Pumpkin Clock Stops * _\ And Ends Contest After overrunning five and a half days, the pumpkin clock in the win-- dow of the Libertyville Trust & Savings bank 'aas stopped and the bank is now ready to announce the winners in novel gwessing contest which has been going on for the past two weeks. The clock was expected to stop on October 31, but it continued to run over schedule until Wedn=esday at 10.22 a. m , when the hands ceased to move. Children's Book Week November 17th to 23rd Three other prizes of a dollar each were awarded to Miss Elizabeth Christensen, who guessed 10:11 a.m., the next clowest; Miss Ruth New-- bore .with a;jguess of 10:49 a. m., and Raymond Lindroth, with a guess of 10:59 a. m. All are from Liberty-- ville -- Several 'qundred people took part in the novel contest. Most of those who entered guessed that the pampkin clock would stop some time in the afternoon or night. One en:-- trant turned in a guess of 10;22 p.m. The Children's Department 0o' Cook Memorial library, of which Miss Lucille Golding is in charge, trve designated November 17th to the 23rd as Caildron's Book Week at the library PAGE FOUR Mrs Murial Varney, employed at the Libertyville Motor Sales office, was awarded first prize for the near est guess of the time the clock would stop. Her guess was 10.30 a. m., just eight minutes later taan the elock actually ceased running. The prize awarded was an amount in dollars and cents corresponding to the hour and minutes.' The program for the week . wili include a nugber of contests to be participated in by several hundréd grade and high school pupils in the vilage and townshHip. A serial contest offering first an«d second prizes to both boys and girls may be entered by any child in any grade and school served by the li-- brary. Entrants in the contest must prepare a paper guessing the titles, authors and illustrators of a num-- ber of caildren's books designated in --a s t o ry p ~e par 0d by the committee in charge, All pa-- pers must be written in ink. Use only one side of the paper and only give your grade and school, not your nmname. . The papers must be at the library not later than Saturday, Nov. 23rd. Prizes offered will be books. The book committee of the library and a number of former teachers in the public schools will judge the papers. The second part o' the program for the week is a series of contests, open only to the grade scrool and bhigh school pupils of Libertyville. In-- structions for the contest which will be held according to grades from the fourth grade up are: Fourth grade prepare a paper telling of ten books O P E NIN G POSTPONED Rudolf Siede, Jeweler New Jewelry Store UNTIL NOVEMBER 16 OWING TO DELAY IN FINISHING THE sTORE FRONT FOR THE THE OPENING HAS BEEN POSTPONED UVTIH NOVEMBER SIXTEENTH 528 Milwaukee lt PFok Avenue, Libertyville New Dress Shop For Libertyville In order to prepare fo-- the con-- test the children are invited to the library to look up material. Book week is planned to bring more chil-- dren to tae library so that they may make an early acquaintance with library methods of cataloguing and to learn of books, authors, publish-- Mr. Lentz amnounces that he will Wityp the .Hoe," and a comparison carry a very complete line of Misses' with the man with the sword. and women's dresses, lingerie and The ladies of S8t. Joseph's church hosiery. The 'store will be one of | will hold a bakery sale at Schanck's the finest in Libertyville and will.'.lardwar(- store Saturday, Nov. 9. be decorated in tae new=st manner| Mrs. A. D Huesing .r., of Rock and will be emphasized with lots of Island, is visiting Mrs Raymond dsplay fixtures, windows 17 feet in Black.. Mrs. Black studied _ voice width will provide. ample facilities under Mrs. Huesing in Rock Island. for display. It is Mr. Lentz's pur [ The National DPDaughters of the G. pose to mak=e his new establishment A. R will hold their regular meeting one that will give local women all}| Tuesday nighHt, Nov. 12, in St. Jos: the advantages of big city shopping eph's school hall but with none of its inconventences | _ _ Mrs. John Numsen visited her sis-- P ter, Mrs. Bessie Baker, in Chicago, > | Monday. 3 Gla"e' water <} Mr. and Mrs veck Haas of Cai i T cago, spent the week end with Mr Help Constlpatlon. and MrS. Max) Haas. a book review of any book on the the 'ifth grade reading list as com-- piled by the Illinois Pupil Reading Circle. _ The. review must tell of the story of the book, author, title, pub-- lisher and illustrator; Sixth grade, a list of five characters you have en joyed reading about, the name of ti1e book in whicn they appeared and give reason for choice; seventh g1rade, best poster advertising Chil-- dren's Book Week:; Eight grade, il-- lustrated book review, free hand or pictures of a book you have enjoyed, must be a book from the juvenile rom; high school, ne prize offered ed for best slogan offered for Chil-- dren's Book Week. you have enjoyed reading, giving author, title, publisher and iMlustrat-- or, if any, and naming the book lik edbest and your reason; fifth grade, One glass of water is not enough-- take three glasses one hour before breakfast. Much better results are obtained by adding a teaspoon of simple glycerin, saline compound (known as Adlerika) to eaca glass. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old wast= matter you never thought was in your system. Stops gas Rand sour stoamach in TEN minutes! . Releves constipaton in two hours. Decker & Neville, druggists. Mrs. J B. Morse, Mrs. Richard Eart, Mrs. Robert Sitz and Mrs. J.J Mitchell attended the Annual Ma-- trons' Night at Highland Park O. E. 8. Wednesday. Mrs. Miten=el} filled an office at tae meeting 28c 8 § s |_ =fl> RADIO =vbs! Additional Local News Aawarer RexT A judgment in the amount of $100 was rend=red W. Petersen, of Liber-- tyville, in the court of Police Magis-- trate Fred Smith Monday against Wim. Jenkin®s, a driver for the city of Waukegan. One of Petersen's cows was injured by a truck driven by Jenkins last August. Attorney Arthur Bulkley, for the City of Wau kegan, held that the owners o' stock crossing the higaway was responsi-- ble,=«while the court ruled that the driver of a vehicle must exercise particular caution when stock is on or near the highway. Harold Thayer, employed at the hnollwood Club, was taken into cus-- tody last Friday night on Milwaukee avenue near Belvidere road, by Mar-- shal Frank Druba, when Thayer was found slumped over the wheel of 'a1is car, parked in the middle of the road, with the motor running. Mar-- shal Druba brought the man to Lib-- ertyville and lodged him in a cell overnight. In the morning he faced Justice John Hutcaings and paid a fine of $10 and costs. Miss Elda Klepper, 127 Park Ave., was operated on for appendicitis by Dr. F. H. Martin at Condell Memor ial hospital Thursday morntng. Mrg. L. H. Reickho'!f, Mrs. Nick Cherenovich and son Gene. Mrs Art Brockmann. Mrs. Sam Kromri mo-- tored to Milwauk=ee Tuesday _ and spent the day with Mrs. Joe Din-- hauer. Mr. and Mrs veck Haas of Cai cago, spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Max Haas. Mr. and Mrs Frank Rose of Wau kegan, were dinner guests o' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brockman Sunday. Mrs. Henry Van Treek and daugh-- ter, Bonnie May, spent Saturday with Mrs. Arthur Brockmann. Miss Edith i~turned home with taem for the week end. Mrs. Horace Robbins gave a party Saturday afternoon in honor of little Norma Gay Robbins' sixth birthday The tables were attractively decor-- ated and the dainty" refr=eshment: were enjoyed by the six guests. Miss Jessie Wilson has be«en ill tor the past week with a severe cold Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seiler Mrs IF IT ISN'T SCREEN--GRID, IT'S AN OLD--STTLE.-- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929 _A his very evening, in w your own home, you can have the greatest radio e yet produced--and pay no more--perhaps a lot less--than for sets offering none of the startling new features of the new Atwater Kent Screen--Grid. ° Three stations within a tiny part of an inch on your dial--instantly sepmtcd.' Yes, sir! At last you can have a radio that radio engineers had almost despaired of ever achieving--a radio of 10--kilocycle selec-- tivity--the goal of the laboratory's dreams-- and you can have it h your home right now for a family demonstration, if you want! And remember, along with this phenom-- enal selectivity you get radio's truest tone, without hum at any volume, and every other better thing that Atwater Kent Screen--Grid Radio offers. Frank H. Eger A year to pay for a lifetime of pleasure! refreshments| _ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hyatt will At reratives _ l e ix guests. [ tend the Army and Illinois football _ (nrist Yoss visited at the rome of has been ill Eame at Champaign Saturday C _C. Voss several days of ths week. a severe cold Last week Dr and Mrs. T. F. Gal-- Retbecca and Spencer Englebrecht y Seiler, Mrs ligan had as house guests at their, were staying with their grandmoth: LIBERTYVILLE, ILL: Telephone 17 SCREEN--GRID Lilltan Barnett and daughter, and Joe Stafford spent Sunday wita rel-- atives in Joliet. * Mr. and . Mrs. Sargq Schar «nd chil-- dren were guests of relatives in Fox Lake Sunday. Warren Smith had his tonsils re-- moved at the hotne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Wednes-- day. Drs. Taylgr and Pennet were the operating physicians.: C W. Brown of Lincoln spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Nettle Simen, waere Mrs. Brown is making a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Simen. Col. W. H. Whigam and John Tay-- lor of Chicago, visited at the Wm Whigam home Sunday. -- Mrs. Will Whigam of Chicago, spent Monday with them and Mrs. Wallace Whig-- am today (Thursday). Mrs. Nettio Smith left Monday for Fairhope, Ala., where she will spend the winter. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Voelschow and baby of Barrington moved to Liber-- tyville this week -- -- -- Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Yelden made a business trip to Chicago Monday. | Misces May and Ethel Titus of Deer'ield spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. P.--R. Tripp. _Mr and Mrs Frank Quentin and aunt of Chicago spent Tuesday aft-- ernoon with Mr and Mrs Ed Quen-- tin. Several members of tae local Aux-- iliary attended the Eighth District meeting of the American Legion Aux iliary at the honre of Mrs Mason in Highland Park Wednesday evening. The next district meeting will be held here in Feb¥Yuary. Mrs Marvin Lewis of Waukegan, visited at the A. W. Tripp home on Sunday evening Mrs. Al Neath of Mundelein and Mrs _W. T. Wheeler were business callers in Waukegan Monday. The Friendsaip Circle of the Pres byterian church will meet with Mrs Forest Thomson® on Broadway, Fri day evening Mrs ILibby Hutchings of Glenview has gone to Cleveland, Ohio, where she will probably spend the winter with a»er daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tripp. All are well known in thig vicinity. ' Mrs. Al Neath and Mrs. W. T. Wheeler called on Mrs. Frank Stone at Condell hospital Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Orval Stanley and daugater, Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Critser, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ritz and sons, Robert and Charles, of Waukegan. and M;g. and Mrs. Elmer Williams and daughter France and Mary Alice, spent Sunday afternbon with Mr. and Mrs L H. Whitney . Mrs R. E. DeHoog made a busi-- ness trip to Chicago today. * The American Legion Auxiliary has secured the services of Prof. Eu-- gene Laurant, a magician, to enter tain the patients at tae Veterans' Hospital the last of the month. _ Taig is to announce that the CooK Memorial library swill be closed on Nov. 11, Armistice day. s ai \c¥e Results you can't ____ get with old-- _\ style tubes! cottage on Cedar Lake road, Mrs. Galligan's sister, Miss Florence Campbell and Miss Marguerite Gor-- ham. . The young ladies were en route from taeir summer home at Grand Haven, Mich., to their winter home in Pasadena, Calif. Sunday Dr. and .Mrs Galligan entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Armstrong, of Evanston, and Mrs. Galligan's fath: er, P. Webster Campbell, o' Pasa-- dena, California-- William Young, who su'fered the loss of his hand by amputation, fol lowing being 'aurt at the Foulds Mill-- ing Company bast week, was releas-- ed from Condell Mmorial hospital to / go to his home on Wednesday n_lrn-{ ing. The Libertyville local of the Aid Association for Lurtrerans is plan-- ning a short program and light lunch in connection with its business meet ing on Armistice Day, November 11, at the church basement. Members and friends of the congregation are cordially invited. ' St. John's Lutheran Y. P S. held ks annual Hallowe'en party in t e church basement, playing host to a number of tae Fairfield Y. P. S. members, under the able dirsction of Miss F. Topel. A very spooky and mirth--providing program _ was carried out. William Zersen as the chef, handed out generous helpings of sweet cider and pumpkin pi< and trimmings. P. Sitz Jr., headed the decoration -- commttee, which gave the room a true Hallowe'en setting. All agreed that ghey had had a very rood tm=. The Ladfes' Aid of Half Day are going to give their play '"Dopne In Oil" at the Mundelein Community House on Monday evening, Novem-- ber 11. Tl'xey gave this play for 2 nights in succession at the Hal Day town hall several weeks ago, draw-- ing a packed house both nights and are anticipating a larger audience at Mund=lein ber at the home of Alfred Stanclif! Jr. on Tuesday evening, Nov. 12, in stead of Monday evening, on ac count of the play at Mundelein. The Vernon Athletic club is giv ing their first dance at Herschberg er hall at Prairie View on Saturday, evening, November 23. Tae Adult Bible Class will hold their monthly meeting for Novem-- lLake County Sunday school Dis-- trict No 4 is to have a on= day Institute for Leadershp Training at the Diamond Lake church on Novem ber 23. lLook for more particulars in next week's issue Chas. F. Staale 'of. Prairle View is ill and under the care of Dr. Lar-- sen of Wheeling ' Miss Cecil Bluhm got back home 'from a Chicago hospital last wm-k' and is again as spry as ever We-l are glad to see her back and hope' that she has made her last bospiml' trip. "4 C. M. Gilman and family motored to Milwaukee last Tuesday, to visit relatives 6 HALF DAY The victim of an enraged bull that gored him, Elmer Nordmeyer, of ]near Wauconda, is at the farm home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry , Nordmeyer, recovering from the at tack, which occurred Friday morn 'ing. Elmer was in the barn tending tae stock at the time. ..e was in a stall with the bull, when the animal 'suddenly became enraged and ru--h-- |ad him, knocking the youth to the floor. *Only his presence of mind in seizing a ring in the bull's nose twistingl it to subdue the animal. probably saved trie young m&n from being gored $o death. er, Mrg. C J. Herschberger the past two weeks, while their parents were on their vacation and visiting rela-- tives in Dallas, Tex. Mr and Mrs. Matt Wickersheim entertgined their daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Upadell. of Wheeling, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jahnke, of Chi-- cago and their sons, Mr. and Mrs. Horbert Wickersheim _ of Chicago and Albert Wickersh8im of Minne sota, |besides -- several friends, last Sunday. Mt. and Mrs. George Herschberget and daughters Ethel ard Pearl and son George Jr., also Mr and Mrs Adolph Koch, of Lake Benton, Min-- nesota, are visting relatives here for a couple of weeks. The Grace Evangelical churca is to -- observe Foreign _ Missionary Service, on Sunday November 10 Saves His Life by _ Subduing Mad Bull 'He was taken to the house and Dr. C. N. Stephens was« called to at: tend bhim. It was Zfound that he suf-- fered injuries to his ches<t and back and numerous bruises and abrasions about the upper part of the body. Borden Eagle Brand Milk per can 17¢ Jello all flavors, 3 pkgs . . . 22c Quaker Maid Beans "°;%,,"*" 23c Chipso, large package . . . 19c Northern Tissue hfi 4 for 25¢ American Family Soap °{:" 29c P & G Soap, 8 bars for . . 29c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, °;",,® 21¢ DelMonte Corn, * 9 tor 23¢ Feod &a'le ICEBERG LETTUCE, 60 size, each ROME BEAUTY APPLES, 3 Lbs.. HONEY DEW MELONS, each . YELLOW ONIONS, 3 Lbs. for MICHIGAN CELERY, Large bunch NM.any of the foods featured during our October sales proved so pepular that scores of requests have come to us urging that we repeat the same offerings so that more friends of A & P might take advantage of such worthwhile savings. Here are those offerings repeated --by request. Repeated By Request! Produce Specials The Libertyville Independent ------ $1.50 a Year SANITARY SPECIALS MODEL Telephone 170 Milk Fed Boneless Veal Roast, Lb. _ 35c Young Fancy Pork Loin Roast, Lb. _ 26c Lean Pork Shoulder, Lb. _ 19c and up Swift's Very Lean and Tender Bacon whole or half, Lb., only _____ 31c Fancy Home Dressed Chickens, Spring or Hens, Lb. ____.__ 36c Don't Fail to Try Our Extra Fine HOME MADE BOCK SAUSAGE, Holland Herring Swift's Mellow Smokea Butts, Special, per Lb..__._._._.__ HOLLAND BUTTER, in 2--Lb per pound .. _._.._... ... _ _ FRESH ROASTED EIGH T O 'CLOCK 344 N. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville _____-- (Public Service Bldg.) POTATOE SAUSAGE, PORK and SUMMER SAUSAGE AT THE in 2--Lb rolls, CA SH MARKET ..d¢ 23¢ 19c 10c 10c We Deliver 5¢ Each 49c 33¢