fd Heavy quality Felt Everett with Bott pa ded chrome nolu. Sun to IO, Opem "to price. paw 59c --tittt" Dept. Baum sale price. cam 59c ,V, .. '_.r..wv.. We've Made all Preparations to Serve a Tremendous Crowd of People That Will be Here for the Openirig-We Offer Latest Style Footwear at the ._ ---- City's Lowest Prices-Remember! We are, Never Knowingly Undersohl! All Absolutely First Quality Merchandise. f,,?,,?,,!,?,,?, Opening Saturday, October I 2:113 amends of Super Values-{Iremendous Prepargtiong to Serve Evetrarttodur-Gtddlus Sign: Everywhere in Evideneea-. i Thousands of Super Values-Tremendous Preparations to Serve 1hrqsrtr,ttodlgrrrGuUe Signs Everywhere in Courteous Floornnen tq Direct You-Come, We Ask You to Inspect Our New Home A _lBlKiiifjiiiilllillrt, 111d _I:ETJ'EB_U1!D£RSELLING ' quality cinch. I Drtco. "i1 ttrice, a; 59c. . I (if. I T.-.' . it??? -Shoo Dept. lawman 3* ."'.+.6_E'.. '+I-it-B-IBB-le-l-rt-bs '==='e""="====l=eeS= 'MWOWWIMIWIWMOWIWOIWMOImImlm-m! on pad- 090nm. Inomon TIIE [OW PRICES WILL OOIIVIIOE YOII TIMI OIIR GREAT BUYING POWER l8 RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR GREAT POWER TO 'UNDERSELL Follow the Greet Crowds to Our Opening-Come and See the Wonderful Opening Bargains-Gee/ui-ted with Our Bigger and Better Methods of Underszll- intr--Strluh, Dependable Footwear for the Entire Family at the City's Lowest Prices! Remember, Shoe Dept. Located in the Basement! Ready with More Than 25,000 Pairs! More than 250 Different Styles of Women's, Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Footwear Specially Made foe This Great Opening Event! Eggs!) J).ih41nde jireilaaCirii8riiii Corncuvo 7 9mm. conuuvoly I t y I I I. Ioautlful an t t o r on. KM Pump Straw. manna"! to 0. WI Ill. Ott plump."- illlllllhSlfihflllii)lll, Sllll0lll jlllilfi)ll?Cill' 'roctlvoly . t y t o C. s " lutlful pa t t o r "I. patent. (In or black i?rEiE?Ei?iiiii d Pumps, Tm or am. Eva-y pair me' aranued. All the; 0. Width. A to it. Oponlng "I. lee, pmr '6.%t.--Sttoe - in!" Easement. Women's and. Children's Rayon BOYS' S3110 ItEtlt SHOES L All! DRESS OXFOBDS Sacral Colon. Pair LiTETi5I3GiijicE BLANKETS! Amaze to buy enough Warm Comfort for the entire winter season. We offer this wonderful range of Firmly Woven Block Plaid Double Bed Blankets, Jacquard Patterns Robe Blankets Silkoline Covered Bed Conform. Choice $1.99. Am. I. - - Styled like "Dadht" Black has to t a price, pelt $1,98,--Shoe Dept, Basement. An extraordinary um: Btylee in Patent, Satin an Kid loathe". Pumps. Straps and Oxfords. Eve heal. All aizea to a. Operr price pair, "9tb--8ho Baumnt. ')rt-,,t?=,!t I. Pumps. . Tl... lords. Every nylo to 8. Opening an 't.90--aht" Dept. Satan Bound firmly woven Bod Quaint. comm" Nun-a fsrgt qeauty Clankou. cl- tra largo Death on Sac. our for 83.hs.. 72x84 Six. Nahu- L23 mum's A THOUGHT or' FUI'URE BUSINESS BEHIND EVERY SALE-o-o-tttio-o-o-oe-aiu-ici";] auction BE motion of and luck -ttaument Tan and Black Work Chou. um: . leather or compo-"Ion: "In. mu 0 to to, pair for $2.98. 4h" Dom. Baum-m MEN'S _ WORK SHOES New Fail Oren Oxford: or Show gunmoul. Extension solid leather sol". all ulna. Open. ing Bale price. pair 8t.9tr-- Shoo Dept. Basement. " MISSES' All) CHILDREN'S T0 83 ItEtlt nu. CHORDS AND SHOES "tr"TllN Women's and Growing Girls' ttr 85 In NewFall Slippers The new"! Style creations of the Autumn "no". Pumps. Straps. Ties and Oxfords. _. Choice of Patent, Satin. Suede, Kud Leather , or Velvet. Every style heel, all sixes. Opening tale price. pair t2.98-snoe Dept. Basement. l 09/ ===.T==a.= ' ) t I f I 1 J. ' , P, rT (an 1 your "" Dept "on? and Young Ken's $4.00 and $5.00 OXFORDS 0mm. Pretty Bloett Putin. ttrmiy woven fine W o o I o n Sunken. Double Bud lite. on: for $7.06. ....-........ Wool Double Blankets long can. 66x" Size " Witt. 'teititstV" tuiitur prlco, our ".Mt.-tttoe humane. tpr and wear. bluchor $4. .98 --Ba-rtt sturdy, '2, .98 urdy bum r. Chow. or or Dal I Flexible I b for © of Du sum. Huber '.'"ij'ii", l l r?a'ta'r, l --tta.qtneett Men's Russia Calf and Kangaroo Kid Shoes or Oxfords A Eu "I Will Every 1 he". al Openlng PH". D L., 8 h " Basement Fall Novelties It In. Wdf. New"! black. 1 Flo-en's and Growing Girls' to 56 New Wont. " "AiirdlfGhriiijthport Slippers rss::::; New Novelty Cut Outs, Ties or Straps. Choice of patent or kld leathers, all sizes. Opening sale price, pile for '2.t)8.--atute Dept., Baument. cmnsws DRESS 'tfiit3,il Button or "CB "we: shoes - A I... New I. Mup- wm than" Mt, patent, ad. and v " g t y I I "so an: tam' " my! an. phi Police, Fireman Postman Shoes Good 'tollty Un- tr I e a chad Mug. lin Cover; for three.fourthq or F u t I size Bed Mattress". each Mattress Covers Hug/I Unbleach- ed uni-n Cover With Kn I tt e d W)" I e B r a n d Pad. that mu lace onto any Ironmz Denmark _-_........ C h 0 Ice of all wanted and" in fine quality Ray. on for Llnmgn. Draperies, Shirt. lugs, Oren... Etc. Wash. lbh colon. yard for 23c... $4.00 Bird Cage and Stand Heavy Ewan» fled finilh. we'l made bird'cage with half circle "and to match at $2.99. OPENING SPECIAL! "" UNBLEACHED , MUSLIN OPENING SPECIAL'. 36-INCH RAYON OPENING SPECIAL! $1.39 IRONING Pad and Cover With Black - KM Uppers. A Vory comwrublo Shoe. a n d m a d a for hard wear. AI! slut. 6 to 12, pale for-.. ALPACA --shoe Dept, Baa-mm. canon or lace nylu shoe: or suppers, patent, tan or two-tone effects. flexible i com, cm." nan... men Mn. to 3. Opening L can price, palm -Bagement --Ba-ment Basement 92c, . . . . Basement (llly Dept., Baument .99 l, , W Of soft Pliable Brown Kat Leather, flex. ible Leather Extender: Soles, Rubber Heels. All sizes to 12. Opening ule pn'e, pair $1.97. .--shodt Dept. Basement. Just " pictured. All sizes to 10 pairs last. pair for $1.59. mi'i tt.ttriiiiirii- smc'uiiiii Leather Romans A mars scour wonx suoss , .59 I B , High ' ='c'1Lu_sw't' 'NX;CGaGii Cuts aEl1 " . " . _"" i . 1til?i?iiiE 'tqt) gun" n A., 'nl' A fti'iiiiild it Women's$l.39 Leather If 0 ll 8 E SLIPPERS Black Kid l-strap' House Slippers. Low rubber heels, nit slut. Opening sale price, pair_10r 87c. Every pair 1 My. Whne Gym Sheet. Opening sate BOYS' on GIRLS' GYM SHOES - --sh6e Dept. Basement all SIZE. to price pale 49: --Shoe Dept. Baumen I ""53 t '2 $249 And sizes to 6 Priced at Sizes i) to 131, 87c ar12e 6