PAGE FOUR WAUKEGAN TO BE UNIT IN GREAT ELEGT®IG PROJECT All of the concerns which are con nected with the extensive proje® are affiliated with the Insull inter eAts. Inan ta h. warldA it was AlgeWsad ; The inventory of the estate ol | ally known ht loop in the world, it was disctosed l Mrs. Emilie W. yPeacock, widow of ',',':,{, '::0:,',"02: today. C. D. Peacock, Jr., son of the, found-- The -- proposed | great . electrical | (% Cp $y Cpjlioy,' jowaelpy %'mpany. ::::tl(;xo:kr::ft! power generating and dlgtributlon was filed yesterday -- before _ Leon ing for four service will link the massive Wau-- Edelman, assistant, to Probate Jud®e | that «he inte kegan power plant of the Publi®|jrorner It lists aRets estimated at housewives' ha Service company with the $r°@t | g1 q909 000, of which one--half is in of household -- Keokuk dam power plant and the | yooy sstate holdings and the other budget. big power generating plant at P""'ln stocks and bonds. Mrs. Peacock | _ Pointing ou erton, IIl, as well as with scores °'|dled June 18, 1929, in her country | certain state less important plants. bhome at Lake Villa. As she died in--' unnecessary t Will Erect Large Plants 'testnte, her estate will be divided ' explained that The plan also provides for the 'among three daughters, Mrs. Mils bilizer for an: erection --of five great power gener-- dred P. Haerther, Mrs. Margaret | plan for expeln ating plants, which are to be located Reynolds, and Mrs. Katherine Rey> | nrafer a scien It is considered certain that the | o Waukegan plant now one of the : alG"TlY H'GHEH largest of its kind in the nation will be enlarged as a part of the great By A. K. BOWES power generating plan. | Now Part of Big System The Waukegan plant and distribu-- | Secretary of Sc:,c,::;':,':yT Ne & +rust tion . system is now connected Business of the Recorder's office th'rough Chicago with a great el€6C-- | fop the week ending November 16. trical power generating and distri-- | 1929 bution system that extends to the _ Nuimber of conveyances filed, 243 Atlantic seaboard. It is also con-- l Number of chattel mortgages filed nected with the extensive lines of | 32 the Terminal and Electric company | Number of trust deeds and mort-- at Milwaukee, which serves the | gages filed, 75. greater part of Wisconsin. | _ Total number of instruments filed Waukegan a Terminal | -'Number of trust deeds an@ mort: Waukegan will be a terminal on | gazes filed 84. the great system. The line {rnnx! Total number of instruments filed this city wil extend through Crystal | 347. Lake, Belvidere and Oregon to Dix--| -- Total amount of loans $544.561.8%0 The power lines will be capable of carrying upwards from 132,.000 rolts of electricity. Will Be Terminal in World's Largest Power Loop, Petition Declares. in the area covered by the monster power loop. It is expected that three of these plants will} be built at Rockford and Dixon in lllinois and Beloit in Wisconsin. Waukegan is to be made a unit in a gigantic power generating sys-- tem that according to predictions will be the greatest electrical power loop in the world, it was disctlosed today. Have You a History? or is your presence your life's document? in either case, por-- traits--those cherished records of faces that pass all too soon-- will be greatly appreciated in future years by family and friends, even more than today. Why not add this pleasant duty to the joys of Christmas? Phone for an appointment now Herschberger Brothers AND NOTE THIS ADVANTAGE $20.00 Off Former Prices of Models 55C and 60C Receivers $7.00 Off Former Price of Atwater Kent Dynamic Speaker oneywell Studio New Low Prices On Atwater Kent Screen Grid Radio! NOTE THESE REDUCTIONS! Convenient Terms Libertyvi"e, TOTAL REDUCTION $27.00 PER SET YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone LOANS FOR WEEK SLIGHTLY HIGHER MRS. E. W. PEAGOGK LEAVES $1,000,000 on, while Rockford, . Belo.t an Janesville wil be linked with the Waukegan line. The great system is characterize by power company heads as the greatest project of its kind that ever has been proposed. Work on the building of extensive lines neces sary in the creation of the g'gant'lc chain will be started immediateiy, it nolds is stated Secretary of Security Title & i rust y Company Business of the Recorder's office for the week ending November 16, 1929 : Total number of instruments filed 50. Total amount of loans $550,210.66 Corresponding wack ending No Number of conveyances filed 236. Number of chattel mortEages filed 1nois Youw can select yourR cabinet when you select Amrmarer Kext SCREEN--GRID RADIO N choosung a radio, first let Iyour ears decide. Naturally, the Atwater Kent Screen--Grid, famous for its absolute purity of tone, wins. And then your eyes. From an array of exquisite cab-- inets such as radio has never offered before, select the one you want to match your home. Only with Arwater Kent Radio can you enjoy such freedom of choice in furniture for the finest radio. Come today. Get the benefit of our special Salon Showing! Phone 656--J--2 bowel Decks . explained that the one efficient sta-- billzer for any home is a concrete 'pla.n for expenditures. That women | prefer a scientific to a haphazard |plan of household management has | been made clear by the thousands | of 'homemakers with whom Mrs. I Loudon has come in contact sleep fne."--Mr:. Glenn Butler. ' Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler | tka relieves gas on the stomach and j removes astonishipg amounts of old | waste matter from the sy--tem | Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better _ No matter what you' have trired for your stomach and bowels Adlerika will suprise vyou | Gas Forces Woman To Sleep In Chair <! OM ind not SUN'S COOKING SCHOOL EXPERT URGES A BUDSET Poir;tsw0ut Thatf I't_' Is thg Ldat- Antioch Dealer est Weapo 'Defense. _ o ' Leaves $25,000 Warning housewives that the pro-- verbial "wolf at the door" is in re~ ality the living costs of:the family, Mrs. Dorothy Ayres Loudon, nation-- ally, known home economics expert who is to conduct the Daily Sun's free coouking school at the Armory,. starting next Tuesday and continu-- Ing for four days, declared today that «he intends to put into the housewives' hands the latest weapon of household defense -- the family budget. ( "The thousands of hougsekeepers throughout the country who are kespingy family budget systems get a great kick' out of it," this vivac-- ious expert declared. "One of the most interesting things I have learn-- ed in my contacts with women of ¥yarious communities is practical in: formatien on budszeting family ex-- penses. And women find in man:-- aging a budget the same thrill men get out of big game hunting, for thoy are protecting their families from attacks of poverty and disease. "After all, how much difference is th@re in this regard between the modern woman and her pioneer mother® Financial problems which threafen the home today are (Continued from page 1) real as they were a hundred years ago. True, the muzzle--loading shot gun may have baeen one of the wall desorations -- of the -- old{fashioned household, but the modern mother is learning that a well--loaded purse is as effective a weapon. "To most women ,who are inter-- est «l in their hnmo-', housekeeping Pointing out the fact that an un-- certain state of finances produces unnecessary tension, Mrs. Loudon is an al.uring ad problems are col in the wake of modes of living this country. _ A wamen to see t roll s so allotte W pro t\ I th LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929 to see that the weekly pay: so allotted that amusements steal from fond «upplies She me who must maintain safe Adlerika c Neville so bid TUEEISTS t n )ading shot of the wall @{ashioned r, I ha A dlerik no w Keep)DnE ily new e home ankin s tons in to the *»mentary jssued to Marie Kinsala. Bond of $200. Joseph F: Eichinger--Final report approved. Estate closed. Mildred Louer Bird, Highland Park--Administrator authorized to start suit agajinst Albert E. M Louer tor death of decedent. Frank C Wubbel, Highland Park --Inventory approved. Charles L. Jarvis, insane--Allow-- ance for support of family granted , Howard Peterson, minor--Report j approved l Edwin W. Parkhurst, Libertyville --Sale of personal property ordered. Dorothy Winters, minor--Final re-- , port approved. Estate closed. | Knovles G. Slone, Lake Forest-- Will admitted--to probate. Estate of | $1035 civen to wife and children. | Horaice R Adams, Antioch --WiIl ; admitted to probate. Estate of $25,-- en personal property given to Eth-- el --A. Adams, sister -- Letters testa-- meontary issued to Ethe!l A. Adams.| bond of $50.000 _ Heirship proved. _ Charles J Keirl, insane Wauke zan--Petition -- for appointment 0t conservator filed Bond fixed ar housewife, are those to which this expert directs her attention. Not only will she concoct delicious new recipes and cook them before the eyes of her audience, but she will give in her humorous, entertaining fashion, answers to many of the vexatious problems of homemaking. Patrick Kinsala, Waukegan--Will adm'tted t® probate. Estate of $100 persoual and $3500 real estate given to daughter and sons. Letters tes-- Proceedings before Probate Judge Martin C Decker Monday were as follows : h Minnte Wienecke Toeppel, Inc.-- Conservator authorized to pay, ward $25 per month. Isaac McMillin, Waukegan--Ad-- ministrator authorized to transfer stocks. James Dalziel, Gurnee--Inventory and appraisement bill approved. Wil"am Grant, Highland Park ---- Will admitted to prolate. Estate of $3,000 perspnal and $15,000 real es-- tate given to sons and daughters. Leiters testamentary issued to Wil-- liam J. Dalziel and Charles F. Grant. Bond of $6,000. . Heirship Wilma Miller, Lake Forest--In ventory approved. liam J Grant. proved Write C. R. MOHRMANN, P. O. Box 306 WAUKEGAN ILL. No Obligation Will pay $100.per month for 24 months for disability. $1,000 to $1,500 in case of accidental death while operating farm machinery, tractors, cars or by injury by farm ani-- mals. Also other exceptional benefits. Mr. Farmer and Car Owner ... next 24 months -- STERLING PENNY A DAY POLICY Tuesday, Nov 26, 1929 Annual Bazaar ST. MARY'S--Fremont Center Dinner at the Woodman Hell TURKEYS -- AMUSEMENTS _at Dietz's ' Resthaven Stables -- _ DIETZ'S Resthaven Stables Get Your .. .. Thanksgiving Turkey AT -- Chicken Supper Is your income protected for. the Open Before 6 p.m. IVANHOE, ILLINOIS Given by AND L"e Izssurance Beginning The earliest life insuruance policy of --which anything definite is known was issued in 1583 in Londan, iarsuring the life of Wilitam Gybbons, for u twelvemonth. 'This policy was under written by 13 persons, acting individ vally, and the premilum was $80 pe: 51. 000 Sunday Services at The Local Churches $20,000 Michael E. Lux,--Final report ap-- proved. Estate closed. 8T. JOSEPH*% CATHOLIC 'Rev. M. J Nealis, Pastor F4rs: Mass at 630 a m.; Second Masas at 8 a m : Third Mass at 9 a m; Fourth Masse a; 10 a m 8. Florence Morley, Waukegan -- Hearing on final report continued to Dec. 2. * Charles E. Worack. Waukegan-- Hearimg on motion to show cause why claims should not be paid con tinved to Nov. 25. Gerce A. Truesdell, Winthrop Harbor--Hearing on final report continved to Dec. 23. For the first time in motor car history a stcering wheel carries the same decora-- tional design as is used on all other, items of equipment. In the new 1930 Hup-- mohu'c 100 Horsepower Straight Eight both the cortectly sized wheel rim and the outer spoke ends carry the same superimposed baguette des zn as is used on all other equipment to crea weL theme of beauty harmony 9 New Steering Wheel Design THANKSGIVING German Service Inglish service METHODIST EPISCOPAL John E. DeLorg. Paster "Seven great reasons for Thanks-- giving," is the special theme 'or the Thanksgiving service on Sufday morning. New residents of the city or strangers visiting here and wan do not attend some otaer church. S,. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL Rev. E. P. Baker, Pastor _ Holy Communion Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. Morning prayer and sermon Sun day morning at 10:30. _ The church school will meet 'or Sunday morning at 9:830. _ (East of the Park) Rev. W. H. Lehmann. Pastor J Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. German service with the Lord's Supper at 10:30 a. m. English service at 7:30 a m. PRESEYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor Sunday school at 9: 45. Morning workship at 11. Dr. John F. Lyons of the Presbyterian Semin-- ary in Chicago, will fill the:-- pulpit Sunday morning. You are invited to near him Third Floor, First National Bank Building Sunday School at 9:30 a. in. Sunday services At 1045 a m PTae subject of tie Christian Sci-- ence sermon for Sunday is "Soul and Body." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Wednesday evening at 8 Young People's meeting ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN at at 7:230 DAY-- at 9:30 a. m 10:45 a n d 6 p. m on are cordially invited to this service are coruially invited to this service. ature and its story, one great Bible There will be special music by the GUOtation, one great life question quartet. anowered and a t--ik of ten minutes & . A x on some special topic. 'Tae special For l}:w in nmgiasrnce at 7 3(:1 ropic for Snday evening. will be, we are having a varied program eac eg *h i o & P So hinese st Sund:y evening This includes wor me'c Tess THistor. ship in umsic, responsive readings -- Our Sunday school meets at 9.45. and prayer, a fiveminute talk on the The Epworta League me--ts at the Bible, one great quotation from liter-- parsonage at 6:2%0 n m AP /'f/'\ -- Choice f {lJ) r®esu meats anp 6A ; THANKSGIVING \(S * / FOWL w;m. n n AT LOW PRICES SPKILiNu cLaAMB LEGS, 29 per pound ......_._._________ € BEEF POT ROAST Aanm 21 RI1INYUY LAIVID LEL\.3, 29 per pound ......_.._._.________. C BEEF POT ROAST 25 per pound . _ _ . ... _ C ROBERT and OAKE SKINNED 19 HAMS, whole or half, per nound C SUGAR CURED BACON, 23 whole or half slab _._____. _ . C GET OUR PRICE BEFORE BUYING ATLANTIC & PACIFIC your Thanksgiving Turkey, Goose Duck or Chicken MIDDL E TEA COMPANY THE GREAT WESTERN DIVISION