CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Nov 1929, p. 8

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* Last Saturday at the Episcopal church in Waukegan occurred the wedding of Miss Elynore Dodge for-- merly of Antioch and Roy Shaffer of Cinceinnati, O., with Rev. H. E. Ganster officiating. The ceremony was attended by the immediate families and a few friends of the young couple. The bride was attend-- ed by Miss Elizabeth Seward of W. Chicago and Ward Abt of Antioch, served as best man. A -- wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents at Ringwood after which the young couple left on a honeymoon trip to various places in Ohio. The bride is very well known in Antioch where she lived for some time and where she was a student in the high school. Mr. andi Mrs. Shiffer will make their future home in Ohio. Miss Annette Minahan of Fox Lake and'l»i'enry Skow -- of Wood-- stock were married by Rev. Bohi at the M. E. parsonage Saturday night. Fred Cribb spent this week on jury duty in Waukegan. Mrs. Maude Sabin spent a part of this week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maplethorpe spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Fern Lux Antioch chapter, a meeting of the est, last Monday SAYE WTTRH SAF ETY day in Chicago The Ladies® Aid society will be entertained at the home of Mrs. W. R. Williams, Thursday afternoon. qr. and Mrs. Roy Graves spent the first of the week at Dixon, Ill. Mrs. J. J. Morley spent Wednes-- _ John William Swanson, Wauke-- gan, appraisement bill and widow's selection approved. Vinie Herndon, amended heirship taken'; citation ordered to Cora Bur-- leigh to distribute assets and close estate. Mrs. Otto . Klass has returned home from hbher trip to San Antonio, Tex. William G. Sutter, Antioch, inven tory approved. L Michae! E. Lux, Wadsworth, sup plemental heirship taken. . -- Dorothy Howe, et al, minors; re port of said of real estate approved Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bartlett enter-- tained Mr and Mrs. Wm. Johns from Chicago the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Trieger from Norwood Park, I!l., spent Friday with Antioch relatives. Louis B. Jolley, North Chicago, hearing on final report® continued to November 21. John A. McCredie, Lake Villa, partial distrioution authorized. _ Elizabeth Ann Fox, Inc., Antioch, leave given petitioner to correct ail papers and proceedings by changing the name to Elizabeth Ann Fox in-- stead of Elizabeth A. Fox. Annie May Mahen, et al, minors, Highwood, guardian authorized to make loan extension agreement. Marie Mahen, Highwood, admin'!s trator authorized to make loan ex tension agreement. _ Eva Langs, minor, Deerfield, cer tain expenditures authorized. o John Latkovich, Waukegan, sup pléemental proof to beirfship'ga_kpn. ter _ John Wilhelm, Highland Park, will admitted to probate; estate of $20,-- 000 bequeathed to wife and daugh-- Edward F. Gavin, Waukegan, in ventory and appraisement bill ap proved. s _ Edward Balding, Highwood, inven tory and appnlsement"l;lllAapprovgd William A. Melody, Waukegan, in ventory and appraisement bill ap proved. e _ William F. Weiss, Waukegan, final report approved; e_statg_clqsed. Frank N.. Hall, Waukegan, heir-- ship taken; irfventory approved. Frank E. Mumford, Waukegan, final report approved; estate closed. Eliza J. Mumford, Waukegan, final report approved; estate closed. t WILHELM ESTATE DIVIDED BETWEEN WIFE AND DAUGHTER PAGE EIGTH Nellie D. Cordingly, Lake Villa, letters of administration issued to O. L. Stanley, public administrator. -'H_arrriet L. Potter, Gurnee, final report approved:; estate closed. . Proceedings before Probate Judge Martin C. Decker Taursday, were as follows: Highland Park Man Leaves $20,000 in Will Admitted to Record 'Puretest Bay Rum is sold only at your Rexall Drug Decker & Neville 5. Decodorant in sick rooms. A rub--down and astringent. After--shaving Lotion. Bathing Lotion. 5 Uses for Puretest Bay Rum ANTIOCH One Pint A. Maplethorpe Chicago. worthy matron of 0. E. S. attendsd order at Lake For-- evening. After hearing Anthony explain that his brother tailor, Paul Pekar, who worked with him in Highwood prior to April, 1928, Judge Edwards ruled that he did not have jurisdic-- tion and that the case should come aAunder the Workmen's Compensation act. Anthony and Paul worked at the same tailor's bench in Highwood. They agreed that any indiscretion on the part of either could be pen-- alized' with a kick. Anthony was the Arst to violate the pact. Paul claim-- ed his penalty right and let loose with the kick. % After the foot t'eached its object ive Anthony spent some weeks i the hospital to have abscesses re moved. He sued for $20,000. Attor ney J. A. Miller repres<nted Pekar Attorney E. M. Runyard and Geo. McGaughey, who acted for Potapo-- wicz, are lncllnec} to appeal the case as the time limit for filing a claim under the compo')ution act has ex-- pired. DETECTIVES QUILZ _ :: 10 CAR THIEF « Railroad detectives today ques-- tioned Arthur Reid, freight car thief wounded three weeks ago in the Soo Line yards at Lake Villa, at hig cell in the county ja'll. They hoped to get further con-- fessions. Anthony Potapowicz's lawsuit that started with a kick was booted around a little more yesterday by Circuit -- Judge Claire C. Edwards when be kicked it out of court. JUDGE ADDS NEW KICK TO KIGKING CASE: QUASHES iT He was returned to the county jJail. Declares Tailor Suing for $20,000 Should Look to Compensation Act. Burt was arrested by police originally for trying to sell clothing here. On their arrival they found Har-- vey Burt, 17, of Zion, who two days ago escaped from the Detention Home. Reports that a dead man was ly-- ing under the bed of a Zion cottage late yesterday sent Chief Deputy Sheriff Fred Brown and Deputy Sheriff Charles Krueger scuffying to Zion. ( "DEAD MAN" FOUND TO BEA RUNAWAY in striving to keep within the times and in continuing the policies of Mackey the J eweler.\'x e have gone to considerable expense, taking as much time as cirecumstances would allow to1 (11 e-- model and re--stock with all new merchandise, the store formerly occupied by McDonald's Jewelry and Gift Shop, so that we know we can take care of your jewelry and gift require-- iments to your entire satisfaction. " + Lo , We are not new in the field of gifts and jewelry, being one of the leading ,]ewelfir? of Waukegan for the last ten years. We can safely say without fear of contradiction, tha our broad experience in the jewelry line should have an immediate reflection in taking care of your requirements, be it Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Gifts of every description or repairing. to your satisfaction. We have always contended that a satisfied customer is the most rateble asset we could pos-- sess and sincerely hope we may be able to serve you now, as we have served countless num-- bers in the past. 144 So. Genesee St. WAUKEGAmLL. BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY AND GIFT STORE We Are Happy To Announce The Opening THE HOLIDAY SEASON! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 and all modern conveniences; half Iblocl from elecotric station; reason-- able price; terms. Phone 54, or ad-- | lress Box 463, Libertyville. 44 t | POR SALE--Pipe organ in good con-- | _ dition. Will sell cheap. M--s | George Ott, Deerfleld Telephone | Deerfield 120--M. 47 Tt months old. Paone Wm. Walker Lake Villa, 112J. 47 2t POR SALE--A radio electrified. im | __--_____ _ '__ _ _ _ _______ _ '"' " fine condition. In walnut console, FOR RENT--lhoom for two, with wonderful buy for $45 complete P | board in private family. Phone G Osborn Telephone 316 W 47 1tx Mundelein 444M. 38 t FOR _ SALE--Chickens, ducks and geese, live or dressed; also rab, bits and guinea pigs. Ray Moss, Wheeler Road Phone Libertyvwille 695-- W --2. 45 6t x FOR SALE--Six room house, bath POR SALE--1 Duroc Jersey Boar, 8 fancy work and hand made arti-- cles, novelties and surprise pack ages. Opening d.y Friday, Nov. 15. Mundelein Gift and Art Shop. Maple Avenue. 45 It in Mundel=ein; built for own home. Unusual buy. Telephone 557--J eve nings. 45 tf FOR SALF--All kinds of beautiful FPOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What havre you?! REDEKER Arlington Heights. L Phone 496 FOR SALE--7 room, modern house and your presence is respectfully requested on this occasion 20 $2.25 a hundred pounds. delivered. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of Libertyville, on Lake St. Road. Phone 678--J--2. 40 tt state highway, within 3 miles of 2 good towns; bas a good 17 room house with hardwood floors, furnace beat, cement walks; wonderful #sade and fruit trees; wood house, nruo,' milk house, 2 wells; barn with ample room for 6 horses and 20 cattle, ce ment floors and stone walls; new silo and other buildings; within one mile of poplar lake, with golfing, fishing and hunting. Owned by widow lady and must be sold. $100.00| per acre, one--third cash, balance 5 years, wit hno payments. Address| Box 64, Antioch, Ill. 41 tt/ POR SALE--Chicken scratch feed FOR SALE--120 acres, located on beds, book case, rug 10%x13, din ing room and kitcaen tables, feather beds and other housebold articles. Phone Liberfyville 676--R--1 46 3t FPOR -- SALE--Hard coal heater, 3 FOR SALE----1 dresser, 1 iron: bed with springs 1 cot, telephone set, 1 large dining room table, 1 grass rug 6x9, wicker porch set, 1 kitchen table, 2 chairs. 204 E. Sunnyside avenue. 44 tt FOR SALE OR RENT--Two blocks from electric station, modern sev-- en room 'mome; hot water heat, two-- car garage. Call at 204 E. Sunny side. 44 tt _ MATT E. MACKEY FOR SALE JUST IN TIME LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. Phone: LIBERTYVILLE 949 SOUVENIRS TO ALL in New -- Castle Hotel bui'ding: suitable for physician, dent'st, real estate or beauty parlor. Phone Lib @rtyville §4. 44 U house, barn, silo, etc.; 1 mile north of Mundelein; immediate possession. Also 100 acres at Wedres Corners on Miltimore Road. Wrifte owner, 1448 Builders Bldg, Chicago. 45 4t iP'OR SALE -- Combination wood, | _ coal and gas range, 1 side board 51 couch. Phone Libertyyille 659--M--1 | 47 1t per week. Home cooking; clean beds. Ed's Hotel, Ingleside, IIl. Phone Fox Lake 62. 45 6t FOR RENT--Suite of office rooms FOR RENT--20 acres. with 6 room BOARD and ROOM--10 00 and up garage, landscaped lot, all new, street improvements in and paid Price $7900 WANT--Real Estate, any kind, any where buy, sell or trade. SELLERS & JOHNsOoNn Phone 451 sites close to Libertyyille WANT--A dandy new 4 room and bath cottage for $3900. WANT--A 6 room dutch colonial for a country estate. Close in tor $275 per acre. WANT--5 or 10 acres caoice home WANT--A aandy corn and grain farm 120 acres for $135 per acre WANT--A beaut'fully located farm caime. Just like new. Cost "will sell for $25 cash. FPaone ertyville 339 of 426--W nure and cow manure. Frank Cal-- zavara, phone 833. 47 6t FOR _ SALE--Turkeys Mrsi L V. Lusk Phone Round Lake 10--J--2. 47 It burn anything, 3 beds, book case, rug 10%x13, dining room and kitch-- en table, feather beds, pillows and ather housebhold articles,. Phone Lib-- ROR SALE--Black dirt, horse ma ducks, alive, 25¢ per lb. Bergeron Stock F»orm W. Lake 8St. Libertyy!"» Phone 678J--2 4t FOR SALE--Twodoor Ford Sedan, Thankegiving, 6 to 7 lbe. eaci. Rea sonable. Libertyville 667--W--z _ 4. it cheap. _ Write or phone Liberty: ville Independent. _ 47 it FOR SALE--Choice White Pekin FOR SALE--Electric reducing ma POR SALE--Heating stove. Will FOR SALE--Baled Timothy and mix-- ed hay. Phone 210, Gordon Ray, Mundelein, IIl. 47 6t room house .. room--apartment room apartment The JEWELER Realtor and Insuror elephon= Ubenyv}llle 469 FOR RENT of Cour R. G. KAPING FOR RENT For young ducke !n> Libertyville, I!. §45 00 $60.00 $65.00 $65, Lib-- 47tt Mortgage on farm valued at $40,-- 000. Write 56 cio Libertyvile Inde-- pendent. 41 2t WANTED--To borrow $7500 First WANTED--Boy 15 or 16 years of home. Special rate on flat pieces. Satigfhaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. Will call for and deliver. Tel-- ephone Libertyville 169--M. 47 1tx age, to work in store. Libertyville Paint Store. 47 It WANTED--Laundry work to do' at THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1929. old horses that are unable to work; must be able to walk. Price $10 each. Phone Barrington 140--R--1. 46 6tx FOR RENT--Store or office room 15 by 60, in Mundelein. P..rone Libertyville No. 1. 35 tf Mundelein evenings or week ends. Phone Mundelein 557--R. 44 1t WANTED--Will pay big price for PQ!_{ RENT--Large Sleeping room Plenty of sunlight. Breakfast if de sired. Ideal for lMdy. Phone Liber-- tyville 581. WANTED--Will care for children in Needles Rick Rack Bias Tavbe White Shelf Paper Boyes Best 10c Needles Boyes Sewing Machine 1 Children's Assorted All Wool Caps, Silk Bonnets, All Wool Scarfs and Knit Leg-- gings; worth 75¢ to $1.00. 25 Y¥ aur chaice far o C Y our choice for Galoshes, were $2.50 and $3.00, now priced at ........ Boy's $4.50 extra quality Hip Boots, sizes 3 to 5............._.._. Boys' and Youths' Short Rub-- ber Boots, 11 to 5; $1.50 and SELLING--OUT WANTED 'MAX KOHNER, Prop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 532 NMilwaukee Ave. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. THE FAR 47 1t siderable amount of special funds 0o lean on tmproved farm or city property. We invite your inquiry First National Bank, Libertyvilie, II1 Inots MONEY TO LOAN--WNWe have a con 1621 Sheridan Road. Phone North Chicago 1229. 44 FOR SALE--Holsteins and Guern-- seys. Choice cows and hbelfers, fresh and springers, with sixty--days retest. Gllskey Bros, Round Lake, Illinois. 52 tt WILL TRADE--Ford two--door sedan for chickens. Address replies to 54, Yibertyville Independent or call at the office. 47 1tx ALL KINDS OF HELP listed at the North Chicago Employment Office, 9% SsAFE INVESTMENTS For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST 4 SAVINGES BANK IRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS Livestock For Sale --Pkgs or Pieces Miscellaneous -- 10c $1.98 $1.75 $1.75 606 N. Milwaukee Libertyville, Ilinois Telephone 180 f Friday and Saturday NOVEMBER 22 and 23 MEAT SPECIALS FOR There's a Palace Near Your Home PALACE _ Cash Market NUMETAL WEATHER STRIPS are made of speci everlasting spring metal that has been laboratory t temper. Schanck Hardware CO. It is nxt necessary to tear out your window sash to install Ny metal. The job is done quickly without damagre to the finish and witheut mussing up your bouse. You can eagily install Nu metal Weatier Strip yourself. Libertyvile windows and doors and will make a weather proof, yet etsily op erated window at all times. They are invisible, ye? continuous ly on the job. NUMETAL WEATHER STRIPS are the most modern and prac tical type of permanent weather strips. Tae spring and tensgior in the strits will take care of all shrinkage and expnansion nf then you get meat that you can eat and prices you can pay Pure Lard 2 lbs. for 25¢ GIVE US YOUR HOLIDAY ORDER Best Creamery Butter 44c Efficient------Inexpensive. Save one--third of your fuel. _ Keep out dust, snow and rain. Prevent windows from rattling Fresh Little Pig Ham _ 16%¢ Boneless Smoked Butts 30c Sugar Cured Hams SAVE ONE THIRD ON > YOUR COAL BILL! Chuck Pot Roast _ 24c--28c Fresh Ground Hamburger 18¢ Round Steak ~/ Pork Loins Kindly Phone You Reservations At Y our Earliest Convenience We Will Serve An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving Dinner EQUIP YOUR HOME WITH NU--METAL WEATHERSTRIP FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS EVERY FRIDAY The Wayside Inn Phone: LIBERTYVILLE 190 TRADE AT THE PALACE $1.50 Per Plate **s AL oos made of special'y prepared Telephone 39 expansion of 24c 35¢ xd for the 24¢

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