7 zglassware, pottery and ciovn/'ua-- Chiet of Police Lester Tittany yesterday questioned servants in the Bennett home, took the finger prints of all of the servants, Mr. Benett and Arthur Brown, & Los Angeles architect who was visit-- ing in the Bennett home the night of the burglary, and made a care-- ful search of the place. Two fingesprints were found, one made by Mr. Bennett himselt and the second made apparently by the burglar because they did not cor-- respond with the prints otft Mr. Brown or any of the servants. It is on --this one meagre clew that the police hope to clear up the mystery of the burglary and van-- dalism. A careful check or the ser-- vants established the fact that the house had _ been _ carefully locked up on Sunday night and an investigation of the premises disclosed not a single mark or mar on any door or window casing indicating that the lock had been forced. FINGERPRINTS ARE CLEW TO BURGLAR OF JBENNETT HOME 'The possibility of burglary by the use of a pass or master key is the only solution remaining. The Lake Forest police .are be ng assisted in their ,investiga-- tion by insurance company detec-- Fingerprints, criminals, may fa1ll of the van Sunday night tives Strange Finger Print is Found by Police in Probe of the Bennett Burglary. DEMOCRATS THINK OF PICGKING SLATE FOR COUNTY POSTS Good Showing at Presidential Several of th edemocratic leaders, impressed with the strength of the party shown at the presidential elec-- tion, today considered the advisabil-- ity of placing a full ticket in the field for county offices. PAGE SX Dtinite confirmation of such & step was lacking because John O'Keefe, of Highland Park, chair-- man of the demacratic central com-- nittee, was absent on business in Cleveland, O. > I Peter MeDermott, a."ormer alder-- man and commissioner in Wauke san. stated that he was not certain that such a course would be follow-- ed. "Who," he asked, "will make thae sacrifice*" Democrat for Sheritt? | The democrats, a short--time &£0. advised with one of the party lead-- ers. who is a member of the board of supervisors, and suggested hbis . candidacy for sheriff on the muldl1 that the strong vote in the presiden-- tial election and the possibility of republican friction might lead to Election May Rejuvenate the Party. An interesting competition has been conducted by a company manufac-- turing Bridge tables, and the hand in question and its proper bidding has been forwarded by many correspon-- dents for the writer's opinion. The competition is now closed, and my opinion can now be freely given. The hand is as follows: Spades -- A, K, 4, 3, 2 No score, first game. (a) What is the correct bid lzadealer.' Answer -- One spade. (b) What is the correct bid by second hand, dealer having bid one no trump? Answer --Pass. (c) What is the correct bid by third hand, the dealer and second hand both having passed? Answer --Pass. (d) What is the correct bid by third hand, the dealer havinfnbid no trump and second hand vmg?-a]? Answer -- I wo spades. _The fourth questin &(.i') is the most diffhicult as it involves the question as to the proper type of take--out of partner's no trump, second hand hav-- ing passed, This hand represents a sound major suit take--out for it is a hand that contains a justifiable original bid. See the first question (a). __ _ Copyright, 1929, by Hoyle, Jr. In the pnadu" article the following hands from an lish competition were given for the consideration of our readers: Z is always the dealer and the other players sit around the table as follows: ;';" ~holding 's,.a,.""" L &4 4 £A 2 gm,'x,_,.'go, 9, 7 ; Diamonds, none, Z bids "Three Spades", what should A say, holdi %KJ.'L&S: Hearts, K, Q, J, 10, 8, 3, 2; Diamonds, 4; Clubs, none 5 ge o ek 4. 2¥ ;"lfn--.-omifl'm game, where Z bids '"One No--Trump" and A "Two Hearts", what should Y 1. Z Y 18; A B nil in rubber game, where Z bids "Two Spades," and A and Yho.lz "No Bad," 'svfltclbuld B nY' sfl.' ¥ ; 'luu 2.. '1(0.5:}5%@«-." A, K, 4; Clubs, 2. At love all in the first game, where Z says "No Big"; A, "One Heart" ; Y, ;:zld':, Clubs,' vh'a't' ;houltsl B say, $ ; Diniiolekt mko.!:&-.'t\. 10, 7} 3. At love all in rubber game, where 7 twuds "'Three Spades",. what should }lnn'-- 6v Sv 3 Club'-- Q' 8v 4 M Diamonds --#, 4 1 it BRIDGE ARTICLE No. 6 "PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE* GOV. SMALL JURYMAN NAMED IN ANOTHER WRIT BY PARAMOUR Members of Antioch fire depart-- ment have completed a survey of the extensive series of buildings on the Chris Paschen farm, north-- east of the village limits with, the object Of . determining the best method of fighting the flames in the event that a serious fire broke out in the series of extensive structures on this farm. The farm which contains more than 800 acres and is equipped with many large buildings is known as "Paschendale."' The -- farm . is equipped with a 10,000 gallon reserve water supply tank to be used only in case of fire. Besides other live stock there are 100 bhead of thoroughbred jersey cows and %$.000 white leghorn chickens on the farm. Ralph Peterson, of Highland Park. one of the jurymen who ac-- quitted Gov. Len Small when he was on trial here, today was ar-- rested on the second warrant in two weeks, according to Chieft of Police Edward Moroney, of High-- land Park. This warrant was signed by Mrs. Alice Stewart, of Highland Park, who charged Peterson with being the father of her unborn child. * FIREMEN SURVEY PASCHEN'S FARM Highland Park g:'llce arreated the pair the first time after they admitted living together there for several months. Peterson has a wife and child in Chicago -- and Mrs. Stewart bas a child by her husband, according to the police chief. Chief Moroney signed the first complaints and both of the "love nest" victims were held to the grand jury by a justice of the peace. 1 Peterson is a stationary engi-- neer. -- eventual success at the polls The ofifcial turned a deat ear to this proposal due to the fact that he hbhad little inclination for the o(-- fice and had pledged aupport to an-- other candidate. Gov. Alfred Smith drew a vote of 12%,252 to President Hoover's 26,814. The vote for sheriff in 1926 ran un der 20,000, although the vote cast «t the presidential election bit 40-- 000. Among the offices on which*pri-- maries will be held in April are the following: sheriff, county treasurer, county judge, county clerk, probais judge, probate clerk, and county su-- perintendent of schools. The pres ent holders are all to ne candidates for re--election. .|.' 'n i esn y C '-. Lo A, K, Q, J; Diamonds, K, 7 Sluts 2)}" ;)umnd-. K, Q, J. .51 6. Z Y nil, A B 18 in rubber game, where Z bids "One No-Trumi'i' and A N igng Spoore A. $oG, 90 3, Hegnth i 8, , 6, 4, 3; Hearts, 9, 6;'3iamondt. 7. 6, 4; Clubs, 8, S, 3? 7. At love all in rubber game, where the bidding'm: Z, "One Heart'" ; A, '"Two Clubs'"; Y and B, "No Bid"; Z, "Two Diamonds"; and A, "No Bid," what should Y sa{,)"holdin( Spades, J, 6, 4; Hearts, Q, 7 ; Diamonds, 8, 6; Clubs, A, K, 10, 8, 4, 3? 2 )eries 1929 3Q By Wynne Ferguson_ ice Stewart Charges High-- and Park Man With Being How to Play _ 8. At love allin rubber game, where the bidding was: Z,, "One Spade"; A, t Patates*: 21 Pwo Pio:Frumps I "Two "-- Z, "T wo No--Trumps" ; A, '"Double"; Y,' "Three Diamonds;" B and Z, "No Bid"; A, "Double'"; Y amgoa' "No Bid", :haé lgousld'i say, NA »w" P, +) 2. 29. %#i Hcamkl(n"lo, 5; Diamonds, none; Clubs, K, O, J, 6, 4? _ 0_ Tornado--Proof House Among freak inventions men have actually gone to the trguble to patent a tornado--proof house. This is built on a pivot, and every breese turus it with its head to the 9. At love all in first game, what should Z uz. holiding Spng:akf. 9, 8: Hm!, A. & Diamonds, Av » Q' Jt 9, 1, 5; Clubs, 52 _ _ _ _ _ 10. Z Y 20; A B 18 in rubber game, where Z bids '"One Heart" and A 'One Spade"; what should Y say, holding Spades, 4, 2; Hearts, 9, 8, 5, 2; Dia-- monds, 3, 2; Clubs, Q, J, 6, 4, 3@ _ wind ""n'i.".k;'l&e'.lggifiu;s'er'ga}m what 'w Sa Me.o » 8, 6; Heam.yk.i. 7n!>umond=.'l%. 8: Clubs, 10, 6, 5, 3t _ _ [ 12. Z Y 18: A B 12 in rubber game, where Z bids "One No--Trump"; A, "Double"; Y, "No Bid";> B, "Two mfis"A;arle **"Three Hurtn"':(:v!;:)t say, 'ou"" + Hearts, A, l'aO:Dinmm.jfiJ,J; Clubs, K, 10, 52 _ _ _ ' ~'C'0'_ _ The decision of the English Judges was as follows: he ) decisi in hands No. 7/ and No. 9m No. 7, the {:'per bid is undoubtedly two hearts. Y has better assistance in hearts and that suit is also the first one bid by his partner and therefore the one that he prefers. With hand No. 9 the proper bid is one dia-- mond. To bid one no trump with this type of hand, with two suits unpro-- tected, iover{.unmnd. 'The diamond bid will give the other players a chance to bid and thus give the dealer a better line on his chances for game, at dia-- monds or no trump,. The original bid, however, should be one diamond. Father of Unborn Child. The writer would concur with these cisions, except in hands No. 7 and No B Double Many Offices Jpen 10. 11. 12. 7. No Bid o--Tru No Bid mP One No--Trump No Bid Simplicity marked the funeral of Mrs. Lemira Go0 Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, wife of the former President, -- Mass. Pictured above is the scene as the casket bear Mrs. Goodhue was removed from the Edwards Congre; at the end of the services. Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge and are seen standing in the background in the church Goodhue's lingering illness twice called Mrs. Coolidge House to Northampton during President 'Coolidge' AT FUNERAL OF MRS. GOODHT'T 54 Tomorrow, we. begin a bona--fide Sale to acquaint you with the extraordinary Values! Easier credit terms! Smarter styles! that have made us the leading _ Family Credit Clothing Stores in America O CcOATS Pay $1.00 Down Boys' Overcoats $9.95 LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY,, NOVEMBER 7> 1929 Mrs. Lbemira Goodhue. mother of ormer President, at Northampton, as the casket bearing the body of > Edwards Congregational Church Mrs. Coolidge and their son, John, nd in the church entrance. Mrs. lled Mrs. Coolidge from the White resident 'Coolidge's incumbency. o+ 10 ' rth Genesee St. COA 7 8 These coat values are specially of-- fered on the easi-- est credit terms to better _ acquaint you _ with the many advantages of trading at this m o re -- dignified f a mily _ credit clothing store. REP. WEISS LEAVES $37,293 FOR HIS WIDOW -- DAUGHTER Three Pieces of Real Estate Form Major Portion of De-- ceased's Wealth. 'State _ Representative _ William F. Weiss, who died suddenly Oct. 17, 1927, left a net estate of $37,293 it was shown today in county court where the inheri-- tance tax report was approved. No tax was assessed .as $18,646 went* to the widow, Josephine, of 426 North avenue, and the same amount to the daughter, Miss Frances Weiss. Both were en-- titled to statutory exemptions of t the value of the land. All other persom®hl effects were shown to be $7,512 and debts and expenses of $14,943 brought the gross estate to a net $37,293. At the same time the court ap-- proved a $2,.324 tax in the Julia Wendling estate, Highland Park, that was valued at $51,591. OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL 9--SAT. 'TIL 10 P. M. * Bank Without Windows The building of the Bank of FAg-- land is windowless grcept for the openings above the entrance. ? 0 .00 0 Other Value Groups, $39.95 to $69.50 Fur Trimmeed 1nd ie ) 0. it SE AOmRaNE N 5500008 + O00e0 t s N c rale :40 * Abrabi oer "';.?"4.:'2 O * 2600 C ocianin M t neattnadaite s "ue Wget' B oo 209 o i s o ~/* wl i wgaeet se " c We ic L0 PM e Lt 9 20 2 0 YE 1O 00 0/ We L ues | es on Five officials of a bank of which he i the board of direct \signed _ after disc | $8$00,000 shortage ; cent stock cmarket | 8. Mott, above, vi« -'('.em'ral Motors, h: personal fortune Columbus' Banners _ The letters "F" and "Y" banners used by Columbus { landed at San Salvador st the names of Ferdinand 2 bella. The latter name is frequent)ly spelled with "Y." IN BANK FLURRY bank These coats are luxuriously f ut trimmed, beauti-- fully lined and in« terlined. _ Warm coats §eveloped with all the new style ideas of the season. Choose from many coats and ,pimply' have lit charged. on the len he Waukegc: 10r iD A million and a half dollars a day it an These are a few of the things in the 1929 construc ment program of the Bell System which will cost mor dollars--a million and a half a day. MorE than 200 new Bell telephone buildings are going v the United States, 800,000 additional telephones are gnin new switchboards to care for 3,000,000 additional calls a Telephone growth is essential to the new America better opportunity for the average man. The Beli Syste than 400,000 workers, is owned by 450,000 stockholder people of the nation. Every day the Bell System is extending its lines to is part of the telephone ideal that anyone, anywhere,. talk quickly and at reasonable cost with anyone, any» is no standing still in the Bell System. N $00,000 appitiowar TELEPMO®KES AKR COINGQ iwxro vik twip rtar _ _SILK| DRESSES ILLINOQIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy + One System -- Universal Service Manufacturers are co--operating with nishings are displayed in endless va-- riety, on easiest terms ever offered; to make this sale a huge success. us to make this Sale outstanding in the history of merchandising. Coats, and overcoats, accessories and fur-- C & e saaicy o oo o e w e t n o SPECIAL Coats and Hats to Match Sets, $7.95 $6.95 Girls' Coats hk ywo--gn ;.'xl!"'""."."« 7 W'fl. ve.