CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1929, p. 15

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in; comic! labor o'XiTt'eu What I! unwssary for (hrir- purposes. then 'he surplus may be disposed ot on 'l' open market. This act does not contemplate Nut a surplus may Intentionally be wanted for the purpose ot selling the products on tho open market. Sur'h a course would certainly be in .ioiation ot the state's potter. "l am ot the opinion that the law does not "provide. nor does " eon- template. that any state agency has authority to contract with anyon- for the Bale ot the entire surplus ot an imitation for a period of four years, such as you mention, 1 also am ot the opinion that aux-pin. pro- ducts may not be sold in this man- ner by a 'blanket order' from one buyer. regardless of whether price: are satisfactory. Such In "reo- ment would be void attd contrary to he spirit of the law." ' CONVIBT U808 Mil FREE U008 NOT IN ttlitl.ltf u "Before expressing my opinion." Carutrom wrote the director of Wei. Pare, "i am directing your attention to some principles of law which er. hress the policy of this Itlte on the subject of prison labor and the sale of prison made goods. F "The constitution contains a posi- the prohibition against contracting an selling the labor ot convicts. Luv. dealing with the subject pro- .Hl" that the labor ot and the prod- r< H martutat'tttred by convicts shall tu- primarily devoted to the state and plihlit' institutions. All amendmrnts lo this law have been in harmony North Shore Gas Company ('omlct labor amt tree labor will never eottniet in Illinois on but " nresont In" and constitutional pro- mmtions rennin unchanged. e This no the conclngion drum; from an opinion ot Attorney Getter; "l Carlstrom, evoked by a request1 mun Rodney Brandon. director or, :he Itnte department ot Public Wel. C (are. that the attorney general 19-; ust In drawing up an anumentl with a buyer who contemplated pur- than ot all surplus products of Statcville penitentiary for (curl yearn. . i. this law have been in harmony ,itit the polity ot the stain that the irnductl of convicta shall not he 41:! upon the market and shall not tttre into conflict with tree labor. "The law provides that the labor t convicts shall be devoted to the umdtacmrv of ar idea which may " needed as supplies for the state. Atitutious and public buildingr. ml tor the school. and road dis- "kid of the state and the public uiidinxs ol these districts. It is ."rt Med that in care the products '.' convict labor vxceed what is unwary tor them purposes. then Ge surplus may be disposed ot an Illegal. Atty. General Holds. For Prison-made Goods to Enter Competition. WOR THWHILE SA VING Ml-lil-l-til-l- 10 (yi; utions and public tor the school. and of the state and t as: ol these distric jed that in can: the mutt labor vxceed slry tor ther, purpc urplus may be dispo: [EllMifl Btitll] VEAR TO ALLOWANCE your old cook stove pre $01ch temple Gone The" 13,110 Jtiikiti Fryeoo temple "mums. . It wufcommclf Ly destroyed by theVXm-yrmm in NEA Chicago Bureau: They huen't n penny tor expenses but they're going on a trip around the world that Is expected to last " months. Carl Ziegler. above. and Darrell Ware. tNorthwestern Uni. - students. yin leave Chicago In an 1840M canoe for New Orleans from when they Fill Italy out for town pom They plan to tour South Ameriean.. European end Auntie" eottntgle.--amt pay their expenses. " unchow. on they so. from new." ell-route. ', Plan World Tour Without a Dime B September otter is of latest design. Equipped with the time -ing--aeitatre giving-M measuring Oven Beat Regulator, any, one of these ranges would be a welcome addition to your kitchen. In their variety of design and price, yoietmretofind onetutwfIifit your needs, and give your kitchen added charm. Take advantage of this Spea'd otrer Now! Have cooking comfort and convenience foryearstoeome. Jmrteomehtr-r tele phone and we'll send a representative. Every gas range included in thi cNow- th is month OVEN HEAT REGULATED GAS RANGE In Um" - teiitd" if you buy your. we?» rt of A greet dell ot 1%"th '"t'"urtlttet la based on the may that mmUn. In the important ttturn-woman'; Home Compuuon. Both of tho-so complications are prevpntable. hr. "all pointed out, concluding his statement with M "losing over 400 mothers annually tor no better reason than that we fait to an advantage of well-estate, lished new: of prevention reflects no credit on anybody who bu con. nectxon with that matter." "Chil 'birth complications cost the state an mothers last rear." Dr. Hall eaid. Nnd 418 ot the fatalitiea resulted from causes at a strtctiy preventable nature. Puerpéral-sep- tlccmia. a condition which usually arises from an infaction incurred during labor. was responsible tor 237 ot the deaths while puerperal albLJinuria. n kidney complication that may be avoided by proverb"- natal care. wan charnd with IM. "Thorn were 129,663 reportod birth: and 4,678 etiubirths or a to- tal of 134.846 eottrinetnetttg. This gave a rate of n trifle more than one mammal death for each 200 continuum or 5.1 per 1.000 con- tinementa. The rate la equal to thati of 1928 and noticeably below thati of any precneding year. It is a} per vent below the "turn for 1938; which wnu " per 1.000 contiue-i' manta," i One way of prospecting in New Mexico in by examining the char- acter of the "will: encountered In the mountain and their vicinity. Any mineral content of the land in likely to he revealed by the pile. of an!) brought to the surface by the ante, which often met: rather considerable depths in with ex- plorationa under the surface. An examination of theae pyramid- wilt reveal the character of the material to be found Immediately below and tn this munner and: of mar mine have Mon made. Thlq was the statement today of Dr. Andy Hall. state health direct- or. who pointed out that two out of every three or those who did die during matern!ty suvcumbed to a cause of a preventable nature. Death's tnronds among the "an ot "the" mothers were limited to the narrowest area In the medical his. tory ot the state. the death rate man; mothers being only one out of every two hundred. Dr. Andy Hall, State Health Director, Issues Statement Today on Death Causes. DEATH INBUADS AMONG MOTHERS lt MUCH [OWEN Importanc- of Alb Aid Pmpoctor. !cs!rd!i?3,12,y!!algi; INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER I2. I929 BOYLAN, "3.301 COMP" EXCAVA'NNG MEMBERS OF FLORIITO TEL EONAPH DELIVERY A88OCIA. TION. FLOWII ORDERS Witt. ED TO ANY CITY. No Job Too Large! We Deliver Anywhere in Lake County JOSEPH KOHOUT COMPANY, Inc. Telephone Libertyville 174 FLOWERS F OR EVERY OCCASION! A Trial Will Convince You Piano & Pipe Organ Tuning - Rebuilding Lake County Cleaners and Dyers LYELL; H. MORRIS "wasn't-In L00! "all... In Phon- " om" PM" ATMIYATM' We. at ion. on W. Cool: Am LADIES puss", can't AND sum new: suns. TOPCOATO AND ovucona 3150' . GRADING CONTRACTORS COMPLETE PLUMBING Iowa QUICK SERVICE - RELIABLE WORK NewWorE ... Alterations --- Ran-in ,J.H.HAHN one. Dante Av... Chicago, Ill. PUBLIC QERVICE I, LIBERTYVILLI PHONE 296. so". 8t. " McAllMcr Whukegan. Ill. PHONE WAUKEGAN non mm I I INC, REAL urns, MORTGAGE LOANI, VNOPIHIY MANAit autumn. msuuucs. sun-aw nouns, IERVICE, BEE FUR . REALIOEINIUROR Oppoalu Electric tune.) . PM" 4" and a. E. W. COLBYK ' C. H. BETZEK " DII'J'IIT om-. loan. WWI-"minim!" ing & Pressing 'Pt()5tttii()iigi $1.50 PLUMBING MANAOKNENT' ICE BOX ._...w......._........--...-.S 1.0t DRISSERS, up from ..._........8 8.0t BEDS (cohpleu) .._..__........$ 8.00 3-Pc. PARLOR SET ..........330.0C 3-Pc. WICKER SET M,~s12_5c ROCKERS ....-*,._,...__....._.__-$ 3.50 UBID SUITS, up from -" 5.0C OVERALLS .......................... .98 OVERALL PANTS .__.......$ 1.25 KHAKI PANTS o.--.-.-".'?' WORK SHIRTS ----- .98 LIBERTYVILLE SECOND HAND FURNITURE STORE Chicago Office With tho Chicago Tttlo and Trust Co., "nuns or nun TITLII thUARANTEttO F. . mcxconm, PM ma. R. rouou. we. Pm ALVAH L. moans, M Lake Comfy Title and Trust Company, PURE RAW MILK 618 N. Milwaukee Avenue . BELOW PAINT SHOP Waukegan, Illinois falcon... mo IUIDILIIN DR. o. E. SIMPSON North Shore Excavators Highland Park, Ill. .- IDR. MATTHEWS on». at MM It? Mattie Av. "can: 0911.1b53nd7bl Kenny and "Monday felt-shoo- 501 LIBERTYVILLI C West tht-ttInt- Street EVENING. BY APPOINTMENT PHONES: . HIGHLAND PARK. 1871 WAUKEQAN 4827 RELIABLE SHOVEL EXCAVATING We Do Work Anywhere in Lake County Dr.0tto R.Thompson DIRT"? Over m 30* a! land." Hm: Cu "and mun Other "I. by Agtqathxt-t. IOIENTIFIC uAumAnou all an. cusses FITTED WHEN uecesunv. énoss eves "snowmen Room 414 Woukogan National -*- f Bank lulldlng Offlee Noun: ' to It A. M , To 5 P. M. "10an F,trst National Bank Homo: , to 8:Mt Ind 7 " I LIIIITYVILLI. ILUNOII "tt Wuhingun "e' TELEPHONE q FROM TESTED COWS "99.1.3691 Dairy iollvorod In Lltrartrville Twice Dally PHONE 615~W~1 Waukegan, Ill. .Jn TELEPHONE 993 OPTOMETRIOT . L. TAYLOR " 8.0t .3 8.00 ..830.0t ..$12.5t ,3 3.50 Appllsd on Now Rssldsnces Asbestos and Asphalt Buitt.Up and Tar and Gravet Rooflng Ns . pllod on Fiat Roofs T Appllod our old wood shingle; and other old roofing on mldoncu Slate, TH. and Albums Shingl. tine.) 24 H. Bonn" at.. Waukegan, m. PHONI WAUKEOAN 667 Guaranteed Roofing PHONE WAUK'EGAN 293 REAR OF 122 BELVIDERE ST THE HUBERT co. OF EVERY KIND FOR au. TYPII of BUILDING. 'tlt Yeare Eupcrlonce ln Autorio. bu. Work Means Somcthlng" We operate a fully equipped, modern garage and are pre- pared to repair every make _ oi car. HBATING' INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND Entrance Drive just south of the Public Service Building, . on Milwaukee Avenue GENERAL ' SERVICE GARAGE . HABEL AUTO PAINTING Waukeiran, Illinois EVERY JOB l8 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED TAXI SNOW'S 4,051. MURPHY, .00 I. More Listing Your Sale FARM "LE. A {PICIALTY Tclonhono 14.15 OUR" ER. ILL. Prompt and" animate" T A I L O I than!" and mum». '" K. Illmku Ava, Upon!!! LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOM They an located in the but real. dontlal section. of the town, and can be bought on convenient turns. Authorized Duet? Station I have two modern house; here In Libertyville, either of which is a mighty good buy at the low figure for which they are offered. Phone 373 Libertyville, Illinois TWO BARGAINS! W. M. HUFFMAN LET ME TELL YOU MORE ABOUT THESE BARGAINS! Wm. A. Chuuidler FRED CROKER Libertyville, Ill. Polishing and Simonizing AUCTIONEER PHONE sos ROOFING fligtiigi(ejtj; GENERAL Erttuetora Estimates Fede HAROLD WILCOX MILL WORK Screen, Cabinet Work, Storm Sn? TELEPHONE 429 4tt First Strut Libertyville ALL KINDS OF HEATING PLANTS For Residences, Stores and Institutions PM. leertyvlllo 51; Ree. " Prompt Service: Careful Handling WILIC .IRVICE BUILDING "O K. MILWAUKEE AVE. LtBERTYhHLLE. PHONE '" Phono 1.Utertrvilu 570 Chicago Phone Haymarket 1410 216 PARK PLACE Local and Long Dis. t tance Moving with a word EVERY SECOND" Lincoln Lusk Auctioneer LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C. L. CQO'NFER . General rrucking Buy Your UPHOLSTERED' _ FURNITURE Direct from Factory Residences Stores Public Buildings _ 53110013. . Lia, sea mg Farm 'ditto',',",,,, Call oh Us for Anderson & Exon Motor Service Libertyville Decorating Co. ZION UPHOLSTERING DEPARTMENT "The Man A representative, J. A. DePew will call at your home. For further information, call Libertyvllle Indpendent Office Insurance Agency T Telephon; LIBERTYVILLE 1794 Telephone 440 359 N. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Libertyville, Illinois Select the Style and Pattern Everything Custom Built DAILY TRIPS To and From icago, Libertyville Antioch ESTIMATES GIVEN ON REPAIRING WITHOUT OBLIGATION PHONE 851-R General Contractors AND Transfer m HEATING Paper Hanging Libertyville lMerlon $13223"; iitttt()ty The most complete line of auto pa", tires, who, and radiator: aetwun Chicago and Milwaukee. Lihertrvillie, I" Orders of $20.00 or more delivered any- where in Lake county PARTS for more than three hundred makes , of can North Sheridan Road, lion, in Evergreens, Shrubs, Fruit and Ornamental Trees WRITE FOR CATALOG LEAVE ORDERS AT Ray Furniture Store TELEPHONE NO. ' GROWERS OF A GENERAL LINE OF NURSERY STOCK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Visit Our Nursery; Any Time TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE 172 Rout. 21, Two Mlle: North of leortyvillo BATTERY AND RADIO SHOE: CHAS FIORE NURSERIES Highwood, Illinois GARRETT WRECKING CO. Battery Sonia Hepburn .'; Radio PIANO TUNING Generator _ and Ignition Sevico PHONES: HIGHWOOD. 523 LlBERTYVILLE, 628.34 LEESLEY'S t NURSERIES . Phone Zion M. WEI8KOP', In... WE DO GENERAL LANDSCAPING Lake County Real Estate SELLERS and JOHNSON LIBERTYVILLE BUY. AND SELL \HI PAGE THREE

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