If you were fortunate enough to make an ocean voyage this past sum-- mer you probably enjoyed pea soup many times, for it is a great favorite on ocean liners. The same reason for having it often on the sea holds good for the household, namely, that dried split peas can be stored easily and for |a considerable length of time, so that Hats must flatter, such is fash-- fon's ultimatum. Which, of course is a challenge to the milliner to not only tune the hat to the individuality of its wearer, but also, in order to complete the picture, it must be re-- May Save Paper Parasols Chinese paper parasolg, once popu-- lar in this country until Americans turned against their odor and their propensity fLo wilt in the rain, may be saved by Americans. Chinese students of American universities are trying to find a deodorant for the oil used on the parasols, and treated American Kraft paper is hoped to make them more durable,. Four years ago haif a million Chinese parasols were carried in the United States; now there is practically none. The bureao of home economics of the United States Department of Agri-- culture gives these directions for wash-- ing silk garments of any kind: Use lukewarm and neutral soapsuds. Do not rub hard. Squeezre and work the garments in the suds. Do not twist the fabric. Rinse thoroughly in water of the same temperature, and remove the water finally by squeezing and patting between dry towels. Dry as qulickly as possible, but never in the sun. Silk hose should not be froned. and many other knit sitk garments do not need pressing. For crepe de chine and other woven stks, use a wurm, but not hot,. iron, and protect the fab-- rie with cheesectoth. The fabric sBould be evenly darep, but not wet. To keep pongee silk from spotting, trom it dry. Sitk manoufacturers have given con-- siderable attention to the matter of dyeing their products in such a way that they can be washed. While it has been found possible to use certain dyes that will withstand bigh tempera-- tures, the silk Itself suffers if put into too bot water. Both colors and fabric come out best when lukewarm water is used for washing. [ SPLIT PEA SOUP LIKED the principal ingredients for making this delicious soup may always be kept'on band. In case you have never tried to make pea soup, here is a recipe from the bureau of home eco-- nomics. Note that the soup must be begun the night before it is wanted, by goaking the peas. The final touch-- & thin slice of lemon sgovered with AX---- has yielded to the lure of a black broadcioth ensembie or say one of the smart black crepe princess frocks which is collared and cuffed with white ermine. The hat must match or at least show some relation. Neeing which, the logical thing for | well made + * m« Breag -- Pudding. f ___-- KK --S psreacsg tnree ' & / slices of stale bread f with butter ang a generous -- layer . of marmalade; cut loto quarters and place on the bottom of a greaseq, shullow baking dish. They should cor: er the bottomm, but net qpverliap. Seuld one und one--half cupfuls of milk. ada one-- fourth eupful of sugnar, two egg» ligzhtly beaten, one teaspeonful of van llla or other Aavor to taste, one--fourth teaspoonful of salt and cover the breav slices. Sprinkle one--hait cupful of c« The commeon foods are most appetizing Then they played games, they played old--fashloned games and they made up new games. They had refreshments in the rooms made of autumn leaves, and before they bad finished all the leaves were s By NELLIE MAXWELL § GMW&W»WWWWWMW Spiritual achievements are the consummation of hgivy aspirations. He who lives constagllv in tbe con-- ception oft noble and lofty thoughts, who dwells upon all that is pure and unselfish, will as «ure-- 1y as the aun reaches its gentth and the moon is full become wise and blessedness .e in posit] --James Al A F A no d lightf C often Dirs| Y dessert nd rise in-- lence and U red rt m« thad urne vre chopped parsley on each plate as it goes to the table, is a sugzestion that can be applied to a number of other soups and which adds to the flavor to make them tasty. Split Pea Soup. % cups green split peas. 2 quarts water 1 pint milk or 1 cup milk and i cup cream. 4% pound salt pork, sliced. Shut Out Temptation If a man instantly turned his ears and mind away, the assuult would be easily repuised; but as soon as he opens his enra so far as to dwell upon and dally with temptation. ne is ai ready weli nigh conquered. and the strife Iwat the hardest.=--Jahn Tauletr. Egg Sandwich.--For a hungry man or boy try this way of serving a hut sundwich. Shred a simmill ontlon in s frying pan with two tablespoonfuls of butter, coock until the onion is soft but not brown, add the egz and cook carefully. Spread the bread with but ter, cover with the hot enion ane egg. Repeat, add salt gruvyy or hinter fo bit ef shreslédeq 6 |"l|k to moisten we erate oven uyotil th done. Pick over the peas and wash them Rice Pudding.--\Wash one--third of a ecupful of rice, put into a buttered biak-- inz dish with twoethirds of a captuli of brown sugzar, ove ult teaspoonfut of salt, onehbalf eupful of sliced dates and one quart of milk. Stir: in a mod conut over the top and bake in a slow ; oven. 3 | U W W When 'making large quantities of refreshing beverages, guch as lemonade or fruit punch, a sirup made from sugar Instead of the suguart Itself gives a uniform sweetness and preverts the suzar from settling at the bottom of the container. Scalloped Potatoes l e t} In LIBERTYVILLE TINDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NXOVEMBER 21, 1929 te of @1 o choptenrd cookeq heetsieak add salt and pepper, any binter for seasoning and a bresléeq eonion. Cever with vuoisten well, bake in a moed n yotil the potutoes are well n U dish wif! t\ taste # tbs. flour 2 tbs. butter Dasb of pepper 1 large _ onion, sliced. % tsp. salt or to een Ad nutes dur N+ three ot e ln iN a_ cupful rve EB well. Soak overnight in one quart of water. in the morning, add the re-- mafning water, the sait pork, and the onlon. Simmer covered about one and »nehbalf hours or until the peas are soft. Iiemove the pork, press the peas and onion through a fine sieve, and be careful'to save all the liquid. Brown the butter. add the GNour, and mix un-- til well blended. Pour in the milk and stir urttit thickened. Mix with the strained peas and serve when hot. Lay a thin slice of temon with finely chopped parsley ovér the top in each Fatigue and appronching iliness in-- terfere with the normal desire to eat. The child who is tired needs a short rest without sleep just before the men} hour, and very small portions of food when he comes to the table. Training children in the right food habits can be accomplished turgely by expecting them from earliest baby-- hood to like and ext what is set be fore thein. At the same time the mother has definite responsibitities to connection with the child's food. It must be of the right sort, temptingly prepured and served, so that it is at.-- tractive in color, odor, and fluvor. It must be served at regular times and there must be no interruptions or dis-- tructions. _ Small portions should ve given so that the child can clear his plate -- without discouragement. The mother must especially learn to dis-- criminate between a genuinely upset appetite and mere finteckiness. Lack of appetite, says a spm{;nllst In child training of the bureau of home econotnies, indicates that some-- thing is wrong. Constipation, some times arising from Improper eating, Is an all too common cause. Sufi-- clent emptying of the bowels is es sential to kBeping up the desire to eat. It is encouraged by drinking plenty of water and by the use of, vegetables and fruits in the diet. Fortunately, these foods are ail good sources of the' vitamine that increases the ap-- petite. Orange Souffie.--Ilemove the top of oratuige und sceop out the pulp cure fully deaving the shell clean. Jtetnl: with the pulp mived with sticed ba nana, grapefrnit or peaches umtit the shelt is hailf full Cover with enni'ta Ice cream and top with a meringue. Pince drf the oven to hru\\m"u"'kl\ and serve at once gnrnished with strips of cundied orunge peel and ginger. Orange Gelatin--Take one--halt enup ful of granulated gelatin, soak in [3 (Prepared WW%%MA*VM%%M%%M:W@ Lemon Taploca --'Tubke m #® cupful of minute tapicen, fuls of water, one teaspeon the grated rind of two te cook until slear, Add two sugar, one cupful of temon fold in' the stiffly beaten four ezgs. Chill ang ser and place over it " @Another slice of buttered bread. Serve with a cup of hot coffee, cocon or imilk and it will be a satisfying luncheon. As dessert fresih fruit ds at Tdtfs peak of popularity. _ Aftet n hearty (Prepareg by the United States Department of Agriculiture. ) It is advisable to clean out sink or Inundry tub waste traps from time to time, Dirt collects in the bottom of them and grease adheres to the sides 1 88e 8 by the United States Department of Agriculture.) each Right Food Habits ® GwafnaSndineaSoaGnaGnaieat P ®, OvaQoaTnaSoaSeaTeatoet te«? frete«® '€ o":":":":":"'": Rualoaloctodt OveLoaloaloalocfeafpeteat AeaSoaToatoct Qevlevtests * Cleaning Out a Sink Trap serve in mens. uhnd Juice w hite and 1J Miniature Engine Among the exhibits at the model engineers' exhibition in London was a borizontal engine so small that it i8 almost impossible to see the working parts in motion without a magnifying glass. It is only a quarter. of an inch long and is worked by compressed air. A hair from the head of the wife of the model maker forms the driv-- ing belt plate of soup just before it goes onto the table. These situations are very different from obvieus devices children some-- times use to avoid eating certain foods or to gain the center of attentien. Games to induce enting are fruitless in the fong' run. Better let the child go hungry for a long enough interval to bring back a normal healthy appe-- tite. Piecing or eating between meals is sometimes responsible for poor ap petite and should be consistently disg-- couraged. However, for some chil-- dren a little light food, such as milk or orange Juice and a cracker may be needed as a sort of extra meal about mid--morning or mid--afternoon. When such lunches seem desirable they should be given at absolutely regular times, but if they interfere with in-- terest in the three usual meals they should be discontinued. irighteneéd, angry, _ or-- disappointed child is likely to have no interest in food or to refuse it vielently. Par-- ents ' must handle emotionaliy 'dis-- turbed children caurefully. Otherwise, refusals will be aggravated,. or .un-- pleasant memories 'will become at-- tached to the foods in that meat. Allow the ill, tired, or upset child to miss a meal or to eat lightly while he is temporarily out of order, and place no emphasis,on refusals at such times,. He may need rest or whole. some activity to restore his appetite. If poor appetite persists in spite of all efforts, consult a physician as to the cause. Behavior upsets near or during the meal often destroy the appetite. The frightened.. angrv. o oro disannaintad Tickhies are not onty an incentive to the appetite, but because of their spice, acidity and general fAavor, help to digzest the --rither tLeavier foods of the eold gseason fuls of orange jui futs of orange rin« lemon --Juice, eighq cupful of sugar. OTl¢ teiasf beilit to tm of the pipes. It is not hard to un-- serew the cleanout plug and wush out any obstructing matter or pull it out with a wire hent to form a hcmfi, say® the United States Department of Agri-- culture. Grease, hair, or lint, cun often be scraped out with a stick when the trap has been opened. Coffee grounds are ntmnong the commonest sources of stoppage at the trap. Melted wax useq for sealing jelly glasses finds its way Into the trap, and when hardened is anather frequent cause af trouble. Smait obstructions are often forced down or drawn up by the use of a simple rubber force cup, sometimes called "the plumber's friend." costing ) to ) cents. The cup is placed over the fxture outlet and the fixture is partislly filled with water. 'The wood bandle of the cup is then worked runidly dowth and up. cnusing alternate Orange Pie Filting.--T! the four pies: Tuke fo gsur. onectal!t cunful o Ir until N Wostern Newspaper U diss fuls of grauted oPf specnful ofo sait tved then pour in serve twenty--four butter, four cup . Iwo tablespeon. one--dhalf eupful of 'zg whites and a ve minutes and ter. Add two enefourth eupe two cupfuls et Is of gruted op. disappointed t11 ) are their UTID n ._Father's only way to win in un a ment with the family is to holler Mustn't Be Too Sure The fellow who says it cannot be done is likety to be interrupted by gomebody doing it --Capper's Weekly Sampson--What do you mean? "One of them interviewed my wife and said that she had nothing to say." --London Answers. fibs '"'Well, that very night on the way home I got a bottle and within a week I felt like a different person. I wouldn't know myself, You can lick any job, even a night one, if you get the poisons out of your system regularly, Nujol sure did it for me!" "'It certainly shot me all to pieces," said Mr. Huggins,. "I was licked before I started. My pals noticed that the night shift got me, so during a 'lunch' period in the middle of one night one of them said to me, 'Hug, I bet I know what's the matter with you. This irregular life gets us all unless we watch out. Why don't you try Nujol? Most of the boys are onto this little health trick. Try it!' I_,IOW would you like it if every two weeks you had to give up your good night's sleep, and work all night instead? This is what hap-- pened to W. H. Huggins of 90 Savannah Street, Rochester, New York. When he came bac}: from the War, he took a night "shift'"' job. War Vet almost takes count, but pals help. Night Life Gets You if You Don't W atch Out!| BPe o Simpson-- T'he SNoap That's Known and Nold the World Around Children hate to take medicine as a rule, but every child loves the taste of Castoria. And this pure vegetable preparation is just as good as it tastes; just as bland and harmless--as the recipe reads. (The wrapper tells you just what Castoria contains.} When Baby's cry warns of colic,, a few drops of Castoria has him soothed, asleep again in a jiffy. Nothing is more valuable in diar-- Trhea. When coated tongue or bad breath tell of constipation, invoke its gentle aid to cleanse and regu-- late a child's bowels. In colds or children's diseases, use it to keep the system from clogging. Your doctor will tell you Castoria 'That's the great thing about and you'll discover many valuable &ADswered that question years ago. uses for these tablets. For head-- It is not. Some folks still wonder if mches; to check colds. To ease a it really does relie:Ve pain. That's sore throat and reduce the infection. -- Settled! For millions of men and For relieving neuralgic, neuritic, Women have found it does. To rheumatic pain. cure the cause of any pain you must consult your doctor; but you may People used to wonder if Bayer always tumn to Bayer Aspirin for Aspirin was harmful. 'The doctors immediate relief. Need l o s s Pain! p. Such punishment isn't very good for one's nerves! It's unwise, and it's unnecessary. A tablet or two of Bayer Aspirin will relieve a head-- ache every time. So, remember this accepted antidote for pain, and spare yourself a lot of needless su(-- fering. Read the proven directions and you'll discover many valuable uses for these tablets. For head-- aches; to check colds. To ease a sore throat and reduce the infection. For relieving neuralgic, neuritic, rheumatic pain. The man who wouldn't drive his motorcar half a mile when it's out of order, will often drive his brain all day with a head that's throbbing. M _dh _ _A o se . . bomnc i. th..._ Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monosceticacidester of Something Was Wrong These reporters tell awfu jdre Cry for it Address: "Cuticurns" ®" _ JOT Maiden, Masmctuses -- FUBITY FOR regular daily toilet use in the home there is nothing better than Cuticura Soap. Containing the medicinal and antiseptic properties of Cuticura, it soothes and Ecafi as well as cleanses the skin. * Soap 25c. Talcum 25c. tl Ointment 25c. and 50c. Sample each free. u Cura MAddres® "Cntirupn"* C for Nujol. It absorbs the poisons in your system (we all have them) and <leans them out regularly. It cannot hurt you no matter how long you take it, and it forms no habit. You can get a bottle at any good drug store, in a sealed package, for less than the cost of a couple of good cigars. Begin today to prove to yourself how Nujol can help you to licl; the toughest jub and feel bully! Nujol contains no medicines or drugs. It is simply the world's most famous method of bodily lubrication. A wise man never guesses that & woman is over forty--in her presence. anew of Nothing After they had discussed hnousehold bil!s, their respective families, and the men she danced with, her husband said: "We'll discuss something plea® ant for a change." And she said:o "For instance?" deserves a place in the family Dare to Be a Meal Ticket He--Will you marry me? The Heiress--No, I'm afraid not, He--Oh, come on. be a support. 'abimmet until your child He knows it is safe for Net Contents 15 Fimd Bractos