INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR OOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. | Libertyville, III. _ Capital and Surplus $150.000.00 Lake County National Bank If not, you do not know the deep satisfac-- tion of receiving a check at this time of the OVER $600,000,000 is going to approxi-- mately 9,000,000 members of Christmas Clubs over the United States. There are many members in Libertyville and the vic-- ity who are in that number. : If you have been a member you will sure-- ly join the 1930 CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB Telephone 469 . Libertyville, IIl. 8. W. CORNER MILWAUKEE AVE AND CHURCH STREET 10 Cents to 10 Dollars a week, means $5 to $500 for Next Christmas Plus 3% Interest NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN TELEPHONE 448 If you've been invited out for Thanksgiv-- ing dinner, your hostess will surely ap-- preciate your thoughtfullness in taking her a box of fine Chogolates from our complete assortment. | Christmas Savings Club Future Profits Dining Out Thanksgiving ? mr*~ mr~r . se . o / 3 ty : ~= 9 a & . C _ 3$( v'f}::..".#(\? @i% F3¥ BC S q We have several fine real estate investrnents available right now that are Bound to mean profit as Libertyville grows and improves. At the present low prices they are gilt edged investments. _ They're absolutely safe, and are very likely to be real profit mak-- * ers in years to come. Financing arrangements can be made to suit your conveni ence. Several of these "good buys" require only a small down payment. Sor ~Realtor -- Insuror -- Builder The Soda Shop Will You Receive A Julia King Candies Check This Week? LIBERTYVILLE, ILL M®Bs. James Brown and Mrs. Roy Titus attended the concert at the new opera house in Caicago Sun-- div afternoon. Themembers of the American Leg lon Auxiliary are very grateful fo-- the immediate resonse whici they have received in regard to taeir drive for membership dues. da y The Walter Stone and W L Wheeler families spent Sunday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs: Albert Neat. in Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hau of Warronda were gipests Mrs. Chas. Seiter on Frid luncheon guests of M il{i=raland Park on F Mr and Mrs Wm. Schle; and Mrs. James VanEvery city, and Mr. ang \rs Chas. er and Mr. and Mrs. Henry of Calcago, called on Mr: Kniezer in Long Grove on Mrs. Earl Purdy and son, Dewit of Highland Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs F. R. Tripp. Mr and Mrs Samuel Sadek,. o Maywood were guests of r. and Mrs Adolpp Sadek on Sunday. F. H. Wells Wm. Laycock and W G. Wells motored to Champaign on Friday to visit Aubrey Wells and to attend the football game on Satur-- Charles Waters and daughter, of Grayslake. were dinner,guests of Mf and Mrs H. F. Waters on Sunday evenhing and all spent the evening w it Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schwerman and family were guests at the aome of Mr. and Mrs. Henrvy Schwermon "Seven Great Reasons for Thanks-- giving" is tae special theme for the Thanksgiving service at the Method ist church Sunday morning &t 11 o'clock New resldents of the town or strangers visiting here, and who Mr. and Mrs. Ray N. Smith and family spent Sunday with Mr _ and Mrs Henry Goyes in Waukegan. r and Mrs. Chas. Siler attended the caicken supper at Fairfiel1 on Saturday evening. do not attend som> other church, are cordially invited to this service. There will be special music by tae quartette. "Some Chines History" is the spec-- ial subject at tao Metaodist church on Sunday evening at 7:30.-- ° This ten--minute talk is a part of a yaried prougram. This program includes wor shop in music and resonsive read-- ings, a five--minute talk on the Bible, one great quotation from literature and its sto~--y, one important quota-- tion from the Bible and its story and one great life question answered The pastor is making an e'fort to interest people with a program sim-- llar to those given over the radio, with many variations. . Dr C. N. Stephens attended Alex Reit, 6 yea> old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Reit last Thursday, after youngster :mad been bitten in the hand by a dog, with which he was playing. «Dr.andMrs. E H Smith motored to Lena, Il1., and speut the week end with the formers siste~ and 'augband Rev. and Mrs. M. 3. Freeman. William Whigham has returned to Chicago where 'rz1e will spend the winter at the mnome of his daughter Mrs, Harold Pietz. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schreck and children were guests on Sunday o' Mr and Mrs. Wm. Sage, at Grays-- lake wit Mr and Mrs. Fred Wiltkenning n Mundelein O M r Mr. and Mrs P J Mr. and Mrs Mrs. A W. Lindroth entertained latives from Chicago over the week nt ililmer on Sun LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929. loca, t} M Mrs B Kalamazo week end M Sacket B H. W la y W M la y losser ar Q Emm a Sunday W on +/ M I have purcaased tae Liberty.ill» Paint Store from Martin Sanders and will nat be responstble for any deb: contracted by anyone but mysel!{ Ivar Jacobson 47 1: NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyore but my Bud, Mrs. P. J Hawk and Mrs. ulNa Maxwell attended the "County Dry" meeting of the Fox Lake Women's (Iub on Thursday afternoon NOTICE self No announc« bakery « W uay ana visiteq at th and Mss Loule Key Mrs. Frank Bicknase Mrs secretary of the chamber on Wednes-- Jay nignt Several important mat-- ers concerning _ re--organization' of the caamber were acted upon. The regular November meeting of the board of directors of the Lberl tyville Mundelein Chamber of Com-- mereeé was held in the office of tae Rollind DeHoog is getting along nicely after having his tonsils re-- moved a week ago last Saturday. Dre Edwards performed the opera-- tion at tae Condell Memorial hos-- pital and in addition to that men tioned, he also removed a splinter about on' inch long, 'rom his leg, which hadvbw:n there for about five years. Mr. and Ms. John VanPlew, of Beloit, were week end guests of J. Almond and Miss Frnances Credsey. Mrs. Cora Taylor and Miss Fran-- ces Creasgey attended the Ivanhoe Ladi¢s bazaar last week. A marriage license was issued last week to Regina Panek of Liberty-- ville and Albert Wiktor o0"* North Caicago ville and Albert Wiktor o North | _ TAhSDOiPhthalein Pateago + lNltnm e A musical recital to be given by | Chloride ......._.. ... the musical students and a few of Methy! Orange .. the otuer pupils of St. Joseph's Residue ~_......._ school, will be held on the third floor of the school on E. Maple Ave, on Sunday afternoon, starting at 2:30 | Group No. 1 of the Lutheran Ladi-- es met with Mrs. Annie Kublank in Mundelein on Tuesday. Ermond Acox and. Miss Rosie Fill-- more of Dekalb spent Sunday with Mr. and M--s. Leslie Acor r. and Mrs. Charles Ray of Gales-- burg, Mich.. &a--e visiting Mrs. Mary Brown on Maple Avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. Park Bartlett of Evanston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gratz on Sunday Miss Lorraine Mckson accompant-- d by he: brotaers Clyde and Harold f Waucondir, attended a basket so-- lal at the Burton school on Wednes ay evening. D M M n 1d Mr Book Henry H. Wehrenberg 1 q t () IT «ale Richar ot Mr3s. William Schotanus, Sturm and granddaugh-- Henry Meyer and Grace red to Chicago on Sun-- ited at the homes of Mr oule Keyes and Mr. and Nor o' St. soseph's parish > postponement'of their which was to have been nek's rardware «tore on a later date. W t Condell Memoria nesday morning. Dr 'avuconda. ferforme(f , John Almond and asey made a tour of M w ccoo.. «> -- T WO MOPE INJURED t} entertained reir regular luncheon on M remo waving 'moval morial e Tear J. W. & ulla a Car ?tx >$10,000 SUIT IS 0 STARTED ONLEASE Mrs. J. M. Bowe visited in Chicago on Wednesday. Miss Mary Ferguson and James Ferguson and son and wife of Chi-- Ccago. call%i on Mrs. Mary Bensinger on Sunday? Tw» --daughters of Robert J. Tho'ne, wealthy resident of Lake Forest, were injured slightly yester-- day when they were thrown from their berses during a hunt at the Onwentsia club near Lake Forest. It was the second fall 'of the season for Mrs Corson G. Ellis, 285 West Laure! avenue, Take Forest, whose collar tone was fractured when she was thrown last September. _A half hour later Miss Laura Thorne, 17 years old 425 North Sheridan road, Lake Forest, was thrown. tod thr a P a Potassium Nitrate KNO3 20 . .12 Potassium Chlorlde KCl 5.2% .31 Sodium Chloride ....Na@Cl -- 8.1 .48 Sodium Sulfate Na2SO4 250.3 14.64 Ammon Sulf, (NH4)2SO4 11 .06 Mag Sulfate ... .. MgSO4 187.8% 10 .98 Calcium Sulfate ....CaSO4 778 455 Calcium Carb. .___CaCO3 109.3 640 gilica .. 0_0,2200 8102 19.4 113 Iron Oxide .. ... Fe203 _ 0 4 .02 Alumina ... ....__A1203 0 T .04 Maganese Oxide ... _ Mno 0 0 _ 0.0 Nonvolatile ... ... ... 050 0.3 TotaL.....___.2.2 222 02. 6626 38.T6 STATE WATER SLRVEY DIV. O. W. Rees, Caemist Water Analysis of . _ The Crystal Spring Nonvolatile ___.__.... Alumina ............_.. Calcium ......... . Magnesium ............... Ammonia ......_...... Potassium |......s...... Bodium |......._.____ Alkalinity as CaCO3 A complete analysis o tae 'water as made by A. W. Rees, Ccaemist in the employ of the State Water Sur-- vey division of the Department of Registration and Education in the summer of 1927 was as follows: July 18, 1927. MINERAL WATER ANALYSIS Sample of water submitted by Crys-- tal Springs, June 6, 1927, from a spring located on Fourth Street, Lib-- ertyville, Illinois. ~ The spring was formerly owned by the Crystal Spring Company and up to a few years ago, the water was bottled and shipped from here. A new firm, manufacturers of candy products has occupied the old build-- ing 'on the site and it is their in-- tention to again commercialize the An analysis of 'the mineral water which flows from the Crystal Spring located on Fourth Street , just to the south of Church Street, and which is again to be bottled and gaipped to distant markets, reveals that the water f, unusually rica in certain health givkng qualities. / Manganese Sillca ... Iron irry out ullding )!den A Mayer Kukels lay started ; ling Tt lit court. s Ellen Gossell attended the 'n Wedding anniversary of Mr. Mre George Hager in Barring-- n Wednesday. umming Ez': Tull Tashioned Hosiery Altorney J i Ben Rosenwig for IN FOX HUNTING A l (» .__A 1203 omers ceamene C $ ri¥evreiemms oW _..__NH4 {= Laks it for Si02 804 NO3 .C1 PL8. GTS. per per million gal Fe Mn Na Million ] 0.3 f 0, 4 19.4 P 0.5 } 0.7 4 68 .8 f 29.1 t 0.3 I 3 .6 9 86.9 106 691 64 per Tae Ernest Workers of the Metho-- dist church will meet with Mrs: J. S. Hyatt. Tae change o' date is due to Thanksgiving. Dancing party given by members of the Rebekah Lodge % FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22-- The Rebekah card and bunco par-- ty at their hall. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23-- Make your plans to attend the dance at the Countryside Club, Mun-- delein, Nov. 23rd. at 9 p. m. This will be given by the Young People's Bridge Club, and they are preparing a wonderful evening for everybody. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26-- The Hospital Auxiliary will hold the regwar meeting at 2:30 p. m, at the village hall. Regular meeting of the National Daughters of the G. A R. at St. Jos-- eph's school all. Chicken supper given by St. Marys parish of Fremont Center, at Wood-- man hall, Ivanhoe. Dancing and tur-- key sale at Dietz's Stables . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13-- Among the citations which com-- prised. the Lesson--Sermon was the following from the Bible: "And this is the promise that He hath prom-- ised us, even eternal life" (I. John 2: 20). The Lesson--Sermon also in. cluded the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker. Eddy : "Mortals and Immortals'" was the subject of the Lesson--Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, November 17. The Golden Text was, "We that are in this tabernacle do groan, be ing burdened : not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of tife (II. Cor. 5:4). gile *"'The spiritual man's consciousness and individuality are reflections of God. They are the emanationg of Him who is Life, Truth, and Love. Immortal man is not and never was material, but always spiritual and CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES l COMING EVENTS Libertyville Trust & Savings Bank Resources Over $1,000,000.00 CALENDAR JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB NOW (P We are Open Until 8 O'clock on Saturday Evenings CHRISTMAS SHOPPING is a real pleasure, when you're not pressed for funds. By saving systematically for fifty weeks, beginning now---- be it 25¢ of $20 a week--you will have an ample sum to meet the cost of gifts. As a member of ir Christmas Savings Club, you will set yourself schedule--and get 3% interest next December, ir Adhering to it faithfully. 'VélM?fi;Ad':?"feé Libertyville Lumber A Risky Business! Down by the Old Depot OUR FOREFATHERS found it a risky business getting in the winter's supply of) fuel. But now--a--days. householders need take no chance. 1f your coal comes from our yards. you are sure of getting the best! First National Bank How About 1930 fi RLui é?*fi . e (% i 2 I/ 5-&': hrg Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois going to forget about saving Are YOU and go through tae same harrowing experience next year as you have to go through this year?. Or are you going to begin saving NOW, so as to have a nice little sum laid aside in 1930 to pay your bills with? Hundreds of sensible people join our Carist-- mas Club every year, and when Christmas comes, they can go light--heartedly about tae task of selecting their gifts, for there will be enough money on hand to pay the bills. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. JOIN AT ONCE AND YOUR HAPPINESS BEGINS. + Our 1930 Club Pays Out November 15, 1930. ompany Been Herk PAGE FIVE werty Y ears'