a¥ *4 dn w 14. $ 3 <itg the M42 V VW lA T406 100 J & EOLd and the Entire Stock of the King Furniture Co. Will Be Sold at Astounding Price Reductions, on Liberal Credit Terms, in Waukegan's Newest Furniture Store-- _ ' located at 20--22 South Utica St.---- Just South of the | ' s? ' Karcher Hotel. Every Item Must Be Sold Re-- . o' gardless of Former Costs or Pro-- fi | S fits, and the Prices and O" f FURNI'I'UN{{Ig %gRg Quality Will Amaze ' /EST PRICES -- AND ON You in This "' _: The King Furniture--Co., located at 20--22 South l The KING FURNITURE CO. has been Sold * DAVIS FURNITURE CO, «xeeosra--@ Don't miss these lovely 'eight--piece Walnut Dining Room Suites. _ Worth $125 regular; that will go on sale $ 5 0 while they last on nnacna en liberal credit terms DINING ROOM SUITES LIVING ROOM SUITES THE DAVIS FURN. CO., Keno-- sha guarantees to you the qual-- ity and price of all merchandise sold. This store, in the future, will be contimnued in Waukegan, and we want you for a friend. Come up! . Beautiful three--piece Jacquard Living Rooms Suites that usually sell for $139 will be a real sen-- 5 sation in this re-- 0 markable sale of nnmmeuamaes the King stock at At Savings Worth Your Coming For One lot of beautiful $40 9x12 Axmin-- ster Rugs in the newest patterns, will go to the $ early buyers at 4 5 the low price of n only m d aiy m esn On Liberal Credit Terms One lot of regular $110 three--piece Bearoom Suites, in beautiful walnut finish. Will be a O wonderful bargain $695 while they last Trnnnivnnteone 8t ;.>.. ; . One group of regular $95.00 9x12 Wilton Rugs in the newest designs and colorings wiH go at the dispos-- $ 50 al sale price of nmnneesee only ............ Special for©Friday 200 reg. $2.50 Fancy Boudoir and Sofa Pillows; all colors and styles. Will be a seal Friday bargain while 0 they last. -- No phone $ 0 None sold to children. fusnerstmngem orders. No deliveries. Ask Us About Our New Credit Plan 9x12 Axminster Rugs 9x12 WILTON RUGS At Sensational Savings and Tel;ms BED ROOM SUITES Honest Quality at Real Savings Reg. $2.50 Fancy Rayon SOFA PILLOWS SALE BEGINS FRIDAY MORNING, NOV. 22nd, PROMPTLY AT 9 O'CLOCK Aug t ' ay" Stoves, etc., that this city has seen or dreamed of in years. The stock is all brand--new, and-- big discount and this saving is being passed on to you. The DAVIS FURNITURE CO. will continu opportunity to make hundreds of good friends and boosters. The Davis guarantee of "Lowest Prices, Qua this sale. We want you to be convinced that this Sale offers you real, genuine, money--saving values, and have pr and the prices will tell the story of the amazing Bargains in store for you. But don't take our word for it -- come and when we say we Guarantee the Lowest Prices in Waukegan or refund your Money, We Mean What We Say. Plan Your Work Nine Tomorrow. Not one item must remain--only 15 days of selling--So don't wait until the stock is picked over. Come early'! Store Open Every Evening Until 9 o'clock. Buy By:Comparison and Save At Prices Worth Coming a Long Ways For $10.00 All Cotton Mattresses at .... $5.95 $12.50 All Cotton Mattresses at .... $7.95 $15.00 All Cotton Mattresses at .... $9.85 $18.00 All Cotton Mattresses at ... $12.45 $25.00 Inner Spring Mattresses at .. $16.95 $39.00 Innmer Spring Mattresses at $24.95 Buy Now and Save the Difference $ 7.50 Metal Beds will go at ........ $ 9.50 Metal Beds will go at ........ $12.50 Metal Beds will go at ........ $15.00 Metal Beds will go at ........ $18.50 Metal Beds will go at .......$ $6.00 All Steel Bed Springs at ...... $3.89 $8.50 All Steel Bed Springs at ...... $5.75 $15.00 Double Deck Coil Springs at $8.95 $18.00 Double Deck Coil Springs at $11.95 $110 BED ROOM SUITES will go at $69.50 $135 BED ROOM SUITES will go at $84.50 $150 BED ROOM SUITES will go at $97.50 $175 BED ROOM SUITES will go at $119.00 $200 BED ROOM SUITES will go at $139.00 $235 BED ROOM SUITES will go at $169.00 $275 BEDROOM SUITES will go at $184.00 $300. BEDROOM SUITES will go at $198.00 Now is the time for you to buy and save. Note the prices. Come up and compare the quality and style, and you'll be convinced that this 2nd floor store does save you real money! Don't miss this unusual opportunity to buy a--high--grade Dining Room Suite at a tremendous saving. Quality and price are guaranteed to you, or your money refunded. You can't afford to miss it' -- $125 DINING ROOM SUITES to go at $79.50 $150 DINING ROOM SUITES to go at $94.50 $175 DINING ROOM SUITES to go at $108.00 $200 DINING ROOM SUITES to go at $129.00 $225 DINING ROOM SUITES to go' at $149.00 $250 DINING ROOM SUITES to go at $169.00 $275 DINING ROOM SUITES to go at $189.00 $300 DINING ROOM SUITES to go at $197.50 15--Great Sale Days--15 We carry Simmons Beauty--Rest and Deep--Sleep Inner--Spring Mattresses and Ace MATTRESSES At Guaranteed Lowest Prices BED SPRINGS METAL BEDS ~BEDROOM SUITES _ The King Furn. Co. Stock Must Be Sold. All DINING ROOM SUITES .$9.45 $12.15 $4.89 $6.45 On; lot of regular $8.50 Bridge lamps will go during this sale while they last $4'95 At ¢..:........ W 9x12 GOLD SEAL Congoleum Rugs Ox12 first quality Gold Seal Congoleum rugs go dur-- $' '85 ng this sale a -- BRIDGE LAMPS One lot of metal smoking stands will go on Sale Friday at the special c price at .... Metal Smokers END TABLES These Reg. $15 double--deck coil springs will be a real $8'95 sensation at .. One lot of all steel Bed Springs, worth $6.00 regu-- lar will go in this disposal $ '89 sale at ...... Regular $17.50 unfinished 5-- piece Breakfast setg will go on sale while they $9'85 I#st at ....... $15 Double--Deck COIL SPRINGS One lot of Day Beds, com-- plete with heavy pad will go during this sale at BED SPRINGS Breakfast Sets Rugs will make this sale the talk of Waukegan for months to come, and re-- $35 9x12 TAPESTRY RUGS will go at $23.95 $42 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS will go at $27.45 $47.50 9x12 AXMINSTER Rugs will go at $31.45 $55 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS will go at $36.95 $65 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS will go at $44.75 $75 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS will go at $54.75 $95 9x12 WILTON RUGS will go at $68.50 $125 9x12 WILTON RUGS will go at _ $89.50 Just think what this means to you. The Davis Furn. Co. offers you actual savings of 30% to 60% on all Jacquard, Mohair-- and Rayon Suites in stock-- and on Liberal Credit Terms. $129 LIVING ROOM SUITES to go at $79.50 $150 LIVING ROOM SUITES to go at $97.50 $175 LIVING ROOM SUITES to go at $109.00 $200 LIVING ROOM SUITES to go at $129.00 $225 LIVING ROOM SUITES to go at $139.00 $250 LIVING ROOM SUITES to go at $179.50 $275 LIVING ROOM SUITES to go at $179.00 $300 LIVING ROOM SUITES to go at $197.50 DAY BEDS + NOVEMBER 21, 1929 1 1 .95 LIVING ROOM SUITES Disposing of the King Furn. Co. Stock of A Sweeping Disposal Sale of High--Grade ROOM SIZE RUGS $ 2.00 Folding Card Tables at --......$ .69 $ 2.00 Metal Smokers go at ........$ .89 $ 4.50 Wainut End Tables go at ....$ 2.49 $ 7.50 Walnut End Tables go at .....$ 4.95 $ 7.50 Painted Velvet Pictures go at. .$ 3.95 $ 8.50 Bridge Lamps and Shades ..$ 4.95 $12.50 Junior Lamps and Shades ....$ 7.85 $ 2.50 Fancy Silk Pillows go at ....$ 1.00 $18.50 Day Beds with Pads at ......$11.95 $35.00 Pull--Over Day Beds go at ....$19.95 $24.00 Occasional Tables go at ......$16.45 $30.00 Occasional Tables go at ......$22.45 $55.00 Mahogany Secretaries kill go at $39.75 $ 8.50 Tel':fl::me Stands go at ......$ 5.95 $26.50 Ki Heaters will go at ....$17.95 $49.50 Circulating Heaters at ........$33.95 $37.50 Solid Oak Breakfast Sets at ..$26.95 $10.00 Venetian Console Mirrors .....$ 6.95 $ 8.50 Children's High Chairs at ....$ 5.95 $ 3.50 Metal Clothes Hampers at ....$ 2.19 $ 1.75 Metal Kitchen Stools at ......$ 1.19 $54.00 Sellers Kitchen Cabinets at ..$86.95 LINCOLN RADIOS With 4--Screen--Grid Tubes, completely installed ........$169.00 $4.50 Metal Radio Benches at :......$2.49 Waukegan, EXTRA SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY From Ail Departments at Sensational Prices -- -- -- So Come Early and Save! at 20--22 So. ... .$ 4.95 at. .$ 3.95 s ..$ 4.95 k. » T.8D ... .$ 1.00 ++ .+ $11.95 . . . .$19.95 .+ . $16.,45 . . . . $22.45 . . . . $17.95 . . . . $38.95 t ..$26.95 .~ <$©0.99 . . . .$ 5.95 .$ 219 ~~~$ 1.19 t ..$86.95 9 C on on > pe Ne ts d .. .$ .69 .. .$ .89 . .$ 2.49 .. .$ 4.95 t. .$ 3.95 . .$ 4.95 /aukegan, and v : Always" is hb in plain figures and quality -- the Crowds W We Deliver Anywhere within 100 miles of Waukegan. A small de-- posit will hold goods for Xmas ofr future delivery. No matter what you need, or when you need it, One lot of Frieze Coxwell Chairs and Ottomans, worth $60.00 regular, will be a real bargain 5 in this great sale $ 4 while they last at Iroaromges only ............ buy Consisting of Metal Bed, Spring and all--cotton Mattresses, worth $25.00 in most stores. Will go on sale Friday $ 8 5 while 20 outfits pmomentinesmunnd jast at .........% One lot of regular $25.00 Inner--Spring Mattresses, with genuine Nachmann spring units, will 9 5 go during this sale $ only at the low s price of ....:.... One lot of regular $7.50 Metal Beds wikl be a real bargain during this disposal $489 sale at the low price mmz of .2.22. One lot of regular $10.00 all--cotton Mattresses, in _ good quality. ticking, will go $ 9 5 on sale while they last mmz at the low price of.... @ Special for 250 only--regular $1 Tables, in red, green moire tops. go on sale day morning at 9 o'c No deliveries ; none so children ; no phone or COXWELL CHAIRS Complete With Ottoman Reg. $25.00 Inner Spring it now Don't Miss These Savings At Real Savings To You BED OUTFITS MATTRESSES CARD TABLES Reg. $25.00 3--Piece MATTRESSES METAL BEDS Reg. $1.95 Folding OPEN EVENINGS DURING SALE ¥# save! it dy us at a ver use this unusual of every article i Special Sales Tags be convinced tha Friday an with