CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Nov 1929, p. 6

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Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bell, who have been staying with the latter's parents for tie past month, have returned to their home in Highiland Pa~k for the winter. 4741 N. Kedzle Ave. CHICAGO Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer and Mr. and Mrs Littleman of Lake Zu--fica were dinner guests on Sunday eve-- ning at the H. C eyer home. Miss Besse McBride, Mrs. Morris Chandler, Mrs. Frank Shaddle, Mrs. Orpha Harding, M--. and Mrs. Geo. Ross and Mrs. John Rouse attended the meeting of the Woman's Club on Wednesday. Mrs. R. J. Lyons also attended as the guest of Mrs. Mi:s Bessie McBride was a guest of Miss Marguerite Stahnke in Chi-- cago on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and chil dren spent onday evening with M~. and Mrs. George Gross in Lake Zur-- ich. & Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Suaddle left for taeir home in Forest, IIl., after spending the week en' with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaddle Wm Vickery won the first awards, Franklin Hendee and Mrs William Voelkman the second and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Watson tae third. H. C. Meyer and Miss Hunda Mey-- er, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Meye:, H. Meyer and Grace Sturm, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E+ W Carlson and Mrs. Gladys Hopkins of Highiand Park, attended the chicken supper at Fair-- field on Saturday evening Miss Ruth Sorenson was ill on Tue dry. Mrs. Louis Hendee entertained the Evening Five Hundred Club on Wednesday evening. Mr and Mrs. Harry M., Miss FEdna Rouse and Detbert Reouce and Miss Ruth Sor-- enson attended the football game at Champaign on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Join Rouse attended the carysanthemum show in Chica-- &go, on Sunday. Fillad The Same Day As Received NOTARY SEALS, PAID STAMPS PAID DATERS, INK PADS AND STENCILS J Mr. and Mrs J. Marshall Hutch-- ings and daughter Laurel, accomp-- anied by Mrs. John W. Hutchings and grandson John, of Libertyville, motored to Green Bay. Wiscon-- sin on Saturday and visited relativ-- es, returning home on Sunday eve ning. Mrs. Dwight Dolpa and Mrs. War ren Snyder. Mrs. Charles Chamber-- lain, Mrs. Charles Dolph and Mrs. Ben Porteous were guests at a birth day party in homnor o Miss Grace Dolph in Ivanuoe on Monday eve ning. drews, who is to be married -- on Thanksgiving day. Miss LaVerne Swan kave a mis-- cellaneous shower on Saturday eve-- glnx in honor o' Miss Katheryn An-- George Ross returned home -- on Friday from a busines strip to Bat-- tle Creek, Lansing and Grand Rap-- ids, Mich Miss Avis Payne of Chicago. vis-- ited her father on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Theodore Fisher and son and Mr. and Mrs. Treodore Berrons of DesPlaines visited Miss Emma Fisher on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hendee will spend the week end with relatives in Owwego. Robert Aynsley and Miss Dorothy Broune of Highland Park were Sun day even'ng callers at the George Ross nome Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness and son speént a few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler and children and Mr. and Mrs .Russell Rouse and children accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wehrenberg, Mr. and Mrs. John Siewert and Mrs. O. B. Kent and son Junior, of Liberty-- ville, enjoyed a weenie roast out on the farm formerly owned by J. J. Rou--e, on Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Russeli ware guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tanowski in Antioc1 at a idge party on Saturday evening. f All are members of the Ouk Park chure.a, of which Rev. Jevne was a 'ormer pastor. -- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snyder and son, Roy and Mr ana Mrs Harold Wells and children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kinrade at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells an-- nounce the birth of a baby boy, born on Wednesday, November 20. Ralph H. Platt and Miss Lillian Lob tein of Qak Park! were married by Rev. Jevyne at the parsonage on Taursday. They were accompanied by Miss Clara Lobstein,; sister of the bride, Mrs. Childs a friend and Robert Platt, father of the groom. Horn Stamp and Seal Works Mr. and Mrs. William Zersen, Mr. and Mrs. William Fenner and dau-- ghter Evelyn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Roder at Palatine on Sunday. * Ted Smitr of Chicago spent Sun-- day with Mr. and Mrs. os Punan-- nenpstill. Winnie Dietz, Mrs. Catherine Die-- tz and Clifford Hapke spent Sunday afternoon with the Dobner family at Wauconda. Micses Pear and Jean Ray enter-- tained the girls who graduated 'rom eighth grade last year at a miscellan eous shower on Thursday evening, in uonor of Mrs. James Doiton. Miss Ruth Soremen and Ethel Hansen, were also guests. The evening was syent in playing bunco. PAGE SIX ) Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane were!' Mr. and Mrs. cR J. Lyons attended guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kane the Notre DameSouthern Californ of Melrose Park at dinner and the ia football game in Chicago on Sat-- Chrysantremum show on Sunday. ;) urday. YTEMS OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELEIN.® You can heip make this section mere in toresting N you will phone the Loca! Editor any news items you may have censerning relnatives or friends R U B B E. R S T A M PS MAIL ORDERS FoR Lake 8t C Arthur Jevne; Miniater. Ivanhoe Church and Pirst Chnreh of Mundelein (Congregational) Sunday School: First caurch at 10 a. m.; Ivanhoe at 11 a. m. Worship services: Ivanhoe at 1¢ &. m.; First Chureh at 11:10 a m. Music by the choir of each church. Sermon subject, "Measuring Your Quentin Tulley . Suydam Johnson R. Kennedy MUNDELEIN LADIES FNa Fenner ... TI$1 Mable Tegtmeyer 138 V. Englebrecht +146 Grace MeBride . 125 Jane Dorfler 198 Ben Prais won $15 in : at West Ridge on Sun. The Mod=l Farm team second game with the Recreation téam on the alleys on Sunday and w third game on tae Mun on this evening. (Thurs __ Ed Cook has been lai up for a few days this week with a sprained ankle Mr. and Mrs. Morton Malone of Oak Park, were guests of Mr and Mrs. 8. W. Degner on TAursday. Mrs. Annie Kublank entertained a group of Lutheran ladies from Lib ertyville on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. J. McLeod and daughter, visited relatives in Hammond,. Ind. .\flss Marie Vacek was chosen from|lL T. H. S. to play violin in the All State High School Orcres-- tra this year. Miss Vacek left on Tuesday morning for Urbana, where they will practice. The concert will be held on Friday, November 22. and will be broadcast from the Univers-- ity radio station WSLL Mr. and Mrg. Ladd Vacek metored down to the concert. Miss Mae Struder, of Libertyville, was also Cadsen as a violinist. Mr.i and Mrs. Chas. W Essentrot left on Wednesday morning for Ar cadia, where they will spend the winter months witi Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cook and Carl| Lehmkuail motored to Wheaton on Tuo':day and visited.James Wheaton / Mrs3. George Ray spent Tuesday with Ml:._ and Mrs Mott Ray. Miss Harriet Hodge of Hoopseton IIl., spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. James Doiton moved into the Ross apartment this week. Mr. Boiton is getting along nicely at tie Condell Memorial hospital in Libertyville, after his accident of last Tuesday morning. 2 p. m., Ivanhoe Junior Sunday 'aft Mr. and Mrs. S W. Degner spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Franoes Stancliff in Prairie View. PLYMOUTH LARGER Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyer and dau gater Helen were dinner guets of Mr. and Mrs. John Wirtz of Wau kegan on Sunday. onnson in Libertyville on Sunday ' Friday, at 4 p. m., Boy Scouts and Mr. and Mrs Clayton Tiffany and | Boys' Club at Ivanhoe. children visited r. and Mrs. Lester| Friday at 7:30 p. m., Ivanhoe choir Tiffany at Lake Forest on Sunday. | meets with Frank Dolph, at 8:30 p Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mott called on ) m., Junior Sunday afternoon Club Mr. and Mrs. Rouse in Evanston on meeting. Sunday. o ' Saturday at 10 a. m.. Junior Boys Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyer and dau--| At 1:30 p. m. Boy Scouts. At 3 p. gater Helen were dinner guests ol}luA. the Junior Choir. _ Mrs. J. C. Dorfler was a guest at & luncheon given by Mrs. J. J. 0' | Hermn of Libertyville at the Way-- side Inn Mr. and Mrs. F. Tegtmeyer were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ohnson iq ybergyvllle- on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frazk Bauerschmith and son Raymond spent Sunday aft-- terngon with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hibbard, in Waukegan and attended the theatre in the evening. Mr. and Mrs William Eddy at-- tended the theatre in Chicago on Monday evening. -- MRS. NINA J. HUTCHINGS, Locai Editor TELEPHONE §§67--% Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kirkendahl, superintendent feor M. R. Lovgren, are leaving for California next Mon-- day, where Mr. Lovgren has taken a contract to build an airport. Mrs. . J. Murphy, of Waukegan, spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. C. Dor-- fler. Ralph Rouse le't on Monday nite for Coifax, Wisc., on a stock buying trip. . 4 Libertyville, IIl. Mr. andMrs.RaiphBouse and Ccail-- dren were dinner guests of Mrs. An-- nie McLaughlin in Chicago, on Sun-- day and also attended the Chrysan-- themum show. _ Friday WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, and All Work is Guaranteed E. L. YELDEN General Contractor Telephone 130 311 W. Park Ave. Lib McDonald's Commercial School REGISTER NOW FOR BOWLING XxEWS gel Farm team played their ime with the Libertyville n téeam on the Libertyville Sunday and will play thaeir e on ¥re Mundelein Alleys Fall Classes in Commercial Work Advanced and Elementary Commercial Courses $15 in a tournament on Sunday. (Thursday) 700 736 128 136 108 138 146 125 198 158 194 110 1417 163 141 125 149 PARISH 693 2129 148 146 175 154 138 132 150 697 o 491 366 447 349 433 409 406 Elizabeth, Shirley, Sarah and Philligp Rockenbaci of Lake, spent Saturday with | Grandma Ost received news of the birth of a great granddaughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. George Ost, of Tu-- lare, 8. D. Mrs. Earl Kane, Mrs. Caroline Mit-- chell and Grandma Ost motored -- to Waukem on Tuesday. Libertyville IIl. TELEPHONE 851 --R P. T. A. NOTES The P. T. A. aeld a very interest-- ing meeting on Friday evening. There was a discussion regarding the establishment of a branch of the Cook Memorial Library in Munde lein and the members of the school board were appointed to confer and cooperate with the Library Board. Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Goiliding, of Libertyville Library: taliked on "Books for Children" and Rev. C A. Jevne and Mrs. Schanke, teacuer in the Ivanhoe school, gave many help-- ful suggestions on "How to Get the Children to Read." Lincoln Lusk AUCTIONEE R THE MA.! WITH A WORD EVERY SECOND 216 PARK PLACE There were three at the farm on Sun: considered very good ay in A group of ten boys 'rom Lady Mound Carmel, visited the Model Farm on Thursday and tweive stu-- dents from the John Marshall high scuool of Ghicago, made a tour of the farm on Armistice Day. Lee Huson visited Sky Harbor on Sunday and participated in a tairty-- minute ride over Waukegan in the Sikorsky plane, "Northern Ligits." Mrs. Lee Huson was a delegate to the Tenth District Federation _ of Woman's Ciubs in Waukegan -- on Tuesday. Thursday, November 28, Thanks-- giving Day, in accordance with Pres-- ident Hoover's prociamation, servic es will be held in the First churci from 9 to 10 a. m. Sermon subject, "Forget Not All His Benefits." Make it a real day of taanksgiving by giv-- ing thanks to Him, from whom eyv-- ery good and perfect gi't comes. be shown. Scout contests véll'lflb:-fi; the evening to an interesting close. Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 7:30 p. m., the Court of Honor which was post-- poned from the 20th will be held at the high schaool auditorium for tie Boy Scouts of Libertyville, Munde lein, Ivanhoe and _ Diamond Lake. Awards for camp honors, merit badg-- es and scout pins will be made. In-- tereating exhibits of Scoutcraft will P00 y O SE TE ESWE S S "A Woman Who Conquered Canibals with Kindness." Sermon subject, "If You Have A Kindness Shown, Pass It On". 6:30 p. m., Young People's Socie-- ty meeting. Subject for discusston, "Choosing My Life Work." The leader will be Julius Kublank. All young folks of 'high school age or over, will enjoy this meeting. 7:30 p. m., Uuion services. Song service led by tie Junior caoir and Mr. Weight. Chlldron,'l Hero story, ternoon club. Libertyville, IIl. DMAMOND LAKE NEwWS MODFEL FARM NEWS Phone LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1929 > three hundred guests on Sunday, which was for a cold day Dorothy Crystal t'aeg sis-- y ", C ~"'°WUA 10 jJoOn. may do so by turning in their membership dol-- lar to her. | Tae trustees of tre Diamond Lake Cemetery Association have complet-- ed the planting -- of w shrubbry around the enlarged xryund*. Leesly | Bros. did the work. A large amount IVANHOE, ILLINOIS Mr. and Mrs. Tom Da! son, of Waukegan «pen end at the home of Mr. an Allanson. Dora Rouse has charge Cross dritve in Diamond anyone wishing to join, by turning in their memi lar to her. Ellen Mason atter concert on md'y ever Townshin higi school. Mrs Cassive Mason day in Waukegan. mir. and Mrs. Lewis Mills enter tained a large number of guests on Sunday at dinner. Many of them were from Chicago. W. 1. Woodin, Martin Woodin. Mrs Jennie Hayes motared on Sunday, to Chicago, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Wel)s DIETZ'S STABLES AplAkisic by the brave 'mumters gave up and came home to dinner. _ The Community Club began rehear sals for a new play to be given in the near future. . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mille int+a~ TWO BIG NIGHTS----LET'S GO! Aptakistc by the up and came hbot of Mr. and Mrs. Irvid Covert. All the men le*t their work _ on Saturday morning to pursue a wolf which was first seen on the Lewis Mills farm. It was last seen near &A kilticd & CC 1 Mrs. Erneéest Clift will entertain the Iadies' Aid on Thursday of tais werk Mr. Raymond and children, of Rog-- ers Park visited on Sunday at the Krnest Clift home. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers, of Rich mond, I1)., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrsa Trivid Mava«s Mr. Petrosky thd-c'hfldren, of Wau kegan spent Sunday at the Frank Novak home to visit the latter's mren% Mr. and Mrs. John Irvine. Thei daugiter Anna Mae, returned with them after spending three months with ber grandparents there. t Mrs. Caroline Mitchell attended | the wedding of a pephew, Kenneth Kubhl of Evanston, who was married' at noon on Saturddy, to Miss Marion Johnson of Desernon, H!1, where the wedding took place. | Mr. and Mrs. George Hcfisohn mo tored on Sunday to Souti nd. Ind.. : Mr. and Mrs Henry Ost of Evan-- a on, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cedlow of Rock?ford, are motoring to Florida for a few weeks. The ladies of the community were roy@ally entertained by their hus-- bands, at g dinner on Thursdiay eve-- ning, w'iich was held in the scaooi house Waliter ane spent Kseveral days of last week with his parents in E-- gin. ' * Henry Koehn of Lexington, Neb., spent Monday and Tuesday of last week at the Woodin home Mrs. Emma Miller spent Friday wita her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Snetsinger of Lake Zurich > Mrs. Mildred Scheuenemann and children spent the week end with '2er parénts, Mr. and Mrs. Pressi in Chicago. s Bloomington spent Sunday with thei: Helen at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray. 60 Mr. and Mrs. E. Klehm and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mayer and children of Niles Center, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Andrews of Elgin, called at the E. Kane home on Sunday Mundelein, Illinois ter, Mrs. Lewis Milis. Old Fashioned Dances Every Saturday Night Modern Dances Every Wednesday Night Only Half True! MUSIC BY Chris Hapke's Orchestra H. C. HICKS, CALLER '"Winter Driving Is Hard On A Car," they say. And so it is fre' quently. But it need not damage your car in the least--if you have it proper-- ly cared for by competent me-- chaniecs--if you have them check it over carefully at frequent inter-- vals. . If you drive in cold weather, turn the job of servicing your car over to us. Friday vveniné at the FJa STAR GARAGE MUSIC BY Paul's Entertainers Diamond Lake O nded the band Davidson and rent the week and Mrs Park spent Thurs of the Red ( Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gottschalk | visited on Sunday at tae rome of Mr jand Mrs. Frank Wirtz. |\ _ William Putnam who has been em | ployed at the Countryside golf club 'for the summer, })et on Tuesday for his home in Shelby, la. |_ _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolph spent | Sunday afternoon in McHenry. l Mr. and Mrs. A Wirtz, George, | Elizabeth and Ann Wirtz visited on Sunday afternoon with Carrie and !Eltubet-h Wirtz reiailves in IAkKe Villa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuber of C» cago, spent Sunday with Mr. an Mr. and Mrs. Wm. relatives in Take Villa mr. and Mrs. Fred Wirtz of Chica-- go, spent the week end with Garrie and Elizabeth Wirtz. Mrs. Wm. Plapp and son are vis-- iting tas week wita her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woltman. Mr. agfi'n Louis Batz and child-- ren and Mrs. Sophia Bitz of Waucon da, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder. Arthur Hertel visited over the week end with hikgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gross at Lake Zur-- ich. Mr. andMrs. M C. Wirtz accom pan-- ied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herr to Shern, Wisc., on Sunday where they visited friends. Mrs. Julia Ransom and son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edson Ransom in Libertyville. Robert Lubbe spent Sunday in Lk. Forest. . New--Expert Flioor Sanding--Old ed on Sunday evening with Lubbe Brothers. _ Mrs. Edna Browder and Mre. El}l2 , h;;ls Smith were in Waukegan on Satur--| Mrs day. Id... Little Alma Ludwig of Waukegan| Edward spent Saturday night with Mrs. John | ed . J. Sh'phfil'd | hnenital . Mre. Eilla Smith, who is making wer aome at Sand Lake, this winter, spepnt several days hbhere with rela-- tives and friends. Miss Agnes Loftus and Ethel Mey-- ers called at the L. V. Lo!/tus home on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. L. H. Dietz and son spent Monday in Chicago. Miss Margaret Wirtz entertained the birthday club on' Thursday. On November 24, the First Quar-- terly Conference will be held at 3 p. m., with Rev. Moore, the new dist. superintendent presiding. All inter-- ested in taie caurch should attend. Rev. M. 8. Tope, of Western Springs, a former pastor will present a travel talk on Sunday evening. His many friends will be delighted to hear him Don't forget that Sunday evening services are being held thru the months of November and December. 104 North First Street LIBERTYVILLE iLL. . DOCAUVER PHON i of the old shrubbry is to 'betaken out and given away to lot owners. Arrangements for the same may be made with Paul Allanson or Fred iuebkeman. First come, first serv-- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Ed Underwood visi+ PHONE 608--M.--2 North Shore Flor Kraftsman Telephone 317 Ivanhoe Atwell visited PHONE 271 The Ivanhoe -- Wom« wisn to thank everyone in any way to help make such a grand success. Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, 1}! | Mr. and Mrs John Raasch accom-- panied Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner to Round Lake on Sunday, where , they spent the afternoon and even-- | Ing wita Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hertel NO MUSICAL instrument can compare with the pilano for unend-- ing pleasure. Any one of the magnificent planos we are show-- Ing would be a beautiful acquisi-- tion for any home. ALL THE LATEsST NUMBERS IN SHEET music . the hospita] T much improved Mrs. Lena Yankey, of Palatine vis. Ited her daughter Mrs George Smith several dayvs . Mrs. George Shober C spent Sunday with Mr F. Shober. Mrs. R. F. Dorfler «pent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fountain and family of Evanston spent Sunday at tre John Snyder nome. s Ldward and Margaret Wirtz visit-- ed J. J. Shield at the Libertyville hospital on Sunday . and «report that he is gaining. and toid reporters he d!dntt"l-t tribute his tongevity to any partleu lar diet Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wagner, of Grayslake visited at the 2ome of Mr and Mrs. John Raasch on Saturday. Mrs. Emma Smith of Libertyville, spent Saturday afternoon at the Aug Wirtz home. Mrs. Ernest Ritta was hostess at a shower given in honor of Christina Tekampe on Friday afternoon. and told Mrs. Albert Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. John son, Mr. and Mrs. A. L Grayslake visited at the and Mrs. John Raasch . James J. Doiton, 25 years old, of! Mundi#ein. was badly injured early | Tuesday a. m., when he was riding his .notorcycie on his way to work, | he skidded in front of the Liberty-- ville high school and was thrown against the curb. At the Elizabeth Condell Hospital it was found that | he had fractured his left wrist andi ankle and dislocated his right hip. | MOTORCYCLIST ISs BADLY INJURED JAS. C. O'SHEA Mi EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE A¥ PIANO Shields returned home --f lano i uning old fellow was ninety--four Tuesday an Shober of Round Taks veryone wiyo he} eip make the ba» and Mrs. A n's Socle'y azaar nrf The Libertyville Independent ---- $1.50 a Year [ Mlundelein, I!l. Phones 565 LIBERTYYILLE sUPPLY DEPOTS F. C. Norman, Phone 508;, Libertyvilie Fruit and V. Phone 183; Miller's Grocery, Phone B1; Hanlon's Store, Phon, 498. Mundelein, I!I. What -.Mi}k delivered to your door from our dairy is doubly pure. Pure because it comes from registered, tested stock. is -- % a P C PURITY Pure because handled and bottled vunder Strictly sanitary regulations. Pure because it is pasteurized dailv. Rouse Bros. Dairy Doubly Assured! Greater Guarantee of Goodness and Safety Could Be Given? jit and Vegetable Store Hanlon's Green Front 565 and 567 «emmew aemeviny abmem

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