the G. Richardsdn home on Thursday. est tor months. _ Mr. And Mrs. Funk Drummond and daughters. Ruthie and June and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fix: metered to Mundelein on Thursday eevntng Mr. and Mn. John Daley métored to Jolie-t on Saturday, to who Frank Make] but to his work caller on Friday. 7 - Miss'Delh Amum is home. after having been 9mployed in River For. 15 15 00 1075 oo 6.00 1.30 32.00 Hrs. Henrietta Pm and Florence Rota. motored to Wuukegan on F'ri. day atterttoon. on Miss Kottman, the near teacher of the Port mu school,, at the A J. Warner home on Prior evening. Fred Cashmere and Belle Baldwin. ot Libertyville, Kenneta Shuts. or Wnukegan and Pauline Houston, of Gages Lake, spent Sand" gushing at the home ot tho-tonner'u parents, Mr. and Mn. John CqunOre. Norma Toma was abuent from high whom Wednesday on "count ot illness. The Mulburn grad. aehool com- mam-ed Tuesday with Madlyn Shoo- han as teacher and " enrollment of " pupils. . In. Dun Andonon returned homo utter n week's mu with roll Itlvel and friend: IA Eau Claire, Wis Mrs. L. r. Slocum spent Friday in Waukegan with her dauahter. Mrs. Roy Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Romney Ashton of Chicago were Prior visitors at the D. B. Webb home. Mr. and Mrs. Georg. Edwudn Ind Mr. md Mrs. Marvin Edwards and funny amended the nkhorn fur Wednesday. In the accident In Kenoshn the woman unstained a broken leg end injuries $O her none. She complain. ed that she was very ill while in her cell in jail and when the returned to Chicuo After her er reixmm-nt and plea of not "my she 'wot directly to t. Ed'ewe- ter hospital there. She was trent- ed tor an absceued liver. and died on duly tr. She we! buried at her former home at Granville. Mo., On July 12. A photoatatlc copy ot the death certlttcate In the can wt" Bled in the municipal court In Kenoaha by Attorney Leo Vaudreutl. counsel tor the womm. The darn wu immediately dropped. A tine of $15.27. including cons. was paid tor Bllnche Scudder who wu churned with intoxication. 118 l Mrs. Myrtle Rite Ratings Grit nth. 36, ot Chimo. who wss arrest. 'ed in Zion tor speeding on June lo, was roleesed and then went on to Kenoehn. where she wee arrested for driving while drunk end Clue- ing an accident. died at the Edge. water" hospitnl in Chicuo end the chairs" nninst her were queshed. She was arrested with Blanche Bcu0der, 22. else of Chicuo. on Highway 41 after their car had crashed into n cur driven by Leo Brandenburg. Milwaukee shoe unles- man. Brandenburg wee eerionnly injured end subsequently tlied suit for 810,000 in the circuit court here. Mrs. Grfttith died " Chiuto on July f) utter an illness ot n month. Created "nation The errant of Rite Bsstln's Grit. tith in Kenoshe lest June created I sensation in several cities. She was the divorced wife of n wealthy St. Louie. Mo, lumbermsn. and while in Jail in Kenoehn the woman bound that she was "well ott" with large alimony checks which the former husband was sendinx her. i Held Under Similar Charge in Kenosha, Death Ouashes M Charges. 50.00 WOMAN ulllEll IN ZION FOR DRIVING DRUNK. $lltillNllt Drund Mrs. H. E. Jamison and W W..--...--.W...-.._.81700.00 ALLEN DIXON. Treuurer. MURRIE. Notary Public alttter was & Round Lake MILLBURN 1368.05 208.00 2417.15 109.28 3814 16 00 696.13 . 300.00 M0.00 1626.30 1673.93 $3771.65 82099.02 $3771.65 $2099.02 895 00 10.00 80142 13S:1 U1) ' 500.00 ' 1200.00 31755.54 t 500 14.70 100.00 625.91 801.45 807.48 1?,05.0t) 7.09 Twenty-tive grade crossings I "on; the North Shore and North! Wostbrn mm will be ,ii',iyi,i,ii.iii) It plain before the llllnols Com-: merce communion no approved. It. was announced Suturday. The) project includes Ktmilworth, Win-i, noun. Gleneoe and Highland.) Park, employing both elevated and; demand trucktge. P'lnanclng is "Dated to be undertaken by both the villagm and the railroads. lmmodlnte hearings were urged on the" commission BO that nv'ual;' work can be started as soon aa, possible. a evening. The Christan Ettdeavor society will give a welner rout at the homo, of Mr. 1nd Mrs. L. S. Bonner Friday The Adult Bible clus will hold their regular monthly social at the W. M. Bonner home Wednesday eve. tting, Ladle; are reduested to wear aprons and the men to wear over- 0113. Come prepared to have a good time. (llltglllitt ARE Til BE fil.lhillijlTiil) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards and funny were guntia.v visitors at Um home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kali! at Druce Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert/ids" of Calumet City. Ind., were visitors " the A. G. Tortin hume Monday. SEPT The Ladlu' Aid society will hold an afternoon to: u the home of Mrs A. G. Torrln Thursday alter- noon. The ladies are all naked to bring theil' thimtites. Mr. and Mn. D. B. Webb Mlu lil" Wobb were Sunday nor guests at the home ot Mr am. William Thompson. Earl 'Edwud: of River Forest WI... 3 Milltnprn caller Friday. NATIONAL FOOD PRESERVATION Mr. um Mrs. F. H.ji/aiioiirut. landed the Elkhoru fur Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sunday visitor: at the wards home. The "sum monthly bullion muting or the Cttrutun' Endemic:- society w" held at the home ot Mr. nod Mrs. Oscar Seamus Friday eve- tting. Outdoor can" were played utter the ugoeung was adjourned. Don: and Mr. 1nd Mrs. George White tUtd bully returned hone " ter . two weeks motor trip through the west. 94% OF THE TIME IT'S UNSAFE TO TRUST THE WEATHER Martin Thelan, Prop. Phone No. 9 Round Study of th S. Weather Bureau Reports Shows Only 19 Days a Year Average in United States W hen Outdoor Temperatures Are Safe for Food Preservation thtf loea a the uni of -a -yarAnrErr,iim"iciri'o' al link always in these perishable, that are im. properly prune-wed. Bealth authorities, everywhere, Wand 'ndeqnaxc refrigeration the year around as the only safe and satis. factory way to preserve rishable foods. Take this step new to me money and 'u','g',rlif,l' the health of your family. h' G' tory, irysanitary, unsafe. Study of .1; United States Weather' Bureau {a , reports show: that only 19 days a ' ' year on an average in the Inited " States odford outdoor tem natures ' l. that are safe for perishabEI': foods. Ninety-four per cent of the time it is too warm or too cold. Trusting to these makeohifts is not an economy. The food opo.ilagf-a little here, a little there-mound to a sumo such i .. Iillli:.i.ii:s iiijiiMMY 'Y. a " ) General Auto Work and Acetylene " WELDING ' GOODYEAR TIRES Round Lake Garage 5iiii"r":1Eii'.??; '5fi?ie,'?i huh..." Liars" 1,ii'l'iLi'f treset"---- Youfupy'ulla-hh." 111ng Ner-t lit-O." ,- 0. also! It. can" tho WWI..." "Juicy-timid". I.-. hut". The mph-Hadrian. Free Me with contact rule. may be obtainod at the Public Service Stow. Yo "JP: 9"! it"... _ - nu- iurGUG w Li-Tail fun .TSI"JU"2,".t -u'v v Van nus: Fol-mun. but mum-d Ieeuetel1imr.'6wh, so De-thas-Point,",-,;,';;);;';-. s25,000 MODEL 1'NifIiii, "PROGRAM tS29 Share in 835-Prize Contest Awards Totaling l HUDSON . ESSEX SALES and SERVICE Ervin Were George Ed. Mother Nature is a r guardian of perishable /ol'our5'la,'i'T'er, and window-sill mukcshifta for food prese.rration "t uryatyfact and, Ula- and "pin-193.5"- r "In. (m If: t 1J9! F. o. B. bauxite." I. 01.000 t'trt,'rtt', no on IP, 'He" 532 other big THE THE William G. Nasal, of Fox Lake, yesterday filed a petition for in- junction in circuit court against the board ot local improvements of the Village of Fox Lake. Nani charges that the Central West Con- struction company was awarded the contract tor sidewalks on Grand avenue for 824,660 when the firm was not the loweat bid- der. The board, he charges. failed to reject all other bids when making the award. ASKS INJUNGTION M nr lAKE WALK Round Lake, 111. Some men, however; are careless and give a check Winn they have- n't the rounds on deposit to meet it. This causes a lot ofunneces- any work in tho bank. causes con. tunion and sometlrrreg embarrass. mont to the man who received the Chewk, and ruins ours "eredit rtahditu,"'. Don't do lt. Keep your slate clean. Establishing a rredit standing at our bank is an easy matter tor any of our farmer friends, It is an any matter of carrying a size- ahiu banner to your credit and meeting your now when due. KEEP YOUR SLATE CLEAN of Round Lake Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 F int State Bank NEWS. ONLY 31.7" A YEAR INDEPENDENT PRINTS ALL GE e ' ' I ' W o ' " " . " a? aw " - l u w . " r. . Mid - " , rl IMh' £14511)? 3»:'.:th~-aa. , . .e - all t 'WI/ P, " P 'r", tFF "NI 'Nra9-turqreer-.t-s. . r - "v u. - 'W. Wt' V '.93N w-w w TR., [Wi'. " :liys'."5' 15.410. "?, h . . . u 1 It. o 9 it o 9 . t l g ' ' ' ' '60S6sistsssessavavst gs :: sh st I " "4'oooo'ooooosooo-o-asoswavt.sssosssssstse.-s_ (y it it 'P'ss"o'ssssssssss,sssrsssvsqsorssss,sssr Libertyville, Ill. WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Meney, and All Work is Guaranteed E. L. YELDEN General Contractor Fox Lake Plumbing & Heating Co. F ox Lake, Illinois Telephone 129-W Grand Avenue (JUST [11:51" Everything In BLing Material Phat R. ' . 5. Our 'lotto: "Service Are you planning to build or do any re- modeling this Fall? ff so, let us furnish the necessary materials. We carry a complete stock of nationally advertised products from which we can supply your needs im- mediately. Tibbits-Cameron Lumber Co. f 3' M 'i",'.,',",,,',,;,',)", _c, :2: ff 'iii Let p I" 1'1 x» a I'M-want var-"v fron m'mz at honw 'Iw u) -c',i,. "wk We make a "rr-u/ary if S-rl _-.-' CT2e ' good :wkinc, sew! L "i was " 1 un' t'mocyhrci. ---, a"... Ladies' and Menu Furnishings. Dry Goods, Notions SHOP HERE! Fox Lake, Illinois 3.--Why not order your coal I . NAGLE There is all the difference m tHe world between the new and the ole fashioned bathroom. The new type bathroom is not only beautiful, but sanitary. Color schemes in the Mir; and fixture" are most beautiful. F ox Lake 7 RAILROAD TRACKS, 'k'ts"akorsr-iss't,ratserrse,.ssw,rs us show you samples MAKE A HABIT bok'asssg.g, I I i O _ 6", 'gikoko"J6svJogsvg.tssgxrt.ssr .s all the difference m the "on the new and the ole bathroom. The new type DINING OUT $$$$$$$m$s$s$¢m' Ccal, Feed and Salt ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIG Phone 554d 50x Lake, Ill. of now _ v 9"}56'3A it (y it it s? t e

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