GIRL REDS TOSS AMMONIA AND HOT WORDS 'AT RIOT And all the while 54 members of Homer Dahringer Post of the American Legion sat peacefully in ;helr business session at the court ouse. Girl speakers who started off the harangue against the government, | were permitted to speak their pileces | and retire, but when a male mem--| Starting off with the best adver-- tising the reds have ever received the arrest of two girl members for | distributing red literature at !'ort' Sheridan, a mob of the Bolsheviki ; gathered early and in the mob of | nearly 500 people were many who | have no sympathy with the govern | ment disrupters. i The march, which started at Gen-- esee and Water streets, ended with the dispersement of the mob at the cormer of Jackson and Washington streets. ber of the red fraternity started his faming denunciation of the United States, industry, capital and the American Legion, he had no Flinging spirits of Ammonia with their vituperative description of the government which gives them a home and permits them to earn & lMving wage, two girl communists were singled out of a massg of reds at a street corner meeting Thursday night and threatened with being thrown over the Genesee street bridge, Waukegan as a riot broke nu the red meeting and ended with a 2-- mile disorderly retreat of the flee Iing Bolsheviki. _ more than uttered the statement that "the American Legion is not big enough to break up our meet-- speech was At that moment two of the girl disturbers opened bottles of spirits of ammonia and flung their con-- tents into the crowd. One heckler got some of it in his eye and he Say One Speaker is Nursing Bruises, Reds Routed in Two Mile Retreat. not tossed over. Instead the oppo sition herded the bleating reds in-- to a shuffling mob and chased thim down Water street to Sheridan road, through an alley and into Belvidere street, thence out Belvidere to Jackson and down Jackson to Wash-- ington where the reds woere dis persed and sent in their several directions. was immediately transformed from a heckler into a fighter. The girls were seized by mem-- bers of the opposing forces and ecarried to _ the Genesee street bridge. One of them was lifted to the rail and threatened with being tossed into the rocks and debris some fifty feet below, But she was Ouly one person suffered any in-- jury further than discomfort, and he was the speaker who absorbed a few blows before his speech was ended. He will be in good, martyr-- like speaking condition within a few days. The advertising that brought out the crowds resulted from the arrest of two communists girls, Sylvia Langdon, 20 and Louise Grant, 18, bo% of 517 Helmholtz avenue, who wetejailed by U. 8. army authort-- ties for passing out red literature at Fort Sheridan. The girls were fnally released under bonds and yesterday, two more girl reds, Ann Liggett, 18, and Sandy Willman, 19, giving both Chicago and Wauke-- gan addresses, were arrested _ at Fort Sheridan on the same com-- plaint. They are held on a charge of entering an army post after havy-- ing been ordered away. They are to be given a hearing today before U. 8. Commissioner Walker and for having refused to talk for Assist-- ant District Attorney Jacob Gross-- man, they may be deported as un-- desirables. PAGE TWO Green turtles are decreasing in humbers owing to their use in mak-- Ing soup. Hundreds used to be taken on the beaches of Ascension island, but last year only 45 were «_ _ And Golf Widowers | A new game has been invented, a combination of golif and archery. A combination of golft and the home--run feature of baseball would get the unanimous support of golf widows.--Columbia Record. than his wagging jaw sud-- stopped a fying fist and his THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR Fox LakeDecorating Co. Turtle Supply Failing READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT EFACH WEEK AND YOU WILL BENEFIT BY SAME A WEEKLY MESSAGE FROM FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS Telephone 54 «<% 'Sadie Fletcher, Kenosha, is \ Charged With Aiding Oscar | Tolles to Escape. Ed's Hotel is located almost two blocks north of C. M. & St. P. R. R. Station at Ingleside. Exténsive alterations have been made including a darge screened and glazed lounge used for guests com-- fort and ~dancing. Tae rearrange ment of the kitchen provides utmost in service whether it be a cup of coffee or a chicken dinner, wit;, goo--l eook in charge. The grounds when completed will be like a ventian garden, and with the extensive work done on Squaw Creek here by Kaping and Son with their dredge, making it as deep as twenty feet in some places, makes it ideal for game fish as has been pro-- ven by recent catches. _ Ed Ehlerding, the new proprietor, is using .every effort to attract tae family trade and permanent board ers. Winter sports will be encour: aged as the smooth ice here in the winter will be kept clear of snow where skianting can be enjoyed and topped off with a good hot meal. HOLD NEGRESS AS ACCESSORY IN MRS. HARRIS' DEATH Sadie Fletcher, a Kenosha negress arrested two days ago in the police search for Oscar Tolles, alleged murderer of Mrs. Minnile Harris, was Saturday charged as being an acces-- has reopened. After being closed for five years, it again proves to be a popular recreation center. . Kaping House Is Now Ed's Hotel Ingleside's famous has reopened. After ; sory after the fact of murder in & warrant signed by Chief of Police Thomas E. Kennedy. Detective Ser-- geant Bart Tyrrell, who arrested Mrs. Fletcher, deciares that she aid-- ed Tolles to escape the police on the night of the murder and that she withheld information concern-- ing his hiding place. According to the police Mrs. Flet-- cher has admitted that Tolles came to her at her home in Kenosha and told of the murder of Mrs. Harris. It is claimed that Mrs. Fletcher took Tolles to Racine in her car and attempted to borrow some money for him, and that when she failed to get the money, she took him back The negress states that at 3 o'clock in the morning after the murder, she took another Kenosha negress to Chicago to see her for-- mer husband who is in a Chicago hospital. She denies that Tolles went to Chicago with her, but the police theory is that the . alleged murderer was taken to Chicago in the Fletcher car and that he is in hiding in Chicago at present. The Chicago police are working with De-- tective Sergeant Tyrrell on the case and they expect to arrest Tolles in one of the Chicago negro districts at almost any time. _ _ Mrs. Fletcher is being held in the local city jail and an attempt is be-- ing made to elicit further informa-- tion from her concerning the pres-- ent whereabouts of Tolles. She per-- sistently denies that she knows where he went after they returned to Kenosha. but the police believe that she is withholding further in-- formation. The police claim that regardless of whether Tolles is captured or not, Mrs. Fletcher will be held as an ac-- cessory, but they are contident that Tolles will be arresteqa very shortly. An increase in wages . of 60 cents a day and a five day week has been granted to lathers of Waukegan and other towns on the North Shore in which these work-- ers are affiliated with the Chicago local of that union through agree-- ment signed Monday. Lathers Given 5--Day Week; Wage Boost The agreement is reltroactive to September 1. The new wage sche-- dule of working days will hold good until May 31, 1932. The most important provision in the agreement, according _ to labor leaders, is --the granting of the shorter work week to another of the building trades. The new wage scale ot -- the lathers, with the increase, is }813.00 a day, the same &4s Wwas granted to the plasterers. Kaping House eing closed for roves to be a ater. is have been a screened and r guest: com-- PARACHUTE FAILS AS RING BREAKS; GIRL JUMPER HURT Miss Miller, although a novice at parachute jumps, fell 1,500, feet be-- fore the chute caught any wind. All this time she calmly worked with the 32 cords on the chute hoping to draw te ones that would unfurl it to Miss Evelyn Miller, 2%, 1009 Grand Ave. Waukegan, suffered minor injur les Sunday at the Waukegan airport when a parachute, in which she made a 2,000 foot drop, -- failed to epen until almost to the ground, due to the shattering of the ring, which broke in three places, _ _ Manages to Manipulate Chute After 1,500 Foot Drop to Break Fall. aim, as the ground loomed perious-- ly close, and the bag partly filled with air and broke the fall. Her weight, 115 pounds, aided materially in the partly filled parachute break-- ing her fall according to Vernon Ramsey, pilot of the plane from which she hopped. j The crowd at the port, attracted by the fact that a woman was to make the jump, rushed to where she fell expecting to find her dead. In-- stead she was on her feet and tak-- Ing inventory of her bruises. After an examination: was made she left for. her home. Miss Miller, less worried about thowlthnnouotthougitthe port, advised her friends that she would jump again next Sunday. _ TO YOUR DOOR FOR CONLY $1.50 HadSrgt. Butterfleld, the regular stunt man, made the drop he would have been killed, it was pointed out. Butterfield weighs 170 pounds and the 55 additional pounds would have sent him to the earth before he eould unfurl the chute. The girl finally accomplished her Deerpath Theatre _ The Home of The Perfected VITAPHONE AND MOVIETONE PHONE 321 THURSDAY, 'l"'.tgfit,fl.' FR"_)FAY'B | TOM DUGA SEPTEMBER 19--20 LILA LEE MONDAY, TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 and 17 "The Rainbow Man" All Talking--Singing LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1929.; OPEN ALL NIGHT f Try our noon and supper specials. You will be pleasantly surprised at the excellent food and moderate prices. _ .' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th Jack Holt in "Father and Son" ' A Talkie SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th: _ David Lee and Rin Tin Tin 603 N. Milwaukee Ave., SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th . Vilma Banky and James Hall in "This Is Heaven'" A Talking Picture ' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th: | Last Showing of THE VRGINIA CAFE a Well--Cooked, Well--Served Meal, Patronizse "Frorzen River'" A Talkie (All Talking) Eight Divorce Cases Filed Saturday Bight, divorces were filed last Friday, with Circuit "* Clerk L J. Wilmot and two were heard with-- in an hour by Circuit Judge Claire C. Edwards as those in domestic difficulty hurried into court in order to take advantage of the last day of publication. | Publication in the press permits the plaintiffs to serve notice on the defendants. Those who had--filed and reciv-- ed decrees were Mrs. Louese Smart of Antioch against her husband, Robert, wl::m she charged with ex-- cessive drinking; and Mrs. Bertha Calhoun, of Highland Park, against D. Lester Calhoun. on a charge of desertion. . Among the bills filed were: Ever-- ett vs. Vera Price, Waukegan, in which she was accused of being too familiar with Earl Nelson Long:; John vs. Izetta Holmes, of Lake For-- est, desertion' Gertrude vs. William Ebeling, of Waukegan, cruelty; An-- na vs. Edward I. Grady, of North Chicago, cruelty:; Roy vs. Ruth Man-- ley, of Zion, in which Burt Cha?\ot A CAR BURNS UP IN LIBERTYVILLE Police at Libertyyille are in-- vestigating the strange circum-- stances surrounding the burning of a Buick sedan in a Jitch near Libertyyville this morning. Wit-- nesses said that the car plunged into the ditch and burst into flames. Two men crawled out and got into another car angd eontinued on their way to Chica-- go. The license plates on the burned car were issued to Mrs. Emma McFarland of 3115 West Madison street, Chicago, and the Libertyville authorities are _ at-- tempting to determine whether or not the car bad been stolen. is named, and Hazel vs. Hobart De-- Long, Zion, in which she charges he was imprisoned for larceny in 1916 in the state of Washington. ALICE DAY" __LUCIEN-- _ _ LIT TLEFIELD TOM DVUGAN LAKE BLUFF HOME DESTROYED BY A --MYSTERIOUS BLAST The residence occupied by Joseph Kuharske, a building contractor and his family, at Sheridan road and Briar lane in Lake Bluff, was totally destroyed by fire which resulted from a mysterious explosion in the place Saturday night. Unaware that the Kuharske fam-- ily was not at home at the time, Lake Bluff police and firemen fran-- tically searched the blazing ruins shortly after the blast spread flames over the entire structure, but the family was not at home and did not return until Sunday morning and after looking over the ruins, they again departed. A Kerosene Soaked House Burns Down in Absence of Tenant, is Reported. Fire Chief Charles Helming of Lake Bluff said that the place was soaked with kerosene and that he believed the explosion to have been planned -- with incendiary intent. Damage amounted to about $10,000. SA TURDAY, Sept. 14th, One Day Only-- SUNDAY and MONDAY, SEPT. 15 and 16 SEE and HEAR the BEST and MOST POP-- ULAR SCREEN STAR in his LATEST SUCCESS! + -- Also COMEDY and NEWS TUES., WED., SEPTEMBER 17 and 18: EXTRA!! _ EXTRA! Double Feature Attraction! FEATURE NO. 1: "The One Woman Idea" FEATURE NO. 2 "Laughing at Death" SOMEBODY HAD BLUNDERED A Western Thriller A Double De Luxe Program for the Entire Family > f Admission: Adults, 35¢; Children, 15c THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SEPT. 19 and 20: L* V' Danger that lurks in the curve of the smiling lips. Danger that lurks in the love--charms of two women----rivals in love. Dangerous curves in the road of romance. What happens?} HEAR Clara. SEE "It!" : - Also Comedy and Fable ETT ENNE EENNUHERNNNEENEEEEIEE ENeeE Ee e e Oe eAE MONTE BLUE MAY MAvOY HEAR HER TALK!! Libertyville, Illinois WARNECLER BROS COMEDY and REVIEW "Charmincf Sinners" 'Proves Clever Picture "Charming Slm%le'x;a' will be s10wn at the Deerpath eatre, Lake For-- esttomorrow (Friday) for the last time. The lead in this clean play is Ruth Chatterton 'and she is at her very. best in this all--talking picture. Saturday will bring two of screen-- dom's most popular stars, David Lee and Rin Tin Tin, in "Frozen River." Sunday Sept. 15, '"This is Heaven," featuring Velma | Banky and James Hall, is to be shown. Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 16 and 17, "The Rain-- bow Man," a talking and singing pic-- ture. is the main attraction. . The picture billed for Wednesday, Sept. 18, is "Father and Son," with Jack Holt as the leading man. "The Drag" wita iRchard Barthelmess and Alice Day, ~omes to uEe Degerpath Thurs-- day and Friday, Bept. 19 and 20. A vivid description has been given of the courtship of the gold-- en plover: The male bird mounts about 100 feet and starts to sing, fAying slowly around the spot on the beach where his desired mate is listening. Sometimes several males will vie for one mate, but they make it purely a singing contest rather than a fight. The song car-- riles over a great stretch "of moor, attracting females ig the vicinity. Courtship by Song REMEMBER SEPTEMBER! Month Of Paublix Perfect Programs "THE SONG SHOP" Mon., Tues., Wed., _ Sept. 16, 17 and 18: DIRECT FROM ITS CHICAGO RUN; one of the Most Sensation-- al All--Talking Hits of with Chicago Loop Theatre Entertainers C ie hiE / 1E ie the Season! PARAMOUNT'S WONDER PICTURE Also Sound News and FRANK WALLIN and JOYBOYS NNNE Sunday, Sept. 15th: s'California Mail" Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept. 16, 17 and 18: LEATRICE JOY 'BELLAMY TRIAL' A Sensational Mys-- tery Murder Story with a <big cast of Favorites! THE DANCE OF LIFE' OLD FASHIONED DANCES! EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Visit Our Modern Barbecue, One of the finest in the state. Vitaphone Acts SUNDAY ONLY, SEPT. 15th: ON THE STAGE ON THE SCREEN ANK WALLIN |100% Talking Success nd JOYRBOYSs |"MASQUERADE" Libertyville Independent ------ $1.50 a Year Ken Maynard MUSIC BY Chris. Hapke's Orchestra ----zwith------ Dietz's Stables IVANHOE, ILLINOIS w« B p3 AT WAUKEGAN Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 19, 20 and 21 : MAN HUNT! Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 19, 20 and 21 : FLORENCE VIDOR Always These Added Attractions : News, Comedies, Sportlights Fable and 'Collegians' ----uwith-- Lila Hyams and a Star Cast News in Sound Sound Fable Cold--blooded science tracks down a human prey! A ghostly thrill in the most chilling detective play ever screened | WARNER BROS. present "CHINATOWN NIGHTS" Exciting Oriental Romance ' --ALSO----* Sound News, All Talking Picture Comedy and Vitaphone Acts T H 0 MA S