|NEws FROM DEERFIEI:DI Mr. and Mrs. Peter Perry are visit-- mng at the home of their Aaughter Mrs. C Anderson, of Riverside, Mich-- igan. They were there to enjoy the Christmas holidays Mr amt Mrs. E. J. Bingham of Ir-- ving Park and Mr. amd Mrs. William Antes, of Highland Park, were guests ot the J. €C. Ender home on Cnrist-- mas Day Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Leonard were zuests of their cousin Mrs. Stoffre-- wen. of Chrago, on Chris'mas Day. Dr and Mrs. V. Spriggs are spend-- nz the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Sprigs's pasents at Augusta. iV'inois Mr. amt Mrs. Edwin Becknan <spent Christmas NDay with Mr. and Urs. R. W. Baxter, of Chicago. Mrs Agnes Clavey and chikiren rrederick and Patricia are ill with influenza. Rosemary, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Russo is quite il! with influenza. The Carl Bates and C. T. Burns 'amilies are out of quarintine The meeting of the Woman's Miss-- onery Soctety of the Presbyterian church was posponed on account of the inclement weather last Thurs-- day. The grammimr school was a)lso closed on that day. | Miss Eleanor Meyer, of Harvey, is «t --bome for the Christmas holi-- Christmas dinner at home at Libertyytlie The -- heavy _ mails _ preceeding Christmas necessitated ex.ra help in the local post office. Six clerks were on duty on Monday and Tues-- dlay. The Christmas entertainment -- of the Wilmot school last Friday even-- ing was very good. There was a burge | attendance. Pupils of the school are now enjoying a two week's vacation Mr. and Mrs. Emory Bleam, of Northbrook; Mr and. Mrs. Charles Rartling and> diughter Grace --and Chark-- Reed of Glenview and Miss Anna Kruse,. of Chicago were guests it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward <elig on Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kynett Haelen, of Dysart, lowa, and Miss Marion strvker, of Chiango, are spending \dliday week wi'th their parents, Mr. ind Mrs. John Stryker, of Deerfield \Avenue. * _Mr. anmd Mrs William Plagge e»n-- 'ertained at a family «(inner on ('hristmas Day . Miss Jane Ashman and Miss Jane Wond,. of (prieton College are home 'or the holidays. Mr and Mrs. George Stanger en-- ertained Mr and Mrs. Lester Stan er and danghter of Highland Park Mr. and Mrs: Edwandt. Plagsze o»nd U¥r and Mss Thompgon and ch'ld Miss Virginia Haggle who is teachimng at Florence, Wisconsin, is spenmding the Christmas holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miss Elizibeth schilstra is spend-- ing her vacation at her home at Kil-- hourn, Wisconsin Mr. and Mrs: Raymond Meyer and children were dinner guests at the F. _R Anderson home at Glenview, Sunday James Hood Jr., of Appleton, Wis., spent Christmas with his> parents, M¥r. and Mrs. J. Hood, of Deerfield Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peterson and little daughter spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Peterson's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Macwlle, of May-- ovin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rockenbach e»ntertained (George Rockenback and daughters Viola anml Irene at Christmas dinner. Mr and Mrs. William Neville en-- tertained at a family reunion on Christmas uy Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tesch, of Arling-- ton Heights; Paul Dobbins and Miss Amy Robinson, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobbins and family, of Arlington Heights and Miss Alice Ulfersa, of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meurisse am! two children of Dubuque, lowa and Mr. and Mrs. John Bensli, of Chica-- «zo, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Exward Selig on Chris'mas Day tapp ome a'ned at a Me thristmas Dny The Christma he Wilmot sch og was very Miss Ruth Rockenbach and Mr PRil Taylor were dinner guests of Mr. andg Mrs. Lewis Mills, of Dia-- mond lake, on Sunday. They also visiteq Miss Rockenbach's brother Posezh who is in Woodstock hospi AY8 Mr. and Mrs. FEd. Jacobson and daughter and Marilyn and Jack (GRagne attendei the Christmas party of Commonwealth Edison Company in Chicago Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. George Engstrom and Samily were guests of relatives at Marion, lowa during the Christmas holidays. at Carney, iNeDraska. | _ Those appearing in the cast were: Mrs Ruth Pettis, teacher in the ; The Chikd Grace Varner Northbrook Grammar school ftor the The Bov _ , 4 ._. _ Don»(q Clark past six years, has resigned her posi-- | The (irl . Doris Kreh tion on account of ill health. | A Mother Kathryn Reckman Miss Ruth Rockenbach 'is spend-- | 'M°r Daughter Mary Jane Galloway ng the Christmas holidays at Vinton, ' The Ladyv _ j Ruth Bolt lowa, at th@ home of Mr. and Mrs.| The Gentleman Mark L Andrews Taylor who celebrated their golden| The Carrollers Joseph Andrews, wotiding anniversary on Christmas Harold Huhn and E. G. Simons. day The Srlem.'t'ls' ies JO]-E: Derby & | The Revellers elen Engstrom _ Mr. and Mrs. George Enestrom and | °'" )"\///_ {yoefman eIr 9 Eimer and Neil Anderson and sis-- ter Virginia @re spending the Christ-- mas holidays with their grandparents at Carnmey, Nebraska. Mrs Ruth Pettis, teacher in the ; The Chil Northbrook Grammar school for the The Bov past six years, has resigned her posi-- / The (irl tion on accownt of ill health. | A_Mothe Ix. and Mrs. Martin Rist and daughter, of Chicago, were Christ-- mas gues's at the George Briggs Mr. ang Mrs. F. P. Browning and | Mr. and Mrs. Eugeme Becker were| guests of Mr. and Mrs. Schick, of' Northbrogk, on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson and fam-- y were guests at a family reunion at the home of Mrs. Ed. Anderson, of Chicago, Christmas *eve. Bud Miss Mr Mr. ami Mrs. L Yonker, of Thoro Hill Farm, entertained Mr. Youker's brother from Michigan last week. Of or a n H H M A. Olendorf, W. B. Carr Woilt families partook of t'nner at the F. B. Wilson 16 LT K n M Wws M ily ol om Ne 1( yer enter linner on he W Ove n n While no deliant'e ac ,with regara to futur is the presint inteni rectors to crnt'aue to um:n commsr. ctoex in at t' e rate of & per ce Golden Wedding Celebrated Mr. and Mrs: Fred Biederstadt, wel known residents of Deerfield, cele brated their fiftieth wed fting anniver | wriry Thursday, December 18 by ; 'rfiunion of the immediate family man stock out I+ will be pa installments on July 15 and Oct instance to st( ('fteen daps p dat e The 1930 di--id this way quarte nayment hav> n in order to a~ tween the 19"°9 dends they wil! upon differert ¢ ments inCc List dividieng for the ; out of 1929 earnin mon stock of the c This dividend wi the year 1930 in « the rate of six st stock for every 10 Those presen; Roy Haskins and Wiihmette: Mr Gibbs and son Miss Isabel _ Bi«< ltand Park amdt M stadt who lives a Insull Utility Fortunately all | a very happy .t gether. Many : celved by Mr a Ninetes q the ti anquet "@armer | _ WELL RECEIVED , "Search for the Christ Child" i | Christmas play put on by the Sentor | Department of the Presbyterian fchurch Sunday evening was wel presented. The scene was lam in a c'ty street and the time was Christ-- FT mas Eve In the play a little child keeps faith in spite of all obstacles and leads others to belfeve. CHRISTMAS PLAY The beautiful cantata "Th» Re-- deener of the World" was rendered in the Sunday morning service at the ~Presbyterian church by ithe adult choir and at St. Paul's church im the evening by the young ladies of the church school. T resday evening. i>ecember Watrch Night service will Come and heln us rnz out and ring in the new most cordral welcome is ¢ yOu M COT 00 Bethlehem Evangelical Church Rex A P Johson Minister oy ~Cou Deerfield Presbyterian Church Mark J. Andrews. Pastor ) Chureh Sehaal _ Den»"t'ment 20 Hiustrat egatt ional S entsc 113915 embers and --present at pper at 1 V D Have the children's garments cleaned Grande Cleaners 539 E. Park Ave. Phone 844 Why not have them put in condition while the young folks are out of School? L( ind October 1 il w or the next two weeks we will give Special Attention to children's gar-- ments. n Ilinois n le of "mas stock ol 3t Lt mas'¢ Cuts Melon W iT rnuary December 18 h}' 1 immediate _ family uld be present an ne-- was spent to npyany en were award-- | ian Manse Sat. er farmer'" at a | Andrews. Mr t!ly by Prairie | will make their * |mother Mrs J nn£ Meeting Values" W DA V on 11 uin eTs, Ol Irs. . Howard of -- Ravinia; t. _ of High-- inces Bieder-- during vacation. h t'non LrE in« 1e da cht Service re urged to out the o'd 0 new appro m n°t'mental Instruction. ear s h d M LV 1 i3 'tigen lends Gf 1 #1 9 m be ) ames FEyve O ¢ 1 n On 1¢ () n DEERFIELD CHIEF _ (; BECOMES BENEDICT f The station of the Chicago. A rors and Elgin Railroad at Glen Ellyn is, it is claimeg by the Glenn Eliyn News, the only floodlighted suburban rallway station in the work!i. h t O¥ firs Y¥ o t pin n Still full mack for a ler with 212 to bring in 1014 their Irst attempts being 1018%. Winkler nullet down hish homors with a neat N04 sertes, with counts of 216276212 T. Suydam was next with 635 H T.iH 07. and Yours K¥guly had 609. thus aking three from Franzen Lumber 'o, who gatheredq 2784 W al A r RATm beat hoi in or it 18. BE TTHERE Fang are prej entertainment M. Suydam was back with Borst's quartette last week which was eaay! to _ tell _ too, _ "STICK" "STICK"" "STICK." 0O Rouse dropped two games to the HMartmen House, Tvesday night. The dairy boys seem to be sour. It must be thg -- and milk do not mix. m )¢ a k B. Whalin is still sayimg '"Where have you got to hit them." Stay with them Barney. HIT OR MISS WITH THE _ BOWLERS By DEAN What has become of the old time BOWLER who co'ul4 come back laughing after a tap for six in a row. loan _ amt Cl evyed down the on,. T200 North not} Mrs. Edna Montgomery and Chi Police Percy MclLaughlin of Dew lt were married at the Presbyts i Manse Sat. evenimg by Rev. M rdrews. Mr. and Mrs MclLaughi 1 make their home with the briste ther Mrs Julia Peterson L V Grays Lake Rece_ took e Libertyville Garage thing high was hit. "BOWL-- ONEY" l.iburt_\'\'m.- Ladies + e a m atch game from Elmwoo inday nigh* on the loser's N h W W Dropping of averages is very much style. I wonder if it is hard luck poor bowling. H. LILL states that 's the bad brakes he gets. The M n ir W Wb ilté n ight. ard vlacedt in weepstakes tourne rtyville Ree Forest. losing W | §0 ) grams r Stang turned in a nice f 279 for the boys to try and s week. Go to it Walt we are you get more juSt like it. e _ranks of local k in the wavy o it 6(7 N K preparing for some niftic nent that you wl not want BF THERE and have the ur life. in & 1 V N K1 m Dos H+« | Nuts League are ziving he Hartmen Hougse, Jan NE Art Winkler and his eparing for some niftic 11 "Ty h irNe.Is one e way of biby boj sunday: morning t« ne of Mr and Mrs State ut W LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, DECE.BER 26, 1929 11 the last by 18 the one with the ered 443 for h's couldn't get six W biby boy being a ing amnd @8 1~ ds NO W Chief Deer-- n to 4 Sincere New Year's§ NCw y Libertyvilld Saturday. © Mr and Mrs: Clyvde Bell and Miss Evelyn Bell of Solon Mills _ spen! Sunday with Mrs: Bell's siaster, Mrs Margaret Smith * are sending (_'nrls'mm vacaltion with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Amann With Mra, Philip Wagner, son Roman, daughters Florence and Lucile mo tored to Waukegan satu1 fay after noon. Miss Esther Kottman, teacher of the Fort Hill School is s.'s-ndmg the Christmas vacation with her par-- ents at Freeport, II1. Mr. and Mrs. Harty Merritt mo tored to Chicago on business Y on-- day. . Mr. Deane of Waukeszan called t the George Richardson home on Sunday afternon. Miss Velma Fritz spent Satarday evemning with Alice Wilson at the K C. Ke'ly home + Waukegan. Bus Luby Alfred Schmeltzer and Mrs Harry Merritt motored to Wau kegan Saturday afternoon Mrs. Mazle Alward and sister Ce-- M CX 3 C T C Miss Lilah Brown came home on Friday from the U. of I. at Urbana to speni the Christmas vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. BJward Brown & -- of Alfred McGinnis spent a couple days with relatives in -- Milw@ukee last' week Mrs. Ada Daley spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs.--Charles Moore in Chicago Mrs. Louise Sykes returned to her home in Cretek, Wis., after |attend-- ing the funmeral of her father who passed away a couple of weeks ago. She also visited friemils and rela tives for a few days. . Bus Luby, Florence Rosa and VeIl-- ma Fritz attended a show at Wauke-- gan Sunday evening. Mrs. Ann Richardson ami daugh-- ter Betty of Round Lake and Budd Wagner of Grayslake attended a ?how 'at Waukegan Saturday even-- ng. s Round Lake News and be Happy Dur-- Mr Capital and Surplus 350,000.00 May You Prosper ing 1930 is Our irst State Bank AT Round Lake d M Mr Warner irents M M r Wish. of AT Hs Mrs n d to Wau--| their sist« Mr_and sister Ce-- ! son Brnco« Thursiay. | urday eve rkort and l John Dale egan shop] Misareg un |___Mr and Mrs. John. Daley were oman, | Waukegan shoppers Friday e mo Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merritt and after-- |ch'ldren Evelyn and Donald spent Christmas with the former's par-- er of | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merritt at g the | Genoa,. I1!. par-- Phil Wagner had quite a busy nite Thursday pulling cars out of snow mo | drifts in front of his home :p to Y on-- fonethirty in the morning. Alfred Schmeltzer and -- Marjorie calleJ | Clevelangq attenlWkd 'a show at the ne on |theatre in Waukegan Sunday. Archie Ros«ing transacted business arday |in Chicaga Monday of th's week he B# Mrs -- Yazie Alward and brother Archie were Waukeran callers _ on r and | Saturday evening »Iso ealling on' Wau I'hv'r sister Mrk Robert Bracher. Mro--and Mrs: C'lavton Hamlin and r Ce lwm Brunce of Mundelein spent Sat-- 'slay lvn-dn_v evening with Mr_-- and Mre. t and | John Dalev ral T *] in no s'x € 3 R 3 OT ¢ ling: men; Mr. J. J. Tenzen -- n« Martin Wargner of Mundelein, 3r¢ Mr P J. Wagner. Mrs. Wagner be ng 68 years of age it took an extrf nrge cake to 'holt the 68%-- candles which was a three layer. It was & bavu'iful cake about 14 inches high A wonderful lunch was served anc everyone leaving at a late bhour en l,.:xe Stunday even n?t. Ne gtes & were: Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wagner. Mr and Mrs Harry Deitz Mr and Mrs S J Wagner son Arthur and Grani ma Sabel Mr angd Mrs Tom Stand linz, of Round Take and Mr rend Mrs Martin Wagner. Mr and Mrs Milton T MUrs. Mary Wambaugt 'fi,"ll .\'"l"h A BIRTHOAY SURPRISE PARTY John Dick left Sunday evenin; Tuscan, Arizona where he itto . to spend Christmas and New Ye«srs with his wife. Mr. and Mrs N. G. Frost oi «e nosha, Wis. called on relatives here Wednesday. Mrs. Louise Sykes of Che'ek, Wis., talled at the L. A Fritz home Fri-- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bui Ford of Ya'lo, HL, called on the latter's sister, Mra Emma Hyson in Round Lake () Missaesg Lilah Brown and| Julle Pe erkort motore| to the Take county ospital to see-- (hMtherine Tracks Mr. Henri Honeman spent Sunday with Pete Crossman in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bracher and children of Waukegan are spending Christmas day at the Archie Rosing Clause Junge and Mr. ami Mrs. John Killey. Nona and Emogene attend the school at Dekalb. T1 ties> Mrs H J. Wagner o menc: Mr n is a patient there Mr and Mrs Dell uchter -- Valo'se N or of Mrs M Tibbitts Cameron Lumber Co. We've given you our best, To make the year's success, And now we add a New Year wish s Ailthouse, tcol Leona and son A J+t] J Sundary ' JP -- Monda amily of ound Ta nrain -- enjoymet Prizes betng -- a Ts HMoarry Dietz ( rything In Bualding Matcrial, Coal, Feed and Sait iry lnzer iv even'ng M r V A V M in o bring you happiness. rRItY was iD ven'ing Mro and ty was given 1t artin -- Warner 0| home of her daugh Mr J. T+nzen 2nd Mundelein, 3rd Mrs. Wagner be it took an extra the 6%-- candles layer. It was a 14 inches high was served and ami Ihnety, daugh Bernard of Mun 1 Mrsa John I»n ind Take. Puchre Round Lake, II1l. 11 awarnded -- to | etz. 2nd Mrs.| PBN PACTORY _ Tom Stang |F Murlav . t k Te 7e Ti t Td ap H Fak 1ed Mrs n H eund t} 2nd | Jmeblut 3rd | Gracy _ be lS(-hoednr Mil Hagert y Kranig Lill HAGERTV'S Tulley Beitzel Brown Brown Cowell 1eam . Madden Team No. 1 Fendick Krouse _ _ Jeppe Sitz FI M« LIBERTYYVILLE COKXS" Jotinsey 138 if Reen 1460 014 Vanderwert 135 0 l! PORT ROI O Raker K Henning Losk Kruck man Molter Teim No Porteous Kick Spoor _ Marinos \M A surprise party was given Tues-- day evening in honor of Rabert Vasey's birthday. The evening was spent in playing bunco. Highest hon-- ors went to Irving Sheldon; secomi prize to Robert Sheldon; consolation to Henry Pilling. Ladies prizes: first to Esther Sheldon, second prize to Flossie Tilling; consolation to Mrs. George Vasey. Door prize to Mr. and Mrs. George Vasey. Many useful gifts were awarded. Mid--night lunch was served and all left wishing Mr. Vasey maay more happy birthdays. Mrs. Robert Vasey, Mrs. C. G. Mc Candless and Mrs. Henry Pilling and a~~~hter Irene spent Saturday in egan. otn« Martin Wagner ii)any--, manivoxxia;'; happy birthdays .!gyil}_x tl_\_e_ evening and wishing HOLD VASEy sURPRJTSE PARTY ortrous b CKO: y JImaAr ur A'Vu NTRY<IPE MOTOF (Continued from Pake Two) )RMICK 11 Dad's League 160 94 143 146 142 162 102 164 147 139 142 124 119 132 ) 6 G 448 426 F& 14 J 38 106 J11 159 14 14 Tream No. & Hubbell Trim No. Casey ... Lovel] Kaping Liters Roy Team No. 6. H. Pester .. Ben Stickles H. Dallysponth W. A. Nicholas W. H. Peterson Team No. 3. H. Titus ... R. Smith .. J. Woolf . D. _C. Gridley W. G. Wells Walf TONY'S Tony . Kohont Brown Silvep .. KENNEDY'S Ray V. Nutt .. F. Piche . ... C. 0. Carlson .. Felix ..._....... E. G. Kennedy Gotti _ .. _ Leabr ..;:....... K. Kenmedy Fox Lake Decorating Co. Telephone 54 FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS High--Grade paint, properly applied, has two' main advantages: it beautifies the appearance of your home. And it pro-- tects the wood which it covers. Very inex pensively we can do the complete job you have in mind--do it thoroughly and to your entire satisfaction. Order ANNOUNCEMENT aln{ We wish t ng a Ii{xc' Aventre.* tutomobile painting Libertyville Club 1Ve 1| B Libertyville Auto Paint & Trimming Co. anners H. H. TREGO --_R. E. CAZEL_ P Call, or Phone Temporarily 164 140 148 132 806 182 117 156 162 167 154 822 811 784 and Trimmin 165 135 155 190 1i .192 823 175 138 164 166 649 179 90 155 "WE DO WORK ANYWHERE" innounce th 67 118 184 120 123 158 187 164 162 134 132 151 743 180 135 155 185 156 800 172 181 135 156 156 156 146 185 780 %] 191 124 158 221 137 147 162 121 141 743 164 135 165 177 143 145 143 159 153 T80 769 2198 204 140 146 2291 2417 iL 2402 459 466 41 439 364 444 401| a9 ( 467 48%6 422 427 489 ) &( 552 476 509 405 511 455 488 460 488 462 876 486 n3 G Un Sh panies IllinoAs Coal production is expected to sh 50 per cent incre: production. Team No. 1 R. S. Trigges Doe Golding Doc Davis H.F. Gaddis Q. Wilkle Team No. 5 Borst . McGrath Corlett --__ Grayv Stang Team No. 7. Finstad ... Morse ... Meyer, Harry Weishoff .. Krummery Underbrink Wright ....... Meyers _ Team No. ? Betzer ... Decker Eterley Ives _ Suter 1 I Approximately oneminth stom®~s of manufactur« all Cate ary Ist we are open In er Repairi 30 PAGE SEVEN at ROPS 08 111 af ited 107 }®5 185 132 160 815 122 136 123 196 244 154 761 152 139 644 164 133 152 ) W () ) [ 11 145 116 132 172 130 126 $06 781 139 108 2083 204 (04 150 139 154 164 761 VC 1 "s9 994 187 132 160 167 143 180 122 130 194 185 161 139 117 197 172 128 158 171 762 2187 a _ 496 9 494 i1 2366 2398 396 464 430 416 390 426 382 554 548 417 ty ~ 69 It 488 465 461