CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Oct 1929, p. 7

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Mrs. C. W. Getty Ueatertalning her also" In. A. w. (humor. of Walkman. D. C. was Katherine Gonnenntn. of Gleam. m the pest of Mrs. F Gunckel on Baum. Ott 8m ot last week, loan. 03cm Sch". Henry and mum John-on and Funk Kottruch. mu- ed Richard Aha-nu. st Waterman, m. In. Abraml has only recently returned from Chintz-uh. we: Eugene Wetier left on Mom day to spend the winter months At no home or her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Bunsen of Cw- Genevieve Steiner. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steiner of Spring. field venue. underwent en operation tor appendiciti- It the Highland Park hospital on Wedneedny night of he! week. last week. She La recovering nicely. Mr. and In. Emil Mania-r. of Highland Perk and Miss Delis and Louis lentxer of Nbrthfieid. were dinner guests st the Christ Ionizer Dhotkne on Thursrhy evening of Inst wee . Mm. u cl Hole, utectionatety known thruout town In "Grandma" Hole. celebrated her eighty-fourth hit-tho" on 83mm. October s, " the than tug, daughter Mrs. In Gardner. tween menu-tho and thirty Must ealied during the af- ternoon and evening. to commute her, who many others. unable to mlL ant manages and tokens of re -iGl "om Chalg and Miss Miller attended the Teacher-3' Institute u Ltttertrvtmy on sa9mur. - Mr. and In. James Hood md daughter, [in Mary, spent the week and in Appleton. Wise., visiting Jun- Sty " - The P. t ' of the Wilmot school will not! it: regular monthly meet- ing " the adnool house on Friday evening, October lg. Fruit R1380. the little son of Mr. and In. P. M RM ls ln Highland Park hoopla! suffering with m in- Deemeld Post 738 American Let ents at Half Day, on Smithy. Mel Mr. Ian held its regular meeting on last and Mrs. Stanley Johnson the young two i wodnesasy eveninz. " which time. bride and groom of the family. were meet a. very fine proxmm was presented. .104 and homes. for the day. IPhllli Proteaaor Tomlinson. of Lake Fbrest' About twenty Deerfield Boy Svoutnl The was the speaker at the evening. and attended the football game at mans at the Comrade 1'ownley of the City Press. Eton on Saturday and all declared Tum-d delighted the group with big muster it o mt enjoyable uterttoon. l Mr. al ability, both playing nnd singing; The eoutrrmtrttion of the Preeby-i ville, a variety of son's. Later in the terian church responded to Roll Call Mr, a evening. an old fashioned my, fry Sunday in an enthuatlac manner. andl M was presided over by the Mess Ser- made the service one not to be soon Rug»: gaunt, Fred been. "orgotten. The school of Missions Were Mrs. Charles Rmith,ofToledo, will on Sunday evening. was also very ham l weak on Fell Planting at the regu- tine and attracted a large and op-' Crest lar meeting of the Deerfield Garden preciative audience. l wwk Club. which will be held at the home Sunday guests at the William John sons. of Mrs. Carlton Scribner 0n wdnes'trton home, were Harold Ward, Jack R at day afternoon. October 16. Mr. Garner and Mrs. Spencer and family 8mm in an authority on the growing I of McKinley Park. l G of Iris and Peonies and his talk prom; Ten Boy Scouts. accompanied br, he: to be very interesting and in-'thn Hahn. enjoyed an manhunt Tn structive. hire. B. B. Jordan end hike to the cabin in the woods on hu'da In. Charles Timaon will be atrsurlsa.lydt.t. (cot ant beam This will be Guest: The Young People's Circle of the Octot my and those who nre bringing Bungalow church met on Tuesday-i The mean will muse notify the hot evening with Mrs. Stryker in charge. rake The may friends of Mrs. t L. Knuth wilt be glad to knowthttsbe bu returned from the Highland Pk. haunts) aid is getting nous nicely. - Damon Carroll of mm visited " the home of his ale-(er, Mm C. C. Safes on Monday. - Mrs. Joseph Dunn and daughters) Once and Teresa. Mr, and Mrs. (H Mb Ward McDonald tad Joe Stephens, of me Forest. visited ct the home of Mrs.S. J.Love on Tues-l T300. C. Dies family expects to' day was a decided success. The pro- move hmck to Park Ridge within the f gram was interesting and the spec- next week or two. They have rent-I tal offering exceeded all expoctatlontt ed 3 homo near the JunesBumtt' Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wot and numb. who moved to Park mm Mm. Jeanie Wilson visited relatives from "(Infield last spring. [in Libertyville on Sanity. Mr. and In F. E. Meade the;i The Iadiea' Aid satiety ot St. home guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.', Paul't Evangelical church will hold Preemn visited relatives in Wood!!! bakery sale on Saturday, October dock over the week and. [12. Mr. and Mrs. George Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. John Fay. of Highhnd P.. Alvin Meyer md Mus Embed: Telephone 9 The Ray Furniture & Paint Store; Ii'ooanBaxaL GAMES RCA d 1llftAlDMNlllLh NEWS FROM DEERFIELD' few tubes ol'eml Inch marvelous well-rounded tonal beauty--" unwinding volume without distortion. Radiola 46 in theonly Screen- Grid Radial. made by the creators of tho Screen-Odd Radian-on and the ScreenuGrid Radio Circuit. And the "tue-our 8179.00 .Iru Radio---- is a notation! Immediate delivery and prompt installation. Buy it on the convenient RCA The Payment Plan. You're on the so y-rd line at every game". . . with Radiol. t6 a home. Never before In. I radio Instrument of no Screen Grid 46 our season 's pass to the jlllBllll6 Schllstn attended o play ("on my tae American Logion Post " Grop- lake. on may evening. at» Drum and Bugle Corps of North 0mm. in their attraetire Worm. furnish ed part of tho ontoMnnont. Other attractiotm yore a has 0mm. and a very clever Legion quartet. fro mme'norgoo Post. Tho Door- field truest onpom that the upload" program met with an MIMI-lac appreciation from the hue out". once. Mr. and Mrs. Nn. Made. or an Dena. own, no homo guests ct tho home of Mr. ond Mrs. J. P. henna. Mrs Made and Mrs. Fromm: no lu- tors. Mr. and Mrs. C. not: and son and Miss who Oswell their guest. mu- ed D. C. Estes at Kilnukoo My. Mr. andMn. DeVaney of orthbrook visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fiarry Man. on Fm" evening. Miss Domain. ot Chicago. wu a guest at the home ot Mr. and In. Préd Schwab on Thmodty ot hurt week. Miss Josephine Woodman left on Tuesday. to vlslt was her ulster. Mrs. Kain. ofchieaao, until October H. when they will start for PlorW. Mrs. S. s. Love. Mr. and Mrs. Ber. ry Dervine and Ion and Mr. M In. Floyd Gauche! visited friend. in Crystal Lake on Sunday. Among those from Deorfield, who attended the Northwestern Icahn] games at Wton on Sammy were Mr. and Mrs. George Briggs, Miaa Ida Kraut. T. J. Km and Mr. um Mrs. C. E. Piper. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Willey and m} The Altar end Rosary Society of ot Rockford, were wet end (new Holy Cross Catholic church met 1m at the home at Mr. and Mu. cua.lrytday evening. Plans were made Stadler. [for n series of social gatherings to Gus Lame. who event the summer be held in time new church buo- at we home of Mr. and Mrs. dlaGil meat. during the winter. Fetus. departed on Thursday morn-t A foundttlon is being built under mg for SanFrmclsco. 'the mm Deerfield Town Hell which Mr. and Mn Try: Nelson, ot Chi- will no be remodeled and redec- cazo .were sander meets at the ree-' orated. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Willey and can ot Rockford, were wet and (new at the home at Mr. and Mu. Chu. Stadler. The Sewing Club met with Mr: Roy Miller on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mr C. C. Estes m enter- taining Mrs. Blots sister, was Nel- lie Carroll of Gillespie. llllnoll. Mr. and Mrs George Penis. Gua'bridze club on 'I'huradny. Lang? and Mr. and Mrs Ed John-011' Miss Margaret Scully visited att and two children. were dinner medium home of her skier, Mrs. R. J. at the home ot Mr. Johnson's uh Stave. of Milwaukee last week mm at Half Day, on Sunday. Mr.| Mr. and Mrs. George onbu and and Mrs. Stanley Johnson the young two chlldm were Sunday dinner bride and groom of the funny. were can" ttt the home or Mr. and Mrs. .104 and hostess for the day. iPhlllip Scully. A Mr. and Mr. Tryg Nelson, of Chi, cazo were Sunday guests at the m- idence of Mr. and Mrs. John on. The eongrrmgation of the Presby- teriatt church responded to Roll Call Sunday in an euthanize manner, and made the service one not to be soon forgotten. The school of Mlssions on Sunday evening, was also very fine amt attracted a large and " pmciadve audience. Sunday guests at the William John Mon home. were Harold Ward. Jack Garner and Mrs. Spencer and family of McKinley Park. Ten Boy Scouts. accompanied by thn Hahn. enjoyed an oven~nimn hike to the cabin in the woods on Saturday. The Young People's Circle of the Bururatow church met on My evening with Mrs. Stryker Ln eharge o fthe meeting. George Brand named away at 'ata" tying home on Deerfield Road on Sunday' Club and burial took place in the North-' wan field cemetery on Tuesday. l and The Rally and Promotion Day new? to maintain loo at the Bungalow church lust Sun-1 day was a decided success. The wo- LEGION Al gram was interesting and the spec-' MO tel offering exceeded all expectations! Iverflvld Eighteen Boy Scouts, some of them accompanied try their "dads." attended the Camp Reunion at the LIBERTYVILLE Daemon-smold- high when! on m- day evening. 360 Scouts and their dads were present a this fine moot.- ins. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene We: and Agtttur Dndr. motored to noun. m., on Mutiny and returned on Wednee- dar, bringing with them their niece. Mm. lam-once Dondaavme and her little you. Mrs. Wm. Plum and mom Viola and Irene wRo,ttetttif2',f,','d a din ner nt the home M , Henry Kline of orth Chicago, on "ii/UGG-dia; on: ntNng, which m given In honor at Mm. Wiedhoft. w'ao left tor her roe- idence In LosAngeleo on Wednesday night. I and Miller who We. the cum}, grade In Desmold mm" chool. is living at the Fred Hnarf hour. __ itiri'itiLG" Viol; and 'lrenoRock- and: entertained the worker: _trf thtr.Begirtrters, Primary and Junior Departments o fthe Presbytem Sun day school a their home on Thrus- Mr evening. Fred Kenton Jr., wuo in enjoying & thirtreight day love of thence from his duties in the Air-Trumpet: Service, of the navy. stationed " SenDleco. CAI., has bepn visiting in heartfelt}. I The Mission Bend met ti the Bun- galow 'ohurch on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Memer end Mm Boch. man conducting the lesson. Inter, n social hour was enjoyed and retro-h- mems were served. Mr. and In. Phillip Sculley at. tendod g card party a the home of #r. 3nd Mrs. William Ben. It High- land Put, on Saturday evening. Mrs. Sun Rockenhnch entertained at dinner on Stand-.7. in honor of Mrs. Wiedhoett. of muscle; Oth- er guests were, Mr.. and Mrs. George Hath ot Chicago and the Mines Ir- on and Viola Rockenhooh. The Irtdenyttertt Boeltl Club was entertained " the home of Mrs. G. Harder on My afternoon. . - 'lmuox AUXILIARY TO 3mm ON ' MONDAY EVENING l Deerfield Unit of the American I.- man Auxiliary will hold its regular monthly nesting on Monday evening. [October It. at the home of Mrs. Annie Willamn. Reports from the _delegat6-s to the state tyutvetttiott. Mrs Harry Man and Mrs. Minnia iw'nitromb. will bo hvard, Plans for the activities ot the year will be dis- cussed. As than Auxiliary commences its Inew year, it would like to imprpss Huron th women who are eligible to its membership. that ttuet tttttit the Legion and Aailiary offer an ovpor tunity for sol-vice They offer the privileges of minuterirut to those who so richly deserve all and more than we can ever repay. 'Par offer a means tor expressing love ot God. Country and feline!!! Miss Clam Eider entertained her bridge club on Thursday. Miss Margaret Scully visited a the home of her amt-r. Mrs. R. J. Stave. of Mllnukve last week The' Get Togomer club, will meet at the hom ot Mrs. Mary Roeblin. on Tuesday afternoon. Ottober 15. Mr. and Mn, mir Dye. of Scams. ville. Kr, are most: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln PM?" Miss Josephine Woodman, Min Rum-ma Waiter and Mrs. Belle Kulst wars- rut-sh at tho Jame» Woodman horn In "'aukmn on Sunday. 000nm Rockenbach spent last wwk visiting at the home. of his sons. Almon of Crystal Iahe and O ft at Lake Zurich. GARDEN CLUB TO HOLD BRIDGE PARTY 'rio Canien Club. of [Medield will holda bride" party at Middlo-hronk Country Club. on Friday o-wning, October 11. The purpose of this {In 't a " rai-'e funds to carry on the work ol the Civic Committee that of treauri tyintt public prevention The Gardtst Club is mponslble for general lmvl staph): lmttrov"m"rtttt in momma and desires to raise stttticirtt my to maintain this Cute work. The Dorcas Society of the Presby- terum church school has announced tint thle year. the annual bazaar will be held in November. rather than in December. n has usually been the cmtlm. This earlier date will tm. doubtedly appeal to those who like to take advantage of this opportun- lty to purchase unusual Xmu gifts at prices that are right and the se- lealon promises to be attnctlve and varied. Deerfield Unlt wtatG to extend alum. tt sincere Invitation to than women .to take advantage of the privileges which v, their by joining In this worthy work. DORCAS BAZAAR NOVEMBER?" A bazaar shower will be given by the Dorcas Society on tae Friday preceeding the lunar. at which time donations will be received. D. A. C. FOOTBALL TEAM SCORES', SECOND VICTORY I Deerfield Football teem defeated. the Chicago Boosters with a score' of 8 to 0 on Sunday afternoon. Int the first quarter, Deerfted scord a! touehbark. which gave them two, points. and in the last part of the second quarter. Art Km. ought ts', 46Nyde N80 from Collar and made at toueadowm adding six points to thel score. The lineup was as fotlowtci Center. t Sticken; Right Guard. Charles Johnston: Right Tackle. N. Peterson; athrht End, Art Kreu: Ctmrtertractr, Shorty Smith: Right Hgrif, Collar; Left Guard, G. Schwei- tmeh; Left Tackle. R. Yore: Left End. Art Bock; Fullback, B. Conway and Left Half. Carlson. Substitutes were Welter, for Schwdback. L. Juhrend tor Petersen and Poe Para for Carlson. q Another game is scheduIed for Sun day. and It is hoped tint all has will be out to support the team. The boys are doing some fine playing, and the game. us well worth attend mg. PREt9BY'r'ERIAN CHURCH NOTES Mai J. Andrews. Pastor, 9:80, church school. Department] LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1929. ( Wedneadly, T:46. choir reheat-Isl. Friday, 7:15, Troop " Boy Scouts. l October 20. The Lord's Supper. l October 27. Reformation and". I October 27 to November 8, third waiver-try ot our Dobt Reducing {Camden ' emulation and Med, indtrotttioet. 10:46. mmsttip and new. Ttte gator will weak on the wood It- nmcmce of this chum.) you. ' 7:30. whoa] of mission. This in the third ot 3 series ot ti: Sunny evening devoted to mission 'Itudy. Three man, for jmiora. young poo ole and tgdulM. A canal welcome to all the serv- ices and activities of this dim-ch EVANG. BUNGAIDW CHURCH Rev. A. P. Johnston, Rotor 9:46 o. m.. Bible school. in curse at Mr. A.'Merner. 11 a. m., worship and sermon. 7 p. m., Christin Endeavor. 8 p. m., worship. 1M Sunday, the Bible School set a new utendmce mark for the yar. More persons were present to our Rally my Service then um my previous occasion. Toe sitendnnce 1tutt Bandar was I record Meeker in the history of our church. The unrest summer: to this record was on Anniversary Dar, bet 1mm. Not only we; the record In attend. Inca broken. but the school. the. an 3 av high mark in the offering. The offering for the Elbe sc'Jool unwanted to 869. 63. Intern m created In the offering by weighing It. The total weight of tho offering we: " pounds and 63mm. There wm 3.403 pennies in this offering. No wonder the beaker "id "we were short of pennies :11 day Saturday." Friday evening, October 18, nt 8 o'clock. in the Deerfield Grammar school auditorium. the Metropolitan Church Chior will render 1 concert. The Metropolital Church Choir in not only the promier choir of Chium. but one of the most humus chairs of the country tu "Vermin cow sists of jubilee my [donation ml. odios. modern negro composition. chuicnl and operatic char-Ines. "so choruses mom the great oratoriea. J, Wrttley Jonas. u the conductor and born" V. Derrick. and Walter M. Genome, criminals. This choir vu ziwn second prize of tho large choirs in the choir contest held in Orchestra Hall. Tickets for this concert are now on sale. " Additional News From Mundelein Mrs Lewis Mills and Mrs. Carolin! Mitch" motored Friday to Downer.- Grove to attend the Rock River Con. ference . Ellen Mason spent the week and with Mr and Mrs Shaweroft in Hith- land Park. Saturday they Atended a theatre in Cutout). Mr, Smith of northern Michiznn. and Mm. John Huntley of (Mk' Tor rare mum! Saturday HYPER": on Mrs, Ear! Kane Mr. ttnd Mrs. Earl Kane. Mrs. Car ano Mitrhnll, Mrs Honry'ktute of Mundvlaln. Me John Kruckmnn of Litrertvvi!l" attended the funny-n! of Mrs Mhohpfl's aunt. Me. Elm Dex- . an. In Fhattstott, Saturday. She: was about Tq year, old and the last of the children of Wllliam and Charlotte cut, Sho was born and roared on the children of Wllliam and Charlotte Opt, Sho was born and roared on the old Out farm near Long Grove. Mrs. harm-r wu active prosldant of tan- l. ".93 Aid of her church for 20 y" t' . She was frequently "me ot . ( Primd the Flower lady". by I! Iu'orstn of "MAO An she No.1 't' 'tii'.drett of he mm. tghe was t',r.r" Univ" to old and young. A mmltu-r of local pople attended the Wm "Imm- In 0"." given last week ' "-1! Day by the Ladies Aid. s t' i', in»: or Polo. callod Saturn day at tho- Fin' Km» "mam Mr and M., P v! Lubkpmmn 9n- tortainod MN wrmwhun and hum Hy of £4an lurk Also Mrs. Rum: Rottso and son Ibo-"wit 0' Mundeloln. on Sunday tr Albert. Jeanette and boyde Knitw- or Hbonyville spent Sunday at the Panama Mason home. Their parent- Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Rhine. attend ed a banquet at Rockford. given bri the A & P Co. Mr. Kaine In mnn~ "or of tho meat department of thel More in Libertyville. I Mr and Mrs RUN-r" ll Ilo ls and Mrs It Roy Kim" Mr ant Lewh Mills. Mr. and Mn U ftouso n! Mundaleln, and Mr Mn! Clarrmco Snowing" of Zurich. and thoir tannin-a. at S dinner with Mrs. Emma MM: Ed Seller ls drivihg a new Ford truck Rev. Willis PM". a former pastor of our ehurr'a. who has filled a charge at Racine. Minn. u. now at KetloEx. Minn. Rev. Tope is at West- ern Springs, m. Bev. and Mm Walter Schouermann and daughter, Lela. and Mrs. Caro. line Mitchell ato Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs. Earl Kano Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ming and children. Helen .and Robert. (meat Saturday and Sunday with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Waslthick, " Chlcago. The human lnstltutp'hlll be held at the Model Form Oct. 16. A varied program will he presented; and ov- eryone Is urgod to exhibit A number ot articles. It is planned to have a spacial" tent to accommodate ,the crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mime and children, Helen and Robert'spnt the week and with Mr. and Mrs. Brash- felt, in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haas and son Nmwton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitch- oll and son Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Enest Haas of Zion, called on Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Helncohn Sunady. Mr. Paulo of Kenmha,..Mr. and Mrs. Grimm of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Nova): of unkogan called Sunday at the Frank Novak home. Albert Novak had Na tonsils re moved Saturday at the Condell Me. morial hospital. Community club will he entertain. ed Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Helnsohn. Mrs. Lenny Kane. Mrs. Earl Kane will assist In serving. Jolm Irvine of South Bend., Ind., is spending a few days with his daughter. Mrs. Geo. Heinsohn. The boy scouts were given" compli- mentary tickets to the football game, at Northwestern Saturday. Robert R. Rouse. scout leader. Paul Allanson and Gordon Ray accompanied the scouts. Those who went were Jack Kreuger, Benjamin " Madeleine. Earl Kane. Jr., Jay and Paul Allan- eon In, Theodore Bondrle. Hun-y (Contgmed from Page SIX) I llo :89. Mr Mr and Mrs Mrs U411!!! and ake a y wTirrMORBgOHNtgON wanmxo I Mine Erma Wetmore, daughter oti an Lem Fox Wetmore, became] lthe bride o! Harold Johnson, ot Chi-. Iago, Wednesday evening it eighl'; Eo'clock. at the Diamond Like Mturch,1 'the Rev. Mr. Scheuermann reading: ) the ceremony. The church was beau-l, titulty decor-tied in autumn leaves: and flowers, the many hues ot leaves. conthng with the colors of t'nel nutty we". Two nrchee made all tlrely of leave- wiih a lnrge heart of- tho same, formed the background.' The bride Arena! in egg shell chit. ton, carried yellow tea, roses. and (was attended by Mrs. Catherine :Weim, of Chicago. She 'wore pale hose camel: and carried a boquet of ')'ellow mm. The bride was. given {in marriage by he made, George Bartlett. Gordon Rar Jr. The boy: all rephrt In exciting tune . Mr and Mrs. Wm. sworn and chil- dren, Frederick sud Eleanor, of Crystal Lake, mat Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hatching. The Indies Aid is planning & home coming dinner for Oct. 26th. Six little friend. helped Robert. Ming to celebrete his sixth birthday Friday afternoon. The mm were Roger and Mitchell me. Jimmie McBride. Robert Nelson. David Nel- son and A. Hansen. The afternoon was spent in playing games. alter which Mm. Ming served dainty re- fretthmettttt. The table was decont- ed in pink and white. Mr. and Mn. David Covert, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ctift motored Sun- day to Richmond to van Mrs. cums stator, Mrs. John Meyers. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oat. Mrs. Chg. Out. of Palatine, tad w. A. Out. of Nehuvu, Nob., 3nd Lewis Lamar 301k. of St. Louis, spent Monday with Mrs Eu! we and Mrs. Caroline Mitchell. Mrs. Botthlts Toner and son Jerry and Mrs. Elizabeth Einaman visited a tthe George Ghrke gnd Wm. Btoerp homes in Crystal we Friday. Mrs. Robert Rouse and Mrs Gordon Ray spent Scturdny in Wau1retre., Sunday school It 9:30 5ulll; Church service. at 10:30. Topic, " e Needs of the Pupil and the Church School". Non Sunday, Oct. 18, la Rally Bun. day tor both Bandar school and the clutch. Let u make it 8 real rally Bandar, with a record attendance. DIAMOND LAKE CHURCH NEWS Yoland Rogers gave 3 report of the county Sundny sdnool convention on The folhywing officers hpv"e been elected tor the B. S.: Supt. Mrs. C. lumen; Am. Supt.. menus; elm; secretary, mm, Hansen; treasurer, Susie Towner; cradle roll depart- ment, Bessie Kane; beginners' Supt. Helen Ming; librarian. Earl Kane Jr., missionary Supt, Ether Mills. Oct. " In Mlulonary Sunday, the offering to be for World Somme. FARMERS' INSTITUTE VEGETABLES-. GRAIN AND SEED- Wintgr Wheat, 1 pk White Corn, 10 earn Spring Wheat, 1 pk. Yellow com. 10 an Late Oats. 1 pk. Sweet Cora, 10 can mrly Oats. 1 pk. Pop Corn. 10 an Barley, 1 pk. Sweet Clover, 1 pk. SPECIAL Dl8PLAYtb-.. Farmer, must ante: all exhibit. before , p. m. Ribbon. ftr first, second and third place. BAKERY (M9008--. Angel Food Cake Layer Cake Loaf of White Bread Rolled Cookies CANNED FOODB-- Fruits, 4 quarts Cold Pack Vegetables, 4 quarts Pickles, 1 quart SEWING-- Prize of trip to International Livestock Exhibition to girl exhibiting in all five classes and receiving highest number ot points. Display of 5 or more farm Much Display of between 8 and 12 kinds ot Vegetables Honey Display Hooked and Fancy Rugs Needle Point Work Quilting House Dress . School Dress Brmler Combination Princess Blip Pajamas Early Potatoes. 1 m Late Potatoes, l peck Squuh, 3 specimen: Beets, 1 peck Pumyuns. 3 heads Carrota, 1 peck Ctrbbage, 3 heads Onions, 1 peck Apples, 5 or more varieties For Women and Girls For Men and Women Hand Embroidered Initials (Prizes: EXHIBITS Red Clover Seed, 1 peck Algglke Clover, 1 Mr. COMMUNITY FAIR For Girls Electric Equipment) The groom's niece, em Muriel thnaon, wt: tho very sweet, dre-+ ed In green ninth and carried a lit- tle basket of flowers. Harold or, of Chicago, amended the groom. A keen interest In the Reading Cir- cle work has started at our school. Several pupils lave written tour re- ports. T313 entitles them to a Read-) tug Cinch diploma. Many others! have started on their second and third report. l Meeker. The little ring bearer Nor- ma teen eru. fulfilled her odutles charmingly for one so young in - She wore a little (rock of pale pink taffeta. A reception (allowed trt the bride's home. with about 46 nests attend- ing. Tae color ethane of gold and white was carried out in detail, with yellow candles on all the tables. Att- er the festivities the young couple left for a. motor trip to Wolcott, N. Y. The bride has been a nurse with the Western Shade Co. The Wet- mores have made their home in the Fred Kienie house for several years. Miss Helen Mantle, teacher of the lower room, spent the week and with her parents at Bloomington. The school board has furnished the 1929-30 reading circle books. DIAMOND LAKE SCHOOL NOTES All the girls in the upper room have been perfect in attendance the first month ot school. Blmhe McBride was absent last wednesday. Gordon Shattuck has been absent on nccotmt of "luau. Wednesday. I . Publisher-Lake County Newspapers. Inc., Waukegan, Ill. Owen Sitder, from Blue Island. ul Editor-John A. Dickson, 1115 Michigan Avenue. Evanston, Ill. " new pupil in the sixth Reade I Managing Editor-D. M. Noyes, 1430 Jarvis Avenue, Chicago, lllinois. GM" Bartlett "Lu absent trom Business Manager-D. M. Noyes, 1430 Jarvis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. kaool Tuesday. , 2. That the owners are: (Give names and addresses of individual Mercedes Kennedy has left soboil,' owners, or, it a corporation, give its name and the names and addresses to so to Florida. i ot tstockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or mare ot the total amount ' of stock). Mod I F N Lake County Newspapers, Inc., 116 Madison Street, Waukegan, IU. rm John A. Dickson, 1115 Michigan Avenue, Evanston, Ill. e a ewtt M. V. Wieland. 6850 So. Shore Drive, Chicago, Ill. A meeting of all the Rural Emu. D. M. Noyes, 1430 Jarvis Ave., Chicago, Ill. sion men of the Public Service Co. 3. That the known bondholders. mortgagees. and other security hold- was held in the Model Farm ofncei, ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort. 2et"iot,ita1s'2t 11",ite.f, CODVPD2-_ gages, or other securities are: I there are none, so state.) l o'c oe and a iourned at 1 i There are none. for Jundr The afternoon session be-' 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the gen at 1:15 and held sway until 4:15,' owners, stockholders. and security holders. it any, contain not only the at which time the meeting was ad-l list of stockholders, and security holders as they appear upon the books of Journed. The meeting was held un-l the company but also. in cases where the stockholders or security holder der the direction of R. Boonstra, Ag; appears upon the books ot the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary riculural Engineer of the Public Ser-l relation. the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is Vice Company of Northern lllinoisi acting, is given: also that the said two paragraphs contain. statements Principal speakers of the day were embracing attiant'e full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and Mr. MoCasky, of the Middle West conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not ap- Utilities CorTroratlom and Mr. Bloch.' pear upon the books of the company as trustee. hold stock and security district manager of the Public Serw in a capacity other than that of a bona tide owner. and this atiiant has vice Cognpany. I no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has A group from the mayor of Ber.! any interest direct or indirect in the said stocks, bonds, or other securities Hn'a nnrtv art-Hall tho fur-m Pridnv t than as $0 Stated by him. _ A map from the mayor of Ber. lin's party visited the farm Friday. The folks from Germany were espec~ fully interested in poultry raising. PROGRAM OF PARMBRS' INST} TI'TB 'IX? BE HELD AT MODEL FARM OCTOBER 16. 1929 9:30ti12:36---Borts' and dirls'i LAKE COUNTY WEDNESDAY, OCT. " 9:30 A. M to 9:30 P. M. 9:30 to 12:30 1:30 to2 :15to3 00 t03 00 t08 00 t08 3O t09 30 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS MODEL FARM AND Two Miles West of Mundelein Livestock Judging Contest. 1:06--EtitrN close for ehiblts. 1:10 to 2:16--Mrtt. W. J. Fulton, Whinkegan. "Educational Needs if Today." 2:10 to 2:15--Entertainertc 2:16 to 2:i6---R. E. Caldwell. ot Cramer-Kraiit Co., Milwaukee. "Feeding for Milk Production." 2:56 to 3:0fr--EttttrtaineN. 3:00 to 3:454. J. Pleper, Depth! Agriculture, Urbain. "Weed Eradi- cation." 7:00 to 8:00--Band Concert by Lite ertyville Band. 8:00 to 8:30-Mrte. W. J. Fulton, "Tae Three T's in Houaokeepitttr." r.3iv--or. E. Krebbs (selects own subject). 9:30---Prizes awarded. Mate of Illinois County ot Lake f . . Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid. personally appears D. M. Noyes, who, having been duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is the managing editor and business man- ager of the Libertyville Independent, and that the following is, to, the beat ot his knowledge and belief a true statement of the ownership, manage ment land if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., ot the aforesaid publica- tion for the date shown in the above caption. required by the Act ot August M, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to-wit: STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST M, 1912 or Libertyville Independent, Published at Libertyville, Illinois. I. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business manager are: . :15 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed. through the mails or otherwise. to paid subscribers during the six months preceding: the date shown above, (This information is required from daily publications only.) r" D. M. NOYES. Business Manager. Sworn and subsumed before me this 9th d -.y of October. 1929. G. E. KiRCHNER, 45 00 30 30 (Se'l) Exhibit of 4 H Club luv-stock -Poultry, Sheep' and Hogs, Five winners. named by H. C. Gilkerson, Farm Advisor, will be award) trips 'to Intwnazional Livestock Exhibition. Lecture, "The Three T's in Housekeeping." by Mrs. ll Fulton. Boys' and yvarr). P anture, "Edueational Needs of Today," by Mrs. w. J. Fulton. Waukegan. Band Concert-By Libertyville Band Lecturv. "Fveding for Milk Production." by R. Cramtar-krasselt Company, Milwaukee Wisconsin Lecture by Dr. E. Krebbs Awa rding of Prizes Lecture. "Weed Eradication," by Agriculture, Urbana, Illinois. Refreshments tot, Program Girls' Luvstock Judging Contest. (Age limit._ 21 rizes: box ing cups and a trip to International Live ibition, pa AT THE October l, 1929 My commission expir CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE INDI- PENDENT GET RESULTS Even the FIRST spoonful d Adler- ika relieve. gas on the stomach and removes "vanishing amounts of old waste matter from the system; Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better, No matter what you have tried for your stomach "and bowels, Adlerika will surprise you. Decker & Neville, dragging. Two Girls Live on Hot Water and Rice Due to stomach trouble, Miss AH. and sister lived on hot water and rice. Now they eat anything and feel fine, they say, since taking Ad- ierw PAGE SEVEN r, Department of 8. March 2nd. 1934 Caldwell

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